Test Initial 5

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Anul scolar 2022-2023

Limba engleză

Clasa a V- a L1

Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II-a se
acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

1. Arrange the words to make up sentences:

a. your/are/ What/ favourite/pets?------------------------------------------------------------------------

b. mice/ like/ cats/ don’t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c. animals/children/love----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

d. for/are waiting/a/men/some/bus-----------------------------------------------------------------------

e. I/football/ When/feet/ hurt/ play/ my------------------------------------------------------------


2. Read the text and answer the questions:

Mark lives in a big city. Every day he must wake up at half past six because he has to catch the
bus. Mark’s mother is a nurse and his father is a policeman. When Mark comes home he has to do
his homework and then he has to help his grandfather to water the garden. After that he plays
some games . His hobby is playing cards with his best friend, David. They don’t play every day
because David is very busy as he must look after his two little brothers.

a. What is Mark’s hobby?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b. Where does Mark’s mother work?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c. Do Mark and David play cards every day?----------------------------------------------------------------------------

d. How many brothers does David have?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

e. What time does Mark wake up?


3. Put in is, are or am:

a. The horse-------------very nice.

b. I-----------smarter than a monkey.

c. This cat --------------mine.

d. These dogs---------------------very bad.

e. My father----------------happy when he feeds the cow.

f. We----------------sad when we see lions in cages.

g. They-------------------------domestic animals.

h. You--------------------faster than a rabbit.

i. The tiger----------------a big cat.

j. Elephants ------------------------grey.

4. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs:

close, clap, want, speak, wash, drive, can’t, have, go, open

a. Margaret--------------------------four languages.

b. In England the banks usually ---------------------------at 9 a.m. and---------------------at 5 p.m.

c. David -----------------------------------his hands every week.

d. We---------------------------to play tennis like him but we------------------------------

e. They------------------------------their car when they---------------------------time.

f. When we like the show we-------------------------------------------------

g. On Sunday I -------------------------------------to my grandparents.


5. Speak about yourself in 3-4 lines:


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