Mapeh 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

NAME: ___________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________ SCORE:

Directions: Choose & encircle the letter of ARTS

the best answer.
8. This was regarded as the highest form of
MULTIPLE CHOICE Chinese painting.
A. Landscape painting
MUSIC B. Palaces and temples
C. Human figures
1.How is Japanese music described? D. Bamboos and stones
A. It is gentle and lyrical
B. It is meditative and highly ritualized 9. Chinese is known for being artistic. For
C. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful them, this is the art of beautiful handwriting.
D. It slow and melancholy A. Logographs C. Hieroglythics
B. Calligraphy D. Woodblock printing
2.What meter is used in the Japanese song
“Sakura”? 10. The goal of this art is to transform a flat
A. Quadruple Meter C. Triple Meter sheet of paper into a finished sculpture
B. Duple Meter D. Quadruple Meter through folding and sculpting technique without
cutting as much as possible.
3.How is “Arirang” song classified? A. Calligraphy C. Jianzhi
A. Farewell song C. Song for spring B. Origami D. Mundi
B. Love song D. Welcome song
11. Face painting: China; _________: Korea
4. Which Japanese instrument is called the A. mask painting C. kite making
“dragon flute”? B. knot tying D. kabuki
A. Shimobue C. Ryuteki
B. Hichiriki D. Shakuhachi 12. Japan is known for its paper folding. What
do you think is the kind of art forms does the
5. Which of the following is a folk song of picture given below represents?
A. Arirang C. Haegum
B. Mo Li hua D. Sakura

6. How is Korean music described?

A. It is gentle and lyrical
B. It is meditative and highly ritualized
C. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful
D. It slow and melancholy A.Knot tying C. Paper cuts
B. Origami D. Mask
7. What do you think is the musical
classification of the given instrument below? 13. Korean mask that indicates that the
character was born of an adulterous mother.
A. Dark faced mask
B. Half Red/Half White mask
C. Red mask
D. Blue mask

A.Aerophone C. Idiophone 14. Mask painting is originated in _________.

B. Chordophone D. Membranophone A. China C. Japan
B. India D. Korea
25. Which of the following choices below does
PHYSICAL EDUCATION NOT belong to the importance of dating?
A. It gives quality time to each other.
15. What to do after a team gains the serve? B. It gives us security
A. its members must rotate in a counter C. It limits to your social circle.
clockwise direction D. It strengthens the relationship.
B. its members must rotate in a clockwise
direction 26. Which of the following is an example of
C. its members must rotate in a any direction character that you should consider in choosing
D. none of the above a lifetime partner?
A. disrespectful and compassionate
16. How many contacts of each team to return B. irresponsible and loving
the ball to the opponent's side of the C. responsible and honest
net? D. unemployed
A. three C. five
B. two D. four 27. Why do people want to have children?
A. Children are considered wealth of parents.
17. What do you call a line 3 meters from and B. Religious institutions require it.
parallel to the net? C. Society expects couples to have offspring.
A. attack line C. boundary line D. Allows the couple to continue their growing
B. service line D. center line relationship.

18. Which is the act of scoring a point by 28. Why do people marry?
slamming the ball over the net into the A. For Economic Security
opposing court effectively and aggressively? C. For Social Status
A. blocking C. spiking B. For Love
B. service D. setting D. All of the Above

19. Which of the following is an overhand

contact of the ball? usually the second
contact in a rally.
A. service C. spike
B. setting D. blocking

20. The following are techniques in serving the

ball in Volleyball, except one.
A. Jump serve C. Underhand serve
B. Overhand serve D. Crossover serve

21. Which of the following is placed on each

side of the net perpendicular to the
sideline and is a vertical extension of the side
boundary of the court?
a. antennae C. boundary line
b. ball D. referee’s stand


22. What is a sacred ceremony which two

people involves in a lifelong commitment? Prepared by:
A. courtship C. engagement
B. dating D. marriage
23. What is a type of dating where two couples Subject Teacher – MAPEH 8
go on a date at the same time and place?
A. double date C. group date
B. friendship date D. standard date

24. Which of the following stage in life that you

are seeing someone with a specific purpose?
A. courtship C. engagement
B. dating D. marriage

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