Science 20 Communique

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Transformative Science for Sustainable Development


Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

21-22 July, 2023
Science20 – G20 Science Academies Summit
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


We, the Science Academies of the G20 member states and invitee countries, met in
Coimbatore, India, on July 21-22, 2023, to recognize the need for transformative science for
sustainable development in the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (One Earth, One Family,
One Future).

Science20 (S20) meetings, hosted by India during its G20 Presidency, were held under the
theme “Transformative Science for Sustainable Development” and provided a platform for
science academies to deliberate their sub-themes. These were: ‘Clean Energy for Greener
Future’, ‘Universal and Holistic Health’, and 'Connecting Science with Society & Culture’. Our
detailed recommendations are as follows:

A. Clean Energy for Greener Future

1. Energy underpins and is essential to human and economic development.
However, today’s dominant energy systems are contributing to climate
change and other adverse environmental and health impacts. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which represents the best
available science noted in 2019 that energy, transport, and industry sectors
contributed to 72% of the total direct emissions of 59 Gigatons of Carbon
Dioxide (GtCO2).1 Clean and affordable energy, adopted by the United Nations
(UN) as the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 is essential for a
sustainable future for humanity and, therefore, needs urgent attention.
2. During the last decade, significant advances in innovation and deployment
have led to reductions in the cost of low-carbon/emission technologies such
as solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind. This opens up many opportunities for
decarbonization2 at scale. At the same time, several challenges remain – utility
scale storage solutions and decarbonization of heavy industry and transport
remain expensive or are yet to be deployed at scale. Given the urgency of the
climate challenge, the pace of this clean energy transition needs to be greatly
accelerated. This is due to the role of the energy sector as a major greenhouse

1 IPCC. 2022. Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
2 Decarbonization refers to “Human actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from human activities.” Ref:
gas (GHG) contributor and the broad consensus on the need to achieve global
net-zero GHG emissions by or around mid-century.
3. Equity considerations have increasingly become central to the discourse and
must now play a key role in the energy transition. At the global level, countries
have contributed to cumulative GHG emissions to different degrees and are at
different levels of development, capability, and vulnerability. Similarly, the
question of justice arises at sub-national levels too, as massive systemic
transitions are highly likely to have significant distributional implications on
economic and employment structures.3 Such issues, and exploration of ways
to address them, have gained more traction recently.
4. These issues need to be addressed not only for ethical reasons but also
practical reasons, since not engaging adequately with these issues may well
impede the clean energy transition.
5. One of the outcomes has been an increasing focus on “Just Transitions”, which,
in the broadest sense, aim to leave no one behind.4 While much of the attention
is on those who will be disadvantaged by the transition (such as workers,
communities, and nations that depend on fossil fuels), if it is to be truly
inclusive, we need to also focus on those who lack access to clean energy.
6. According to the International Energy Agency, there were about 775 million
people worldwide who didn't have access to electricity and about 2.5 billion
people who didn't have access to clean cooking facilities in 2022. 5 It is not just
the scale of this problem that is surprising but also its persistence. Lack of
access to clean energy greatly impedes human development, with women and
children being affected particularly. For example, household air pollution,
mostly from smoke resulting from combustion of biomass, kerosene or coal,
is linked to around 3.2 million premature deaths a year.6 Therefore, clean
energy access is an issue that needs to be addressed as an integral part of a
green energy transition.
7. The G20 member states account for more than 75% of global energy
consumption and more than 75% of CO2 emissions.7 They also are
responsible for a large fraction of clean-energy innovation globally.
Therefore, enhanced coordination and collaboration between G20 member
states will be the key to shaping the transition of global energy systems
towards sustainable, inclusive, green, and just outcomes.

3 ibid.
4 UN DESA Policy Brief No. 141: A just green transition: Concepts and practice so far | Department of Economic and Social Affairs - United Nations. Available at:
5 IEA SDG7: Data and projections – analysis, IEA. Available at:
6 Household Air Pollution - World Health Organization. Available at:
7 Ritchie, Hannah, Max Roser, and Pablo Rosado. 2022. “Energy.” Our World in Data.
Way Forward
8. The Science20 Academies urge the G20 member states to further strengthen
their collaboration to accelerate the clean energy transition in line with the
long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement (including use of market-
based approaches) while also advancing a sustainable, inclusive, green, and
just transition, focusing:
a) Enhancing innovation in all its stages through cooperation, collaboration, and
i. For technologies requiring further development or those that are in the pre-
commercial stage, the G20 member states should aim to strengthen
cooperation. This can happen through joint R&D projects, shared sponsorship
of long-term innovation programs, and developing policy regimes
incentivizing investment in clean energy research and development. The G20
member states should also promote collaborative efforts to support and
strengthen the clean-energy-startup ecosystem. This effort should link to, and
find synergy with, other relevant G20 tracks. For mature and commercially
competitive technologies, the G20 member states should cooperate to
accelerate deployment through pilot projects, sharing of effective practices on
policy designs for specific technologies, and encouraging financial and
technology flows.
ii. Areas such as grid integration of renewable electricity, hydrogen produced
from zero and low emission technologies and its derivatives (such as
ammonia, biofuels, e-fuels), and energy storage may be key to the clean energy
transition and therefore require specific attention.
iii. Accordingly, we recommend that the G20 member states enhance their
collaboration in these areas by increasing joint R&D efforts, coordinating on
early deployment, and sharing effective practices on scale-up and deployment
pathways. Greater engagement of industry in such activities is fundamental.
iv. The G20 member states are urged to strengthen their focus on demand-side
reductions through research and development, and demonstration. This
would include engagement of physical sciences and other disciplines such as
behavioral sciences, economics, sociology, geography, psychology,
architecture, and cultural studies. Such an effort could yield significant
benefits across the G20 and other countries.
b)Enhancing clean-energy access by utilizing advances in clean-energy
i. The Science20 Academies recommend that the G20 member states take
actions to enhance clean energy access. This could be done by leveraging the
performance gains and cost reductions in clean-energy technologies,
especially renewable energy and energy storage.
ii. A multi-faceted approach is required, including the promotion of renewable
energy technologies, capacity building, and appropriate policies. By
partnering with local governments, NGOs, and private sector entities, the
member states can facilitate the implementation of clean energy projects, such
as solar and wind power systems, mini-grids, and energy-efficient solutions.
The outcomes of these efforts will potentially be far reaching, improving
livelihoods, empowering communities, reducing GHG emissions, and fostering
economic development while advancing the global transition to a clean and
inclusive energy future.

B. Universal and Holistic Health

1. Increasing the healthy life expectancy for all while promoting well-being across
the whole life course are key objectives of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 3. Economic and social development
at the national and global levels is dependent on good health. Therefore,
universality is a major consideration because of basic notions of justice and the
importance of health at individual and population levels for broader development.
2. Health has both intrinsic and instrumental (e.g., economic) value. There also is an
improved understanding of the role of holistic approaches for maintaining good
health. A broad perspective on health also requires consideration of the natural
and social environment. This is illustrated by the “One Health” approach advanced
by World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations (UN) agencies8
that highlights the interconnections of the health of humans and other animals,
plants, and ecosystems.
3. Universal and holistic health requires the integration of knowledge and insights
from science and emphasizes the role of a range of disciplines, analytical tools, and
technologies. These include, but are not limited to, biology, medicine, “omics”
approaches, data science and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML), digitalization, psychology, ecology, public and occupational health, social
sciences, and the humanities.
4. A holistic approach is useful, not just for science, but also for practice and policy.
Such an approach requires a holistic view of all stakeholders: scientists, medical
doctors, healthcare professionals and health workers, affected families and
individuals, policymakers, and others.
5. Understanding the physiology of health and disease across diverse geographic and
cultural contexts is important. In this context, understanding gene-environment
interactions (GEI) requires studies of the meta-genome, biomarkers, and their
interaction with other factors across population groups around the globe.
8One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) 2022: One Health Theory of Change
theory-of-chance.pdf; One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) 2022. One Health: A new definition for a sustainable and healthy future. PLoS Pathog 18(6):
6. There is a need for a holistic approach to addressing health. This includes
prevention (e.g., cleaner environments, nutrition, education) and treatment.

Way Forward
7. The Science20 Academies recommend that the G20 member states strengthen
collaborations in a number of key areas:
a) Strengthening surveillance and prediction systems that monitor wildlife,
veterinary populations, and human communities. This will enable early detection
and the prediction of emerging and re-emerging pathogens with pandemic
b) Undertaking joint actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR), (e.g.,
preventing the misuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary practice as these
result in contamination of water and soil through pharmaceutical effluents and
agricultural usage) as well as zoonotic spillovers.
c) Development of non-resistance-forming drugs and novel antibiotics for AMR. This
involves new drug-discovery approaches such as those based on artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML)9 and federated machine learning. Equally
important are strong supply chains and mechanisms for equitable access.
d) Using data science, especially AI and ML, to integrate multi-disciplinary
knowledge that can help identify causal pathways of disease (biological, social,
and environmental determinants of health across the whole human family and
ecosystems), and develop predictive, diagnostic, and management algorithms.
e) Expanding joint efforts on mental health with an emphasis on community-centred,
primary healthcare-led, and telehealth-supported services. This will allow for
early detection, continuous and equitable access to healthcare professionals, as
well as provision for adequate support and treatment. In addition, practices such
as physical exercise, yoga, and meditation can be integrated.
f) Developing a better understanding of economics and market dynamics of
healthcare products and services in addition to resilience of health systems to
advance the availability of affordable, accessible, and sustainable healthcare
services for all.
g) Deepening collaboration on traditional medicine and knowledge, exploring
evidence-based use of these systems and how they may complement existing
approaches for modern preventive and curative approaches. This includes
scientific research for mechanistic understanding and standardization of
knowledge from different systems of traditional medicine and integration of
beneficial practices, informed by evidence, for complementary use in

9 See, for example: Liu, G. et al. (2023) Deep learning-guided discovery of an antibiotic targeting Acinetobacter baumannii, Nature News. Available at:
10 A prominent example is the development of artemisinin and the resulting effective treatment for malaria that drew upon traditional knowledge

h) Given the importance of authentic health information to all for achieving universal
health, the G20 member states should share experiences and best practices in the
effective dissemination of such information to diverse populations.
i) Emphasizing the importance of education and training in health care, including
capacity building of health professionals and other stakeholders. This will ensure
programs are adapted to local socioeconomic and cultural environments while
preserving a scientific evidence-based approach.

C. Connecting Science with Society & Culture

1. The pursuit of knowledge has long been a fundamental aspiration of humanity
and the resulting understanding of the natural and social worlds has
underpinned human progress and development. Recent breakthroughs in
science and technology are transforming our philosophical and cultural
perceptions, social contexts, and lives.11
2. Science and discovery are products of individuals or groups from natural
sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Together, they address societal
challenges. At the same time, the scientific enterprise and its priorities are
shaped by social and cultural contexts.
3. Rapid advances in science and the translation of the resulting knowledge into
technologies and practices have had a widespread impact, which continually
changes the relationship between science and society. A better understanding of
this relationship provides opportunities to improve human welfare while also
anticipating and mitigating, as much as possible, the undesirable or unintended
consequences of these scientific and technological advances. Recent advances in
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are illustrative of this dual
nature: there is much excitement and enthusiasm about the enormous
possibilities for contributing positively to domains as diverse as science, health,
energy, agriculture, and education. At the same time, there are concerns about
the potentially harmful implications for livelihoods, information, social order,
and governance.
4. The continuous, and in many ways accelerating, the evolution of society and
culture driven by scientific and technological advancement may contribute to
the unintended erosion of our heritage and diversity. Languages are being lost,
as are many cultural practices and traditional arts. However, modern science
and technology also offer us an unparalleled opportunity to preserve our history
and heritage and make it much more widely and equitably accessible.

11 For example, work on mRNA allowed the development of the COVID-19 vaccine in record time.
5. There is an intricate relationship between ecological and cultural diversity. They
are not only mutually reinforcing but also important ingredients of sustainable
development. Cultural diversity, with its rich traditional knowledge and
practices, often holds important insights for sustainable resource management
and adaptation to environmental changes. Preserving such diversity, a desirable
goal in and of itself also offers other benefits.
6. Connecting science to society and culture goes beyond the dissemination of
scientific information. It involves the development of rational and evidence-
based thinking and informed public opinion, building bridges that may facilitate
dialogue, mutual understanding, and co-creation between scientific
communities and diverse societal stakeholders. By promoting science
communication, citizen science initiatives, and participatory research, the
scientific enterprise can empower individuals and communities to actively
engage with scientific discoveries, complement research efforts, and contribute
to the decision-making processes that influence the development and
deployment of transformative innovations. At the same time, other stakeholders
(industry leaders, policymakers, civil society actors, and, indeed, citizens, and
others) take the initiative and share responsibility of engaging with the scientific
enterprise and the knowledge that it generates.

Way Forward
7. The Science20 Academies recommend that the G20 member states enhance the
positive linkages between science, society, and culture through two specific sets
of collaborative actions.
a) Develop and promote a platform for digital technologies for the protection,
preservation, and reproduction of heritage by strategically planning a set of
activities12, including:
i. Better leveraging science and technology to digitally document and preserve
heritage across the globe, including historical sites and artefacts. This could
include the development of robust tools to verify and authenticate data
backed by the relevant metadata.
ii. Supporting systematic analyses of data, including historical records,
archaeological findings, and other artefacts, to enable researchers to gain
new perspectives on cultural practices, traditions, and historical events.
iii. Enhancing immersive learning at local levels to facilitate the bridging of the
digital divide and hands-on activities in the field of culture and science, in

12 There should also be an opportunity to synergize with the existing Saudi Arabia and UNESCO initiative “Dive into Heritage”.
particular, amongst students and teachers. This would also contribute to
broader capacity building and awareness raising.
iv. Preserving digital heritage through a better understanding of how new
media and cultural artefacts produced today can be preserved for
generations to come, including systematic thinking on these efforts to ensure
that the digital material travels well into the future.
v. Developing legislation for impact assessment prior to infrastructure
development in order to salvage archaeological artefacts, promote
conservation, and increase the number of virtual museums. This will
increase job opportunities through expansion in cultural resource
b) Strengthen International Cooperation on Emerging Technologies by:
i. Developing a broad-based venue, platform, or organization to bring together
experts from governments, international organizations, academia, and civil
society from across the G20. The objective is to provide inputs to guidelines
for responsible, just, equitable, safe, and sustainable use of emerging
technologies (for example, generative AI, gene editing for inheritable traits,
and solar geoengineering). While there are some existing efforts in this
domain, they are mostly national or regional. It is critical to get a broader
engagement on these topics because the potential benefits and concerns
relating to emerging technologies may vary across national contexts and
interests, even when the impacts transcend national boundaries.
ii. Promoting diversity and inclusion to create the conditions for creative and
responsible innovations to be prioritized and supported. This would require
the expansion of education to ensure well-informed stakeholders at all
Endorsing Academiesi

i The S20 meeting was held in-person format. France and Italy could not participate in-person.

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