Parenting Awareness Elsa and Sulia

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Parenting Awareness

Name ..............................................................................................
Identify a baby’s basic needs. Discuss the impact of having a baby on
younger parents.

1. What do you think is the best age to become a parent? Why?

`We think the best age to become a parent is between 28-30 because at this
age you will be old enough and mature enough to raise a child. At this point in
your life you will most likely be done with all your schooling and have a stable job
which would allow you to provide finically for your child.

2. Write the names of the following items:

Diaper Crib Baby Bottle Pacifier

Stroller Car seat Stroller Eating table

3. Make a list of objects that are essential for a newborn baby. How much would this
cost? Write the prices of the items and the total.

- Clothes $50 (per month due to change in size)

- Crib $300
- Stroller $1000
- Eating table $100
- Diapers $10 per pack
- Blankets $20 per blanket
- Pacificer $15
- Baby bottle $20
- Toys $100
- Baby food $100 per month
- Pumps $300
- Diaper bags $30
- Baby powder $10
- Baby bath tub $50
- Towels $20 per towel
- Shoes. $100
- Changing table $300
- vitamins $20
Total: 2,545

Make a flour baby.

Your task is to take good care of your new our baby as if it was your own child.

It needs:

• To have a face

• To be clothed

• To have some kind of protec ve carry case

• To be supervised at all mes – lockers are not acceptable child care

facili es.

• To be s mulated by interes ng ac vi es e.g. walks in the park, play

dates, read bed me stories etc.
If Social Services (your teacher) are informed that you are neglec ng your baby
egg, you be will summoned to a case mee ng held at a lunch or break me
where you will spend me learning about the consequences of neglect.

Identify responsibilities in looking after a baby.

1. Decide if your baby is a boy or a girl. Think of a name for the baby.
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2. Make your flour baby. Personalizer your flower baby.

3. Make a birth certificate for your baby and an

arrival announcement to put in the paper. Now take a
photo of yourself and your baby.

4. For a week you must take your baby everywhere you go. You must carry the
baby; you cannot carry the baby in a bag or leave it unattended. If you want to
do a sport activity or go out you must find a babysitter. You need to take photos
of you and your baby in different situations, at home, at college etc. If your
baby rips you can repair it with a sticking plaster

5. Discuss with a group and write down the difficulties you may face.
We may face difficulties with taking care of the baby because the baby will cry a
lot and probably keep us awake. We both have very busy lives so it may be
difficult to take care of the baby all the time. We don’t have very much
experience with taking care of kids so it may be stressful and challenging.
Reflect on the week with the flour babies. Make a wall display
about the flour baby project.

Complete the sentences given. Write neatly. Use proper punctuation.

1. When I was given the project to carry a flour baby, I thought that this would
be a fun challenge.

2. Before I began, I was most worried about killing my baby.

3. The experiences with my flour baby that felt like real life was when I had to
take my baby to every event of my day. This felt like real life because parents
always have to take care of their babies no matter where they are.

4. My favourite part of the flour baby week was taking pictures of my baby with
other people.

5. Now that it’s over, this is what I think about being a parent is really difficult
having to deal with the baby every second.
Identify financial, physical and emotional demands a baby makes
on parents.

1. Work in groups. Find out the cost for the following items:

Item Cost

A pram/ pushchair $1000

A pack of nappies $53 for a big packet

Formula milk $50 for 28 ounces

Baby shampoo $20

A pack of baby vests $30

A baby bath $70

A highchair $300

A changing mat $25

Total $1548

2. Which of the things in the chart would you need to buy every week? How
much would buying these things cost you in a month? In a year?

You need to buy milk, clothes, diapers. It would be $532 per month.

3. What physical needs does a baby have?

It need to be fed, bathed, changed, burped.

4. What emotional needs does a baby have?

The baby needs to be loved, nurtured, and cared for.

Lesson six

L.O. Identify a source of help for new parents. Identify a facility in the
local area which supports parents with young children.

1. Why do new parents need support?

New parents need support as they are unexperienced and new parents need
support because its a area of unknown.

2. Using the template below as an example make a poster showing where new
parents can get support.


Internet / parent groups

Parents and

3. Where can new parents find out about sources of support?

The internet, friends, family.

4. What questions may new parents have?

How do you change a diaper?

How to properly feed the baby?

How to make a baby stop crying?

How to burp a baby?

How much milk should you give a baby?

5. Make a leaflet advertising a local source of support for new parents. Include
the facilities and services it offers. The address and contact numbers.

Lesson 7

L.O. Identify a way that a parent can protect

a baby against an unsafe situation in the home.

1. Watch the slideshow and write down all the possible hazards in the home.

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2. Look at all the points highlighted in red. What could happen to the baby?

In the toilet the baby could slip and hurt themselves in the bath.

The baby could get electrocuted by the charging outlets in the room.

The baby could touch the stove and get burn in the kitchen.

The baby could fall into the fire place.

The baby could fall and trip in the stairs.


3. Use the baby catalogues and make a poster of you top 5 safety items. Give a
reason why you have chosen each one. Example: A stair gate stops the baby
falling down the stairs and hurting itself.

Lesson 8

L.O. Give an example of when a parent should seek medical advice about their
baby’s health.

When the baby is choking, has a cold or infection or rashes.

1. Look in the dictionary and write down the meaning of the following words
• a temperature (n): Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness expressed in terms of
any of several scales, including Fahrenheit and Celsius.

• instinct: a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a

particular way

• a fit (n) :of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required

• a rash (n) acting or done without careful consideration of the possible

consequences; impetuous.

• lethargic: affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.

• floppytending to flop or hang loosely.

2. Watch the video and write down when you should seek medical advice.

3. Discuss as a class different situations and decide what to do. Put results in a
chart, like the one below

Contact health Contact your G.P. Take baby to Call 999

visitor A&E

If your baby is If the baby has a If your baby If the baby is

showing irregular strange rash or breaks a bone or choking
signs and is strange lump. injures
If the baby can’t
lethargic. themselves very
badly or burn
themselves. If the baby is not

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