Me 311 Plates Compilation Danreb Perit

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A counter flow heat exchanger is designed

to heat fuel oil from 30°C to 90°C while the
Name: DANREB PERIT heating fluid enters at 140°C at 105°C.
Date: 12/19/2022 Determine the arithmetic mean
temperature difference.
INSTRUCTION: Show the necessary solution. a. 72.5 Co b. 62.5 Co
c. 45.5 C o
d. 67.5 Co
1. A 16 cm thick wall has a thermal 7. A heat exchanger has an overall coefficient of
conductivity of heat transfer of 0.50 KW/m2-Co. Heat loss is
5 W/m-°K. If inside and outside surface 11 KW and the mean temperature
temperature of the wall are 200°C difference is 15Co. What is the heat
and 20°C, respectively. Determine the heat transfer are in ft2?
transmitted. a. 51.80 ft2 b. 37.30 ft2
a. 5.67 kW/m2 b. 4.68 kW/m2 c. 56.80 ft 2
d. 15.80 ft2
c. 8.87 kW/m2 d. 6.87 kW/m2 8. Brine enters a circulating brine cooler at the
2. Two walls of cold storage plant are composed rate of 60 m3/hr at -10°C and leaves at -16°C.
of an insulating material (k1 = 0.25 kJ/hr-m- Specific heat of brine is 1.072 kJ/kg-K and
°C), 100 mm thick at the outer layer and specific gravity of 1.1. Determine the tons of
material (k2 = 3.5 kJ/hr-m-°C), 15 cm thick at refrigeration.
a. 53.5 TR b. 65.3TR
inner layer. If the surface temperature at
c. 33.5 TR d. 44.5 TR
cold side is 30°C and hot side is 250°C, find
9. A heat exchanger has a hot gas temperature
the heat transmitted per square meter.
of 300°C and surface conductance on hot
a. 0.138 kW/m2
side is 200 W/m2-K. If heat transmitted is
b. 0.450 kW/m2
1000 W/m2, what is the surface temperature
c. 0.025 kW/m2
on the wall at hot side?
d. 0.065 kW/m2
a. 295°C b. 465°C
3. Sea water for cooling enters a condenser at
c. 234°C d. 354°C
27°C and leaves at 37°C. The condenser
10. A heat exchanger is to be designed for the
temperature is 45°C, what is the log mean
following specifications:
temperature difference?
Hot gas temperature, 1145°C
a. 50.65°C b. 12.33°C
Cold gas temperature is 45°C
c. 37.82°C d. 80.54°C
Unit surface conductance on the
4. Determine the thermal conductivity of a
hot side, 230 W/m2-K
material that uses a 2 m2 test panel, 25 mm
Unit surface conductance on the
thick with a temperature difference of 10.8°F
cold side, 290 W/m2-K
between the surfaces. During the 5 hours test
Thermal conductivity of the metal wall, 115
period, the heat transmitted is 200 kJ.
a. 0.045 W/m-°K
K. Find the maximum thickness of metal
b. 0.560 W/m-°K
wall between the hot gas and cold gas, so
c. 0.023 W/m-°K
that the maximum temperature of the wall
d. 0.370 W/m-°K
does not exceed 545°C.
5. A steam pipe having a surface temperature
a. 10 mm b. 30 mm
c. 20 mm d. 40 mm
200 °C passes through a room where the
11. A wall is made of firebricks 6 inches thick and
temperature is 27°C. The outside diameter of
has a 50Co difference in temperature both
pipe is 80 mm and emissivity factor is 0.8
sides. Calculate the heat transferred through
Calculate the radiated heat loss for 3 m
the wall if the thermal conductivity of the
pipe length.
bricks is 0.65 Btu/hr.ft.Fo.
a. 1434.47 W b. 2746.35 W
a. 185 W/m2 b. 245 W/m2
c. 2756.57 W d. 3546.45 W
c. 369 W/m2 d. 467 W/m2
12. Compute the amount of heat flow per
second through an iron plate 2 cm thick
and area of
5,000 cm2 if one face has a temperature of 310oF. Assuming that the hot fluid enters at
150oC and the other face is 140 oC? The 500oF and
thermal conductivity of iron is 80 W/m.K?
a. 30 kW b. 40 kW
c. 20 kW d. 10 kW
13. Calculate the quantity of heat conducted
per minute through a duralumin circular
disc 127 mm diameter and 19 mm thick
when the temperature drop across the
thickness of the plate is 15oC. Take the
coefficient of thermal conductivity of
duralumin as 150 W/m.K.
a. 30 kJ b. 35 kJ
c. 40 kJ d. 45 kJ
14. A thin square plate, 10 cm on a side, is
heated in a blacksmiths forge temperature of
800oC. If the emissivity is 0.60, what is the
total rate of radiation of energy?
a. 900 W b. 700 W
c. 500 W d. 600 W
15. Hollow sphere has an outside radius of 1 m
and is made of polystyrene foam with a
thickness of
1 cm. A heat source inside keeps the inner
surface 5.20oC hotter than the outside
surface. How much power is produced by
the heat source? The thermal conductivity of
polystyrene foam is 0.033 W/m.Co.
a. 200 W b. 300 W
c. 216 W d. 316 W
16. A glass window has an area of 1.60 m2 and
a thickness of 4 mm. If one side is at a
temperature of 6.80oC and the other is at -
5oC, how much thermal energy flows
through the window in a time of 24 hours?
The thermal conductivity of glass is 1.89 x
10-4 kCal/m.s.Co.
a. 26,200 kCal
b. 40,700 kCal
c. 58,000 kCal
d. 77,100 kCal
17. A room is 10 ft long, 12 ft wide and 8 ft
high. The inside and outside temperatures
are 8oF and 65oF, respectively. Compute the
heat transmitted through the wall if the
coefficient of heat transmission is 0.12
a. 2,984.8 Btu b. 2,407.7 Btu
c. 1,204.7 Btu d. 987.67 Btu
18. A liquid to liquid counter-flow heat exchanger
is used to heat a cold fluid from 120oF to
leaves at 400oF, calculate the log mean 24. A diesel electric plant in one of the remote
temperature difference for the heat provinces in the south utilized diesel fuel with
exchanger. a
a. 132oF b. 332oF
c. 232oF d. 432oF
19. A small sphere has a radius of 1 cm and is
maintained at a temperature of 300oC.
Assuming it to be a black body surrounded
by empty space, compute the intensity of
radiation 3 m from the sphere.
a. 0.068 W/m2 b. 0.098 W/m2
c. 0.087 W/m2 d. 0.056 W/m2
20. A hollow cylinder of 2 m length has inner
and outer radius of 60 mm and 110 mm,
respectively. The inner surface and outer
surface temperatures of the cylinder are
270oC and 175oC. Determine the conduction
heat transfer through the cylinder
considering the thermal conductivity of 57
a. 104.6 kW b. 203.6 kW
c. 176.7 kW d. 243.4 kW
21. A 650 Bhp diesel engine uses fuel oil of 28°
API gravity, fuel consumption is 0.65lb/Bhp-
hr. Cost of fuel is P7.95 per liter. For
continuous operation, determine the cost of
fuel per day at 45°C.
a. P42,870.45 b. P42,070.45
c. P42,570.45 d. P42,170.45
22. A logging firm in Isabela operates a Diesel
Electric Plant to supply its electric energy
requirements. During a 24-hr period, the
plant consumed 250 gallons of fuel at 80°F
and produced 2700 kW- hrs. Industrial fuel
used is 30° API and was purchased at
P3.00/li at 60°F. Determine cost of fuel to
produce one
a. P3,043/
b. P4,043/
c. P1,043/
d. P2,043/
23.A logging firm in Isabela operates a Diesel
Electric Plant to supply its electric energy
requirements. During a 24-hr period, the
plant consumed 250 gallons of fuel at 80°F
and produced 2700 kW- hrs. Industrial fuel
used is 30° API and was purchased at
P3.00/li at 60°F. Determine the overall
thermal efficiency of the plant.
a. 26.08% b. 43.23%
c. 43.12% d. 18.46%
°API of 28 at 15.6°C. The plant consumes
680 liters of diesel fuel at 26.6°C in 24 hrs,
while the power generated for the same
period amounts to 1,980 kW-hrs. Determine
overall thermal efficiency of the plant.
a. 26.47% b. 12.34%
c. 23.45% d. 34.34%

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