Bi in Austenitic Stainless Steels

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Effect of Bismuth on Weld Joint Penetration

in Austenitic Stainless Steel

Bismuth is shown to have a distinct effect
on bead shape and joint penetration


ABSTRACT. Bismuth-added stainless cutting stainless steels with selenium or brittlement. However, the effect of bis-
steels have been developed due to their lead additions, the toxic nature of these muth on the weldability of stainless steels
good machinability, with excellent chip two elements in the dissolved state brings is yet to be made clear. Also, in recent
fragmentation property in particular, and about limitations in the places or loca- years, the effect of surface tension on the
their superior characteristics of forging. tions of use for such steels (Ref. 2). weld joint penetration shape of stainless
Bismuth has been reported to act as a With this as the background, bismuth, steel in case of gas tungsten arc (GTA)
surface active agent that lowers the sur- w h i c h is a nontoxic element, has re- welding has been extensively studied
face tension of molten metal and thus ceived attention as a potential candidate and clarified (Refs. 7-9).
refines the solidification structure of cast for imparting free-cutting ability, and Thus, if bismuth is a surface active el-
ingots. such stainless steels with bismuth addi- ement (Ref. 6), it is to be expected that
The effect of bismuth on the w e l d - tions have already been developed (Refs. bismuth addition w o u l d have a
ability of stainless steels is yet to be made 3, 4). At present, stainless steels contain- significant effect on the weldability of
clear. The effect of surface tension on ing 0.05 to 0.15% bismuth are begin- stainless steel, the weld joint penetration
the weld joint penetration shape of stain- ning to be used for practical applica- shape in particular.
less steel in the case of gas tungsten arc tions. Bismuth-added stainless steels In this work, the weldability of sev-
welding has been extensively studied have good machinability, with excellent eral specially prepared heats of 18-8
and clarified. In this work, the weldabil- chip fragmentation property in particu- austenitic stainless steel containing vary-
ity of several specially prepared heats of lar, and superior characteristics of forg- ing additions of bismuth has been stud-
18-8 austenitic stainless steel contain- ing. The corrosion resistance is known ied, with special attention being paid to
ing varying additions of bismuth has to be as good as those of AISI 304 steel clarify the effect of bismuth on weld bead
been studied, with special attention (Ref. 5). In addition, bismuth has been formation and weld joint penetration
being paid to clarifying the effect of bis- reported to act as a surface active agent, shape.
muth on weld bead formation and weld w h i c h lowers the surface tension of
penetration shape. molten metal and thus refines the so- Experiment
Bismuth acts as a surface active ele- lidification structure of cast ingots (Ref.
ment and causes Marangonian convec- 6). Materials
tive flow to occur w i t h i n the molten The utilization of free-cutting stain-
pool. Due to the positive temperature less steels for machine construction in- The chemical compositions of the
coefficient, deep penetration occurs, and volves not only machined components, specially prepared heats (A to E) of AISI
there is a tendency for irregular bead for- but also welded assemblies. Generally, 304 type austenitic stainless steel are
mation. elements that impart free-cutting ability shown in Table 1. Heats A and B are
are said to cause deterioration in weld- steels without any intentional additions
Introduction ability because of high-temperature em- of bismuth, having sulfur contents of
0 . 0 0 1 % and 0.030%, respectively. In
Austenitic stainless steels in general heats C, D and E, the sulfur content has
suffer from the drawback of poor been kept constant at 0 . 0 0 1 % , and bis-
machinability. Free-cutting stainless muth additions of 0.04 to 0.14% have
KEY WORDS been made.
steels with improved machinability
through the addition of elements such The cast ingots were forged into two
Bismuth types of test specimens. The first type of
as sulfur, selenium or lead have been de-
Weld Joint Penetration 150 (I) X 50 mm (w) specimens ( 6 X 2
veloped. However, in free-cutting stain-
less steels containing sulfur, lowering of Austenitic Stainless in.) with uniform thicknesses of either 9
corrosion resistance is unavoidable (Ref. Stainless Steel or 1 5 mm (0.35 or 0.6 in.) (Fig. 1), were
1). On the other hand, in the case of free- GTAW used to examine the weld joint penetra-
Surface Tension tion shapes and bead appearances. The
Bead Formation other type consisted of tapered speci-
Y. TAKEUCHI is Chief Research Engineer and Weldability mens of thicknesses varying continu-
R. TAKACI is Manager, Metallurgical Service Marangoni Flow ously from 2 to 5 mm (0.08 to 0.2 in.) as
Section, Daido Steel Co. Ltd., Nagoya, Japan. Penetration Shape shown in Fig. 2. These were used to mea-
T. SHINODA is Associate Professor, Mate- sure the surface tension of the molten
rial Processing Engineering Department,
pool as will be described later.
Nagoya, Japan.


variations in the surface tension of the
Table 1—Chemical Compositions of Base Metals (wt-%)
molten pool due to the presence of sul-
fur and bismuth. In order to measure the
Test plate Mn Ni Cr -\[
surface tension of the molten metal, a
Steel: A simple method suggested by Inagaki and
(AISI 304) 0.07 0.25 1.87 0.030 0.001 8.42 18.12 <0.01 0.032 Okada (Refs. 10, 11) was adopted. The
Steel: B principle of this method is shown in Fig.
(AISI 304) 0.02 0.26 1.75 0.034 0.030 8.29 18.83 <0.01 0.005 2. This procedure was a quite simplified
Steel: C
procedure to determine the surface ten-
(AISI 304Bi) 0.06 0.21 1.92 0.030 0.001 8.64 18.41 0.04 0.022
Steel: D sion as compared to conventional meth-
(AISI 304Bi) 0.07 0.20 1.93 0.028 0.001 8.44 18.33 0.12 0.032 ods of levitated droplet or contact angle,
Steel: E if some experimental errors are permit-
(AISI 304Bi) 0.07 0.20 1.91 0.029 0.001 8.47 18.24 0.14 0.024 ted.
Using a tapered specimen, GTA
welding was done from the thicker to-
Table 2—Welding Parameters ward the thinner end. As the welding
proceeded, melt through occurred at
Electrode-Base thicknesses lower than a certain critical
Metal Distance Welding Speec Shielding Gas thickness. If t m a x is the critical thickness
Welding Procedure Weldin g Current (A) (mm) (cm/min) (L/min) for occurrence of melt through, it is pos-
CTAW spot 150 3 0 Ar 10 sible, by considering the equilibration
arc time forces acting on the molten metal, to de-
8s termine its surface tension, through the
Bead-on- plate following equation (Refs. 10-13):
(9 or 14 mm thick) 100- 3 10-50 Ar 10
(Tapered plate) 200 3 10-50 Ar 10 4.3xlxE
7= (1)
t _ x VVs
Welding Conditions mens in order to study the effect of bis-
muth content on the weld diameter and where, y = surface tension (dyne/cm),
Gas tungsten arc bead-on-plate weld- joint penetration shape. For this series t m a x = critical thickness for occurrence
ing was performed on specimens w i t h of experiments, the welding current and of melt through (mm), I = welding cur-
varying bismuth contents, and the bead arc time were kept constant at 150 A and rent (A), E = arc voltage (V), and Vs =
width, weld penetration shape and the 8 s, respectively. The weld diameter and welding speed (cm/min).
state of bead formation were observed. penetration shape were observed by sec- As a reference experiment, surface
The GTA welding equipment used con- tioning the welds. tension was determined using commer-
sisted of a 300-A thyristor power source
cial high-purity iron plates. The mea-
connected to a GTA welding torch, Bead-on-Plate Welding Experiments sured surface tension was 1500 nM/m
w h i c h was mounted on a fully auto-
at 14 kj/cm heat input by this tapered
mated welding robot. A 2.4-mm (0.09-
The welding conditions for the bead- plate test. This value might be slightly
in.) diameter thoriated tungsten elec-
on-plate w e l d i n g experiments were smaller than published data caused by
trode (2% Th) was used, and the elec-
mentioned earlier. The effect of bismuth purity change during experiments.
trode-to-work distance was maintained
on bead formation was studied by com-
constant at 3 mm (0.1 2 in.). The shield-
paring the bead appearances and weld
ing gas was argon, flowing at 1 0 L/min Results of Arc Spot Welding Experiments
penetration shapes of bead cross-sec-
(4.7 ft 3 /h). The welding current was var-
ied from 100 to 200 A, and the welding The external appearances and the
speed from 10 to 50 cm/min (4 to 20 cross-sections of arc spot welds made
Measurement of Surface Tension
in./min) as shown in Table 2. on Steel A (no bismuth additions) and
The variations in weld geometry, par- on bismuth-containing Steels C, D and
Arc Spot Welding Experiments ticularly the aspect ratio (i.e., weld pen- E are illustrated in Fig. 3. The aspect
etration/bead width) observed in the arc ratio, defined as the ratio of the joint
With the GTA torch held stationary, spot and bead-on-plate experiments, penetration depth to the spot w e l d d i -
arc spot welds were made on the speci- suggested that these may be caused by ameter, is also shown for each case.

Tungsten electrode(02.4)
Test plate ( AISI304BI. AISI304)

150-"^ Test plate(AISI304Bi, AISI304)


C 9mm or 14 mm thick test piece 51

Fig. I — CTAWprecedure for bead-on-plate experiments. Fig. 2 — GTAW procedure for weld pool surface tension measure-
ment using tapered test specimen.

284-s I A U G U S T 1992
In the case of Steel A, the weld is a
shallow, peripheral penetration type of
Bi content
Bead appearance Cross section of nugget
( w t %)
weld where the penetration is somewhat
deep toward the outer periphery of the
w e l d . In the case of Steels C, D and E
containing bismuth additions, deep pen-
Steel A
etration welds (i.e., the so-called simple
penetration welds with a convexity at 0.00
the bead bottom) are obtained. In these
cases, the spot weld diameter tends to (0.14)
become smaller. The value of the aspect
ratio was 0.19 for Steel A not contain-
ing bismuth, compared to 0.46 for Steel
C with 0.04% bismuth. Steels C and D,
containing 0.1 2 to 0.14% bismuth, had
aspect ratio between 0.62 and 0.64.
Steel C
Thus, it can be recognized that the as-
pect ratio increases with increasing bis- 0.04
muth content.
Results of Bead-on-Plate Welding

The effect of sulfur and bismuth on

weld bead formation was studied by per-
forming bead-on-plate welding on the Steel D
9- or 1 5-mm-thick specimens and com-
paring the bead appearances and bead 0.12
cross-sections. The welding current was
varied from 150 to 200 A, and the weld- (0.62)
ing speed from 1 0 to 50 cm/min. Figure
4 is an example of the results obtained.
Figure 4A shows the cross-sections of
nfc'iiv: :
welds made with a w e l d i n g current of
1 50 A and a welding speed of 1 5 cm/min
(6 in./min) on specially prepared thin- Steel E
plate specimens of only 4.5 mm (0.2 in.)
thickness. In the case of Steel A without 0.14
bismuth, a peripheral penetration type
weld is observed similar to the arc spot (0.6 4)
weld mentioned earlier. In contrast, steel
C, containing 0.04% bismuth, shows
complete penetration, and the bead
width can be observed to have become Fig. 3 — Bead appearance and macrosection of GTA spot welded AISI 304 stainless steels with
extremely narrow. various Bi contents. Note: () indicates the aspect ratio defined as the ratio of penetration depth
The bead appearances and bead to bead width.
cross-sections of welds made on 1 5-mm
(0.6-in.) thick specimens with a w e l d -
ing current of 1 50 to 200 A at a w e l d - dency for irregular bead formation was Figure 5 illustrates the effect of bis-
ing speed of 20 cm/min (8 in./min) are seen in the case of the steels with higher muth content on the weld geometries of
illustrated in Fig. 4B. Here too, the trend bismuth contents. bead-on-plate welds. As shown in Fig.
is similar to that seen in Fig. 4A, w i t h When the appearances of the beads 5A, bismuth addition causes the bead
the bismuth-containing steels C, D and shown in Fig. 4B are compared, it is seen width to become narrower by 2 to 3 mm
E showing deeper joint penetration (i.e., that the bismuth-free steel forms a very at a welding speed of 20 c m / m i n . A l -
larger aspect ratio) than the bismuth-free stable, smooth and symmetrical bead though the bead widths increase with
heat A. without undercuts. In the steel with increasing welding current, the amount
The aspect ratio is 0.19 for Steel A 0.04% bismuth, the bead ripples show of increase is similar in both bismuth-
compared with 0.3 or higher for Steels a tendency to become slightly more free and bismuth-added steels. In other
C, D and E. Since the states of heat con- coarse, but there are no visually observ- words, the bead widths increase by
duction are different, it is not possible able discontinuities. However, in the about 2.5 to 3mm (0.1 to 0.1 2 in.) per
to compare the results of arc spot weld- case of Steels D and E containing more 100 A increase in welding current. As
ing directly with those of bead-on-plate than 0.12% bismuth, the arc tends to for the soundness of the weld bead, it
welding. However, it is seen that the de- wander, and nonsymmetrical, unsound was observed that bismuth additions re-
pendency of aspect ratio on bismuth beads with humping and undercuts were sulted in a tendency for humping to
content shows a similar trend in both obtained. Also, due to exposure of the occur at high currents and high welding
types of welds. Although this trend was "dry" surface at the bottom of the crater speeds.
observed to persist in general even when by the arc, tunnel type pipe defects are
Figure 5B-C shows the crater geome-
the welding speed was increased to 40 formed as illustrated in the figure (Ref.
14). tries. W i t h a welding current of 200 A,
cm/min (1 6 in./min), an increasing ten- bismuth addition causes the crater


Steel plate Cross section of weld bead

(A) AISI304

(C) A I S I 3 0 4 B I

Fig. 4 — A —Macrosection of GTA bead-on-plate weld illustrating the effect of Bi on the weld joint penetration shape in AISI 304 steel. 150 A,
15 cm/min; B — bead appearance and macrosection of GTA bead-on-plate welds using 304 stainless steel with various Bi contents. Note: () in-
dicates the aspect ratio defined as the ratio of penetration depth and bead width.

A) length L to increase. T h e h e i g h t of w e l d
m e t a l f r o m t h e crater b o t t o m is also i n -
. o304 creased. Observation of the flow of
G (20cm/min)
molten metal during w e l d i n g indicated
G o 304
^Ocm/min) that b i s m u t h a d d i t i o n causes the m o l t e n
metal w e t t i n g t h e surface at t h e b o t t o m
o f t h e c r a t e r t o be s u c k e d b a c k t o w a r d
(20cm min)
t h e rear o f t h e c r a t e r , t h u s p e r i o d i c a l l y
ID e x p o s i n g a " d r y " crater b o t t o m d i r e c t l y
m G 5 Good bead to the w e l d i n g arc. T h r o u g h observa-
H '. H u m p i n g bead t i o n s of the b e a d f o r m a t i o n process, the
(50 c m / m i n )
f l o w of m o l t e n metal d u r i n g w e l d i n g has
100 150 200
b e e n d e t e r m i n e d as i l l u s t r a t e d i n t h e
Welding c u r r e n t ( A m p . ) d r a w i n g s s h o w n in Fig. 6.
In b i s m u t h - f r e e AISI 3 0 4 steel, a c o n -
duction type, a peripheral penetration
weld with shallow joint penetration
d e p t h is o b t a i n e d , a n d t h e r e is a t e n -
d e n c y for the bead w i d t h to b e c o m e
large. O n the o t h e r h a n d , in steels w i t h
b i s m u t h a d d i t i o n s , t h e m o l t e n m e t a l is
s u c k e d b a c k t o w a r d t h e rear o f the
crater, exposing solid metal to the arc.
In a d d i t i o n , this m o l t e n m e t a l f l o w digs
i n t o t h e base m e t a l , c a u s i n g t h e j o i n t
penetration to become deeper and the
bead w i d t h to become narrower. The
f l o w o f m o l t e n m e t a l t o w a r d t h e rear o f
the crater a n d e x p o s u r e o f t h e s o l i d sur-
304 304Bi i 304 304Bi
f a c e t o t h e arc is w e l l k n o w n to c a u s e
Test plate Test plate
h u m p i n g a n d other irregularities in b e a d
Fig- > — Effect of Bi contents on weld bead geometries. A - Bead width; B — length of crater; f o r m a t i o n (Ref. 15).
C- height of weld metal.

286-s I A U G U S T 1992
Measurement of Surface Tension Welding direction
Using Tapered Specimens

W e l d i n g was performed on the ta-

pered specimens illustrated in Fig. 2
using a constant welding current of 200
A, with the welding speed varied to ob-
tain heat inputs in the range 10 to 20
kj/cm (4 to 8 kj/in.), and the critical thick-
ness for occurrence of melt through was
measured. The effect of sulfur content
on the surface tension is shown in Fig.
Longitudinal sections
7. In the steel containing 0 . 0 0 1 % sulfur,
the surface tension, w h i c h is 1170
dyne/cm at low heat input (12 kj/cm),
decreases to 1000 dyne/cm when the
heat input is increased to 20 kj/cm. If it
is assumed that the w e l d heat input is
nearly proportional to the temperature
of the molten pool, this result indicates Wide Narrow
that the surface tension decreases with
increasing temperature of the molten
pool. This tendency was observed to be
reversed in Steel B with high sulfur con-
tent (0.03%). In this steel, the surface
tension was found to increase with in-
creasing temperature. The tendency of
surface tension from this method shows
the same as published data on the effect
of sulfur.
(a) A I S I 304 (b) A I S I 3 0 4
It has been made clear in numerous
w i t h o u t Bi w i t h Bi
previous studies (Ref. 8) that the effect
of additions of certain elements to iron-
based metals can result in a negative sur- Transverse sections
face tension temperature coefficient, as Fig. 6 — Schematics illustrating weld bead formation in Ihe case of steels with Bi (right) and
in the case of aluminum additions, or in without Bi (left).


E 1200 .. A (0.001%s)


800 B (0.030%s)

12 14 16 1! 20
Welding heat input (KJ/cm)
Fig. 7 — Effect of sulfur content on surface tension characteristics of Fig. 8 — Relationship between temperature coefficient of surfaceten-
GTA weld metal. sion and representative fluid flows in weld metal.




1000 Fig. 9 — Top left: Effect of Bi content on surface

tension characteristics of GTA weld metal.
Fig. 10 — Lower left: Effect of Bi content on sur-
(fl 800 •(.12Bi)D face tension characteristics of GTA weld metal
under a heat input of 14 kj/cm.

Fig. 11 — Below: Summary of weld bead forma-

600 J i_ tion with Bi in AISI 304 stainless steel.
12 14 16 18 20
Welding heat input (KJ/cm)
^^~----^Test plate
1600 AISI 304 AISI 304 Bi

Surface tension Cr) large smal 1

| 1400
dH d
< 'dT) negative positive

1200 Wettabitity good bad

R ipple on bead fine rough

1000 movement of molten DOOI

Bead appearance
800 wide * narrow
wet dry
600 1 shallow * deep
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200
Cross section ^Mtr
Bi content (wt%)
a positive surface tension temperature heat input of 14 kj/cm is shown in Fig. face tension is large. Near the fusion line
coefficient, as in the case of sulfur or se- 10. The addition of only 0.04% bismuth where the temperature is lower, the sur-
lenium additions. These trends are to SUS 304 steel causes the surface ten- face tension is small. Because of this,
shown schematically in the lower part sion to be reduced by about 30% to 1100 the distinctive Marangonian convective
of Fig. 8. dyne/cm. These results indicate that the flow (Refs. 18, 19) shown in the upper
The values for the surface tension ob- surface activity of bismuth is the same or part of Fig. 8 occurs, and a deep pene-
tained in this study seem adequately ac- slightly lower than that of sulfur. tration weld results.
curate even when compared to the data Considering the results of surface ten- This trend is quite clearly observable
obtained by Heiple (Refs. 1 6, 1 7) or Kou sion measurements together w i t h the in the arc spot welding series experi-
(Ref. 1 8) using iron-sulfur binary alloys. results of the bead-on-plate experiments, ments (Fig. 3) as well as in the bead-on-
Thus, if a certain amount of error could the effect of bismuth could be explained plate welding experiments (Fig. 4). With
be tolerated, the method used in this in the following manner: respect to the effect of surface tension
study is a simple and effective method As shown in Fig. 6 and also in the on irregular bead formation, the addi-
of measuring the surface tension of upper part of Fig. 8, since the surface tion of a surface active element causes,
molten metals. tension of the high-temperature portion as shown in Fig. 5, a flow of metal to
Figure 9 shows the results pertaining of the pool directly under the arc is lower occur in the longitudinal direction of the
to the bismuth-containing steels. When than that of lower temperature regions bead toward the center of the molten
the heat input is 1 3 kj/cm, the surface near the edges of the w e l d , the molten pool where the temperature is high and
tension of 1 200 dyne/cm to the bismuth- metal near the pool surface tends to flow the surface tension is large. As a result,
free steel, decreases significantly to 800 toward the center of the weld. In addi- the molten metal at the crater bottom is
to 900 dyne/cm for bismuth-doped stain- tion, in the low-temperature regions, the sucked back, exposing dry solid metal
less steels. However, this value does not molten metal has high fluidity. There- to the arc. This is believed to be the
change significantly with the amount of fore, the bead width becomes small, the cause of irregular bead formation.
bismuth addition levels. When the heat joint penetration becomes deep and the Figure 11 summarizes the effect of
input becomes greater (19 kj/cm), the bead tends to swell up. This tendency is bismuth on the CTA weldability of stain-
surface tension is about 1 000 dyne/cm, clear in the photograph of the macro- less steel. The addition of bismuth to AISI
irrespective of whether bismuth is pre- section illustrated in Fig. 4. 304 steel causes a reduction in the sur-
sent or not. Thus, bismuth additions re- Let us consider the molten metal flow face tension and also causes the temper-
sult in a positive surface tension temper- across the bead cross-section in the case ature coefficient of surface tension dy/dT
ature coefficient, which is similar to the when the surface tension is character- to change from negative to positive. As
effect of sulfur shown in Fig. 7. ized by a positive temperature a consequence of this, the bead ripples
The effect of bismuth content on the coefficient. In the center of the weld do not become coarse at low welding
surface tension characteristics under a where the temperature is high, the sur- speeds.

288-s I A U G U S T 1992
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a d d i t i o n of b i s m u t h results in a p o s i t i v e
6. M i z u k a m i , H., Nagakura, Y., and etry. We/d/ng7ourna/54(6):163-sto 169-s.
temperature coefficient of surface t e n -
Kusukawa, K. 1 989. Effect of surface active 16. Heiple, C. R., and Burgardt, P. 1985.
sion and causes t h e surface t e n s i o n t o element on the initial solidification structure Effect of 502 shielding gas addition on GTA
increase w i t h increasing heat i n p u t . D u e of stainless steel ingot, journal of the Iron and weld shape. Welding Journal 54(6): 159-s to
to t h e a b o v e reasons, d e e p j o i n t p e n e - Steel Institute of Japan 75(8):1308-1 315 162-s.
t r a t i o n o c c u r s a n d t h e r e is a t e n d e n c y 7. Heiple.C. R., RoperJ. R„ Stagner,R. T., 1 7. Heiple, C. R., and Roper, J. R. 1 9 8 1 .
for irregular bead f o r m a t i o n . and Aden,R. ). 1983. Surface active element Effect of selenium on GTAW fusion zone ge-
B i s m u t h a d d i t i o n s o f 0 . 0 4 % or m o r e effect on the shape of GTA, laser and elec- ometry. Welding Journal 60(8) :143-1455.
cause the surface t e n s i o n of t h e m o l t e n tron beam w e l d i n g . Welding lournal 18. Kou, S. 1987. Welding Metallurgy.
62(3):72-s to 77-s John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 91-108.
steel t o d e c r e a s e r a p i d l y . A d d i t i o n s o f
8. Keene,B. J. 1 988. Review of data for 1 9. Pollard. B., 1988. The effect of minor
b i s m u t h o f u p t o 0 . 0 4 % has a s l i g h t l y
the surface tension of iron and its binary a l - elements on the w e l d i n g characteristics of
detrimental effect on bead f o r m a t i o n , loys. International Materials Reviews 33 stainless steel. Welding Journal 67(9): 202-s
b u t a d d i t i o n s o f 0.1 2 % o r m o r e results (1):1-37 to 213-s.

Recommended Practices in Elevated-Temperature Design: A Compendium of

Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987), Volume II—Preliminary Design and
Simplified Methods
WRC Bulletin 363
May 1991
Edited by A. K. Dhalla

The recommended practices for elevated-temperature design of liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR) have been
consolidated into four volumes to be published in four individual WRC bulletins.
Volume I: Current Status and Future Directions (WRC Bulletin 362)
Volume II: Preliminary Design and Simplified Methods (WRC Bulletin (363)
Volume III: Inelastic Analysis (WRC Bulletin 365)
Volume IV: Special Topics (WRC Bulletin 366)
In Volume II, preliminary design procedures are described that provided practical design and analysis guidelines for
specific structural design problems encountered in the past. Also included is a detailed discussion of simplified methods
to support both preliminary and final design evaluations.

Publication of this bulletin was sponsored by the Committee on Elevated Temperature Design of the Pressure Vessel
Research Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 363 is $40.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for U.S. and $10.00 for overseas,
postage and handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, Room 1301, 345 E. 47th
St., New York, NY 10017.


Recommended Practices in Elevated Temperature Design: A Compendium of
Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987), Volume IV — Special Topics

WRC Bulletin 366

August 1991

Edited by A. K. Dhalla

The recommended practices for elevated temperature design of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR) has been
consolidated into four volumes and is published in four individual WRC Bulletins.

Volume I — Current Status and Future Directions, in WRC Bulletin 362, April 1991
Volume II — Preliminary Design and Simplified Methods, in WRC Bulletin 363, May 1991
Volume III — Inelastic Analysis, in WRC Bulletin 365, July 1991
Volume IV — Special Topics, in WRC Bulletin 366, August 1991

In Volume IV, WRC Bulletin 366, special topics such as, fracture mechanics, nonlinear collapse stress classification of
structural discontinuity stresses, and high-temperature design as practiced in Germany are discussed. Flaw evaluation
(fracture mechanics) procedures are recommended to supplement the design codes which assume perfect, defect-free
structures. The fracture mechanics methods have been extended into the plastic and creep regimes.
Publication of this Bulletin was sponsored by the Committee on Elevated Temperature of the Pressure Vessel Research
Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 366 is $40.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for U.S. and $10.00 for overseas, postage and
handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, Room 1301, 345 E. 47th St., New York,
NY 10017.

Guidelines for Flow-Induced Vibration Prevention in Heat Exchangers

By J. B. Sandifer

WRC Bulletin 372

May 1992

The purpose of this report is to provide the infrequent user of flow-induced vibration (FIV) with enough background that
he can effectively use the appropriate standard, design simple heat exchangers that are free of vibration, and effectively
investigate FIV problems that arise.

Publication of this report was sponsored by the Committee on Dynamic Analysis and Testing of the Pressure Vessel Re-
search Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 372 is $40.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for U.S. and $10.00 for overseas, postage
and handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, Room 1301, 345 E. 47th St., New
York, NY 10017.

290-s I AUGUST 1992

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