1152 Road Openings and Restoration Utility Authorities Rev 0
1152 Road Openings and Restoration Utility Authorities Rev 0
1152 Road Openings and Restoration Utility Authorities Rev 0
Infrastructure Specifications
IMPORTANT: This document has been adapted from the NATSPEC suite of specification templates
for use in the MidCoast Council area by both Council and industry. NATSPEC regularly updates the
base templates (currently in April and October each year), and Council may incorporate changes into
its version of AUS-SPEC from time to time. To assist in highlighting any changes made by Council to
the NATSPEC templates, the following conventions are used.
· See ANNEXURE M at the end of this document which contains (where practical) MidCoast
Council customisations (also known as ‘office master’ text). References to the Annexure are to
also be inserted at relevant clauses in the main body of the document.
· Where content is added to the main body of the document, it is to be shown in brown text like
· Where content is deleted or excluded from the main body of the document, it is to be shown
struck through like this. Such clauses are to have no effect.
Where there is a conflict between main body text and MidCoast Council specific clauses, Council’s
specific clauses shall prevail.
Application: This worksection is applicable to road openings and restoration works for the installation
of underground utility services within public road reserves or reserves under the control of local
government authorities, for contracts let by a public Utilities Authority. It sets out default Council
requirements in order to expedite works by or on behalf of Utility Authorities only.
Exclusion: This worksection does not apply to works within the scope of the following:
- 1151 Road openings and restoration. That worksection applies to road openings and restoration
works by or on behalf of third parties other than a Utilities Authority, including for example private
- 1392 Trenchless conduit installation.
Requirement: Provide road opening and restoration works for installation of underground services
within public road reserves or reserves under Council control including clearing, excavation, backfilling
and restoration of surfaces, as documented. This worksection does not include the installation
activities of the relevant utility services.
Standards: To the relevant roads authority, SafeWork NSW and Utility Authority’s specifications.
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following abbreviations apply:
- AADT: Annual average daily traffic.
- CRO: Council’s restoration officer.
- CTPO: Council’s tree preservation officer.
- EMP: Environment Management Plan.
- GPR: Ground penetrating radar.
- MMDD: Maximum Modified Dry Density (modified compactive effort).
- MSDD: Maximum Standard Dry Density (standard compactive effort).
- QA: Quality assurance.
- TfNSW: Transport for NSW, formerly Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).
General: For the purposes of this worksection, the following definitions given in the following standards
apply. The text in brackets is additional to that in the standards.
- Austroads AP-C87:
. Base/base course: One or more layers of material usually constituting the uppermost structural
element of a pavement and on which the surfacing may be placed, which may be composed of
fine crushed rock, natural gravel, broken stone, stabilised material, asphalt or Portland cement
. Carriageway: That portion of a road or bridge devoted particularly to the use of vehicles, that is
between guide posts, kerbs, or barriers where these are provided, inclusive of shoulders and
auxiliary lanes.
. Clearing: The removal of vegetation or other obstacles at or above ground prior to the
commencement of earthwork, drainage, etc.
. Footpath/pathway: A public way reserved for the movement of pedestrians, motorised
wheelchairs and personal mobility devices manually propelled vehicles.
. Overlay zone: The part of the trench backfill immediately over the utility service, for a maximum of
300 mm.
. Pavement: The portion of a road designed for the support of, and to form a running surface for,
vehicular traffic (including the subbase and base course).
. Shoulder: The portion of formed carriageway that is adjacent to the traffic lane and contiguous
and flush with the surface of the pavement.
. Subbase/subbase course: The material laid on the subgrade below the base either for the
purpose of making up additional pavement thickness required over the subgrade, or to prevent
intrusion of the subgrade into the base, or to provide a working platform.
. Subgrade: The trimmed or prepared portion of the formation on which the pavement is
constructed. Generally taken to relate to the upper line of the formation.
. Wearing course/wearing surface: The part of the pavement upon which the traffic travels.
- AS 4000:
. Contractor: The person bound to carry out and complete work under the Contract. (A Contractor
may be internal or external to the Utility Authority).
. Principal: The Principal stated in the Annexure to the General conditions of contract. (The utility
authority or service provider for whom the service installation and restoration work is being
. Superintendent: The person stated in the Annexure to the General conditions of contract as the
Superintendent or other person from time to time appointed in writing by the Principal to be the
Superintendent and notified as such in writing to the Contractor by the Principal and, so far as
concerns the functions exercisable by a Superintendent’s Representative, includes a
Superintendent’s Representative.
Other definitions: For the purposes of this worksection the following definitions apply:
- Carriageway concrete pavements: Reinforced concrete pavements. Does not include roller
compacted concrete bases and subbases.
- Council: The Local Government Authority for the area where the work is carried out.
- Hold point: A mandatory verification position in the contract beyond which work cannot proceed
without the designated authorisation.
- Protected species: Plants identified by Council or other relevant authorities as protected species.
- Roads authority: The authority with responsibility under Section 7 of the Roads Act 1993 for the
ownership, management and maintenance of the particular dedicated public road on which work is
proposed. For public roads within the MidCoast Council area this will usually be either Council or
Crown Lands. Note that for works within classified (State and Regional) roads, concurrence to the
works details must be obtained from Transport for NSW (formerly Roads and Maritime Services)
under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, although they are not the roads authority.
- Selected material zone: The top part of the upper zone of formation in which material of a specified
higher quality is required.
- Utility authority: A public authority with statutory responsibility for the development, operation and
maintenance of a public utility (including but not limited to electricity, telecommunications or gas),
and that meets the definition of the Principal (see above) in relation to the proposed works.
- Verge (rural): Defined area of the formation in rural roads outside the shoulder at the top of the
batter slope.
- Verge (urban): That portion of the road formation not covered by the carriageway or footpath.
- Witness point: A nominated position, in the different stages of the Contract, where the option of
attendance may be exercised by the Superintendent, after notification of the requirement.
Final carriageway restored surface tolerance
Maximum deviation from a 3 m straightedge: ± 5 mm, with no impact on traffic passing over the
restored area, when checked 5 to 10 working days after completion.
Pathways and paved public areas
Lippage at patches: Match the surface level at any point along the patch’s edge with the adjoining
footpath surface within 5 mm.
Authority approvals
Requirement: Submit details of all authority approval before commencing the works for which the
approval is granted, including the following:
- Road reserve: All proposed works within the road reserve (including works within the footway or
nature strip) are to be submitted to the roads authority for review and negotiation. Give at least the
amount of notice provided for in the Act that governs the Utility Authority’s responsibilities (Federal
or State).
- Trenching: Submit proof of approval for trenching by both the roads authority and the public utility
authorities and/or evidence of conformity with the authority requirements.
- Existing services: Provide written confirmation from the Authority that retired services are inactive.
Location of subsurface utilities: Submit the accuracy of information of subsurface utilities and quality
level: To AS 5488.1 and AS 5488.2.
Execution details
Environmental Management Plan: Submit an EMP conforming to the requirements of the relevant
State authority.
Traffic management: Submit Traffic control plan for controlling vehicular and pedestrian traffic to
PROVISION FOR TRAFFIC, Traffic management.
Tree roots: Submit proposals for an elevated platform, to protect tree dripline during compaction, to
suit proposed earthworks machinery.
- Submission time: 10 working days before working near trees.
Water table: If excavation below the water table is required, submit proposals for protection of
subgrade against weakening.
- Submission time: 10 working days before excavation.
Products and materials
Trench backfill: Submit details of backfill material, including source.
- Submission time: 10 working days before start of backfill.
Concrete footpath and driveways including textured and patterned: If a jointing material other than
bituminous fibreboard is proposed, submit details of material.
QA assurance: Submit evidence of QA accreditation required by the Contract and a Quality plan for
the Works.
- Submission time: 10 working days before commencement.
Work-as-executed drawings: Submit fully marked-up drawings for the whole of the Work.
- Drawings: Submit marked up and certified work-as-executed drawings for the whole of the Contract
before issue of the Final Certificate.
. Submission time: Within 10 working days after approving completed restoration works.
- Surface utilities: Record information on background or submerged utilities to the documented quality
level, conforming to AS 5488.1.
Results: Submit results of testing to ANNEXURE – MAXIMUM LOT SIZE AND MINIMUM TEST
Other tests: Submit results, as follows:
- Relative compaction: Submit results of compaction tests on completed backfill within 10 working
days after testing.
General: Give notice so that inspection may be made of the following:
- Set-out of works: Set-out lines and markings before commencement of excavation and any surface
clearing work.
- Excavation: Completed excavation to the trench/foundation level.
- Trench backfill: Bedding and overlay material installation after backfill compaction.
- Surface restoration preparation: Set-out of area for paved restoration before paving.
- Compaction and settlement of temporary pavement: Settlement identified and rectified.
- Temporary carriageways: Completed carriageway restoration.
- Surface restoration: Completed final surface installation of carriageway, footpath, driveway and
planting, as appropriate.
- Verge, plants, shrubs and trees:
. Completed staking of trees and shrubs.
. Completed replanting of plants, shrubs and trees including replacement plants.
- Pavement markings and street furniture: Completion of reinstatement.
- Clean up: Completed restored work after cleaning.
- Pavement marking details, including types of delineation required, turning arrows, stop/holding lines
and other road markings, types and positions of raised pavement markers and other delineation
- Locations of permanent and temporary traffic signals.
- Locations and lengths of tapers and buffer zones.
- Locations of traffic controllers.
- Locations of entry and exit gates to the working areas, individually numbered and signposted.
- Pedestrians and cyclists paths.
- Details of side roads and access for adjoining properties and parking.
- Locations of safety barriers, barrier systems and end terminals.
- Locations of temporary lighting.
Road authority delegation: Ensure that persons preparing and approving a TCP hold TfNSW (formerly
RMS) Prepare Work Zone Traffic Management Plan accreditation.
- Special consideration to the safety of the workers, pedestrians, cyclists.
Access and notification
Impact of the Works: Liaise with the affected property owners/occupants to minimise the impact of the
Works on the property owners/occupants including impact on surrounding businesses and commercial
areas. Include these requirements in the Traffic control plan.
Access to properties adjacent to the Works: Provide continuous safe, all weather vehicular and
pedestrian access.
Notice to property owners/occupants affected by the Works: at least 7 days before access restriction
where required in accordance with Section 5 of the Roads Regulation 2018, and at least 48 hours in
any other case.
- Emergency works: Provide notice as soon as possible after commencing such works.
Signage: Provide signs conforming to the following:
- Dimensions: 450 mm wide and 300 mm high.
- Material and form: Steel signs that are visible on all approaches.
- Text and graphics: Quoting the name of the utility, its logo, the contractor’s name and an emergency
phone number.
- Lettering: 40 mm high letters and numbers in arial font.
Major roads
Works on classified State or Regional roads or traffic signals: Obtain concurrence for both the Traffic
control plan and the works design details from TfNSW in addition to the roads authority. A Road
Occupancy Licence will also be required for works affecting traffic on State Roads.
Local road closures
Full road closures on local roads: Obtain approval of the Traffic control plan from Council.
Emergency works: Obtain pre-approval and implement the Traffic control plan at commencement of
Quality plan
Quality plan documents: Include all checklists, inspections, testing and documentation required in
ANNEXURE – MINIMUM TESTING FREQUENCIES and as necessary for the Works to conform to
the Contract documents.
Hold and witness points
Quality plan: Incorporate Hold and Witness Points into the checklists.
Hold Point sign-off: By the approved Contractor’s representative and the Superintendent.
Notice for inspections: Conform to INSPECTIONS.
Notice for Council officers: Minimum 24 hours, conforming to INSPECTIONS.
Hold point approval by Contractor’s inspector
Sign-off: If allowed by the Quality plan, the Contractor’s nominated inspector may sign-off certain Hold
Points. Approval will be determined by the Contractor’s performance in relation to the requirements of
the Quality plan and the Contract.
Frequencies: Conform to ANNEXURE – MINIMUM TESTING FREQUENCIES. Retest non-conforming
work and rectify where necessary.
QA documents: The Contractor’s QA system may be audited as required. Provide
information/documents where requested.
Costing provisions for QA
Additional costs: It is assumed all QA provisions are included in the costing for the Works and there
will be no additional payment for conformance with the QA requirements.
Provision for traffic
Requirement: Conform to the approved Traffic control plan.
Traffic obstruction: Construct the Works in a safe manner with the least possible obstruction to
vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Locating and marking services: Before starting earthworks, locate and mark existing underground
services in the areas which will be affected by the earthworks operations including clearing,
excavating and trenching.
Utility services: Contact DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG to identify location of underground utility services
pipes and cables.
Excavation adjacent to utility services: Use only Utility Authority approved methods of excavation.
Telecommunication services: Contact the network service provider for information on underground
Initial limits: Set out limits of the proposed excavation for trenches, pits and chambers required for the
utility service installation.
Set-out markings: Legibly mark without permanently defacing any surface.
Adjusted limits: Adjust set-out to minimise or eliminate residual small portions of paving slabs in the
existing paved surfaces and joint patterns in conformance with Pathways and driveways and
Carriageways, as appropriate.
Utility services under carriageway concrete pavement
Open trenching methods: Do not use to install utility services using open trenching method within the
carriageway particularly the trafficable lanes without Roads Authority approval.
Coordination of the Works with utility services installation: Coordinate with trenchless conduit
installation requirements or the relevant Utility Authority’s specification.
Maintenance: If maintenance of the Utility Authority’s services requires the use of open trenching
methods in the carriageway pavements, obtain approval before proceeding.
Restoration work: Conform to FINAL RESTORATION OF CARRIAGEWAY or the relevant road
authority’s requirements.
Pathways and driveways
Set-out: Adjust set-out lines in conformance with the SOCC and the following:
- Bitumen and concrete paving: Conform to the reinstatement requirements of the SOCC.
- Segmental paving units: Set-out line at least one whole unit clear of both sides of the minimal
alignment of the trench.
- Textured or patterned concrete: Obtain directions for set-out line.
- Driveways: Where driveways are not to be disturbed and utility services are to be installed,
coordinate with trenchless conduit installation requirements. If trenchless installation methods are
not practicable, locate and obtain approval for the set-out line to allow an aesthetically acceptable
restoration of the pavement.
Trenches in asphalt pavements: Set-out at the minimum width for the depth of service and, wherever
possible, at right angles to the road reserve boundary.
Survey marks: For trench or surface work in the vicinity of Permanent or State Survey Marks, obtain
and conform to protection or relocation requirements from the Surveyor General of NSW before
commencement of Work.
Concrete pavements: Obtain direction and approval from the appropriate road authority for the
location of trench set-out lines.
Waste management
Waste/spoil material: Legally dispose to an appropriate recycling facility, disposal site or a legal waste
management centre.
Concrete and asphalt pavements
Sawcutting: Sawcut trench set-out lines of concrete or asphalt footpaths and asphalt
footpath/carriageway pavements for the full depth of the bound pavement layer, except where set-out
line is located along expansion joints. For rigid pavements double cut the pavement 100 mm apart to
protect the adjoining concrete pavements from damage during demolition activities.
Concrete and asphalt removal: Break out concrete or asphalt footpath and carriageway pavement
material between the trench set-out lines, remove and legally dispose off-site conforming to the EMP.
Segmental paving units and dimension stones
Paving units removal: Take up full and cut paving units, between trench set-out lines, by hand and
neatly stack on wooden pallets for re-use. Obtain agreement for storage locations.
Dimension kerb and gutter units removal: Take up units located between trench set-out lines and store
as for paving units.
Concrete edging: Break out, remove and legally dispose off-site.
Concrete subbase: If present, sawcut along the trench set-out lines.
Decorative pavers laid on mortar bed
Decorative pavers laid on mortar bed and concrete base: If services installation is required, do not
disturb except where trenchless conduit installation is impractical.
Pavement removal: If disturbing these surfaces is required, remove pavers for re-use, stack and
secure against theft or damage. Remove mortar bedding mix.
Sawcutting: Do not sawcut pavers. If required, provide evidence that replacement pavers, of the same
type, size, colour and decoration, are available.
Concrete subbase removal: Sawcut along the trench set-out lines and remove. If percussion
equipment is required for removal, make sure adjacent areas of paving are not disturbed.
Removal method: Neatly cut turf between trench set-out lines into 300 mm squares and stockpile for
re-use or dispose off-site if unsuitable for re-use.
Stockpiling for re-use: Obtain agreement for storage locations. Water grass as required for replanting
during the storage period.
Grass unsuitable for re-use: Replace with grass turf of the same species.
Small plants, shrubs and trees
Plants required for replanting: Identify and confirm with the CTPO plants suitable for replanting
between set-out lines. Take up heritage listed/protected plants and plants confirmed suitable for
replanting for storage.
Storage: Wrap rootball in a hessian or plastic bag with drain holes and water as required during the
storage period.
Plants unsuitable for replanting: Remove and dispose off-site.
House stormwater pipes
Pipes discharging into carriageway gutters: Maintain operational at all times.
Pipes damaged by the Works: Repair or replace pipes, including house supply pipes, to match
existing. Provide watertight seals to all joints and connections.
Street furniture
Furniture likely to interfere with or be damaged by the Works: Remove and store furniture, including
signage, seats and litter bins. Obtain direction for storage location.
Topsoil suitable for re-use: Strip, remove and stockpile. Obtain direction for stockpile location. If on-
site stockpiling is impracticable, stockpile the topsoil off-site or legally dispose off-site.
Removal timing: Before trench excavation.
Dimensions: Excavate trenches to the standard widths and depths for the particular utility service
installation or as documented.
Stabilisation of sides: Provide shoring, sheet piling or other necessary measures in conformance with
statutory requirements.
Approval by utility/service provider: If public utilities exist in the vicinity of the Works, obtain approval
from the authority relevant to the method of excavation before starting excavation.
Excavation level: Excavate trench or foundation to the planned bedding or foundation bottom level.
Existing services
Existing underground services: Conform to EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES in the 0136 General
requirements (Construction) and SafeWork NSW Work near underground assets. Locate by
exploratory excavation or by ground penetrating radar (GPR) before principal trench excavation.
Disused, retired or abandoned services: Before removal, provide written confirmation from the
appropriate Authority that services are inactive.
Removal of retired services: Excavate, remove all components and legally dispose off-site. Backfill the
excavation in conformance with TRENCH BACKFILL.
Excavated material stockpiles
Excavated material: Segregate earth and rock material and stockpile for re-use in backfilling
operations. Obtain approval for stockpile locations.
Stockpile locations: Obtain direction for stockpile locations. Do not stockpile against tree trunks,
buildings, fences or obstruct the free flow of water along gutters where stockpiling is permitted along
the line of the trench excavation.
If stockpiling is not permitted: Dispose legally off-site.
Unsuitable material
Disposal: Remove any material from the bottom of the trench or at foundation level which is deemed
unsuitable, legally dispose off-site and replace with backfill material in conformance with TRENCH
Bottom of excavated trench/foundation level: Align with the slope of the utility service after unsuitable
material has been removed and replaced.
Contaminated or hazardous material
Contaminated excavated material: If encountered, provide notification and dispose of the material to
the requirements of the relevant Statutory Authority.
Protection during works
Existing trees: Existing trees are legally protected by Council’s Tree Preservation Order. Protect from
damage during the Works.
Bulk and harmful materials: Do not store, stockpile, dump or otherwise place under or near trees
materials such as oil, waste concrete, clearings and boulders. Prevent wind blown materials from
harming trees and plants.
Work near trees
Damage: Prevent damage to tree bark. Do not attach stays and guys to trees.
Topsoil: Do not remove topsoil within the dripline of the trees.
Excavating within driplines: If required, use hand or trenchless methods so that root systems remain
intact and undamaged.
Duration of open excavations under tree canopies: Obtain direction from the CTPO.
Tree roots
Cutting roots: If cutting roots more than 50 mm diameter, obtain approval from the CTPO before
proceeding. Cut using methods that do not unduly disturb the remaining root system. Immediately
after cutting, water the tree and apply a liquid rooting hormone to stimulate the growth of new roots.
Compacted ground: Do not compact the ground or use skid-steer vehicles under the tree driplines.
Compaction protection: Protect areas adjacent to the tree dripline.
Watering trees: Water as necessary, including where roots are exposed at ambient
temperatures higher than 35°C.
Mulching: Spread 100 mm thick organic mulch to the whole area covered by the driplines of protected
Bedding, haunch, side and overlay zones
Materials and installation: Conform to the Utility Authority’s requirements.
Side zone and overlay material: Install as required for the utility service being installed. Make sure
material performance conforms to TRENCH BACKFILL and COMPACTION.
Geotextile: Install a geotextile sheet on any coarse overlay material to prevent piping of fines.
Extent: Between the overlay zone and the top of subgrade.
Material: Backfill with one of the following:
- 14:1 moist washed river sand/cement mix or non-cohesive backfill material.
- Stockpiled excavated material.
- Imported fill: If trench backfill material has been disposed off-site, use imported material free of
stumps or roots, and capable of being compacted to COMPACTION.
Water table
Seepage zones: If sand/cement backfill is used, make sure natural seepage zones are not cut off by
the impervious sand/cement material. Provide a pervious drainage layer or suitable subsoil drainage
to maintain natural seepage.
Water in pervious material: If sand, crushed rock or similar pervious materials are used for trench
backfill and bedding in a clay subgrade, make sure seepage water is not trapped in the pervious
material, so that it saturates the adjacent clay subgrade and weakens it. If this occurs, install subsoil
drainage for the bedding and backfill, or provide an impervious layer of material between any possible
sources of seepage and the pervious backfill material.
Excavation below the natural water table: If required and the permanent exclusion of water from
subgrade is not possible, submit proposals to protect the subgrade against weakening or obtain
directions vary the excavation requirements.
Selected material zone below subbase level
Excavation through a selected material zone: If required, backfill within the selected material zone
using materials conforming to the following:
- Free from stones larger than 100 mm maximum dimension.
- The fraction passing a 19 mm Australian Standard sieve with a 4 day soaked CBR value not less
than that of the adjacent selected material zone, tested to AS 1289.6.1.2. As an alternative to
testing, an engineered pavement design may be specified on the Drawings and approved by
Council’s engineer.
Verge and landscape areas
Backfill material: Material passing through a 75 mm sieve, not containing any organic or deleterious
material or reactive clay.
Landscaped areas: Place topsoil on the subgrade to the same thickness as the surrounding topsoil.
Requirement: Test for all characteristics in conformance with ANNEXURE - MAXIMUM LOT SIZES
Quality verification: If material/product quality verification can be obtained from the supplier,
documented tests need not be repeated.
Carriageway pavements and pathways
Rectification: Restore so that pavement/pathway is continuous and the condition is equivalent to that
at start of Works.
Safety: Make sure all temporary and final restorations in carriageways and pathways is of the quality
required maintain site safety for pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
Structures and surface pits
Levels: Set the levels of utility service surface pits, access chamber frames and lids and other affected
structures, so that carriageway pavements and footpaths can be restored to the original levels. If utility
service surface box requires adjustment or replacement before restoration, liaise with the Utility
Restoration approval
Before paving restoration work: Form up and prepare the areas to be restored and present the
prepared areas for approval, if required at 1.6 INSPECTIONS.
Requirements: Conform to ANNEXURE – Typical final restoration in footpath table.
Temporary carriageways
Subbase and base: After backfilling to the subgrade level, install subbase and base material in
Temporary restoration: Temporarily restore carriageway if reopening to traffic before final restoration.
Maintain temporary restoration in a safe condition until the final restoration is completed.
Temporary restoration method: Restore carriageway using one of the following:
- Bituminous cold mix: 40 to 50 mm thick, on the final subbase and base material with the following
mix performance properties:
. Cohesiveness of manufactured material: Cohesive and capable of being compacted readily into a
semi-dense mass which is resistant to the destructive action of traffic.
. Interlock: When compacted, visual examination of the compacted material indicates good
mechanical interlock of particles which are fully coated with binder.
. Mix sampling: To AS/NZS 2891.1.1 or AS 2891.1.2.
- Steel plating: Over trench, of sufficient thickness and bearing area outside the trench to support
traffic loadings, and suitably secured with pins and bituminous cold mix.
Advance warning signs: If using steel plating, provide signs in conformance with AS 1742.3.
Temporary footpaths and driveways
Subbase and base: After backfilling to the subgrade level, install subbase and base material in
- Defects: Seal any joints between the existing and new asphalt during the defects maintenance
period with an approved joint sealant.
Asphaltic concrete wearing surfaces
Material and installation: Conform to the Road Authority's requirements for the restoration of asphaltic
concrete roads.
Bituminous spray seal surfaces
Material and installation: Restore surface to match existing surfaces.
Thickness and aggregate size: Match the existing pavement.
Pavement with asphaltic concrete underlay: Restore the pavement in asphaltic concrete matching the
total thickness of the existing pavement.
Small openings in pavement: Restore using asphaltic concrete (AS20) with minimum thickness of
50 mm to the match existing pavement.
Concrete carriageways
Concrete carriageways: Conform to the Road Authority’s requirements for restoration of concrete
Bond Breaker: Install a bond breaker at the interface of the concrete base and cementitious sub-base:
- To prevent bonding of trench backfill to the concrete base course.
- Assist in the management of cracking.
- Reduce the risk of utility service damage when the concrete base is excavated in the future.
Set Accelerators: Provide set accelerators where the Roads Authority requires the concrete road to be
back in service within a specific time frame.
- Do not use Calcium Chloride admixture or other acid concrete admixtures that significantly reduce
the life of steel reinforced concrete pavements.
- Use other set accelerators which are not acidic with additional skilled resources to lay, compact and
finish the surface prior to the set of the concrete
Slab size and shape requirement: Conform to the following:
- Restore full slab to achieve the same slab integrity that previously existed prior to the utility works
- Restore full trafficable lane width.
- Minimum slab replacement size: Trafficable lane width x 3.5 metres long.
- Allow for existing cracks and joints and maintain the slab lengths of 3.5 metres. Make sure that the
restoration does not create slab lengths less than 3.5 metres in adjoining slabs.
Jointing and crack control: Carry out joint and crack control design to ensure that joints and cracks
from adjoining slabs will not induce cracking of the restored slab and vice versa.
Pavement markings
Markings: Reinstate to match existing markings.
Timing: Carry out final restoration as soon as practicable and within the time required in the Contract.
Matching finishes: Restore pathways, and other public areas, with materials consistent with the
existing surface before commencement of the Works.
Surface levels: Match the levels existing before the surface was disturbed. Provide smooth junctions
with the adjacent existing surfaces, covers and features.
Pavement markings and street furniture
Pavement markings: Reinstate to match existing markings.
Street furniture: Remove and store street furniture. Obtain directions for storage location. Reinstate at
locations matching the original location.
Subbase and base generally
Material: Provide crushed rock, CRB20-2 or CRS20 material, configured in layers and depths
conforming to ANNEXURE – Typical final restoration in footpath table.
Compaction: Uniformly compact each layer of the subbase and base courses over the full area and
depth within the trench to COMPACTION and ANNEXURE - Typical final restoration in footpath
carriageway or heavy duty driveway table.
Compaction testing: Conform to TESTING, QUALITY ASSURANCE and the Contractor’s approved
Quality plan.
Compaction method: Use methods which will not damage or cause misalignment of underlying and
adjacent utilities and services.
Flexible subbase
Material: Fine crushed rock or recycled concrete conforming to TRENCH BACKFILL, Crushed rock
and recycled concrete.
Thickness: Match the existing subbase, conforming to the following:
- Footpath and light duty driveways: Minimum 50 mm.
- Medium and heavy duty driveways: Minimum 150 mm.
Compaction: To COMPACTION and ANNEXURE - Typical final restoration in footpath table.
Rigid base
Concrete base: Reinstate using 20 MPa concrete, match the thickness of the existing base.
Concrete footpaths and driveways including textured and patterned
Minimum width of restorations: Conform to the SOCC clause 7.7.
Surface finish and pattern: To match adjoining footpaths and driveways.
Concrete footpaths: Using 20 MPa minimum concrete, construct footpath to the same thickness as the
adjoining footpaths, 75 mm minimum.
Light duty driveways: Construct light duty driveways serving single residential dwellings as follows:
- Concrete: 25 MPa.
- Driveway thickness: Same thickness as the original driveway, 100 mm minimum.
- Reinforcing: If the existing driveway contains reinforcing, provide F62 steel mesh with 40 mm top
Medium/heavy duty driveways: Construct medium duty driveways serving multiple residential
dwellings and light commercial developments, and heavy duty driveways as follows:
- Concrete: 25 MPa.
- Driveway thickness: Same thickness as the original driveway, 150 mm minimum.
- Reinforcing: F72 steel mesh with 50 mm top cover.
Expansion joints: 15 mm thick preformed bituminous fibreboard jointing material, placed in line with
joints in existing concrete, and extend to the full width transverse joints with existing concrete.
Control joints: Form in line with the control joints in the existing concrete.
Around electricity supply poles: Terminate the concrete paving 200 mm from the pole and fill resulting
space with cold mix asphalt.
Asphalt footpaths
Materials and installation: To match existing footpath/driveway.
Thickness: Match the adjoining footpath.
Finish: Compact to a smooth even surface.
Segmental pavers on sand bed
Materials and installation: To match existing footpath/driveway and the following:
- Existing pavement units: Take up and store until required for laying.
- Laying: Re-lay to match the pattern and surface levels of the existing paving.
- Damaged paving units unsuitable for re-laying: Replace with new units of the same material, type,
size and colour as the existing.
Paving around trees, service boxes and poles: Match the paving pattern at similar existing features in
the immediate area.
Decorative segmental paving on concrete base
Application: The restoration of pathways or driveways with natural stone, concrete or masonry paver
surface or other surface products laid on a mortar bed and concrete base.
Concrete base: Reconstruct the concrete base as follows:
- Concrete: 25 MPa.
- Driveway thickness: To match the existing concrete.
- Reinforcing: If the concrete base is reinforced, tie reinforcement to the existing reinforcing, by
exposing the reinforcing either side of the restoration to allow a minimum 300 mm lap, or by
installing tie bars drilled and grouted into the existing concrete.
- Tie bars: 600 mm long N12 reinforcing bars, installed at 1000 mm centres by drilling 200 mm deep
16 mm diameter holes at mid-slab depth and grouting tie bars into holes using a 1:1 cement/sand
- Unreinforced concrete base: Roughen the sawn face to allow formation of a keyed joint.
Transverse or longitudinal joints: If disturbed by the Works, reinstate to match existing joints.
Damaged or sawcut pavers: Remove pavers adjacent to the trench damaged during the Works.
Remove sawcut pavers back to the nearest existing joint.
Mortar bed material and thickness: Match the existing mortar bed.
Existing pavers: If re-laying is required, replace cut or damaged pavers with new pavers of the same
material, type, size, colour and decoration as the existing pavers. Liaise with the Council for supply
details of pavers. If existing pavers cannot be sourced, provide an alternative in consultation with the
Laying: Match existing surface levels, jointing pattern, gap width and infill material.
Turfed verges
Stockpiled topsoil: 50 mm minimum thickness. Place on the subgrade before restoring turfed verges.
Existing grass turf: Take up and store until required for laying. Re-lay in conformance with the original
grassed surface.
Turfing: Hard butt turfs against each other in rows and top-dress the seams with topsoil. Roll and
water turf, make sure there is direct and uniform contact with the topsoil.
Additional turf: If required, complete the affected area using turf of the same species as the existing
Verge plants, shrubs and trees
Stockpiled topsoil: Place on the subgrade, to the same thickness as the surrounding topsoil, before
Planting holes: Excavate at locations matching the original locations and spread the topsoil material
evenly around each hole.
Existing plants, shrubs and trees: If suitable for replanting, replant in prepared holes. Backfill the
planting hole with topsoil and compact by foot up to surface level.
Plants unsuitable for replanting: Replace with plants of the same species and size, or as agreed with
the CTPO or other appropriately authorised Council Officer.
Backfilling planting hole: Backfill with topsoil and compact by foot to the surface level.
Staking and watering: Stake, water and maintain root moisture as required for re-establishment.
Shrubs and trees which fails to re-establish: Replace with plants of the same species and size.
Clean up
Requirement: Upon completion of all restoration works, clean up the areas affected by the Works and
associated construction activities, and restore to condition existing before commencement of the
Waste: Remove and legally dispose of all formwork, waste and residue construction materials off-site
including material left at stockpiles.
Surfaces stained by construction activities: Clean and restore to approval.
Existing services
SUBMISSIONS, H Location of subsurface 10 days before Excavation
Authority utilities commencement
INSPECTIONS, H Set-out of lines and 5 days before start Excavation and
Notice markings before of work surface clearing
excavation and clearing. work
Set-out of works
INSPECTIONS, H– Completed excavation 5 days before Backfilling
Notice Superintendent to the trench/foundation backfilling
W – Roads level.
Excavation Authority
INSPECTIONS, H– Completed bedding and 5 days before Surface
Notice Superintendent overlay material completing backfill restoration
W – Roads installation after preparation
Trench backfill Authority compaction.
INSPECTIONS, H Prepared area to be 5 days before paving Paving
Notice restored, including set-
INSPECTIONS, H Rectified settlement of 3 days before final Completion of
Notice temporary pavement. restoration temporary
Compaction and
settlement of
INSPECTIONS, W Completed temporary 3 days before -
Notice carriageway. completion of works
INSPECTIONS, W– Final surface Upon completion of -
Notice Superintendent installation. works
and Roads
Surface Authority
INSPECTIONS, W Staking of trees and 3 days before -
Notice shrubs. completion of works
M3. Refer to the MidCoast Council Development Engineering Handbook for final Completion
inspection, works-as-executed and handover requirements.