MARCO CARREON - Photosynthesis - Webquest
MARCO CARREON - Photosynthesis - Webquest
MARCO CARREON - Photosynthesis - Webquest
❑ Right-click on the button that says, “Launch Interactive” and choose “Open in New Window” option.
c. The child:
2. a. What gas does the child provide for the plant to use? ________
b. What gas does the plant provide for the child to use? _______
c. Will the plant continue to produce this gas if the shade over the window is closed?
__________________________________________________________________ _______
3. According to this animation, what 3 main things does the plant need for photosynthesis to occur?
According to the reading, these molecules “do not come from the tap.” What two places do they come
(1) (2)
❑ Click on “next” and watch carefully. You may click on “replay” to watch this again.
b. From where does the cell get the energy to do this? ____________________
b. This gas enters through “holes” in the leaf. What are they called? ________________
❑ Click on “next”
11. Answer each of the following questions, and explain in your own words.
7. Now click on "The Facts" button and answer the following questions by reading the dialog between
Ms. Frizzle and Ms. Chlora.
a. What are the plant veins called which transport water?
b. What are the openings that allow carbon dioxide into the leaf?
Cellular Respiration:
Part I: Function and equation for respiration:
1. Click on the following links and use the information provided to write a definition of
cellular respiration in your own words.
• BioCoach: Cell Respiration
Where have you seen something like this equation before? Explain.
3. How does the equation for cellular respiration compare with the equation for
6. Draw a picture of the respiration site and label major parts on the
9. Click on the link and scroll down to fermentation. Under the photo, click “Read more.”
13. Why would an organism prefer aerobic respiration as opposed to anaerobic respiration
14. Click on the link and scroll down to fermentation. Under the photo, click “Read more.”
15. Give three ways that photosynthesis and respiration are dependent on one another.