Sec 8 D 3 App 5

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5-100 SCOPE (2) the qualified temperature range [the cold box
test temperature shall be −40°F (−40°C) for all applica-
(a) The rules in this Appendix cover minimum re-
quirements for the use of adhesive systems for the
(3) materials of nameplate and substrate when the
attachment of nameplates, limited to:
mean coefficient of expansion at design temperature of
(1) the use of pressure-sensitive acrylic adhesives
one material is less than 85% of that for the other
which have been preapplied by the nameplate manufac-
turer to a nominal thickness of at least 0.005 in.
(4) finish of the nameplate and substrate surfaces;
(0.13 mm) and which are protected with a moisture-
(5) the nominal thickness and modulus of elasticity
stable liner;
at application temperature of the nameplate when name-
(2) use for vessels with design temperatures within plate preforming is employed. A change of more than
the range of −40°F to 300°F (−40°C to 149°C), in- 25% in the quantity: [(nameplate nominal thickness)2
clusive; × nameplate modulus of elasticity at application temper-
(3) application to clean, bare metal surfaces, with ature] will require requalification.
attention being given to removal of antiweld spatter (6) the qualified range of preformed nameplate
compound which may contain silicone; and companion substrate contour combinations when
(4) use of prequalified application procedures as preforming is employed;
outlined in 5-200; (7) cleaning requirements for the substrate;
(5) use of the preapplied adhesive within an inter- (8) application temperature range and application
val of 2 years after adhesive application. pressure technique;
(9) application steps and safeguards.
(c) Each procedure used for nameplate attachment
5-200 NAMEPLATE APPLICATION by pressure-sensitive acrylic adhesive systems shall
PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION be qualified for outdoor exposure in accordance with
Standard UL-969, Marking and Labeling Systems, with
(a) The Manufacturer’s Quality Control System (see the following additional requirements.
Appendix 2) shall define that written procedures, accept- (1) Width of nameplate test strip shall not be less
able to the Inspector, for the application of adhesive- than 1 in.
backed nameplates shall be prepared and qualified. (2) Nameplates shall have an average adhesion of
(b) The application procedure qualification shall in- not less than 8 lb /in. of width after all exposure
clude the following essential variables, using the adhe- conditions, including low temperature.
sive and nameplate manufacturers’ recommendations (d) Any change in (b) above shall require requalifi-
where applicable: cation.
(1) description of the pressure-sensitive acrylic ad- (e) Each lot or package of nameplates shall be
hesive system employed, including generic composition; identified with the adhesive application date.


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