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1- The letters

The lesson/ Topic one: -

A /ambulance B/businessman C/car D /doctor E/engineer

F/flag G/girl H/house I /ice cream J /jeep

K /king L /lawyer M/man N/nurse O/old

P/pilot Q /queen R /rich S/singer T /teacher

U/uncle V/violin W/woman

X/x-ray Y /young Z/zipper

*The activities:-
Activity one

Match the letters:-

Activity two

Circle the correct small letter:-

Activity three
Write two words for each letter: -
 A is for ------------------, --------------------.
 B is for ------------------, --------------------.
 C is for ------------------, --------------------.
 D is for ------------------, --------------------.
 E is for ------------------, --------------------.
 F is for ------------------, --------------------.
 G is for-------------------, --------------------.
 H is for-------------------, --------------------.
 I is for -------------------, --------------------.
 J is for -------------------, --------------------.
 K is for -------------------, -------------------.
 L is for -------------------, --------------------.
 M is for ------------------, --------------------.
 N is for ------------------, --------------------.
 O is for ------------------, --------------------.
 P is for ------------------, --------------------.
 Q is for -----------------, --------------------.
 R is for ------------------, --------------------.
 S is for ------------------, --------------------.
 T is for ------------------, --------------------.
 U is for ------------------, --------------------.
 V is for ------------------, --------------------.
 W is for -----------------, --------------------.
 X is for ------------------, --------------------.
 Y is for ------------------, --------------------.
 Z is for ------------------, --------------------.
The lesson/ Topic two: -

 It’s a car.
 It isn’t a taxi.

 What is this? This is an ambulance.

 Is it an ambulance? Yes, it is.

 Is it a bus? No, it isn’t.


*The activities
Activity one

Match the letters with the words: -

1. R businessman
2. B nurse
3. N teacher
4. T zipper
5. Z rich
Activity two

Match the words with the pictures: -

1. Old

2. Doctor

3. Pilot

4. businessman

5. young

6. x-ray
Activity three

Fill in the gaps: -

 It’s an -------------------------------.

 It isn’t a -----------------------------.

 What is this? This is a-------------------------------.

 Is it a-------------------? Yes, -------------------------.

 Is it an-------------------? No, ------------------------.

2-The classroom objects
School Teacher Student Computer Laptop

Door Window Whiteboard Marker Desk

Book Notebook Paper leaf Pen Pencil

Pencil sharpener Eraser

The lesson: -

1. What’s this? It’s a pen.

2. What’s this? It’s an eraser.

3. What are these? These are books.


*The activities
Activity one: -

Match the pictures with the words:-

1. Pencil sharpener

2. Teacher

3. Pencil

4. Notebook

5. Student
Activity two: -

Fill in the gaps:-

 What’s this?

It’s a -------------------.

 What’s this?

It’s a -------------------.

 What are these?

These are----------------.

 What are these?

These are----------------.
Activity three: -

Write the correct answer: -

It’s a computer – It’s a school – It’s an eraser – These are doors – These are pens

 What’s this?

 What are these?


 What’s this?

 What are these?


 What’s this?
3- The numbers
The lesson: -
Topic one/ the small numbers: -

 This is one house. 1

 These are two laptops. 2

 These are five desks. 5

 These are seven phones. 7

 These are ten men. 10

 These are twelve violins. 12

 These are eighteen engineers. 18

 These are twenty women. 20

*The activities
Activity one

Match the number to the number word: -

 Two

 Thirteen 4

 Four 13

 Sixteen 2

 Nine 1

 Twenty
 One
 Fourteen
 Seven
 Nineteen
 Twelve
 Seventeen
 Eleven

 Five

 Eighteen 5
Activity two

Find missing letters and write: -

Activity three

Fill the gaps: -

 This is ------------------------------.

 This is ------------------------------.

 These are -------------------------.

 These are --------------------------.

 These are-------------------------.

 These are-----------------------.
The numbers
The lesson: -
Topic two/ the big numbers: -

 These are ten girls. 10

 These are twenty lawyers. 20

 These are fifty singers. 50

 These are eighty whiteboards. 80

 These are a hundred markers. 100

*The activities
Activity one

Match the numbers 10-100 with the correct word: -

Activity two

Write the names of the numbers: -

20 40 60

----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------

10 80 50

----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------

70 100

----------------------------- ------------------------------

30 90

----------------------------- ------------------------------
Activity three: -

Fill in the gaps: -

 These are -------------------------------------. 30

 These are ------------------------------------. 40

 These are ------------------------------------. 60

 These are ------------------------------------. 70

 These are ----------------------------------. 90

4-The time
The lesson: -

 It is one o’clock.
 It isn’t two.
 Is it one o’clock? Yes, it is.
 Is it two o’clock? No, it isn’t.
 What time is it?
- It’s one o’clock.

 What is the time, please?

- It’s half past one.

 Excuse me. Have you got the time, please?

- Yes, it’s quarter to three.

 What time do you start work?

- I start work at 8 a.m.

 What time is your English class?

- It is at 6 p.m.
*The Activities

Activity one

Match the time with the correct expression: -

Activity two

Look and choose the right option: -

Activity three: -

Fill in the gaps: -

 It is ----------------------.

 It isn’t-------------------.

 Is it ----------------------? Yes, ------------------------.

 Is it ----------------------? No, -------------------------.

 What time is it?


 What is the time, please?


 Excuse me. Have you got the time, please?


 What time do you start work?


 What time is your English class?

5-The days of the week
The lesson: -
 Today is Sunday.
 Today isn’t Monday.
 Is today Sunday? Yes, it is.
 Is today Monday? No, it isn’t.
 What day is it today?
 Today is Sunday.
 What was yesterday?
 Yesterday was Saturday.
 What will be tomorrow? / What is tomorrow?
 Tomorrow will be Monday. / Tomorrow is Monday.

*The Activities: -
Activity one

Fill in the blanks: -

Activity two

Write the day in the box that comes before and after: -
Activity three

Fill in the gaps: -

 Today is -------------------.

 Today isn’t----------------.

 Is today -------------------? Yes, ------------------.

 Is today--------------------? No, ------------------.


 What day is it ----------------------?

 ---------------------------------------------.

 What was ------------------------------?

 --------------------------------------------.

 What will be --------------------------? /What is tomorrow?

 ---------------------------------------------. ------------------------------------------.
6-The months of the year

January February March April

May June July August

September October November December

The lesson: -
 It is February.
 It isn’t January.
 Is it February? Yes, it is.
 Is it January? No, it isn’t.
 What was the last month?
 It was January.
 What is this month?
 It’s February.
 What is the next month?
 It’s March.


*The activities
Activity one

Write the month in the box that comes between: -

Activity two

Write the month in the box that comes before and after: -
Activity three

Fill in the gaps: -

 It’s ---------------------------.

 It isn’t------------------------.

 Is it ---------------------------? Yes, ----------------------.

 Is it ---------------------------? No, -----------------------.

 What was ----------------------?

 ----------------------------------------------------------------.

 What is --------------------------?

 It’s ---------------------------------.

 What is ---------------------------?

 It’s ---------------------------------.
7-The dates
The lesson: -
 It’s the second of January. {2-1-2023}
 It isn’t the third of January.
 Is it the 2nd of January? Yes, it is.
 Is it the 3rd of January? No, it isn’t.
 What was the date yesterday?
 It was the 1st of January. {1-1-2023}
 What is the date today?
 It’s the 2nd of January. {2-1-2023}
 What is the date tomorrow?
 It is the 3rd of January. {3-1-2023}

*The activities

Activity one

Circle the right number: -

Activity two

Match the following numbers: -

Activity three

Fill in the gaps: -

 It’s --------------------------------------------. {2-2-2023}

 It isn’t ----------------------------------------.

 Is it the second of February? Yes, ----------------.

 Is it the third of February? No, ------------.


 What was the date-----------------------?

 -------------------------------------------------. {1-2-2023}

 What is the date today?

 -------------------------------------------------. {2-2-2023}

 What is the date tomorrow?

 -------------------------------------------------. {3-2-2023}
8-The seasons

Winter Spring

Summer Autumn
The lesson: -
 It is spring.
 It isn't winter.
 Is it spring? Yes, it is.
 Is it winter? No, it isn't.


 How many seasons are there in a year?

 There are four seasons in a year.
 What are they?
 They’re {spring- summer- (autumn = fall) – winter}.
 How many months are there in each season?
 There are three months in each season.
 What are they?
1. March, April, and May are in the spring.
2. June, July, and August are in the summer.
3. September, October, and November are in the autumn.
4. December, January, and February are in the winter.


 What is your favorite season?

 My favorite season is spring.

* The Activities
Activity one

Label each picture with the season name: -

Activity two

Drag the month to the season it belongs to: -

Activity three

Fill in the gaps: -

 It is -----------------------.

 It isn’t -------------------.

 Is it ------------------------.? Yes, ---------------------------.

 Is it ------------------------? No, -----------------------------.


 How many seasons are there in a year?

 ----------------------------------------------------------.

 What are they?

 ----------------------------------------------------------.

 How many months are there in each season?

 -----------------------------------------------------------.

 What are they?

1. -----------------------------------------------------------.

2. -----------------------------------------------------------.

3. -----------------------------------------------------------.

4. -----------------------------------------------------------.


 What is your favorite season?

 ------------------------------------------------------------.
9-The weather

Sunny Partly cloudy Cloudy Lighting Thunder

Rainy Snowy Windy Hailing Foggy

Stormy Cold Hot Warm

The lesson: -

 Today the weather is sunny, it’s very hot.

 It isn’t cold.
 Is it hot? Yes, it is.
 Is it cold? No, it isn’t.
 How is the weather today?
 It’s sunny
 What’s your favorite weather?
 My favorite weather is sunny.


Rainbow – Sunset - Sunrise

*The activities

Activity one

Match the weather and the words: -

Activity two

Look at the pictures below and tick the correct option:-

Activity three

Fill in the gaps, use the words from the box: -

Thunder – rainbow – sunset – warm - sunrise

 -------------------

 -------------------

 -------------------

 -------------------

 -------------------
Activity four

Fill in the gaps: -

 Today the weather is ---------------, it’s very ---------------.

 It isn’t -------------------.

 Is it cold? -----------,--------------------.

 Is it hot? -----------,---------------------.

 How is the weather today?

 It’s -----------------.

 What’s your favorite weather?

 My favorite weather is ---------------------------.

10- The colors

White Black Grey Red Green

Pink Blue Orange Purple Yellow

Gold Silver
The lesson: -

This – that – these - those

 What’s this?
Is - are

 This is a black car.

 What’s that?

 That is a white car.

 What are these?

 These are some yellow balls.

 What are those?

 Those are some purple balloons.

*The activities
Activity one

Complete: -

This – that – these – those

1. ----------------is a coat

2. ----------------is a shirt.

3. ----------------are gloves.

4. ----------------are sunglasses.
Activity two

Draw a line then circle (is/ are): -

Activity three

1. This is a -----------------------------.

2. That is a -----------------------------.

3. These are some--------------------------------.

4. Those are some -------------------------------.

11- The cloths
Cap Hat Sunglasses Scarf T-shirt

Shirt Jacket Skirt Coat Dress

Shorts Jeans Trousers Suit Tie

shoes trainers Boots Socks Gloves

Belt Bag
The lesson: -

I – he – she- we – they - you

 I wear a black suit.

 He wears black sunglasses, a white shirt,

blue jeans, and white trainers.

 She wears a red dress.

 They wear trousers.

 We wear a skirt.

 You wear blue T-shirts.

*The activities
Activity one

Look and circle the correct word: -

Activity two

Match: -
Activity three

Fill in the gaps: -

Hats – orang scarf – black coats – red shorts

1- I wear an ----------------------------.

2- He wears a -------------------------.

3- They wear ------------------------.

4- You wear -------------------------.

12- The parts of the body
Head Hair Face Ear Nose

Eye Eyelashes Eyebrow Cheek Chin

Mouth Lip Tongue Tooth Jaw

Forehead Neck Arm Elbow Hand

Mustache Beard Leg Knee Foot

Finger Nail Toe

The lesson: -

 I have one nose.

 I have one mouth.
 I have a mustache.
 I have a beard.
 I have two eyes.
 I have two ears.

 He has one nose.

 He has one mouth.

 He has a mustache.

 He has a beard.

 He has two eyes.

 He has two ears.

*The activities
Activity one
Complete the sentence, choose word from the box: -

Hands – head – mouth – eyes – mustache – beard

 I have one ------------------------.

 I have one ------------------------.

 I have a ---------------------------.

 I have a ---------------------------.

 I have two -----------------------.

 I have two -----------------------.

Activity two

Describe your body: -

Activity three

Describe your partner’s body: -

13- The family

Grandfather Grandmother

Father Mother Uncle Aunt

Brother Sister Cousin

The lesson: -

 He’s my son.

 She’s my daughter.

 He’s my nephew.

 She’s my niece.

 They’re my cousins.


Grandparents – parents – siblings- husband – wife –

grandchild- grandson – granddaughter – baby
The activities
Activity one

Look at the picture then write the word: -

Activity two

Read then circle the correct answer: -

1. He / She is my son.

2. He / She is my grandfather.

3. He / She is my mother.

4. He / She is my uncle.

5. He / She is my brother.

6. He / She is my daughter.

7. He / She is my sister.

8. He / She is my father.

9. He / She is my husband.

10. He / She is my wife.

Activity three

Write about your family: -

14-The places
School Library Stadium Playground Zoo

Park Restaurant Hotel Museum Cafe

Cinema Cloths shop Pharmacy Bank Hospital

Bus station Police station

The directions
The lesson: - Vocabulary

Excuse me – great – thanks – thank you –

you’re welcome – don’t mention it -
The activities
Activity one

Choose the correct words: -

Activity two

Match the words to pictures: -



Hi, hello, how are you, good morning,

good afternoon, good evening, good
night, good bye, bye – bye, nice to
meet you
The lesson: -
1- Formal greeting

A: Hello. How are you?

B: Fine, thank you. And you?
A: Fine, thanks.
B: Oh no. I have to be going. I have a meeting at ten.
A: It was nice to see you.

2- Informal greeting
A: Hi. How’s it going?
B: Not bad. How about you?
A: Great.
B: Uh oh. I’ve got to get moving. I’ve got a meeting at ten.
A: It was great seeing you.
*The activities: -

Activity one

*Circle the correct word: -

A: Hello. How/ what are you?

B: Fine, thank you/we. And you?
A: Fine, thanks/ excuse me.
B: Oh no. I/you have to be going. I have a meeting at ten.
A: It was/were nice to see you.

Activity two

*Circle the correct word: -

A: Hi. How’s it/ I going?

B: Not bad/ good. How about you?
A: Great/ bad.
B: Uh oh. I’ve/she’s got to get moving. I’ve got a meeting at ten.
A: It was/were great seeing you.
16- Introduction


Hi – hello- good morning- good

afternoon- good evening- good
night – (12) years old-
from(Hawler) – first language –
interested – city
The lesson: -

Hello, my name is Nergiz kurdi and I’m 12 years old. I am from

Duhok, a city in Kurdista. My first language is Kurdish. I’m
interested in nature and flowers. I’m also interested in animals. I
have a sheep and a horse.

Hi! I am Kurdo Hawleri and I am from Hawler, in Kurdistan I am 18

years old my first language is Kurdish but I can speak Arabic very
well. I am interested in sport. I really love swimming and football.

Good morning! My name is Naza Sulemani and I’m 18 years old. I’m
from Sulemania a nice city in Kurdistan. I’m interested in fashion and
reading specially science books.
*The activities
Activity one

Complete the sentences write about yourself: -

Activity two

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box: -

17- The airport

Airport Plane Passport Passenger Boarding pass

Security Officer Luggage Check-in handbag Departure

Gate Exit Pilot Flight attendant Arrival

Seat Seat belt Aisle seat Middle seat Window seat

The lesson: -
Dialog 1: checking- in

 Check-in: Could I see your passport, please?

 Kurda: Sure. Here it is.
 Check-in: How much luggage do you have?
 Kurda: Just one handbag.

Dialog 2: finding your seat

Flight Attendant: Can I help you?
Kurda: Yes, I’m looking for my seat.
Flight Attendant: What’s your seat number?
Kurda: Fifty-eight C. It’s a window seat.

Dialog 3: something to drink

Flight Attendant: Would you like some tea?
Kurda: Do you have any juice?
Flight Attendant: Yes, we have apple juice.
Kurda: just water, please.
*The activities
Activity one

Fill in the gaps: -

Handbag - passport – sure – luggage

Dialog 1

 Check-in: Could I see your

 ----------------, please?

 Kurda: -----------. Here it is.

 Check-in: How much

 ---------------- do you have?

 Kurda: Just one--------------------.

Activity two

Fill in the gaps: -

Seat number – help – seat - window seat

Dialog 2

 Flight Attendant: Can I ------ you?

 Kurda: Yes, I’m looking for my

 -----------.

 Flight Attendant: What’s your

 -----------------------------?

 Kurda: Fifty-eight C. It’s a

 --------------------------------.
Activity three

Look, read, and match: -

1. Aisle seat

2. Flight attendant

3. Passport

4. Passenger

5. Arrival
18- At the taxi


Get on – hurry – late – all right – figure

out – fare – cost – owe - change
The lesson: -
Dialog 1: to the airport

A: Taxi!

B: Get on, please. Where do you want to go?

A: Please hurry. I’m late I need to be at the Erbil airport in 20 minutes.

B: All right, Miss. Take it easy.

A: How do you figure out the fare?

B: According to the kilometer rate, the first three kilometers are $10, and every kilometer extra
costs you $2.

A: Oh, I see.

B: Here we are, Miss.

A: Thank you. How much do I owe you?

B: You owe me $28.

A: That’s $30. Keep the change

B: Thank you.
Dialog 2: at the hotel

A: I need a taxi, please.

B: We have various transportation services. Would you prefer a private vehicle?

A: No, thanks. I just need a taxi.

B: May I suggest a limo? That's such a stylish way to travel.

A: Just a taxi, please.

B: where will you be going?

A: Family Mall.

B: What time do you want to depart from the hotel?

A: I'm ready to go right now.

B: Okay, a taxi will arrive in seconds, sir.

A: Thank you, I'm coming down now.

B: You won't have to wait for a second, sir.

The activities: -

Activity one

Fill in the gaps with the words/phrases in the boxes.

hurry – get on- Alright – How – According to – Here we are - see –
How much-
Dialog 1: owe – change - Thank

Dialog 1:
A: Taxi!

B: ------------------, please. Where do you want to go?

A: Please ----------. I’m late I need to be at the Erbil airport in 20 minutes.

B: ------------------------, Miss. Take it easy.

A: ---------------- Do you figure out the fare?

B: ------------------- to the kilometer rate, the first three kilometers are $10, and every
kilometer extra costs you $2.

A: Oh, I -------------------------.

B: -------------------------------------------, Miss.

A: Thank you. ------------------------------ Do I owe you?

B: You ----------------- me $28.

A: That’s $30. Keep the -----------------------------.

B: --------------------------you.
Activity two
Fill in the gaps with the words/phrases in the boxes.
taxi – need – transportation- suggest- Just - depart -
Where- ready – arrive – wait - now

Dialog 2:
A: I ----------------- taxi, please.

B: We have various ----------------------------------- services. Would you prefer a private vehicle?

A: No, thanks. I just need a ------------------------.

B: May I------------------------------ a limo? That's such a stylish way to travel.

A: ------------------- a taxi, please.

B: ------------------- will you be going?

A: Family Mall.

B: What time do you want to ----------------------- from the hotel?

A: I'm ------------------- to go right now.

B: Okay, a taxi will ------------------- in seconds, sir.

A: Thank you, I'm coming down -----------------.

19- At the restaurant vocabulary

food- drink- salad- appetizers-

soup-dessert-customer- waiter-
waitress-chief- bill
The lesson: -
Dialog 1:

Waitress: Good morning. What would you like?

Customer: Pizza, please.
Waitress: Would you like a salad with that?
Customer: No, thanks.
Waitress: Would you like a drink?
Customer: Can I have apple juice, please?
Waitress: Would you like dessert?
Customer: Yes, I’d like a vanilla ice cream, please.
Waitress: Would you like anything else?
Customer: No, thanks.
Dialog 2:

Customer: Good afternoon. Can I book a table for one, please?

Waiter: Yes. Come with me, Sir.
Here you are.
Customer: Thanks. Can I have the menu?
Waiter: Yes.
It’s on the table.
Customer: So I want a croissant, please.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Customer: Coffee, please
Waiter: Anything else?
Customer: No, thanks.

Asking for the bill:

Customer: Can I have the bill, please?
Waiter: Of course.
Here you are. Have a nice day.
Customer: Thanks. You can keep the change. The same for you.
The activities
Activity one

Fill in the gaps: -

Please- like -would-drink- thanks- no-
chocolate -orange- anything- dessert

A: Good morning. What would you ---------?

B: Pizza, --------------.

A: --------------- you like a salad with that?

B: No, -------------.

A: Would you like a ---------------?

B: Can I have ------------ juice, please?

A: Would you like a -------------?

B: Yes, I’d like a --------------ice cream, please.

A: Would you like ------------------else?

B: ----------, thanks.
Activity two

Fill in the gaps: -

Here you are- book-table- menu-
drink- cake- tea-else-thanks

A: Good afternoon. Can I ----------a table for one, please?

B: Yes. Come with me, Sir.
A: Thanks. Can I have the -------------?
B: Yes.
It’s on the ----------------.
A: So I want a chocolate -----------, please?
B: Would you like anything to----------?
A: ----------------, please.
B: Anything -----------?
A: No, -----------------.


Asking for the bill:

Have a nice day- bill –change

A: Can I have the ------------, please?

B: Of course.
Here you are.-----------------------------------.
A: Thanks. You can keep the --------------. The same for you.
Activity three

Match the words to the pictures: -

Pasta- cheese burger- ice cream- tomato soup-

vegetables- chips- fruit salad- roast chicken-
omelet -cheese and biscuits- grilled fish- sausage
20-At the hotel
Hotel Stairs Lift lobby Reception

Check-in/out Single bed Double bed Key card Receptionist

Bellman Maid Room service Tip

The lesson: -

Receptionist: Good evening.

Guest: Hello. I have a reservation.
Receptionist: What’s your first name, please?
Guest: Kawa.
Receptionist: What’s your last name?
Guest: Kurdi.
Receptionist: How do you spell your last name?
Guest: K-U-R-D-I
Receptionist: Thanks, Mr. Kurdi. You’re in room 369.
Guest: Thanks.
*The activities
Activity one

Match the pictures with the words: -

reception – a key – lift - passport –
room - breakfast
Activity two

Fill in the gaps: -

Reservation- evening- first name- last name-
room- spell-

Receptionist: Good ---------------------.

Guest: Hello. I have a ----------------------------------.

Receptionist: What’s your ------------------------------, please?

Guest: Kawa.

Receptionist: What’s your --------------------------------?

Guest: Kurdi.

Receptionist: How do you ---------------------- your last name?

Guest: K-U-R-D-I

Receptionist: Thanks, Mr. Kurdi. You’re in ------------------- 369.

Guest: Thanks.

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