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Parasitic and non-parasitic conditions affecting farmed and wild cichlids in

A.B. Matondo1 and M.I. Mtalika2
Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Pathology,
African Centre for Health of Aquatic Resources,
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3016, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania.

Email: [email protected]


Infectious fish diseases are among the known contributing factor in reduced productivity of fish farming
enterprises. Despite of the growing importance of global fish farming industry, research in fish and other aquatic
stocks relevant to Tanzania is limited. This paper presents preliminary results of the ongoing investigation on
fish mortalities which occurred in fish farm located in Kibaha District. The paper also present preliminary results
of formalin fixed samples received from other parts of Tanzania. In all the samples; branchitis, gill deformity,
and intracellular chlamydia like organisms were the major findings regardless of the source. Other findings
include encysted trematode metacercaria in different anatomical locations accompanied with variable
pathomorphological changes to the host tissues. Interestingly, mortalities ceased in the affected farm after
replenishment of water supply suggesting that either poor water quality was the main predisposing factor or
aggravated the observed disease conditions. Therefore maintenance of water quality and or water replacement is
recommended as the first intervention measure where poor water quality is strongly suspected to be associated
with mortalities in fish farms. Further studies on the pathobiological characteristic of the observed infectious
organisms will provide more insights on the suspected relationships between the environmental factors in one
hand and progression of the observed pathological changes in fish.

Key words: Metacercaria, Fish, Chlamydia, Tilapia, Pathology, Lake Victoria

INTRODUCTION 2016 (FAO, 2007). Among the challenges

facing fisheries sector in Tanzania is
Global demand for protein rich food remains inadequate research and support in tackling
on the rise making the insufficiently available health challenges related to aquatic health
sources to be beyond the reach of the poor due resources. In order to support the current
to high market prices. It is estimated that in steady growth in fish farming, a collective and
order to maintain the current per capita multisector effort is needed including
consumption level of protein, world strengthening research and dissemination of
aquaculture production will need to be results to the end users for the improvement of
increased up to 80 million tonnes in the next fish farming, processing and marketing
30 years (FAO, 2006). The rising global practices. This study presents preliminary
demand for fish and declining production from results of the ongoing investigation of recently
traditional sources of fish has created positive reported cases of fish mortalities under
incentive for growth of aquaculture farming in intensive fish farming systems with the aim of
Tanzania. In the last two decades alone finding the cause and design mitigation
aquaculture fish production increased from measures. In addition, results on parasitic
almost zero in early 2000 up to the estimated ecology of wild and farmed fish as well as
5000 metric tons by the year 2016 (FAO, their significance in fish health are also
2007; MLFD, 2016). Nonetheless, aquaculture discussed.
fish farming in Tanzania is still lagging behind
compared to other regional neighbours such as MATERIALS AND METHODS
Kenya and Uganda with estimated annual Fish samples suspected of being poisoned with
production level of approximately 20,000 and ammonia and were reared in collapsible and
100,000 metric tons respectively by the year movable plastic fish rearing tanks using

Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 36

recirculation aquaculture system.Water quality Ammonia toxicity in recirculation
analysis was done along with post-mortem aquaculture system
examination of dead fish. Samples for
histopathology were collected and preserved The farm had a total of 6 collapsible and
in 10% neutral buffered formalin fixative until movable plastic fish rearing tanks using
analysis. Swabs were also collected and sent recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) and
for bacteriology and mycology screening. Fish each tank contained 2500 fish aged between two
samples without history illness from different andfour months. Mortalities were observed in
sources and that were collected during routine one of the tank with fish aged three months and
diagnostic training for undergraduate and a total of 350 deaths were recorded. Measured
graduate students were also received for water pH level was 8.0 and 8.2 in the affected
histopathological analysis. All tissues intended tank and bio filter respectively. Water ammonia
for histopathological analysis remained in level was 2 mg/L in the tank and 0.2mg/L in the
10% neutral buffered formalin for at least 24 biofilter. The nitrite and nitrate amount in the
hours before further processing, sectioning and affected tank were 0mg/L each. Interestingly,
staining. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) changing from RAS to direct water supply
stained sections were examined using bright stopped mortality. Based on the measured
field Olympus microscope (BH2, Olympus) parameters and day water temperature of 28
mounted with digital camera (Moticam Pro degrees of Celsius, the toxic non-ionised form of
285A, Motic Microscopy). Descriptive dot ammonia was estimated to reach 0.13mg/L
plot was generated using open source R based on the formula described by (Emerson et
software (Team, 2013) and ggplot2 R-package al., 1975). Clinically, some fish had excessive
(Wickham, 2009) mucus and red/bleeding gills with some gasping
for air on water surface.

Figure 1. Fish sample suspected of having ammonia poisoning. Branchitis with lamellar hyperplasia,
lamella fusion and hydropic degeneration (arrow) at the apex (A), severe lamella hyperplasia and
fusion (B), basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions (arrow) and lamellar hyperplasia at the junction of
secondary lamella (C-D). Images taken from Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained gill tissue
sections. Image magnification (A: 40x, B-C: 100x, D: 200x).

Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 36

Laboratory examination of formalin fixed
tissues of fish revealed lamella hyperplasia A total of 72 fish of different sizes (Figure 2)
accompanied with fusion of secondary lamella, collected from the shores of Lake Victoria and
hydropic degeneration and telangiectasia at the measured water quality parameters indicated
tips of secondary lamella. Notably lamella slightly acidic pH (Table 1). Closer examination
hyperplasia and fusion was more severe at the of the fish revealed white spots on the gill
apex and severity decreased towards the base of surfaces (not shown). In addition, 10 fish from
primary lamella. Occasionally, enlarged aquaculture farm were examined as part of
epithelial cells with pale to basophilic routine undergraduate students training. Fish
cytoplasmic inclusions were observed in the fish were described as normal in their natural
lamellae (Figure 1). environment and did not demonstrate any sign
of ill-health but some fish showed presence of
Incidental findings during post-mortem fish white spots on the gills or black spots in
examination different locations including skin, fins, eyes and
muscular tissues.

Table 1. Measured water quality parameters at different sampling points along Lake Victoria
Sampling points Turbidity (NTU) Salinity pH Water temperature
A 2.24 0 4.2 26
B 2.12 0 5.07 25
C 2.85 0 5.14 25

Figure 2. Dot plots of measured fish sizes (centimetres), n=72, each dot represent one fish.

Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 36

Figure 3. Fish sample from Lake Victoria, Nyegezi area. Parasitic metacercaria (P) in bony cartilage
(A), Parasitic (P) attachment between two primary lamella (P) causing lamellar hyperplasia and fusion
(arrow)(B), Telangiectasia at the tip of lamella and nodular lamella fusion (arrow)(C), basophilic
cytoplasmic inclusions (arrow) (D). Images taken from Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained gill
tissue sections. Image magnification (A-B: 100x, C: 40x), and D: 200x).

Figure 4. Samples from farmedTilapia in Songea, southern Tanzania showing Neascus larvae (P) in
fish fillet (M) surrounded by cyst wall (arrow) and black pigment

Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 36

The affected areas were sampled and submitted less likely to induce large scale fish mortality
to the laboratory for further investigations. (Figure 3). Although severe infection can cause
Histopathological examination identified 11 out sponteneous mortalities under intensive fish
of 72 fish with trematode larvae encysted in the rearing systems and poor water quality
gill tissues. In addition to the parasitic larvae, (unpublished report). Furthermore, fish can
three fish were also infected with intracellular survive mild epitheliocystis without causing ill-
basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions (Figure 3), and effects under favourable water conditions (Figure
two fish were infected with un-identified 3; Nowak et al., 2006).
protozoaone in the muscles and one in the gills
respectively (data not shown). Morphologically, In addition to ammonia toxicity, trematode larvae
all infected gills showed gill hyperplasia and one and epitheliocystis were also found in fish along
fish showed a nodular hyperplastic lesion formed the shores of Lake Victoria. The presence of
due to localized lamellar fusion (Figure 3). All trematode fish parasites in Lake Victoria cichlids
10 samples from cultured fish were affected with has been reported previously (Akoll et al., 2012;
Neascus sppand showed gill hyperplasia in Paperna, 1980). However, the effect of these
addition to accumulation of black pigments (data parasites on fish health in natural water bodies is
not shown). Affected muscular tissues did not not clearly understood. Patho-morphological
show morphological alterations apart from cyst presentation of trematode related lesions vary
formation and accumulation of black pigments depending on location in the fish body as well as
(Figure 4). the species of parasites. Some parasites such as
Centrocestus spp are known to be frequently
DISCUSSION found in bony cartilages of gills whereas other
parasites such as Neascus spp can form cysts in
The importance of water quality and water any parts of the body (Paperna, 1980). Lesions
quality maintenance in fish health is well caused by Neascus sppcan be distinguished from
documented (Stavrescu-Bedivan et al., 2016).For others due to the formation of black spots on
example, high ammonia levels coupled with high location where the larvae are encysted as a result
temperature and pH can become lethal due to an of pigment mobilization (Figure 4). Although
increase in un-ionised form of ammonia (Stone et parasites of the genus Neascus has been reported
al., 2013). The level of non-ionised form of in the northern parts of the lake in Ugandan side
ammonia which is toxic to fish depends on (Paperna, 1980), this species and its associated
temperature, pH and total measured ammonia lesions were not detected in all 72 fish collected
levels in water (Emerson et al., 1975). In this in Nyegezi area in Mwanza Tanzania. The
study, non-ionised form of ammonia was reasons of not detecting this parasite could be its
estimated to be higher than the recommended absence in the area or unfavourable
limit of 0.05mg/L for most fish species (Emerson environmental factors as it has been described
et al., 1975). Indeed, severe pathological changes previously that the infectivity of parasites can
in the fish respiratory system and high fish vary with water temperature (Goedknegt et al.,
mortality were observedconsistent with ammonia 2015). However, this parasite was identified in
toxicity and pathological changes reported fish samples collected from southern highlands
elsewhere (Yoon et al., 2015). This is similar to ofTanzania where average water temperature is
what was described by Loh (2014) that, Gills relatively cooler. Based on morphology and site
from ammonia-treated fish displays severe of cysts formation, majority of the parasites can
histological and ultrastructural alterations, be grouped as Neascus, Dactylogyrus and
including hyperplasia, hypertrophy, fusion and Centrocestus spp respectively pending definitive
aneurysms of secondary lamellae. Although identification (Figure 3 and 4). Despite of
some of the pathological changes observed such harbouring these parasites at various tissues,
as apical lamella fusion can also occur in other there were no noticeable ill-health effects on the
conditions such as pantothenic acid deficiency affected fish probably because the fish have
(Olsvik et al., 2013), the fact that fish mortality adapted to the presence of parasites. The
ceased by merely water replenishment suggest presence of epitheliocystis in wild cichlids and
that mortalities were not related to nutritional other fish species has been reported in different
deficiency. Furthermore, the presence of mild countries with variable consequences (Steigen et
form of epitheliocystis characterized by al., 2018). This disease is known to be caused by
occasional intracellular basophilic inclusions was an obligate intracellular chlamydia like

Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 36

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Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 36


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