Fan Testing: Test Codes

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Chapter 13

Fan Testing

The best way to establish the performance characteristics of a fan is by

testing. Various analytical techniques can be used together with the physical
laws that govern fluid flow to predict performance. But, even the most
sophisticated techniques require using empirically determined factors. The
fan laws can be used, within limits, to predict performance but only after a fan
of the same design has already been tested.
Fan tests usually fall into one of the following categories: 1) tests con-
ducted during the development of a fan or a line of fans, 2) tests to provide a
basis of rating a fan or a line of fans, and 3) acceptance tests. Almost all
development and rating tests are performed in the laboratory, although some
field verification is desirable. Acceptance tests can be performed either in the
laboratory or in the field, depending on the specifications,
Laboratory tests usually permit testing over the full range of performance
from shutoff to free delivery. Field tests, however, are usually restricted to a
narrower operating range, and sometimes this range does not include the
design point.

Test Codes
Various engineering societies and industry organizations throughout the
world have published fan test codes.
The Air Movement and Control Association, Inc. (AMCA), publishes a
number of standards dealing with fan testing. The American Society of
Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. is a joint sponsor of
the basic laboratory standard, ANSI/AMCA 210-ANSI/ASHRAE 511 entitled
Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating. This standard provides the
rules for establishing the aerodynamic performance of a fan in the laboratory.
Other AMCA standards for aerodynamic testing are: ANSI/AMCA 230,
Laboratory Methods of Testing Air Circulator Fans for Rating, ANSI/AMCA
240, Laboratory Methods of Testing Positive Pressure Ventilator (PPV) Fans
for Rating, and AMCA 250, Laboratory Methods of Testing Jet Tunnel Fans
for Aerodynamic Performance Rating.
Most test codes bear a number signifying the year of last revision or reaffirmation. These
designators will generally be omitted in the text of this handbook. References to specific
items in a code will cite the year of publication.

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AMCA sound test standards include ANSI/AMCA 300, Reverberant

Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans, AMCA 320 Laboratory Method of
Sound Testing Fans Using Sound Intensity, and AMCA 330, Laboratory
Methods of Testing to Determine the Sound Power in a Duct
The AMCA Fan Application Manual includes AMCA Publication 203
Field Performance Measurement of' Fan-Systems. Although it is not a code,
it is often used as the basis for field performance measurements. It contains
details regarding instruments and apparatus as well as suggestions concerning
measurement, reduction of data, conversion from test to specified conditions,
and presentation of results. Many examples are included illustrating where to
take measurements, how to make calculations, and how to determine the
effect of the system on fan performance. The last takes the form of system-
effect factors usually obtained by referring to AMCA Publication 201.
AMCA 210 and AMCA 203 each contain an error analysis.
Other AMCA fan test publications include: AMCA Publication 802,
Industrial Process/Power Generation Fans: Site Performance Test Standard
and AMCA Publication 803, Industrial Process/Power Generation Fans:
Establishing Performance Using Laboratory Models
As noted above, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has joined with AMCA in publishing the
fan test code entitled Laboratory Methods of 'Testing Fans for Rating,
ASHRAE Standard 51 and AMCA Standard 210. They also publish
ANSI/ASHRAE 68, Methods of Testing In-Duct Sound Power Measurement
Procedure for Fans.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) publishes an
American National Standard entitled ASME Performance Test Codes Fans,
designated ANSI/ASME PTC 11. This is a field test code that provides for
testing a fan as installed.
The British Standards Institution (BSI) has published a fan test code
entitled Fans for General Purposes: Part 1, Methods of Testing Performance,
numbered BS 848: Part 1. This code provides for tests with standardized
airways and site tests. Part 2 is entitled Methods of Noise Testing
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) will be
publishing International Standards that will provide for laboratory (ISO 5801),
field (ISO 5802), and sound testing of industrial fans. DIS 13350 covers
laboratory testing of jet fans. BS 848: Part 1: 1980 includes many items that
have been under consideration by ISO, especially those regarding
standardized airways. ASME PTC 11 also contains many items that have
been under consideration by ISO, especially those dealing with the mass-
flow-rate/specific-energy approach to specifying performance.
Test codes are a convenient starting point for performance specifications
and contractual agreements. Sometimes, it may be more convenient for all
parties concerned if exceptions are taken to certain code provisions. This is
quite legitimate, since fan test codes are not instruments of law. However,
because most of the provisions of these test codes are necessary to ensure
accurate measuring and reproducible results, caution is advised when
contemplating exceptions.

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The following discussions of measurements, calculations, and test setups

are based on either AMCA 210 or ASME PTC-11 as appropriate.

Laboratory Test Setups

Tests for ratings should be conducted on a setup that meets code require-
ments. Acceptance tests should also be set up according to code require-
ments, unless both parties agree to exceptions. There are no rules governing
developmental testing.
The test setup should be chosen to allow operation at the intended point or
points of rating. There are two general types of laboratory test setups: 1)
those that use an auxiliary fan to provide for operation at or near free delivery,
even when the resistances through the measuring elements are high, and 2)
those that do not use an auxiliary fan.
The test setup should have a duct arrangement similar to that intended for
the actual installation. Four general duct arrangements are possible: 1) both
inlet and discharge ducts, 2) inlet duct only, 3) discharge duct only, and 4)
neither discharge nor inlet duct.
When both inlet and discharge ducts are contemplated for the actual
installation, the test setup may incorporate a similar duct arrangement, or an
inlet bell fitted to the inlet connection may be substituted for the inlet duct as
shown in Figure 13.1A. (A good inlet bell will produce the same flow condi-
tions as a straight inlet duct.) When measurements must be made in both
ducts, suitable calming lengths and straighteners must be provided in each.
Inlet ducts should be sized within + 12.5% or -7.5% of the fan-inlet area.
Outlet ducts should be within ± 5% of the fan-outlet area.
If either an inlet duct or a discharge duct is to be used in the actual instal-
lation without the other, the duct arrangement in the test setup should be
similar. The above remarks on duct sizes, calming lengths, and straighteners
also apply. (See Figures 13.1A and 13.1B.)
In any test setup using one or more ducts, performance can be determined
from pressure measurements in those ducts. The point of rating can be varied
by throttling at the end of either duct with a symmetrical device such as a
nozzle, an orifice plate, a perforated plate, an adjustable cone, or a flat plate,
When no ducts are contemplated for the actual installation, this condition
can be simulated by mounting the fan in the wall of a test chamber. To
change the point of rating, a variable-speed (or variable-inlet-vane) auxiliary
fan can be used to supply air to the chamber at different pressures. A suitable
pitot-traverse or other flow-measuring station can be inserted between the
supply fan and the chamber. This arrangement permits measuring perform-
ance at or near free delivery, since the auxiliary fan supplies the energy
necessary to overcome the resistance through the measuring section. Such an
arrangement can also be used where only a short run of duct connected to the
fan is contemplated.

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Figure 13.1 Test Setups

Adapted from the data of AMCA and ASHRAE: "Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for
Rating," AMCA Standard 210-74, ASHRAE Standard 51-74, pp. 27-36, 1975.

© 1999 Howden Buffalo, Inc.


The low velocities associated with some ratings cannot always be meas-
ured accurately by pitot-tube tests. Better accuracy can usually be obtained
by using flow nozzles, if substantial exit velocities can be generated. The
pressure needed to produce these velocities can be supplied by the test fan or
by an auxiliary fan if the test fan is incapable. If the fan does develop enough
pressure, the nozzles can be placed at the end of the test duct. Suitable
approach conditions must also be provided. When an auxiliary fan is used, a
series of nozzles can be permanently set up in a chamber as shown in Figure
13.1C. Variations in point of rating are produced by plugging and unplugging
various combinations of nozzles. Alternatively, a single nozzle or a nozzle
Venturi can be inserted into the duct between the auxiliary fan and the cham-
ber, as shown in Figure 13.1D.
Figures 13.1A to 13.1D give the chief dimensions for various laboratory-
test setups. Other combinations are possible; for example, either the pitot
traverse or the multiple nozzles can be used with an inlet chamber. Specific
numbers are assigned to various sections or planes of reference as shown.
If a fan is to be furnished with bearings, it should be tested on its actual
shaft and bearings after a suitable "run in" period. The inlet and outlet should
be unobstructed except for the bearings and supports, and any other appurte-
nances, such as screens or dampers, that are specified. Inlet bells and dis-
charge cones, if contemplated, should also be in place.
Suitable provisions should be made for driving the fan and measuring the
input power by using dynamometers, torsion elements, or calibrated electric
motors. If the driver is an integral part of the fan and helps to determine the
airflow passages, it should be either in place or adequately modeled.
The fan may have to be rotated to provide a suitable discharge direction
on the test block. But, the relative direction of inlet-box entry to the discharge
direction should not be changed, since this may affect performance.
The room in which the test is conducted should be free from any air
currents that might affect fan performance. Whenever it is necessary to
discharge the air into another room, provisions should be made for makeup
air. An adequate, whirl-free supply of uniform-density air should be available
to the fan.
The acoustic properties of the room will determine the type of sound tests
that can be performed.

Field Test Setups

The use of laboratory-type setups in the field is usually impractical. Space
may be too valuable to permit using long calming lengths of duct. Or, energy
costs may prohibit using permanently installed measuring devices having any
appreciable pressure drops.

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For small fan units, it may be possible to modify the ductwork in order to
simulate laboratory-test-block conditions. However, for fans of any
appreciable size, this is not feasible. Similarly, for small fan units, the driving
motor can be removed and replaced by a calibrated driver. But, for large
units, this is not feasible.
Whenever the field installation differs from an ideal laboratory setup, the
effects of the differences should be taken into account. If this accounting is
done at the specification stage, the ratings should be based on the fan as it is
to be installed. This may require that the vendor derate the laboratory
performance or that special laboratory tests be conducted on models to
determine the effects of the differences in setup. However, if the accounting
is done after the fan has been installed, a tolerance may have to be applied to
the vendor's predicted performance. AMCA 201 includes system-effect-
factor information that is useful for this.
Field noise tests should be very carefully evaluated to take into account
other noise sources and the difficulties of measurement.

Measuring Fan Flow Rate

Fan flow rate can be expressed as either the mass flow rate mû F through
the fan or the volume rate of flow Qû corresponding to inlet conditions. The
section on pressure and flow measurements in the chapter on fluid flow details
many aspects of flow measurement. Refer to this as well as to the information
in the appropriate test code whenever a fan test is contemplated.
If a laboratory test is to comply with the provisions of AMCA 210, the
flow measurements must be made at the prescribed measuring planes. For
pitot-tube traverse measurements, these planes are in the ducts downstream of
the straighteners and the specified calming lengths. When single or multiple
nozzles are used, measurements must be at the prescribed locations. These
measurements are not flow measurements per se; rather, they are pressure
measurements used with temperatures and other information to calculate the
flow rate.
Many other devices can be used for measuring flow, including orifices and
anemometers, both of which are discussed in the chapter on fluid flow. Some
of these are permitted by BS 848: Part 1. The parties to a test can agree to any
method of flow measurement, but they should both be convinced that the
uncertainties are within acceptable limits.
AMCA 210 specifies a pitot-static-tube type of probe that is acceptable
and may even be preferred when the flow stream of the measuring station is
properly conditioned. ASME-PTC 11 specifies a five-hole or three-
dimensional probe because it expects that the flow will not be conditioned
upstream of the measuring station. Equations 2.105 and 2.106 can be used
with either code's measurements to determine volume flow rate and mass flow
rate, respectively. For use in these equations, point velocities V j can be
calculated from Equation 2.28. The normal velocity Vnj will be that indicated
by the pilot-static tube in the AMCA 210 test but will require adjustments for
yaw and pitch when using the ASME PTC 11 directional probe.

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Precautions are necessary to ensure that the mass flow rate at the
measuring station is the same as that passing through the fan. Appropriate
tests for leakage between the measuring station and the fan should be
conducted. The area at the measuring station should be determined by
internal inspection. Internal bracing and accumulations of dust or other
materials should not be allowed.

Measuring Fan Specific Output

The fan specific output can be expressed as the total pressure developed
by the fan pFT or as its specific energy y F . Discussions of specific energy
and pressure can be found in the chapter on fluid flow. When output is
expressed in terms of pressure, the flow rate should be expressed in volume-
flow-rate terms. However, when output is expressed in terms of specific
energy, the flow rate should be expressed in terms of mass flow rate.
The specific output of a fan is the difference between the pressure or
specific energy at the discharge plane and the corresponding quantity at the
inlet plane. ASME PTC 11 requires measuring at these locations. But,
AMCA 210 requires measuring at remote locations and then correcting for
The quantities actually measured vary depending on code requirements.
ASME traverse measurements include static pressures, velocity pressures,
yaw angles, and pitch angles, regardless of whether fan total pressure or fan
specific energy is the desired result. AMCA traverse measurements omit the
flow angles because the flow is preconditioned. Other AMCA setups permit
the measuring of static pressure by piezometer ring in the discharge duct or
discharge chamber. AMCA inlet-chamber setups require only a single
measurement of total pressure.
Since the distribution of pressure or energy over the measurement plane
will not necessarily be uniform, it is convenient to use averages to express the
values at the plane. The average static pressure pS can be calculated from
traverse measurements by using Equation 2.109. Piezometer measurements
of static pressure are assumed to reflect the average across the plane of
measurement and can be used directly. As noted above, the AMCA
procedures may require calculating the pressure loss between the fan and the
measuring plane. The ASME procedures do not permit this.
All the AMCA 210 setups require calculating fan velocity pressure as the
velocity pressure corresponding to the average velocity at the outlet. The
outlet velocity can be calculated from the flow rate, which, in turn, is obtained
from a nozzle measurement. Obviously, this does not include any
distributional effects, so α = 10
. . ASME PTC 11 includes these distributional
effects regardless of whether fan total pressure or fan specific energy is the
final result, so α ≠ 10 . . ISO 5801 and ISO 5802 include a convention
regarding distributional effects making α = 10 . at the discharge and α = 10 . at
the inlet. (See the chapter on fluid flow for a discussion of alpha factors.)

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The average specific kinetic energy eK and the average velocity pressure
pV can be obtained from Equations 2.110 and 2.111, respectively. These
include the distributional effects noted above. The average total pressure pT
is simply the sum of the average static pressure and the average velocity
pressure as indicated by Equation 2.112.
Based on the above definitions and averages, the fan specific energy y F
can be determined from

pS 2 − pS 1
yF = + eK 2 − eK 1 . (13.1)

Correspondingly, the fan total pressure pFT is

pFT = pT 2 − pT 1 . (13.2)

Referring to Equations 2.23 and 2.26 will show that the potential energy terms
have been considered negligible, which is usual for fans.

Measuring Fan Input Power

Fan input power Ps is the power needed to drive the fan impeller and any
drive elements that are considered a part of the fan or are furnished with the
fan. If a fan is supplied with its own shaft and bearings, then the fan input
power should include the bearing losses. Fan input power does not include
any transmission loss resulting from the use of belt drives, couplings, variable
speed, or other devices, unless the specifications expressly require that these
losses be charged to the fan.
Various prime movers can be used to drive the fan. If properly calibrated,
the input to the prime mover can be measured and its output determined from
the calibration. Unless this is a very good calibration, it is usually better to
use a reaction dynamometer or a torsion element.
An electric reaction dynamometer is essentially an electric motor with
both its armature and its field mounted so that they will revolve around the
same shaft. An arm is attached to the field and a restraining force applied to
the opposite end. If the speed of rotation N , the restraining force F , and the
distance L from the center of rotation to the point of application of the force
are measured, the power input can be determined from

2 π LFN
Ps = . (13.3)

The conversion constant CW has a value of 33000 for power in hp, distance in
ft, force in lb and speed in rpm. For SI units of W, m, N, and rps, CW = 10
. .
Table 13.1 lists some convenient lengths and the corresponding U.S.
customary values of the dynamometer constant 2πL CW .

© 1999 Howden Buffalo, Inc.


Table l3.1 Dynamometer Constants for Convenient Arm Lengths

Arm Length Dynamometer

L in in. Constant
6.3025 1/10000
10.5042 1/6000
12.6050 1/5000
15.7563 1/4000
21.0080 1/3000
31.5126 1/2000

The restraining force on the arm can be measured with a yardarm type
balance, a dial-type scale, or a suitable force gauge. If the weight of the arm
is not perfectly counterbalanced (by means of an exact counterweight on the
stator), the indicated force Fi will have to be corrected. This correction,
called tare Ft can be determined by running the dynamometer, without load,
at the proper speed and noting the scale reading. The corrected force Fc may
be smaller or greater than the measured force, depending on whether there is
positive or negative tare, so

Fc = Fi + Ft . (13.4)

The arm should be in exactly the same position for each reading. When
dial scales are used, the deflection may become so great that an adjustment
will be needed. Such an adjustment is never required with a yardarm-type
balance, which always returns the arm to the same position.
Calibration tests are not usually needed for electric dynamometers. By
measuring tare at the proper speed, the effects of bearing and windage losses
may be cancelled out. Electrical connections must be completely flexible, and
the bearings should be in good condition and well lubricated.
Fan input power can also be found by measuring the electrical input to a
calibrated motor. Calibration tests are made with some form of absorption
dynamometer. If the electrical input is measured in terms of current I in
amps and potential E in volts and if the corresponding efficiency η is
determined from the calibration, then the input power of the fan, if driven by a
direct-current motor, can be calculated from

Ps = . (13.5)

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When alternating-current motors are used, the actual power will differ
from the apparent power indicated by the amps and volts. Power factor cosθ
is the ratio of actual to apparent power for single-phase or three-phase AC
For single-phase AC motors,

EI cosθ
Ps = . (13.6)

For three-phase AC motors,

3EI cosθ
Ps = . (13.7)

The conversion constant K has a value of 746 for power in hp and 1000 for
power in kW. A wattmeter can be used to find the actual power input without
having to measure amps, volts, and power factor separately. For three-phase
current, either the two-wattmeter method of measuring power or a polyphase
wattmeter should be used.
If a torsion meter is used, the torque T is obtained from a calibration of
the change in resistance for a strain-gage element bonded to the transmission
shaft. A separate prime mover is needed. Fan input power can be determined
from the torque and speed by using

2 π TN
Ps = . (13.8)

The conversion constant CW has a value of 33000 for power in hp, torque in
ft-lb, and speed in rpm. For SI units of W, m-N, and rps, CW = 1.0.
In field testing a fan driven by an uncalibrated prime mover, reasonable
values of motor or engine efficiency based on the manufacturer's tests of
similar models should be used. The uncertainty in the fan input power will, of
course, depend on the uncertainty in the efficiency values used.

‹#1999 Howden Buffalo, Inc.


Measuring Fan Speed

Fan performance is quite sensitive to variations in fan speed. The fan laws
indicate that, for a constant point of rating, fan flow rate varies directly with
fan speed, fan output varies directly as the square of the fan speed, and fan
input power varies directly as the cube of the fan speed. So, fan speed must
be accurately determined for each test point during a fan test.
If the fan is driven by a constant-speed dynamometer or some other
constant-speed prime mover, it is necessary to measure the speed only enough
times to ensure that the uncertainty in the average speed for any test point is
within acceptable limits. For fans driven by variable-speed dynamometers or
other prime movers, the speed should be regulated so that it will be nearly
constant while taking measurements for any test point. In the laboratory,
controls can be installed to facilitate speed regulation. In the field, however,
the speed regulator is usually driven by the demand in some process variable
such as furnace draft. It is, therefore, necessary that the controller be locked
in a fixed position so that it is unaffected by changes in demand.
Rotational speed can be measured with various types of tachometers. An
electronic counter, actuated by a magnetic-pulse generator or a photoelectric
pickup, is usually preferred. Slip counting, with stroboscopic light, may be
acceptable for speeds close to line-frequency synchronous speeds. Hand
tachometers, mechanical-revolution counters, and vibrating-read tachometers
are not usually accurate enough for fan-testing purposes.
In the slip method, the shaft must be marked with a reference line or some
other mark that is easily visible under stroboscopic light flashing at line
frequency. The mark will appear to slowly rotate opposite the shaft rotation
and will permit visual observation of the slip frequency. A stopwatch can be
used to measure the time for a specified number of rotations of the mark.
Average slip frequency is derived by dividing the total number n of mark
rotations by the measured time interval t . The fan speed N F is the difference
between synchronous speed and slip frequency. For an electric motor with n p
number of poles and a line frequency f ,

120 f 60n
NF = − . (13.9)
np t

This equation will yield fan speeds in rpm for frequencies in Hertz and time
intervals in seconds.

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Measuring Air Density

Fan performance is a function of the density of the air or gas handled by
the fan, so it is necessary that enough measurements be made to establish the
fluid density during a fan test. Values of fluid density are also needed to
calculate the velocity from velocity pressure and various other results of a fan
test including conversion calculations.
Density is not measured directly; rather, the thermodynamic properties of
temperature and pressure are measured and information about the composition
of the gas is obtained from psychrometric measurements, gas samples, or
process calculations.
Refer to the chapter on properties of air and other gases for information on
barometric, temperature, and humidity measurements. Also included in that
chapter are equations and other information pertaining to the calculation of
molecular weight, gas constant, and density. Refer also to the various appli-
cation chapters for information about the gases normally encountered in those

Measuring Sound Power Level

AMCA 300 specifies procedures based on using a calibrated sound source
in a semireverberant room. Sound power levels in each of the eight octave
bands (or more detailed spectrum information) can be determined from
appropriate measurements. Various test setups simulating different types of
installations can be used. No procedures are given for measuring the direc-
tivity or pure tones. AMCA 320 utilizes the sound intensity method to
provide the same information.
Refer to the chapter on sound for discussions on measuring sound levels,
sound pressure levels, and sound power levels. Corrections for background
level, nonstandard air, and end reflection are also given. Refer also to the
chapter on fan noise.
Before noise testing, check the fans for balance and alignment. Back-
ground noises should be eliminated. Motors and bearings sometimes contrib-
ute to false readings.

Measuring Thrust
Thrust determinations for jet fans require that the fan either be suspended
or supported in such a way that it is held level while allowing sufficient
horizontal movement to measure the force needed to restrain it. Various
means of measurement are detailed in the test standards including load cells
and spring balances.

The instruments used in a fan test should be calibrated and the calibration
corrections applied to individual measurements. Measurements at a single
point should be temporally averaged before applying the calibration correc-
tion. However, calibration corrections must be applied to these temporal
averages before spatial averaging is performed. Refer to the measurement-

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error-and-uncertainties section of the chapter on engineering statistics for

calibration discussions and examples.

Test Results
The results of a fan test should be expressed in terms of either the fan
mass flow rate or the fan volume flow rate, either the fan specific energy or
the fan pressure, and the fan input power. These three quantities represent the
basic performance of the fan. However, performance also depends on the
operating conditions, so fluid density and fan speed, too, should be included
in the results. It may be desirable to calculate the fan efficiency and list it
with the results. The uncertainties in each of the results should be calculated
from an analysis of the uncertainties in each of the measurements leading to
that result. Refer to the section on propagation of uncertainties into a result,
which appears in the chapter on engineering statistics.
If the operating conditions differ from the specifications, use the fan laws
and appropriate compressibility corrections to convert actual results into
results corresponding to specifications. Refer to the chapter on fan laws for
discussions and examples of the use of the fan laws and compressibility
coefficients. Note that additional uncertainties will be introduced if conver-
sion calculations are performed. Both AMCA 210 and ASME-PTC 11
address this matter.
When tests are performed at various points of rating, curves can be fitted
using procedures outlined in the chapter on engineering statistics. Flow rate
should be plotted as abscissa, and both specific output and input power should
be plotted as ordinates.

‹#1999 Howden Buffalo, Inc.

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