Master Thesis Bineke Visman

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Roadmaps to a hydrogen future in the Netherlands by 2050


Chairperson : Prof.dr. K. Blok, Energy & Industry

First Supervisor : J. N. Quist, Energy & Industry
Second Supervisor : Dr. D. J. Scholten, Economics of Technology and Innovation
External Supervisor : C. N. Kramer, Accenture

Master thesis Complex System Engineering & Managment

Roadmaps to a hydrogen future in the
Netherlands by 2050
Master thesis submitted to Delft University of Technology
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
in Complex System Engineering and Management
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Bineke Visman
Student number: 4500555

To be defended in public on September 24, 2019

Graduation committee
Chairperson : Prof.dr. K. Blok, Energy & Industry
First Supervisor : J. N. Quist, Energy & Industry
Second Supervisor : Dr. D. J. Scholten, Economics of Technology and Innovation
External Supervisor : C. N. Kramer, Accenture

Executive summary

Countries are setting goals to limit climate change. With the Paris Agreement a global goal was
set to reduce GHG emissions. The Netherlands aims to reduce GHG emissions by 95% by 2050
compared to 1990. Hydrogen is an alternative energy carrier that enables a clean future. In the
Climate agreement, the Netherlands acknowledges potential for hydrogen to fulfil climate goals
and become market leader in this area. Hydrogen shows potential for (1) carbon free feedstock
for process industry, (2) carbon free energy carrier of high temperature heat in process industry,
(3) energy storage and transport capacity to enable renewables, (4) transport, and (5) built
environment. The presence of a natural gas grid is a driver for implementation of hydrogen.

While several studies have been conducted on the potential of hydrogen between 2000 and 2018
for the five hydrogen potentials, no large developments have occurred in the use of hydrogen.
The demand for hydrogen stayed constant over the years only for use in the industry of ammonia
production and (petro)chemical industry. This research aims to provide concrete roadmaps for
hydrogen futures based on earlier studies, to explore the possibilities for hydrogen development.
For this study, no new visions are created with workshops, but existing studies are compared
and the key takeaways provide the input for visions. To develop actual roadmaps, a backcasting
study has been conducted. Backcasting studies normally do not have prior visions. However, in
this study backcasting has been implemented to explore concrete changes and actions that are
necessary for development of hydrogen to fulfil the visions that resulted from the existing

The results of the backcasting analysis are placed in time to form a roadmap for hydrogen
visions. Key actors and policy measures are determined to realize the visions. The following
research question has been formulated:

What are possible roadmaps to enable hydrogen futures in the Netherlands by 2050?

From the research question, the following results and conclusion can be made. First, hydrogen
plays a role in industrial clusters in the Netherlands. Potential for future hydrogen markets
strongly depends on the further development of the energy system and alternatives in the
different sectors. Electrolysis and SMR with CCS to some extent are production methods to
make hydrogen production cleaner. Depending on new markets, more stakeholders will become
involved in the current hydrogen system. Based on existing visions and scenarios, three visions

have been constructed. The constructed visions are based on hydrogen as secondary energy
carrier and hydrogen as primary energy carrier. Often hydrogen is compared to electricity.

Vision 1: All electric. Vision 1 describes a system where electricity is used as the primary energy
source. Hydrogen plays an important role in flexibility of the energy system. Electrolysis has
to be scaled to provide flexibility. Thus, support is needed for electrolysis in an early phase of
the roadmap. The current production of grey hydrogen is after scaling of electrolysis replaced
by green hydrogen. Scale is key to competitiveness of green hydrogen in the current hydrogen
system. The key actors are utilities, TSO, electrolysis manufacturers and current hydrogen
producers. Policy measures for electrolysis and storage infrastructure are used in this scenario.

Vision 2: One integrated system. Vision 2 describes a system where hydrogen and electricity
are integrated. Hydrogen is implemented in built environment, industry for high temperature
heating, heavy vehicle transport and inland navigation. Hydrogen production will change over
time. In the beginning blue hydrogen is supported to reduce emissions of the current hydrogen
production. After further development of markets and hydrogen, green hydrogen is promoted
to replace the blue hydrogen production. In built environment a similar transition is constructed.
In early stages hydrogen is promoted with simultaneous promotion of energy efficiency
measures in built environment. At the end of the time period, energy efficiency measures have
improved, and alternative heating systems can be implemented. The key actors are TSO, DSO,
current hydrogen producers and utilities. From a policy perspective, timing with support for
blue hydrogen and green hydrogen is key. First, blue hydrogen needs to be stimulated and by
the time green hydrogen should be implemented, blue hydrogen has to become less favourable.

Vision 3: Go hydrogen. Vision 3 describes a system where hydrogen is implemented to its full
potential. Every action is to enable a large hydrogen economy in 2050. While development and
scaling are to improve the technologies and supply chain. In the maturation phase hydrogen
plays an important role as primary energy carrier in the energy system. Especially in the early
stage, demonstration and governmental support are necessary to realize a hydrogen future. The
key actors are TSO, heat providers industry, DSOs, transport refuelling operators and hydrogen
producers. The largest challenge for vision 3 is to facilitate the large growth of hydrogen supply,
demand and need for infrastructure. With consistent policy strategies, the growth of hydrogen
can be facilitated and not blocked.

From the three roadmaps and visions some recommendations can be formed for Gasunie &
Tennet, DSOs and the government.

Gasunie & Tennet play an important role in the energy transition. Hydrogen may provide a
solution for the challenges with first, hydrogen offers a great opportunity for Gasunie to retain
the current t natural gas infrastructure. Though considerations on quality of the infrastructure
should be considered. Second, In the current energy system, electricity and gas is not connected.
With the development of power-to-gas, the electricity system and gas system may become

Recommendation for DSOs relate to a potential increasing demand of hydrogen in built

environment and the use of the current natural gas grid. First, with the current developments of
hydrogen in public debate may lead to social pressure towards hydrogen in the built
environment. DSOs in collaboration with regions and municipalities should be realistic of
hydrogen in the built environment. Second, DSOs should look carefully in to the natural gas
grid and elaborate on plans how hydrogen could be used in the grid.

Recommendations for the government relate to enabling hydrogen in future energy systems.
While steps are taken to enable hydrogen, some additional actions can be taken. First, tenders
and subsidies will reduce investment uncertainty. By setting certain targets of hydrogen
implementation in sectors can reduce the investment uncertainty further. Second, keep
monitoring technological developments. Hydrogen is for some application still in the
development phase and not considered for application. Thrid, actively discuss the infrastructure
with Gasunie and current hydrogen infrastructure operators. There are various ideas of how the
infrastructure should be operated. Based on the development of the hydrogen market, different
solutions should be implemented.

For further research, the approach of vision comparison could be further developed. The
approach shows promising results, but the limitations should be further elaborated on. In other
situations, for future energy systems, vision comparison could offer a solution in case many
researches already have been conducted. Second, in this study technical, economic and
environmental modelling have not been assessed. Modelling the visions may provide new
insights in the pathways and roadmaps and may lead to differentiating quantification of the
visions. Combining models with pathways studies may provide a better insight in the
bottlenecks between technical possibilities and realisation of the vision. Third, only interviews
have been conducted for this study. In future research, workshops could be conducted for a
similar study to gain more detailed insights on roadmapping approach and to provide more
platform between stakeholders.

Table of Contents
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................... 13

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 14

1.1 Problem statement ............................................................................................................................... 15

1.2 Literature overview ............................................................................................................................. 15

1.2.1 Hydrogen economy......................................................................................................................... 15
1.2.2 Hydrogen futures ............................................................................................................................ 16
1.2.3 Scenarios Netherlands .................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.4 Barriers for hydrogen...................................................................................................................... 18
1.2.5 Overview knowledge gaps.............................................................................................................. 19

1.3 Research questions .............................................................................................................................. 19

1.4 Research Approach ............................................................................................................................. 20

1.5 Overview chapters ............................................................................................................................... 21

2 Literature background ............................................................................................................................... 22

2.1 Transition in socio-technical systems.................................................................................................. 22

2.2 Future studies: Scenarios .................................................................................................................... 22

2.3 Visions and Visioning .......................................................................................................................... 23

2.4 Backcasting.......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 Participatory backcasting ................................................................................................................ 26
2.4.2 Including actors and governance .................................................................................................... 27
2.4.3 Vision comparison and selection .................................................................................................... 28

2.5 Socio-Technical Scenarios .................................................................................................................. 28

2.6 Conclusion literature background....................................................................................................... 31

3 Research approach & methodology .......................................................................................................... 32

3.1 Stage 1: System orientation ................................................................................................................. 33

3.2 Stage 2: Vision construction................................................................................................................ 35

3.3 Stage 3: Backcasting ........................................................................................................................... 37

3.4 Stage 4 & 5: Pathway determination and Roadmapping .................................................................... 37

3.5 Interviews ............................................................................................................................................ 39

3.5.1 Interviewee selection ...................................................................................................................... 39

3.5.2 Interview format ............................................................................................................................. 40
3.5.3 Analysing interviews ...................................................................................................................... 40

4 System orientation....................................................................................................................................... 42

4.1 Current system ..................................................................................................................................... 42

4.1.1 Production of hydrogen .................................................................................................................. 43
4.1.2 Infrastructure .................................................................................................................................. 44

4.2 Potential markets future hydrogen system .......................................................................................... 45

4.2.1 Industry ........................................................................................................................................... 46
4.2.2 Transport......................................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.3 Built environment ........................................................................................................................... 48
4.2.4 Storage and electricity generation .................................................................................................. 49

4.3 System diagram ................................................................................................................................... 50

4.4 Actor analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 51

4.4.1 Current system ................................................................................................................................ 51
4.4.2 General actors potential hydrogen system ...................................................................................... 52
4.4.3 Potential market: transport.............................................................................................................. 54
4.4.4 Potential market: built environment ............................................................................................... 56
4.4.5 Potential market: electricity ............................................................................................................ 58
4.4.6 Potential market: industry ............................................................................................................... 59
4.4.7 Production ....................................................................................................................................... 59

4.5 Vision analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 60

4.5.1 Studies for vision comparison ........................................................................................................ 61
4.5.2 Quantitative analysis visions .......................................................................................................... 68
4.5.3 Vision comparison .......................................................................................................................... 72

4.6 PESTLE analysis ................................................................................................................................. 73

4.7 Conclusion System Orientation ........................................................................................................... 73

5 Visions for hydrogen in 2050...................................................................................................................... 76

5.1 Vision construction .............................................................................................................................. 76

5.2 Vision description ................................................................................................................................ 80

5.2.1 Vision 1: All Electric ...................................................................................................................... 83
5.2.2 Vision 2: One integrated system ..................................................................................................... 84
5.2.3 Vision 3: Go Hydrogen................................................................................................................... 85

5.3 Conclusion vision for hydrogen in 2050 ............................................................................................. 86

6 Backcasting .................................................................................................................................................. 87

6.1 Non-vision related findings ................................................................................................................. 87
6.1.1 Cultural ........................................................................................................................................... 87
6.1.2 Structural ........................................................................................................................................ 88
6.1.3 Technical ........................................................................................................................................ 91

6.2 Findings vision 1 ................................................................................................................................. 92

6.2.1 Cultural ........................................................................................................................................... 93
6.2.2 Structural ........................................................................................................................................ 93
6.2.3 Technical ........................................................................................................................................ 94

6.3 Findings vision 2 ................................................................................................................................. 95

6.3.1 Cultural ........................................................................................................................................... 95
6.3.2 Structural ........................................................................................................................................ 97
6.3.3 Technical ........................................................................................................................................ 98

6.4 Findings vision 3 ............................................................................................................................... 100

6.4.1 Cultural ......................................................................................................................................... 100
6.4.2 Structural ...................................................................................................................................... 101
6.4.3 Technical ...................................................................................................................................... 103

6.5 Drivers for hydrogen ......................................................................................................................... 104

6.6 Barriers for visions ............................................................................................................................ 106

6.7 Diversity in interviews ....................................................................................................................... 107

6.8 Conclusion Backcasting .................................................................................................................... 109

7 Pathways & roadmapping ........................................................................................................................ 110

7.1 Vision 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 111

7.2 Vision 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 116

7.3 Vision 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 122

7.4 Visions compared .............................................................................................................................. 128

7.5 Conclusion Pathways and Roadmaps ............................................................................................... 130

8 Discussion................................................................................................................................................... 132

8.1 Limitations ......................................................................................................................................... 132

8.2 Broaden the perspective .................................................................................................................... 133

8.3 Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 133

8.3.1 Stage 1: system orientation ........................................................................................................... 134
8.3.2 Stage 2: vision construction .......................................................................................................... 134
8.3.3 Stage 3: Backcasting ..................................................................................................................... 135
8.3.4 Stage 4 & 5: Pathway development & roadmapping ................................................................... 136

8.4 Feasibility visions .............................................................................................................................. 137

8.5 Scientific contribution ....................................................................................................................... 138

9 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................. 142

9.1 Recommendations for actors ............................................................................................................. 145

9.2 Future research ................................................................................................................................. 147

10 References .................................................................................................................................................. 148

Appendix I – List of interviews ........................................................................................................................ 157

Appendix II – Interview questions ................................................................................................................... 158

Appendix III - Calculations current system ..................................................................................................... 159

Appendix IV – PESTLEs vision comparison .................................................................................................... 162

Appendix V – scenarios A clean Planet for All ................................................................................................ 174

Appendix VI – Potential table Gigler & Weeda .............................................................................................. 174

Appendix VII – Calculations European Commission ...................................................................................... 175

Appendix VIII – Calculations FCH ................................................................................................................. 181

Appendix IX – Morphological charts visions .................................................................................................. 182

Appendix X – Calculations visions .................................................................................................................. 184

Appendix XI – Calculations pathways ............................................................................................................. 186

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Hype cycle for the evolution of visibility of the hydrogen economy versus time.
(Moliner, Lázaro, & Suelves, 2016) ......................................................................................... 16

Figure 2 - Scenario typology (Börjeson et al., 2006) .............................................................. 23

Figure 3 - Overview of key features and sources of the quality criteria for sustainability visions.
.................................................................................................................................................. 24

Figure 4 - A methodological framework of participatory backcasting (Quist, 2016) .............. 26

Figure 5 - 3 level iterative framework between vision, actor network and technical network
(Hughes, 2013) ......................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 6 – Transitions from historical trajectories towards sustainable futures. (van Vuuren et
al., 2015) ................................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 7 - Framework combining elements backcasting and socio-technical scenarios. ......... 32

Figure 8 – Combining backcasting and pathway theory to a sustainable future. This figure is
designed for the purpose of this research. ................................................................................ 33

Figure 9 - Existing infrastructure hydrogen of Air Products (left) and Air Liquide (right) (DNV
GL, 2017b) ............................................................................................................................... 44

Figure 10 - The different roles of hydrogen in the energy transition according to the Hydrogen
Council (2017). ......................................................................................................................... 46

Figure 11 - Heat demand for industry with expectations for 2030 and 2050. Sources: (BlueTerra,
2018; CE Delft, 2015) .............................................................................................................. 47

Figure 12 - Final energy demand traffic and transport between 1990-2016. (CBS, PBL, RIVM,
& WUR, 2018) ......................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 13 - Distribution fuels for passenger cars between 1990-2016. (CBS et al., 2018)...... 48

Figure 14 - Development of heat demand for 2030 and 2050 in utility and households in
different scenarios. Both scenarios are designed to reach the 2-degree target. Scenario central
has a focus on central energy generation with CCS, biomass and distributed heat. Scenario
decentral has a focus on decentral energy generation with strong energy efficiency measures,
electrification, less fossil fuels, and other renewable sources. (CPB & PBL, 2016) .............. 49

Figure 15 - Net production of electricity in 2018. (CBS StatLine, 2019) ................................ 50

Figure 16 - hydrogen system diagram ...................................................................................... 51

Figure 17 - Roadmap of technology readiness and scaling up to 2050 .................................... 66

Figure 18 - Table of the three Gasunie & Tennet scenarios with specifications...................... 68

Figure 19 - Final energy demand with share of hydrogen for 2050. European studies are
determined for Dutch final energy demand. ............................................................................. 69

Figure 20 - Share of hydrogen of final energy demand the Netherlands in 2050. ................... 70

Figure 21 - Hydrogen demand per sector ................................................................................. 71

Figure 22 - Visions compared to scenarios for hydrogen demand per sector .......................... 82

Figure 23 - System diagram of vision 1: All Electric............................................................... 83

Figure 24 - System diagram of vision 2: One integrated system ............................................. 84

Figure 25 - System diagram of vision 3: Go Hydrogen ........................................................... 85

Figure 26 - Hydrogen production capacity growth and total installed from 2020-2050 for vision
1. ............................................................................................................................................. 111

Figure 27 - Hydrogen demand per sectors between 2020 and 2050 for vision 1. .................. 112

Figure 28 - Hydrogen production capacity growth and total installed from 2020-2050 for vision
2. ............................................................................................................................................. 117

Figure 29 - Hydrogen demand per sectors between 2020 and 2050 for vision 2. .................. 117

Figure 30 - Hydrogen production capacity growth and total installed from 2020-2050 for vision
3. ............................................................................................................................................. 123

Figure 31 - Hydrogen demand per sectors between 2020 and 2050 for vision 3. .................. 124

Figure 32 - Investment costs visions hydrogen capacity ........................................................ 128

Figure 34 - Figure 39 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.99). Ratio: 0,57
cm is 20%. .............................................................................................................................. 175

Figure 35 - Figure of A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.103). Ratio 1,1 cm
is 20%. .................................................................................................................................... 175

Figure 36 - Figure of A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.105). Ratio: 1 cm
is 50 Mtoe. .............................................................................................................................. 176
Figure 37 - Figure 68 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.150). ............. 178

Figure 38 - Figure 69 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.151). Ratio: 0,97
cm is 20 Mtoe. ........................................................................................................................ 178

Figure 39 - Figure 57 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.131). Ratio: 0,92
cm is 50 Mtoe. ........................................................................................................................ 179

Figure 40 - Figure 26 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.79). Ratio: 0,79
cm is 50 TWh. ........................................................................................................................ 180

List of Tables

Table 1 - Overview studies for vision comparison................................................................... 35

Table 2 - Overview topics interview question linked to stages ................................................ 39

Table 3 - Actors current system ............................................................................................... 52

Table 4 - General actors potential hydrogen system ................................................................ 53

Table 5 - Transport specific actors hydrogen system ............................................................... 55

Table 6 - Built environment specific actors hydrogen system ................................................. 57

Table 7 - Electricity sector specific actors for hydrogen system ............................................. 58

Table 8 - Overview selection of scenarios. Scenario building blocks with long term strategy
options. ..................................................................................................................................... 65

Table 9 - Summary of PESTLE analysis.................................................................................. 75

Table 10 - Visions of vision comparison related to selected visions for this study ................. 77

Table 11 - Morphological chart hydrogen visions ................................................................... 78

Table 12 - Morphological chart with element selection for vision 1: All electric ................... 79

Table 13 - quantitative summary of visions. ............................................................................ 81

Table 14 - Cultural changes non-vision related findings ......................................................... 88

Table 15 - Structural changes non-vision related findings ....................................................... 89

Table 16 - Technical changes non-vision related findings ....................................................... 91

Table 17 - Cultural changes vision 1 ........................................................................................ 93

Table 18 - Structural changes vision 1 ..................................................................................... 94

Table 19 - Technical changes vision 1 ..................................................................................... 94

Table 20 - Cultural changes vision 2 ........................................................................................ 95

Table 21 - Structural changes vision 2 ..................................................................................... 97

Table 22 - Technical changes vision 2 ..................................................................................... 99

Table 23 - Cultural changes vision 3 ...................................................................................... 100

Table 24 - Structural changes vision 3 ................................................................................... 101

Table 25 - Technical changes vision 3 ................................................................................... 103

Table 26 - Visions with the basis for their pathway and roadmap ......................................... 110

Table 27 - Roadmap vision 1 ................................................................................................. 113

Table 28 - Influence of vision 1 of key actors ........................................................................ 114

Table 29 - Vision 1 bottlenecks and policies ......................................................................... 115

Table 30 - Roadmap vision 2 ................................................................................................. 119

Table 31 - Key actors vision 2................................................................................................ 121

Table 32 - Vision 2 bottlenecks and policies ......................................................................... 122

Table 33 - Roadmap vision 3 ................................................................................................ 125

Table 34 - Influence of vision 3 on key actors ....................................................................... 126

Table 35 - Vision 3 bottlenecks and policies ......................................................................... 127

Table 36 - Differences between scenarios in costs, CAPEX and efficiency .......................... 129

Table 37 - Overview of costs for hydrogen and the gap between grey, blue and green hydrogen.
................................................................................................................................................ 130

Table 40 - Indicative assessment of potential demand of hydrogen in the Netherlands ........ 174


This thesis was written as a graduation project for the Master Complex System Engineering &

First, I would like to thank Kornelis Blok, Jaco Quist and Daniel Scholten for your supervision
during my master thesis. I really enjoyed the meetings we had together, were often meetings
ended in a discussion on the broader scope of my topic. Kornelis Blok challenged me to be
critical on my findings, providing me with feedback when needed. Daniel challenged me to
look beyond my thesis and to dive deeper in the scientific relevance of my thesis. Jaco Quist
supported me through the entire process, providing me with feedback, guidance and many

Second, I would like to thank my supervisors at Accenture, Nick Kramer and Stephan Talle.
Especially Nick guided me through the process. He opened up a network of experts and
stakeholders and he was always there when I needed him. With his constructive feedback I
learned a great deal on project work which I will take with me in my further carrier.

Furthermore, I would like to thank all my interviewees, Ad van Wijk, Chris Hellinga, Gert Jan
Kramer, Albert van der Molen, Noé van Hulst, Steve Sol, René Schutte, Jan Veijer, Matthijs
Hisschemöller and Marcel Galjee. Without your help I would have not reached the same results.
I really enjoyed learning all the different perspectives on the topic.

At last, I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me. My family has been very
patience with my ‘ik leef even onder een steen’ thesis period. Without my friends, the long days
in the library would have been less resourceful. I want to thank my boyfriend for his always
critical feedback on my thesis.

1 Introduction

In the 2015 Paris Agreement countries around the world agreed to collectively tackle the issue
of climate change (United Nations, 2015). Countries agreed to aim for a well below increase of
2 degrees Celsius by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 relative to 1990. In
order to reach the target, countries are to a large extend investing in renewable energy sources
(RES). In a projection it is expected that RES will account for 12.4% of the global energy
demand in 2023 (IEA, 2018).

Though renewables are a clean source of energy, challenges occur with the increase of capacity.
The main energy carrier for renewables is electricity (e.g. hydropower, bioenergy, wind and
solar). An increase of renewable energy sources creates challenges for balancing of the grid and
matching demand in seasonal fluctuations (Dickinson et al., 2017). A mix of energy carriers
improves security of supply for future energy demands. Alternative energy carriers such as
hydrogen may offer a solution.

In 2017 the Hydrogen Council (2017) announced a vision for the hydrogen economy in 2050
at the World Economic Forum. High potential for hydrogen is expected in the transportation
sector, in the refining and production of methanol, in heating and powering buildings and
industry, and as storage for renewable energy. For the hydrogen council scenario, a share of
18% hydrogen of the total energy demand by 2050 is expected. According to the Hydrogen
Council, hydrogen can lead to a reduction of 20% CO2 emissions contributing to the total CO2
abatement needed.

In the Netherlands, the interest in hydrogen as an energy carrier is increasing as a result of the
worldwide climate change developments. Under the Dutch Climate Agreement, it is aimed to
reduce GHG emissions by 49% by 2030 compared to 1990 and 95% in 2050. The Dutch
government states hydrogen is a key technology to less CO2 emissions. The Netherlands has
the potential to create a distinctive clean-tech-industry and knowledge position to proactive
tackle the energy transition with its process industry, geographical advantages, gas knowledge
and gas infrastructure (Klimaatberaad, 2018). Both the climate goals and potential to become a
market leader in clean-tech-industry, drive the further development of hydrogen systems in the
Netherlands. From October 2018 on a subsidy scheme of 2.2 million euros has opened that
supports innovative projects with hydrogen as energy carrier.

1.1 Problem statement

As illustrated, there is a multitude of long-term plans for hydrogen with different expatiations.

The hydrogen system is a socio- technical system with many stakeholders involved. A transition
towards an energy system with hydrogen asks for changes in technology, economics and
politics. A combination of factors will influence the increase in share of hydrogen by 2050. Still
research is needed to understand the functioning of hydrogen in the energy system and to
understand how technologies will further develop. Analysing a socio- technical system matches
skills learned in the curriculum of CoSEM.

This research aims to define three roadmaps for hydrogen in the Netherlands by developing
visions for 2050 based on the potential of hydrogen. The visions will lead to matching pathways
that focus on reaching a GHG reduction of 80-95% by 2050. The visions allow for hydrogen
integration from primary energy carrier to secondary energy carrier. Both national and
international factors will be taken into consideration for developing the pathways. A new
approach for vision construction is issued to use existing literature and reports to define
essential factors for hydrogen futures in the Netherlands. Furthermore, this research aims to
reveal how a (combination of) factors may influence the implementation of hydrogen in the
Netherlands. Stakeholder involvement and policy measures are taken in consideration to
determine those factors.

1.2 Literature overview

This section discusses literature on the future of hydrogen. A search has been done in Scopus
and further literature is found trough the snowballing method for studies on hydrogen futures.
The search term is as follows ‘Hydrogen AND (Future OR scenarios OR backcasting OR

1.2.1 Hydrogen economy

A hydrogen economy means hydrogen is the main energy carrier in the energy system with
hydrogen as the key energy carrier (Gosselink, 2002). The future of hydrogen is strongly
dependent on the demand of hydrogen and the technological development of hydrogen
technology (Hetland & Mulder, 2007). Hydrogen shows potential as an energy carrier of the
future and even as an energy source for consumption (Mazloomi & Gomes, 2012). Interest in
hydrogen changes in time (Figure 1). In the period of the Kyoto Protocol an increase of
hydrogen visibility was noticed. Currently, hydrogen is getting back in visibility.

Figure 1 - Hype cycle for the evolution of visibility of the hydrogen economy versus time. (Moliner, Lázaro, & Suelves, 2016)

In the debate of the future of hydrogen, hydrogen is often compared to electricity. Barber (2005)
and Shinnar (2003) favour the use of electricity over hydrogen, because energy losses occur in
hydrogen systems. While hydrogen is expected to become an important energy carrier after
2050 (Marchenko & Solomin, 2015), Hosseini & Wahid (2016) argue development of hydrogen
is strongly dependent on electricity and fossil fuel costs; at the moment hydrogen is more
expensive than electricity and fossil fuels.

Others have mentioned integration of the two economies (hydrogen and electricity) (Gosselink,
2002; Marchenko & Solomin, 2015). Gosselink describes a sustainable market, where both
renewable hydrogen (green hydrogen) production and green electricity are interconnected in
one market. Marchenko & Solomin argue hydrogen and electricity should be a combined
economy and not a decision between one or the other.

1.2.2 Hydrogen futures

In global scenarios the role of hydrogen differs strongly. Shell's (2013) New Lens Scenarios
highlights hydrogen infrastructure will be developed globally and used for energy storage and
transportation, produced by renewable sources on the long term. From 2035 hydrogen and
electricity transport will increasingly infiltrate road transport. On the other side, one of the
scenarios states that the transition towards green hydrogen will take slowly, coming from
production based on coal and gas, since electrolysis is still expensive. The two scenarios show
different outcomes for a hydrogen future. In A Clean Future for all (European Commission,
2018) it becomes clear that with a large infiltration of hydrogen, the total electricity demand
will increase. Hydrogen will by 2050 play an increasing role in transport and industry, while
hydrogen storage is limited. Hydrogen is expected in many scenarios to play a small role in
reaching climate change goals under the Paris Agreement with a share less than 10% for 2050
until 2100 (Gambhir, Rogelj, Luderer, Few, & Napp, 2019). Though hydrogen has a small share
through scenarios, the future of hydrogen may still be important in decarbonizing gas grids and
heavy transport sector where it performs better than electrification.

From global scenarios it can be concluded several indicators influence the development of
hydrogen according to Hennicke & Fischedick (2006). They argue that first, there is not one
answer how the hydrogen economy will look like, many potential scenarios are issued. Second,
increase of efficiency is a prerequisite for implementation of hydrogen. Third, outcomes for
hydrogen may strongly differ between countries due to its circumstantial situation. In detail
studies are needed on national and local level.

In various countries scenario analysis for hydrogen have been conducted. From country specific
studies some elements are often highlighted for being important for further development of
hydrogen. Those elements are development of infrastructure, green hydrogen production,
hydrogen storage capacity to facilitate transition, potential of fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen
injection in gas infrastructure and expected low integration of hydrogen before 2030 (Hennicke
& Fischedick, 2006; Le Duigou et al., 2013; McKenna et al., 2018; Rodríguez et al., 2010;
Ruhnau, Bannik, Otten, Praktiknjo, & Robinius, 2019; Silva, Ferreira, & Bento, 2014; Sørensen
et al., 2004; Viesi, Crema, & Testi, 2017).

1.2.3 Scenarios Netherlands

Hydrogen in the Netherlands has been described from 2000 onwards (Table 1). Up to 2011
hydrogen was mentioned in many studies. Between 2011 and 2017 hydrogen was not included
in studies, while in increase of hydrogen studies can be seen after 2017. While the debate has
increased in the Netherlands from 2000 and onwards, since then not much has changed
regarding hydrogen integration in the current energy system.

Early studies described potential visions for hydrogen in the Netherlands often focussed on
transport and hydrogen in built environment. In 2006 a study was conducted by Werkgroep
waterstof (2006) that led to an integral vision for hydrogen in the Netherlands. Transition
pathways and goals were identified. In 2007 a participatory backcasting study was conducted
(Hisschemöller, Bode, van de Kerkhof, & Stam, 2007). The study first identified three visions
based on the repertory grid method that allowed to construct visions based on common notions
(van de Kerkhof, Cuppen, & Hisschemöller, 2009). As a result of the study five key institutional

factors were identified that shape the further development of hydrogen in the Netherlands,
namely (1) physical infrastructure, (2) centralized versus decentralized system, (3) the dominant
knowledge system, (4) policy approach, and (5) lack of knowledge competition. Later in 2011
PBL (2011) conducted a study in combination with ECN where different routes towards a clean
economy in 2050 is discussed. The role of hydrogen is mentioned to convert surpluses of
electricity to hydrogen where it can function as energy carrier.

More recent research and reports show an increasing interest in hydrogen. Two regional studies
have shown the potential for hydrogen in the Northern part of the Netherlands and the province
Zuid-Holland (Noordelijke Innovation Board, 2017; Wijk, Rhee, Reijerkerk, Hellinga, &
Lucas, 2019). While the last report so far consists of a vision document, the project in the
Northern Netherlands has constructed an investment agenda for hydrogen.

Other scenario studies for the Netherlands show increasing potential for hydrogen with the
creation of a hydrogen economy besides electricity (CE Delft, 2018; Gasunie & Tennet, 2019;
Ouden, Graafland, & Warnaars, 2018).

1.2.4 Barriers for hydrogen

In literature barriers for hydrogen are often mentioned as a drawback in further development
for hydrogen in energy systems.

McDowall & Eames (2006) acknowledge without large changes hydrogen will emerge slowly
or not at all. The barriers for hydrogen are absence of a hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, high
costs, and technological immaturity. Without strong governmental support, major changes in
social values or technological development, and changes in climate change hydrogen will not
emerge with a strong speed.

Infrastructure is a barrier for hydrogen implementation (Konda, Shah, & Brandon, 2011). On
the other hand, it is suggested the natural gas infrastructure can be used for hydrogen with some
adjustments. Shinnar (2003) criticizes using the infrastructure of natural gas for hydrogen,
because pipeline volume needs to be increased and transport losses increase what makes to
overall infrastructure less efficient. Dunn (2002) argues in contrary the costs for hydrogen are
perceived as high, because the natural gas infrastructure shows large potential and with slow
integration hydrogen could become cost competitive.

Furthermore, many pathways for hydrogen will ask for a high level of collaboration between
different actors such as industry and government (Mcdowall, 2014). Managing this is highly

1.2.5 Overview knowledge gaps

The role of hydrogen in future energy systems is highly uncertain. Form the literature review
the following knowledge gaps can be summarized matching uncertainty around future

• Over the last couple of years many studies and reports conducted on the potential of
hydrogen in both Europe and the Netherlands. The studies have not yet led to an altering
use of hydrogen. How can earlier studies provide guidance in future development of
• Global debate on hydrogen economy still strong. Interest in Netherlands increasing
again. Uncertainty to what extent hydrogen will become part of the Dutch energy system
and to what extent it will be integrated with the energy system of other energy carriers.
• Several barriers for hydrogen are identified. How to overcome the barriers is not
analysed in both literature and reports, while overcoming barriers is crucial in further
development of hydrogen.

Although the debate on hydrogen is still going on, the Netherlands seems to be rather positive
on integration of hydrogen. Pathways towards a hydrogen future are unknown and stakeholders
have no idea how markets will develop and how to overcome the barriers of implementation.
The Netherlands may have another potential for hydrogen due to its geographical locations,
existing infrastructure for natural gas and the fact that natural gas is phased out of households.
Without incentives to overcome the barriers, hydrogen will not accelerate under business as

1.3 Research questions

To gain a deeper understanding on the role of hydrogen in 2050 and how to get there, research
is needed. Therefore, the research question is as follows:

What are possible roadmaps to enable hydrogen futures in the Netherlands by 2050?

Sub question are formulated to answer the main research question. The sub questions are
defined as follows:

1. What are developments, challenges and stakeholders of the current hydrogen system in
the Netherlands?
2. How can similarities and differences of existing visions a provide potential visions for
hydrogen in future energy systems in the Netherlands by 2050?
3. What are visions and roadmaps for hydrogen futures in the Netherlands by 2050?
4. What are implications of the roadmaps for actors, potential responses and policy
strategies to overcome barriers in roadmaps to reach the desired outcome?

1.4 Research Approach

For this research, a scenario approach is used. Within future studies, scenarios are a common
way to describe possible futures. Many different categories of scenarios exists (Börjeson, Höjer,
Dreborg, Ekvall, & Finnveden, 2006). For this research a normative approach is used.
Normative scenarios are based on the question how different targets can be reached. The
starting point of normative scenarios is the focus on a certain future situation or objective
followed by how it should be realised.

To answer the research question, a backcasting analysis is used, because the future of hydrogen
is highly uncertain. Backcasting is a normative scenario approach. Backcasting is often used
when goals are unreachable with the current developments (Börjeson et al., 2006). Backcasting
is seen as a useful approach when there is a complex societal problem, need for major change,
dominant trends influence the problem, externalities are not yet solved in the market and long-
time horizons allow for other solutions to develop in time to solve the problem (Dreborg, 1996).
In case of hydrogen, the current regime with fossil fuels needs to be changed, thus hydrogen
can play a role in solving the problem of climate change. Technological, economical and
societal changes have to take place before hydrogen will become a part of the regime.

Backcasting is a qualitative analysis where goals are determined. The goals often represent a
desirable future. From there a backwards analysis is used to research what is needed to reach
the goals as described by Quist (2007). The outcome of the approach are pathways towards the
set goals.

From the literature review it became clear technological development and market creation must
be created alongside. Furthermore, collaboration between different stakeholders strongly
influence the outcome of this mutual development. Therefore, a strong focus will be on the role
of stakeholders for the potential of hydrogen. Quist (2007) purposes a methodological
framework for participatory backcasting. The framework entails a five-stage approach with

different tools for stakeholder involvement, future visions and analytical results. Involving
stakeholders is important, because they will have to realise the proposed actions and follow-up
from the different pathways. Tools and methods that can be used in the five stages are related
to stakeholder participation, design and development, and analysis. Analysis tools are used to
assess the scenarios and designs (Quist, 2007).

In backcasting study the construction of visions is done by workshops and interviews. In case
of hydrogen in the Netherlands many studies have been conducted and an approach of visions
comparison is used based on PESTLE elements as described by (Figueroa, de Groot, van
Paassen, Park Lee, & Regett, 2013). Using vision comparison is an adjustment to the existing
theory. Furthermore, the outcome of backcasting studies are often pathways. This study takes
the backcasting approach to a next level with roadmaps where actions are placed in time. The
roadmaps allow to identify bottlenecks and drivers. From there actor involvement and policy
instruments can be determined based on (Hughes, 2013).

A disadvantage of backcasting is the lack of a quantitative analysis. To resolve this, analysis

tools can be used. Implementing the goals for hydrogen provides insights in demand for
electricity and other sources, dependent on the production of hydrogen. A barrier for
participatory backcasting is stakeholder engagement through the process. This can be resolved
by making the backcasting framework independent of stakeholder participation by integrating
it with other backcasting frameworks and using other methods to gain results. Stakeholder
involvement can be used as validation of found results.

1.5 Overview chapters

In the remainder of the thesis the main research question will be answered. First chapter 2
Literature background provides insight in the theories and literature used for this thesis. Chapter
3 Research approach & methodology elaborates on methods and theories used to conduct the
research and how data is gathered. The results are discussed in chapter 4 System orientation,
chapter 5 Visions for hydrogen in 2050, chapter 6 Backcasting and chapter 7 Pathways &
roadmapping. Finally the results are discussed in chapter 8 Discussion and concluded in chapter
9 Conclusion.

2 Literature background

The literature background provides insights and in-depth analysis of frameworks used. The aim
of the chapter is to argue why certain decisions and adjustments have been made as a basis for
the research. First transitions in socio-technical systems is described in section 2.1 followed by
future studies in section 2.2. Next in section 2.3 visions and visioning are explained. Section
2.4 describes backcasting. Section 2.5 elaborates on socio-technical scenarios. At last, section
2.6 provides a conclusion on the literature background

2.1 Transition in socio-technical systems

Energy system are often described as socio-technical systems. Transition theory focusses on
socio-technical systems what consist of actors, institutions, material artefacts and knowledge
(Markard, Raven, & Truffer, 2012). The elements interact leading to a specific service for
society. A socio-technical transition occurs when a set of processes are changed in the socio-
technical system. Often transitions take place over a long period of time.

A field of research on transition towards sustainability has emerged under political and socio-
science interest (Markard et al., 2012). The frameworks that have emerged over time are
transition management (TM), strategic niche management (SNM), multi-level perspective
(MLP) and technological innovation systems (TIS).

The MLP framework allows to study transition through multiple levels and therefore is further
explained for this research. The MLP allows for a simplified and organized analysis of a
complex transition towards a sustainable future (Smith, Voß, & Grin, 2010). The MLP analyses
transition as a non-linear process through three analytical levels: socio-technical landscape,
socio-technical regime and niche-innovations (Geels, 2011).

2.2 Future studies: Scenarios

Future studies help organisation to develop strategies for dealing with complex and uncertain
futures (Ligtvoet et al., 2016). In the field of future studies, many studies and approaches exist
of which scenarios is one approach (Börjeson et al., 2006). Scenarios are a common way
approach for companies and research as a basis for strategic planning (Dreborg, 1996).
Scenarios allow for a broader analysis and the use of different scenarios allows to cope with

Börjeson et al. (2006) categorize the following types of scenarios, namely predictive,
explorative and normative (Figure 2 ).

Predictive scenarios are used to generate a plan based on expected situations. Two different
types of predictive scenarios are forecast and what-if scenarios. Both types try to predict the
future under likely developments and conditions under certain events. Explorative scenarios are
based on what can happen in the future. Two types of explorative scenarios can be
distinguished: external and strategic scenarios.

Figure 2 - Scenario typology (Börjeson et al., 2006)

Several perspectives are considered to determine the possible outcomes. Possible outcomes and
policy measures are taken into consideration in the outcome of the scenarios. Normative
scenarios are based on the question how different targets can be reached. The starting point of
normative scenarios is the focus on a certain future situation or objective followed by how it
should be realised. Two types of normative studies are preserving scenarios and transforming
scenarios. Preserving scenarios create scenario on the principle the target can be reached by
adjustments to the current system, while transforming scenarios reaching the targets when the
current system blocks change. Backcasting is an example of a transforming scenario approach.
Often predictive approach and exploratory approach are used (Quist, 2016). Normative
scenarios are used to formulate ‘alternative’ futures instead of desirable futures (Quist, 2016).

2.3 Visions and Visioning

In scenarios often the future is constrained by activities and motivations of actors in the current
system and actors may be less open to radical changes in the system (Hughes, 2013). Visions
broaden the scope to how the system could look like without the limitation of the current socio-
technical system. In case more actors support a vision and begin to act accordingly, the vision
becomes more realistic. Visions can act as an input for actor behaviour and thus change the

current system (Hughes, 2013; Wiek & Iwaniec, 2014). The process of actors seeing
opportunities in the vision and acting upon it leads to diffusion of the vision (Quist, 2016).

Wiek & Iwaniec (2014) provide a framework for quality criteria and design guidelines for
sustainable visions. Quality criteria of a vision are that a vison should be visionary, sustainable,
systematic, coherent, plausible, tangible, relevant, nuanced, motivated and shared. Figure 3
summarizes the quality criterion with the key features.

In order to align the key features in a normative vision, the visions should be constructed
consistent of three elements (William McDowall & Eames, 2007):

• Narrative description of the hydrogen system.

• Technology deployment is expressed in quantitative indicators.
• System diagrams that represents the vision.

The three elements will provide a well-rounded storyline for visions in future studies.

Figure 3 - Overview of key features and sources of the quality criteria for sustainability visions.

2.4 Backcasting

In backcasting studies an alternative future is envisioned that deviates from the existing system
and expected future (Giurco, Cohen, Langham, & Warnken, 2011). Sustainable development
has raised the need for evaluation of future prospects for economic and environmental
development over the long-term (Robinson, 1990). Where forecasting studies can only predict
the most foreseeable future as a result of embedded assumptions and current events, backcasting

allows to explore desirable futures, where major adjustments are needed. Policy is driven by
scientific findings on environmental issues with an increasing public demand. In terms of
sustainable development backcasting can lead to strategic processes to reach sustainable goals,
identify actions for transitions and provide tools to monitor progress. Backcasting is seen as a
transforming scenario approach. The characteristics of a transforming scenario approach are
that scenarios are often qualitative with quantitative elements, often over a very long time and
the system structure is changing (Börjeson et al., 2006). Dreborg (1996) specifies 5
characteristics for a backcasting study:

• The problem of the study should be complex, affecting many sectors and levels of
• In the study there is need for major change. Small adjustments to the system will not be
sufficient to solve the problem.
• Change is limited to a great extent by dominant trends.
• The problem is partly a matter of externalities that cannot be internalized by the market.
• The time horizon is long enough that major changes in the system can take place.

Many approaches have been designed in backcasting literature. Backcasting can be

distinguished as design-orientated backcasting and participation-orientated backcasting (Quist
& Vergragt, 2006; Wangel, 2011). Within design-orientated backcasting distinguish can be
made between target-oriented, pathway-oriented and action-oriented backcasting. Emphasis in
target-oriented is on fulfilling the goal. Pathway-oriented places emphasis not on a set target,
but on the path towards sustainable development, because of its changing nature. Action-
oriented aims to develop an action plan or strategy, limited to predetermined set of actors. In
participation-orientated backcasting emphasis is on the outcome of participation over the
backcasting methodology

Four backcasting approaches are broadly discussed in literature:

• Robinson's (1990) backcasting approach

• The Natural Step backcasting approach (TNS) (Holmberg, 1998; Holmberg & Robert,
• Sustainable technology development (STD) (Weaver, Jansen, van Grootveld, van
Spiegel, & Vergragt, 2000)
• Participatory backcasting (Jaco Quist, 2007)

As a basis of this research, participatory backcasting is further explained.

2.4.1 Participatory backcasting

Traditionally backcasting approaches explored energy futures and the potential for policy
analysis. The approaches are very design-orientated. Later on, more emphasis was placed on
the involvement of stakeholders and the fact there is continuous feedback between future
visions and present actions (Quist & Vergragt, 2006). An interactive and iterative process is
created. From the analysis of Quist (2007) three key elements of participatory backcasting can
be selected (Quist, 2013; Quist, 2016):

• Construction and use of desirable future visions or normative scenarios

• Strong stakeholder involvement integrated with stakeholder learning processes.
• Using a wide range of methods: process, participation, analysis and design.

Figure 4 - A methodological framework of participatory backcasting (Quist, 2016)

The three elements have led to a five-step framework with a strong involvement of stakeholder,
their knowledge and values. Quist (2016) provides an overview of the 5 steps with sub steps to
be considered (Figure 4).

Similar to other backcasting approaches, the first step is strategic problem orientation. Strategic
problem orientation entails exploring the problem from a systematic view. Normative
assumptions, requirements and targets are defined. The orientation forms a basis for the
development of future visions. Future visions are social constructs which are highly dependent
on actor endorsement (Quist & Vergragt, 2006). Several participatory methods are used to
develop visions, such as brainstorm sessions, morphological analysis and Q-methodology
(Quist, 2016). After the vision is developed, the question what changes are needed to bring
about the future vision. WHAT-HOW-WHO questions are raised. The WHAT question raises
on what needs to change in order to reach the vision, the HOW question raises question on how
the change should take place and the WHO question answer who could change or who should
be involved in change (Wangel, 2011b). With the found changes, actions and pathways can be
determined. As a final step action agendas and follow-up strategies can be created for the
different actors.

2.4.2 Including actors and governance

Wangel (2011a) criticises backcasting on the limitation of actors and governance. While
participatory backcasting is increasing, actor involvement does not necessarily mean presence
actors in resulting scenarios. Furthermore, often WHAT and HOW questions are asked, but
WHO question is not always included in the backcasting analysis. Actor involvement is
necessary for the next step, including governance. Governance can be seen as the attempt to
achieve the desired outcome. Four approaches are discussed to include actors and governance:

• Stakeholder analysis approach

• Social network approach
• Governance model approach
• Policy and change approach

As part of governance model approach and policy change approach a process diagram can be
used to study the vision in terms of process of change. The diagram covers the pathway from
one system to another system and there is as strong reason to include prerequisites such as
institutions and previous decisions. The end-use phase facilitates to reflect on long-term

management and the time scope of change. When highlighting the interactions between
activities in order to reach the vision, key decision points can become visible.

2.4.3 Vision comparison and selection

Often visions are generated with interviews and workshops with many experts and stakeholders
in backcasting studies. In case many visions are available in literature, construction of new
visions might not be necessary. Comparison and selection techniques are necessary to construct

When comparing visions, key elements of the system for each vision should be taken in
consideration. Key elements can be determined in a system and technological analysis (Giurco
et al., 2011). The PESTE framework allows for structured comparison of the existing visions
(Figueroa et al., 2013). PESTE takes five aspects in consideration: Political, Economic, Social,
Technical and Environmental. An additional aspect, legal, can be included leading to a
PESTLE. Visions can be analysed on those aspects and allow for consistent comparison. will
be analysed based on those aspects. A systematic approach in comparing visions enables
clustering visons and highlighting differences.

Selection criteria allow for distinguishing between visions. McDowall & Eames (2007) defined
criteria for scoring scenarios. Scenarios are scored on environmental, economic, social, energy
security and other criteria. The criteria were scored on importance by participants before the
visions were analysed.

2.5 Socio-Technical Scenarios

Socio-technical scenario (STSc) is a method to research transitions in future scenarios. The

method builds upon transition theory, where the socio-technical landscape, socio-technical
regime and technological niche form the centre of transitions. STSc has been developed by
Elzen, Geels, & Hofman (2002) from the MLP where historical transitions are analysed (Foxon,
Hammond, & Pearson, 2010). STSc allows to research future transition based on transition
theory. Besides technological development, STSc considers links between (1) various options,
how developments affect and are affected by strategies, and behaviour of stakeholders (Foxon
et al., 2010).

STSc, as proposed by Elzen et al. (2002), consist of a few central tasks that will help to create
scenarios. First, the current socio-technical regime has to be characterized in terms of the key
elements of a regime. Second, potential technological niches should be identified with their

characteristics. Third, factors in the main socio-technical landscape should be identified that
influence the dynamics in niches and regime. The final task is to design choices at the landscape
level and niche level. Factors are chosen that will scope the macro-environment and niches are
selected that will be able to become part of the regime.

In research, STSc methods have been further developed and in some cases combined with
quantitative approaches (Foxon, 2010; Geels, McMeekin, & Pfluger, 2018; Hughes, 2013;
Mcdowall, 2014).

Foxon et al. (2010) describe three main steps for identifying the initial outline of transition

• Characterise the existing energy regime.

• Identify dynamic processes at the niche level.
• Specify interactions giving rise to or strongly influencing transition pathways.

Foxon (2013) combined the initial outline of transition pathway with a quantitative model to
further research the technological feasibility, social acceptability and sustainability appraisal of
the pathways.

Hughes (2013) identifies three main types of scenario approaches: (i) trend based, (ii) actor
based and (iii) technical feasibility. Combining the three types of scenario approaches can guide
short term decisions to reach long term goals and benefits from actor-based system views. This
results in an iterative framework where visons, actor network and technological network are
combined (Figure 5)(Hughes, 2013). When dealing with uncertainty in scenarios, it is important
to consider three kinds of future elements: pre-determined elements, actor-contingent elements
and non-actor contingent elements (Hughes, Strachan, & Gross, 2013). Pre-determined
elements and non-actor contingent elements cannot be influenced by actor decisions. Actor-
contingent elements can be affected by choices made by actors in the system and therefor can
be influenced by proactive decision making. Different system decision caused by varying actor
preferences can lead to many pathways due to many branching points (Mcdowall, 2014).
Visions of actors can strongly vary and their preference for different pathways varies as well.
Action of the different actors and decisions they make will in the end lead to a certain pathway.
In case a normative objective is tried to be reached, actions can be analysed (decisions of actors)
for a pathway towards the objective.

Figure 5 - 3 level iterative framework between vision, actor network and technical network (Hughes, 2013)

Geels et al. (2018) proposes a methodology with socio-technical qualification of model-based

scenarios with the introduction of transition bottlenecks (Figure 6). Transformative action and
policies take place trough time to alter the expected end point to the sustainable development

Figure 6 – Transitions from historical trajectories towards sustainable futures. (van Vuuren et al., 2015)

Often MLP-based analysis highlights the lack of transition do to locked-in regimes and not yet
well-developed niche-innovations, while model-based scenarios lead to transition pathways of
what should happen. The tension between what should happen and what is embedded in the
existing system are transition bottlenecks. Including socio-technical transition theory supports
to develop plausible pathways that can overcome transition bottlenecks.

2.6 Conclusion literature background

Quist’s participatory backcasting frameworks forms the backbone of this research. The
presence of existing visions could be seen as a reason for not using a backcasting study. Though
the visions have not let to alternating usage of hydrogen and the study for hydrogen futures
matches the 5 specifications for a backcasting study of Dreborg (1996). Thus, a backcasting
approach has been chosen where visions form the basis of this study. The five steps in the
backcasting approach are adjusted with aspects of the literature background.

First, Quist’s framework uses workshops and other participatory methods to construct visions.
An alternative method has been created based on PESTLE elements. The alternative method
has been designed for the existence of multiple studies on hydrogen in the Netherlands where
many stakeholders for hydrogen have been involved in. Existing studies are analysed based on
PESTLE-elements and concluded in one final factor analysis that provides the input for vision
construction and selection.

Second, Quist’s framework step 4 and 5 focus on development of transition pathway and
follow-up of the visions. The results of the backcasting study can be further elaborated on in
research. From the literature background, literature on socio-technical scenarios has been found
that can provide a more in-depth analysis of the final steps for backcasting studies. The findings
of the backcasting study are organized in a follow-up agenda. For this research, emphasis is
placed on the agenda as a roadmap for hydrogen transitions. Foxon (2010) introduces steps to
further identify the transition pathways for various visions. Hughes (2013) introduces an
iterative framework where the relations between visions, actor network and technical network
can be analysed for various visions. Both frameworks are added to Quist’s framework to
provide a more in-depth analysis of those dynamics. The framework of Hughes provides strong
actor involvement in later stages of vision implementation in roadmaps, which is not yet
emphasized on in the later steps of Quist’s framework. The roadmaps will provide detailed
information with actions in time. The barriers and bottleneck as identified in the process of
Quist’s backcasting and Geels et al. (2018) provide the basis for determining matching policy
instruments to overcome them.

3 Research approach & methodology

This chapter will elaborate on the different research methods and tools used in every stage.
Each stage is discussed separately, since a wide variety of research methods are used.

The literature background forms the basis of the framework and methodology used for this
research (Figure 7). The framework is based on the steps of backcasting methodology and
transition theory. The framework can be divided in two phases: (1) the vision phase and (2) the
roadmap phase. The vision phase provides knowledge on the system as a basis to construct
visions. The pathway phase combines backcasting, transition pathway and roadmapping
approaches to understand how visions can be achieved. The pathways highlight bottlenecks for
the visions, while roadmaps provide solutions how to overcome the bottlenecks. Figure 8
summarizes how the different steps relate to time and level of sustainability. From the present
system, a goal is set in the future (the desired future). With backcasting, objectives can be
determined how the desired future will be reached in a certain transition pathway. Roadmapping
allows to analyse how steps can be taken to go from the expected outcome to desired future and
what actions are needed for that.

Figure 7 - Framework combining elements backcasting and socio-technical scenarios.

Figure 8 – Combining backcasting and pathway theory to a sustainable future. This figure is designed for the purpose of this

3.1 Stage 1: System orientation

Stage 1 focusses on exploring the problem from a systematic view. Normative assumptions,
requirements and targets are defined. Four different analysis are used to orientate the existing
system, namely (1) system analysis, (2) stakeholder analysis, (3) vision comparison and (4)
factor analysis. The input data for the system orientation stage is gained with desk research
from academic literature and reports. Each analysis will be explained in more detail.

The first analysis, i.e. system analysis, helps to structure and visualize the current system of
hydrogen in the Netherlands. The system analysis will consist of six steps to set the scope of
the current system as described by Enserink et al. (2010) with necessary adjustments:

1. Set the initial problem demarcation and level of analysis

2. Describe the current system
3. Describe potential adjustments to the current system
4. Provide quantitative summary of the current system with potential for hydrogen.
5. Provide an overview of the problem area using a system diagram
6. Define key elements for future systems

A system diagram, step 5 of system analysis, is used to structure the various components of a
hydrogen system. Different components of the system will be determined, what will lead to a
set of key components for a hydrogen system (step 6 of system analysis), which can be taken
into consideration in the comparison of existing visions.

The second analysis, i.e. stakeholder analysis, identifies actors involved in the system, what
actions and obligations they have in the system and how strongly they influence the system.
Actors strongly influence the system and the components of the system analysis are performed

by actors. With an increase of hydrogen in the system, more stakeholders could become
important. Therefore, a distinction is made between the current stakeholder system and potential
stakeholders for the system. Stakeholder analysis is conducted according to Hermans (2010)
steps for stakeholder analysis:

1. Formulation of a problem as a point of departure

2. Inventory of actors involved in current system
3. Inventory of actors involved in future system
4. Determining the interests, objectives and problem perceptions of actors
5. Identify the interdependencies between actors by making inventories of resources and
the subjective involvement of actors with the problem.
6. Determining the consequences of these findings with regard to problem formulation

Step 2 of stakeholder analysis allows for identification of stakeholders in the current system as
a result of the system analysis. Step 3 of stakeholder analysis is an additional step that provides
identification of stakeholders for potential future system. Some actors may be identified as a
result of vision comparison. The identification of potential future stakeholders will be needed
for development of pathways and roadmaps in later stages of research.

The final two analysis are visions comparison and factor analysis. Existing visions are analysed
and compared. Several studies have been conducted in a period between 2000 up to now. Table
1 provides an overview of analysed studies.

Selection of studies has been done by searching for reports on hydrogen in the Netherlands and
Europe. Studies that included hydrogen in future scenarios where included. Most studies are
focussed on the Netherlands solely, however two studies have been concluded on a European
level. In addition, two studies have been selected that focus on a local level (Zuid-Holland and
Northern Netherlands). Visons are compared on key elements, actors and PESTLE-indicators.
The key elements are a result of the system analysis. In case actors are mentioned in the existing
visions, they will be summarized in the analysis. The PESTLE framework allows for structured
comparison of the existing visions. Furthermore, quantitative results of the visions are
summarized. Based on the PESTLE-analysis and quantitative summary existing visions can be
compared and categorized when components align or differ. The overall results of the current
system and vision comparison are summarized in a factor analysis based on PESTLE.

Table 1 - Overview studies for vision comparison

Report Reference Title Focus Scope


Platform Nieuw Gas (Platform Nieuw Gas - Waterstof Brandstof voor transities 2050 The
werkgroep Waterstof, Netherlands

Hisschemöller (Hisschemöller et al., H2 Dialoog - The

2007) Netherlands
PBL (Planbureau voor de Naar een schone economie in 2050: 2050 The
Leefomgeving (PBL), routes verkend Netherlands
Noordelijke Innovation (Noordelijke Innovation The Green Hydrogen Economy in 2030 The Northern
Board Board, 2017) the Northern Netherlands Netherlands
Berenschot (Ouden et al., 2018) Elektronen en / of Moleculen 2050 The
European Commission (European Commission, A clean planet for all 2050 Europe
TKI Nieuw Gas (Gigler & Weeda, 2018) Contouren van een Routekaart 2050 The
Waterstof Netherlands
Fuel Cells & Hydrogen (FCH, 2019) Hydrogen Roadmap Europe 2050 Europe
Joint Undertaking
Provincie Zuid-Holland (Wijk et al., 2019) Naar een groene 2030 Zuid-Holland
waterstofeconomie in Zuid-
Holland. Een visie voor 2030
Gasunie & Tennett (Gasunie & Tennet, 2019) Infrastructure Outlook 2050 2050 The

The vision comparison and factor analysis result the in the following steps:

1. Identify key elements of report

2. Identify PESTLE indicators mentioned in compared visions
3. Provide quantitative summary of compared visions
4. Compare results
5. Provide factor analysis based on current system and vision comparison results

The system orientation, with especially the factor analysis (step 5 vision comparison), will
provide the basis for the following stages to construct visions.

3.2 Stage 2: Vision construction

Stage 2 focuses on construction of a vision for hydrogen in the Netherlands for 2050. First a
vision is selected by choosing the key components for the vision with a morphological chart
(Ritchey, 2014). After vision selection the vision is further constructed. The following steps

have been selected based on certain elements of literature from 2.3 Visions and Visioning and
Ritchey (2014):

1. Define criteria of scoring

2. Identify extremes in visions
3. Define parameters system
4. Assign relevant conditions to parameters
5. Select conditions for each parameter for three visions based on low, medium and high
integration of hydrogen in energy system
6. Check cross-consistency in constructed visions
7. Describe visions on:
a. Narrative description of the hydrogen system.
b. Technology deployment is expressed in quantitative indicators.
c. System diagrams that represents the vision.
8. Verify visions with interviews

Extremes in visions are defined as the end values of scoring criteria and form the basis for three
visions (Step 2). Thereafter the other visions are placed within this scope. Based on the
extremes, components are selected and structured in a morphological chart (Step 3-6). A
morphological chart will help to explore the different options as a result of the comparison of
existing visions (Silvester, Beella, van Timmeren, Bauer, & van Dijk, 2013) and help to explore
diverse solutions there are to reach climate change goals with hydrogen (Quist, 2016). After
selection of components, it should be checked whether they are consistent. In case components
lead to a conflict, a non-realistic vision is created. The selection of several components will
provide the basis for vision construction.

The construction of a vision will have several components (Step 7). The visions are provided
with a narrative description of the hydrogen system, the key elements and PESTLE aspects.
Furthermore, quantitative indicators are given on share of technologies and technological
development. Last a system diagram is provided for each system connecting the key elements
for the desired outcome.

After construction of visions, the visions will be verified in interviews (Step 8). More on the
interviews is described in 3.5 Interviews.

The visions provide the starting point for backcasting analysis, pathway analysis and
roadmapping. All the following stages will allow to identify how the vision can be realised in
the future.

3.3 Stage 3: Backcasting

Stage 3 formulates objectives for vision development over time by backcasting. As described
in 2.4.1 Participatory backcasting after vision development the changes should be identified on
what needs to change in order to reach the vision. In order to identify change WHAT-HOW-
WHO questions are raised both preliminary as in interviews to validate the outcome. According
the following steps the backcasting stage will be conducted (Jaco Quist, 2016):

1. Conduct preliminary analysis with desk research

a. WHAT-HOW-WHO analysis part 1: WHAT are the (technological, cultural-
behavioural, organizational and structural-institutional) changes?
b. WHAT-HOW-WHO analysis part 2: required actions and stakeholders.
c. Identify drivers and barriers
2. Conduct interviews with focus on:
a. WHAT-HOW-WHO questions
b. Identify drivers and barriers
3. Verify and adjust preliminary analysis based on outcome interviews.

Before interviews are conducted a preliminary analysis will be conducted where the WHAT-
HOW-WHO questions are answered (Step 1). More detail on interviews is described in 3.5
Interviews. The outcome of the interviews will be analysed and compared to the preliminary
analysis. The result of the backcasting analysis is an overview of changes with its related actions
and stakeholders. Furthermore, the drivers and barriers for a certain vision are identified.

3.4 Stage 4 & 5: Pathway determination and Roadmapping

The first actions towards realising the visions are identified in stage three. For stage 4 it becomes
important to place the actions in time and identify the pathway related to the vision. Stage 5
roadmapping provides insights in how to realize the visions and how to overcome the
bottlenecks. For stage 4 and 5 the method is similar to stage 3 with preliminary definition of
pathway/roadmap and interviews (3.5 Interviews).

Three steps of Foxon et al. (2010) are used with some adjustments of other literature for stage

1. Place actions in time
2. Identify dynamic process
3. Specify interactions giving rise to or strongly influencing transition pathways
a. Focus on the relation between vision, actors and technology (Hughes, 2013)
4. Specify bottlenecks that cause tension between vision and current system (Geels et al.,

The actions that are identified in stage 3 need to be allocated to changes in the current system
and at niche level (Step 2 pathway determination). The actions at niche level provide with the
developments at niche level insights on dynamic process at this level. It can be determined how
fast technologies need to emerge in order to realise the vision. To understand the role of actors,
the influence of visions on actors and the changes in infrastructure need to be determined (Step
3 pathway determination). The step will allow to identify interactions between actions, actors
and technological development.

As a starting point for stage 5 roadmapping, the bottlenecks need to be identified in order to
find solutions how to overcome the bottlenecks in the transition pathway (Step 4 pathway
determination. For technological, cultural-behavioural, organizational and structural-
institutional change, strategies need to be determined such as collaborations, policy,
organizational change, business case development etc.

Several steps are necessary to provide a roadmap to the future visions based on roadmap of the
Noordelijke Innovation Board (2017):

1. Identify key phases of roadmap

2. Allocate phases in time related to actions in time structured to key elements
3. Define supporting measures to overcome bottlenecks
4. Identify responsible party to actions in time
5. Define dependencies of actions and actors in time
6. Determine costs related to the system in time

In order to locate actions to different phases, the phases should be described on what should be
included for each vision (Step 1 roadmapping). The key elements as formulated in stage 1 form
a basis for paths in the roadmap and actions should be aligned to the key elements in the
different phases (Step 2 roadmapping). In order to overcome bottlenecks, strategies need to be
formulated (Step 3 roadmapping). Actors should be assigned to actions to understand who is
responsible for the end product and to provide insights what actors should collaborate in time

(Step 4 and 5 roadmapping). This will lead to a roadmap that shows dependencies of different
actions and actors for the vision to succeed.

3.5 Interviews

Interviews are conducted to validate outcomes and to gather results in stages 2 till 5. Table 2
provides an overview what the aim is per stage for the interviews. Questions are asked within
one session of an hour. Interviewees are selected based on the different aspects of the value
chain to provide a clear overview of all the sides of hydrogen futures in the Netherlands after
conducting a stakeholder analysis.

3.5.1 Interviewee selection

Two groups of interviewees are identified, i.e. experts and stakeholders. Experts are seen as
researchers on the topic of hydrogen or energy systems. In some cases, they might also be
involved in several hydrogen related projects, but this does not change the way they are
interviewed for this research. Stakeholders are involved in the current system of hydrogen or
may play a role in future hydrogen systems as identified in stakeholder analysis. Interviewees
are contacted via TU Delft network, Accenture network and LinkedIn. A preliminary research
took place for interviewees with asking supervisors, reading reports and reading news articles
on hydrogen. Stakeholders are selected in such a way all identified topics are covered, i.e.
production, distribution, power generation, built environment, transport and industry.

Table 2 - Overview topics interview question linked to stages

Stage 2 Verification of visions - Positive feedback

- Improvements

Stage 3 Backcasting analysis - WHAT-HOW-WHO questions

- Barriers and drivers

Stage 4 Pathway analysis - How are the actions placed in time

- What actions relate to current system
- Interaction vision, actor and technology
- Bottleneck

Stage 5 Roadmapping - Dependency actions in time

- Overcoming bottlenecks
- Key actors with key actions

3.5.2 Interview format

Each interview starts with consent for taking part in the project in consensus with human
research ethics for interviews. Interviewees were asked if their name could be used and if they
were willing to take place in the project. The interviewees are involved in sector specific
companies. Anonymized interview results could still be reduced to the interviewee, and thus
are not provided.

The interview focusses on the elements as mentioned in Table 2. First questions on the
interviewees relation to hydrogen is discussed. Second the constructed visions are presented.
Often visions are described, and, in some cases, a short description is shown to the interviewee.
Based on the constructed visions question on backcasting, pathways and roadmapping are

The design thinking method a change journey is used as a backbone for the questions on
backcasting, pathways and roadmapping. The change journey method is used as a backbone for
the stakeholder interviews. The method focusses on the role of the stakeholder for a certain
vision and how the role may change over time. The change journey method identifies the
initiatives, measures of success, who will make the change happen, what will be impacted, what
support is needed, and wat data is needed. The journey can be tracked through different phases
of the stakeholder. The vision is discussed on a level of what benefits and challenges there are
for the stakeholder. This will be a starting point for the actions the stakeholder needs to make,
with whom and with what support. The actions are defined through the different phases of the
roadmap and will allow to understand what the stakeholder needs in order to realise the vision.
In some cases, the role of a certain stakeholder will be less of importance in visions.
Stakeholders will be asked in what visions they see a role for themselves and to what extent.

At the end of each interview the interviewee is asked if they have final remarks.

3.5.3 Analysing interviews

With consent of interviewees, interviews are recorded. In some situation it is not possible to
record the interview, instead notes are taken. The interview recordings are made in a transcript.
The interview notes are described in an interview summary. Both interview summaries and
transcripts are verified with the interviewees.

After taking the interviews and processing the results, the transcripts and interview summaries
are coded. Coding exists of different phases. First elements based on Table 2 are

highlighted/coded. Second, those coded elements are linked to vision 1, 2 and/or 3. Accordingly
all coded elements are gathered per chapter. In the different chapters the elements are analysed,
summarized and summed up to provide results for the three visions in backcasting, pathways
and roadmaps. For coding, the interviews are printed and with colour coding analysed.

4 System orientation

The system orientation consists of description of current system, actor analysis, vision
comparison and factor analysis. The system is described in section 4.1 Current system, 4.2
Potential markets future hydrogen system and 4.3 System diagram. The actor analysis is
described in section 4.4 Actor analysis. The vision comparison is described in section 4.5 Vision
analysis with the factor analysis in section 4.6 PESTLE analysis. Final, the chapter is concluded
with section 4.7 Conclusion System Orientation.

4.1 Current system

In the current system, first, the role of hydrogen in the climate agreement and the demand for
hydrogen is discussed. Second, different production for hydrogen are explained with finally the
potential infrastructure for hydrogen.

As stated in the Climate Agreement, the Netherlands is setting the target for 2030 to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions with 49% compared to 1990 with the aim to increase the EU target
to 55% reduction (Rijksoverheid, 2019). For 2050 the target is set on 95 % reduction relative
to 1990.

Furthermore the Climate agreement states, hydrogen is seen as a potential energy carrier to
facilitate in reaching the climate change goals, for the long term of 2050 and beyond. There
are iniatives for a hydrogen system to provide carbon free energy and offer alternatives for
current feedstock. The Dutch government has identified five major functions for hydrogen in
the near and further future (Rijksoverheid, 2019):

1. Carbon free feedstock for process industry

2. Carbon free energy carrier of high temperature heat in process industry
3. Energy storage and transport capacity to enable renewables
4. Transport
5. Built environment.

The government specifies the following targets involoving hydrogen in the Climate Agreement.
First they aim to construct 800 MW of electrolysis capacity by 2025. Further development of
the hydrogen market will go alongside the expected strong European hydrogen market. In 2030,
it is aimed to reduce the CAPEX of electrolysis with 65% (from 100 million per 100 MW to 35
million) with a realized capacity of 3-4 GW. Since there is large potential in connecting
hydrogen production to wind on sea, growth of hydrogen in the coastal area is expected.

The hydrogen market in Europe produces around 90 billion m3 hydrogen in 2007 (DNV GL,
2017b) and 80 billion m3 of European member states (, 2007). In terms of
energy, that refers to roughly 870 PJ/year in the EU.1 The hydrogen demand counts for a share
of 1% of the final energy consumption in the EU. 2 50% of hydrogen is used for refinery and
32% for the production of ammonia. In contrast to the EU, the Netherlands has a large industry.
The yearly production of hydrogen is around 10 billion m3 per year, equivalent to 96-110
PJ/year, what is nearly 13% of the total hydrogen demand in the EU. The hydrogen demand
covers a share of roughly 3% of the Dutch final energy consumption, 3 times the EU share.

In the Netherlands, 80% of hydrogen is produced from steam methane reforming (SMR) of
natural gas and 20% is a by-product of the chemical industry (Berenschot & TNO, 2017).
Hydrogen is used for industrial applications with 60% for ammonia production and 40% in the
(petro)chemical industry.

Due to the industrial application of hydrogen, hydrogen is connected to industrial clusters in

the Netherlands. The largest industrial cluster is located around Rotterdam. For Rotterdam, an
infrastructure is in place that connects France, Belgium and the Netherlands (CE Delft, 2018).

4.1.1 Production of hydrogen

Grey, blue and green hydrogen are considered as production methods for hydrogen in the
Netherlands. Each method is explained briefly based on Acar & Dincer (2014).

Grey hydrogen is produced in a process called steam reforming (SMR). Natural gas is the source
for the process. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are generated. From the carbon monoxide in a
combination with water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are produced. Efficiency for the process
lies around 76% (IEA, 2019). Benefits of natural gas steam reforming are the viability, low
costs and existing infrastructure. Challenges are the capital, operation and maintenance costs.
On the other side, the process exists of carbon emissions which should be reduced to reach
climate goals.

A solution to capture the carbon is blue hydrogen. The process combines natural gas steam
reforming with carbon capture storage (CCS)(CE Delft, 2018). During the process, carbon is

1 1 billion m3 hydrogen is equal to roughly 10,9 PJ hydrogen. (Avebe et al., 2019)

2 Final energy consumption EU and NL from Eurostat (2015).
captured and transported to a CCS location. Blue hydrogen is seen as a transition technology
until hydrogen can be produced without emissions.

A method without natural gas is green hydrogen production. For green hydrogen, renewable
energy sources are connected to an electrolyser that generates hydrogen from water and
electricity. A by-product in the process is oxygen. Green hydrogen production has no carbon
emission from natural gas. The produced hydrogen can be used again to generate electricity in
hydrogen fired power plants or in fuel cells. The largest advantage of green hydrogen is the low
level of pollution when connected to renewable sources. Challenges are efficiency losses with
power to gas to power, high capital costs, competitive position in comparison to natural gas
steam reforming, integration with renewable energy sources.

4.1.2 Infrastructure

Currently the infrastructure for hydrogen in the Netherlands is based on the industry demand in
industrial areas. The infrastructure exists of pipelines in the Port of Rotterdam going to
Belgium. The infrastructure is a private system, meaning that the owner of the infrastructure
decides who is included in the infrastructure and who is excluded. Two companies active in
operating the infrastructure are Air Liquide and Air Products3. Both companies have their own
private infrastructure as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Existing infrastructure hydrogen of Air Products (left) and Air Liquide (right) (DNV GL, 2017b)

The potential of the natural gas infrastructure for transportation of hydrogen is often mentioned
in literature both for a mixture of hydrogen with natural gas as for a full hydrogen infrastructure.
From a technical point of view it is possible to adjust the existing natural gas infrastructure to

3Air Products and Air Liquide are companies that provide gasses and chemical products for industry. Air Products
operates a pipeline system of roughly 140 km in the Rotterdam region. Air Liquide operates a pipeline system
between France, Belgium and the Netherlands of 1000km which is the largest in Europe. (DNV GL, 2017b)
a full hydrogen system or to a natural gas and hydrogen mixture (DNV GL, 2017b). Some
technical specifications on safety and the behaviour of pipelines needs further attention.

Currently the hydrogen infrastructure is privately operated. For hydrogen to be operated in the
natural gas transmission and distribution grid by TSO and DSOs, the Gaswet needs to be
adjusted. The Gaswet in the Netherlands states that a mixture of mainly methane can be
transported through the gas infrastructure, what means hydrogen cannot be transported in the
current natural gas infrastructure (Gasunie, n.d.).

Furthermore, grid operators have delivery obligations. Natural gas is seen as a utility and should
be available on demand. In case hydrogen becomes a utility and the grid becomes publicly
operated, challenges for grid operators could occur with delivery obligations.

In a future energy system other means of transport could be used besides pipelines for hydrogen.
Hydrogen could also be transported by trucks and boats for long distance transport. Depending
on the daily need and transportation distance, different means of transport are best (DNV GL,
2018). What the future hydrogen infrastructure will look like depends on the market
development and demand for hydrogen in the future. Decisions should be made on a central or
decentral infrastructure with what means of transport.

4.2 Potential markets future hydrogen system

This section describers the potential markets for hydrogen by 2050. First the industry is
discussed in more detail, followed by transport, built environment, and storage and electricity

The Hydrogen Council (2017) highlights that hydrogen enables the renewable energy system
and decarbonizes end uses (Figure 10). Renewable energy systems are enabled by hydrogen
through integrating large-scale renewables, distribution of the generated energy across long
distances and potential for storage. There is a potential for decarbonization of end use are in
transportation, industry, built environment and feedstock. The Hydrogen Council hydrogen
potential complies with the five functions as formulated by Klimaatberaad (2018) as mentioned
in 4 Current system.

Figure 10 - The different roles of hydrogen in the energy transition according to the Hydrogen Council (2017).

How the different functions or markets will develop is highly uncertain and depends on many

4.2.1 Industry

The current demand for hydrogen in industry is 96-110 PJ/year. Hydrogen is produced as
feedstock in refining and for production of ammonia (DNV GL, 2017a; Le Duigou et al., 2013).
To decarbonize the production of hydrogen CCS should be added to existing SMR or
production should be replaced by electrolysis.

Furthermore, hydrogen could offer a solution for high temperature heat in industry (DNV GL,
2018; Ruhnau et al., 2019; Sgobbi et al., 2016). Heat covers 415 PJ in 2017 of final energy
usage of which mainly the heat is provided of natural gas and oil (EBN, 2018b). Figure 11
shows demand for heat in 2013 with expected developments for 2030 and 2050. The reductions
are expected to take place due to efficiency measures and other technological developments.
Over a 100 oC can be seen as high temperature. The quality of hydrogen in heating applications
can be less than for feedstock purposes, because in burning processes by-products will not
disturb the process. Development

Development heat demand industry

Heat demand (PJ)





2013 2030 2050

<100 ℃ 100-250 ℃ 250-500 ℃ >500 ℃

Figure 11 - Heat demand for industry with expectations for 2030 and 2050. Sources: (BlueTerra, 2018; CE Delft, 2015)

When considering a bio based circular industry, hydrogen can play an important role in linking
hydrogen with captured carbon to make new products. This process especially benefits using
green hydrogen.

4.2.2 Transport

Often hydrogen is named to replace fossil fuels in transport. Currently most vehicles are based
on diesel and gasoline. Slowly EV are increasing and emerging in passenger transport.

Final energy consumption traffic and transport

Final energy demand in PJ















Passenger car Light commercial vehicles Heavy commercial vehicles

Motorcycles and mopeds Inland shipping Shipping

Fishing Air transportation Rail traffic

Mobile tools

Figure 12 - Final energy demand traffic and transport between 1990-2016. (CBS, PBL, RIVM, & WUR, 2018)

Hydrogen can especially play a role for long distance passenger transport, heavy vehicles and
shipping (Thomas, 2009). Figure 12 shows the final energy consumption traffic and transport
over the years. All the transport modes offer opportunities for hydrogen. In passenger transport,
electric vehicles will play an important role, especially for short distance travel. Long distance
travel often is done in the current system with diesel fuelled cars which can be replaced by
hydrogen cars (Figure 13). By 2050, the final energy consumption in transport will decline as
described by the European Commission (2018). Overall final energy consumption of transport
is expected to decline between 10-50% by 2050 dependent on the scenario.

Distribution fuels passenger cars

Final energy consumption in PJ






Gasoline Diesel LPG

Figure 13 - Distribution fuels for passenger cars between 1990-2016. (CBS et al., 2018)

4.2.3 Built environment

Built environment covers utility and households in the Netherlands. Roughly 70% of the final
energy demand in built environment is used for heating (EBN, 2018a). Natural gas covers the
largest share of fuel for heating with around 85%.

In the Dutch government aims to reduce natural gas use in built environment to reduce
extraction of natural gas in Groningen and to reduce carbon emissions with 3,4 Mton in the
built environment (ECN, 2017; Rijksoverheid, 2019). The final energy demand for heating is
expected to decline due to efficiency measures (Figure 14). Heating systems that show potential
are districted heating, electric heat pumps and green gas (ECN, 2017). Hydrogen is in many
studies not mentioned as an alternative for heating, because the technology is expensive and
not yet market ready. However, hydrogen could offer a solution for households in less insulated
urban areas where district heating is not an option and electric heat pumps will need a large
amount of electricity to heat a building at peak demand (DNV GL, 2018; Sgobbi et al., 2016;
Wijk & Hellinga, 2018). Hydrogen can be stored over long time periods and therefore provide
a better solution at peak demand. With scale the overall costs for hydrogen in built environment
will go down.

Heat demand built environment


Heat demand in PJ





2013 2030 Decentral 2030 Central 2050 Decentral 2050 Central

Households Utility

Figure 14 - Development of heat demand for 2030 and 2050 in utility and households in different scenarios. Both scenarios are
designed to reach the 2-degree target. Scenario central has a focus on central energy generation with CCS, biomass and
distributed heat. Scenario decentral has a focus on decentral energy generation with strong energy efficiency measures,
electrification, less fossil fuels, and other renewable sources. (CPB & PBL, 2016)

4.2.4 Storage and electricity generation

Hydrogen has potential in energy storage and electricity production. The current electricity
production comes mainly from natural gas, coal and renewables (Figure 15). Hydrogen can be
used in flexible gas-fired power plants as fuel (Breeze, 2017; DNV GL, 2018). This process is
only efficient when hydrogen is produced from electrolysis or is imported, since SMR uses
natural gas, what can be used in gas fired power plants too.

Net production electricity 2018
Total 396 PJ

14.4648 103.7052



Nuclear power Coal Oil products Natural gas Biomass Renewable Other

Figure 15 - Net production of electricity in 2018. (CBS StatLine, 2019)

Hydrogen has potential for flexibility of the power grid and electricity demand, in case the
production is not used for other applications than power storage. Hydrogen is often linked to
offshore wind in order to solve issues with seasonal fluctuations, transport and overproduction.
With current offshore wind projects the total capacity in 2030 will be around 11 GW
(Rijksoverheid, n.d.). Growth of offshore wind is estimated to be 0,88 GW per year between
2019 and 2030. Between 2026 and 2030 the expansion is around 1 GW per year. In the climate
agreement a maximum capacity of 60 GW is mentioned for offshore wind (Rijksoverheid,
2019). TKI Wind op Zee (2019) predicts a capacity between 35 to 75 GW in 2050. The
necessary installed capacity will vary in different scenarios, especially when direct
interconnection between offshore wind and electrolysis is considered. In a system where
hydrogen is used as storage facility for energy and electricity demand, the overcapacity will be
transformed in hydrogen and later used for electricity production.

4.3 System diagram

The different applications for production, transport and end-use are shown in Figure 16. The
blocks with filled lines represent the existing system. Hydrogen is currently produced from
natural gas in SMR. Hydrogen is transported to the end user by pipeline infrastructure and used
in industry as a feedstock fuel. Alternatives for production is the inclusion of CCS in the grey
hydrogen production chain or electrolysis from electricity (preferably RES). Furthermore,
potential markets are transport, high temperature industry, built environment and power

Figure 16 - hydrogen system diagram

4.4 Actor analysis

Industrial actors are involved in the current hydrogen system from supply to end-use for
different purposes. With emerging applications for hydrogen, new actors become involved. The
data for the actor analysis is based on preliminary literature research and further elaborated in
the interviews with stakeholders and experts. In this section, actors are briefly discussed on
mutual relations and their position with the changing system. First actors in the current system
are discussed, followed by general actors in the potential hydrogen system, actors in transport,
actors in built environment, actors in electricity, actors in industry and actors in production.

4.4.1 Current system

Hydrogen in the current system is used in refinery, ammonia industry. Table 3 provides an
overview of the actors in the current system of hydrogen in the Netherlands. Hydrogen is
produced by specialized chemical companies that own grey hydrogen plants and infrastructure
to deliver hydrogen at customers. In the Netherlands, Air Liquide and Air Products have the
largest hydrogen production capacity and infrastructure. Often refineries and other users of
hydrogen have backup capacity for hydrogen production via grey hydrogen and produce
hydrogen at their operation. Hydrogen is also produced as a by-product in chemical industry,
where it is sold to hydrogen distributers. An increasing demand for hydrogen in the system
challenges hydrogen distributers to match the demand in case more customers are connected to
the grid. A challenge with green hydrogen production is whether the supply of electricity will
be stable to fulfill a constant production of hydrogen. Existing end users of hydrogen require a

stable supply of hydrogen. In case the producer and distributer cannot fulfill the demand, end
users will either find another supplier or extend their own hydrogen production capacity.

Table 3 - Actors current system

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

(Petro) Chemical End user Potential producer Buy cheap hydrogen Production of hydrogen not
companies and of hydrogen via with secure flow of relevant; cost effective
producer electrolysis supply prices

Ammonia End user Keep low cost Buy cheap hydrogen Production of hydrogen not
Industry and hydrogen with with secure flow of relevant; cost effective
producer security of supply. supply prices

Hydrogen Producer Potential increase Provide cheap, With increasing hydrogen

Suppliers (Air and grid of demand supply secure and and changing rules, role of
Products & Air operator hydrogen. quality hydrogen to hydrogen supplier may
Liquide) clients. change overtime.

4.4.2 General actors potential hydrogen system

Some actors are not currently active in the hydrogen system, but with new applications
emerging they will play a role in every potential market. An overview of the general actors for
potential hydrogen system are shown in Table 4.

Governmental bodies strongly influence the realization of hydrogen. With clear regulations and
policy, investment risks are taken away. For hydrogen to become competitive, subsidies are
necessary to compete with alternatives. The government has the largest influence on the
direction and vision for hydrogen. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate is the
executer of supporting regulations and policy.

Further research and development are needed for hydrogen applications. Knowledge institutes
and universities play an important role in proofing, scaling and optimizing hydrogen
technologies. Furthermore, they consult on different system configurations where hydrogen is

Distributed System Operators (DSO) and Transmission System Operators (TSO) are very
important actors in the energy transition and therefore also for hydrogen. To what extend they

will play a role in the future of hydrogen depends on the scale and the regulatory framework
designed by the government. While Tennet is looking for alternative energy carriers, Gasunie
is seeking an alternative purpose for their natural gas grid. DSOs are facing reductions of natural
gas and the upcoming of alternatives. In every potential market, DSOs and TSOs may play a
role in the distribution of hydrogen, while this is subordinate to the development of the different
potential markets. In each potential market, new players may become responsible for a part of
the infrastructure.

Table 4 - General actors potential hydrogen system

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

Tennet TSO Hydrogen infrastructure Provide stable Actions limited by law.

electricity may offer a solution to infrastructure of Need alternatives to
lower electricity grid electricity with stabilize increase of
capacity. third party access. electrical capacity.

Gasunie TSO natural Find alternative for Provide stable Actions limited by law.
gas natural gas in existing infrastructure of Can offer support to
infrastructure. gasses with third stabilize increase of
Unburden grid capacity party access. electric capacity.
TSO electricity. Hydrogen might be
optional alternative
natural gas.

DSO (e.g. Grid operator Decarbonize built Provide stable Off the gas: alternative for
Liander, electricity & environment. Optimize supply of gas on heating and alternative for
Enexis, Stedin) natural gas distribution electricity demand. existing grid. Actions
grid. limited by law

Ministry of Public Decarbonize industry, Have a sustainable Industry should take lead
Economic institution transport, power and system by 2050 in how to integrate
affairs and building sector with 80% GHG hydrogen and file for
climate emissions. subsidies etc. Time will
tell on institutional change

Knowledge Research Provide knowledge on Realize optimal Show what the best
institutes hydrogen energy system with solution with hydrogen
certain level of and for the energy system
hydrogen. is.

Universities Research Provide knowledge on Realize optimal Show what the best
hydrogen energy system with solution with hydrogen
certain level of and for the energy system
hydrogen. is.

4.4.3 Potential market: transport

The system analysis showed the potential for hydrogen in the transport sector. Hydrogen offers
especially a solution for heavy vehicles, ships and long-distance transport. When hydrogen
becomes incorporated in the transport sector actors involved in the supply chain of transport
will become part of the hydrogen actor system (Table 5). Car manufacturers design hydrogen
cars with either fuel cell technology or a combustion motor on hydrogen. Hydrogen cars need
to be scaled-up to create a cost-efficient market. The same applies to shipyards and heavy
vehicle manufacturers (e.g. trucks and busses). For manufacturers there must be a driver for
hydrogen in order to make the technology cost efficient. An infrastructure of refueling stations
for hydrogen should be designed and implemented in the Netherlands in order to allow a market
for hydrogen vehicles. Several parties could play a role in hydrogen refueling stations, namely
existing refueling station operators or new parties. In case of a central hydrogen infrastructure,
the operator of the hydrogen infrastructure could become involved in the refueling
infrastructure. In addition, car resellers and drivers should be willing to buy, drive and use
hydrogen vehicles. Hydrogen vehicles enable long distance travel, while electric vehicles have
limited driving distance on one tank4. Commercial transport companies and shipping companies
are looking for cost efficient transport means. Hydrogen needs to become competitive and the
infrastructure needs to become efficient to replace fossil fuel driven transport means. Hydrogen
transport may get a boost when stricter regulations on emissions are implemented for transport
and shipping companies.

Demand for hydrogen vehicles, hydrogen refueling infrastructure and availability of hydrogen
vehicles for simultaneous development. The chicken and egg problem can be noted because
realization of hydrogen in transport strongly depends on the development of demand,
infrastructure and availability. Good communication between the actors will lead to less
investment risk and security of supply chain development.

4 In case of an electric vehicle the “tank” is a battery.

Table 5 - Transport specific actors hydrogen system

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

Transport End user Decarbonize Cost effective and Electricity not the option
companies hydrogen as ways of transport. clean transport with to decarbonize entire
fuel emphasis on cost transport sector. Other
effective. alternatives are necessary.

Shipping End user Decarbonize Cost effective and Electricity not the option
companies hydrogen as ways of transport. clean transport with to decarbonize entire
fuel emphasis on cost transport sector. Other
effective. alternatives are necessary.

Shipyards Production Construct ships Competitive advantage Hydrogen as fuel for ships
hydrogen that match the for first movers on is highly uncertain.
ships demand. hydrogen shipping Shipyards are hesitant for
market. risks of market

Car Production Produce Create competitive Scale of production

manufacturers hydrogen alternative advantage with early hydrogen vehicles
vehicles vehicles to development of depends on markets.
decarbonize hydrogen vehicles. Produce vehicles for
transport sector. leading hydrogen regions.

Gas stations Operate Operate a cost- When demand for First mover advantage
(e.g. Shell, BP, refuelling efficient refueling hydrogen as fuel may lead to market share,
Texaco) infrastructure infrastructure to increases, offer while large uncertainty is
match demand. accessible hydrogen. related to potential market
Early market entry development and cost-
may lead to extensive efficiency.
market share.

Specialized Operate Operate a Facilitate hydrogen Refueling infrastructure is

refuelling refuelling hydrogen refueling stations to necessary to enable
companies infrastructure refueling enable hydrogen hydrogen transport. Small
infrastructure for vehicles. Early market scale reduces risks.
hydrogen share may offer
vehicles opportunities for larger
hydrogen market.

Car owners End user fuel Affordable, clean For long distance, Competitiveness of
and safe cars. hydrogen may offer a hydrogen to other fuels is
clean solution. Costs key to create hydrogen
are a drawback. market.

Car resellers Reseller Sell as much cars First mover advantage Competitiveness of
possible. in expertise on hydrogen to other fuels is
Preferably with hydrogen vehicles to key to create hydrogen
carbon free future gain market share. market. Risks related to
in mind. market.

4.4.4 Potential market: built environment

Currently in the built environment natural gas is used for heating. Driver for alternative heating
sources are the earthquakes in Groningen and finding carbon free alternatives for natural gas.
Various stakeholders are identified for specifically the built environment (Table 6).

DSOs (e.g. Liander, Enexis & Stedin), municipalities and regional authorities are looking for
the best alternatives for natural gas. Hydrogen is considered as a solution in specific situation,
i.e. old, poorly isolated buildings in urban areas. The role of the DSO is to find the best cost-
effective solution. To facilitate a transition to hydrogen in built environment, a close
collaboration with residents, housing corporations and home owners is needed. Owners have to
accept a hydrogen heating system in their houses. A challenge is to overcome the price
difference between natural gas and hydrogen. Scale in the built environment is needed to bring
the prices down.

Scale is reached in collaboration with boiler manufacturers. Manufacturers will design

hydrogen boilers. Scale and demand are a necessity for hydrogen boilers to be competitive and
for manufacturers to produce boilers. Potential small markets can lead to high costs for both
hydrogen boilers and hydrogen infrastructure in built environment. That may result in resistance
of residents, home owners and housing corporations. Social acceptance of hydrogen in built
environment is crucial for its succeeding. Costs and safety are strong indicators for social
acceptance. The role of Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) and DSO is to prove and
guarantee safety of hydrogen in built environment.

Table 6 - Built environment specific actors hydrogen system

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

Boiler Manufacturer Produce First mover advantages Risk in market

manufacturer of hydrogen alternative development and scale.
(Bekaert heating boiler boilers to
& Remeha) decarbonize built

Housing Owners of Find best Get the cheapest heating Hydrogen

corporations & buildings alternative for system that will be a implementation is rather
home owners natural gas long-term investment. easy but comes with high

Residents Social group Safe and cheap Lowest costs for energy Social acceptability &
heating system. bill based on the heating easy implementation
system to have an
alternative for natural
gas. Safe heating

Municipalities Public Decarbonize Create decarbonization Households need to go

Institution region plans with best of the gas. Offer citizens
sustainable options. guidance in
decarbonizing household
in cost-effective way.

Regional Public Decarbonize Create decarbonization In regions, buildings and

authorities institutions region plans with best industry need to
sustainable options in decarbonize without high
Regionale Energy costs and losing industry.

ACM Independent Guarantee a safe Judge whether Hydrogen is new in

institution and cost- hydrogen is safe to use some sectors. Good
efficient supply in built environment, collaboration with
of energy transport and industry. stakeholders necessary
(hydrogen) Check monopolists on for allowance of
cost efficiency. implementation
hydrogen in sectors.

4.4.5 Potential market: electricity

Several actors are involved in the electricity sector. Sector specific actors are shown in Table

Gasunie and Tennet are faced with challenges in their infrastructures. The increasing demand
for electricity puts the electricity grid under pressure. Hydrogen offers a solution for the
transmission grid operators to resolve challenges regarding energy distribution and storage. In
case problems occur in the electricity grid, Tennet will contact utilities to solve the issue. A
potential solution could be close collaboration with Tennet and Gasunie. Rules for TSOs may
change over time, and therefore Gasunie could in future scenarios be allowed to operate
electrolysis capacity. Gasunie can then transform electricity in hydrogen followed by storage
for balancing needs or distribute hydrogen to end-users. Offshore wind operators will have
overproduction of electricity in future scenarios. They can either collaborate with direct end use
of hydrogen industry or transform the electricity to hydrogen in case of a surplus. Utilities have
the same options as offshore wind operators (often also involved in offshore wind projects) or
they can generate electricity with hydrogen fired power plants. With changing institutions,
hydrogen may become interesting than other fossil fuel power plants.

Table 7 - Electricity sector specific actors for hydrogen system

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

Utilities Producer Looking for Cover peak demand with Hydrogen could offer
and/or end alternative energy RES challenging, need for solutions as alternative
user carriers, sources and storage. energy source and
new business cases Expanding electricity grid enables RES.
for security of capacity is expensive and
supply. inefficient in terms of losses.

Offshore Input for Use surplus offshore Use surplus offshore to store Hydrogen is a stable
wind production wind efficient. power in hydrogen. energy carrier. Clean
operators Create new business Connection of offshore wind production of hydrogen
cases. directly to hydrogen via electrolysis needs a
production may offer clean source like
opportunities. offshore wind.

4.4.6 Potential market: industry

While hydrogen is already used in industry as a feedstock, potential other applications in

industry arise with new actors. Industrial clusters will play a crucial role in the role-out of
hydrogen for industry. Industrial clusters facilitate collaborations and are aiming to create
energy efficient industry. The Port of Rotterdam is a good example of an industrial cluster that
is putting emphasis on decarbonization and sustainability. Hydrogen can be used for high
temperature heating and to capture carbon into making new products. Especially chemical
companies can play an important role in carbon capture and utilization with green hydrogen.
For high temperature heating purpose, industry with high temperature will start using hydrogen
when available and cost-effective. Heat providers and grid operators have to collaborate in order
to facilitate high temperature hydrogen heat for industry.

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

Industry End user Looking for Have cost effective Demand: competitive costs
with high alternative for industry. High hydrogen to natural gas,
temp natural gas standards, option to infrastructure, low transformation
demand heating to go abroad. costs, security of supply
decarbonize hydrogen.

Ports & Management Looking for Enable a bio based Collaboration between industry
Industrial industrial solution to circular system in and actors in industrial clusters
clusters regions decarbonize industrial region can facilitate realizing the goals.
indusrial regions

4.4.7 Production

While production of hydrogen is currently done via SMR, to match climate targets carbon
capture and electrolysis should become more substantial. Air Liquide and Air Products are
involved in production for commercial means and in the future their capacity might be extended
with carbon capture applications.

Electrolysis is a known technology. Several manufacture electrolysis devices on small scale.

The scale is expected to become larger, what means manufacturers of electrolysis should be
able to scale and more companies can emerge.

Besides Air Liquide and Air Products, also other companies could become involved on the
hydrogen market as producers. Chemical companies see an opportunity for hydrogen in circular
economy to create new products and to optimize chains. Hydrogen opens new opportunities for
companies as Nouryon and others.

Actor Function Interests Objectives Problem perception

Electrolysis Manufacturers New interest for Scale up with Green hydrogen offers many
manufacturers of electrolysis electrolysis offers demand for opportunities to grow.
opportunity. electrolysis offers Challenge to scale up
growing electrolysis manufacturing
opportunities. supply chain.

4.5 Vision analysis

Table 1 provides an overview of the visions that are compared for this study. Each vision has
been analysed and compared based on PESTLE elements. A quantitative summary has been
conducted provided, covering percentages of final energy demand and share in different sectors.
The PESTLE analysis for each vision can be found in Appendix IV – PESTLEs vision
comparison. All selected visions for vision comparison are briefly described as shown in Table
1. Platform Nieuw Gas

In 2006 Platform Nieuw Gas published a report on hydrogen fuel for the transition. In the energy
transition four issues were highlighted, namely, (1) energy security, (2) climate change, (3)
environment/air quality, and (4) innovation and industry for Dutch industry. The main vision
argues hydrogen can play a key role in solving the four issues. Energy security can be solved
by the fact that hydrogen can be produced of every primary energy source. Hydrogen can reduce
GHG emissions, reducing climate change effects. Hydrogen as an alternative for polluting fuels
can solve the air quality problem. Although no clear pathways are discussed, the report
differentiates between the different options in the value chain of hydrogen, the energy source,
transport and storage, and application. Mobile and stationary applications are explored. For
transport and distribution, a local infrastructure is compares with a national infrastructure.
Production of hydrogen considers grey, blue and in time green hydrogen production.

In their vision, Platform Nieuw Gas argues that the pathway for a hydrogen future will start
with transition activities in certain development areas with large hydrogen potential. Especially
in the field of mobile applications, the effects will be largest regarding the four highlighted
issues. Mobile application pathways integrate hydrogen in mobile solutions starting with public
transport in cities to private transport. By 2050 Platform Nieuw Gas predicts 40-75% of
transport is on hydrogen. By adding CCS, the production of hydrogen will be less emitting than
the fossil fuel alternatives for transport. Stationary applications are predicted to reach a
penetration of 10-30% by 2050. Stationary application use CHP systems in the built
environment. The CHP systems will in the beginning still use natural gas, with a later shift to
hydrogen. In the future, natural gas might be replaced by hydrogen in the current infrastructure.
In new residential areas that assumption should be taken in consideration.

The report lacks data of hydrogen in the future energy system, though percentages in mobile
and stationary applications are given. The report highlights PESTLE elements clearly. From
the analysis it can be concluded the government should stimulate and structure Dutch hydrogen
activities. Food guidance can lead to growth of hydrogen industry with many opportunities,
participation and education are key, focus on technological front should be on
commercialization of technologies, new market designs with adjusted law and regulations will
enable hydrogen and hydrogen is an enabler of reaching climate targets. Hisschemöller

From a study of Hisschemöller et al. (2007) three visions have been created with a working
group assigned to each vision, i.e. (1) hydrogen in the current infrastructure, (2) hydrogen in
transport and (3) decentral renewable in built. Pathways have been explored for the different
visions and the benefits and constraints have been analysed by the working groups. As a result
of the study five key institutional factors were identified that shape the further development of
hydrogen in the Netherlands, namely (1) physical infrastructure, (2) centralized versus
decentralized system, (3) the dominant knowledge system, (4) policy approach, and (5) lack of
knowledge competition (Hisschemöller & Bode, 2011).

The first vision, hydrogen in the current infrastructure, explores the possibility of blending
hydrogen with natural gas in the current infrastructure. The analysis highlights, gas and
electricity become integrated, since hydrogen is seen as a storage medium for surplus energy.
Using the current infrastructure burdens society less and while the technology has to be further
developed for mixing. Issues that may arise are safety, leakage of hydrogen and technical

difficulties. Other applications of hydrogen would make a bigger difference. Economical
elements are lacking in the vision.

The second visions, hydrogen in transport describes, three pathways for clean transport i.e.
biofuels in combustion engines, hydrogen in combustion engines and FCEV. The analysis
emphasises that the government should take leadership in choosing a clean application for
transport and stimulate clean transport. The discussion is raised whether biofuels can be
categorized as a clean fuel. Thus, hydrogen FCEVs should be seen as the cleanest option. As
critique on the vision, it is mentioned hydrogen is as clean as its production method.
Furthermore, the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles is questioned. The Netherlands as a
small country has little influence on the developments of hydrogen vehicles in the future of
transport. The discussion of social elements is lacking in the vision.

The third visions, decentral renewable in built, describes two pathways; one with hydrogen and
one without hydrogen. The decentral example with hydrogen entails a small initiative where
households have the ambition to become self-sustaining. The surplus of electricity is converted
to hydrogen via electrolysis. The hydrogen is thereafter used in a small CHP unit. The analysis
highlights decentral local systems should be stimulated and facilitated. Economic and technical
elements need further development for the vision to become cost efficient and technological
feasible. More efficient applications such as hydrogen in transport sector is given as critique on
hydrogen in decentral renewable application. PBL

PBL (2011) has explored routes to a clean economy by 2050. The visions are based on GHG
emissions reduction on four components: (1) reduction of energy demand, (2) use of biomass,
(3) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), and (4) electricity generation with carbon emissions.
The aim of the paper is to reduce GHG emissions with 80% by 2050 compared to 1990. In this
report hydrogen is combined with electricity solutions. Social and legal elements are not
mentioned in the report. Large potential for hydrogen is seen in transport with combustion
engine on hydrogen and fuel cells for both passenger transport as for heavy vehicles. Smaller
potential is seen in new residential buildings and utility buildings with micro CHP on hydrogen.
Furthermore, in industry CHP can potentially run on hydrogen. For storage, not hydrogen, but
methane gas is seen as a solution with as a in between step hydrogen. PBL mentions hydrogen
electrolysis, SMR with CCS on natural gas and biomass gasification for production. Hydrogen

application need further development. Governmental support of emission free vehicles might
facilitate further development fuel cell vehicles. Noordelijke Innovation Board

The Noordelijke Innovation Board (2017) has designed a detailed project for the Northern
Netherlands. In the report they describe their vision for the Northern Netherlands by 2030 in
order to reach climate goals under the Paris Agreement. Drivers for change in the region are
large industrial potential, the Northern Netherlands as electricity hub and reduction in natural
gas economy. The potential for hydrogen in the region is strengthened by the current
infrastructure for electricity and production of energy. Biomass, wind and solar drive the
production of hydrogen where it will be used for the production of ammonia, methanol,
hydrogen transport to other regions and countries, mobility and grid balancing.

The PESTLE elements are well represented in the report. Hydrogen is seen as a potentially
interesting energy carrier with need of political support and a changing legal system that enables
a hydrogen economy. New business opportunities arise with hydrogen to replace the current
natural gas market. On a social level, social acceptance, education, collaboration and further
research are highlighted. The report does provide clear numbers of specific targets they want to
reach, but no further quantitative information on the energy system is provided. Berenschot

Berenschot conducted a study with the Energy Transition Model (ETM) (Ouden et al., 2018).
The study highlights two extremes namely electrons versus molecules. The first model
describes a system where full electrification takes place and molecules are solely used for long
distant transport of energy. The other model describes the use of molecules where currently no
electricity is used, e.g. industry. The electrons scenario describes a system with large scale
capacity of RES solar and wind. Hydrogen is produced with electrolysis from wind and used in
industry and powerplants. In the molecules scenario hydrogen is produced in SMR with CCS
and used in industry and powerplants. The industry is to some extend electrified, while hybrid
solutions are used in the built environment with CHP and green gas.

The ETM model does not cover political, social and legal consideration and for this reason are
not discussed in the study. The approach of energy system modelling only covers economical,
technical and environmental elements. From an economical perspective an electron scenario
needs large capacity of RES to cover the peak demand, what leads to higher costs. From a
technical perspective the energy efficiency is larger, since there are less conversion processes

and CCS is not necessary. Hydrogen infrastructure between offshore wind, electrolysis and
powerplants on hydrogen is needed. While the final energy demand in case of the molecule
scenario is higher due to losses in conversion processes and CCS. The demand for natural gas
stays similar to the current gas demand. A hydrogen infrastructure is needed for SMR with
CCS. It should be noted, both scenarios do not exclude each other, but may arise
complementary. European Commission

‘A clean planet for all’ is a study published by the European Commission (EC) (2018). The 8
scenarios are electrification, hydrogen, power-to-X, energy efficiency, circular economy,
combination, 1.5oC technical and 1.5oC sustainable lifestyle. The scenarios energy efficiency,
circular economy, 1.5oC Sustainable Lifestyle are out of the scope of this research and for that
reason not further analysed. Table 8 summarizes the selected scenarios based on the scenario
building blocks. The differences between the scenarios can be found in this table, while the
PESTLE analysis provides an overview of elements for all analysed scenarios, because the
elements are not linked to specific scenarios. The difference between the scenarios is based on
decisions made in Table 8.

Some interesting findings are summarized. The demand of electricity increases with demand
for hydrogen caused by production of hydrogen by electrolysis. Additionally, the role of natural
gas as a transition gas is larger in hydrogen scenarios. Hydrogen is present in the P2X scenario
to produce other fuels. Furthermore, further research and development is necessary for
hydrogen technologies, especially for performance and costs to scale up hydrogen deployment.
When considering the scaling of e-fuels and hydrogen a dilemma occurs: in case the scaling is
to small it may hamper the technology learning; when it is too big, there is need for a substantial
additional need in supply side. From an economical perspective uncertainty is mentioned
related to high investment costs, unpredictable levels of demand and regulatory uncertainty. TKI Nieuw Gas

TKI Nieuw Gas provide a roadmap for hydrogen in the Netherlands (Gigler & Weeda, 2018).
Instead of a visions/scenario for hydrogen, the potential of hydrogen and the challenges are
discussed in detail. Markets for hydrogen are high temperature heat, mobility and transport,
power and light and low temperature heat. TKI Nieuw Gas calculates a total potential for
hydrogen in these sectors of 1600 PJ/y for which a capacity of 161 GW offshore wind should
be installed with electrolysis.

Table 8 - Overview selection of scenarios. Scenario building blocks with long term strategy options.

Electrificatio Hydrogen Power-to-X Combination (COMBO) 1.5oC

n (ELEC) (H2) (P2X) Technical
Main Drivers Electrification all Hydrogen in E-fuels in Cost-efficient Based on
sectors industry, industry, combination of COMBO with
transport and transport and options from 2oC more BECCS,
buildings buildings scenarios. CCS

GHG target -80% GHG (excluding sinks) ~100% GHG

in 2050 (incl.sinks)
[“well below 2°C” ambition]
Major - Higher efficiency post 2030 - Market coordination for infrastructure
Common - Deployment of sustainable, deployment
Assumptions advanced biofuels - BECCS present only post-2050 in 2oC
- Moderate circular economy scenarios
measures - Significant learning by doing for low carbon
- Digitalisation technologies
- Significant improvements in the efficiency of
the transport system
Power sector Power is nearly decarbonised by 2050. Strong penetration of RES facilitated by system optimization
(demand-side response, storage, interconnections, role of prosumers). Nuclear still plays a role in
the power sector and CCS deployment faces limitations.
Industry Electrification of Use of H2 in Use of e-gas in Combination of COMBO but
processes targeted targeted most Cost- stronger
applications applications efficient options
from “well below
Buildings Increased Deployment of Deployment of e- 2oC” scenarios
deployment of H2 for heating gas for heating with targeted
heat pumps
Transport Faster H2 deployment E-fuels (excluding CIRC)
sector electrification for for HDVs and deployment for
all transport some of LDVs all modes

Other H2 in gas E-gas in gas Limited

Drivers distribution grid distribution gird enhancement
natural sink

Though TKI Nieuw Gas does not elaborate on visions/scenarios, PESTLE elements are well
represented in the report. The key takeaways are (1) that hydrogen can enable reaching climate
goals, (2) that an integral vision is needed, (3) all production ways can be used to reach a
sustainable future, (4) action now enables hydrogen in the future and (5) stimulate innovation.
The paper supports a deeper understanding of decision elements as a starting point for further

65 Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

As a response on the reports of the Hydrogen Council, McKinsey did a study for the Fuel Cell
& Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH) on the potential of hydrogen in Europe. The study has
led to the Hydrogen Roadmap Europe. Some indicators are different between Europe and the
rest of the world, i.e. in some European countries a strong natural gas infrastructure is present
and European carbon pricing is implemented. As a vision the FCH formulated “exploiting
Hydrogen’s unmatched versatility to empower Europe’s energy transition” (FCH, 2019, p.19).
In other words, their ambition is to use hydrogen to enable the renewable energy system with
storage and transport capabilities and to decarbonize end users by making Europe’s clean
energy transition efficient and economically attractive. The FCH argues hydrogen can close to
50% of the gap between expected reductions and the 2oC target by 2050. Various pathways are
possible in the potential markets transportation, heating and power for buildings, industry heat,
industry feedstock, and power generation (Figure 17). With Business As Usual (BAU) the
penetration of hydrogen technologies will go much slower. Support and policy are needed in
order to speed up the process.

Figure 17 - Roadmap of technology readiness and scaling up to 2050

66 Provincie Zuid-Holland

After the specific vision statement for the Northern Netherlands a vision document for Zuid-
Holland was published (Wijk et al., 2019). Zuid-Holland is famous for its industry with the Port
of Rotterdam. The heavy industry offers challenges for a sustainable future and opportunities
for a green hydrogen economy. Hydrogen can provide new industry for the economical region
and enables sustainable alternatives that lead to decarbonization of the region by 2030.

The analysis for PESTLE-elements highlights the need of blue hydrogen in order to decarbonize
industry and create scale. On the long-term green hydrogen will become cost competitive with
grey (and blue) hydrogen. The current natural gas pipelines offer potential for future hydrogen
infrastructure. Gasunie & Tennet

Gasunie & Tennet (G&T) published the first infrastructure outlook for the Netherlands and
Germany. The aim of the report is to provide scenarios to achieve 95% CO2 emission reduction
by 2050 compared to 1990 under the Paris Agreement. Although electricity may be an
important energy carrier of the transition, it may not be the solution for all applications. In some
cases, molecules are needed. Power to gas in the scenarios is seen as a cornerstone to fulfil
major demand for energy and therefore electricity and gas grid become integrated. Three
scenarios have been formulated, i.e. (1) local, (2) national and (3) international approach
(Figure 18). The first scenario, local, has a decentral energy supply with PV, a central energy
supply with wind and no energy exchange takes place with neighbouring countries. The second
vision, national, aims for energy independency with centralized RES supply, power-to-gas and
batteries for flexibility options and limited energy exchange with neighbouring countries. The
third vision, international, has a focus on international energy exchange with limited support
for extensive RES supply. In the scenarios there is a strong emphasis on the design with
technical aspects. Especially economic and social indicators are lacking.

Figure 18 - Table of the three Gasunie & Tennet scenarios with specifications.

Main takeaways from the study are that power to gas facilities should be well located for both
gas as electricity infrastructure and in order to succeed, political willingness and a supporting
regulatory framework are crucial. Economic, Social and Legal elements are missing in the

4.5.2 Quantitative analysis visions

Some of the analysed reports have quantitative data on the energy system of 2050 and the role
of hydrogen. The reports included in the quantitative analysis are Berenschot, European
Commission, FCH and Gasunie & Tennet.

The final energy demands for each scenario for the Netherlands are shown in Figure 19. The
precited final energy demand in PJ by 2050 is compared to the final energy demand of 2015. It
is noticeable that all reports expect a decrease in final energy demand. Furthermore, the demand
for hydrogen is compared to the final energy demand per scenario.

Final energy demand in the Netherlands by 2050
Final energy demand (PJ)






Final energy demand Hydrogen

Figure 19 - Final energy demand with share of hydrogen for 2050. European studies are determined for Dutch final energy

The European Scenarios, European Commission and FCH, are determined for the Netherlands. 5
The demand for hydrogen varies strongly. The European scenarios show well below 250 PJ
hydrogen demand, while the Berenschot electron and the three G&T scenarios exceed 250 PJ.
Especially the G&T national and the Berenschot molecule scenario shows large demands for
hydrogen exceeding 500 PJ.

When comparing the electricity/electron scenarios of Berenschot and European Commission, a

large difference can be found. Where in the Berenschot scenario, hydrogen plays a role for
flexibility, in the European Commission scenario no demand for hydrogen is found.

Similar findings are seen in European scenarios for hydrogen with EC’s P2X and FCH’s AMB
compared to Berenschot’s molecule scenario. The European hydrogen scenarios stay well
below 500 PJ, while the Berenschot scenario almost doubles the demand for hydrogen in the
Netherlands. In case of the FCH scenario, the difference between distribution of sectors could
play a role in strongly varying results, while in case of the EC scenario, sector specific
conditions are taken into consideration.

5 For the EC and FCH scenarios data for Europe was provided and not for the Netherlands. The EC provides
detailed data on how different industries are compared. Therefore, all the results are specifically compared to the
Netherlands (Appendix VII – Calculations European Commission). The FCH provided less detailed information
of further development of the market and therefor the share of the Netherlands in Europe is used according to
Eurostat (2015)(Appendix VIII – Calculations FCH)..
Percentage hydrogen of final energy demand 2050
G&T (inter)
G&T (national)
G&T (local)
EC (1.5)
EC (P2X)
EC (H2)
Berenschot (mol)
Berenschot (elek)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Figure 20 - Share of hydrogen of final energy demand the Netherlands in 2050.

What is interesting to see is that FCH BAU scenario shows a larger energy demand for hydrogen
than all scenarios of EC without EC H2. FCH BAU though expects emergence of hydrogen
technologies, but slower than the AMB scenario while the EC scenarios focus on alternative
solutions than hydrogen.

The share of hydrogen compared to the final energy demand is shown in Figure 20. Comparing
the share of hydrogen, again the scenarios of Berenschot and G&T show larger shares of
hydrogen. The hydrogen focused scenarios in Europe (FCH AMB and EC H2) do not even
come close to the Dutch scenarios. The range for European scenarios is 1-14% while the Dutch
scenarios have a range of 17-18%.

When considering sectors, four main sectors for hydrogen have been identiefied as shown in
Figure 21, i.e. built environment, industry, mobility and power balancing.

The demand for hydrogen in built environment is especially seen in the scenarios EC H2, FCH
AMB, G&T national and G&T international. The G&T local shows a relatively lower demand
for hydrogen in the Netherlands, due to stronger efficiency measures where the total demand
of energy in built environment is smaller. Figure 19 shows a similar result for G&T local where
the total final energy demand is lower than the other two G&T scenarios. The EC COMBO and
1.5 scenario, where various solutions and energy carriers are combined to an optimal energy
system, hydrogen does play a role in the built environment, though less than hydrogen focussed

Hydrogen demand per sector in the Netherlands by 2050
PJ 250

Built environment Industry Mobility Power balancing

Figure 21 - Hydrogen demand per sector

Largest potential for hydrogen is seen for industry. Especially the Berenschot scenarios predict
high hydrogen demands in industry. The EC P2X scenario shows very little demand for
hydrogen in industry, due to other fuels/gasses that will play a role in decarbonization of
industry. The EC COMBO and 1.5 do predict more hydrogen in industry because of the
combination of electrification, P-t-X and hydrogen. In all three G&T scenarios hydrogen plays
a role in industry, with a smaller demand for G&T international.

Mobility shows second largest potential for hydrogen in most scenarios. The Berenschot
molecule scenario shows the largest potential for hydrogen, while the electron scenario shows
less due to larger electrification of the transport sector. Second highest is the FCH AMB
scenario where hydrogen in transport plays an important role. The G&T scenarios national and
international show the same demand for hydrogen, while G&T local has a smaller demand due
to 100% electrification of passenger transport. The EC 1.5 and EC H2 have similar outcomes
as G&T national for the transport sector, with also a combination of electrification, hydrogen
and other green fuels for transport.

Hydrogen for power balancing differs through scenarios. While it could be expected that the
demand for power balancing is larger in electrification scenarios, often the hydrogen scenarios
show larger demand for hydrogen in power balancing (Berenschot electrons & EC ELEC versus
Berenschot molecules & EC H2). In the combined scenarios of EC, COMBO and 1.5 a small
15 PJ is expected for power balancing. No numbers are provider for power balancing in the

G&T scenarios. Though, electrolysis capacity is built for Power-to-hydrogen and hydrogen
fired power plants are constructed varying between 1-4 GW capacity.

4.5.3 Vision comparison

Differences between the visions are explained in the vision comparison.

From the vision analysis, differences between the scenarios can be found. Differences are
discussed in more detail, because they form the basis for further discussion on potential visions
for hydrogen. The differences are on the market emphasis, the role of hydrogen in the system,
the role of molecules in the system and the inclusion of import/an international system.

First, when examining the visions in time, the market emphasis changes over time. In the early
visions (up until the report of PBL) the emphasis is put on the transport sector and built
environment. Especially the transport sector with a role in heavy vehicles and passenger
transport is seen as a great opportunity. Later, when electrical vehicles have taken a larger share
in passenger transport, there is a potential shift to industry. Often is mentioned there are not
many alternatives to decarbonize the industry as for other markets. Same counts for heavy
vehicles, where electric vehicles are not powerful enough to decarbonize this market. When
considering the quantitative analysis, industry shows the largest market potential for hydrogen
followed by built environment and transport.

Second, electrification is often compared to molecules in the energy system. Studies from
Berenschot, EC and Gasunie & Tennet compare systems with high level of electrification to
systems with large integration of molecules, often hydrogen. From the studies it can be
concluded that in a system with large demand for hydrogen and power-to-X, the demand for
electricity will increase and more generation capacity should be in place. When comparing
those studies to full hydrogen studies, we see other results. The report of the FCH on hydrogen
in Europe provides a percentage that is comparable to the results of Gasunie & Tennet. When
considering electron scenarios, the EC electricity scenario has a small share of hydrogen, while
Berenschot electrons scenario shows potential for hydrogen due to power balancing and
electrolysis capacity. On the other side, the studies of the Noordelijke Innovation Board and
Provinice Zuid-Holland predict very large potential of hydrogen already by 2030. While those
studies look at potentials at a current point in time, TKI Nieuw Gas determined the hypothetical
potential of hydrogen in case a full market is changed into hydrogen. Those numbers should be
seen as the maximum potential. When considering integrated approaches where no ‘winner’ is

picked as energy carrier, hydrogen does play a substantial role. The EC combo, EC 1.5 Tech
and all the G&T scenarios have some share of hydrogen in the final mix varying from 6-38%.

Third, in addition to the comparison between hydrogen and electricity, hydrogen is also
compared to other molecules such as fossil fuels, biomass and methane. By Hisschemöller it is
argued that the use of hydrogen produced of SMR with natural gas without CCS is not better
than using direct fossil fuels in a combustion engine or by using biomass. While some may
argue hydrogen is indeed a cleaner solution and with blue hydrogen production it does become
cleaner. In favour of hydrogen over biomass, it is often argued for hydrogen less land use is
necessary (EC). EC, PBL and Gasunie & Tennet mention other molecules may be used such as
methane. While the production of methane needs hydrogen, the role in the final energy demand
becomes smaller.

Fourth, a large difference between visions is the role of import and international dependency.
Platform Nieuw Gas and PBL argue by using hydrogen, a national renewable energy system
can be reached without international dependency. On the other side, the Noordelijke Innovation
Board, Zuid-Holland and Routekaart Waterstof argue hydrogen could be seen as a good means
for long distance transport. Hydrogen enables energy generation at RES resourceful location
and transportation to areas with high energy demand such as the Netherlands. Gasunie & Tennet
provide varying visions from no international interaction to large import of hydrogen and
methane in order to balance supply and demand.

4.6 PESTLE analysis

As a result of the system analysis, actor analysis and vision comparison factors of the PESTLE-
analysis can be determined. For hydrogen in the Netherlands, factors are discussed for Political,
Economic, Social, Technical, Legal and Environmental indicators. The results are summarized
in Table 9.

4.7 Conclusion System Orientation

The system orientation has shown the potential of hydrogen in industry, built environment,
mobility and power sector. Various reports have been compared. The elements found in the
comparison provide the starting point for vison construction.

The hydrogen demand in the Netherlands in the current system is already 100 PJ/year. With
potential in industry, built environment, mobility and power sector the demand may rise over
the following years where it may play a substantial role by 2050. Especially industry and

transport are mentioned as sectors with large potential as mentioned in studies after 2010. Built
environment shows increasing potential in studies of Gasunie & Tennet, FCH, EC H2, PBL,
TKI Nieuw Gas and Noordelijke Innovation Board.

Main differences that were found between studies are the emphasis on sectors and markets, the
role of hydrogen in the future energy system compared to electricity, the role of hydrogen in
the future energy system compared to other molecules, and the inclusion of import and
international interdependency to the future energy system.

The difference in of hydrogen in end use forms the basis for further elaboration, because it
strongly influences the direction of the future energy system. Some visions such as FCH,
Provincie Zuid-Holland, Noordelijke Innvoationboard, TKI Nieuw Gas, represent a hydrogen
future with an increasing share of hydrogen by 2050. The studies describe hydrogen as a
primary energy carrier. Other visions compare a system on hydrogen versus a system mainly
on electricity (Berenschot, EC) where hydrogen is seen as a secondary energy carrier. Gasunie
& Tennet highlight the importance of hydrogen even in a more electricity future and show this
in three scenarios with high levels of hydrogen varying between 23% and 40% of the final
energy demand. Same counts for the EC COMBO and 1.5 scenario. The integrated studies have
hydrogen as primary and secondary energy carrier. This distinction will form the basis for the
following chapters.

Table 9 - Summary of PESTLE analysis

Political Economic Social

• Improve cost competitiveness electrolysis • Social acceptance for hydrogen in built
• Aim clean affordable socially acceptable energy
compared to grey and blue hydrogen environment
• Reduce costs hydrogen technologies for • Social acceptance for hydrogen in transport
• Provide clear vision on hydrogen future
application sector
• Gain technological leadership
• Infrastructure of hydrogen is cost competitive • Similar customer experience with hydrogen
• Align demand, supply and infrastructure
compared to electricity infrastructure • Demonstration projects for social acceptance
• Create clear policy framework with long term
• Market coupling when electricity and hydrogen • Education and training key for hydrogen
vision, stability, technologies, innovation,
are connected. transition
incentives and spatial planning
• Potential global hydrogen market
• Overcome investment uncertainty without
• New economic opportunities with hydrogen
jeopardizing global competitiveness.
• Limit investment uncertainty
• Use supportive policy measures
• Use policy instruments, e.g. subsidies, carbon tax
and green certificates.

Technical Legal Environmental

• Create a stable regulatory framework with • Hydrogen enables reaching climate goals
• Need for energy carrier beside electricity
following elements: • Hydrogen improves air quality
• Further development of hydrogen technologies on
- Regulations and permit applications • Especially green hydrogen enables climate goals
- Costs in scale
- Standards in legislation • Determine position of blue hydrogen
- Performance
- Safety • Determine position of hydrogen mixing with
- Efficiency
- Environmental regulations and spatial natural gas
• Prove feasibility hydrogen technologies planning
• Consider long duration of development process - Guarantees of origin
and innovation of technologies - Regulations for grid
- Supervision and enforcement
• Identify players in a hydrogen market
• Define hydrogen grid: public, private or hybrid.
• Define market design hydrogen market

5 Visions for hydrogen in 2050

Existing visions are compared in the previous chapter. The differences and PESTLE elements
provide the basis for vision construction. In this chapter first three new visions will be
constructed before a description per vision is provided. 5.1 Vision describes the process of
selection for the visions. 5.2 Vision description provides an in-detail description of the three
selected visions.

5.1 Vision construction

In vision construction, first extremes are determined as a basis to select three potential visions.
Second, the three visions are linked to the existing visions to understand the relation. Third, a
morphological chart is created based on the PESTLE-analysis and system orientation. Finally,
elements are selected in the morphological chart for the three visions and checked on cross-

As a basis for the vision construction some objectives have been formulated, which should be
incorporated in the described visions. First, the overall system configuration should lead to
reaching the targets set by the Dutch government by 2050. Second, the visions describe the
situation for the Netherlands, not a regional level. As stated by the Dutch government, the
energy system should be affordable, etc.

From the vision comparison an important difference was the integration of hydrogen compared
to electricity. In electricity visions, hydrogen often is used as a secondary energy carrier, while
in molecule visions hydrogen is used as primary energy carrier. Distinction between visions has
been made on hydrogen as primary or secondary energy carrier. Therefore, one extreme is an
energy system with focus on electrification while another extreme is an energy system with
focus on hydrogen in end-use. In between the two extremes a mixed vision can be selected.

Three levels of hydrogen integration have been selected as a basis for the scenarios:

1. Vision 1: All electric – electricity is preferred for every application. (hydrogen

secondary carrier)
2. Vision 2: One integrated system – hydrogen and electricity will be applied in case
proven better than the other carrier. (hydrogen both primary and secondary carrier)
3. Vision 3: Go hydrogen – emphasizes is placed on hydrogen for end use (hydrogen
mainly primary carrier)

Table 10 - Visions of vision comparison related to selected visions for this study

Vision 1 Vision 2 Vision 3

Berenschot electrons G&T scenarios Berenschot molecules

EC ELEC EC Combo and EC 1.5 Provincie Zuid-Holland
Noordelijke innovation board

The visions of vision comparison form the basis for the vision selection. Table 10 provides an
overview of the three visions with matching visions of selected studies.

Vision specific perspectives are distinguished with a morphological chart, including PESTLE,
market, infrastructure and supply perspectives. The PESTLE elements are based on the
PESTLE analysis in section 4.6. The elements for market, infrastructure and supply are
determined based on section 4.1 and 4.2. Table 11 shows the morphological chart for possible
visions. While many possible visions can be constructed with the morphological chart, elements
are selected for only the three selected visions.

For each vision elements are selected in the morphological chart that match the three selected
vision. Table 12 shows element selection for vision 1: All electric. The other morphological
charts and cross consistency checks can be found in Appendix IX – Morphological charts

All components are checked on consistency to make sure a viable vision is designed. In case of
vision 1 all elements are compared. Elements that may interfere are discussed in more detail.

First, the combination of decentral infrastructure and central infrastructure may seem
conflicting, however does not interfere with each other. The current hydrogen system has a
decentral infrastructure in industrial clusters. This infrastructure stays the same. The central
infrastructure connects wind farm, electrolysis facilities and storage facilities for power
balancing purposes. Those infrastructures will exist alongside each other and therefore are

Table 11 - Morphological chart hydrogen visions

Production Infrastructure Markets Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental

Electrolysis Decentral Current market Strong Electricity to Strong social High development Pro-active Support green
political natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
support ration high hydrogen technologies change for climate goals
hydrogen hydrogen

SMR Central Industry high Moderate Electricity to Moderate Moderate Interactive Support electricity to
temperature political natural gas social support development institutional reach climate goals
heating support ration moderate hydrogen hydrogen change for
hydrogen technologies hydrogen

SMR with International Power balancing Low political Electricity to Low social Low development Passive Support blue
CCS support natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
hydrogen ration low hydrogen technologies change for climate goals

Import Built Support biomass to

environment reach climate goals

Mobility heavy

Transport non-
heavy vehicles


Table 12 - Morphological chart with element selection for vision 1: All electric

Production Infrastructure Markets Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental

Electrolysis Decentral Current market Strong Electricity to Strong social High development Pro-active Support green
political natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
support ration high hydrogen technologies change for climate goals
hydrogen hydrogen

SMR Central Industry high Moderate Electricity to Moderate Moderate Interactive Support electricity to
temperature political natural gas social support development institutional reach climate goals
heating support ration moderate hydrogen hydrogen change for
hydrogen technologies hydrogen

SMR with International Power balancing Low political Electricity to Low social Low development Passive Support blue
CCS support natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
hydrogen ration low hydrogen technologies change for climate goals

Import Built Support biomass to

environment reach climate goals

Mobility heavy

Transport non-
heavy vehicles


Second, low political support, low social support hydrogen and passive institutional change for
hydrogen may be inconsistent with support green hydrogen to reach climate goals. The level of
support for green hydrogen is from a different perspective. In case of political, social and
institutional the basis comes from government bodies and society. The support for green
hydrogen to reach climate goals is supported by utilities and offshore wind farm investors. A
business case for hydrogen occurs to support integration of RES in the energy system. Therefor
support of the government and society is not crucial in hydrogen as secondary energy carrier.

Final, low development hydrogen technologies and support green hydrogen to reach climate
goals may seem inconsistent. With support for green hydrogen to reach climate goals, moderate
to high technological development could be expected. The problem in this situation is the lack
of institutional and governmental support to further develop hydrogen technologies.
Electrolysis and hydrogen fired power plants are implemented, but the scale is limited. Without
the support of the government and limited development in markets, technological development
of hydrogen technologies will be low.

5.2 Vision description

The three selected visions are described on three elements: (1) narrative description of the
hydrogen system, (2) technological deployment expressed in quantitative indicators, and (3)
system diagrams that represent the vision. The quantitative indicators are shown in Table 13.

The values in Table 13 are based on findings of section 4.1 and section 4.2. The current demand
for hydrogen is around 100 PJ/year (DNV GL, 2017b). New industry is calculated based on
predicted demand for 2050 (BlueTerra, 2018; CE Delft, 2015). Vision 2 includes only very high
temperature heat, while vision 3 includes all high temperature heat. Transport predictions for
2050 has been calculated with changes of the transport sector by the European Commission
(2018) compared to the transport sector in the Netherlands of 2015 (CBS, PBL, RIVM, &
WUR, 2018). In vision 2, only heavy vehicles are included, while for vision 3 passenger
transport is added. Built environment is determined with heat demand predictions for 2050 of
CPB & PBL (2016). The central scenario has formed the basis. Vision 2 includes 5% of
hydrogen in heat demand and vision 3 20%. For storage, the demand of the European
Commission (2018) is used as a basis for demand for storage. The local and national scenarios
of G&T provided the distribution of hydrogen capacity with batteries.

Table 13 - quantitative summary of visions.

Vision 1 Vision 2 Vision 3


Total final energy demand hydrogen 100 PJ 376 PJ 649 PJ

Of which existing industry1 100 PJ 100 PJ 100 PJ

Of which new industry - 200 PJ 344 PJ

Of which transport - 69 PJ 147 PJ

Of which built environment - 7,25 PJ 58 PJ


Min installed capacity electrolysis 2 4,0 GW 14,6 GW3 30 GW3

Min installed capacity SMR with CCS 4 - 8,7 GW 10 GW

Import interconnection - - 13,7 GW


Demand power sector 35 PJ 25 PJ -

Min capacity electrolysis for storage 2, 5 6,5 GW 5,4 GW -

Installed capacity hydrogen power plant 6 31 GW 17 GW -

1 20% of current hydrogen demand is by-product in industry. 2 Efficiency of electrolysis is set on 64%
(IEA, 2019). 3 Calculations for wind are based on 4200 of 8760 full load hours. (average of ECN
(2016)). 4 Efficiency of SMR is set on 76% (IEA, 2019). 5 For calculations on storage, 2000 of 8760
full load hours are used. 6 For electricity generation 500 of 8760 full load hours are used.

Figure 22 compares the constructed visions with the analysed visions. For all constructed
visions, the hydrogen feedstock demand is included in industry. Vision 1 is the scenario where
hydrogen is used as secondary energy carrier in power balancing. In the scenarios Berenschot
elek and EC ELEC compared to vision 1, lower values are found for power balancing purposes
of hydrogen. This could be caused due to the usage of data on hydrogen storage of EC and G&T
combined, because they provided the best input for power balancing calculations.

In vision 1, hydrogen is used for power balancing. The existing hydrogen supply is replaced by
electrolysis. Demand for storage is determined based on EC (Elec) and G&T national. In vision
2, the existing hydrogen supply is provided with CCS. Electrolysis is scaled to a total of 20 GW
what leaves leftover demand of hydrogen for additional SMR with CCS capacity.

Hydrogen demand per sector
PJ 250

Built environment Industry Mobility Power balancing

Figure 22 - Visions compared to scenarios for hydrogen demand per sector

A part of high temperature heating is taken care of by hydrogen. Other heat sources are used
for the other heat demand. In transport, hydrogen only plays a role for heavy vehicles, passenger
transport is fully electrified. 5 % of heat demand in built environment is taken care of with
hydrogen. For vision 3, hydrogen is used to its full potential. All high temperature heat demand
in industry is covered with hydrogen, same for heavy vehicles and long-distance passenger
transport (current gasoline vehicles). In the built environment a share of 40% is covering the
heat demand of hydrogen.

What is interesting to see is that especially for vision 2 the demand for industry is larger than
EC 1.5, EC COMBO and the G&T scenarios. If the current hydrogen demand is taken away,
the total demand that is left is comparable with G&T local and G&T international (around 200
PJ hydrogen demand in industry). Vision 2 shows similar results for transport, varying between
the G&T local scenario and the G&T national and international scenarios. The demand for
transport is larger than EC COMBO and EC 1.5 compared to vision 2, while the difference
between EC 1.5 and vision 2 is only 20 PJ. Results for built environment are roughly the same
as EC 1.5 and EC COMBO. The difference for built environment is much larger with the G&T

Vision 3 shows similar results for industry as the Berenschot molecule scenario. The EC H2
and FCH AMB have small hydrogen demands in industry. In transport, FCH AMB and

Berenschot molecules match the demand for hydrogen. In case of built environment, the FCH
AMB and EC H2 scenarios have similar results for hydrogen demand.

5.2.1 Vision 1: All Electric

This section provides the narrative description of vision 1.

Vision 1: All Electric describes a future system for the Netherlands in 2050 where electricity is
seen as the main energy carrier for the energy transition as shown in Figure 23. RES such as
solar and wind are installed in large capacity on the North Sea and on rooftops. Therefore,
electricity generation becomes both central and decentral. Due to the preference of electricity
no political, legal and social support for hydrogen is there. Electrification is reached in all
applications where possible. Because peak demand needs to be met by RES, large capacity is
needed to cover this demand. The often-occurring surplus can be used for hydrogen production
via electrolysis. This green hydrogen is both used for the industry application as for a backup
in case the fluctuating generation of RES does not match the demand. Since electricity is seen
as the solution to solve climate change and green hydrogen can support implementation of large
RES capacity there is support on an environmental level for hydrogen. Current SMR capacity
is replaced by electrolysis. Thus, hydrogen is used in power plants. Storage of hydrogen takes
place in salt caverns. As a result of lack of support and lack of hydrogen markets, technological
development of hydrogen technologies is low.

Figure 23 - System diagram of vision 1: All Electric

Figure 24 - System diagram of vision 2: One integrated system

5.2.2 Vision 2: One integrated system

One integrated system supports the vision the future will exist of many energy carriers. In this
vision hydrogen and electricity are chosen as main energy carriers as shown in Figure 24.
Electricity is produced via RES. Hydrogen will be used where proven better than other
technologies. In that case, decarbonization of industry is very important. In case of
transportation, EV are not a good solution for heavy vehicles. That is where hydrogen will play
an important part. Hydrogen is preferred in this scenario over biomass or e-fuels. In addition,
for the built environment, old residential buildings have low energy efficiency potential and
alternative heating sources are not available. Therefor hydrogen is used for heating in old
residential buildings. Because the market for hydrogen will grow, it is questioned whether the
RES capacity is able to supply the hydrogen market. The infrastructure is decentral in built
environment and current market. For high temperature heating, storage and transport a central
hydrogen infrastructure is designed. As a solution blue hydrogen is used as an alternative. From
an environmental perspective, green hydrogen, electricity and blue hydrogen are seen as
solutions to reach climate goals. Moderate political and social support is necessary to facilitate
the sectoral changes. Furthermore, interactive institutional change takes place in order to
respond to the growing demand of hydrogen. Hydrogen applications and electrolysis comes up
to a certain level what demands moderate technological development of hydrogen technologies.

Figure 25 - System diagram of vision 3: Go Hydrogen

5.2.3 Vision 3: Go Hydrogen

Vision 3: Go Hydrogen represents a system where hydrogen is exploited to its full potential as
shown in Figure 25. Hydrogen is seen as the solution to overcoming climate goals with both
green and blue hydrogen as import. Full political and social support is shown for the technology
in such a way the costs go down strongly, and the technology matures quickly. By 2050
hydrogen is active in many markets. Institutional change is done proactive to guide changes to
the hydrogen system and new hydrogen markets. In industry hydrogen plays a role in high
temperature heating and the current market. In transport besides heavy vehicles, hydrogen is
also implemented for passenger transport. The vision is built on the principle, if you implement
hydrogen in some residential areas, it may become interesting for other areas as well. Thus,
hydrogen is broader implemented in the built environment by 2050 as heating source.
Furthermore, hydrogen shows potential to cover peak demand in decentral heating systems. The
use of hydrogen in power balancing is small, since the demand for hydrogen increases the
overall demand for electricity. To cover the increasing demand, blue hydrogen production plays
an important role in the system. In order to allow for such hydrogen demand and generation, a
large infrastructure is in place to distribute hydrogen through the Netherlands. Due to the large
demand for hydrogen and limited RES capacity, import of hydrogen from high RES potential
countries is large. Transport of hydrogen over long distances take place via pipelines, boats and

5.3 Conclusion vision for hydrogen in 2050

As a result of vision construction, the discussion on electricity and hydrogen is highlighted. The
PESTLE-analysis and vision comparison have formed the basis of the morphological analysis.
As a result, the following three visions have been designed:

1. Vision 1: All electric

2. Vision 2: One integrated system
3. Vision 3: Go hydrogen

Because the three visions are based on preliminary studies for hydrogen in the Netherlands and
Europe, they show similar results in hydrogen demand as these studies. Several levels of
inclusion for hydrogen as primary and/or secondary energy carrier are considered through the
visions with varying political, social and legal support. The three constructed visions form the
basis for the interviews conducted with experts and stakeholders.

6 Backcasting

This chapters summarizes the backcasting results of the interviews conducted with experts and
companies. All the interviews have been analysed, the results gathered and aggregated to
provide an overview of WHAT-HOW-WHO analysis, drivers and barriers. During the
interviews, the visions were shown or explained to interviewees before answering questions on
changes, barriers and drivers. Section 6.1 summarizes the non-vision related findings of
interviews. Section 6.2, section 6.3 & section 0 summarize the vision specific findings per
vision. The drivers and barriers are described in section 6.5 & section 6.6. Section 6.7 provides
an overview of diversity in perspectives of interviewees. Finally, the chapter is concluded in
section 6.8.

All WHAT-HOW-WHO changes have been assigned to visions. The WHAT-HOW-WHO

changes have been grouped under cultural, structural and technical changes.

6.1 Non-vision related findings

Some changes in the interviews are not related to a single vision, but are relevant for all visions.
Those changes are summarized in this section. First overall changes in culture will be discussed,
then social changes and finally technical changes.

6.1.1 Cultural

The cultural aspects of a vision consist of behavioural change and educational change. The
cultural changes of non-vision related findings are shown in Table 14. Social acceptance is
important within society. Especially in context of business behaviour change in attitude is
required. Businesses need to enable their working environment in order to build a transition
towards hydrogen. Furthermore, a hydrogen infrastructure beyond the existing infrastructure
needs to be designed to transport the hydrogen to storage facilities. Public acceptance is crucial
in realising this in every vision.

From an educational perspective, there are two changes. First, programmes should be designed
to make society acquainted with hydrogen in the energy system. Second, the educational system
should create courses to train future employees for constructing and operating hydrogen
systems of the future.

Table 14 - Cultural changes non-vision related findings

What How Who

Behavioural C0.1 & C0.2 C0.1 Enable corporate support by C0.1 & C0.2 All companies
change Corporate culture gaining trust and support within that participate in the hydrogen
company of board of directors in such a economy or are involved in
C0.3 Social
way they will support employees and hydrogen projects.
acceptation of
projects in difficult times.
hydrogen C0.3 Government,
C0.2 Stay critical on hydrogen municipalities
(challenging in vision 3).

C0.3 Social acceptance of hydrogen


Educational C0.4 – C0.7 C0.4 Create research programs to gain C0.4 & C0.5 Universities,
change knowledge on more knowledge on hydrogen knowledge institutes, sector
hydrogen technology, its application and specific actors dependent on
technologies implementation. program, authorities dependent
on program.
C0.5 Create demonstration programs to
facilitate demonstrations. With an C0.6 & C0.7 Educational
organized approach, knowledge and institutes, ministry of
social acceptance can increase. education.

C0.6 Educate people in order to realise

new economies with studies that teach
on technologies and implementation.

C0.7 Educate people in construction

and implementation of electrolysis to
enable construction and operation on a
large scale.

6.1.2 Structural

The structural aspects of a vision consist of institutional change, organisational change, legal
change and economical change. The structural changes of non-vision related findings are shown
in Table 15. To enable hydrogen institutional changes are needed, such as tenders, subsidy
schemes and regulations. Decisions have to be made on the market design of hydrogen and

property rights of the system in order to enable hydrogen. The organisational perspective
focusses on how to structure realisation with various actors. Collaboration and guidance are key
in organisational changes. From a legal perspective, adjustments need to be made in regulations.
Contracts are needed that legally bond actors. Furthermore, boundaries of the hydrogen system
should be selected. In order to make hydrogen technologies economic feasible, subsidies and
taxes need to be provided. Furthermore, long term investment plans are necessary to decrease
investment risks.

Table 15 - Structural changes non-vision related findings

What How Who

Institutional S0.1 Governmental S0.1 Determine KPIs on hydrogen S0.1 Government

change direction development in order to monitor
S0.2 Enable
S0.2 Government,
hydrogen S0.2 Determine preconditions in tenders
and subsidy schemes for hydrogen
S0.3-S0.5 Set
projects to allow for a variety of projects.
description of S0.3 Determine the amounts of quality for
hydrogen hydrogen needed and what quality has S0.3 - S0.5 TSO, DSO,
largest potential for scale. hydrogen suppliers and
S0.6 prevent
moving companies S0.4 Determine the number of
infrastructures needed with varying
S0.7 Enable
quality of hydrogen.
S0.5 Determine whether cleaning stations
are necessary in hydrogen grid.
S0.6 Government
S0.6 Stimulate companies to invest in the
newest, most efficient and most
sustainable technologies with support
schemes and regulations.
S0.7 Government,
S0.7 Create tenders for electrolysis RVO

Organisational S0.8 Gain leadership S0.8 Take leadership in guiding smaller S0.8 Government
change actors in collaborations.
S0.9 – S0.10 Enable S0.9 Actor in lead of a
collaboration project in combination
with included actors.

S0.11 Risk reduction S0.9 Select essential partners for projects S0.10 Government and
to reach the MVC (minimal viable relevant actors specific
S0.12 Long term
coalition) in chain solutions. to project.
S0.10 Facilitate collaborations between S0.11 Actors in MVC.
actors that can facilitate ‘New’ industry
for 2050 with circular bio-based economy.
S0.12 all corporate
S0.11 Divide risk between partners to
make every actor responsible for success
via contractual commitments.

S0.12 Create company agendas for 20, 30

and 40 years from now.

Legal change S0.13 Decrease grey S0.13 Set regulations on grey hydrogen S0.13 Government,
hydrogen production on GHG emissions and grey hydrogen
efficiency to improve technology and producers.
nudge companies towards CCS.
S0.14 Coalitions and
S0.14 & S0.15
S0.14 Draw up clear and consistent actors involved in
Enable hydrogen
contracts in projects that no actor can projects.
easily step back.
S0.15 DSO, TSO,
S0.15 Draw up clear and consistent coalitions and actors
conditions actors are forced to control involved in projects.
safety and cost efficiency.

Economical S0.16 Decrease grey S0.16 Set a carbon tax for carbon S0.16 Government
change hydrogen emissions that makes grey hydrogen
S0.17 Government,
production more expensive.
S0.17 Support clean RVO
industry S0.17 Build subsidy schemes around
S0.18 Government,
circular bio-based chains located in the
S0.18 Enable TSO, DSO, hydrogen
hydrogen suppliers.
infrastructure S0.18 Design long term investment plans
for infrastructure with integration of
hydrogen, electricity and natural gas in
order to decrease infrastructure

6.1.3 Technical

The technical aspects of a vision consist of infrastructural change, production change,

application change and R&D change. The technical changes of non-vision related findings are
shown in Table 16.

The current infrastructure needs adjustments in order to facilitate an increase of hydrogen. The
size and design of the infrastructure depends on the visions. Every vision uses green hydrogen
production. Since electrolysis is still limited, it should be scaled-up to meet the outcome of the
visions. Furthermore, some applications overlap. Storage for hydrogen should be enabled and
circular bio-based value chains should be designed.

To facilitate the technical changes in the system, R&D is needed to gain more knowledge on
the topics. Focus area for research are efficiency, costs and safety of electrolysis, hydrogen
power plants, hydrogen storage in both salt caverns and other methods, and hydrogen
infrastructure possibilities in natural gas grid.

Table 16 - Technical changes non-vision related findings

What How Who

Infrastructure T0.1 & T0.3 T0.1 Construct infrastructure along T0.1 & T0.3 DSO, TSO,
Enable hydrogen development of supply and demand. hydrogen suppliers.
T0.2 Adjust natural gas grid to allow T0.2 DSO, TSO
T0.2 Transform for hydrogen to be transported.
natural gas grid
T0.3 Construct infrastructure for
potential hydrogen demand in future.

Production T0.4 – T0.7 Enable T0.4 Make electrolysis production T0.4, T0.5 & T0.7 Electrolysis
large scale industrial. producer.
T0.5 Use more efficient materials in
electrolysis production.

T0.6 Scale up electrolysis by slowly

T0.6 Hydrogen suppliers,
go from 100 MW to larger capacities.
electrolysis investors,
T0.7 Redesign supply chain of electrolysis manufacturers,
electrolysis production with industry that uses electrolysis.
optimized processes.

Application T0.8 Enable T0.8 Develop system for multiple T0.8 Government, utilities,
multiple energy energy carriers. DSO, TSO.
T0.9 Construct needed demand for T0.9 Government, utilities,
T0.9 Facilitate flexibility as addition on baseload TSO, electrolysis investor.
flexibility near source.
T0.10 Industrial coalition
T0.10 & T0.11 T0.10 Use hydrogen to create new
Enable carbon products with carbon emissions
T0.11 Industrial coalition, TSO,
utilization (ecosystem).
DSO, companies, government.
T0.12 & T0.13 T0.11 Construct and design chains
T0.12 & T0.13 TSO,
Enable hydrogen with a circular bio-based mind set.
Government, utilities, storage
T0.12 Construct cross boarder storage
capacity in salt caverns.

T0.13 Construct short term storage

capacity in tanks.

R&D T0.14 Monitor T0.14 Monitor hydrogen technologies T0.14 - T0.18 Government,
technologies and alternatives to compare them knowledge institutes,
continuously in order to determine universities, companies
which one is best in what situation.
electrolysis T0.15 Research on cost, efficiency,
safety and scale electrolysis.
Development T0.16 Research on cost, efficiency
hydrogen power and safety hydrogen power plants
T0.17 Research on hydrogen in
T0.17 natural gas grid and hydrogen
Development infrastructure
T0.18 Research on hydrogen in salt
T0.18 caverns and other storage
Development technologies.
hydrogen storage

6.2 Findings vision 1

Changes described in this section relate to vision 1. First overall changes in culture will be
discussed, then social changes and finally technical changes.

6.2.1 Cultural

The cultural aspects of a vision consist of behavioural change and educational change. The
cultural changes of non-vision related findings are shown in Table 17.

For vision 1 the focus in behaviour change is on current industry and power sector. Changes
that must occur focus on current hydrogen industry and utilities. Educational changes will
enable the construction of necessary hydrogen production and storage.

Table 17 - Cultural changes vision 1

What How Who

Behavioural C1.1 Social C1.1 Enable acceptance of hydrogen as C1.1 Government, utilities,
change acceptance power supply in electricity sector of society
hydrogen society with public education.
C1.2 Government,
C1.2 & C1.3 C1.2 Stimulate companies to companies involved wind
Company culture incorporate hydrogen in wind plans. farms, electrolysis
and actions companies
C1.3 Stimulate current hydrogen
industry to go green C1.3 Hydrogen suppliers and

Educational C1.4 knowledge on C1.4 Educate people in construction C1.4 Educational institutes,
change hydrogen and implementation of electrolysis in ministry of education
technologies utilities.

6.2.2 Structural

The structural aspects of a vision consist of institutional change, organisational change, legal
change and economical change. The structural changes of non-vision related findings are shown
in Table 18.

Structural changes in vision 1 are tenders for electrolysis and subsidies. In that way hydrogen
is enabled in storage, as fuel and for electrolysis. No organisational changes can be specifically
assigned to vision 1.

Table 18 - Structural changes vision 1

What How Who

Institutional S1.1 Enable S1.1 Include hydrogen in off shore S1.1 – S1.3 Government, utilities,
change hydrogen for wind tenders as balancing mechanism tender actors, TSO, electrolysis
flexibility or use the hydrogen for other producers, electrolysis operators.
S1.2 Enable
electrolysis S1.2 Design tenders for electrolysis.

S1.3 Enable S1.3 Design tenders for storage in salt

hydrogen storage caverns.

Legal change S1.4 Enable S1.4 Adjust regulations to allow for S1.4 Government
hydrogen for hydrogen in utilities.

Economical S1.5 Enable S1.5 Provide subsidies for S1.5 Government, RVO,
change electrolysis electrolysis projects to ensure the electrolysis producers,
business case. electrolysis operators, investors.

6.2.3 Technical

The technical aspects of a vision consist of infrastructural change, production change,

application change and R&D change. The technical changes of non-vision related findings are
shown in Table 19.

Technological changes that occur in vision 1 are mainly focused on electrolysis. The electricity
grid and hydrogen grid will become interconnected in order to allow flexibility for electricity
via hydrogen. The current hydrogen production will be fully replaced by green hydrogen. To
enable flexibility, storage of hydrogen needs to be realised. Specific research for vision 1 is the
realisation of hydrogen storage on large scale.

Table 19 - Technical changes vision 1

What How Who

Infrastructure T1.1 Design power T1.1 Use electrolysis as a conversion T1.1 TSO, utilities
balancing system unit between electricity and hydrogen
to integrate the grids.

Production T1.2 Decrease grey T1.2 Replace grey hydrogen production T1.2 Electrolysis
hydrogen by green hydrogen. investors, hydrogen

Application T1.3 Design power T1.3 Design flexible system around T3.4 Electrolysis chain
balancing system electrolysis to enable its flexibility. investors and
T1.4 – T1.5 Allow for T1.4 Use surplus of electricity to
hydrogen storage convert to hydrogen. T4.2 TSO, utilities,
electrolysis owner.
T1.5 Construct hydrogen storage
facilities in salt caverns. T1.7 TSO, Government,
utilities, storage

R&D T1.6 Development T1.6 Determine need for storage in salt T1.6 TSO, Government,
storage in salt caverns caverns. utilities, storage

6.3 Findings vision 2

Changes described in this section relate to vision 2. First overall changes in culture will be
discussed, then social changes and finally technical changes.

6.3.1 Cultural

The cultural aspects of a vision consist of behavioural change and educational change. The
cultural changes of non-vision related findings are shown in Table 20

In vision 2 various elements come together, i.e. hydrogen in transport, built environment,
industry and power balancing. This demands broad changes. Social acceptance plays a large
role in built environment and transport. Behavioural change needs to be triggered. Educational
changes describe demonstration projects to show how certain projects work in built
environment and for heavy transport. These demonstrations should raise awareness and
willingness to participate in cultural change.

Table 20 - Cultural changes vision 2

What How Who

Behavioural C2.1, C2.2 & C2.4 C2.1 Make decisions based on C2.1 Municipalities,
change Social behaviour rational and not on social pressure of government, DSO, TSO,
regarding public by what solutions are public, companies involved in
environment and technological feasible and cost hydrogen projects.
hydrogen efficient before exploiting markets
C2.2 Government,
with less potential.
C2.3 Enable municipalities, industry, NGOs,
hydrogen in built C2.2 Shift focus of carbon reduction environmental advisory groups.
environment. to reaching a circular bio-based
energy system with a result carbon
C2.5 & C2.6
C2.3 ACM, SODM, Ministry of
reduction by advertising on other
Corporate culture
strategy both politically as socially.

C2.3 Gain trust and support of

regulating actors in built C2.4 Government, DSO,
environment for hydrogen heating. hydrogen producers.

C2.4 Stimulate behaviour to increase

insulation measures to households
C2.5 Government, companies
with taxes.
involved wind farms,
C2.5 Stimulate companies to electrolysis companies
incorporate hydrogen in wind plans.
C2.6 Hydrogen suppliers and
C2.6 Stimulate current hydrogen operators
industry to go green

Educational C2.7 – C2.9 C2.7 Design demonstration projects C2.7 DSO, municipality,
change Knowledge on in built environment to show to residential area, home owners,
hydrogen public how heating of houses can be boiler company, hydrogen
technologies done with hydrogen. producer, hydrogen distributer,
housing corporation.
C2.8 Design demonstration projects
with hydrogen for heavy vehicles C2.8 Heavy vehicle producers,
with refuelling stations. hydrogen refuelling producers
and operators, transport
C2.9 Educate people in construction
companies local/regional
and implementation of electrolysis in
authority, ministry of

C2.9 Educational institutes,

ministry of education

6.3.2 Structural

The structural aspects of a vision consist of institutional change, organisational change, legal
change and economical change. The structural changes of non-vision related findings are shown
in Table 21.

Institutional changes enable electrolysis, infrastructure, storage and wind combined with
hydrogen. Decisions have to be made for hydrogen import whether grey hydrogen import is
allowed. Organisational changes enable collaborations between necessary stakeholders. On a
legal level, regulations for carbon emission, European alignments, hydrogen in utilities and
definition of hydrogen infrastructure are necessary. Economical changes focus on subsidies and
financial incentives to enable clean production and hydrogen in sectors power, transport,
industry and built environment.

Table 21 - Structural changes vision 2

What How Who

Institutional S2.1 Enable S2.1 Include hydrogen in off S2.1 Government, utilities,
change hydrogen for shore wind tenders as balancing tender actors, TSO, electrolysis
flexibility mechanism or use the hydrogen producers, electrolysis
for other applications. operators.
S2.2 Enable
electrolysis S2.2 Design tenders for S2.2 & S2.3 Government,
electrolysis. utilities, tender actors, TSO,
S2.3 Enable
electrolysis producers,
hydrogen storage S2.3 Design tenders for storage in
electrolysis operators.
salt caverns.

Organisational S2.4 Facilitate S2.4 Enable support to invest in S2.4 Government, DSO, TSO,
change strong hydrogen infrastructure of the hydrogen suppliers.
collaborations future by taking risk away.

Legal change S2.5 Enable S2.5 Define if hydrogen S2.5 Government, DSO, TSO,
hydrogen infrastructure stays public or hydrogen suppliers.
infrastructure private.
S2.6 Government
S2.6 Enable storage S2.6 Set regulations on carbon
hydrogen emission storage in order to limit
S2.7 European Commission,
the storage potential.
S2.7 Align with EU
European countries.
S2.7 Align law and regulations
EU countries by working towards

S2.8 Enable the same goal with country S2.8 Government
hydrogen for specific path.
S2.8 Adjust regulations to allow
for hydrogen in utilities.

Economical S2.10 Enable S2.10 Provide subsidies for S2.10 Government, RVO,
change electrolysis electrolysis projects to ensure the electrolysis producers,
business case. electrolysis operators, investors.
S2.11 & S2.12
Enable blue S2.11 Provide subsidies for blue S2.11 Government, RVO,
hydrogen hydrogen. investors, SMR with CCS
S2.13 Shift from S2.12 Provide subsidies for CCS
blue to green extensions on existing SMR. S2.12 Government, RVO, grey
hydrogen producers.
S2.14 Enable S2.13 Stop subsidy schemes for
hydrogen blue hydrogen S2.13 Government
S2.14 Socialize costs of hydrogen S2.14 Government, DSO, TSO,
S2.15 & S2.16 infrastructure through spreading hydrogen suppliers.
Enable hydrogen in the costs over all grid connections.
S2.15 & S2.16 Government,
S2.15 Use fiscal incentives to lease companies, car owners,
S2.17 Enable facilitate hydrogen mobility. car resellers.
hydrogen in built
S2.16 Use subsidy schemes to
facilitate hydrogen mobility.

S2.17 Calculate costs in regions to

S2.17 DSO, municipalities,
determine the cheapest alternative
heating system compared to
natural gas.

6.3.3 Technical

The technical aspects of a vision consist of infrastructural change, production change,

application change and R&D change. The technical changes of non-vision related findings are
shown in Table 22.

In order to realize the goals of vision 2, changes to the infrastructure are needed. The
infrastructure has to serve a growing demand and import should be enabled. Furthermore, the
infrastructure will connect hydrogen with electricity. Current hydrogen production facilities are

provided with carbon capture units to match the demand for hydrogen, but stay within climate
goals. New production facilities are from the start blue hydrogen and on the long term will
become green. For application, storage, heavy vehicles, high temperature heating and boilers
need to be implemented. Research in vision 2 focusses on storage and heat in built environment.

Table 22 - Technical changes vision 2

What How Who

Infrastructure T2.1 Design T2.1 Construct infrastructure in such T2.1 TSO, DSO, hydrogen
hydrogen a way different quality of hydrogen suppliers.
infrastructure can be transported.
T2.2 Cluster regions,
T2.2 Design T2.2 Create hydrogen clusters by companies connected to
hydrogen clusters construction of infrastructure that cluster, TSO, DSO, hydrogen
connects producers with users. supplier.
T2.3 Connect clusters
T2.3 Construct infrastructure T2.3 DSO, TSO.
T2.4 Enable
between clusters in case quality of
hydrogen in transport T2.4 Local authorities,
hydrogen is similar.
refuelling station builders,
T2.5 Design power
T2.4 Construct hydrogen refuelling hydrogen transport
balancing system
infrastructure. companies.

T2.5 Use electrolysis as a conversion T2.5 TSO, utilities

unit between electricity and
hydrogen to integrate the grids.

Production T2.6 Decrease grey T2.6 Replace grey hydrogen T2.6 Grey hydrogen plant
hydrogen production by blue hydrogen. owners.

T2.7 Decrease blue T2.7 Replace blue hydrogen

hydrogen production by green hydrogen.
T2.7 Electrolysis investors,
T2.8 Enable blue T2.8 Construct carbon capture hydrogen suppliers.
hydrogen infrastructure.
T2.8 Infrastructure company

Application T2.9 Design power T2.9 Design flexible system around T2.9 Electrolysis chain
balancing system electrolysis to enable its flexibility. investors and manufacturers.

T2.10 Allow for T2.10 Construct hydrogen storage T2.10 TSO, Government,
hydrogen storage facilities in salt caverns. utilities, storage companies.

T2.11 Enable T2.11 Industrial companies

hydrogen in industry with high temperature

T2.12 Enable T2.11 Replace natural gas by heating, TSO, industrial
hydrogen for HV hydrogen in industry for high clusters.
temperature heating.
T2.12 HV car companies.
T2.12 Develop HV hydrogen cars for
mass transport.

R&D T2.13 Development T2.13 Develop technology hydrogen T2.13 DSO, boiler companies,
hydrogen in built heating further in built environment housing corporation,
environment to proof safety, efficiency and scale municipalities.
T2.14 Development T2.14 TSO, Government,
hydrogen storage T2.14 Determine need for storage in utilities, storage companies.
salt caverns.

6.4 Findings vision 3

Changes described in this section relate to vision 3. First overall changes in culture will be
discussed, then social changes and finally technical changes.

6.4.1 Cultural

The cultural aspects of a vision consist of behavioural change and educational change. The
cultural changes of non-vision related findings are shown in Table 23.

Vision 3 is a vision where hydrogen is most important. Social acceptance of all the projects is
very important. In order to gain support, demonstration projects for hydrogen in transport and
built environment are used. Furthermore, behavioural change is seen in government bodies and
companies. In order to have the most efficient transition towards hydrogen, well thought
decisions have to be made.
Table 23 - Cultural changes vision 3

What How Who

Behavioural C3.1 & C3.3 Social C3.1 Make decisions based on C3.1 Municipalities,
change behaviour regarding rational and not on social pressure government, DSO, TSO, public,
environment and of public by what solutions are companies involved in hydrogen
hydrogen technological feasible and cost projects and investment.
C3.2 ACM, SODM, Ministry of

C3.2 Enable C3.2 Gain trust and support of
hydrogen in built regulating actors in built
C3.3 Government,
environment. environment for hydrogen heating.
municipalities, industry, NGOs,
C3.3 Shift focus of carbon reduction environmental advisory groups
to reaching a circular bio-based
energy system with a result carbon
reduction by advertising on other
strategy both politically as socially.

Educational C3.4 – C3.6 C3.4 Design demonstration projects C3.4 DSO, municipality,
change Knowledge on in built environment to show to residential area, home owners,
hydrogen public how heating of houses can be boiler company, hydrogen
technologies done with hydrogen. producer, hydrogen distributer,
housing corporation.
C3.5 Design demonstration projects
with hydrogen for heavy vehicles C3.5 & C3.6 Car producers,
with full supply chain. hydrogen refuelling producers
and operators, Heavy vehicle
C3.6 Design demonstration projects
users, local/regional authority,
with hydrogen for mobility
ministry of infrastructure.
purposes with refuelling stations
and FCEV.

6.4.2 Structural

The structural aspects of a vision consist of institutional change, organisational change, legal
change and economical change. The structural changes of non-vision related findings are shown
in Table 24.

Hydrogen will play a large role in built environment, transport and industry in vision 3. All
structural changes focus on support in sectors. Furthermore, legal changes are necessary to
allow hydrogen as part of the public grid. The economic feasibility of hydrogen is supported by
economical changes to guarantee business cases and fast implementation of hydrogen.
Table 24 - Structural changes vision 3

What How Who

Institutional S3.1 Off the gas in S3.1 Stimulate approach in built S3.1 DSO, TSO,
change built environment environment to change 3% of municipalities, utilities, boiler

S3.2 Import of households to other heat source than companies, house owners,
hydrogen natural gas with up-to-date housing corporations.
S3.2 Government
S3.2 Determine what sort of
hydrogen (grey, blue and/or green)
can be imported.

Organisational S3.3 Facilitate S3.3 Enable support to invest in S3.3 Government, DSO,
strong hydrogen infrastructure of the future TSO, hydrogen suppliers.
collaborations by taking risk away.

Legal change S3.4 - S3.6 S3.4 Include hydrogen in Gas Law to S3.4 Government
Hydrogen to public allow grid operators to transport
S3.5 & S3.6 Government,
grid hydrogen in public gas infrastructure.
DSO, TSO, hydrogen
S3.5 Define hydrogen infrastructure suppliers.
as a public grid with regulatory
framework as for natural gas.

S3.6 Legally facility third party

access in hydrogen grid.

Economical S3.7 & S3.8 S3.7 Provide subsidies for blue S3.7 Government, RVO,
change Enable blue hydrogen. investors, SMR with CCS
hydrogen manufacturers.
S3.8 Provide subsidies for CCS
S3.9 Enable extensions on existing SMR. S3.8 Government, RVO, grey
hydrogen hydrogen producers.
S3.9 Socialize costs of hydrogen
infrastructure through spreading the S3.9 Government, DSO,
S3.10 & S3.11 costs over all grid connections. TSO, hydrogen suppliers.
Enable hydrogen in
S3.10 Use fiscal incentives to S3.10 & S3.11 Government,
facilitate hydrogen mobility. lease companies, car owners,
car resellers.
S3.11 Use subsidy schemes to
facilitate hydrogen mobility.

6.4.3 Technical

The technical aspects of a vision consist of infrastructural change, production change,

application change and R&D change. The technical changes of non-vision related findings are
shown in Table 25.

In order to realize the goals of vision 3, large infrastructural changes are needed. The
infrastructure has to serve the three sectors and import should be enabled. To match the demand
for hydrogen, but stay within climate goals, current hydrogen production facilities are provided
with carbon capture units. New production facilities are from the start blue hydrogen.
Furthermore, construction in all the sectors is needed to guarantee the demand. Research in
vision 3 focuses on how to integrate the different sectors and how to optimize the infrastructure.
Scale in each sector with hydrogen is a challenge that R&D can provide guidance in.

Table 25 - Technical changes vision 3

What How Who

Infrastructure T3.1 Design T3.1 Construct infrastructure in T3.1 TSO, DSO, hydrogen
hydrogen such a way different quality of suppliers.
infrastructure hydrogen can be transported.
T3.2 Cluster regions, companies
T3.2 Design T3.2 Create hydrogen clusters by connected to cluster, TSO, DSO,
hydrogen clusters construction of infrastructure that hydrogen supplier.
connects producers with users.
T3.3 Connect clusters T3.3 DSO, TSO.
T3.3 Construct infrastructure
T3.4 Design T3.4 TSO, Dutch neighboring
between clusters in case quality
international countries
of hydrogen is similar.
T3.5 Refueling operator, TSO,
T3.4 Construct hydrogen
T3.5 Enable DSO, hydrogen operator
infrastructure between countries
hydrogen in transport
T3.6 DSO, municipalities, home
T3.5 Construct hydrogen
T3.6 Enable owners, housing corporations
refuelling infrastructure
hydrogen in built
environment T3.6 Construct hydrogen
infrastructure for built

Production T3.7 – T3.8 Enable T3.7 Replace grey hydrogen T3.7 Grey hydrogen plant
blue hydrogen production by blue hydrogen. owners.

T3.8 Infrastructure company

T3.8 Construct carbon capture T3.9 CCS manufacturers, and
infrastructure. grey hydrogen manufacturers

T3.9 Construct blue hydrogen


Application T3.10 Enable T3.10 Replace natural gas by T3.10 Industrial companies with
hydrogen in industry hydrogen in industry for high high temperature heating, TSO,
temperature heating. industrial clusters.
T3.11 Enable
hydrogen in built T3.11 Manufacture boilers for T3.11 Boiler manufacturers
environment built environment

T3.12 & T3.13 T3.12 Manufacture hydrogen

T3.12 Car and truck
Enable hydrogen in vehicles
T3.13 Manufacture hydrogen
T3.13 Shipyards

R&D T3.14 Development T3.14 Research on scaling of T3.14 – T3.17 TSO, DSO
hydrogen in transport transport Government, sector specific
companies, research institutes,
T3.15 Development T3.15 Research on scaling of
hydrogen in built hydrogen in built environment
T3.16 Research on integration of
T3.16 Development several sectors in hydrogen
on hydrogen economy
T3.17 Research hydrogen
T3.17 Development infrastructure, what it should
hydrogen look like.

6.5 Drivers for hydrogen

In this section, drivers for hydrogen are discussed. Drivers for hydrogen have been aggregated
according to the results of the interviews. The following drivers have been often mentioned in

1. Increase for RES asks for power balancing with alternative energy carriers and storage
(in 7 interviews).
2. Decrease of natural gas supply and demand offers opportunity to use natural gas grid
(in 4 interviews).
3. Transport and storage of electrons is expensive and inefficient while molecules are
easier, cheaper and more efficient (in 5 interviews).
4. Electrolysis has quick reaction times what offers opportunities for flexibility (in 2
5. Decarbonization of industry and realising a circular bio-based economy (in 6

First, renewable energy is becoming cheaper and more competitive. Furthermore, the
Netherlands has large offshore wind potential. With increasing renewable energy, power
balancing becomes more challenging, due to RES intermittent nature. The surplus of renewable
energy can be converted and stored to cover seasonal fluctuations. Hydrogen is often mentioned
as the key in connecting electrons with molecules.

Second, production and usage of natural gas has to decrease in the Netherlands due to
earthquakes in Groningen. Therefore, a momentum for natural gas alternatives is initiated
including hydrogen. The natural gas infrastructure will be used less. With small adjustments
the natural gas infrastructure can be transformed to a hydrogen infrastructure.

Third, transportation of electricity is difficult and expensive. Capacity of electricity grid is

reaching its maximum with increasing RES. The losses are very high when electricity is
transported over long distances. Gasses are often cheaper to transport, and losses are limited.
The capacity of gas infrastructure is much larger than that of electricity. Therefore, using
hydrogen as energy carrier to transport and store energy is an interesting alternative to
expanding electricity grid.

Fourth, electrolysis is a flexible technology with quick ramping up and down time. When the
system is designed for flexibility, electrolysis can be used efficiently for power balancing and
extracting electricity from the electricity grid.

Fifth, the Netherlands has a large chemical industry that has a large demand for electricity and
fossil fuels. For some applications, electricity is not sufficient. Hydrogen is seen as an energy
carrier to decarbonize the industry. Furthermore, hydrogen enables a circular bio-based
economy where hydrogen can be seen as a building block. Hydrogen capture carbon emissions
to produce new products that can be used elsewhere. The industry has experience with
hydrogen, since it is already used as feedstock and an infrastructure is in place.

6.6 Barriers for visions

In this section, barriers for hydrogen are discussed. barriers for hydrogen have been aggregated
according to the results of the interviews. The following barriers have been often mentioned in

1. Law and regulation hydrogen in public grid (in 3 interviews)

2. Costs for electrolysis and CCS (in 3 interviews)
3. Costs infrastructure (in 3 interviews)
4. Investment uncertainty hydrogen projects, infrastructure and market development (in 4
5. Transport and storage of hydrogen (in 5 interviews)
6. Technological limitations and scaling of blue and green hydrogen (in 3 interviews)
7. Social acceptability and societal costs (in 3 interviews)

First, hydrogen is currently not seen as a utility. The existing infrastructure is privately operated.
DSOs and TSOs are limited by law to operate hydrogen in the natural gas grid and to construct
hydrogen infrastructure. In case regulations are made for industry towards sustainable
production of hydrogen and increasing costs of hydrogen, there is chance of carbon leakage;
companies that move their operations to other locations.

Second, high costs are related to hydrogen. Electrolysis is not competitive with current
hydrogen costs. Though due to scaling effects the costs for electrolysis will go down.
Furthermore, green hydrogen costs depend on electricity prices and those are currently too high
to compete with grey hydrogen. In case scale for electrolysis and hydrogen in certain sectors is
not reached, the costs will stay relatively high and electrolysis is not cost effective. Blue
hydrogen has additional costs for the carbon capture unit and infrastructure for carbon. Both
green and blue hydrogen are without support not cost competitive. A risk that may occur, in
case blue hydrogen becomes cost competitive, electrolysis will have an additional barrier to
become cost effective with subsidized blue hydrogen plants.

Third, long-term investment risks occur for infrastructure. Infrastructure investments are done
for a long time. Return on investment periods are often long. Without scale for hydrogen,
investment costs in infrastructure are very high.

Fourth, high investment uncertainty is related to the cost uncertainty. Many factors cannot be
predicted especially due to the long timespan of projects and the uncertainty whether hydrogen

will have scale in the time of project realisation. Company agendas are often made for many
years ahead, while the political agenda can change every new political climate.

Fifth, while storage and transport of hydrogen theoretically is possible, the challenge lies in
realising the capacity. Storage in salt caverns is limited to availability with potential need for
expansion to other countries what increases costs. Other transport means such as trailer
transport is less efficient than fossil fuel transport via truck. When importing hydrogen, costs
for an international grid may be very high and there is a risk related to political unstable regions.

Sixth, green and blue hydrogen have some technical limitations. Electrolysis has a shorter life
span than SMR and is more sensitive to failure due to impurities in water. Furthermore, scaling
of electrolysis is challenging since the current electrolysis plants cover around 10 MW, while
in future projects 1 GW electrolysis plants are discussed. SMR with CCS is not effective when
hydrogen is used to capture carbon, what leads to an inefficient process. When blue hydrogen
is seen as a transition process, large investments in carbon infrastructure are done, while the
infrastructure has a short lifespan.

Seventh, while hydrogen offers a similar customer experience as the current energy system,
social acceptability forms a barrier. In case in pilot projects accidents occur, the public might
go averse to hydrogen. Furthermore, the public opinion is slightly against gasses underground
after the situation in Groningen.

6.7 Diversity in interviews

The results of this chapter a gathering of results of the interviews. During the interviews some
confliction opinions of experts and stakeholders have been addressed. Large differences were
found during the interviews are (1) the position of blue hydrogen, (2) carbon leakage, (3) the
role of hydrogen in transport and built environment, and (4) infrastructure design. Each
conflicting element is explained with its argumentation.

First questions on the position of blue hydrogen leads to conflicting results in interviews. On
one side a few interviewees argue that blue hydrogen is necessary to create scale for a growing
hydrogen demand. Green hydrogen production has not yet reached over a GW of capacity in
the Netherlands, while SMR technology is commonly used for hydrogen production. Blue
hydrogen offers an easier transition of SMR to less emissions with a carbon capture unit. Costs
of replacement are larger than an electrolysis unit. On the other side, interviewees argue
supporting blue hydrogen for transition demands a carbon capture infrastructure for a limited
period of time. Large investments are necessary for a carbon capture infrastructure.
Furthermore, when blue hydrogen is politically supported, this may lead to very subsidized blue
hydrogen facilities. It will become more difficult for green hydrogen to become competitive
with blue hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used to utilize carbon for new products. In case blue
hydrogen is used for this process, at the end of the balance there is still carbon capture necessary,
because carbon for hydrogen production is captured.

Second, a debate can be seen on the influence of carbon leakage and how to handle it. Often,
as a response to strict regulations and increasing carbon taxes, carbon leakage may occur in
industry. On one side, interviewees argue that no strict regulations should be on place on
industry when it comes to hydrogen production. It is even questioned whether carbon leakage
would be bad from a Dutch climate goal perspective. On the other side, interviewees mention
opportunities where hydrogen can play a role in enabling circular bio-based supply chains.
Green hydrogen can play a role in linking several industries to each other and increase
dependency between industrial actors. With stronger co-dependency, companies will not move
their core business to another country. The challenge to avoid carbon leakage is to increase co-
dependency and make companies in the most efficient, innovative technologies within Dutch

Third, the role of hydrogen in transport and built environment leads to a variety of opinions.
Some see large potential for hydrogen in both industries, while some are more critical on
implementation. For example, over the last couple of years electric vehicles have been
supported. The question is raised whether hydrogen vehicles should enter this market. In
addition, the role of hydrogen in the built environment is by some not even mentioned.
Alternatives show at this point more potential than hydrogen. Interviewees that do believe in
hydrogen for built environment, have different levels of implementation varying between only
for peak demand and seasonal fluctuations, to entire regions on hydrogen.

Fourth difference is the design of the future hydrogen infrastructure. At this point a hydrogen
infrastructure is in place with a certain hydrogen quality to serve (petro)chemical industry and
ammonia industry. Several actors argue for a central infrastructure, first starting in industrial
clusters and expanding by connecting the clusters. Critique on the central infrastructure
approach is the fact that for different applications different qualities of hydrogen are necessary.
A central infrastructure may not serve all hydrogen users. An infrastructure with the best quality
of hydrogen may become expensive and with the worst quality may push up prices of better
qualities. Besides the central approach, in some interviews multiple infrastructures where
issued. The demand per sector differs strongly, same as the required quality of hydrogen.
Multiple infrastructures for several hydrogen qualities could be designed where even a
combination of public and private, a hybrid, infrastructure could be in place.

6.8 Conclusion Backcasting

For each vision backcasting elements have been identified. Some elements are relevant for each
of the visons, while some are vision specific. For vision 1, the vision specific elements include
development of hydrogen in the electricity sector for power balancing and transforming the
current hydrogen sector to green hydrogen production. For vision 2, the vision specific elements
include on one side hydrogen in the electricity sector and on the other side hydrogen in various
sectors for end use. Public support of hydrogen becomes more important. For vision 3, the
vision specific elements include the roll out of hydrogen in all possible sectors for end use. All
changes made are in service of scaling hydrogen.

The drivers and barriers for hydrogen are discussed, though not assigned to specific visions.
The drivers and barriers strongly influence the outcome of the pathway. Furthermore,
differences in perspective between the interviewees are summarized. The differences are (1)
the position of blue hydrogen, (2) carbon leakage, (3) the role of hydrogen in transport and built
environment, and (4) infrastructure design.

To conclude, the identified changes with backcasting and the four differences in views on
hydrogen in the Netherlands strongly influence the pathways and roadmaps for hydrogen.

7 Pathways & roadmapping

Chapter 7 describes the pathways and roadmaps for each vision. First, the basis for each
pathway is discussed for each vision, before the visions are further explained separately in 7.1
Vision 1, 7.2 Vision 2 and 7.3 Vision 3. Every vision section first elaborates on the pathway of
hydrogen integration in the energy system. After that the roadmap is shown. From the roadmap
key changes can be identified that form the basis for identifying the key stakeholders. For each
key stakeholder the effect of the vision, actions and motivation are identified. Finally,
bottlenecks per vision are selected with policy measures to overcome them. The chapter is
concluded with comparison of vision pathways and roadmap with indicators on differences in
pathways, costs and implementation of technology.

During the interviews, questions have been asked how to realize the visions. The answers have
been coded and the results have led to a list of pathway principles. The pathway principles relate
to the differences found between opinions of interviewees (section 7.4). Opinions have been
included to the visions with pathway principles as shown in Table 26.

Table 26 - Visions with the basis for their pathway and roadmap

Pathway principles of interviews

Vision 1 – All Electric Use hydrogen for flexibility.

Make current system fully green.
Do not use blue hydrogen as intermediate.
Scale electrolysis is created along growth of offshore wind capacity.
Infrastructure plans included in offshore wind projects.

Vision 2 – One integrated Use hydrogen for flexibility.

Use hydrogen in built environment as intermediate solutions while
improving energy efficiency.
Blue hydrogen is used to create scale with clear boundaries.
Facilitate transition of blue hydrogen to green hydrogen.
Create scale in hydrogen with industry.

Vision 3 – Go hydrogen Adjust built environment with 3% a year with hydrogen in the mix.
Blue hydrogen for scale and for support of green hydrogen.
Create scale with industry.
Include other sectors in industry projects simultaneous.
Plan infrastructure for the future capacity to cover future demand.
Invest in a global hydrogen market.

7.1 Vision 1

As described in 5.2.1 Vision 1: All Electric the first vision focusses on an all-electric system.
Hydrogen is used as a flexibility measure for electricity. Hydrogen, also for current hydrogen
demand, is produced from electrolysis. As shown in Table 26, the pathway of Vision 1 is based
on a system with a large capacity of RES with a high level of electrification. The large share of
RES demands flexibility measures. Hydrogen production, i.e. electrolysis, will grow
simultaneous with the growing capacity of offshore wind (Figure 26). Efficiency improvements
have been taken into consideration varying by 2050 between 74 – 81% (IEA, 2019; Waterstof
Coalitie, 2018). Since hydrogen is used as a secondary energy carrier in the energy system, only
green hydrogen is implemented. By the time a larger capacity of electrolysis is installed, current
SMR facilities are replaced by the electrolysis. The demand for hydrogen in industry will stay
constant, while the demand for power balancing increases with growing capacity of RES
(Figure 27).

How to get to an all-electric system, a backcasting study has been conducted. The found changes
in the study have been categorized and allocated in time. The backcasting elements for vision
2 can be found in section 6.1 & 6.2. Table 27 is the roadmap for hydrogen in vision 1. Three
phases have been identified. In the development phase wind is scaled and electrolysis
technology is further developed. The scale-up phase is the period where electrolysis can be
scaled -up to fast growing levels per year.

Hydrogen production capacity vision 1


Capacity (GW)

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Electrolysis Total installed capacity

Figure 26 - Hydrogen production capacity growth and total installed from 2020-2050 for vision 1.

Hydrogen demand Vision 1
Total demand (PJ)

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Industry Power balancing

Figure 27 - Hydrogen demand per sectors between 2020 and 2050 for vision 1.

Gas fired power plants are reconstructed for hydrogen and first infrastructure for hydrogen is
built. After scale-up phase, the maturation phase is reached. In this phase electrolysis is well
developed and the market matured. Still the electrolysis capacity grows quickly, but with
consistent prices and technology.

From the roadmap key changes to the system can be identified. The key changes to the system
for vision 1 are:

• Growth of offshore wind capacity and electrification over time

• Replacing current hydrogen production of SMR with electrolysis
• Electrolysis capacity for balancing the electricity grid (Power-to-H2)
• Storage of hydrogen in salt caverns
• Electricity generation in gas fired plants with hydrogen (H2-to-Power)
• Infrastructure for hydrogen between offshore wind, electrolysis, storage facilities and
hydrogen power plants.

The changes are mostly executed by four actors in the system, i.e. utilities, TSO, electrolysis
manufacturers and current hydrogen producers. The key actors have been identified during
interviews where with several actors and potential actors the role of various stakeholders is
discussed in more detail. Elements of the reports selected for vision comparison are also taken
into consideration when selecting the key actors for vision 1. The key actors are strongly
influenced by vision 1 and may accordingly behave in a certain way to change the current
system (Table 28).

Table 27 - Roadmap vision 1

Development Scale-up Maturation

2019-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 2040-2050
Cultural Behavioural Corporate support Acceptance hydrogen
H2 in utilities underground
Industry focus on green
Educational Research programs hydrogen Educate on electrolysis
construction and operation
Demonstration programs
Structural Institutional Determine preconditions tenders Tenders for wind with hydrogen Tenders electrolysis financial Determine property rights
&subsidies hydrogen support hydrogen infrastructure
Tenders storage in salt caverns Tenders electrolysis no financial
Determine quality hydrogen support
Organisational KPIs Company agendas for next 20-30
Leadership government years
Create collaborations with MVC
Legal Divide risk in projects Regulations on grey hydrogen Regulations and conditions on Regulations on hydrogen in
productions hydrogen in power sector on power plants
Set contracts actors hydrogen safety and efficiency
Economic Determine long investment plan Subsidy on circular bio-based
infra hydrogen industry
Subsidy electrolysis
Taxes on SMR
Technical Infrastructure Hydrogen infra to match supply Design infra for future demand Link hydrogen infrastructure with
& demand (up to 2050) electricity infra
Natural gas infra to hydrogen
Production Find efficient materials for Industrialize production of Built electrolysis capacity Scale electrolysis Replace grey production
electrolysis electrolysis hydrogen to green production
Redesign supply chain
Market Short term storage hydrogen Focus on circular bio-based Hydrogen and carbon for new Construct hydrogen in salt
Design system electrolysis for industry products in industry caverns
flexibility purpose Enable multiple energy carriers Scale hydrogen power plants Cross boarder storage
Construct hydrogen power plants Store surplus electricity in
R&D Monitor technologies Research on storage in salt Determine need salt caverns
Research on electrolysis caverns
Research on Power plants with Research natural gas grid to
hydrogen hydrogen

Table 28 - Influence of vision 1 of key actors

What action should the

actor take to change the
How is the actor current system What may be the motivation
Actor affected by vision 1? accordingly? behind the change?

Utilities Fluctuations; business Start including electrolysis in New opportunities and business
case with storage; business cases offshore cases. Surplus of electricity that
hydrogen powerplants wind; Facilitate storage for may be used in a more efficient
hydrogen; Built hydrogen way. As long as natural gas is
power plants for peak cheaper in gas fired power plants,
demand hydrogen will not be used.

Tennet & Pressure electricity grid; Expand electricity grid; Provide grid of the future; new
Gasunie new potential grid for lobby for storage; Gasunie opportunities; Gasunie: smaller
Gasunie; storage may become involved in market for natural gas with large
hydrogen needed hydrogen infrastructure gas infrastructure.

Electrolysis Large demand Expand electrolysis Business opportunities; serve

manufacturer electrolysis; need for manufacturing capacity; bigger market; become market
flexible hydrogen improve efficiency leader
system electrolysis; professionalize
production process for

Current Green hydrogen Replace SMR capacity with Emission reduction; new
hydrogen production; Green electrolysis; get involved in opportunities and business cases;
producers hydrogen production; hydrogen projects for motivation to shift from SMR to
potential involvement infrastructure electrolysis must be or for
hydrogen infrastructure. economic consideration or to
match increasing regulations on

The key actors will enable vision 1 with the actions they take. Collaboration and interaction
take place between the actors. Though, the government has a key role in facilitating adjustments
to the system. While utilities find new business cases in electrolysis inclusion in offshore wind
projects, they will have to collaborate with other parties and even find support to scale hydrogen
production. The government has two possible pathways to position themselves. First, they can

take a lead and respond to problems that may occur in the evolving system with an increase of
renewables and electrification. Second, they can take a leadership role and guide key actors in
the needed changes for vision 1. In both situations, the government will set clear goals for 2050
with especially offshore wind on the agenda. Electrolysis will become an important technology
of the current regime.

Actions the government can take link to bottlenecks that cause tension between the current
system and vision 1. The bottlenecks have been identified during the interviews as form of
barriers as discussed in section 6.6 and the solutions have been elaborated on in the backcasting
questions. While actors will have certain drivers for change, policy measures are still necessary
to realize the vision. The most important bottlenecks for vision 1 are costs of electrolysis, costs
of green hydrogen, scale electrolysis and infrastructure for electrolysis (Table 29). Investments
in power plants could be seen as a risk, though it is known prices will fluctuate more and there
is a large demand for baseload.

Table 29 - Vision 1 bottlenecks and policies

Bottleneck What needs to be done Policy

Costs electrolysis Production cost reduction Subsidies for production improvements; tenders

Reduction CAPEX

Competitiveness green Reduce cost electricity Provide feed-in tariff hydrogen; provide carbon tax;
hydrogen subsidies for improvements; regulations on grey
Increase costs natural gas
Improve efficiency

Scale electrolysis Professionalization Subsidy and regulations

electrolysis manufacturing
Tenders for capacity and set preconditions
Stimulate electrolysis
Strict conditions on emissions hydrogen production

Decrease attractiveness SMR

Infrastructure Determine regulatory Define regulatory framework; provide tenders for

hydrogen framework infrastructure hydrogen; include hydrogen infrastructure guarantee
in tenders
Provide funds infrastructure

7.2 Vision 2

As described in 0

Figure 24 - System diagram of vision 2: One integrated system

Vision 2: One integrated system the second vision describes a system where electricity and
hydrogen are combined energy carriers. Hydrogen is used in situations where it works better
than electricity. For the markets this means hydrogen is used for high temperature heat in
industry, as heat source in built environment, and as fuel for heavy transport. Similar to vision
1, hydrogen is also used for storage in the power sector. As shown in Table 26, the pathway of
Vision 2 is based on integration of hydrogen as primary energy carrier (in built environment,
industry and transport) and as secondary energy carrier (in power balancing). An integrated
energy system with both electricity and hydrogen is constructed (Figure 28). Efficiency
improvements have been taken into consideration varying by 2050 between 80 – 81% (Agora
Verkehrswende, Agora Energiewende, & Frontier Economics, 2018; Waterstof Coalitie, 2018).
In order to scale the hydrogen demand, blue hydrogen is used to provide early increase in
demand. Simultaneously, electrolysis is further developed and scaled over time. By the time
electrolysis is competitive, existing SMR capacity is removed and replaced by electrolysis. For
demand, while hydrogen in industry and transport is seen as a long-term solution to decarbonize
the sectors, in case of the built environment hydrogen is seen as a transition solution (Figure

Hydrogen production capacity Vision 2
7 30

Additional capacity (GW) 6 25

Total capcity (GW)


1 5

0 0
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

SMR with CCS Electorlsyis Total installed capacity

Figure 28 - Hydrogen production capacity growth and total installed from 2020-2050 for vision 2.

Hydrogen demand Vision 2

Total demand (PJ)

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Industry Power balancing Transport Built environment

Figure 29 - Hydrogen demand per sectors between 2020 and 2050 for vision 2.

In early stages, hydrogen is promoted along improving energy efficiency overtime. By the time
the hydrogen boilers need replacement, alternative heating solution will be more suitable and
can be replaced by another heat solution. Therefore, in the time period between 2020 and 2050
the demand for hydrogen in built environment will increase and decrease.

To determine how vision 2 could be realised, a backcasting study is conducted and the changes
are allocated to time. The backcasting elements for vision 2 can be found in section 6.1 & 6.3.
Table 30 is the roadmap for hydrogen in vision 2. Three phases in the roadmap have been

identified, i.e. development, scale-up hydrogen, scale-up green. The development phase entails
further research and development on hydrogen and first facilitation of investments in hydrogen
projects. The scale-up hydrogen phases focus on implementing hydrogen applications. The first
projects for electrolysis are started, but blue hydrogen is also supported. Hydrogen is promoted
in built environment, industry, heavy vehicles and storage. In the built environment
simultaneously, insulation measures to buildings are still promoted. The scale-up green phase
shifts focus on scaling hydrogen to making hydrogen green. Blue hydrogen plants are replaced
by electrolysis and electrolysis is further scaled. In addition, insulation measures in buildings
increase and other technologies than hydrogen can be used for heating. The first hydrogen
heating boilers are replaced by alternatives.

Table 30 - Roadmap vision 2

Development Scale-up hydrogen Scale-up green

2019-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 2040-2050
Cultural Behavioural Social acceptance hydrogen Critical on hydrogen Improve insulation households Circular bio-based industry
underground Gain trust and support of Stimulate current hydrogen
Incorporate hydrogen in wind regulating actors in built industry to go green
projects environment
Corporate support on hydrogen
Educational Set research programs hydrogen Educate on construction and Demonstration hydrogen in
Demonstration hydrogen in built implementation hydrogen transport sector
Structural Institutional Divide risks commitments Wind with hydrogen tenders Determine quality hydrogen in Enable storage in salt caverns
Company agendas for 20-30 years infrastructure
Stimulate companies to invest in Tenders for electrolyse
Netherlands Determine on import hydrogen
Organisational Set KPIs
Governmental leadership
Collaborations with MVC
Hydrogen investment plan
Legal Regulate on safety and efficient Design stricter regulations for Regulate hydrogen in utilities Define hydrogen infrastructure:
hydrogen in built grey hydrogen Align NL & EU regulations public or private
Contracts projects Regulation on CCS
Economic Cheapest solution in built Subsidize CCS in SMR Subsidize electrolysis Increase carbon tax
environment Subsidize blue hydrogen Stop subsidy on blue hydrogen Fiscal incentives transport sector
Long term investment plan Socialize costs infrastructure Subsidize circular bio-based Subsidize transport sector
Technical Infrastructure Create hydrogen clusters (match Design CCS infrastructure Construct hydrogen refuelling Use electrolysis to link hydrogen Design infra between clusters
producers with users) Design infrastructure hydrogen infrastructure with electricity infrastructure
Design infrastructure for different for future
purpose Natural gas grid to hydrogen
Production Construct small electrolysis Grey to blue hydrogen Industrialize production of Scale electrolysis Blue to green hydrogen
capacity Find efficient materials for electrolysis
electrolysis Design flexible system

Market Short term storage Hydrogen for built environment Hydrogen for high temperature Construct storage in salt caverns Scale hydrogen in transport
Redesign gas fired plants for hydrogen Replace hydrogen heating system
hydrogen Integrate hydrogen for flexibility in built environment
Implement heavy vehicles in electricity Construct cross boarder storage
transport Implement ships on hydrogen
R&D Monitor technologies Research electrolysis Research hydrogen in inland
Research hydrogen in built Research hydrogen in salt caverns navigation
environment Research hydrogen in heavy
Research natural gas grid to vehicles

From the roadmap key changes to the system can be identified. The key changes to the system
for vision 2 are:

• Provide hydrogen production with green and blue hydrogen

• Start with blue hydrogen and move it to green on long term
• Start with hydrogen in built, keep improving efficiency in built, replace hydrogen with
electricity etc when well insulated
• Replace natural gas by hydrogen for > 500 degrees Celsius in industry
• Implement hydrogen in heavy vehicles and inland navigation
• Enable hydrogen infrastructure that supports hydrogen in built environment, increasing
demand in industry and hydrogen for transport with refuelling infrastructure.

The changes are mostly executed by four actors in the system, i.e. TSO, DSO, current hydrogen
producers and utilities. The key actors have been identified during interviews where with
several actors and potential actors the role of various stakeholders is discussed in more detail.
Elements of the reports selected for vision comparison are also taken into consideration when
selecting the key actors for vision 2. The key actors are strongly influenced by vision 2 and will
accordingly behave in a certain way to change the current system (Table 31).

The key actors will enable vision 2 with the actions they take. To realize large scale projects,
collaboration between the key actors is necessary. The government can influence the actions
actor take by policy and regulations. Vision 2 has applications of hydrogen emerging that are
new. Without support of the government, vision 2 cannot be realized, because new technologies
will not become competitive. Collaboration between government and involved actors is crucial
to overcome the challenges. For vision 2 two pathways are possible. The first pathway is where
the government takes leadership and determines on the new developments to be implemented.
In the other pathway companies drive the change. They will ask the government for support in
order to realize the development of hydrogen. The first pathway will provide more security for
investments, because the direction of hydrogen is clearer.

Table 31 - Key actors vision 2

What action should the actor take to What may the

How is the actor affected change the current system motivation behind
Actor by vision 1? accordingly? the change?

Tennet & Increase in demand for Investing in hydrogen grid; lobby for Provide grid of the
Gasunie Power-to-hydrogen; need storage; facilitate hydrogen storage; new future; new
for natural gas grid; energy core business potential for Gasunie opportunities
storage solution

DSOs Demand for hydrogen in Facilitate hydrogen infrastructure to Provide low carbon
built environment; households where necessary; Chose alternative heating
potential hydrogen in locations with good connections to high source; alternative use
natural gas infrastructure demand areas for hydrogen; transform for natural gas gird
natural gas grid; chose technical
applications with lowest social impact

Current Current SMR provided Include CCS to SMR units; Replace CCS Business
hydrogen with CCS; blue hydrogen to units to electrolysis; expand opportunities;
industry green hydrogen; potential infrastructure; gain new customers; start emission reductions;
new markets with growing collaborations with high temperature matching regulations
demand hydrogen industry

Utilities Growing energy capacity; Include electrolysis for offshore; start New business
hydrogen in offshore wind building additional offshore wind opportunities;
projects; electricity capacity solely for hydrogen production; response to demand
production with hydrogen facilitate storage for hydrogen; built
fired power plants hydrogen power plants

In both pathways the actions of the government will enable to overcome bottlenecks for vision
2. Without support, companies might not be able to realize the change and perform the proposed
actions. The bottlenecks have been identified during the interviews as form of barriers as
discussed in section 6.6 and the solutions have been elaborated on in the backcasting questions.
While actors will have certain drivers for change, policy measures are still necessary to realize
the vision. The most important bottlenecks for vision 2 are the cost of electrolysis,
competitiveness of green hydrogen, competitiveness of blue hydrogen, competitiveness of
hydrogen vehicles and costs in built environment. Table 32 shows the bottlenecks and policy
measures for vision 2.

Table 32 - Vision 2 bottlenecks and policies

Bottleneck What needs to be done Policy

Costs electrolysis Production cost reduction Subsidies for production improvements; tenders

Reduction CAPEX

Competitiveness green Reduce cost electricity Provide feed-in tariff hydrogen; provide carbon tax;
hydrogen subsidies for improvements
Increase costs natural gas

Improve efficiency

Competitiveness blue Increase cost emissions Regulations on grey hydrogen; provide carbon tax;
hydrogen provide feed-in tariff

Competitiveness Increase costs fossil fuels Provide carbon tax; increase regulations on fossil fuel
hydrogen vehicles vehicles; subsidies/tenders for refuelling infrastructure

Costs built Production costs boilers Subsidies improvement production; tenders for boilers;
environment socialize costs; provide carbon tax on natural gas in built
Scale boilers
Increase costs fossil fuels

Reduce costs hydrogen

grid connections

Infrastructure Determine regulatory Define regulatory framework; provide tenders for

hydrogen framework infrastructure hydrogen; include hydrogen infrastructure guarantee in
Provide funds

7.3 Vision 3

As described in

Vision 3: Go Hydrogen the third vision focusses on a system with a large share of hydrogen.
The application of hydrogen as primary energy source is strongly supported by the government.
The idea behind the vision is to create fast a hydrogen market. Demand for hydrogen is expected
in industry, built environment and mobility. To match the demand, green and blue hydrogen
production is combined, and hydrogen is imported. Scale in production to match the increasing
demand is done with blue hydrogen (Figure 30). Efficiency improvements have been taken into
consideration varying by 2050 between 80 –82% (Agora Verkehrswende et al., 2018; Waterstof

Coalitie, 2018)After 2030, electrolysis technology has matured and is ready to scale to match
the increasing demand of hydrogen.

Hydrogen production capacity Vision 3

7 40

6 35
Additional capacity (GW)

Total capacity (GW)

1 5
0 0
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

SMR+CCS Electrolysis Total installed capacity

Figure 30 - Hydrogen production capacity growth and total installed from 2020-2050 for vision 3.

Though the demand is still large, and a European hydrogen market has been developing. A
hydrogen pipeline connection is made between the Netherlands and neighbouring countries for
import of hydrogen. The demand for hydrogen starts with industry (Figure 31). From industry
other sectors are explored. In built environment a steady pace of replace natural gas by
alternative heating sources takes place. Hydrogen is implemented for low insulated buildings
and to cover peak demand in district heating. Hydrogen demand in transport increases with
market readiness of hydrogen vehicles over time. The infrastructure for hydrogen is built in the
early 20s in order to facilitate a growing supply and demand.

How to get to an all hydrogen system, a backcasting study has been conducted. The found
changes in the study have been categorized and allocated in time. The backcasting elements for
vision 2 can be found in section 6.1 & 0. Table 33 is the roadmap for hydrogen in vision 3.
Three phases have been identified. The development phase focusses on further development
of hydrogen technologies. The development is necessary to start scaling to large hydrogen
demand. Hydrogen will be implanted in built environment and passenger transport and
therefore social support is necessary. The development phase allows for demonstration projects
to gain public support. The scale-up phase is the phase demand and supply are quickly growing.
Simultaneously the infrastructure will be constructed. The plans for infrastructure are made in
the development phase.

Hydrogen demand Vision 3

Total demand (PJ)





2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Industry Tansport Built environement

Figure 31 - Hydrogen demand per sectors between 2020 and 2050 for vision 3.

The infrastructure that is constructed will also enable increases in larger phases. In the
maturation phase, hydrogen is implemented in every sector. Demand is still increasing, and
cross boarder hydrogen infrastructure is built to import hydrogen. Green and blue hydrogen are
used for inland production.

As seen in Table 34 key changes to the system are

• Providing supply of hydrogen for growing demand with green and blue hydrogen
• Construct hydrogen interconnection to import hydrogen on demand
• Create scale for hydrogen in industry, built environment and transport
• Provide an infrastructure that enables supply and demand growth of hydrogen
• Gain support for hydrogen on a large scale

The changes are driven by four key actors in the system, i.e. TSO, heat providers industry,
DSOs, transport refuelling operators and hydrogen producers. The key actors have been
identified during interviews where with several actors and potential actors the role of various
stakeholders is discussed in more detail. Elements of the reports selected for vision comparison
are also taken into consideration when selecting the key actors for vision 2. The key actors
provide the backbone of hydrogen growth in order to realize vision 3. Table 34 summarizes
how the key actors are influenced by vision 3.

Development Scale-up Maturation
2019-2025 2025-2030 2030-2035 2035-2040 2040-2050
Cultural Behavioural Social acceptance hydrogen Corporate support
pipelines Stay critical on hydrogen
Gain trust and support of Focus on circular bio-based in
regulating actors in built industry
Educational Research program on hydrogen Demonstration hydrogen vehicles Demonstration heavy vehicles &
Demonstration in built inland navigation
Educate on construction and
operation hydrogen
Structural Institutional Facilitate 3% adjustment in built Stimulate company investment Determine on quality hydrogen Tenders electrolysis
per year new tech infra
Governmental leadership Divide risk commitments
Set KPIs Tenders blue hydrogen
Collaborations with MVC
Set company agendas 20-30 years
Legal Conditions hydrogen in built Set contracts for hydrogen Regulations on grey hydrogen
environment on safety projects
Include hydrogen in Gas law Determine if infra becomes public
Economic Subsidy on CCS in SMR Subsidy on blue hydrogen Socialize costs infra Increase carbon tax Subsidies electrolysis
Long term investment plan infra Subsidy on circular bio-based Fiscal incentives hydrogen in
industry transport
Subsidies hydrogen in transport
Technical Infrastructure Construct infrastructure built Design infra for future Connect clusters Construct hydrogen infrastructure
environment Make clusters with hydrogen Infra for various hydrogen quality between countries
Natural gas infra to hydrogen infra Construct refuelling infra
Match supply & demand
Production Carbon capture infra Construct blue hydrogen capacity Find efficient materials for Industrialize production of Scale electrolysis
From grey to blue hydrogen electrolysis electrolysis
Construct small scale electrolysis Design flexible system
Market Construct boilers in built Scale hydrogen in built Construct high temperature heat Implement hydrogen for inland Construct flexibility with
Enable short term storage industry navigation hydrogen and electricity
hydrogen Implement hydrogen vehicles Use hydrogen with carbon to
passenger and heavy create new products

R&D Monitor technologies Research expansion of hydrogen Research electrolysis

Research built environment infrastructure Research storage hydrogen in salt
Research on natural gas grid to Research scaling transport caverns
hydrogen Research integration of sectors
Research blue hydrogen hydrogen

Table 33 - Roadmap vision 3

Table 34 - Influence of vision 3 on key actors

What action should the actor take to What may be the

How is the actor affected by change the current system motivation behind the
Actor vision 3? accordingly? change?

Gasunie & Large total installed capacity Increase gird electricity; transform Enable grid of the future;
Tennet electricity; need for large natural gas grid to hydrogen; maintain new business opportunities
hydrogen grid; multiple energy natural gas grid for blue hydrogen
carriers in system production; built hydrogen
interconnection for import.

Heat Different energy carrier for Adjust heating system for hydrogen; New business
providers heating; consistent supply construct a reliable supply of hydrogen; opportunities; emission
industry hydrogen construct back-up hydrogen reductions; demand
change; regulations on

DSOs Large role out hydrogen in built Adjust natural gas grid to hydrogen; Alternative to natural gas
environment; alternative natural construct hydrogen infrastructure to for built environment
gas grid; need for large hydrogen various regions; create scale hydrogen heating; lowest social costs
grid in built; built environment; socialize costs

Transport Large demand for hydrogen; Create large supply chain for hydrogen New business
refuelling sufficient infrastructure for all in transport; provide storage where opportunities; growing
operators transport demand; necessary markets; reliability

Hydrogen Large demand for hydrogen; Provide sufficient supply of hydrogen; New business
producers need for consistent flow to cover facilitate seasonal fluctuation storage opportunities; reliability
demand; seasonal fluctuations hydrogen demand;
with season in built environment

In vision 3 when considering the pathways, scale is key. In the early stage of development and
scale-up, the key actors will need support of the government. As soon scale is reached, costs of
the hydrogen system will go down and hydrogen becomes the new regime in the energy system
along hydrogen. Without strong governmental support, vision 3 cannot be realized. Even if
companies would push for a hydrogen future, without governmental support, a large hydrogen
future will not be realized in 2050 and vision 2 is more likely.

In the early stages support is necessary. Actions the government can take relate to bottlenecks
to the system. The bottlenecks have been identified during the interviews as form of barriers as
discussed in section 6.6 and the solutions have been elaborated on in the backcasting questions.
While actors will have certain drivers for change, policy measures are still necessary to realize
the vision. The most important bottlenecks for vision 3 are the cost of electrolysis,
competitiveness of green hydrogen, competitiveness of blue hydrogen, competitiveness of
hydrogen vehicles, competitiveness of high temperature heating, costs in built environment and
the infrastructure of hydrogen. Table 35 shows the bottlenecks and policies for vision 3.

Table 35 - Vision 3 bottlenecks and policies

Bottleneck What needs to be done Policy

Costs electrolysis Production cost reduction Subsidies for production

improvements; tenders
Reduction CAPEX

Competitiveness Reduce cost electricity Provide feed-in tariff hydrogen; provide

green hydrogen carbon tax; subsidies for improvements
Increase costs natural gas

Improve efficiency

Competitiveness Increase cost emissions Regulations on grey hydrogen; provide

blue hydrogen carbon tax; provide feed-in tariff

Competitiveness Increase costs fossil fuels Provide carbon tax; increase regulations
hydrogen vehicles on fossil fuel vehicles; subsidies/tenders
for refuelling infrastructure

Competitiveness Increase cost fossil fuels Carbon tax; regulations;

high temperature subsidies/tenders for high temperature
Create scale for heating in industry
heating heating; guarantee infrastructure

Costs built Production costs boilers Subsidies improvement production;

environment tenders for boilers; socialize costs;
Scale boilers
provide carbon tax on natural gas in
Increase costs fossil fuels
built environment
Reduce costs hydrogen grid connections

Infrastructure Determine regulatory framework infrastructure Define regulatory framework; provide

hydrogen tenders for hydrogen; include hydrogen
Provide funds infrastructure
infrastructure guarantee in tenders;
Built infrastructure for large demand
determine infrastructure 2050

7.4 Visions compared

This section compares the investment costs of the three visions. Hydrogen production capacity
investment costs are calculated for each vision, including electrolysis and SMR with CCS. First
a description is provided how the CAPEX and efficiency is determined, before showing the
results. The results of investment costs are compared. At last, predictions for development of
hydrogen costs are compared for different production methods.

The costs for electrolysis are calculated based on Agora Verkehrswende, Agora Energiewende,
& Frontier Economics (2018). As an alternative cost scenario targets are set for 2030 to have
brought the CAPEX of electrolysis down to 350 euro/kW with an efficiency of 80%
(Rijksoverheid, 2019; Waterstof Coalitie, 2018). The alternative target is when 3-4 GW of
electrolysis is installed. For each vision 350 euro/kW with 80% efficiency is used as soon the
capacity exceeds 3 GWs. For vision 1 this target is reached in 2040, for vision 2 2035 and for
vision 3 2030. The average of both cost scenarios is used to calculate the costs.

For SMR with CCS, the results of the IEA (2019) are used. The CAPEX is converted from
dollars to euros.6 The difference between SMR and SMR with CCS is used to calculate the
costs of CCS per kW. As an alternative route, the costs for CCS are 31% of the CAPEX in 2017
and 23% in 2030 (CE Delft, 2018). The average of both cost scenarios is used to calculate the

The results for the investment cost are shown in Figure 32. The costs for SMR with CCS are
combined with electrolysis to provide an overview of the total expected costs.

Investment cost hydrogen production 2020-2050

Investment costs in billion euros



Visie 1 Visie 2 Visie 3

Electrolyse SMR + CCS

Figure 32 - Investment costs visions hydrogen capacity

6 The currency for the 31st of December is used for the year 2017: 1EUR=1,2006USD.

Table 36 - Differences between scenarios in costs, CAPEX and efficiency

Investment costs in billion Varying CAPEX 2050 in

euros euro/kW Varying efficiency 2050 in %

Vision 1 3,6 – 6.9 275 - 600 74 - 81

Vision 2 5,6 – 9,8 238- 450 80 - 81

Vision 3 7,5 – 7,9 200 80 - 82

When the investment costs of the visions are compared some interesting things can be noticed.
In vision 2 and 3, blue hydrogen is used. The costs are similar through the scenarios and
therefore the difference between investment costs is caused by difference in additional installed
capacity. In case of the investment costs for electrolysis, the investment costs do not differ
much, while the installed capacity differs with 10 GW. The variety in results is due to a different
technological development and cost reduction of CAPEX between the visions. Table 36
provides an overview of the range for investment costs, CAPEX and efficiency for each
scenario. The range for CAPEX and efficiency is in case of vision 1 very small. The investment
costs have therefore a small range between the scenarios. In case of vision 2, the range is much
larger, due to variation in outcome. While in case of strong technological development, the
costs for vision 2 will be almost 2 billion euros less than vision 3. Costs for vision 1 remain
high per kW due to lack of technological development and scale.

How the costs for green and blue hydrogen production will develop is uncertain. Various studies
have been conducted that make predictions. CE Delft (2018) provides in its predictions for the
year 2040 results of electrolysis between 60-100 euros/MWh and for blue hydrogen between
45-75 euros/MWh. Navigant (2019) expects lower costs by 2050 for electrolysis dependent on
source. In case of curtailed electricity, the price is between 17-71 euros/MWh strongly
dependent on the full load hours (between 709-2881). North Sea wind provides a hydrogen
price between 48-61 euros/MWh and imported hydrogen from Southern Europe varies between
44-59 euros/MWh. Blue hydrogen costs vary between 36 – 63 euros/MWh. The current
hydrogen costs are roughly 30 euros/MWh. This means between grey, blue and green hydrogen
needs to be covered in order to make investments in blue and green hydrogen feasible. Table
37 provides an overview of expected costs for hydrogen of electrolysis and the gap between
grey, blue and green.

Table 37 - Overview of costs for hydrogen and the gap between grey, blue and green hydrogen.

Expected price green Gap between grey and blue in Gap between grey and green
Vision hydrogen in euro/MWh euro/MWh in euro/MWh

1 17 - 71 - -47 - 41

2 48 – 61 6 - 33 18 - 31

3 44 – 61 6 - 33 14 - 31

For vision 1, the price for curtailed electricity has been chosen, because the electricity will
mainly be provided by a surplus of offshore wind in vision. Vision 2 assumes green hydrogen
is produced of offshore wind on the North Sea. Vision 3 combines offshore wind with import
and therefore the price of North Sea wind and Southern Europe electricity are combined.

The gap between grey and blue and the gap between grey and green highlights the gap that
needs to be overcome in order to make hydrogen competitive. On one side, carbon tax and
stricter regulations can bring the price of grey hydrogen up, while subsidies on the blue and
green hydrogen are necessary to bring the price down.

7.5 Conclusion Pathways and Roadmaps

This chapter has shown different results for pathways and roadmaps of hydrogen in the
Netherlands. Vision 1 places emphasis on an energy system where hydrogen is used as a
secondary energy carrier, electrolysis is scaled along offshore wind capacity. Key actors to
facilitate the scale are involved in the current energy system and the current hydrogen system.
Investment costs are lower than in the other scenarios, due to the small implementation of
hydrogen. The costs on the other side of hydrogen are lower due to production of curtailed

Vision 2 places emphasis on hydrogen as secondary and primary energy carrier. A green future
with electrolysis is aimed for, though blue hydrogen is seen as a transition production method
to scale hydrogen for industry, built environment and transport. The investment costs for
hydrogen are large, due to moderate technological development. The costs of electrolysis are
challenging to overcome, due to the price difference between natural gas and offshore wind

Vision 3 places emphasis on hydrogen as primary energy carrier. Both blue and green hydrogen
are used to enable the growth for hydrogen demand. The government and grid operators have
a active role in facilitating an infrastructure that can match the growing demand and supply.
Many stakeholders are involved in the process. The investment costs of vision 3 are high in
terms of money, but due to technological development are not exceeding vision 2. The
challenge for vision 3 is providing support to overcome the gap between grey and cleaner
hydrogen production methods, i.e. blue and green.

8 Discussion

Assumptions and research decisions have been made during the study to gain results. The
results and assumptions are discussed and compared with other studies. The discussion can be
separated in 8.1 Limitations, 8.4 Feasibility visions, 8.3 Methodology and 8.5 Scientific

8.1 Limitations

This thesis constructed three visions for hydrogen in the Netherlands by 2050 and roadmaps
with detailed information on how to reach the constructed visions. Limitations are present in
the study due to assumptions and research decisions. The limitations that occurred are (1)
boundaries to the scope of this thesis, (2) lack of workshops in participatory backcasting and
(3) lack of modelling approach.

First, boundaries to the thesis scope have been selected. The boundaries form limitations to the
thesis results which should be taken into consideration when reading the thesis. This thesis
focussed solely on the development of hydrogen excluding the development of electricity, other
energy carriers and hydrogen blending in the natural gas grid. While assumptions are made for
the electricity system, the development and implementation of elements related to the electricity
system are not taken into consideration. Involvement of other energy carriers, such as biomass
and power-to-X, are left out of the scope. A research decision is made to focus on hydrogen
and prefer hydrogen over biomass and power-to-X. In other studies those energy carriers are
taken into consideration (European Commission, 2018; Gasunie & Tennet, 2019). In those
studies, biomass and power-to-X will play a role in the system of 2050. At last, hydrogen
blending with the natural gas grid is not taken into consideration. While in some studies,
hydrogen blending is seen as a solution to decarbonize the natural gas grid, for this study it is
assumed the natural gas grid will be dismantled by 2050 or reconstructed for other purpose
(Hisschemöller et al., 2007). The boundaries form a limitation for this research, because all the
elements do influence the potential of hydrogen.

Second, normally a participatory backcasting approach uses workshops to include stakeholders

in the backcasting process. Workshops are used to construct visions and conduct the
backcasting analysis. In this thesis a new approach for vision construction has been designed,
because many visons on hydrogen were available. Due to limited time conditions, this thesis
could not use workshops but uses an interview approach for the backcasting analysis. The

different opinions of interviewees have been included in the construction of pathways and
roadmaps; however different stakeholders did not collaborate to form a roadmap. A workshops
approach may have led to more broadly supported pathways and roadmaps and more in-depth
analysis of the potential of hydrogen in the different visions.

Third, a model has not been used to quantify the visions. The quantification of visions is based
on assumptions. No energy modelling is used to provide quantitative measures. For each sector
the situation has been determined for 2050, from there the potential of hydrogen was
determined. Accordingly, calculations have been conducted to determine the demand for
production measures (i.e. electrolysis, SMR and CCS). In interviews it was mentioned
hydrogen projects are integrated through sectors and therefore strong interconnections occurs.
Furthermore, the need of power balancing strongly depends on hydrogen demand, electricity
demand and electricity generation with RES. Including those relations are very difficult without
a model. Thus, modelling could contribute to explaining interactions of sectors, hydrogen and
electricity in the visions. However, energy models also make assumptions of the interrelations
of the different energy carriers. Furthermore, the more complicated a model the more difficult
the predictions for the long term. Therefore, for simplicity this thesis the choice for not
including a model has been made.

8.2 Broaden the perspective

As mentioned in section 8.1 both the scope and the lack of modelling may result in limitations
of this study. Both widening the scope to multiple energy carriers and incorporating complex
models for the relations between energy carriers could broaden the perspective of this research.
However, adding these aspects may complicate the research, giving a larger variability of
possible outcomes and thus more difficulty in substantiating roadmaps. It may prove useful to
first conduct the methods of this study for different energy carriers to explore the future of the
respective energy carriers. Afterwards complex models can be used to connect the respective
futures of the carriers to provide more comprehensive prospects for the future.

8.3 Methodology

This section discusses the methodology and possible improvements. The methodological
execution is compared to other studies and results for possible improvements. The comparison
is done as follows: every step of the methodology will be reviewed to expose limitations, then
the execution will be compared to other results.

8.3.1 Stage 1: system orientation

In the system orientation the problem is explored from a systematic view. Normative
assumptions, requirements and targets are defined. Four different analysis are used to orientate
the existing system, namely (1) system analysis, (2) stakeholder analysis, (3) vision comparison
and (4) factor analysis.

In the system orientation the actor analysis can be more detailed by interviewing each
stakeholder to determine their position. The actor analysis is now based on reports and

The vision comparison is a method that is different from other backcasting studies. The
methodology of PESTLE has proven relevant to set the scope for vision construction.
Involvement of workshops/interviews to provide the same set of information does not seem
necessary because of the wide set of information found in the compared vision. The visions that
have been analysed, often used workshops or interviews for the construction of visions or where
conducted by stakeholders (e.g. Gasunie & Tennet, 2019; Gigler & Weeda, 2018;
Hisschemöller et al., 2007). It can be questioned if workshops for this thesis would have led to
different outcomes. After vision comparison, two new reports on hydrogen where found, i.e.
Navigant (2019) and KIVI (2017). The visions will be compared to the constructed visions in
the following section.

In further research a workshop approach can be compared with a vision comparison in existing
literature to determine the differences between the two methods and if vision comparison leads
to different outcomes than workshops with various stakeholders.

In this thesis it was necessary to translate the FCH and EC reports to the Dutch energy sector
in order to compare the reports with Dutch reports. For the FCH only a share of the Netherlands
in Europe was used. For the EC report, each sector was calculated separately. Due to another
energy mix of the Netherlands than the rest of Europe, more accurate calculations can be
provided to determine more specific elements in the European studies by looking into the
details. For example, the distribution of different industries could be compared for Europe and
the Netherlands to determine the hydrogen demand for 2050 more specifically.

8.3.2 Stage 2: vision construction

In vision construction, first, a vision is selected by choosing the key components for the vision
with a morphological chart. After vision selection the vision is further constructed.

Vision 1, 2 and 3 are based on studies from the vision comparison of existing literature.
Therefore, the results are limited to what has been researched an there is less space for including
out of the box elements. The results are strongly influenced by the extremes in the analysed
studies. The visions presented is a small representation of possible outcomes of the
morphological analysis. When asked for feedback of interviewees on the visions, they
understood the design choices made, since the visions are based on the common dilemma
between electrons and molecules. Often interviewees related most to vision 2 which describes
an integrated approach.

Two studies that were not included in the vision comparison, Navigant (2019) and KIVI (2017),
are now compared to the constructed visions in this thesis. The Navigant study has a total energy
demand for hydrogen of 6156 PJ for the EU by 2050. In their report, most demand is reserved
for power balancing and industry (roughly 45% and 39%). Only a small share is assigned to
transport and built environment (15% and 3%). If the demand for the sectors is translated to the
Netherlands, the power sector entails around 135 PJ. This number is much larger than vision 1
where the focus of the vision is on hydrogen for power balancing. Transport (43 PJ) and built
environment (8 PJ) show similar results to vision 2. The KIVI report only has a hydrogen
demand for industry (187 PJ) and mobility (148 PJ) by 2050. Mobility overlaps with the
demand in vision 3, while the demand in industry comes closer to vision 2. The visions
described in these two reports could have influenced the vison construction; especially the study
of Navigant could have influenced the outcomes in vision 1 on power balancing with hydrogen.

Finally, as mentioned in limitations, in this study no energy model is used. Calculations on the
visions for quantification has been based on several literature sources. Other studies for the
sectors in 2050 could have led to different results. Inclusion of an energy model could have led
to a full energy system description with hydrogen.

8.3.3 Stage 3: Backcasting

In the backcasting stage a backcasting analysis has been conducted with interviews.

For the backcasting study, interviews have been used to gather information. In some
backcasting studies, workshops are used to do the backcasting analysis. Due to lack of time,
interviews are used instead. As a result, in some occasions results vary and stakeholders have
different perspective on backcasting elements. Whether workshops lead to a better result is
unknown. Further research could contribute to research the difference in approaches. On the

other side it could be questioned whether during a workshop stakeholder influence each other’s
behaviour. Interaction may lead to other outcomes.

In some interviews design thinking elements were included, i.e. the method of change journey.
It proved that design thinking methods in interviews are not useful, since the normal question
already provided enough information and using the design thinking method requires a lot of
time. During a workshop session the method could be more useful, because there is more time
and its structures the way the group has to think and what elements they have to focus on.

When comparing the results of drivers and barriers to the studies of vision comparison no
differences are found. Every driver or barrier mentioned in an interview can be found in the
studies. Therefor2e, it can be concluded interviews may not contribute to new knowledge in
comparison to country specific studies on hydrogen. It should be mentioned that some
interviewees were involved in writing some of the analysed studies, what means there is a
probability they gave the same answers to the questions than in other studies.

8.3.4 Stage 4 & 5: Pathway development & roadmapping

Interviews have only been conducted before the pathways and roadmap development. Specific
questions for pathway development and roadmapping were asked to the interviewees, but often
at the end of the interview. To improve the quality of pathway development and roadmapping,
specifically assigned interviews and workshops with various stakeholders could be used.

In case of this thesis, with lack of workshops, validation of the roadmaps could contribute to
improvements to the roadmaps. The roadmaps have been designed on elements mentioned in
the interviews, however a more in depth-analysis could have been reached with validation of
the outcomes. McDowall (2012) argues that roadmapping for transition should place more
emphasis on ensuring good quality, transparent analytic and participatory procedures.

McDowall (2012) further elaborates on the fact that often roadmaps are designed in a one-off
exercise. Inclusion of validation and/or workshops could benefit the quality of the roadmap.
Stakeholders could provide more information on what specific governmental support is
necessary for realizing the visions related to specific roadmap elements. Missing elements in
the roadmaps could have been included. Though in the interviews the questions were asked on
necessary policy measures, validation could provide new insights to a more detailed problem.
Inclusion of stakeholders in the process is a way to secure participation. In terms of an academic
study, embedding participatory commitment is not possible. Only workshops and interviews

can provide insights in the position of stakeholders and how they would respond to certain

The costs analysis is only conducted for hydrogen production. Other costs, such as
infrastructure and hydrogen applications are not considered. They could be included in the
study to compare the scenarios in more detail. Furthermore, costs of other energy carriers could
be included to determine the full system costs.

8.4 Feasibility visions

This thesis constructed three visions for hydrogen in the Netherlands. The feasibility of the
visions depends on certain indicators. The elements that influence the feasibility is the
technological development of the technologies, the development of a global market and the
costs for hydrogen. For each vision the three elements are discussed with a conclusion regarding
the most feasible vision.

Vision 1 has the smallest investment costs in hydrogen; however, more investments will be
necessary to enable an electricity system. Political support for electrolysis is feasible, because
the risk of investments is at the utilities. They will see an opportunity for including electrolysis
in offshore wind tenders. Though the government may support this inclusion by tenders, the
subsidies for current tenders are already zero. Critique on vision 1 is on the large use of
electricity. Especially grid operators will not favour this solution and also in sectors, high costs
are related to some electricity alternatives.

Vision 2 has large investment cost for electrolysis and SMR with CCS. Since hydrogen is
mainly used in industry with some extensions to other sectors, less investments are necessary
in the infrastructure. The vision does not include an international market for hydrogen, though
with the already existing hydrogen infrastructure through countries, it can be discussed if that
element is feasible. An international hydrogen market may improve the development of
hydrogen technologies. The selection of hydrogen application along electricity is widely
supported by the interviewees. Furthermore, choosing hydrogen in case no other alternatives
seem viable makes the vision more feasible. Challenges that may occur in the vision is the shift
of blue hydrogen to green hydrogen.

For vision 3, 15 billion euros need to be invested in providing the necessary capacity up to
2050. Along the investments for capacity, subsidies, infrastructural investments, hydrogen
application investments and many other costs are needed to realize the vision. It is the question
whether the government and companies are willing to take the risk. Especially in case of vision

3, the government has to take many steps to reduce the investment risk for companies. In line
with the current Climate Agreement in the Netherlands it does not seem viable the government
is willing to decide on such a pro-active approach to enable large scale hydrogen integration.
Furthermore, realization of a large infrastructure in an early phase is necessary. The
implementation of a large infrastructure is not realistic. Also, for many sectors other alternatives
such as biomass, steam and green gas may prove to be more applicable in industry, transport
and built environment.

To conclude, vision 2 seems the most feasible vision. Vision 1 is not preferred based on the
large share of electricity and the high costs related to that. Vision 3 is not preferred based on
the high costs for hydrogen production, markets and infrastructure. Vision 3 is most likely to
lack political support, due to the large upfront investment costs to enable the large scale-up.
Though some elements for vision 2 should be adjusted it seems like the most feasible vision.

8.5 Scientific contribution

The scientific contribution describes the position of this thesis in literature and the scientific
novelty that has been issued. First the thesis research approach is compared to other studies.
Elements are compared and the conclusion leads to an adjusted research approach.

The approach of vision comparison to construct visions has never been done before. When
considering the findings of an earlier backcasting study of (Hisschemöller & Bode, 2011). With
Q-methodology the study distinguishes three possible visions, namely (1) hydrogen in the
current infrastructure, (2) hydrogen in transport and (3) decentral renewable in built. The
methodology of vision construction has led to very different visions in terms of implementation
of hydrogen in various sectors. The use of vision comparison with a morphological chart has
proven to allow for visions that include a wider range of elements.

Delpierre (2019) used a morphological chart instead of Q-methodology to construct visions.

The analysis has led to a set of 8 dimensions, with varying dimensions compared to this thesis.
Differences between the two theses can be found on the focus point of the studies. Delpiere
constructs visons for electrolysis in the Netherlands to conduct a LCA. Two dimensions focus
on the development of electrolysis. Furthermore, only transport is included as a potential market
for hydrogen. The approach has led to three visions, i.e. pessimistic, optimistic and mixed.
Similar range of visions can be found in this thesis, only varying between a focus on electricity,
a focus on hydrogen or a combination of the two. The differences between the study of

Delpierre and this thesis are mainly caused by the scope of the visions and the reason why they
are constructed.

The study of Ligtvoet et al. (2016) for construction of perspectives (similar to visions) Q-
methodology was used too. From the Q methodology the participants were invited to workshop
session. Workshops enable the inclusion of a diversity of views, dominant discourse and
enabled learning among participating stakeholders. By using interviews to find results, there is
no interaction between participating stakeholders what excludes the change to gain a mutual
perspective. The study of Ligtevoet et al. further resulted in assumptions on stakeholders for
the different perspectives. During the interviews for this thesis some of those elements for
stakeholders where discussed, but discussion between stakeholders could have benefited for a
more detailed description of the role of certain actors with their related actions and policy
strategies to overcome barriers in the different roadmaps.

The backcasting study highlights drivers and barriers for hydrogen. Interviews are used to find
drivers and barriers. The results are compared to scientific literature. Drivers found in literature
for a transition to a hydrogen future are worldwide goals for climate change, energy security,
local air quality and competitiveness (William McDowall & Eames, 2006). In this thesis
though, climate change goals are not specifically mentioned as drivers, is it a main assumption
for the vision development in first place to include Dutch climate goals. The dirver in literature,
energy security, is matching the result found in this research for an increase of RES sources
This leads to an increasing need for energy security. Local air quality and competitiveness have
not been mentioned during interviews as drivers for hydrogen. For barriers studies are found
that mention infrastructure for hydrogen as a barrier (Dunn, 2002; Konda et al., 2011; William
McDowall & Eames, 2006; Shinnar, 2003). The focus is not on the costs of the infrastructure,
but on the lack of existence. Furthermore, the implementation of hydrogen infrastructure is
described as challenging. McDowall & Eames (2006) further elaborate on the costs and
technological immaturity what is also find in this thesis. Especially the focus of the interviews
was on the technological limitations and scaling in regard of maturity of technology. One barrier
found in literature, namely the challenge of managing collaboration, is not mentioned as a
barrier in interviews (Mcdowall, 2014), though the need for collaboration has been addressed.

Roadmapping is not broadly used in academic literature. McDowall (2012) describes a

framework to understand how roadmapping relates to emerging theories of the governance
system innovation. McDowall (2012) further elaborates the fact that credibility of a roadmap
depends on the participation and commitment of key stakeholders whose actions are critical in

further development of the system. Inclusion of stakeholders in the process is a way to secure
participation. In terms of an academic study, embedding participatory commitment is not
possible. Reports with roadmapping do occur and especially for the Netherlands. The following
reports are considered for roadmap comparison, i.e. Gigler & Weeda, (2018), Noordelijke
Innovation Board (2017) & Wijk et al. (2019). Gigler & Weeda (2018) provide a roadmap for
hydrogen technologies. The roadmap provides a roadmap for technological development of
hydrogen technologies. Development, market launch and mass production are indicators for the
hydrogen roadmap. No other elements than hydrogen technologies are included in the study of
Gigler & Weeda. The Noordelijke Innovation Board (2017) provides (1) a high level roadmap
on hydrogen projects and how to scale hydrogen technologies and (2) a plan how the realization
of green hydrogen economy in the Northern Netherlands should be organized. The realization
of the hydrogen economy has been split up into five phases, (1) current phase, (2) masterplan
phase, (3) backbone realization phase, (4) scale up phase, and (5) maturation phase up to 2050.
Wijk et al. (2019) introduces an action plan for Zuid-Holland to enable hydrogen demand,
supply, infrastructure and supporting policies. An in-depth roadmap for implementation of
hydrogen is missing.

This thesis has used a combination of vision comparison for vision construction and
roadmapping. The approach of vision comparison in combination with a morphological chart
has shown promising results for further research. The inclusion of a roadmap is an active way
to show the implementation of a vision. In order to expand the approach, emphasis needs to be
placed on participation of stakeholders to better define their position within in the roadmap.

The comparison between existing literature and the work conducted in this thesis, an adjusted
methodological framework is proposed:

Step 1: vision comparison and system analysis under the conditions

The method with vision comparison as a basis for vision construction seems promising for
future research. With inclusion of a system analysis, no perspectives are left out. PESTLE-
elements provide the basis for vision comparison.

Step 2: vision construction

The elements identified of the vision comparison form the basis for the morphological chart.
From there visions are constructed.

Step 3: backcasting with interviews

The backcasting steps will be conducted through interviews with experts and stakeholders.

Step 4: modelling of energy system

A model will be made for the full energy system with hydrogen as defined in step 2. The model
will enable to understand the relation between different energy carriers. Costs for the full system
can be calculated.

Step 5: Workshop to design roadmaps, distinguish key actors and their role and policy strategy

The final step consists of participatory workshops with stakeholders. During the workshops,
roadmaps are created, key actors are distinguished and their role. Incorporated in the roadmap
a policy strategy is designed in order to enable realisation of the visions.

9 Conclusion

The main research question of the study is

How can hydrogen be integrated in the future energy system of the Netherlands by 2050
considering the various actors and steps that enable hydrogen?

By answering the sub questions the main research question can be answered.

What are developments, challenges and stakeholders of the current hydrogen system in the

The current hydrogen demand in the Netherlands is between 96 and 110 PJ/year. The hydrogen
is produced for 80% by steam methane reforming and 20% as by-product. The hydrogen is used
for 60% in ammonia production and 40% in (petro)chemical industry. Hydrogen is consumed
in industrial clusters and therefore in the clusters a hydrogen infrastructure is present.

The Dutch government sees potential in hydrogen is energy carrier of the future to reach climate
change goals. Potential markets for hydrogen are high temperature heat in industry, low
temperature heating in built environment, heavy vehicles in transport, inland navigation, long
distance passenger transport, storage and electricity production. Infrastructural adjustments are
necessary to facilitate the increasing demand of hydrogen. The natural gas infrastructure can be
used for hydrogen with adjustments or a new infrastructure needs to be constructed.

While production is currently done with steam methane reforming (referred to as grey
hydrogen) other production processes are possible. Blue hydrogen includes carbon capture on
steam methane reforming installation. Green hydrogen produces hydrogen from water and
electricity in electrolysis. Especially electrolysis is considered a clean production process of

There are a few stakeholders involved in the current system. With ongoing developments, the
number of stakeholders strongly increases. Several groups of actors can be identified, i.e. actors
for the specific markets and actors that are involved in all potential markets.

How can similarities and differences of existing visions a provide potential visions for hydrogen
in future energy systems in the Netherlands by 2050?

Various existing studies on visions for hydrogen have been analysed as input for vision
selection. The visions are analysed on PESTLE-elements and their quantitative input. The
summary of PESTLE-analysis is shown in Table 9. The comparison shows highest potential

for hydrogen in industry compared to other sectors. Furthermore, whether hydrogen will play
a role in built environment and to what extent in transport is questioned through the existing
visions. The focus on industry is seen in later studies. Often hydrogen is compared to electricity
as an energy carrier where emphasis is placed on a variety of visions. Hydrogen is often
compared to other molecules such as biomass and methane. Import of hydrogen could play an
important role in integration of various countries.

One of the differences, namely the discussion on electricity versus molecules, can be used as a
basis for further vision development. As one extreme a full electric system is chosen, as another
extreme a high level of hydrogen is chosen. In between the two extremes, a mixed vision is
selected. With a morphological analysis based on PESTLE-elements a has been designed (Table
11). The morphological analysis forms the basis of vision construction.

What are visions and roadmaps for hydrogen futures in the Netherlands by 2050?

Three visions have been constructed based on the morphological chart (Table 11). Table 13
provides a quantitative summary of the visions. The three visions are as follows:

Vision 1: all electric describes a vision where electricity is chosen as the energy carrier of the
future. Large offshore wind capacity is built, and the increase of RES demands flexibility and
storage. Hydrogen is used for storage of electricity and hydrogen fired power plants are used
for production of electricity. Furthermore, the current hydrogen production is fully
reconstructed to green hydrogen production.

Vision 2: one integrated system combines best of two worlds, i.e. hydrogen and electricity.
Hydrogen is implemented in built environment, industry for high temperature heating, heavy
vehicle transport and inland navigation. The production of hydrogen comes from both green
and blue hydrogen.

Vision 3: Go hydrogen describes a system where hydrogen is key and implemented in many
sectors. Hydrogen is used in built environment, industry for high and medium high temperature
heating, heavy vehicle transport, inland navigation and long-distance passenger transport.

A roadmap has been constructed for each vision

Table 27 shows the hydrogen roadmap for vision 1. Vision 1 describes a system where
electricity is used as primary energy source. Hydrogen plays an important role in flexibility of
the energy system. Electrolysis will be scaled fast to provide flexibility. Thus, support is needed
for electrolysis in an early phase of the roadmap. The current production of grey hydrogen is

after scaling of electrolysis replaced by green hydrogen. Scale is key to competitiveness of
green hydrogen in the current hydrogen system.

Table 30 shows the hydrogen roadmap for vision 2. In case of vision 2 hydrogen production
will change overtime. In the beginning blue hydrogen is supported to reduce emissions of the
current hydrogen production. After further development of markets and hydrogen, green
hydrogen is promoted to replace the blue hydrogen production. In built environment a similar
transition is constructed. In early stages hydrogen is promoted with simultaneous promotion of
energy efficiency measures in built environment. At the end of the vision, energy efficiency
measures have improved, and alternative heating systems can be implemented.

Table 33 shows the hydrogen roadmap for vision 3. In vision 3 every action is to enable a large
hydrogen economy in 2050. While development and scaling are to improve the technologies
and supply chain. In the maturation phase hydrogen plays an important role as primary energy
carrier in the energy system. Especially in the early stage, demonstration and governmental
support are necessary to realize a hydrogen future.

What are implications of the roadmaps for actors, potential responses and policy strategies to
overcome barriers in roadmaps to reach the desired outcome?

For each vison the key actors have been determined. The key actors for vision 1 are utilities,
TSO, electrolysis manufacturers and current hydrogen producers. Table 28 shows how the key
actors are influenced by vision 1. The key actors for vision 2 are TSO, DSO, current hydrogen
producers and utilities. Table 31 shows how the key actors are influenced by vision 2. The key
actors for vision 3 are TSO, heat providers industry, DSOs, transport refuelling operators and
hydrogen producers. Table 34 shows how the key actors are influenced by vision 3.

Based on the roadmaps with key changes, bottlenecks have been identified. To overcome the
bottlenecks of each vision policy measures can be used. Table 29 (vision 1), Table 32 (vision
2) and Table 35 (vision 3) summarize the bottlenecks for each vision with policy measures to
overcome the bottlenecks.

To conclude, the main research question can be answered.

What are possible roadmaps to enable hydrogen futures in the Netherlands by 2050?

The main research question can be answered with the sub questions. Three possible visions
have led to several levels of integration of hydrogen.

The first roadmap describes a vision with hydrogen as secondary energy carrier. Hydrogen is
implemented with increasing capacity of offshore wind. Electrolysis capacity is included in
offshore wind tenders and policy support focusses on enabling hydrogen in offshore wind
tenders. Especially utilities, TSO, electrolysis manufacturers and current hydrogen producers
are affected by the changes in the system.

The second roadmap describes a vision with hydrogen as primary and secondary energy carrier.
Hydrogen is implemented in industry and as an extension integrated in other sectors. In order
to facilitate the growth in demand for hydrogen, blue is in early stages promoted. In later stages,
blue hydrogen is replaced by green hydrogen. Policy support is needed to enable
competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen compared to grey hydrogen. Especially TSO,
DSO, current hydrogen producers and utilities are affected by this vision.

The third roadmap describes a vision with hydrogen as secondary energy carrier. Hydrogen is
implemented where possible. To create scale, blue hydrogen and green hydrogen are both used.
The policy strategy is designed to facilitate a fast grow for hydrogen, with limiting barriers and
construct a hydrogen infrastructure to facilitate increasing demand and supply. Especially TSO,
heat providers industry, DSOs, transport refuelling operators and hydrogen producers are
affected by the vision.

9.1 Recommendations for actors

From the study various recommendations can be provided for actors. The actors are Gasunie &
Tennet, DSOs and the government.

Gasunie & Tennet play an important role in the energy transition. Hydrogen may provide a
solution for the challenges with

• First, hydrogen offers a great opportunity for Gasunie to retain the current t natural gas
infrastructure. Though considerations on quality of the infrastructure should be
considered. For different applications, different qualities can be used. Gasunie should
think for what applications and sectors, Gasunie can offer a solution. In the end multiple
infrastructures could be in place partly operated by Gasunie.
• In the current energy system, electricity and gas is not connected. With the development
of power-to-gas, the electricity system and gas system may become interconnected.
Under the current regulations, Tennet is responsible for operation of electricity and
Gasunie for natural gas. In case the natural gas infrastructure is redesigned for hydrogen,
the two infrastructures can be interconnected with power-to-hydrogen. The question

remains who will become responsible for the interconnection. Currently Tennet solves
imbalance by connecting utilities and other actors in the electricity grid. In future
scenarios, this system could be performed in a similar way where third parties transform
electricity in hydrogen. Another scenario could be where Gasunie, currently not
responsible, will have electrolysis capacity and can perform power balancing of the
electricity grid in collaboration with Tennet. The options need to be further explored
by the two parties.

Recommendation for DSOs relate to a potential increasing demand of hydrogen in built

environment and the use of the current natural gas grid.

• With the current developments of hydrogen in public debate may lead to social pressure
towards hydrogen in the built environment. DSOs in collaboration with regions and
municipalities should be realistic of hydrogen in the built environment. Under certain
conditions, hydrogen may offer a solution in built environment and on short term energy
efference measures are not going to be taken. DSOs should try to be objective when it
comes down to hydrogen implementation in built environment.
• On the other side, DSOs should look carefully in to the natural gas grid and elaborate
on plans how hydrogen could be used in the grid. Some projects are already actively
researching and demonstrating hydrogen in built environment and natural gas
infrastructure. When hydrogen is more widely integrated, opportunities in transport
sector along built environment may arise.

Recommendations for the government relate to enabling hydrogen in future energy systems.
While steps are taken to enable hydrogen, some additional actions can be taken.

• First, currently with the plans of the climate agreement, steps are taken to incorporation
of hydrogen in the current energy system. It is aimed to reduce the price of electrolysis
and electricity. The goals set by the government differ from studies conducted and may
not be reached by 2030. In order to support green hydrogen, tenders and subsidies could
be used instead. With offshore wind, prices reduced very quickly, and tenders can be
written out without need for subsidy. Tenders and subsidies will reduce investment
uncertainty, what came as a large barrier in current development of hydrogen projects.
By setting certain targets of hydrogen implementation in sectors can reduce the
investment uncertainty further.

• Second, keep monitoring technological developments. Hydrogen is for some
application still in the development phase and not considered for application. The
technology might be ready as an alternative in a couple of years and therefore, not all
decision should be made within the next couple of years. Especially after 2030,
hydrogen may become the leading technology for some applications. For applications
where hydrogen is well developed, targets for integration should be set.
• Thrid, actively discuss the infrastructure with Gasunie and current hydrogen
infrastructure operators. There are various ideas of how the infrastructure should be
operated. Based on the development of the hydrogen market, different solutions should
be implemented. By active communication with Gasunie and current hydrogen
infrastructure operators, a consistent market design for a hydrogen infrastructure can be

9.2 Future research

In future research the approach of vision comparison could be further developed. The approach
shows promising results, but the limitations should be further elaborated on. In other situation
for future energy systems, vision comparison could offer a solution in case many studies have
been conducted. To validate the limitations of the vision comparison, approach a study can be
conducted on vision comparison versus workshops to construct visions.

In the study technical, economic and environmental modelling assessments have not been
conducted. Modelling the visions can provide new insights in the pathways and roadmaps and
may lead to differentiating quantification of the visions. Combining models with pathways
studies can provide a better insight in the bottlenecks between technical possibilities and
realisation of the vision.

At last, in scientific contribution a new methodological approach for backcasting studies with
roadmapping is proposed. Studies could conduct research on this approach and elaborate on
workshop integration for roadmapping.

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Appendix I – List of interviews

Name Organization

Ad van Wijk TU Delft

Chris Hellinga TU Delft

Gert Jan Kramer Universteit Utrecht

Albert van der Molen Stedin

Noé van Hulst Ministry of Economic Affairs

Steve Sol Air Liquide

René Schutte Gasunie

Jan Veijer Gasunie

Matthijs Hisschemöller Drift

Marcel Galjee Nouryon

Appendix II – Interview questions

Short introduction of my research, study etc.

Ask permission to record interview and to use names. Quotes will be verified before used.

- Can you tell me more about your job and how this relates to hydrogen?
- How do you think the hydrogen system will look like in 2050?
I have constructed 3 visions

Vision 1: Electricity first

Hydrogen as secondary energy carrier. It is used for storage and industry. Production of
hydrogen comes from surplus offshore wind. Large capacity of offshore wind is constructed to
cover the peak demand on regular days. Main infrastructure will be private.

Vision 2: An integrated system

Hydrogen is used as both secondary as primary energy carrier. It is used for industry, built
environment, transport and power balancing when the technology is proven better than others.
Production combination of green hydrogen and blue hydrogen. Large storage facilities needed
to cover seasonal fluctuations.

Vision 3: GO Hydrogen

Hydrogen used for industry, build environment, transport and power balancing to its full extend.
Infrastructure public and central with international connections. Production based on green
hydrogen. There is a real European hydrogen economy in place. Public infrastructure

1. Do you think these visions are realistic? Which one the most?
2. What are improvements to the visions? Should I change something?
3. What are the benefits of each visions?
4. What are challenges in order to realise these visions?
5. What role does (stakeholder company) fulfil in the different scenarios?
6. What actions/changes need to be taken in order to realize the visions?
7. Who should be involved in enabling those changes?
8. What sort of support is needed in order to take actions?
9. How do different actions relate to each other in time?
10. In the visions, which actors will fulfil the central role in the future system?

Appendix III - Calculations current system

High temperature heat in industry

High temperature in industry is calculated based on two studies of Blue Terra (2018) and CE
(2015). The findings are shown in the table below:

Heat per temperature in industry

CE CE (2015) & Blue Blue Terra Blue Terra
Source: (2015) Terra (2018) (2018) Blue Terra (2018) CE (2015) (2018)
Years 2013 2030 2050 2050 2030 2030
<100 49 48 42 0,6 0,69
100-250 73 79 58 0,825 1,7
250-500 123 95 86 1,225 2,04
>500 259 236 200 2,85 5,08
Total 504 459 386 5,5


All the results for transport are based on data of CBS, PBL, RIVM, & WUR (2018). The
changes in energy consumptions per mode in 2050 to 2005 are based on the European
Commision (2018). The results are shown in the table below:

1,08 cm is equal to 20% 2005* Verandering


0,2 1,08

cm cm % % PJ PJ

Totaal 566 -2,02 -2,07 -37% -38% 354,4940267 349,2500322

Wegverkeer 400 -2,68 -2,7 -50% -50% 201,6403749 200,1577251

w.v. Personenauto’s 251 126,5451168 125,614638

w.v. Benzine 165 82,97207288 82,36198411

Diesel 73 36,72397058 36,45394139

LPG 14 6,84907331 6,798712477

Lichte bedrijfsvoertuigen 60 29,98986074 29,76934706

Zware bedrijfsvoertuigen 84 42,29220849 41,98123637

Motor- en bromfietsen 5,6 2,813188856 2,792503644


Overig verkeer 122

w.v. Binnenscheepvaart 1) 27 -0,3 -0,28 -6% -5% 25,15662305 25,25527647

Zeescheepvaart 2) 81

Visserij 2) 3,7

Luchtvaart 3) 9,5 1,08 1,09 20% 20% 11,43962499 11,45727873

4) 1,4 1,1 1,3 20% 24% 1,727643546 1,780801809

Mobiele werktuigen 44

w.o. Landbouwwerktuigen 15

Built environment

Built environment numbers are based on the report by CPB & PBL (2016). The values are
shown below:

All values in
PJ 2013 2030 2030 2050 2050 2030 2030 2050 2050
demand Low high Low High Decentral Central Decentral Central
Households 345 320,85 295,18 256,81 215,72 189,83 151,87 115,42 69,25
o.w. Existing 345 320,85 269,51 229,09 153,49 122,79 88,41 52,16 22,95
Utility 170 159,8 134,23 118,12 81,51 68,46 54,77 37,79 22,68

Storage and power balancing

Electricity production in the Netherlands is shown in the table below (CBS StatLine, 2019).

Net production electricity 396,4
Nuclear power 12,2
Coal 103,7

Oil products 4,6
Natural gas 203,2
Biomass 14,5
Renewable 49,8
Other 8,5

Development of offshore wind capacity is based on two sources, i.e. Rijksoverheid (n.d.) &
RVO (n.d.). The values are shown in the table below with source.

Windpark operational GW Source

2019 1 RVO
2020 1,5 RVO
2021 0
2022 0,7 Rijksoverheid
2023 1,4 Rijksoverheid
2024 0
2025 1,4 Rijksoverheid
2026 0,7 Rijksoverheid
2027 0
2028 2 Rijksoverheid
2029 0
2030 2 Rijksoverheid

Appendix IV – PESTLEs vision comparison

Platform Nieuw Gas

Political - Aim to realize a clean, affordable and socially acceptable energy supply.
- Less dependent on political instable and less well-disposed regions/countries.
- Make clear decisions in early stage. In early stage chose for existing technologies to
accelerate hydrogen.
- Role hydrogen strongly influenced by developments abroad.
- Actions for government: stimulate and structure Dutch activities, acknowledge
subsidies for development and introduction of new technologies, and involvement in
demonstration projects are determinative for penetration of hydrogen technologies
in the Netherlands.

Economical Bottleneck: no driver to introduce hydrogen

- Hydrogen has potential to enable innovation and offer opportunities for Dutch
supplying and manufacturing industry. Development of innovative hydrogen
technology offers good economic opportunities for industry.
- Good policy can lead to growth hydrogen industry in NL: role government to show
opportunities. In public private financing first emphasis on public financing and a
shift change over time. For learning curve investments in pilot projects without
business case crucial!
- Include hydrogen in policy instruments for sustainability
- Exploit the non-economic drivers

Social Bottleneck: social acceptance

- Support of transition with demonstrations

- Education
- Collaborations between knowledge institutes, universities and companies enables
growth of new technologies such as hydrogen.
- Strong need for public-private partnerships to get the technology market ready and
facilitate market conditions besides enabling opportunities for entrepreneurs.
- Promote bundling initiative to increase efficiency policy instruments. Increase

Technical Bottleneck: fuel cell and hydrogen technology not commercially available

- Government pushes for further development technologies

- Demonstration needed for CCS in blue hydrogen production
- Need for other energy carrier beside electricity.
- Grey, blue and green.

- 2050 40-75% on hydrogen in vehicles. Energy sources: coal with CCS, biomass,
offshore wind. FCEV.
- CHP (10-30%). Hydrogen in stationary and mobile applications: integration and
synergy of energy systems. Stationary: early phase: micro CHP, source natural gas
CCS, coal CCs and biomass, first: blend with Hydrogen,

Legal Bottleneck: institutional acceptance, safety and regulation

- Need for learning environment with flexible regulations and permit application.
- Change in regulations often lead to large market innovations, increase technological
innovations and lead to an increase in market efficiency. On transport option for zero
emission vehicle regulation should be implemented in time.
- Option: buyers pool: protected tenders in which the government becomes buyer with
the purpose to further develop niche markets. Purposeful support by government will
lead to increase hydrogen in industrial clusters and enable early development.
Analysis of institutional aspects necessary that determine to successful
implementation of transition pathways.

Environmental - Hydrogen enabler of reductions in GHG emissions to reach climate goals under
- Increase air quality due to mobility/ transport sector.

Hydrogen in the current infrastructure

Political - Government should drive for research.

Economical -

Social - No need for new infrastructure what leads to less burden on society.
- Residential areas can be left out of the scope.
- Increase of decentral generation of electricity may lead to increase green hydrogen.
- Households get CHP systems.

Technical - Gas and electricity grids become integrated.

- CHP on natural gas and CHP on hydrogen.
- First 5% hydrogen in infra as a pilot. 2020: hythane.
- Technical challenge to mix hydrogen in current infrastructure.

Legal - New market structure from monopoly in natural gas to multiple suppliers.
- Natural monopoly of natural gas infra allows for delivery of local to grid.

Environmental - Reduction of natural gas in chain.
- Question whether climate neutral.

Hydrogen in transport

Political - Need for strong governmental policy to drive change and reduce emissions in
transport sector.
- Several options for policy instruments to make clean vehicles more interesting.

Economical - Increase of demand for natural gas when used in transport sector.
- Commercialize fuel cell vehicles questionable.

Social -

Technical - FCEV commercialized.

- Green hydrogen option for the future in both transport and storage.

Legal - Taxes on fossil fuels and less sufficient vehicles.

- Measures to enable clean transport

Environmental - Biofuels might have less emissions in case grey hydrogen.

- Reduction of CO2 with biomass and hydrogen.

Decentral Renewable in built

Political - Feed-in regulations and tariffs are unfavourable.

- Room for pilots in policy. Subsidies for pilots etc. needed.
- Allow for local energy systems.

Economical - Economic expensive to store electricity in hydrogen.

- Uncertainty on investment of different technologies.

Social - Citizens become self sufficient

- Active role for municipalities, provinces, project developers, constructors and
housing cooperatives

Technical - Hydrogen storage of green hydrogen production.

- Multiple technologies integrated: system vulnerability.
- Storage of electricity is the challenge to overcome. In seasonal fluctuations.

Legal - Flexible standards in legislation and regulations
- Reduction regulations that limit local renewable energy systems.

Environmental - Strong uncertainty on grid due to extreme weather conditions.

- Enabling zero emission buildings


Political - Less international dependency with hydrogen under increased RES

- Chose various solutions to reach climate change targets

Economical - Cost reduction needed fuel cells

- Economic feasibility unlikely before 2050

Social -

Technical - Further development of technology hydrogen in different markets and electrolysis

- Development processes and innovative technologies take long time to implement in
- Hydrogen as energy carrier
- Application of hydrogen in heat with CHP systems.

Legal -

Environmental - Hydrogen a necessity to reach climate change goals

Noordelijke Innovation Board

Political - Regional, national and EU level need to implement integrated green hydrogen
economy development into their policy.
- Dutch government pushes for natural gas reductions.
- Dutch government should overcome barriers with financial measures or other
- need for stable policy

Economical - RES becomes competitive with fossil fuels.

- Northern Netherlands thrives on agriculture and natural gas. Reduction of natural
gas: Need for new markets.
- Development of energy production and transportation region.

- Create hydrogen hub for transportation by ship, pipelines and trucks.
- Green certificates to facilitate more financial needs for going green.
- Financial business case for green hydrogen.
- proof of costs technologies.
- solid business case needed and investment commitments.
- proof of callability technologies

Social - Hydrogen innovation/ start-up centres.

- hydrogen trade fair and exhibition.
- Need education and training in the production and us of hydrogen.
- Research institutes should extend their research on hydrogen production, infra,
storage, use and new applications.
- costs for businesses, facilitated by government when needed: low social costs.
- stakeholder management and engagement of large importance.
- mental shift to radical transformation.
- social acceptance of initiative is essential. use existing companies for gas knowledge

Technical - Infrastructure in place in Northern Netherlands for natural gas and electricity. With
offshore connection, offshore wind etc.
- proof of safety.

Legal - Hydrogen trading platform with (entry and exit system): Predefined quality criteria
with an entry and exit fee. Independent parties that organize the trading and standard
contracts with standard products for trading. Trading companies that want to take
part in an up and coming hydrogen trading platform.
- regulatory framework (currently hydrogen only for large-scale industrial production)
should cover standers, regulations, permitting procedures, safety, environmental
regulations and spatial planning).
- green hydrogen certificates.
- strict regulations for hydrogen users on safety.
- market creation for industrial hydrogen.
- need for stable regulatory framework

Environmental - alternative for natural gas improves climate change.

- less earthquakes because alternative natural gas.


Political -

Economical Need high cost reductions wind and electrolysis. 2/3 of costs are for wind and electrolysis

Social -

Technical - System with power to hydrogen and hydrogen to gas hydrogen plant.
- Green gas for industry.

Legal -

Environmental Green hydrogen over blue hydrogen in RES system leads to reductions of GHG Emissions


Political -

Economical Costs for production facilities with CCS are less expensive than green hydrogen production.

Social -

Technical Hydrogen production from green and blue hydrogen. Green hydrogen used in built

Legal -

Environmental Blue hydrogen production allows for carbon capture and use of hydrogen replaces carbon
emitting alternatives.

A Clean Planet for All

Political - Need for clear industrial policy to improve technologies.

- Questions how to secure scarcity of raw materials to decarbonize system.
- By being key actor in development of hydrogen: opportunity Dutch industry: gain
technological leadership. In order to do so: leadership needed by require supporting
domestic influence in research, creating the necessary conditions for innovation to
materialise and reinforcing cooperative programmes for the development of
technology. Provide a competitive advantage, creating cost savings and spurring
- Proper financing and possible adaptation of tariff schemes.
- integrated point of view: energy systems need to be integrated.

- Support R&D&I in fields where technology is not proven yet.
- fair taxation policy and fossil fuel phase out of fossil fuel subsidies transport.
- See low carbon future in industry as opportunity not as drawback.
- Industry: need for sufficient market design in order to allow for low-carbon solutions
before policy and innovative solutions will make sense. otherwise no large-scale
- Industry: regional coordination needed for creating new business networks along the
technological development (demand and infra).
- Policy framework should: facilitate investment, support innovation and incentivise all
the necessary changes, without jeopardising the global competitiveness of the
European industries.
- Member States to make key decisions with respect to security of supply, network
infrastructure, energy efficiency and renewable energy policies as well as research and
innovation. Moreover, they need to decide on their energy mix and enter regional

Economical - Sector coupling (joined markets).

- Uncertainty economics of hydrogen, because related to high investment costs and
unpredictable levels of demand as well as regulatory uncertainty.
- Competitiveness transport hydrogen in heavy vehicles
- Low carbon future can strengthen industry with new opportunities.
- Penetration low carbon technologies slowed down by international competition.
- Investment risk.
- In transition discontinuity can arise in economic environment.

Social - Cooperative programmes for development of technology.

- Include local levels by engaging citizens and local authorities, addressing in synergy
other local environmental challenges, crucial in time to deploy the necessary infra.
- Convince consumers to go over on hydrogen.
- Pace of renovation in households to improve efficiency under question.
- Creation of green jobs with transition to low carbon future

Technical - Further evolvement of technologies: performance and costs to scale up their

- Search for alternatives raw materials (scarcity) / challenge from electricity production
following demand to meteorologically driven production (weather dependency).
- Security of supply
- Technological integration of various energy systems.
- Technological feasibility for hydrogen in transport.
- Hydrogen challenges for infrastructure compared to e-gas/fuels.
- Avoid technology lock in in early stage.

- Industry: need for sufficient infrastructure in order to allow for low-carbon solutions
before policy and innovative solutions will make sense.
- Penetration of technologies and building of infrastructure in time is critical. Further
research needed difficult sectors to decarbonize (transport - aviation).

Legal - Regulatory supporting scheme to enable financing and possible adaptation of tariff
- Regulatory framework should facilitate the major change in energy market structure.

Environmental - Raw material use (scarcity).

- Hydrogen over e-gas/fuels: less land use and energy resources.
- Different means to reach 85% targets with for some for sectors still use of fossil fuels

Routekaart Waterstof

Political - Need for integral vision on hydrogen in energy agreement

- Need for long term innovation program
- No overall policy on hydrogen to develop the full spectrum of hydrogen

Economical - Use of existing natural gas infra: cost effective energy transition
- High cost price: need for reduction of costs electrolysis before competitive
- Costs hydrogen strongly dependent on electricity price (renewable)
- Financing of hydrogen future strong indicator succeeding of hydrogen
- Market development (trading system). Natural gas trading platform could be an
- Human capital to facilitate transition
- Potential import of hydrogen
- Scenario hydrogen industry mover form Netherlands to other countries
- Scenario: need for hydrogen import

Social - Hydrogen enables social challenge to become sustainable

- Social acceptance strong indicator succeeding of hydrogen. Especially applications
where consumer directly use hydrogen.
- CCS application might be problematic in social debate.
- Hydrogen projects with pilots
- Human capital agenda: education

Technical - satisfies demand for molecules, for example in transport

- Electrolysis offers flexible mechanism for increasing RES
- Proof of technologies on large scale

- Enables long distance transport of energy
- Increase needed efficiency technology
- Develop new processes with hydrogen
- Application of less rare materials
- Hydrogen has many production and application possibilities.
- From technical perspective, SRM not even the most viable option for hydrogen
production. Biomass could offer a solution.
- Need for infrastructure dependent on market development

Legal - Laws and regulations to enable hydrogen

- Stimulation structures for production and use of hydrogen.
- Lack of regulation for introduction of hydrogen. Currently only on the industry
- Gaswet offers no flexibility hydrogen for transport and distribution of hydrogen.
Inclusion of hydrogen in gaswet.
- Discussion between private and well-regulated hydrogen grids
- Subsidies for innovation projects Not for hydrogen inanities. No structural subsidy
system for hydrogen.
- European subsidy schemes
- Safety program needed for hydrogen. Is under development, progressing slow due to
financial support.
- Trading system for hydrogen. Determine product specification within trading system.

Environmental - Hydrogen enables reaching climate goals

- On short term blue hydrogen production leads to emission reductions
- Can potentially be fully climate neutral


Political - Sector coupling.

- Ramp up of hydrogen should start now!
- Reaching goals: coordinated approach by policymakers, industry and investors

Economical - Drive economy by becoming leading in hydrogen economy worldwide (820 billion
annual revenue).
- Create jobs with hydrogen

Social - Customer preference and convenience: adaptation difficulties.

- Hydrogen will offer same quality of life (transport range)/ invisible transition. Note:
critique that there will be averseness to hydrogen.

- Job creation.

Technical - Technology is technical ready for implementation to reach goals for 2030 in transport,
buildings, industry and power systems.
- Hydrogen key to integration of mix ultra-low carbon sources. Key role electrolysis and
SMR with CCS.
- Electrolysis enables sector coupling and enables grid connection between the two
- Hydrogen can replace natural gas in CHP system.
- Hydrogen enables the decarbonisation of transport and industry sector.
- Hydrogen allows for usage of surplus RES.

Legal - Guarantees of origin should be used and embraced by regulation and national policy
- Modernize and harmonize regulation that concern hydrogen blending into the natural
gas grid.
- Provide regulatory framework for hydrogen grid
- Regulations should place incentives on transport sector to encourage certain

Environmental - Only 560 Mt annual CO2 abatement. 15% reduction of local emissions relative to road

To a green hydrogen action plan in the province of Zuid-Holland

Political - In order to decarbonize industry, support blue hydrogen

- Import hydrogen
- Develop incentive policy for hydrogen refueling stations
- Policy on spatial planning local green hydrogen
- Plans for reconstructions from natural gas to hydrogen in Regionale Energie Strategie
- Challenge to develop demand, supply and infrastructure simultaneously.
- From a national approach that realizes the necessary preconditions to regional
programs with specific designs for industrial clusters and spatial area.
- Province Zuid Holland can act on its own without national support.

Economical - Large industrial area in Zuid Holland.

- Globally production of solar and wind will increase with decreasing costs.
- Green hydrogen will become cost competitive with grey hydrogen.
- Global market hydrogen with import

Social - Education and training hydrogen for aid workers, police, fire brigade and safety
regions etc.
- Collaboration needed between government, market parties, knowledge institutes, grid
operators and social organizations.

Technical - Use existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen

- Hydrogen for peak demand in heat-hydrogen roundabout

Legal - Facilitate and regulate public hydrogen transport infrastructure

- Provide incentive schemes to enable hydrogen
- Regulate spatial planning local green hydrogen
- Development of permit structure, supervision and enforcement

Environmental - Spatial use with local green hydrogen

- Decarbonization of industrial area
- Blue hydrogen as transition production process.


Political - Driver for transition: municipalities and city councils: emphasis on energy
independency at a national level
- No energy exchange with other countries

Economical -

Social -

Technical - Power-to-gas (electrolysis with solar power).

- Need for storage of hydrogen and methane of 16 TWh and 22 TWh

Legal -

Environmental - Own RES production of wind and solar: inefficient land use


Political - Driver for transition: national governments: aim for a high degree of energy self-
sufficiency on national level
- Limited energy exchange with other countries

Economical -

Social -

Technical - Power-to-gas (electrolysis with large scale wind power).

- Strong need for considerable amount of flexibility from hydrogen-to-power and battery
storage to cover fluctuations wind power.
- Need for storage of hydrogen and methane of 20 TWh and 15 TWh

Legal -

Environmental -


Political - Global oriented policy

- Import of high RES potential countries
- Depended for energy demand

Economical - Large import of hydrogen, methane and/or e-fuels

Social -

Technical - Need for storage of hydrogen and methane of 12 TWh and 20 TWh

Legal -

Environmental -

Appendix V – scenarios A clean Planet for All

Appendix VI – Potential table Gigler & Weeda

Table 38 - Indicative assessment of potential demand of hydrogen in the Netherlands

Offshore wind Natural gas/CCS

Functionality Hydrogen demand electrolysis reforming
PJ/j Mton/j TWh/j GW PJ/j Mton CO2 /j
Hightemperature heat: 1350 11,2 568 129,7 1800 111,8
Non-energetic use 50 0,4 21 4,8 67 3,8
Process heat 100 0,8 42 9,6 133 7,5
Reneable chemistry 480 4 202 46,1 640 46,2
Renewable fuels 700 5,8 295 67,3 933 52,8
Steal production 20 0,2 8 1,9 27 1,5
Mobility and transport 125 1 53 12 167 9,4
Power and light 115 1 48 11,1 153 8,7
Lowtemperture heat 100 0,8 42 9,6 133 7,5
1690 14,1 711 161 2253 128

Appendix VII – Calculations European Commission

Built environment

Built environment final energy demand and share of hydrogen is calculated with figures of A
clean planet for all (Figure 33, Figure 34 & Figure 35). The measurements and calculations to
come to the end result are shown in the tables below.

Figure 33 - Figure 39 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.99). Ratio: 0,57 cm is 20%.

Figure 34 - Figure of A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.103). Ratio 1,1 cm is 20%.

Figure 35 - Figure of A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.105). Ratio: 1 cm is 50 Mtoe.

The data of Europe is compared to the Netherlands. The table below shows the data as gained

EU 2015 EU 2005 NL 2005 NL/EU NL 2015

Households 25% 11905,15 12982,97 450,0329 0,034663 401,6152

Services 14% 6374,411 6030,676 290,7106 0,048205 284,746

House+services 18279,56115 18279,56 19013,64 740,7435 686,3612

Share house 65% 68% 61%

Share service 35% 32% 39%

The information of the figures and data on countries forms the basis for calculations of the
various scenarios in the Netherlands by 2050.

Baseline ELEC H2 P2X COMBO 1.5 TECH

Household elec (fig 42) cm 2,9 3,7 2,94 2,9 3,37 3,42

Service elec (fig 42) cm 4,25 4,54 4,25 4,25 4,35 4,29

Non electric households (fig 2,27 1,45 2,2 2,25 1,56 1,44
44) cm

Change energy 1,07 1,27 1,15 1,15 1,4 1,5
consumption residential
(fig 39) cm

Change energy 0,28 0,51 0,48 0,48 0,7 0,95

consumption service (fig
39) cm

Household % 52,7% 67,3% 53,5% 52,7% 61,3% 62,2%

Service % 77,3% 82,5% 77,3% 77,3% 79,1% 78,0%

Change residential to 2005 38% 45% 40% 40% 49% 53%

Change services to 2005 10% 18% 17% 17% 25% 33%

Energy consumption in 13546,84773 12149,08 12759,21 12759,21 11154,83 10170,28

buildings in PJ EU

Electricity in PJ EU 8477,711384 8929,244 8014,855 7958,533 7645,497 6960,025

Share residential final 59,86% 59,24% 60,70% 60,70% 59,22% 60,47%

demand buildings EU

Non in PJ EU 5069,136341 3219,832 4744,354 4800,675 3509,329 3210,251

Share of electricity 62,6% 73,5% 62,8% 62,4% 68,5% 68,4%

Buildings hydrogen in PJ EU 0 0 1465,38 0 209,34 209,34

Share hydrogen buildings 0 0 11,48% 0,00% 1,88% 2,06%

Share of non elec 0 0 0,308868 0 0,059652 0,06521

Final non elec demand NL 192,4504005 123,3139 179,8898 181,8421 134,5269 123,2559

Final energy demand NL 543,2227469 488,1806 510,1895 510,1895 448,2721 406,9806

Hydrogen in buildings NL 0 0 55,56225 0 8,024854 8,037497


Industry final energy demand and share of hydrogen is calculated with figures of A clean planet
for all (Figure 36 & Figure 37). The measurements and calculations to come to the end result
are shown in the tables below.

Figure 36 - Figure 68 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.150).

Figure 37 - Figure 69 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.151). Ratio: 0,97 cm is 20 Mtoe.

The data of Europe is compared to the Netherlands. The table below shows the data as gained

2015 EU 2015 NL NL/EU

Final energy consumption industry PJ 10656,22 562,2598 0,052764

The information of the figures and data on countries forms the basis for calculations of the
various scenarios in the Netherlands by 2050.


Difference final energy consumption -11% -12% -13% -19% -22%

industry to 2015

Hydrogen industry in cm 0 2,4 0,25 0,74 1,43

Final energy consumption 2050 NL 500,4113 494,7887 489,1661 455,4305 438,5627

Hydrogen industry EU in PJ 0 2071,819 215,8144 638,8107 1234,459

Hydrogen industry NL in PJ 0 109,3165 11,38714 33,70592 65,13442

% hydrogen in industry 0,0% 22,1% 2,3% 7,4% 14,9%


Transport final energy demand and share of hydrogen is calculated with a figure of A clean
planet for all (Figure 38). The measurements and calculations to come to the end result are
shown in the tables below.

Figure 38 - Figure 57 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.131). Ratio: 0,92 cm is 50 Mtoe.

The data of Europe is compared to the Netherlands. The table below shows the data as gained

EU 2005 NL 2005 NL/EU

Final energy consumption in PJ 13619,29 476,396 0,03498

The information of the figures and data on countries forms the basis for calculations of the
various scenarios in the Netherlands by 2050.


Hydrogen in sector 2050 in cm 0,2 0,9 0,19 0,4 0,6
Final consumption in transport in cm 3,9 4,2 4,6 4,14 3,68
Hydrogen in sector 2050 in PJ 455,087 2047,891 432,3326 910,1739 1365,261
Final consumption transport in PJ EU 8874,196 9556,826 10467 9420,3 8373,6
Hydrogen transport 2050 NL PJ 15,91872 71,63422 15,12278 31,83743 47,75615
Final consumption transport PJ NL 2050 310,415 334,293 366,1305 329,5174 292,9044
Percentage hydrogen of total NL 5,1% 21,4% 4,1% 9,7% 16,3%


Total energy storage is calculated with a figure of A clean planet for all (Figure 39). The
measurements and calculations to come to the end result are shown in the tables below.

Figure 39 - Figure 26 A clean planet for all (European Commission, 2018, p.79). Ratio: 0,79 cm is 50 TWh.

The data of Europe is compared to the Netherlands. The table below shows the data as gained

2015 In Mtoe

EU 1088,27
NL 49,19778

The information of the figures and data on countries forms the basis for calculations of the
various scenarios in the Netherlands by 2050.

Share NL in total 0,0452073

Hydrogen storage in cm 0,88 2,4 2,16 1,21 1,38
Total storage in cm 4,48 4,67 5,85 3,9 3,68
Hydrogen storage in TWh 55,696203 151,8987 136,7089 76,58228 87,34177
Total storage in TWh 283,5443 295,5696 370,2532 246,8354 232,9114

% 19,6% 51,4% 36,9% 31,0% 37,5%

Hydrogen in NL in PJ 9,0643571 24,72097 22,24888 12,46349 14,21456
Total storage in PJ 46,145818 48,1029 60,25737 40,17158 37,90549

Appendix VIII – Calculations FCH

EU (Mtoe) 1088,27
NL (Mtoe) 49,19778
NL/EU 0,04768

Year Final Thereof Existing New Industry Heating Transportation Power

energy H2 feedstock industry energy and generation
demand feedstock power of , buffering

2015 14.100 2%
2030 BAU 11500 4%
Ambitious 6% 3,7% 0,5% 0,1% 0,3% 0,6% 0,6%
2050 BAU 9300 8% 4,2% 0,0% 0,6% 2,2% 0,9% 0,5%

Ambitious 24% 4,2% 2,8% 2,5% 6,2% 7,3% 1,2%

2050 NL BAU in 1649 8% - -

NL Amb in 14% - -

Appendix IX – Morphological charts visions

Vision 2

Production Infrastructure Markets Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental

Electrolysis Decentral Current market Strong Electricity to Strong social High development Pro-active Support green
political natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
support ration high hydrogen technologies change for climate goals
hydrogen hydrogen
SMR Central Industry high Moderate Electricity to Moderate Moderate Interactive Support electricity to
temperature political natural gas social support development institutional reach climate goals
heating support ration moderate hydrogen hydrogen change for
hydrogen technologies hydrogen
SMR with International Power balancing Low political Electricity to Low social Low development Passive Support blue
CCS support natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
hydrogen ration low hydrogen technologies change for climate goals
Import Built Support biomass to
environment reach climate goals
Mobility heavy
Transport non-
heavy vehicles

Vision 3
Production Infrastructure Markets Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental

Electrolysis Decentral Current market Strong Electricity to Strong social High development Pro-active Support green
political natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
support ration high hydrogen technologies change for climate goals
hydrogen hydrogen
SMR Central Industry high Moderate Electricity to Moderate Moderate Interactive Support electricity
temperature political natural gas social support development institutional to reach climate
heating support ration moderate hydrogen hydrogen change for goals
hydrogen technologies hydrogen
SMR with International Power Low political Electricity to Low social Low development Passive Support blue
CCS balancing support natural gas support hydrogen institutional hydrogen to reach
hydrogen ration low hydrogen technologies change for climate goals
Import Built Support biomass to
environment reach climate goals
Mobility heavy
Transport non-
heavy vehicles

Appendix X – Calculations visions

Flexibility and storage: difficult to calculate without an energy model. The following
assumptions are made:

- A clean planet for all has calculations for electricity storage demand in 2050. The
demand has been calculated based on the share of the Netherlands in EU. Vision 1 uses
ELEC scenario, Vision 2 uses COMBO and vision 3 uses H2. Based on the earlier
numbers the total demand for storage has been calculated
- In a clean planet for all, pumped hydro, batteries and hydrogen is considered. Pumped
hydro is not possible on Dutch grounds and therefore the solutions for electricity storage
are not used as in a clean planet for all. Numbers for storage are based on Gasunie &
Tennet. They focus on batteries and hydrogen.
- Vision 1 has a large capacity of offshore wind similar to the national scenario of Gasunie
& Tennet. In that scenario the installed capacity for hydrogen and batteries is 60 and 50
GW. A share of roughly 0,55% is hydrogen and the rest goes to batteries. This
percentage is used to calculate the demand for hydrogen in electricity storage demand.
This leads to roughly 30 PJ hydrogen electricity storage demand in 2050.
- Vision 2 has also large capacity for offshore wind. The total demand for hydrogen in
other sectors than power balancing is larger. The total electricity demand of the
COMBO scenario is considered. A similar share of hydrogen can be considered of
Gasunie & Tennet (0,55% share). If that number is compared to EC, it could be similar,
because pumped hydro is not a solution for the Netherlands and could be replaced by
hydrogen. This leads to a demand of roughly 25 PJ hydrogen electricity storage demand
in 2050.
- Vision 3 is the full hydrogen future, large interconnection for hydrogen is considered.
If this is compared to the international scenario of Gasunie & Tennet, only a very small
capacity of storage is installed. It is expected surpluses and shortages of
electricity/energy are traded between countries, therefore it is expected the demand for
hydrogen as storage capacity is 0.

Calculations on industry are based on the values found of DNV GL (2017b), BlueTerra (2018)
& CE Delft (2015).

Included in
Industrial data vision
Value Unit Source 1 2 3
Total hydrogen demand 100 PJ DNV GL, ECN etc. x x X
Heat demand total 2050 386 PJ
<100 ℃ 2050 42,10909 PJ
100-250 ℃ 2050 57,9 PJ Blue terra X
250-500 ℃ 2050 85,97273 PJ X
>500 ℃ 2050 200,0182 PJ x X

Calculations on transport predictions for 2050 are calculated on data from CBS, PBL, RIVM,
& WUR, (2018) with changes to 2050 of the European Commission (2018).

H2 scenario Vision 3 COMBO Vision 2 Unit Source
Totaal energieverbruik 354,5 349,3 PJ
Road vehicles 201,6 200,2 PJ
Passenger vehicles diesel 36,7 X 36,5 PJ
Light commercial vehicles 30,0 X 29,8 PJ
Heavy commercial vehicles 42,3 42,0 PJ
Inland shipping 25,2 X 25,3 X PJ
Shipping PJ with EC
Fishing PJ
Air transportation 11,4 X 11,5 PJ
Rail traffic 1,7 x 1,8 x PJ
Mobile tools PJ

Calculations on built environment are based on heat demand predictions for 2050 of CPB &
PBL (2016). The decentral scenario has formed the basis. The demand in 2050 for heat is 145
PJ. Vision 2 includes 5% and vision 3 includes 20%.

Appendix XI – Calculations pathways

Vision 1

Costs for electrolysis:

Costs high Costs low

Additional Additional
capacity capacity
Additional with Total with Total
capacity in CAPEX improvem capacity Costs in CAPEX improvem capacity Costs in
2020 Euro/kW Efficiency ents GW GW millions Euro/kW Efficiency ents GW GW millions
2020 0 1000 64% 0,0 0,0 0,0 1000 64% 0 0,0
2025 0,5 850 67% 0,5 0,5 441,8 850 69% 0,5 0,5 394,2
2030 1 700 69% 0,9 1,4 718,8 600 73% 0,9 1,3 526,0
2035 1,5 675 71% 1,4 2,8 929,6 450 77% 1,2 2,6 561,0
2040 2 650 72% 1,8 4,5 1177,8 350 80% 1,6 4,2 560,0
2045 3 625 73% 2,6 7,2 1676,7 313 80% 2,4 6,6 750,0
2050 3,5 600 74% 3,0 10,2 1854,1 275 81% 2,8 9,4 760,5

Vision 2

Costs for electrolysis:

Costs high Costs low

Additional Additional
capacity capacity
with Total with Total
Additional CAPEX improvem capacity Costs in CAPEX improvem capacity Costs in
Year capacity Euro/kW Efficiency ents GW GW millions Euro/kW Efficiency ents GW GW millions
2020 0 1000 65% 0 0 0 1000 65% 0 0 0
2025 0,5 812,5 68% 0,5 0,5 433,1 750 70% 0,5 0,5 406,3
2030 1,5 625 71% 1,4 1,9 987,0 500 75% 1,3 1,8 812,5
2035 2 581,25 75% 1,7 3,6 1045,4 350 80% 1,6 3,4 690,6
2040 3,5 537,5 77% 3,0 6,5 1652,7 312,5 80% 2,8 6,2 942,0
2045 5 493,75 79% 4,1 10,7 2121,2 275 81% 4,0 10,2 1178,6
2050 7,5 450 80% 6,1 16,7 3539,1 237,5 81% 6,0 16,3 1542,2
Costs for SMR with CCS

Costs low Costs high

Costs in Costs in Costs in
CCS units SMR with CAPEX in CAPEX millions Costs in CAPEX in CAPEX millions millions
Year GW CCS GW euro/kW Share CCS CCS SMR, CCS millions euro/kW Share CCS CCS CCS SMR, CCS
2020 0 0 1087,0 31% 337,0 0,0 0,0 1388,9 46% 638,9 0,0 0,0
2025 1 0 1027,4 27% 277,4 307,2 0,0 1239,7 40% 489,7 564,3 0,0
2030 1,7 2 974,0 23% 224,0 426,2 2001,4 1119,4 33% 369,4 730,2 2359,1
2035 0 2 937,5 20% 0,0 0,0 1911,5 1102,9 32% 352,9 0,0 2222,3
2040 0 2 937,5 20% 0,0 0,0 1875,0 1087,0 31% 337,0 0,0 2189,9
2045 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1071,4 30% 321,4 0,0 0,0
2050 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1056,3 29% 306,3 0,0 0,0

Vision 3

Costs for electrolysis:

Costs low Costs high

Additional Additional
capacity capacity
Additional with Total with Total
capacity CAPEX improvem capacity Costs in CAPEX improvem capacity Costs in
Year GW Euro/kW Efficiency ents GW GW millions Euro/kW Efficiency ents GW GW millions
2020 0 1000 65% 0,0 0,0 0,0 1000 65% 0,0
2025 1,5 675 75% 1,3 1,3 1088,8 700 68% 1,4 1,4 1003,7
2030 2,5 350 80% 2,0 3,3 1041,0 450 71% 2,3 3,7 1029,9
2035 5 312,5 80% 4,1 7,4 1345,7 387,5 74% 4,4 8,1 1701,9
2040 5 275 81% 4,0 11,4 1178,6 325 77% 4,2 12,3 1371,8
2045 7,5 237,5 81% 6,0 17,4 1542,2 262,5 79% 6,2 18,5 1619,9
2050 7,5 200 82% 5,9 23,4 1300,5 200 80% 6,1 24,6 1218,8
Costs for SMR

Costs low Costs high Costs low Costs high

CCS units SMR with CAPEX in CCS units SMR with CAPEX in CCS units SMR with
Year GW CCS GW euro/kW Share CCS Year GW CCS GW euro/kW Share CCS Year GW CCS GW
2020 0 0 1087,0 31% 337,0 0,0 0,0 1388,9 46% 638,9 0,0 0,0
2025 2,7 2,5 1027,4 27% 277,4 829,4 2642,9 1239,7 40% 489,7 1523,6 3099,2
2030 0 2,5 974,0 23% 224,0 0,0 2501,8 1119,4 33% 369,4 0 2948,8
2035 0 2,5 937,5 20% 0,0 0,0 2389,4 1102,9 32% 352,9 0 2777,9
2040 0 2 937,5 20% 0,0 0,0 0,0 1087,0 31% 337,0 0 0,0
2045 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1071,4 30% 321,4 0 0,0
2050 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 1056,3 29% 306,3 0 0,0


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