Advertising Has Become Too Great An Influence On Young People

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“Advertising Has Become Too Great An Influence On Young People.”

When we buy any product or service, we like to feel that we decided to buy based on our desires.

However, this is not always the case. Most of the time we buy what has been intensively

advertised. This applies especially to young people. The influence that advertising has on them is

enormous, taking away from them most of their will and ability to make a good decision based

on some thought. We see this undue influence, especially on the way young people dress, the

things they ‘must have’, and even the food they eat.

Firstly, what young people wear is based to a great extent on what is advertised. Gone are the

inexpensive, traditional garbs that were good enough for our parents and grandparents. All it

takes is for a few advertisements on the mass media for young people to feel that they have to

dress in that way to look expensive. Taking advantage of this, the merchants sell garments made

of cheap materials, like cotton jeans, at any price they like. The demand creates the supply. That

they are paying more than the materials are worth is furthest from the young people’s minds. It

seems to be enough that they have the ‘latest’ and are in the crowd. Keeping up with the trend

can be very expensive, the merchants are constantly coming up with new goods –accompanied

by intensive advertising. The cost to indulgent parents can well be imagined. (Sohail, 2016).

Another effect of the ads is the tendency for young persons to own the latest gimmicks in town.

It is no more enough to own just a headphone. The latest headphone has to come with a series of

modern gadgets like a radio, a camera, and several other gadgets that have nothing to do with a

piece of communication equipment. When the headphone first appeared, it was just a convenient

hand-held communication link- a great boon. Nowadays, if one owns a headphone that just

makes and receives phone calls, one feels inferior. In addition to the headphone, there are also

several other gadgets-like portable CD players which young people just must have and compete

with each other to own the latest model. All this is the result of advertising.

Finally, what young people eat is also a result of the bad influence of advertisement.

Surprisingly, they gorge themselves on fast food, against all their better judgment, and against all

the good eating habits that they have been inculcated within the school. The result is obesity and

the host of ill-health that accompanies such food. There is also the matter of their not getting

enough nutrients and getting too many toxic substances. Little do they bother that the result will

be bad for their health and often create long-term or even permanent damage to their bodies. It

seems to be enough to be with the latest trend that is advertised intensely.

Of course, we should allow advertisers to create an awareness of their wares; but, what is

happening is that their intense advertising is creating problems for others. Is it wise to allow

them to continue filling their coffers to the disadvantage of young people and the money of their

hard-working parents? Perhaps it is time for the consumers, particularly young people, to wake

up to reality.

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