REVIEW Problem Set 2

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Civil Engineering Department
CE Review 1
1st Semester, SY: 2023 - 2024


Subject: Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Plane Geometry
Date: September 18, 2023

Instruction: Write your solutions in a clean sheet of bond paper and submit on the following week particularly
on Wednesday.

1. The sum of two angles is 1600 mils and their difference is 40 grads. Find the value of the bigger angle in
2. A hard disk in a computer rotates at 3600 revolutions per minute. Find the angular speed of the disk in
radians per seconds.
3. Find the complement of 10 degrees.
4. An airport runway is 3550 feet long and has an incline of 3°.
The airport planning committee plans to replace this runway
with a new runway, as shown in the following figure. The new
runway will be inclined at an angle of 2.2°. What will be the
length of the new runway?
5. An observer notes that the angle of elevation from point A to the top of a space shuttle is 27. 2°. From
point 17.5 meters further from the space shuttle, the angle of elevation is 23.9°. Find the height of the
space shuttle.
6. An aircraft is moving in the direction fifteen degrees south of west at 150 knots. Find the east – west and
north – south components of its velocity V to the nearest knots.
7. Two observers, in the same vertical plane and 30 feet apart, observe the kite at angles of 72 degrees
and 78 degrees, respectively. Find the height of the kite.
8. Find the sin⁡(arctan( ))

9. The bases of a parcel of land in the form of a trapezoid are 92.6m and 75.8m, respectively. The angle at
the extremities of the longer base is 72 degrees and 43 degrees, respectively. Find the perimeter of the
parcel of land.
10. If tan 𝜃 = 4/3 , and 𝜃 is an angle in the third quadrant, evaluate:
sin(180° + 𝜃) cos⁡(360° − 𝜃)
sec⁡(270° + 𝜃) csc⁡(90° + 𝜃)
(11-13) SITUATION: A mass of 2 kg is in equilibrium suspended from a spring with a spring constant of k=18
N/m. The mass is pulled down 0.5cm unit and released.
11. Find the period.
12. Find the frequency.
13. Find the amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion.
14. Find the period of the trigonometric function 𝑦 = 2 sin(2𝑥 − 4) + 3.
15. 𝐴 = 47°16′50", 𝑎 = 0.20633, 𝑏 = 0.70812. How many triangles can be constructed?
16. A surveyor made the measurements shown in the figure to measure the
distance “d” across a lake. Find the distance to the nearest meter.
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Civil Engineering Department
CE Review 1
1st Semester, SY: 2023 - 2024

17. Use the distances shown in the following figure to determine the
depth of the submarine below the surface of the water. Assume that
the line segment between the surface ships is directly above the
18. If boat “A” heads in an easterly direction at 20 knots and boat “B” heads in a south easterly direction at
30 knots, how far apart are the boats after 2 hours if it is assumed, they started from the same location?
19. A car travels from point “C” northward for one hour then eastward for half an hour, the shifted N 30°E. If
the constant speed of the car is 40 kph, how far directly from point “C” will it be after 2 hours?
20. A hot air balloon is observed from point “A” at 22.23 degrees angle of elevation and simultaneously from
a point “B” 1500 from “A” at 48.11 degrees elevation. Find the height of the balloon.
21. Towers A and B stand on a level ground. From the top of tower A which is 30 m high the angle of elevation
of the top of tower B is 48 degrees. From the same point, the angle of depression of the foot of tower B
is 26 degrees. What is the height of tower B in meters?
22. The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are each 24 centimeters. If each of the two equal angles
measures 52 degrees, find the length of the altitude.
23. The perimeter of triangle ABC = 180m. A=46.567, B=104.478, what is the dimension of the side opposite
the biggest angle?
24. From the top of a building, the angles of depression of points A and B are 21 degrees and 32 degrees
respectively. Points A and B are 100m apart and are of the same elevation as the foot of the building.
How high is the building?
25. A man wants to know the height of a statute in front of him. At point A, he then observed the angle of
elevation of the top of the statute. He then moves to point B 10m towards the statute. He again observed
the angle of elevation of the statute and noticed that the angle of elevation of the top of the statute at B
is twice that of A. He again moves to point C, 4m towards the statute. AT this point, he observed that the
angle of elevation of the top of the statute is thrice that of A. What is the height of the statute?
26. The angles of elevation of the top of a tower at two points 30m. and 80m. from the foot of the tower, on
a horizontal line, are complementary. What is the height of the tower?
27. In the spherical triangle 𝐴 = 120⁡𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠, 𝐵 = 135⁡𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠⁡𝑎𝑛𝑑⁡𝑐 = 30⁡𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠. What is C?
28. In the spherical triangle ABC, A=116°19’, B=55.5°and C=80°37’. Find the value of a.
29. Tokyo is located at 139°𝐸, 39°𝑁 while Manila is at 121°𝐸, 14°𝑁. Find the distance between the two cities
in Nautical Miles.
30. The coordinates of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, near Victoria, British Columbia, are Latitude
48°31.3′ 𝑁 Longitude 123°25.0′ 𝑊, and the coordinates of the David Dunlap Observatory, near Toronto,
Ontario, are Latitude 43°51.8′𝑁 Longitude 79°25.3′ 𝑊. How far is Toronto from Victoria? Express in
Nautical Miles.
31. Find the area of a triangle given three sides: a=7m, b=9m, and c=15m
32. A triangle has sides of 20m. and 28m. respectively. What is the third side of the triangle?
(33-40) SITUATION: The triangle has an area of 2000m^2. The sides are in the ratio 4:7:9.
33. Find the length of the shortest side.
34. Find the length of the angle bisector to the angle opposite the longest side.
35. Find the length of the median to the longest side.
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Civil Engineering Department
CE Review 1
1st Semester, SY: 2023 - 2024

36. Find the length of the altitude to the shortest side.

37. Determine the radius of the inscribed circle.
38. Determine the radius of the circumscribing circle.
39. Determine the radius of the escribed circle to the longest side.
40. Determine the ratio of the inradius and the circumradius.
(41-43) SITUATION: In triangle ABC, AB=20cm, AC=15cm, and A=60 degrees. Point A is on AB, while point
E is on AC; and DE||BC. If triangle ADE has an area that is 1/7 of triangle ABC.
41. Find the length of DE
42. Find the length of AD
43. Find the length of CE
44. In a right triangle, the bisector of the right angle divides the hypotenuse in the ratio of 3 is to 5. Determine
the measure of one of the acute angles of the triangle.
45. How much would the perimeter of a square be increased if its area is doubled?
46. Find the area of a right triangle whose sides measure x, 2x-1 and 2x+1.
47. In a right triangle ABC, the angle bisector of angle A intersects BC at D while the angle bisector of angle
B intersects AC at E. If angle CDA = 74 degrees while angle CEB is 53 degrees. Determine the angle
48. A line is drawn from point P to point O; where point P is along the line AB and O is along the line AC of
the triangular lot ABC. If AP:PB=3:1 and AO:OC=2:5. What is the proportion of the area of APO to ABC.
49. The distance from a point inside a square to its vertices are 3m, 4m, and 5m, consecutively. Determine
the length of the side of the square.
50. The perimeter of a rectangular lot is 80m. Find the area of the lot if the longer side is 10m longer than the
shorter side.
51. The length of the side of the rhombus is 5cm. If its shorter diagonal is of length is 6cm. What is the area
of the rhombus?
52. Determine the length of the longer diagonal of a parallelogram if the sides are 6m, and 8m, and the
included angle 60 degrees.
53. The diagonals of a parallelogram are 18 cm and 30 cm, respectively. One side of a parallelogram is 12
cm. Find the area of the parallelogram.
54. Given a parallelogram ABCD, if angle BAC = 45 degrees and angle ADC=120 degree, find the angle
55. The side of quadrilateral are 10m, 8m, 16m, and 20m, respectively. Two opposite interior angles have a
sum of 225 degrees. Find the area of the quadrilateral.
56. A lot has a frontage of 120m along the road. The other sides which are both perpendicular to the road
are 90m and 60m, respectively. It is desired to subdivide the lot into two by another perpendicular line to
the road such that the area of the lot that adjoins the 90m side equal to one – third of the whole area.
Find the length of the dividing line.
57. A quadrilateral having an area of 62 sq.m is inscribed in a circle. Three of its sides measure 15m, 7m,
and 13m, consecutively. Find the product of the diagonals of the quadrilateral.
58. Find the length of the common external tangents to two circle of radii 10 cm and 18 cm, if the distance
between their centers is 32cm.
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Civil Engineering Department
CE Review 1
1st Semester, SY: 2023 - 2024

59. One diagonal of a rhombus is 12m and its total area is 132 sq.m. What is the length of the side of the
60. The base angles of a trapezoid are 29 degrees and 75 degrees, respectively. If the to and bottom basses
of the trapezoid measure 86m and 147m, respectively, find the product of the diagonals.
61. Determine the area of a sector of a circle with radius of 8cm and a subtended angle of 80 degrees.
62. A chord of a circle divided the circle into two areas, with the smaller area be two – fifths of the larger area.
If the radius of the circle is 10 cm, find the smaller area.
63. Three circles are mutually tangent to one another extremely. Their centers are connected forming a
triangle whose sides are 16cm, 20cm and 24cm respectively. Find the area of the largest circle.
64. Chords AB and CD intersect each other at O inside the circle AO = 8cm, CO=12cm, and DO=20cm. If AB
is the diameter of the circle, compute the area of OCA.
65. The area if the circle is 89.42 sq.m units. What is the length of the side of a regular hexagon inscribed in
a circle.
(66-70) SITUATION: In the figure, EA=25cm, AC=13cm, BD=18cm, angle CED=21 degrees.

66. Determine the length of segment DE

67. Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD.
68. Find the radius of the circle.
69. Determine the measure of arc AB
70. Determine the measure of arc CD.
71. How many sides have a polygon if the sum of its interior angles equal to the sum of its exterior angle?
72. Find the area of the shaded region. The area of the square is 36 sq.m.

73. A polygon whose interior angles are all less than 180 degrees.
74. The sum of interior angles of a polygon is 540 degrees. Find the number of sides of the polygon.
75. For any polygon, the sum of all exterior angle is.
76. Polygons are named according to their numbers.
77. The apothem of a regular nonagon is 10m. Determine its area.
78. Find the area of the shaded region:
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Civil Engineering Department
CE Review 1
1st Semester, SY: 2023 - 2024

79. Solve for the radius of the circle shown. Dimensions are in cm.

(80-81) SITUATION: A point P is a point inside a square. This P is to be connected to the

midpoints of all sides, dividing the square into four areas, as shown in the figure. Given the
three areas shown in the figure:
80. Find the area of the fourth part indicated by the question mark sign.
81. Determine the length of the side of the square. 70 m^2

82. A Narra tree is located at the center of an elliptical track. A man that runs through this track observed that
he is 100m and 200m away at his nearest at farthest distance from the tree. Determine the approximate
distance travelled by the man after one revolution.
83. A trapezoid having an altitude of 100cm and upper base of 150cm and a lower base of 200cm is divided
into two parts by a line parallel to the bases. Determine the possible length of the dividing line parallel to
the bases if the area of the two parts is in ratio 3:7.
84. How many sides does a polygon have if it has 170 diagonals?
85. Find each interior angle measure of a quadrilateral if its interior angles are represented by 𝑥 + 10, 2𝑥 +
20, 3𝑥 − 50, 𝑎𝑛𝑑⁡2𝑥 − 20.
86. Determine the area of a regular octagon circumscribing a circle having an area of 126 m^2.
87. Find the area of decagon whose side is 10m.
88. In two regular polygons having the same number of sides, find the length of a side of the smaller if the
lengths of the apothems are 20 and 50 and a side of the larger has a length 32.5.
89. Two perpendicular chords divide a circle with a radius of 13cm into four parts. If the perpendicular
distances of both chords are 5cm each from the center of the circle, find the area of the smallest part.
90. The sum of interior angles of a polygon is 540 degrees. Find the number of sides of the polygon.
91. The area of a circle is 89.42 sq. units. What is the length of the side of a regular hexagon inscribed in a
92. Inside square ABCD is a semicircle whose diameter is the side AD of the latter. Line CE is drawn, which
is tangent to the semicircle. Find the length of CE if the side of the square is 2cm.
93. A triangle has two known sides, namely AB=40m, AC=60m. Point D is on line AB such that AD=25m.
Point E is on the line AC such that the area ADE is one third of the area of ABC. How far is E from A?
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Civil Engineering Department
CE Review 1
1st Semester, SY: 2023 - 2024

10𝜋 𝜋
94. The function of 𝑏𝑝(𝑡) = 30 cos ( 𝑡 − ) + 112, 0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 20, gives the blood pressure, in millimeters of
3 3

mercury (mm Hg), of a patient during a 20 second interval. Find the phase shift of the bp.
95. Find the area of the right triangle whose sides measure x, 2x-1 and 2x+1.
96. Find the area of the shaded region. The length of the side of the square is 8cm.

97. A goat is ties outside a triangular fenced garden at point A. The sies of the fence are AB=8m, BC=9cm,
and CA=12m. If the rope with which the goat is tied is 14 m long, find the area over which the goat can
graze outside the fence.
98. Use an identity to find the exact value of (cos 60 degrees – 45 degrees).
99. Find the supplement of the complement of 60 degrees.
100. Find the two angles such that the angles are supplementary and the larger is twice the smaller.

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