SWMS 01 - Container 5 Assembly

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Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018

Safe Work Method Statement

Section 1 – Job Details

Activity: Unpacking Container 5 SWMS #: 09 Principal Contractor (PC):

Company Name: Team UOW Australia-Dubai ABN: Address:

Company Address: SBRC, University of Wollongong, Australia Project Address:

Company Contact: Clayton McDowell Phone #: 0418 638 686 Project Manager (PM): CONTACT PH. #:

SWMS Approved by Employer / PCBU / Director / OWNER: Date SWMS provided to PC:

Name: Clayton McDowell PM Signature: Date:

Signature: Date: Hierarchy of Controls

Person/s responsible for ensuring compliance with SWMS: Clayton McDowell

Person/s responsible For reviewing the SWMS: Emily Ryan

Relevant workers consulted in the development, approval and communication of this
Name Signature Date
Luca Faidutti 26/09/2018

Laura Plocki
14/09/2018 Definitions

24/09/2018 ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Possible

James Roth RRF - Risk Reduction Factor
PF - Probability of failure of controls implemented
23/09/2018 100
Ross Prandalos RRF (for individual control) =
𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒 %
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑅𝑅𝐹
Residual risk =
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 1 𝑅𝑅𝐹 ×𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 2 𝑅𝑅𝐹 ×… ×𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 𝑁 𝑅𝑅𝐹

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Section 2 – Risk Matrix

Consequence level ➔ 6 5 4 3 2 1
More than 1 fatality Single fatality or Single injury with Single injury of up Single first aid
Health & safety or significant severe irreversible Single irreversible greater than 1 week to 1 week of job treatable injury
irreversible effects disability to one or disability. of job restrictions. restriction. without job
on 10’s of people. more people. restrictions.
Regional & long Large scale Extensive & medium Localized & medium Localized & short
term environmental environmental term environmental term environmental term environmental Localized & short
Environmental harm. Complete harm. Complete harm. Remediation harm to areas. harm. Minor term environmental
remediation remediation not possible but Remediation maybe remediation is harm.
impossible. practical or possible. difficult/expensive. difficult /expensive. required.
Production halted Production loss Production loss Production loss Production loss
Production loss Production halted ≤1500hrs &
>1500hrs >150hrs ≤150hrs & >50hrs ≤50hrs & >15hrs ≤15hrs & > 5hrs ≤5 hrs
>$5mil ≤$500k & >$100k ≤$100k & >$50k ≤$50k & >$10k ≤$10k
≤$5mil & >$500k
Likelihood  Risk Reduction Factor (RRF)
Certain (C)
More than 10 times a 10 100,000,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000
Almost Certain (AC) 1 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100
Once in a year
Likely (L) 0.5 5,000,000 500,000 50,000 5,000 500 50
Once in 5 years
Possible (P) 0.1 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10
Once in 10 years
Unlikely (U) 0.05 500,000 50,000 5,000 500 50 5
Once in 50 years
Very Unlikely (VU) 0.01 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1
Once in 100 years
Extremely Unlikely (EU)
Once in 1000 years 0.001 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 1

Risk region Management controls

Red (Residual RRF >100) Unacceptable / Intolerable Risk - Risk cannot be justified
Yellow (1 < Residual RFF ≤ 100) ALARP/Tolerable Risk - Tolerable only if cost is grossly disproportionate to the improvement gained
Green (Residual RRF ≤ 1) Broadly Acceptable Risk - Need to maintain assurance that Risk remains at this level.
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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Section 3 – Hazard Identification and Risk Control

Possible Safety or Responsible
Task / Activity Steps Environmental Hazards Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Officer
Task Wide Risks Heat Exposure: Sun burn, Wear sun protection – long sleeve shirt, long Health and Safety
dehydration, heat pants, safety helmet with brim, apply sun cream at 20% 5 Coordinator
exhaustion regular intervals
Take regular breaks in cool shady locations 20% 5 Health and Safety
10,000 Coordinator
Drink cool water regularly 20% 5 Health and Safety
Total RRF = 125
Residual = 80
Fatigue Take regular breaks 20% 5 Health and Safety
Stop work if fatigued 10% 5 Health and Safety
Refer to Fatigue Management Plan Health and Safety
10% 10
Total RRF = 250
Residual = 40
Dust Particulates in Eyes Wear safety glasses with side shields (wear safety Health and Safety
goggles during high winds/extreme dusty 5% 20 Coordinator
1,000 conditions)
Total RRF = 20
Residual = 50
Unauthorised Personnel on Unique hi-visibility clothing selected 10% 10 Health and Safety
Site Coordinator
Single site entry/exit point 5% 20 Health and Safety
100,000 Sign on/off sheet 20% 5 Health and Safety
All Team UOW personnel trained to identify and 10% 10 Health and Safety
escort unauthorised personnel from site Coordinator
Total RRF = 10,000
Residual = 10
Task 1: Hazard 1: Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Container Team
Unpacking Slips, Trips and Falls commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
Miscellaneous Items free of obstacles.
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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip Container Team
1,000 hazards. 1% 100 Leader
Wear safety boots at all times Container Team
1% 100 Leader
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Hazard 2: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Container Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Container Team
Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Container Team
10,000 pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Container Team
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 3: Wear Gloves provided Container Team
Manual Handling Cuts 1% 100 Leader
Check for sharp edges Container Team
1,000 50% 2 Leader
Total RRF= 200
Residual= 5
Hazard 4: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Container Team
moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
1,000 Wear protective gloves. Container Team
10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Task 2: Unsecure wall Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Container Team
modules from moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
shipping container 1,000 Wear protective gloves. Container Team
and place onto 10% 10 Leader
rollers. Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Hazard 2: Shifting load Ensure team communicates on all movements of 10% 5 Container Team
resulting in crushing injury load or straps. Leader
to decathlete Ensure hands and feet remain clear of areas that 1% 100 Container Team
could result in a crushing injury. Leader
Ensure all personnel nearby are wearing safety 20% 5 Container Team
boots and hard hats. Leader
Ensure there are enough team members to 20% 5 Container Team
balance the load prior to loosening of straps. Leader
Ensure load is secured to rolling skids (rubber feet, 1% 100 Container Team
bolted connection, or pallet jack) Leader
Total RRF= 1,250,000
Residual= 0.08
Hazard 3: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Container Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Container Team
10,000 Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Container Team
pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Container Team
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 4: Slips, trips and 1,000 Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Container Team
falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip 1% 100 Container Team
hazards. Leader
Wear safety boots at all times 1% 100 Container Team
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Task 3: Roll wall Hazard 1: Shifting load Ensure load is secured to rolling skids (rubber feet, 1% 100 Structural Team
module out of resulting in crushing injury bolted connection, or pallet jack) Leader
shipping container. Ensure team communicates on all movements of 10% 5 Structural Team
1,000,000 load. Leader
Have team positioned on all sides of module to 10% 10 Structural Team
monitor any sideways movement Leader
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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and/or 1% 100 Structural Team
module movements occurring. Leader
Ensure all personnel nearby are wearing safety 20% 5 Structural Team
boots and hard hats. Leader
Total RRF = 2,500,000
Residual = 0.4
Hazard 2: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Structural Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Structural Team
Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Structural Team
10,000 pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 3: Slips, trips and Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Structural Team
falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip 1% 100 Structural Team
1,000 hazards. Leader
Wear safety boots at all times 1% 100 Structural Team
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Task 4: Attach lifting Hazard 1: Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
points to wall module Pinch Points moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
and connect to crane. Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
1,000 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Moving crane Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
touches person and causes Leader
harm Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
1,000,000 Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any 10% 10 Structural Team
movement occurring. Leader
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 5
Task 5: Lift wall Hazard 1: Crush or pinching Ensure no one is under or within swinging 10% 10 Structural Team
module with crane from suspended loads distance of the suspended load. Leader
and disconnect roller Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
skids Leader
Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any Structural Team
movement occurring. 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.5
Hazard 2: Pinch Points 1,000 Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 3: Damaged Ticketed rigger to inspect equipment before and 0.01% 10,000 Structural Team
equipment fails resulting in 1,000,000 after use. Leader
harm Total RRF= 10,000
Residual= 100
Hazard 4: Slips, trips and Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Structural Team
falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip 1% 100 Structural Team
1,000 hazards. Leader
Wear safety boots at all times 1% 100 Structural Team
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Task 6: Rotate wall Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
module using crane moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
1,000 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Manual Handling Wear Gloves provided 1% 100 Structural Team
Cuts Leader
Check for sharp edges Structural Team
1,000 50% 2 Leader
Total RRF= 200
Residual= 5
Hazard 3: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Structural Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Structural Team
Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Structural Team
10,000 pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 4: Crush or pinching Ensure no one is under or within swinging 10% 10 Structural Team
from suspended loads distance of the suspended load. Leader
Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any Structural Team
movement occurring. 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.5

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Hazard 5: Damaged Ticketed rigger to inspect equipment before and 0.01% 10,000 Structural Team
equipment fails resulting in 1,000,000 after use. Leader
harm Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Task 7: Using crane Hazard 1: Crush or pinching Ensure no one is under or within swinging 10% 10 Structural Team
manoeuvre wall from suspended loads distance of the suspended load. Leader
module into final Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
position. Leader
Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any 10% 10 Structural Team
movement occurring. Leader
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.5
Hazard 2: Crane connects Ensure that work area is clear of all overhead 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
with foreign object such as objects. Leader
electrical cable causing Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
harm. 100,000 Leader
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.1
Task 8: Bolt wall Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
module to floor moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
1,000 Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Manual Handling Wear Gloves provided 1% 100 Structural Team
Cuts Leader
1,000 Check for sharp edges 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200
Residual= 5
10,000 Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Structural Team

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Hazard 3: Manual handling Take turns in task and have regular breaks. 1% 100 Structural Team
strain injury (working under Leader
floors) Total RRF= 1,000
Residual= 10
Hazard 4: Shifting wall Load is secured to floor preventing collapse of 0.01% 10,000 Structural Team
modules 100,000 wall. Leader
Total RRF= 10,000
Residual= 10
Task 9: Detach lifting Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all 10% 10 Structural Team
points from wall moving parts always. Leader
module and 1,000 Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
disconnect crane. 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Moving crane Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
touches person and causes Leader
harm Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
1,000,000 Communicate with crane operator and appropriate 10% 10 Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any Structural Team
movement occurring. 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 5
Task 10: Unsecure Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
roof modules from moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
shipping container 1,000 Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
and place onto 10% 10 Leader
rollers. Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Shifting load Ensure team communicates on all movements of 10% 5 Structural Team
resulting in crushing injury load or straps. Leader
to decathlete Ensure hands and feet remain clear of areas that 1% 100 Structural Team
100,000 could result in a crushing injury. Leader
Ensure all personnel nearby are wearing safety 20% 5 Structural Team
boots and hard hats. Leader

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Ensure there are enough team members to 20% 5 Structural Team
balance the load prior to loosening of straps. Leader
Ensure load is secured to rolling skids (rubber feet, 1% 100 Structural Team
bolted connection, or pallet jack) Leader
Total RRF= 1,250,000
Residual= 0.08
Hazard 3: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Structural Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Structural Team
10,000 Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Structural Team
pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 4: Slips, trips and Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Structural Team
falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip Structural Team
1,000 hazards. 1% 100 Leader
Wear safety boots at all times 1% 100 Structural Team
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Task 11: Roll roof Hazard 1: Shifting load Ensure load is secured to rolling skids (rubber feet, 1% 100 Structural Team
module out of resulting in crushing injury bolted connection, or pallet jack) Leader
shipping container. Ensure team communicates on all movements of 10% 5 Structural Team
load. Leader
Have team positioned on all sides of module to 10% 10 Structural Team
monitor any sideways movement Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and/or 1% 100 Structural Team
module movements occurring. Leader
Ensure all personnel nearby are wearing safety 20% 5 Structural Team
boots and hard hats. Leader
Total RRF = 2,500,000
Residual = 0.4
SWMS NO: 09 16/10/2018 Page 11 of 23
Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Hazard 2: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Structural Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Structural Team
10,000 Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Structural Team
pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 3: Slips, trips and Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Structural Team
falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip 1% 100 Structural Team
1,000 hazards. Leader
Wear safety boots at all times 1% 100 Structural Team
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Task 12: Attach lifting Hazard 1: Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
points to roof module Pinch Points moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
and connect to crane. 1,000 Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Moving crane Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
touches person and causes Leader
harm Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
1,000,000 Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any 10% 10 Structural Team
movement occurring. Leader
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 5

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Task 13: Using crane, Hazard 1: Crush or pinching Ensure no one is under or within swinging 10% 10 Structural Team
manoeuvre roof from suspended loads distance of the suspended load. Leader
module into holding Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
position. Hold and Leader
float roof module Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
near adjacent roof Leader
module >300mm 1,000,000
Communicate with crane operator and appropriate 10% 10 Structural Team
from final resting personnel prior to all crane movements Leader
position Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any Structural Team
10% 10
movement occurring. Leader
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.5
Hazard 2: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
1,000 Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 3: Damaged 1,000,000 Ticketed rigger to inspect equipment before and 0.01% 10,000 Structural Team
equipment fails resulting in after use. Leader
harm Total RRF= 10,000
Residual= 100
Hazard 4: Slips, trips and Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Structural Team
falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip Structural Team
1,000 hazards. 1% 100 Leader
Wear safety boots at all times 1% 100 Structural Team
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Hazard 5: Crane connects Ensure that work area is clear of all overhead 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
with foreign object such as objects. Leader
electrical cable causing Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
harm. 100,000
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.1
SWMS NO: 09 16/10/2018 Page 13 of 23
Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Task 14: Connect Hazard 1: Crush or pinching Ensure load is rested onto walls prior to operating 10% 10 Structural Team
electrical terminals from suspended loads in area. Leader
and HVAC ducting Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane when any Structural Team
movement is occurring. 10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.5
Hazard 2: Falls from ladder. Use appropriate ladder (platform ladder) and 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
position ladder in suitable area. Leader
100,000 PPE – Safety boots to be worn at all times. 1% 100 Structural Team
Total RRF= 100,000
Residual= 1
Hazard 3: Damaged Ticketed rigger to inspect equipment before and 0.01% 10,000 Structural Team
equipment fails resulting in after use. Leader
harm 1,000,000 Total RRF= 10,000
Residual= 100
Task 15: Using crane, Hazard 1: Crush or pinching Ensure no one is under or within swinging 10% 10 Structural Team
manoeuvre roof from suspended loads distance of the suspended load. Leader
module into final Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
position. Leader
Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
Communicate with crane operator and appropriate 10% 10 Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any 10% 10 Structural Team
movement occurring. Leader
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.5
Hazard 2: Crane connects 100,000 Ensure that work area is clear of all overhead 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
with foreign object such as objects. Leader
SWMS NO: 09 16/10/2018 Page 14 of 23
Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
electrical cable causing Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
harm. Leader
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.1
Task 16: Bolt roof Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all Structural Team
module to supporting 1,000 moving parts always. 10% 10 Leader
walls Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
10% 10 Leader
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
Hazard 2: Manual Handling Wear Gloves provided Structural Team
Cuts 1% 100 Leader
1,000 Check for sharp edges 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200
Residual= 5
Hazard 3: Possible loud Use hearing protection when using or near drilling Structural Team
noise from use of impact activities and ensure nearby personnel use hearing 0.1% 1,000 Leader
drills. 1,000 protection.
Total RRF= 1000
Residual= 1
Hazard 4: Manual Handling Use appropriate manual handling techniques. 10% 10 Structural Team
Strain Injury Leader
Where required use multiple people to move loads 1% 100 Structural Team
10,000 Use assisted means of lifting where required, 1% 100 Structural Team
pinch bar, pallet jack, lever hoist etc. Leader
Take regular work breaks 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 200,000 Structural Team
Residual= 0.05 Leader
Task 17: Detach Hazard 1: Pinch Points Ensure hands and fingers remain clear of all 10% 10 Structural Team
lifting points from moving parts always. Leader
roof module and 1,000 Wear protective gloves. Structural Team
disconnect crane. 10% 10
Total RRF= 100
Residual= 10
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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Hazard 2: Moving crane Ticketed crane operator and rigger for lifts 0.1% 1,000 Structural Team
touches person and causes Leader
harm Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
1,000,000 Communicate with crane operator and appropriate Structural Team
personnel prior to all crane movements 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any 10% 10 Structural Team
movement occurring. Leader
Total RRF= 200,000
Residual= 5
Hazard 3: Ensure immediate work area is tidy prior to Structural Team
Slips, trips and falls. commencement of task and ground is safe and 1% 100 Leader
free of obstacles.
Plan your path and ensure area is clear of trip 1% 100 Structural Team
1,000 hazards. Leader
Wear safety boots at all times Structural Team
1% 100
Total RRF= 1,000,000
Residual= 0.001
Hazard 4: Slips and Falls Ensure ladder is in good working condition, that Structural Team
whilst accessing ladder. the ladder is mounted to the house at a 4:1 ratio 0.1% 1000 Leader
100,000 and access ladder is tied off.
Use safe practices when climbing ladder, 3 points 10% 10 Structural Team
of contact maintained at all times. Leader
Total RRF= 10,000
Residual= 10
Hazard 5: Ensure harness, fall arrestor, ropes etc. Are in good Structural Team
Slips and Falls whilst working order and are without tears, corrosion, or 1% 100 Leader
working on roof. 100,000 damaged stitching. All items must be inspected
prior to use.
Ensure harness is worn as per manufacturer’s 1% 100 Structural Team
recommendations. Leader
Ensure fall restraint system is setup to prevent the Structural Team
ability of walking over an edge. 10% 10 Leader
Ensure all personnel are clear of crane and any 10% 10 Structural Team
movement occurring. Leader

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Task / Activity Steps Possible Safety or Req. RRF Control Measures to Reduce risk PF Control RRF Responsible
Environmental Hazards Officer
Hard Hats worn by all nearby personnel 50% 2 Structural Team
Total RRF= 2,000,000
Residual= 0.05
Hazard 6: Wear Gloves provided Structural Team
Manual Handling Cuts 1% 100 Leader
1,000 Check for sharp edges Structural Team
50% 2 Leader
Total RRF= 200
Residual= 5

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Section 4 – Relevant Legislation, Standards, Codes of Practices and Specifications

Health and Safety Legislation
WHS Act 2011
WHS Regulation 2017

Applicable Standards:

Applicable Industry Codes of Practice:

DEWA Solar Decathlon 2018 - Health & Safety Rules
Safework NSW Code of Practice – Hazardous Manual Tasks – September 2016
Fall Arrest and Equipment & Suspension Trauma – Guidance - DEWA
SP-12 Occupational Health Procedure II – DEWA
SP-15 COSHH Procedure II - DEWA
SP-16 Welfare Wellbeing and Hygiene Procedure II - DEWA
SafeWork New South Wales Code of Practice – Construction Work – July 2014
SafeWork Australia – First Aid in the Workplace – July 2015
SafeWork Australia – WHS Consultation Cooperation and Coordination – December 2011
SafeWork New South Wales Code of Practice – Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces – April 2016
SafeWork New South Wales Code of Practice – Preventing Falls in Housing Construction – July 2014
SafeWork New South Wales – Guide for Unpacking Shipping Containers – October 2016
SP-02 Electrical Safe Working Procedure II - DEWA

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

SP-03 Mechanical Safe Working Procedure - DEWA

SafeWork New South Wales Code of Practice – Managing Electrical Risks – September 2016
SafeWork New South Wales Code of Practice – Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work – April 2016
Manufacturers / Suppliers Specifications:

SWMS NO: 09 16/10/2018 Page 19 of 23

Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Section 5 – Task Equipment and Qualification Summary

Required Personal Qualifications and Experience Personnel, Duties and Responsibilities

White Card
Team UOW Safety Induction
Ticketed Forklift Driver
Ticketed Crane Driver
Licensed Dogman and Rigger
Engineering Details/Certificates/WorkCover Approvals

List of Required PPE

Safety Glasses
Safety Boots
Long Sleeve Shirt
Long Pants
Brim for hardhat
Sun Cream
Ear muffs
List of Required Equipment
Socket Wrench

SWMS NO: 09 16/10/2018 Page 20 of 23

Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Section 6 – SWMS Induction Statement

SWMS INDUCTION STATEMENT - The following persons have been inducted into the work activities described in this SWMS.
I have read and understood the content of this SWMS.
I will work in accordance with this SWMS.
If deemed necessary to amend this SWMS I will consult with my immediate supervisor and assist where required in reviewing this SWMS.

Print Name Signature Date

SWMS NO: 09 16/10/2018 Page 21 of 23

Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Print Name Signature Date

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A
Team UOW Australia-Dubai – Desert Rose 2018
Safe Work Method Statement

Print Name Signature Date

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Created By: E.Ryan SWMS-09 - Rev: 0 Revised By: N/A
Approved By: C.McDowell Revision Approved By: N/A

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