Mathematical Modeling of Photochemical Air Pollution - III - Evaluation of The Model

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Enoironm~~r Vol 8. pp. 563-596. Pergamon Press 1974. Printed in Great Britain.




Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California 91109, U.S.A.


Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, California 94903, U.S.A.

(First received 8 June 1973 and injnalform 25 September 1973)

Abstract-The results of model evaluation exercises carried out for the urban airshed model
developed in Parts I and II are presented. Concentrations of CO, hydrocarbons, NO, NO2 and
O3 in the Los Angeles airshed were simulated for 6 days in the fall of 1969. Prior to carrying
out these simulations, rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients used in the kinetic mechanism
that has been incorporated in the airshed model were determined by separately validating the
kinetic mechanism with laboratory smog chamber data for several hydrocarbon-NO, systems,
including auto exhaust. In addition, to take into account the effect of local sources on
concentrations measured at certain Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District monitoring
stations, a simple microscale model was developed. This model was used to predict the local effect
of a heavily-travelled roadway on concentrations measured at a near-by monitoring station. The
overall results exhibit good enough agreement with the monitoring data to suggest that in the
future air pollution models based on representation of actual physical and chemical processes can
be important components of abatement strategy planning.

A general model for the prediction of the three-dimensional, time-dependent behavior of
photochemical air pollutants in an urban airshed was formulated in Part I. The Los
Angeles airshed was chosen as the region for initial application and validation of the
model primarily because of the existence of an extensive meteorological and air quality
monitoring network in the area. The treatment of the wind and inversion behavior in the Los
Angeles airshed was presented in Part I, together with a kinetic mechanism describing the
chemical reactions that take place in the atmosphere. The other major component of the
model, the source emissions inventory, was the subject of Part II. The objective of this
paper is to present the results obtained using the model to predict concentrations of
CO, hydrocarbons, NO, NO2 and O3 on 6 different days in 1969, and to compare the
predictions with actual air monitoring data.
The purpose of model validation is to determine to what degree confidence may be
placed in the predictions obtained from the model. To make this determination, the
airshed model is used to recreate the temp,oral and spatial distribution of air pollutants
in the region of interest, preferably on several typical days. Then comparisons of the pre-
dictions with available measurements are made and conclusions are drawn as to the suc-
cess or failure of the validation effort.
* To whom correspondence should be directed at the California Institute of Technology.
564 S. D. REYNOLDSrt al.

We have discussed the meteorological inputs in Part I and the source emissions inven-
tory in Part II. In addition, a kinetic mechanism for the atmospheric chemical reactions
was given in Part I. However, rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients appropriate
for the atmosphere must be determined. Therefore, in Section 2 of this paper we discuss
the determination of these parameters through comparison of the predictions of the kinetic
mechanism with laboratory smog chamber data. Of particular importance is the estima-
tion of rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients for the reactions involving different
classes of hydrocarbons, such as paraffins, olefins, and aromatics.
In initial airshed validation studies for CO, we frequently observed that the atmospheric
measurements were substantially higher than the model predictions, especially during the
peak traffic hours in the morning. It was soon recognized that this discrepancy can often
be attributed to the fact that many of the monitoring stations are situated near heavily-
travelled streets and thus tend to record elevated CO concentrations. Since the full airshed
model has a maximum spatial resolution equivalent to the grid spacing used in the numeri-
cal solution of the partial differential equations (in the present case, 2 miles), the model
is incapable of resolving these local effects, Nevertheless, the performance of the model
is to be judged by comparing its predictions for the average concentrations in each 4
square mile area that contains a monitoring station with the data from that station. To
account for these subgrid scale effects, we have developed a microscale model, discussed
in Section 3. The microscale model is used to predict “local corrections” for model predic-
tions for several grid squares in which the monitoring stations is located in the vicinity
of a busy roadway.
The validation of the full airshed model is carried out in two steps. First, the model is
evaluated for CO in order to test the treatment of meteorological variables and portions
of the numerical integration technique and source emissions inventory. Then validation
studies are carried out for hydrocarbons, NO, NOz and OS. Section 4 is devoted to a
detailed description of the validation procedure and the results obtained.


The kinetic mechanism, discussed in Part I, is a concise representation of the chemical

reactions that take place in photochemical air pollution. For the mechanism to be useful
in airshed modeling, values of all rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients must be
determined. The most convenient means for estimating these parameters is through the
controlled validation of the mechanism using concentration-time histories measured in
laboratory smog chamber experiments. To insure that the mechanism is accurate over a
wide range of conditions, validation studies must be carried out for different types of hydro-
carbons and hydrocarbon mixtures as well as for various initial reactant ratios and light
intensities. Before presenting validation results, we first briefly describe the data base

2.1 The data base

The significance of the validation results for a kinetic mechanism is, to a large degree,
dependent upon the diversity and reliability of the experimental data base. Experimental
data for this study involving both high and low reactivity hydrocarbons, as well as simple
mixtures and auto exhaust, were supplied by the Division of Chemistry and Physics of
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 565

the Environmental Protection Agency. The data were comprised of the following four hyd-
rocarbon-NO, systems:
1. Toluene-NO, at five different initial reactant ratios;
2. Toluene-n-butane-NO, at three different initial reactant ratios;
3. Propylene-ethaneNO, at four different initial reactant ratios; and
4. Auto-exhaust at two different initial reactant ratios.
All chamber runs were made between June 1966 and March 1967 by the staff of the Chemi-
cal and Physical Research and Development Program at the National Center for Air Pol-
lution Control (Altshuller et al., 1967a, b, 1969, 1970).

Table 1. Initial conditions associated with experimental chamber data

Initial concentrations (ppm)

EPA No. HC type CNO,l, CNolo Wclo
300 Toluene 0.02 1.25 3.22
258 Toluene 0.05 0.35 2.88
250 Toluene 0.04 1.17 1.53
272 Toluene 0.04 0.55 1.67
271 Toluene 0.05 0.32 1.20
251 n-Butane-toluene 0.07 1.10 4.62t
253 rz-Butane-toluene 0.08 0.53 4.91t
257 n-Butane-toluene 0.07 0.27 4.2q
318 Propyleneeethane 0.06 1.12 OSl$
325 Propylene-ethane 0.04 0.35 0.45$
321 Propyleneeethane 0.10 1.31 0.2752
329 Propylene-ethane 0.05 0.26 0.24$
222 Auto exhaust 0.12 1.95 2.21*
231 Auto exhaust 0.23 2.80 0.61*

* Combined total of all hydrocarbons in the auto exhaust.

t Combined total of n-butane and toluene.
$ Propylene only (the ethane was virtually unreacted).

The experiments are best specified by a statement of initial conditions, as given in Table
1 Duplicate experiments were carried out for all but two sets of initial conditions, both
for the propylene-ethane-NO, system. In general, the experimental run in each replicate
pair having the smoother concentration-time profiles and the smaller loss of NO, prior
to the NOz maximum were selected for model validation. Other aspects of the experimen-
tal studies, including the determination of light intensity and water concentration, wall
effects, and the accuracy of the analytical measurements, are discussed in detail in Appen-
dix B of Reynolds et al. (1973).
It appears that in general, the data are reproducible, were carefully taken, and are as
suitable as any currently available for validation purposes. Probably the most serious
weakness in the chamber data with regard to their use in validation is the lack of precise
knowledge of the light intensity. As will be shown in Section 2.2, the magnitude of light
intensity has a substantial effect on the speed of the overall reaction process, as evidenced
by the time at which the NO1 maximum occurs.
2.2 Validation procedure
Validation of the kinetic mechanism consists in
1. Obtaining estimates of the various parameters in the mechanism-the reaction rate
constants and the generalized stoichiometric coefficients-and establishing, when
566 S. D. REYNOLDSet al.

appropriate, how these parameters vary with changes in the species and composition
of hydrocarbons in the reactant mixture;
2. Carrying out sensitivity studies for these parameters, i.e. establishing the effect of con-
trolled variations in the magnitudes of the various parameters on the concentration/time
profiles for NO, N02, O3 and hydrocarbon;
3. Generating concentration/time profiles for the various reactant mixtures using speci-
fied initial conditions. These predictions are then compared with experimental results
to assess the “goodness of fit.”
In the next sections, we discuss the basis for selection of some of the more uncertain para-
meters, notably the rate constants for the hydrocarbon oxidation reactions (with 0, 03,
and OH) and the generalized stoichiometric coefficients c(, fl, y and E. (See Table 3 of Part
I for a statement of the mechanism.)
2.2.1 Estimation ofrate constants. While the kinetic mechanism is both general and com-
pact, we have striven to formulate it in such a way that the majority of rate constants may
be taken from the literature dealing with the study of individual reaction steps. However,
due to the generalized nature of the model, some rate constants, of necessity, are artifacts,
notably those specified for reactions 6, 11, 12, 13 and 15. All other rate constants have
been estimated from the results of experiments reported in the literature; their magnitudes
are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Base values of reaction rate constants

k, = 0.266 min-’ k, = 5 x 10-4ppm-’ min-’

k, = 2.16 x 10“ min-‘* k, = 5 x 10-3min-L
k, = 21.8 ppm-’ min-’ k, = 1.8 x lO”ppm~‘min-’
k, = 0.006 ppm-’ min-’ k, = 1.8 x lo3 ppm-’ min-’
k, = 0.1 ppm-’ min-’ k,, = 10 ppm-’ min-’
k,, = 1.8 x lo3 ppm-’ min-’

* Pseudo-first order.
Note: Rate constants for reactions 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16-18 are given subsequently in
Table 4. For values of k19 see Appendix B of Reynolds et al. (1973). Studies upon which
the above values are based have been summarized by Johnston er al. (1970).

The rate constant for reaction 6 was selected such that a model based on four differential
equations, with HNOz in steady state, gives predictions comparable with those of a model
in which a differential equation for HNOz is included. The rationale for this decision was
discussed in Section 5 of Part I.
The results of early validation runs indicated that the literature values of k, 1 (0 + HC),
as given by Johnston et al. (1970), are too low to account for the observed oxidation rate
of hydrocarbons and the oxidation of NO to NOz when employed in the general
mechanism given in Part I. Oxidation of hydrocarbons by 0 atoms is most important
earlyin the photooxidation process. A number of other reactions, for example, the oxidation
of hydrocarbons by oxygen-containing free radicals, have been excluded from the
mechanism for the sake of compactness. These reactions, although not thought to be par-
ticularly rapid, may play an important role early in the smog forming process by compet-
ing with 0 atom attack on hydrocarbons. Consequently, values of k, 1 higher than those
reported in the literature have been adopted to account for the early loss rate of hydrocar-
bon observed experimentally. We note, however, that the influence of other reactions, such
as the OH-hydrocarbon reaction, become relatively greater as the smog reactions proceed.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 561

The contribution of reaction 11 to the overall hydrocarbon loss rate thus becomes less
significant with time.
In general, it was possible to use literature values for k12 and k13, the rate constants
for the OH- and O,-hydrocarbon reactions, for the validation runs (see Johnston et al.,
1970). In cases where O3 does not react directly with the hydrocarbon, a small residual
value of k13 has been assigned to account for the reaction of ozone with hydrocarbon oxi-
dation products. For example, in the case of n-butane, it is possible that various butenes
form subsequent to 0 or OH attack on the hydrocarbon. The reaction of these butenes
with O3 is accounted for through the artificial increase in k13.
Finally, the value of k,, was selected so that, on a qualitative basis, the predicted con-
centration/time profiles or organic nitrates and pernitrates formed as reaction products
conformed with expected behavior. The observed rate of loss of NOz after the NO2 peak
was also taken into account in estimating the magnitude of this constant.
2.2.2 Estimation of generalized stoichiometric coeficients. Stoichiometric coefficients are
those parameters introduced into each individual reaction step to satisfy the requirement
of conservation of mass. While these coefficients, in general, are easily established by carry-
ing out a mass balance for all elements appearing in the reaction expression, a problem
arises in the treatment of vaguely defined species such as the generalized hydrocarbon, HC.
We cannot specify the exact number of atoms that comprise this fictitious species, and thus
it is impossible to derive or compute appropriate coefficients. To skirt this problem, we
introduce flexible parameters, termed “generalized” stoichiometric coefficients, such as in
the reaction, HC + 0 1) CYR02. These generalized coefficients must be established
through deductive procedures such as “chemical” arguments and trial and error calcula-
tions. In the discussion that follows, we present the rationale for selecting the generalized
coefficients, a, j?, y and E introduced in the mechanism.
We first consider the selection of a value of a, the number of radicals formed in the reac-
tion of hydrocarbons and atomic oxygen. This choice is of prime importance, as a strongly
governs the chain length of the reaction, and the hydrocarbon-atomic oxygen reaction
itsejf is critical in determining the rate of oxidation of NO to NO1. Values of a used in
validation were established by comparison of predicted and observed concentrations of
NO and hydrocarbon.
The stoichiometric coefficient y is determined by comparing predicted and observed
concentrations of a reaction system in which an olefin is the principal reacting hydrocar-
bon. The magnitude of the coefficient is selected so as to minimize discrepancies between
the predicted and observed hydrocarbon loss rate after the NOz peak and between the
maximum predicted and observed ozone levels ultimately attained. Because most C3 and
greater hydrocarbons can form olefins as degradation products, the value of y is the same
for all hydrocarbon systems.
The stoichiometric coefficient fi in reaction 12 is analogous to a and y, in that it governs
the number of ROi radicals formed due to reaction of hydrocarbons-in this instance, with
hydroxyl radicals. As in the case of the other generalized stoichiometric coefficients, p is
treated as a constant for a given hydrocarbon system. In general we expect that p will be
about one, since likely products of the HC-OH* reaction are one free radical and an alde-
hyde (in the case of olefins) or water (in the case of paraffins).
The stoichiometric coefficient E, the number of moles of OH formed per mole of RO;
that reacts with NO, provides a means of accounting for the fact that a certain fraction
of the ROi chains result in the regeneration of an OH radical. While E is basically
568 S. D. REYNOLDS et al.

an empirical parameter, its value, along with that of /3, can be determined from experimen-
tal data for reaction systems in which the initial charge of CO varies from zero to some
substantial concentration: The product of p and E will determine the amount by which
the time to the NOz maximum is shortened for a given increase in CO concentration. In
addition to making these qualitative observations, we can also specify quantitative limits
for the product pE. In particular, in order for CO to exert an accelerating influence on the
reaction system it is necessary that the product pE be less than one. (This condition can
be verified by inspection of the rate equation for NO concentration.) In general, observed
reductions in time to the NOz peak are greatest in the presence of CO when the hydrocar-
bon components of the system are of low reactivity and least when reactant systems consist
primarily of highly reactive olefins (Dodge and Bufalini, 1972). We might also note that
at the levels found in urban atmospheres, CO cannot be expected to exert a significant
influence on the smog forming reactions.
2.3.3 Sensitivity of the mechanism to variations in the magnitudes of parameters. An im-
portant facet in a program of parameter estimation and model evaluation is the carrying
out of a sensitivity analysis. The main purpose of such analyses is to determine the effect
of changes in the magnitude of each parameter in the model on the magnitude of the pre-
dicted response (in this case, concentrations). Sensitivity studies are of interest for two rea-
sons: (1) they are quite useful in establishing a rank-ordering of parameters in terms of
the importance of accurately determining each, and (2) they are helpful in relating the var-
iation (or lack of precision in determination) of each parameter to the uncertainty in pre-
dictions of the model. Preliminary evaluation of the experimental data base revealed that
several parameters in the mechanism were not known with desirable accuracy, namely,
the light intensity, the water concentration, and the initial NO* concentration. Conse-
quently, we elected to carry out a limited investigation of model sensitivity for four para-
meters: k, (light intensity), k6 (water concentration), k, (light intensity), and [NO&. The
response followed was the predicted time to the NO* maximum, T. The parameters
selected for study had been identified in earlier work as being those whose variations
would likely have a substantial influence on predictions. The variable T was selected as
the decision variable because it had been observed previously that it is particularly sensi-
tive to variations in the parameters cited, because other key variables such as time to the
onset of O3 formation are closely linked to it, and because it can be conveniently expressed
as a scalar.
The sensitivity calculations were performed for the toluene-n-butane system for
various intitial concentrations. The four parameters were varied within the limits of their
estimated uncertainty bounds, and the effects of these changes on T were noted. Typical
results are presented in Table 3. The mechanism is clearly quite sensitive to variations in
the NO2 photolysis rate and initial NOz concentrations, but is insensitive to variations
in HNO, production and photolysis rates. * Unfortunately, both kl and [NO,],, were sub-
ject to considerable experimental uncertainty.
In carrying out the validation runs that are discussed in the following section, con-
centration-time profiles were calculated using, first, base values of all parameters and
second, base values of the parameters with k, and [NO,], varied within their limits of
uncertainty so as to minimize the discrepancy between prediction and experiment. In this
* Upon applying the steady state assumption to HNO,, it can be shown that the concentrations of HC, NO,
NO,, and O3 are all independent of the value of k,. This accounts for the “insensitivity” of the mechanism to
variations in k,.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 569

Table 3. Sensitivity of the kinetic meachanism to light intensity, water concentration, and initial NO2

Base values of parameters*

[NO,],, = 0.07 ppm kl = 0.266min-’
[NO],, = LlOppm k, = 5 x 10-4ppm-1 min-’
[HC& = 4.62 ppm (toluene + n-butane) k,= 5 x 10e3 tin-’

Resultant change in time to NO2

Parameter Variation maximum (min)

k, -0.10 f57
+0.10 -28
k, -25% f4
+25x -4
I;, -50% 0
+ 50% 0
[No,10 -50% f21
+ 50% -12

* NOz maximum occursat 112 min for these settings of the base parameters.

way one can compare the paired results and ascertain the degree of variation (really, im-
provement) in predicted values to be expected as a result of parameter variation for the
limited, yet perhaps highly indicative, case of varying two “sensitive” parameters. Viewed
another way, we demonstrate how lack of accuracy in certain measurements, in this case
initial NOz concentration and light intensity, can affect predictions, and thus our ability
to properly assess the validity of the mechanism.

2.3 The validation results

The validation results consist of the comparison of experimental and predicted con-
centqtion vs time histories for hydrocarbons, NO, NO2 and O3 for each of the systems
listed in Table 1. As we have mentioned, for each set of data validations were carried out
using base values of the parameters and base values of all parameters in the mechanism
except for k, and [NOJo, which were varied within their limits of uncertainties to obtain
improved (but not necessarily optimal) predictions.
The basic problem in adapting a kinetic mechanism for use in an atmospheric model
is achieving proper representation of the complex hydrocarbon mixture in the atmosphere.
This mixture is represented in the mechanism by the two fictitious species HC and HC2.
As noted in Section 5 of Part I, HC represents Ct paraffins and aromatics, excluding ben-
zene, while HC2 includes all olefins. C1 to C, paraffins, benzene, and acetylene were consi-
dered to be unreactive, and therefore are not included in either HC or HC2. The primary
importance of carrying out validation studies for the toluene-NO,, toluene-n-butane-
NO,, and propylene-ethane systems is that rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients
for simple hydrocarbon mixtures can be established as an initial basis for the atmospheric
Space limitations preclude the presentation of validation results on the 14 sets of exper-
imental data. We thus present only one example of validation results for each of the four
systems listed in Table 1. Figures l(a, b and c) present typical validation results for the
toluene, toluene-n-butane, and propylene systems, respectively. In each of these three sys-
tems only a single lumped species need be used: in the case of toluene and toluene-n-bu-
tane, HC, and in the case of propylene, HCI. The base values of the rate constants and
570 S. D. REYNOLDSet al.

0 Toluene
0 NO
O 03
c zoo0 I

0 0.400 I,200 2Goo 3.600

Reaction time. min

0 n-Butane +Tolume

0 0.400 I.200 2XJo 3.600
Reaction time, tin

0 Propylene
0 NO
o 03

0 0.400 l.ZM) 2000 3.600

Reaction time. min
Fig.1. Concentration-time behavior in an irradiated system of hydrocarbons, NO, and air.
Points refer to experimental data. Lines represented the predicted behavior using the kinetic
mechanism in Table 3 of Part I.
(a) EPA No. 272. (b) EPA No. 257. (c) EPA No. 318.
Mathematic& mode&g of photochemicai air pollution 571

stoichiometric coefficients used are given in Table 4. When more than one hydrocarbon
in the same reactivity class is present, the rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients
for the lumped species are d~ter~ned by a ~e~~~n~ procedure similar to that given
below in the discussion of the auto exhaust spem.

Table 4. Values of base parameters used to calculate rate constants and staichiometric coeficients for complex
hydrocarbon mixtures*

3 Ethylene 7720 2500 0.00287 16 0.2 4 0.22
4 Other ok%as 25ooc) 0.0165 : 16 0.2 4 0.22

The simulation of an auto exhaust system will serve as a basis for establishing the extent
to which the mechanism is’applicable in the atmosphere, AB seen in Table 1, two sets of
auto exhaust irradiatiog data were available, one based on the exhaust of a Chevelle
equipped with controls, the second from an uncontrolled Chevelk
One notable di&rence between the ~~~~ation results for the auto exhaust gases and
those for the “pure” system such as toiuene-NO, was that in the exhaust runs a substantial
amount of NO, was lost before the NOZ peak. Because exhaust contains a. large amount
of particulate matter it has been suggested that nitrate formation might occur on particle
surfaces. This is consistent with the results of Lee ea al. (1971X who found that the nitrate
content of ~ar~~u~ate matter in exhaust that had been ~rra~~ted through the re@on of
sharp decrease in NO and inincreasein NO2 was 175 times that of the particulate matter
in unirradiated exhaust. Other chamber studies of synthetic auto exhaust (Wilson, 1972)
have shown that the loss of NO, prior to the NOz peak is not observed in the absence
of particulate matter. Consequently, we have included in the mechanism the additional

NO2 + Particle 3 Nitrate.

While the exact chemical details of early NO, loss are not yet known, inclusion of this type
of reaction aids in accounting for the effect observed.
For the purpose of ~l~~~~g the exhaust data, we employed the two bydr~r~~
classes, WC and HC,. In doing so, we assumed that the re+iviiities of C: paraffins are
equal to that of n-butane and that the reactivities of all &fins are equal to that of propy
lene. Although these assumptions obviously are subject to some question, they allow us
to base our estimates of group reactivity on values established in validation runs per-
formed previously. Moreover3 the uncertainties in the hydrocarbon data do not justify a
further re~~em~t in the rate constants and sto~eh~ome~~~ coe%cients at this time,
In order to carry out the validation runs, the rate constants and stoi~~iomet~~ coed%-
cients corresponding to HC, were taken to be those of propylene. For HC, on the other
hand, the lumped rate constants and stoichiometric cdefficients were calculated as the
weighted average of the parameter values for pure toluene and pure a-butane according
et al.

to the initial concentrations of paraffin% and aromatics present in the exhaust. The for-
mulas used to calculate the various parameters for HC are as follows:



C EiCi



where ci refers to the intial concentration of species i and

and j = 11, 12, 13, 15 (j refers to the reaction number in Table 3 of Part I). In Table 4
we summarize the base values of the rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients the use
in equations (14). The validation results obtained for EPA experiment No. 222 are given
in Fig. 2.

0 Total hydrocwbons
3,000 OhJo
A w2
I o 03

Reactiontime, min

Fig. 2. Concentration-time behavior in an irradiated system of auto exhaust, NO, NO, and
air. Data points refer to EPA experiment No. 222. Lines represent the predicted behavior using
the general kinetic mechanism in Table 3 of Part I.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 573

To conclude, we believe that the validation results reported here indicate that the
mechanism provides an adequate, perhaps good, description of smog chamber kinetics.
In particular, the model appears capable of predicting the concentration-time behavior
of a variety of reactant systems over a wide range of initial. conditions. The few auto
exhaust simulations performed indicate that the mechanism displays promise for describ-
ing the complex mixtures that exist in the atmosphere. The guidelines established for esti-
mating rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients also have proven to be quite ade-
quate. Nevertheless, the kinetic mechanism employed has a number of fundamental short-
comings, most notably the need for semiempirical stoichiometric coefficients. A new kine-
tic mechanism for photochemical smog has recently been formulated (Hecht and Seinfeld,
1974) which eliminates the weaknesses inherent in the mechanism employed here. In par-
ticular, the mechanism describes the important inorganic chemistry in detail, yet mini-
mizes the overall number of reactions by taking advantage of the general behavior of speci-
fic groups of similar hydrocarbons and free radicals. Most importantly, the mechanism
is free of arbitrarily assignable stoichiometric coefficients. Extensive validation exercises
have shown that this new mechanism is capable of reproducing a variety of experimental
data using literature rate constants. Future airshed modeling studies will be carried out
with this new mechanism.

One of the most important considerations in the development of an urban airshed model
is the selection of an appropriate spatial scale. The choice of scale is influenced by a
number of factors which were discussed in Section 2 of Part I. A survey of available
meteorological data indicated that a spatial resolution of 2 miles was appropriate for the
Los Angeles study. When the spatial scale is of this size, the model is unable to account
for the effects of sub-grid scale effects, such as variations in contaminant concentrations
that occur in the vicinity of major roadways and strong point sources. Buildings and ele-
vated or depressed freeway structures alter local wind patterns and turbulence levels,
which contribute to the establishment of local concentration levels. Similarly, the presence
of high-rise buildings along the street borders, the so-called “street canyon,” can reduce
considerably the influence of “main stream” convective transport processes on the dilution
of street level emissions. Effect such as these occur on a scale that is small compared with
that typically adopted in urban modeling. The inability of an airshed model to resolve
these sub-grid scale effects is of particular concern when validating the model by compar-
ing its predictions with point measurements of pollutant concentrations.
Consider the validation of an urban airshed model, where CO is the pollutant of con-
cern. As we have noted previously, the model is based on the assumption that emissions
are uniformly distributed in space and time (over an hourly interval) over each 2 x 2 mile
cell and that meteorological conditions are also invariant over this scale. The direct result
of these assumptions is that the predictedpollutantconcentrationsare uniform within each
grid cell. The observed valuesof CO, however, typically are representative only of the CO
concentrations in the immediate vicinity of the monitoring station. Of the nine monitoring
stations operated by the Los Angeles County APCD, seven are located within 30 m of a
roadway having a daily trafIic count in excess of 15000 vehicles. Ott (1971) has shown that
CO concentrations measured at a monitoring station situated along a busy city street are
approximately twice the background level (100 m or more away from the street) and
slightly more than half that measured at the sidewalk located between the street and the
574 S. D. REYNOLDS~~~~.

station. While we may expect that a properly formulated urban scale model will predict
spatially averaged concentrations with reasonable accuracy, there may be little justifica-
tion for comparing these predictions directly with local point observations. Some basis for
comparison is required, however, if the validity of the model is to be established. Either
spatially averaged observations must be made, or a model must be developed that is cap-
able of predicing concentrations at a point that are affected by local sources.
As we have noted, the main source of CO emissions in the vicinity of Los Angeles
County air pollution monitoring stations is the automobile. Thus, to establish a basis for
validation, the need was evident for a sub-grid, or microscale, model capable of predicting
the elevation in concentration at the monitoring station, above background levels, that
is contributed by local automotive emissions. The sum of this predicted concentration and
the background concentration predicted using the urban scale model can then be com-
pared with observed concentrations for the purpose of validation. .
While the main purpose of developing a microscale model was to provide a realistic
basis for validating an urban scale model, the microscale model (or “micromodel”) may
well be useful in other contexts. The coarse resolution of the urban scale model does not
suggest its use in the prediction of dosage in areas of substantial local variation in con-
centrations, such as along the sidewalk, in street canyons, and in areas of public access
at airports. The “micromodel” may be of considerable value in estimating dosages in such
situations, when used in concert with the urban scale model. The micromodel may also
be of value in establishing a basis for formulating air quality standards. As concentrations
can vary substantially in the vicinity of strong sources, perhaps air quality standards
should be based on obtaining measurements at locations of greatest exposure-along
sidewalks, within the automobile, inside the school yard. To properly establish such stan-
dards, based on historical measurements, one must rely on a model capable of describing
local variations.

3.1 Survey of previous studies

Because emissions from automobiles constitute a major contribution to the total atmos-
pheric pollutant load in urban areas, a number of studies have been undertaken in recent
years that have been concerned with the dispersion of air contaminants in the vicinity of
city streets. We summarize some of the important findings of these investigations in this
Carbon monoxide concentrations at “curbside” locations were measured by McCor-
mick and Xintaras (1962) in Nashville, Tennessee and Cincinnati, Ohio. They found that
the temporal variation in CO concentration at both sites were correlated with hourly traf-
fic counts made at the street along which the concentrations were measured, thus confirm-
ing the conclusions of an earlier study by Brief (1960). Furthermore, they noted that
meteorological conditions, such as wind speed, wind direction, turbulence level and atmos-
pheric stability, also played an important role in determining the level of CO con-
An extensive investigatidn was later carried out in Germany by Georgii et al. (1967) and
Georgii (1969). Carbon monoxide concentrations, traffic density, and pertinent meteorolo-
gical variables were measured at three sites located near three major streets in downtown
Frankfurt/Main. (Traffic counts on the streets ranged between 1200 and 1800 cars hh ’
during peak hours.) Good correlation was established between the diurnal CO con-
centration and the temporal variation in traffic density. They found that one of two distinct
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 575

local flow regimes will be established within a street canyon (see Fig. 3). Which regime
persists in dependent upon whether the rooftop wind speed is less than, or is greater than
2 m s- ‘. The results of Georgii et al. are generally confirmed by Schnelle et al. (1969) and
Johnson et al. (1973).
In general, the studies cited above have involved attempts to establish empirical rela-
tionships between concentrations in the vicinity of a roadway and meteorological, emis-
sions, and spatial variables. Several investigators have proposed numerical models based
on the use of the atmospheric diffusion equation (Chang et al., 1971; Djuric et al., 1971;
Hotchkiss, 1971). In the next section we describe such a model.

Case I Free Flow Regime

Case 2 Circulatory Flow Ragnms

Fig. 3. Typical flow patterns in an urban boundary layer characterized by large surface

3.2 Governing equations of the microscale model

No single model will suffice for describing transport and dispersion phenomena in the
vicinity of a street, largely’because distinctly different flow patterns can occur above the
roadway surface. Thus, in order to describe the dispersion of pollutants in the vicinity of
roadways and buildings, we first distinguish between the two flow patterns that generally
exist in such an environment, as illustrated in Fig. 3.
1. Free Flow Regime. Air at street level is directly ventilated by the prevailing wind at
the rooftop. This case may be characterized by the fact that directions of the street-level
wind and rooftop wind are the same.
2. Circulatory Flow Regime. Air at street level does not have direct access to the prevail-
ing wind. Instead, a vortex of opposite sense relative to the rooftop wind will be gener-
In Appendix C of Reynolds et al. (1973) a simple methodology is presented which may
be used to determine which regime exists under a given set of meteorological conditions.
In Los Angeles, with one exception, the downtown station, only the free flow regime need
to be considered in the vicinity of air quality monitoring stations of interest. Thus, we restrict
our attention to the development of a model for this regime.
We assume that steady state conditions prevail with a constant wind speed U directed
at a right angle to the roadway. The streamlines of flow are as illustrated in case 1 in Fig.
3. We take x to be a coordinate measured from the centerline of the roadway (X = 0) along
et al.

the wind streamlines, as shown in Fig. 4 where we indicate the possible location of a moni-
toring station. The vertical direction z is then normal to the streamlines at each point. We
assume that K-theory is applicable with horizontal and vertical diffusivities constant and

5, iJ$zzz

$ of street

Fig. 4. Coordinate system employed for the micromodel.

With the above assumptions, the equation for the mean concentration of an inert species

The boundary conditions are:

c(x,O) = d(x) z=o

0 z=O,x#O
55 ==(J =

c(x,z) + 0 x++CC

c(x,z) + 0 Z-+cO



where U is the wind speed, K is the turbulent eddy diffusivity, and Q is the emission rate
of pollutant per unit length of roadway in g m-l min- ‘, assumed to be concentrated at
the centerline of the roadway.
The solution of equation (5) subject to equation (6) can be shown to be

c(x,z) =
Q i-
e K.
[ c’(x2&z2P2]
z (7)

where 5 = Ux/2K and K, is the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order zero.
The ground-level concentration (z = 0) is given by

4x,0) = g ecKo (Ill).

As we have noted, the solution of equation (5) is based on the assumption of a constant
vertical diffusivity, invariant with height. Because we are examining a region adjacent to
the surface of very shallow depth, and in which mixing is vigorous due to the flow, this
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 577

assumption is probably fairly good. However, during the period over which the change,
in surface temperature with time is large-the morning hours following sunrise-the
changes in diffisivity with time are also substantial. To account for these changes, we have
assumed that K changes with time in a manner shown in Fig. 5. The functional relation-
ship, as well as the magnitude of K (note that the plot is semilogarithmic), is based on
the results of Staley (1956). While the values of K are subject to considerable uncertainty,
the relationship shown also corresponds with the findings of other investigations, for
example, Jehn and Gerhardt (1950). Note that both U and K may vary from hour to hour
to corresnond with the time resolution of the measured wind and concentration data. The
situation-in which the horizontal and vertical eddy diffusivities vary linearly with z has
been considered by Walters (1969).

4 5 6 7 9 9 IO II
Time, h

Fig. 5. Temporal variation of the eddy diffusivity K in the micromodel.

In solving equation (5) we assumed that the emissions are concentrated along the center-
line of the street, in effect treating the street as a source of infinitesimal width In reality,
typical distances of interest from centerline to sampling port are of the order of 10-40 m.
Street widths are of the magnitude of these transport distances, varying from 8 to 30 m.
In order to assess the effect of the line source assumption on predicted concentrations, we
can compare the solution of equation (5) to that for emissions from a street of finite width.
The only change in the governing equation in the latter case, when compared with equa-
tion (5), is in the boundary conditions, wherein the source strength is specified by q, the
mass emission of pollutant per unit area of roadway,

Q/21 at z = 0 for (xl < 1


The remaining boundary conditions are unchanged.

The solution of equation (5) for the ground-level concentration in finite width case is

[WC + 1)/X 1
c(x,O) =2q e’& (l) d[ 1x12 1. (10)
s [U(x-1)/2Kl

To assess the effect of the finite street width, the .two solutions, equations (8 and 10) were
compared for the case in which the traffic flow is 1000 vehicles h- ‘, K = 1 m2 s- ’ and
U = 1 m s-r. The results indicate that at a distance of 15 m, the minimum from street
center line to any of the Los Angeles monitoring stations that we considered, the discre-
578 S. D. REYNOLPSet al.

panty in predicted concentration’s is 0.025 ppm at an average level of 0.72 ppm, or about
3.5 per cent. This discrepancy decreases as the distance from centerline increases, becoming
zero at distances in excess of 50 m. Based on this comparison, it appears that the assump-
tion of emissions emanating from a source of infinitesimal width is justified.

3.3 Results of use of the micromodel

As we have discussed earlier, the main purpose of this limited modeling effort was to
investigate the feasibility of developing a simple model capable of describing local or sub-
grid scale emissions and transport processes and thus their contributions to measured air
quality levels. Since the scope of the effort is quite restricted, there are necessarily a number
of considerations of practical importance that we have not addressed. In particular, we
have limited application to:
1. Roadway sources;
2. Inert pollutants, in this case carbon monoxide;
3. The free flow regime;
4. A selected group of monitoring sites;
5. Times of day when corrections are likely to be significant. The primary period of in-
terest is between 05:OO and lO:OO,when heavy traffic and light winds are common.
Fifteen monitoring stations were operative during the 6 “validatibn days” in 1969-l 1,
29 and 30 September, 29 and 30 October, and 4 November. Ten were operated by the
LA APCD, 3 by the Orange County APCD, and 2 by Scott Research Laboratories. Of
these the Orange_ County stations and the Pasadena station were not considered for this
feasibility study because they were inoperative on several of the validation days. The
mobile Scott stations were not considered, because their locations with respect to neigh-
boring streets were unknown. Of the remaining 9 stations, 2 (at Reseda and Azusa) are
located on streets having little or no traffic, 1 (downtown Los Angeles) is situated along
a street canyon, 1 (Burbank) is located in a region of complex and rapidly varying wind
patterns, and 1 (Pomona) is located 1 mile outside of the modeling region. The remaining
4 stations-Lennox, West Los Angeles, Whittier, and Long Beach-were selected for ap-
plication of the micromodel.
Hourly averaged CO concentrations attributable to local roadway sources were esti-
mated for the period 05:00-lo:00 (local time) for each of the 6 validation days using the
diffusivity vs time curve of Fig. 5. Typical estimated increases in CO concentration above
background are given in Figs. 9 and 10. Traffic counts used in these calculations were
taken from average traffic statistics made available by the traffic department of the munici-
pality in which the station is located. Wind speed and direction were measured con-
tinuously at each montioring station, with the exception of Lennox; however, the recorder
sheets were unavailable.* Thus, average hourly wind statistics were used. We are unable
at present to estimate the errors that these two averaging processes introduce,
In evaluating the results, comparisons can only be made between measured con-
centrations and the sum of predicted concentrations calculated using both the microscale
model and the full airshed model. For this reason, evaluation of the results is presented
in Section 4. It should suffice here to say that the results appear to be quite promising,
given the restricted nature of the data. However, a full and fair evaluation must await the
acquisition of a more complete data base, more suited to the temporal and spatial resolu-
tion of the microscale model.
* Readingstakenat the three neareststationsserved as the basis for estimating wind parameters at Lennox.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 519

To properly validate a local model, it is most important to have available a data base
collected for the specific purpose of filling this rBle. In order to distinguish between local
and background contributions to air quality at a particular location, pollutant con-
centrations should be measured on a temporary basis upwind of the monitoring or test
site. In addition, we would wish to have available continuous recordings of wind speed
and direction and pollutant concentration. The data could then be averaged over varying
periods of time--say from 1 min to 1 h-and the model tested in order to establish both
appropriate averaging periods and the effects of selecting averaging periods that are too
long. Finally, turbulence measurements would be most helpful in obtaining improved esti-
mates of K and its variation in time during the morning hours following sunrise.
For more details involving the applications of the model, and for more complete discus-
sion of the model and its limitations, we refer the reader to Appendix C of Reynolds et
al. (1973).


Validation of the urban airshed model consists of integrating the governing equations
and comparing predicted concentrations with those measured at local air quality monitor-
ing stations. Validations were carried out in the following sequence for each of 6 days in
1969, days for which a rich data base was available: (1) validation for carbon monoxide,
and (2) validation for hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and ozone. Exercise of the model for
an inert species such as CO provides a basis for evaluating the treatment of meteorological
variables. Validation for CO, of course, also constitutes a test of most aspects of the nu-
merical integration technique and portions of the source emissions inventory. Upon suc-
cessful completion of (l), and upon incorporating the modifications suggested by the
results of the CO validation, the validation for reactive species may proceed
The treatment of hydrocarbons in the airshed model requires some comment. Because
most available air monitoring data is reported only in terms of total organic carbon, and
because of the computational requirements associated with simulating the behavior of two
reactive species (HC and HC2), we have chosen, for the present study, to represent the
atmospheric hydrocarbon mix by two hydrocarbon species only, UHC and RHC. The spe-
cies UHC represents all unreactive hydrocarbons, including Cl-C3 paraffins, acetylene
and benzene. In the model calculations, UHC is treated therefore as an inert species. The
species RHC represents all other hydrocarbons present in the atmosphere. Thus, RHC in-
cludes both species HC and HC2 in the kinetic mechanism. As’noted shortly, the rate con-
stants and stoichiometric coefficients corresponding to RHC are determined by equations
(l-4). RHC is therefore a lumped composite of HC and HC2.
It is the purpose of this section to describe the validation procedure, to present the
results of the validation effort, and to examine and evaluate these results.

4.1 The evaluation procedure

The evaluation procedure for a particular “validation day” consists of the following four
steps :
Step I. Preparation of meteorological and emissions data. Hourly wind speed, wind direc-
tion, and mixing depth maps are prepared for each validation day, as described in Section
4 of Part I. As it is assumed that the emissions inventory is applicable for all weekdays
in 1969, and as all validation days are weekdays, we use the inventory as reported in Part
II without alteration.
580 S. D. REYNOLDSet al.

Step II. Preparation of other inputs to the model specijic to the validation day. These in-
clude: (a) Initial conditions. Initial concentrations are specified in each ground level grid
cell by interpolation using the data collected at monitoring stations during the hour at
which solution is initiated. Maps are needed for CO, NO, NO,’ and reactive and unreac-
tive hydrocarbon (RHC and UHC). Initial ozone concentrations are calculated assuming
that the rate of reaction of ozone is equal to zero. From the mechanism given in Table
3 of Part I, we can write the following expression for the steady state ozone concentrations
(considering only reactions 1-14):

co31= (11)
MN01 + k,CNOJ+ k,,CRHCl


kl CNW
“I = k2 + k,,[RHC]

and [NO], [NO,], [RHC] refer to the initial NO, NO, and reactive hydrocarbon con-
centrations in a particular ground-level grid cell. Initial concentrations in cells aloft are
set equal to the concentration in the ground level cell.
(b) Boundary conditions. The boundary conditions for the airshed model are given by
equations (18-21) in Part I. The emissions model and inventory is used to specify the sur-
face pollutant flux, equation (18). Of particular concern on the horizontal and upper boun-
daries of the modeling region is the specification of the pollutant flux when species are
transported into themodeling region. This may be accomplished by defining the function
gi given in equations (19-21) in Part I. Note that gi is simply the concentration of species
i at a point just outside the boundary. Values of gi are allowed to vary both temporally
and spatially. The horizontal boundary conditions (east, west, north, and south boundaries,
where winds enter the modeling region) are established by using the concentrations mea-
sured at the nearest monitoring station as a guide. Variations in concentrations with x

Fig. 6. Initial vertical concentration distribution: c,, = initial concentration in the cohunn of
grid cells above a particular grid square; c,, = assumed background concentration aloft above
the grid square; H(x,y,t,) = height of the inversion base at t,, and location (x,y); h(x,y) = terrain
elevation at (x,y).
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 581

and y along the boundary at a given time in regions remote from monitoring stations are’
estimated solely on a judgemental basis. It is assumed that the boundary concentration
is invariant with z for a given x, y and t. Boundary concentrations for 0s are calculated
assuming O3 to be at steady state, i.e. from equation (11).
In order to specify the concentration of pollutants that enter the modeling region as the
inversion rises, we must, in the absence of concentration data aloft, make some assumption
as to the nature of the vertical concentration distribution. Thus, at the beginning of a simu-
lation, the concentration distribution shown in Fig. 6 is established over each grid square.
In the profile shown in Fig. 6, AB denotes the initial condition, and m denotes the
assumed concentration profile aloft (above the inversion base). As the base of the inversion
rises, the concentration of pollutant in the air engulfed is given by the location of the height
of the inversion base and the corresponding concentration on the segment m. A profile
is constructed for all species except ozone. In the case of this pollutant we calculate the
concentration at the boundary through use of the steady state approximation involving HC,
NO, and N02.
(c) Radiation intensity data. Actual measurements of radiation intensity at the ground
as a function of time were made by Scott Research Laboratories (1970) at El Monte and
Commerce for each of the validation days. Averages of the normalized, solar zenith angle
corrected intensity measurements made at the two stations were related to the NO2 photo-
lysis rate constant k,, through a relationship given by Eschenroeder and Martinez (1970).
As an illustration of the form of the results, Fig.’ 7 shows k, as a function of hour on 30
September 1969 as derived directly from intensity measurements. The kl values derived
from the intensity measurements at Commerce and El Monte are shown in Fig. 7. The
solid curve in Fig. 7 represents the k, values used in the validation studies for 30 September
1969. Values of the photolysis rate constant for HN02, k,, were calculated by multiplying
the values of kl by k,/k,, as given in Table 2.

020 -


--- Commerce
-- El Monte
- Model volidormn

Time, PST
Fig. 7. Photolysis rate constant for NO, decay in Los Angeles on 30 September 1969

(d) Rate constants and stoichiometric coe&ients for hydrocarbon reactions. Referring to
the kinetic mechanism presented in Section 5 of Part I, the following rate constants and
stoichiometric coefhcients must be established for the hydrocarbon reactions: k, r, kl 2, kl 3,
et al.

k15, a, 8, y and E: We recall that in the airshed model only reactive and unreactive hydro-
carbon species are considered. Thus, only reactions 1-15 of the mechanism presented in
Table 3 of Part I, are used, where HC in that table now represents the sum of reactive
hydrocarbons, RHC.
The rate constants and stoichiometric coefficients cited above were calculated for each
validation day using detailed hydrocarbon measurements taken in the atmosphere and a
weighted-average procedure similar to that described in Section 2: Gas chromatographic
data collected by Scott Research Laboratories (1970) at Commerce and El Monte on the
validation days were used in determining the averaged parameters. In applying equations
(l-4) with Table 4, the subscript i is defined as follows:

,l paraffins
I 2 aromatics
r =- 3 ethylene
1 4 olefins.

Since little temporal variation in calculated values of the constants was obtained for any
particular day, daily average values of the parameters were used in the simulations. In
Table 5 we present the values of the constants calculated for 29 September 1969. Constants
for the other validation days are given by Reynolds et al. (1973).

Table 5. Computed values of hydrocarbon rate constants and

stoichiometric coefficients for 29 September 1969

!+,, = 7300 ppm-’ min-’ G(= 12

+,, = 9500 ppm-’ min-’ B = 0.95
+I3 = 1.9 x 10-3ppm-’ min-’ r=4
k15 = 13.8 c = 0.51

The rate constants for the inorganic reactions are given in Table 2.
Step III. Vulidationfor carbon monoxide. The airshed model is exercised from 05 : 00 to
15:OOfor each of the validation days. Predicted elevations in concentration in the vicinity
of 4 monitoring stations due to local emissions are added to the airshed model predictions.
Alterations were made in the 29 and 30 September wind fields after initial simulations were
carried out for these days. No other changes in input data to the model were made for
these days, nor were any changes made for the four additional days upon examining the
CO results. Hourly-averaged predicted ground level concentrations were calculated for
each ground level cell, and hourly-averaged predicted concentrations applicable at each
monitoring station were also calculated.
Step IV. Validation for nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and ozone. Upon satisfactory
completion of the carbon monoxide simulation for a particular day, validation was carried
out for the reactive species. All procedures are as described for CO.
Comparison of predictions with measured values are made at the sites shown in Fig.
1 of Part I. Since monitoring stations are not, in general, situated near the center of a
ground level grid cell, we employ an interpolation procedure to calculate the predicted
station concentration. In Fig. 8, we illustrate the computations involved.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 583

1 hE -

J+I 0 0

I @

J ’ 0 0

_ AC, )

I I+1

@ - Monitoring station location

Fig. 8. Interpolation procedure for calculating the predicted concentration at a monitoring


where a = 85,
C,,, = predicted ground level concentration above grid square (I,J).
Cslalion= predicted concentration at the monitoring station.

4.2 Validation results

Validation was carried out for carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen diox-
ide (NO,), reactive plus unreactive (or total) hydrocarbon (HC), and ozone (0,) for the
10 h period 05 : O&l 5 : 00 for the following days in 1969 :
11 September 29 October
29 September 30 October
30 September 4 November
Air quality data for 29 and 30 September are described in detail in Appendix E of Roth
et al. (1971). Data for the remaining four days were supplied by EPA. Most of the air qua-
lity data were collected by the Los Angeles and Orange County Air Pollution Control Dis-
tricts which together operate a total of thirteen monitoring stations in the modeling region.
However, as we have mentioned earlier, Scott Research Laboratories collected air quality
data at two additional sites during this period. We refer the reader to their report, Atrnos-
pheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin, Vols. I-IV (1970X describing the data col-
lection program.
We have reviewed the air quality measurement techniques employed by the APCD with
regard to accuracy, specificity, and reliability, and we make the following observations.
584 S.D. REYNOLDS~~~~.

First, accuracies are, in general, no better than + 10 per cent in the determination of pollu-
tant concentrations (for any pollutant), and degree of specificity and reliability varies
greatly, depending upon the measurement. Second, corrections to measurements must be
made for certain pollutants. These are as follows:
CO: No correction needed.
NO: The oxidation of NO to NOz prior to calorimetric measurement of the product
NO1 is 70-85 per cent efficient. Thus, reported NO concentrations must be increased by
about 25 per cent for use in validation.
NO,: PAN interferes with measurement of NO*. Accuracy of measurement is f l&20
per cent. No correction is recommended, however, due to lack of information-knowledge
of PAN concentration and other sources of uncertainty.
Oxidant: Presence of NOZ increases oxidant readings by 10-20 per cent of the NOz con-
centration; SOI decreases readings by an amount approximately equal to the SO, con-
centration. In Los Angeles, NOz will be the most significant interferent, although SOZ
will have a substantial effect in the southwest portion of the Basin. We correct for these
interferences when they are significant.
Total hydrocarbons: Flame ionization (FIA) is specific for carbon, recording oxy-
genated hydrocarbons as well as hydrocarbons. Readings are difficult to interpret because:
(1) Calibration is carried out using a specific hydrocarbon (APCD uses methane), whereas
the hydrocarbons measured are a complex mixture. While it is assumed that response is
proportional to the number of carbon atoms, significant deviations from this assumption
have been observed; (2) Methane is by far the dominant constituent, making determination
of nonmethane constituents by difference a highly uncertain matter; (3) Variation in reacti-
vity with type of HC affects measurement. We have thus concluded that these measure-
ments are too uncertain to be of much value.
In summary, CO and NO;, concentrations are used as reported, whereas NO and oxi-
dant are “corrected” in the manner indicated. Total hydrocarbon measurements are consi-
dered to be of little value.
In applying these corrections, we have made the following exceptions: (1) At Commerce
and El Monte, the NO and O3 measurements made by Scott were not corrected, as they
were made using procedures that do not require a correction; (2) At Long Beach, oxidant
measurements were not corrected for SO, or NO2 interference due to the uncertainty in-
herent in applying the correction when the interferents are present in high concentrations
relative to the species being measured.
Due to discrepancies in the units used to represent measured and predicted hydrocarbon
concentrations, special attention must be given to the comparative presentation of hydro-
carbon concentrations (ppm) for both reactive and unreactive groupings, to ppm C in the
at four locations in the Basin-Downtown L.A., Azusa, Pasadena and Anaheim. Methane
is monitored at three of these stations, the exception being Anaheim. In addition, Scott
measured hydrocarbons using both flame ionization and gas chromatographic methods
at El Monte and Commerce. As we treat unreactive (U) and reactive (R) hydrocarbons
separately, measured and predicted concentrations must be placed on the same basis for
the purpose of comparison.
As most data are reported as ppm carbon (ppm C), we have converted predicted hydro-
carbon concentrations (ppm) for both reactive and unreactive groupings, to ppm C in the
following manner. For the Scott GC measurements, we have computed the average
number of carbon atoms per molecule for both unreactive and reactive classes of hydrocar-
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 585

bons (NC, and NC,, respectively) using


NCR= i Tci -

For total hydrocarbons (in ppm C), as measured by the Los Angeles and Orange County
APCD’s and by Scott, we have compared available data with the quantity

where [RHC] and [UHC] are predicted hydrocarbon concentrations (ppm). For 29 Sep-
tember 1969, NCR and NC, were found to be 4.76 and 1.08, respectively. These values
represent the average of all determinations of the respective parameters over the period

Downtown LA
20 29.9.69
q 0 Measured CO
0 - Predicted CO

E 15 t

I5 ‘!z%s.F
a Measured co
-Predicted Co


III Ill, l I I
5 6 7 6 9 IO II 12 13 I4

Time, PST

Fig. 9. CO Predictions and measurements at Long Beach and Downtown Los Angeles on 29
September 1969.
586 S. D. REYNOLDS er ai

West LA
0 Hcosuma co
-Fredictsd CO

0 Measured CO
- Pradictad CO
-- Withlocal

Time. PST

Fig. 10. CO predictionsand measurementsat Lennoxand West Las Angeles on 30 September


Results of the evaluation studies are available in two Forms. First, hourly-averaged con-
centrations predicted at each station are presented as computer-drawn plots. Typical
examples of these plots are given in Figs. 9-19 and indicate to what extent the measured
and predicted concentrations agree. The dashed lines in Figs. 9 and 10 represent the result
of adding the local corrections from the microscale model to the predictions from the
airshed model. To indicate the spatial variation of pollutant con~entra~ons, hourly-aver-
aged ground level concentration maps have been prepared for each species. An example
is shown in Fig. 20. We refer the reader to Reynolds et al. (1973) for a complete pre-
sentation of the validation results for all 6 days.

Dealing with such a large volume of Clinton results presents obvious problems in
analysis. Diagnosing the causes of observed discrepancies between comparative plots is
particularly difficult, owing to the complexity of the model and the many facets of the
modeling problem in general. In this section we confine our remarks largely to statements
of obseryation, in effect, summarizing the results. Where we are able to speculate as to,
or explain the causes of observed behavior, we do so. Subjecting the model to a complete
sensitivity analysis would, of course, provide a better level of unders~n~ng of the iimi-
tations of the model, and thus, of areas of concentration for future work.
The most notable observation we can make, perhaps, is in regard to the overall consis-
tency of the predictions. In general, the results for any one day are of the same quality
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution

OMeasured HC
-Redicted HC


0 Measured HC
-Predicted HC

I I I I I I I I , I
5 6 7 8 9 0 II I2 I3 14

Time, PST

Fig. 11. Total hydrocarbon predictions and measurements at Downtown Los Angeles and
Commerce on 29 September 1969.

q Measured NO
-Predicted NO
A Meuswd NO2
- - Predicted NO 2


35- 29.9.69
0 Measured O3
3J- --Redicted 0,

E 25-

Time, PST
Fig. 12. NO, NO2 and 03 predictions and measurements at Burbank on 29 September 1969.
588 S. D. REYNOLDS et al.

El Monte
0 Meowed NO
-Predicted NO
A MeosuredNOz
-- Predicted NO,

El Monte
60- 299.69
0 Measured OS
50- --Radicted 0,

5 6 7 6 9 IO II 12 13 14

Time, PST
Fig. 13. NO, NOz and O3 predictions and measurements at El Monte on 29 September 1969.

0 Measured NO
---E ;g

--Predicted NO:

60- 29.9.69
0 Meowed On
-Predicted O3
E 5o
0. 40-

g 30-


5 6 7 6 9 IO II 12 13 14

Time, PST
Fig. 14. NO, NOz and O3 predictions and measurements at Pomona on 29 September 1969.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 589

as those for any other day. Thus, while the quality of station-to-station comparisons may
vary between days, the number of “good, ” “fair,” and “poor” comparisons for each day is
fairly uniform. However, while overall consistency is observed, there seems to be an
absence of systematically errant (or for that matter, “good”) behavior. The only specific
phenomenon we have observed is the repeatedly low ozone predictions in downtown LOS

40- A Measured NOz
--Predicted NO2

d 30-

La Hbbra
0 Measurd 03
-Predicted 03

5 6 7 9 9 IO II 12 13 14 15

Time, PST
Fig. 15. NO, NO2 and O3 predictions and measurements at LaHabra on 30 September 1969.

Discussion of the results is facilitated if we consider separately the following groupings:

CO and NO in the morning
O3 and NO in the late morning
O3 and NOz midday and afternoon
hydrocarbon throughout the day
Carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and hydrocarbons are emitted by automobiles, the major
source of these pollutants in Los Angeles. [NO, emissions from tall stacks (primarily
power plants and refineries) is also an important source, but emissions are elevated and
generally somewhat farther removed from monitoring station sites.] As a result, morning
peaks are observed for all three contaminants. The hydrocarbon peaks, however, are less
sharp (or spread over a broader time span), due most likely to the high background levels
of this pollutant relative to the other two. In any event, all three pollutants behave as inert
species during the morning hours (until 08:OO or so), and observed CO and NO con-
centrations tend to have a similar pattern of variation during this period As ozone forms
during the late morning hours, NO tends to decrease, thus, during the period 09 : 00-12 :00
we may expect related characteristics in the concentration patterns of these two pollutants.
Finally, during the midday to afternoon period, we experience the buildup of the two most
important secondary pollutants, NOz and ozone.
590 S. D. REYNOLDS et al.

El Monte
0 Meosumd No
- Redicted NO
A Mooswed NO2
-- - Predicted NO,

0 Meosured 0,
-Predicted 0,


5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 I5
Time, PST

Fig. 16. NO, NO2 and Ox predictions and measurements at El Monte on 30 September 1969.


0 Meosured NO
- Predicted NO
A Measured NO2
30 --- Predicted NO2

M) 30.9.69
0 Mmsured 0,
50 t - PredictedO,

; 40-


IO II 12 I3 14 I5

Time, PST
Fig. 17. NO, NO2 and O3 predictions and measurements at Pasadena on 30 September 1969.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 591

Considering first CO and NO, predictions agree faily well with the measurements, an
important exception being at times (and locations) of sharp peaks during the morning rush
hours. Speciflcially we make the following observations with regard to the prediction of
1. Correlation between CO and NO concentrations during the morning hours is high.
Moreover, patterns of prediction are consistent between days, both relative to the indivi-
dual pollutant and relative to each other.
2. During the “peaking period,” generally 06:00-08:00, the two pollutants, behaving to
some extent as inert species, have essentially the same pattern of vacation and error in
prediction. When peaks are sharp, predicted profiles are generally flatter and lie well below
the peak; when peaks are less pronounced, discrepancies are frequently more than propor-
tionately reduced. But predictions are always less than the observed concentrations during
this period.
3. The local correction for CO often reduces the magnitude of discrepancies between
prediction and ob~rvation, sometimes fully, sometimes only partially. On occasion, how-
ever, the correction fails to account for the discrepancy.
In some instances we believe we can explain the reasons for observed discrepancies; in
others we can only speculate. The reduced “peakedness” of the predictions relative to
observations is probably due in large part to the problem of disparate scales that we dis-
cussed earlier. While the resolution of the model is 2 miles, measurements are heavily in-
fluenced by local emissions phenomena. The model, in effect, “averages” these local vari-
ations, thus flattening the peaks. Local corrections, as predicted by the microscale model

0 Meowed 03
!%.I -Predicted 03
E t

Time, PST

Fig. 18. O3 predictions and measurements at Pasadena on 11and 29 September 1969.

592 S. D. REYNOLDS etal.

described earlier, often, but not always, account fully or in part for the observed discrepan-
cies. It thus’appears that a model capable of describing subgrid scale processes may be
a useful tool for resolving difficulties that are due to mismatches in scale.
Inaccuracies in input variables may also contribute substantively to the morning discre-
pancies in CO and NO predictions. Estimates of the magnitude of local emissions rates
are based on a driving cycle that may or may not represent actual driving behavior, either
Basin-wide or in the vicinity of a monitoring station. Furthermore, driving characteristics
during the rush hours vary considerably from those that typify a full day. While we have
made some attempt to account for this (the p correction for surface streets and treatment
of emissions as a function of vehicle speed on freeways), actual variations in emissions with
time of day are undoubtedly not fully taken into account. Uncertainties in meteorological
variables-wind speed, wind direction, and mixing depth-can also influence the results.
Uncertainties in wind parameters are highest during periods of low wind, which tend to
prevail during the morning hours. Errors in wind direction of 30-60” at these times can
have a serious impact over periods of 1 h or longer. Moreover, periods of low winds, as
were observed on .the morning of 30 September, can lead to pronounced morning peaks.
While it is an easy matter to list additional possible causes of the observed discrepancies,
we can only speculate at this point as to their relative importance. Extensive sensitivity
studies are needed to better establish the effect of variations in each of the variables cited
on the magnitude of predicted concentrations. Unfortunately, such studies have not as yet
been initiated. Yet, despite the focus on shortcomings of the model in this discussion, we
would stress that predicted CO and NO concentrations compare fairly well with observa-
tion, particularly when disparities in the scales of compared quantitites are taken into
35 - 29.10.69
0 Measured 03
?lO- -Predicted 0,
= 25-
a 0
0 0
L 0
:, l5-

IO -


q Mwsured 0,
-Predicted 0,

Time, PST
Fig. 19. 0, predictions and measurements at Pasadena on 29 October and 4 November 1969.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 593

Turning now to a consideration of NO* concentration behavior, we make the following

observations. In general, measured NO? concentrations peak around 08:00-09:00, de-
creasing thereafter. In qualitatively comparing predicted and ‘measured profiles, approxi-
mately 50 per cent matched well. In about 25 per cent of the cases predictions tended to
be high (although not necessarily bad), in about 15 per cent predictions were low
(although, again, not necessarily bad). In the remaining cases (about 10 per cent) predic-
tions were poor. Overall, then, comparisons were reasonably good and displayed little
In examining NOz profiles after the midmorning peak, however, a pattern of bias does
emerge. In general, predicted NO? concentrations exceeded those measured after the
observed NO1 peak, i.e. during the late morning and early afternoon hours. This effect
may be seen by examining the validation results. A notable exception to this general pat-
tern was observed, however, for the Long Beach station. In this case measured NOz con-
centrations exceeded predicted on five of the 6 validation days. This anomaly may be attri-
butable to the fact that there exist strong NOz sources in the vicinity which have not been
properly accounted for. We include among the possible NOz sources accelerated produc-
tion of the pollutant as a consequence of high local concentrations of NO (which are due
to the substantial number of large point sources in the vicinity).
In considering the general pattern of prediction exceeding measurement after the time
of the measured NOz peak, one inevitably must note that this behavior is consistent with
the fact that only a limited number of “sinks” are included in the model. Conversion of
NO2 to products other than nitric acid and PAN, formation of aerosol, and adsorption
of NO1 by vegetation have simply been ignored in the present version of the model. A
second, less likely causative factor is the assumption of an excessive NO, flux into the
Basin. While we have not as yet examined this question in any detail, it appears, however,
that if the NO, flux used is high, it is only by a factor of 10-30 per cent.
Analysis of the measured data confirms our expectation that O3 buildup will usually
occur after the NO2 peak and that the observed NOz and O3 concentration-time curves
will be out of phase (i.e. have slopes that are opposite in sign for most of the period of
interest). In examining the predictions, however, the times of the NOz and O3 peaks are
generally quite close together, with the NOz peak preceding the O3 peak usually by no
more than 1 h. We can offer no explanation for this unexpected pattern at present.
Observations show that the onset of O3 formation generally occurs as NO disappears
(i.e. NO is less than 0.1 ppm). In contrast to the disappointing performance of the model
with regard to the NO,-0, phasing, predicted behavior is quite similar to observed behav-
ior in the case of the NO-O3 phasing. Unfortunately, prediction of the time and magnitude
of the ozone peak leaves much to be desired. In only 2/3 of the cases (87 profiles in all)
was the observed time of the peak predicted to be within 1 h of the measured time, and
in only l/3 of the cases was the magnitude of the observed maximum predicted to be within
20 per cent of that measured. There are a number of possible causes for this pattern of
deviation, as predicted 0, level is influenced by virtually every variable of consequence
that is treated in the model. Well planned sensitivity studies, aimed at examining the effects
of variations in k,, in NO, emissions rates, etc. offer the only feasible means of diagnosing
the problem in any meaningful way.
Finally, we consider hydrocarbons. In general, comparison between prediction and ex-
periment is quite favorable. In about 3/4 of the profiles, comparisons are excellent (gener-
ally, O-1 ppmC discrepancy throughout the day). Unfortunately, we place relatively little
594 S. D. REYNOLDSet al.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

25 11 22 30 32 29 24 21 18 15 13 12

24 15 29 39 42 39 34 30 27 24 20 18

23 13 25 31 32 31 31 31 29 27 25 23 23 25 San Gabriel Mtns

22 8 13 14 14 13 15 18 21 23 25 26 28 31 34 31 25
21 6 6 I 7 6 6 8 12 19 25 28 30 34 38 38 34 31 29 27 26 25 24 25 27 27
Pasadena AZUa
20 8 8 8 7 6 I 9 14 20 26 26 26 28 34 40 42 41 38 34 30 26 24 24 26 27
Santa Monica Mtns
19 10 10 9 8 7 8 11 I5 18 19 18 16 16 21 30 37 41 42 40 34 28 23 21 24 25
El Monte
18 II I1 11 9 8 8 10 11 11 11 9 8 8 10 15 23 32 39 41 37 29 22 19 20 20
Downtown LA Pomona
17 11 11 10 10 9 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 5 6 9 15 25 34 39 38 31 24 19 17 16
West La
16 11 10 9 9 9 7 6 5 4 4 5 7 11 20 30 38 39 34 24 17 14 13
15 II 10 9 8 6 5 4 4 4 4 5 9 16 27 37 40 34 23 15 13 12

14 10 8 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 6 13 23 35 39 34 23 15 12 12
13 10 6 444444 3 4 5 9 18 30 37 34 24 15 12 12
Whittier La Habra
12 5544333 3 3 4 7 16 28 36 35 26 17 13 12

11 9 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 8 16 27 36 36 29 20 15 13

IO 10 7 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 8 17 28 36 35 28 21 17 15
Long Beach Anaheim
9 10 8 6 6 5 2 2 2 3 4 7 12 21 29 31 26 21 17 16

8 9 7 7 7 6 3 3 4 5 4 4 6 11 17 22 22 20 18 17
Palos Verdes
7 8 8 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 7 7 7 9 II 13 15 16 16 16

6 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 11 10 10 10 10 11 11

5 15 16 14 12 10 9 9 10 10
Santa Ana
4 Pacific Ocean 15 15 14 11 JO 10 11 12

3 14 8 7 6 7 8 II

2 14 13 12 11 10 II

I 14 14 13 I2 II

Fig. 20. Average predicted ground level concentrations of 0, (in pphm) between 11 :OO and
12:OO PST on 29 September 1969.

value on these results, despite their generally good quality, because of the high levels of
uncertainty in the total hydrocarbon measurements. Only the GC measurements made at
El Monte and Commerce are of sufficient accuracy to provide useful comparisons. How-
ever, they were not made often enough to provide a suitable data base for validation.

In this series of three papers we have formulated an urban scale mathematical model
of photochemical air pollution which may be used to predict ground level concentrations
of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and ozone. Because of the existence
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution 595

of a rich data base for use in defining inputs and validating the model, the Los Angeles
Basin was chosen as the intial region for application of the model. We have described, in
summary form, the treatment of all important components of the model, including meteor-
ology, emissions, atmospheric chemistry, the numerical solution of the governing equa-
tions, and the microscale model.
In general, the validation studies have provided encouraging results. Overall, the results
have usually been at least qualitatively in agreement with observations, and in many in-
stances, good quantiative agreement has also been achieved. The experimental data base
is rich, and the validation results are extensive. Many opportunities for worthwhile analy-
sis therefore exist. But we would emphasize that there is an equal, if not greater need to
carry out a full and well planned sensitivity analysis. The model, as it stands, is complex;
it contains facets of varying detail and importance. Moreover, as sensitivities of predictions
to variations in parameters are uncovered, we will be in a position to reduce the number
of possible causative factors that may explain a type of discrepancy between prediction
and experiment, thus simplifying the search for causative relationships and means for im-
proving the model’s predictions.

Acknowledgements-This work was supported by the Environmental Protection Agency under Contracts CPA 70-
148,68-02-0339 and 68-02-0580 to Systems Applications, Inc. and by National Science Foundation Grant GK-
35476 to the California Institute of Technology.

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