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6-1 Study Guide and Intervention

Graphing Quadratic Functions
Graph Quadratic Functions
Quadratic Function A function defined by an equation of the form f (x) ! ax 2 " bx " c, where a # 0
Graph of a Quadratic A parabola with these characteristics: y intercept: c ; axis of symmetry: x ! % ;
Function $b
x-coordinate of vertex: %

ExampleFind the y-intercept, the equation of the axis of symmetry, and the
x-coordinate of the vertex for the graph of f(x) ! x2 " 3x # 5. Use this information

Lesson 6-1
to graph the function.
a ! 1, b ! $3, and c ! 5, so the y-intercept is 5. The equation of the axis of symmetry is
$($3) 3 3
x ! % or % . The x-coordinate of the vertex is % .
2(1) 2 2
Next make a table of values for x near % .
x x 2 " 3x # 5 f(x) (x, f(x)) f (x )
0 02 $ 3(0) " 5 5 (0, 5)
1 12 $3(1) " 5 3 (1, 3)
2 ! %2 "
3 2
! 23 "
$3 % "5
4 ! %23 , %4 "

2 22 $ 3(2) " 5 3 (2, 3)

O x
3 32 $ 3(3) " 5 5 (3, 5)

For Exercises 1–3, complete parts a–c for each quadratic function.
a. Find the y-intercept, the equation of the axis of symmetry, and the x-coordinate
of the vertex.
b. Make a table of values that includes the vertex.
c. Use this information to graph the function.
1. f(x) ! x2 " 6x " 8 2. f(x) ! $x2 $2x " 2 3. f(x) ! 2x2 $ 4x " 3
8, x ! "3, "3 2, x ! "1, "1 3, x ! 1, 1
x "3 "2 "1 "4 x "1 0 "2 1 x 1 0 2 3
f (x) "1 0 3 0 f (x) 3 2 2 "1 f (x) 1 3 3 9

(x ) f (x ) f (x )
4 12
O 8
–8 –4 4 8x
–4 4
–8 –4 O 4 x
–4 O 4 8 x

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6-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Graphing Quadratic Functions

Maximum and Minimum Values The y-coordinate of the vertex of a quadratic
function is the maximum or minimum value of the function.

Maximum or Minimum Value The graph of f(x ) ! ax 2 " bx " c, where a # 0, opens up and has a minimum
of a Quadratic Function when a & 0. The graph opens down and has a maximum when a ' 0.

Example Determine whether each function has a maximum or minimum

value. Then find the maximum or minimum value of each function.
a. f(x) ! 3x 2 " 6x # 7 b. f(x) ! 100 " 2x " x 2
For this function, a ! 3 and b ! $6. For this function, a ! $1 and b ! $2.
Since a & 0, the graph opens up, and the Since a ' 0, the graph opens down, and
function has a minimum value. the function has a maximum value.
The minimum value is the y-coordinate The maximum value is the y-coordinate of
of the vertex. The x-coordinate of the the vertex. The x-coordinate of the vertex
$b $6 $b $2
vertex is % ! $ % ! 1. is % ! $ % ! $1.
2a 2(3) 2a 2($1)
Evaluate the function at x ! 1 to find the Evaluate the function at x ! $1 to find
minimum value. the maximum value.
f(1) ! 3(1)2 $ 6(1) " 7 ! 4, so the f($1) ! 100 $ 2($1) $ ($1)2 ! 101, so
minimum value of the function is 4. the minimum value of the function is 101.

Determine whether each function has a maximum or minimum value. Then find
the maximum or minimum value of each function.

1. f(x) ! 2x2 $ x " 10 2. f(x) ! x2 " 4x $ 7 3. f(x) ! 3x2 $ 3x " 1

7 1
min., 9 $ min., "11 min., $

4. f(x) ! 16 " 4x $x2 5. f(x) ! x2 $ 7x " 11 6. f(x) ! $x2 " 6x $ 4

max., 20 min., " $ max., 5

7. f(x) ! x2 " 5x " 2 8. f(x) ! 20 " 6x $ x2 9. f(x) ! 4x2 " x " 3

17 15
min., " $ max., 29 min., 2 $

10. f(x) ! $x2 $ 4x " 10 11. f(x) ! x2 $ 10x " 5 12. f(x) ! $6x2 " 12x " 21

max., 14 min., "20 max., 27

$x2 x
13. f(x) ! 25x2 " 100x " 350 14. f(x) ! 0.5x2 " 0.3x $ 1.4 15. f(x) ! % " % $ 8
2 4
min., 250 min., "1.445 max., "7 $

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6-1 Enrichment

Finding the Axis of Symmetry of a Parabola

As you know, if f(x) ! ax2 " bx " c is a quadratic function, the values of x
$b " #$ $
b2 $ 4ac $b $ #$ $
b2 $ 4ac
that make f(x) equal to zero are %%% and %%% .
2a 2a

The average of these two number values is $%%. f(x)
2a b
x = – ––
The function f(x) has its maximum or minimum
value when x ! $%%. Since the axis of symmetry f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c
of the graph of f (x) passes through the point where O x
the maximum or minimum occurs, the axis of
(– ––
2a , f ( 2a ((
b b
– ––
symmetry has the equation x ! $%%.

Example Find the vertex and axis of symmetry for f(x) ! 5x 2 # 10x " 7.
Use x ! $%%.
x ! $%% ! $1 The x-coordinate of the vertex is $1.
Substitute x ! $1 in f(x) ! 5x2 " 10x $ 7.
f($1) ! 5($1)2 " 10($1) $ 7 ! $12
The vertex is ($1,$12).
The axis of symmetry is x ! $%%, or x ! $1.

Find the vertex and axis of symmetry for the graph of each function
using x ! " $$.

1. f(x) ! x2 $ 4x $ 8 2. g(x) ! $4x2 $ 8x " 3

3. y ! $x2 " 8x " 3 4. f(x) ! 2x2 " 6x " 5

5. A(x) ! x2 " 12x " 36 6. k(x) ! $2x2 " 2x $ 6

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6-4 Study Guide and Intervention

Completing the Square
Square Root Property Use the following property to solve a quadratic equation that is
in the form “perfect square trinomial ! constant.”

Square Root Property For any real number x if x 2 ! n, then x ! "n.

Example Solve each equation by using the Square Root Property.

a. x2
! 8x " 16 # 25 b. 4x2 ! 20x " 25 # 32
x2 # 8x $ 16 ! 25 4x2 # 20x $ 25 ! 32
(x # 4)2 ! 25 (2x # 5)2 ! 32
x # 4 ! !" 25 or x # 4 ! #!25
" 2x # 5 ! !32
" or 2x # 5 ! #!32
x ! 5 $ 4 ! 9 or x ! #5 $ 4 ! #1 2x # 5 ! 4!"2 or 2x # 5 ! #4!2
The solution set is {9, #1}. 5 " 4!2
x ! %%

# 5 " 24!2" $
The solution set is %% .

Solve each equation by using the Square Root Property.

1. x2 # 18x $ 81 ! 49 2. x2 $ 20x $ 100 ! 64 3. 4x2 $ 4x $ 1 ! 16

{2, 16} {!2, !18} !%3 , !%5 "

4. 36x2 $ 12x $ 1 ! 18 5. 9x2 # 12x $ 4 ! 4 6. 25x2 $ 40x $ 16 ! 28

! %%
!1 $ 3#2
" !0, %4 " ! %%
!4 $ 2#7

7. 4x2 # 28x $ 49 ! 64 8. 16x2 $ 24x $ 9 ! 81 9. 100x2 # 60x $ 9 ! 121 Lesson 6-4

15 1
, !% " !%3 , !3" {!0.8, 1.4}

10. 25x2 $ 20x $ 4 ! 75 11. 36x2 $ 48x $ 16 ! 12 12. 25x2 # 30x $ 9 ! 96

! %%
!2 $ 5#3
" ! %%
!2 $ #3
" ! %%
3 $ 4#6
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6-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Completing the Square

Complete the Square To complete the square for a quadratic expression of the form
x2 $ bx, follow these steps.

% b2 &
b b 2
1. Find % . ➞ 2. Square % . ➞ 3. Add % to x2 $ bx.
2 2

Example 1 Find the value of Example 2 Solve 2x2 ! 8x ! 24 # 0 by

c that makes x " 22x " c a completing the square.
perfect square trinomial. Then
2x2 # 8x # 24 ! 0 Original equation
write the trinomial as the
2x2 # 8x # 24 0
square of a binomial. %% ! % Divide each side by 2.
2 2
b x2 # 4x # 12 ! 0
Step 1 b ! 22; % ! 11 x 2 # 4x # 12 is not a perfect square.
2 x2 # 4x ! 12 Add 12 to each side.
Step 2 112 ! 121 2

Step 3 c ! 121
x2 # 4x $ 4 ! 12 $ 4 % 42 &
Since # % ! 4, add 4 to each side.

(x # 2)2
! 16 Factor the square.
The trinomial is x2 $ 22x $ 121, x # 2 ! "4 Square Root Property
which can be written as x ! 6 or x ! # 2 Solve each equation.
(x $ 11)2.
The solution set is {6, #2}.

Find the value of c that makes each trinomial a perfect square. Then write the
trinomial as a perfect square.

1. x2 # 10x $ c 2. x2 $ 60x $ c 3. x2 # 3x $ c

25; (x ! 5)2 900; (x " 30)2 9

%3 2
%; x ! % &
4. x2 $ 3.2x $ c 5. x2 $ % x $ c 6. x2 # 2.5x $ c

2.56; (x " 1.6)2 1

% 1 2
%; x " % & 1.5625; (x ! 1.25)2

Solve each equation by completing the square.

7. y2 # 4y # 5 ! 0 8. x2 # 8x # 65 ! 0 9. s2 # 10s $ 21 ! 0
!1, 5 !5, 13 3, 7

10. 2x2 # 3x $ 1 ! 0 11. 2x2 # 13x # 7 ! 0 12. 25x2 $ 40x # 9 ! 0

1 1 1 9
1, % !% ,7 %, !%

13. x2 $ 4x $ 1 ! 0 14. y2 $ 12y $ 4 ! 0 15. t2 $ 3t # 8 ! 0

!2 $ #3
$ !6 $ 4#2
$ !3 $ #$
%% 41

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6-3 Study Guide and Intervention

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Solve Equations by Factoring When you use factoring to solve a quadratic equation,
you use the following property.

Zero Product Property For any real numbers a and b, if ab ! 0, then either a ! 0 or b !0, or both a and b ! 0.

Example Solve each equation by factoring.

a. 3x2
! 15x b. 4x2 " 5x ! 21
3x2 ! 15x Original equation 4x2 " 5x ! 21 Original equation
3x2 " 15x ! 0 Subtract 15x from both sides. 4x2 " 5x " 21 ! 0 Subtract 21 from both sides.
3x(x " 5) ! 0 Factor the binomial. (4x # 7)(x " 3) ! 0 Factor the trinomial.
3x ! 0 or x " 5 ! 0 Zero Product Property 4x # 7 ! 0 or x " 3 ! 0 Zero Product Property
x ! 0 or x ! 5 Solve each equation. 7
x ! " $ or x ! 3 Solve each equation.
The solution set is {0, 5}.
! 7
The solution set is " $ , 3 .
4 "
Solve each equation by factoring.

1. 6x2 " 2x ! 0 2. x2 ! 7x 3. 20x2 ! "25x

!0, #1 " {0, 7} !0, "#5 "
4. 6x2 ! 7x 5. 6x2 " 27x ! 0 6. 12x2 " 8x ! 0
!0, #7 " !0, #9 " !0, #2 "

Lesson 6-3
7. x2 # x " 30 ! 0 8. 2x2 " x " 3 ! 0 9. x2 # 14x # 33 ! 0
{5, "6} !#3 , "1" {"11, "3}

10. 4x2 # 27x " 7 ! 0 11. 3x2 # 29x " 10 ! 0 12. 6x2 " 5x " 4 ! 0
!#1 , "7" !"10, #1 " !"#1 , #4 "
13. 12x2 " 8x # 1 ! 0 14. 5x2 # 28x " 12 ! 0 15. 2x2 " 250x # 5000 ! 0
!#1 , #1 " !#2 , "6" {100, 25}

16. 2x2 " 11x " 40 ! 0 17. 2x2 # 21x " 11 ! 0 18. 3x2 # 2x " 21 ! 0
!8, "#5 " !"11, #1 " !#7 , "3"
19. 8x2 " 14x # 3 ! 0 20. 6x2 # 11x " 2 ! 0 21. 5x2 # 17x " 12 ! 0
!#3 , #1 " !"2, #1 " !#3 , "4"
22. 12x2 # 25x # 12 ! 0 23. 12x2 # 18x # 6 ! 0 24. 7x2 " 36x # 5 ! 0
!"#4 , "#3 " !"#1 , "1" !#1 , 5"
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 325 Glencoe Algebra 2
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6-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

Write Quadratic Equations To write a quadratic equation with roots p and q, let
(x " p)(x " q) ! 0. Then multiply using FOIL.

Example Write a quadratic equation with the given roots. Write the equation
in the form ax2 $ bx $ c ! 0.
a. 3, "5 7 1
b. " # , #
(x " p)(x " q) ! 0 Write the pattern. 8 3
(x " 3)[x " ("5)] ! 0 Replace p with 3, q with "5. (x " p)(x " q) ! 0
(x " 3)(x # 5) ! 0 Simplify. # $ %&$
x " "$ x " $ ! 0
3 %
x2 # 2x " 15 ! 0 Use FOIL.
The equation x2 # 2x " 15 ! 0 has roots $ 8 %$
x#$ x"$ !0
3 and "5. (8x # 7) (3x " 1)
8 3
24 % (8x # 7)(3x " 1)
$$$ ! 24 % 0
24x2 # 13x " 7 ! 0

The equation 24x2 # 13x " 7 ! 0 has

7 1
roots " $ and $ .
8 3

Write a quadratic equation with the given roots. Write the equation in the form
ax2 $ bx $ c ! 0.

1. 3, "4 2. "8, "2 3. 1, 9

x2 $ x " 12 ! 0 x2 $ 10x $ 16 ! 0 x 2 " 10x $ 9 ! 0
4. "5 5. 10, 7 6. "2, 15
x2 $ 10x $ 25 ! 0 x2 " 17x $ 70 ! 0 x 2 " 13x " 30 ! 0
1 2 3
7. " $ , 5 8. 2, $ 9. "7, $
3 3 4
3x 2 " 14x " 5 ! 0 3x 2 " 8x $ 4 ! 0 4x 2 $ 25x " 21 ! 0
2 4 1
10. 3, $ 11. " $ , "1 12. 9, $
5 9 6
5x 2 " 17x $ 6 ! 0 9x 2 $ 13x $ 4 ! 0 6x 2 " 55x $ 9 ! 0
2 2 5 1 3 1
13. $ , " $ 14. $ , " $ 15. $ , $
3 3 4 2 7 5
9x 2 " 4 ! 0 8x 2 " 6x " 5 ! 0 35x 2 " 22x $ 3 ! 0
7 7 1 3 1 1
16. " $ , $ 17. $ , $ 18. $ , $
8 2 2 4 8 6
16x 2 " 42x " 49 8x 2 " 10x $ 3 ! 0 48x 2 " 14x $ 1 ! 0

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6-5 Study Guide and Intervention

The Quadratic Formula and the Discriminant
Quadratic Formula The Quadratic Formula can be used to solve any quadratic
equation once it is written in the form ax2 ! bx ! c " 0.

$b & !b" "

2 $ 4ac
Quadratic Formula The solutions of ax 2 ! bx ! c " 0, with a # 0, are given by x " %%% .

Example Solve x2 ! 5x " 14 by using the Quadratic Formula.

Rewrite the equation as x2 $ 5x $ 14 " 0.
$b & !" "
b2 $ 4ac
x " %%% Quadratic Formula
$($5) & !"
($5)2 " ")"
$ 4(1)($14
" %%%% Replace a with 1, b with $5, and c with $14.
5& !81
" %% Simplify.
" 7 or $2
The solutions are $2 and 7.

Solve each equation by using the Quadratic Formula.

1. x2 ! 2x $ 35 " 0 2. x2 ! 10x ! 24 " 0 3. x2 $ 11x ! 24 " 0

5, !7 !4, !6 3, 8

4. 4x2 ! 19x $ 5 " 0 5. 14x2 ! 9x ! 1 " 0 6. 2x2 $ x $ 15 " 0

1 1 1 5
$ , !5 !$ , !$ 3, ! $

7. 3x2 ! 5x " 2 8. 2y2 ! y $ 15 " 0 9. 3x2 $ 16x ! 16 " 0

1 5 4
!2, $ $ , !3 4, $

3r 2
10. 8x2 ! 6x $ 9 " 0 11. r2 $ % ! % " 0 12. x2 $ 10x $ 50 " 0
5 25
3 3
!$ ,$ 2 1
$, $ 5 # 5!3
Lesson 6-5

13. x2 ! 6x $ 23 " 0 14. 4x2 $ 12x $ 63 " 0 15. x2 $ 6x ! 21 " 0

!3 # 4!2
" 3 # 6!"
2 3 # 2i !3

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6-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

The Quadratic Formula and the Discriminant

Roots and the Discriminant
The expression under the radical sign, b2 $ 4ac, in the Quadratic Formula is called
the discriminant.

Roots of a Quadratic Equation

Discriminant Type and Number of Roots
b2 $ 4ac ' 0 and a perfect square 2 rational roots
b 2 $ 4ac ' 0, but not a perfect square 2 irrational roots
b 2 $ 4ac " 0 1 rational root
b2 $ 4ac ( 0 2 complex roots

Example Find the value of the discriminant for each equation. Then describe
the number and types of roots for the equation.
a. 2x2 % 5x % 3 b. 3x2 ! 2x % 5
The discriminant is The discriminant is
b2 $ 4ac " 52 $ 4(2)(3) or 1. b2 $ 4ac " ($2)2 $ 4(3)(5) or $56.
The discriminant is a perfect square, so The discriminant is negative, so the
the equation has 2 rational roots. equation has 2 complex roots.

For Exercises 1$12, complete parts a$c for each quadratic equation.
a. Find the value of the discriminant.
b. Describe the number and type of roots.
c. Find the exact solutions by using the Quadratic Formula.
1. p2 ! 12p " $4 128; 2. 9x2 $ 6x ! 1 " 0 0; 3. 2x2 $ 7x $ 4 " 0 81;
1 1
two irrational roots; one rational root; $ 2 rational roots; ! $ ,
!6 # 4!2 "

4. x2 ! 4x $ 4 " 0 32; 5. 5x2 $ 36x ! 7 " 0 1156; 6. 4x2 $ 4x ! 11 " 0

2 irrational roots; 2 rational roots; !160; 2 complex
!2 # 2!2 " 1
$, 7 1 # i !10

7. x2 $ 7x ! 6 " 0 25; 8. m2 $ 8m " $14 8; 9. 25x2 $ 40x " $16 0;

2 rational roots; 2 irrational roots; 1 rational root; $
1, 6 4 # !2 "

10. 4x2 ! 20x ! 29 " 0 !64; 11. 6x2 ! 26x ! 8 " 0 484; 12. 4x2 $ 4x $ 11 " 0 192;
2 complex roots; 2 rational roots; 2 irrational roots;
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 338 Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

6-5 Enrichment

Sum and Product of Roots

Sometimes you may know the roots of a quadratic equation without knowing the equation
itself. Using your knowledge of factoring to solve an equation, you can work backward to
find the quadratic equation. The rule for finding the sum and product of roots is as follows:

If the roots of ax 2 ! bx ! c " 0, with a ≠ 0, are s1 and s2,

Sum and Product of Roots b c
then s1 ! s2 " $%% and s1 ) s2 " %%.
a a

Example A road with an initial gradient, or slope, of 3% can be represented by

the formula y " ax2 % 0. 03x % c, where y is the elevation and x is the distance along
the curve. Suppose the elevation of the road is 1105 feet at points 200 feet and 1000
feet along the curve. You can find the equation of the transition curve. Equations
of transition curves are used by civil engineers to design smooth and safe roads.
The roots are x " 3 and x " $8. y

3 ! ($8) " $5 Add the roots. 10

3($8) " $24 Multiply the roots.
–8 –6 –4 –2 O 2 4 x
Equation: x2 ! 5x $ 24 " 0


(– –52, –3014–)

Write a quadratic equation that has the given roots.

1. 6, $9 2. 5, $1 3. 6, 6

x 2 % 3x ! 54 " 0 x 2 ! 4x ! 5 " 0 x 2 ! 12x % 36 " 0

2 2 $2 & 3!5
4. 4 & !3
" 6. $%%, %% 6. %%
5 7
x 2 ! 8x % 13 " 0 35x 2 % 4x ! 4 " 0 49x 2 ! 42x % 205 " 0

Find k such that the number given is a root of the equation.

7. 7; 2x2 ! kx $ 21 " 0 8. $2; x2 $ 13x ! k " 0

!11 !30

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6-7 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Graphing and Solving Quadratic Inequalities

Solve Quadratic Inequalities Quadratic inequalities in one variable can be solved
graphically or algebraically.
To solve ax 2 ! bx ! c " 0:
First graph y # ax 2 ! bx ! c. The solution consists of the x-values
for which the graph is below the x-axis.
Graphical Method
To solve ax 2 ! bx ! c $ 0:
First graph y # ax 2 ! bx ! c. The solution consists the x-values
for which the graph is above the x-axis.
Find the roots of the related quadratic equation by factoring,
completing the square, or using the Quadratic Formula.
Algebraic Method
2 roots divide the number line into 3 intervals.
Test a value in each interval to see which intervals are solutions.

If the inequality involves % or &, the roots of the related equation are included in the
solution set.

Example Solve the inequality x2 ! x ! 6 " 0. y

First find the roots of the related equation x2 ' x ' 6 # 0. The O x
equation factors as (x ' 3)(x ! 2) # 0, so the roots are 3 and '2.
The graph opens up with x-intercepts 3 and '2, so it must be on
or below the x-axis for '2 % x % 3. Therefore the solution set is
{x⏐'2 % x % 3}.

Solve each inequality.

1. x2 ! 2x " 0 2. x2 ' 16 " 0 3. 0 " 6x ' x2 ' 5

{x!2 # x # 0} {x!4 # x # 4} {x1 # x # 5}

4. c2 % 4 5. 2m2 ' m " 1 6. y2 " '8

{c!2 " c " 2} !m!&1 # m # 1" $

7. x2 ' 4x ' 12 " 0 8. x2 ! 9x ! 14 $ 0 9. 'x2 ! 7x ' 10 & 0

{x!2 # x # 6} {xx # !7 or x % !2} {x2 " x " 5}

10. 2x2 ! 5x' 3 % 0 11. 4x2 ' 23x ! 15 $ 0 12. '6x2 ' 11x ! 2 " 0

!x!3 " x " &1 " !xx # &3 or x % 5" !xx # !2 or x % &1 "
13. 2x2 ' 11x ! 12 & 0 14. x2 ' 4x ! 5 " 0 15. 3x2 ' 16x ! 5 " 0

!xx # &3 or x % 4" $ !x&1 # x # 5"

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