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Find the supplement of an angle whose compliment
is 62°.

A. 28°
B. 118°
C. 152°
D. None of these
The sum of the two interior angles of the
triangle is equal to the third angle and the
difference of the two angles is equal to 2/3 of
the third angle. Find the third angle.

A. 15°
B. 75°
C. 90°
D. 120°
Given three angles A, B, and C whose sum is
180°. If the tan A + tan B + tan C = x, find the
value of tan A x tan B x tan C.

A. 1 – x
C. x/2
D. x
Of what quadrant is A, if sec A is
positive and csc A is negative?

D. I
If cosθ = 1/√2, then θ
is equal to
A.30° B. 45°
C. 60° D. 90°
1 + tan 2θ/2 =
A. sec2θ
B. csc2θ
C. csc22θ
D. sec2θ/2
(secθ-tanθ) 2 =
A. 1 + sinθ/1 - sinθ
B. (1 - sinθ)/(1 + sinθ)
C. (1 - cosθ)/(1+cosθ)
D. cscθ
A man standing on a 48.5 meter building high, has an
eyesight height of 1.5 m from the top of the building, took a
depression reading from the top of another nearby building
and nearest wall, which are 50° and 80° respectively. Find the
height of the nearby building in meters. The man is standing
at the edge of the building and both buildings lie on the same
horizontal plane.

A. 39.49
B. 35.50
C. 30.74
D. 42.55
Points A and B 1000 m apart are plotted on a straight
highway running East and West. From A, the bearing
of a tower C is 32° W of N and from B the bearing of C
is 26° N of E. Approximate the shortest distance of
tower C to the highway.

A. 364 m
B. 374 m
C. 384 m
D. 394 m
Two triangles have equal bases. The altitude of one
triangle is 3 units more than its base and the altitude
of the other triangle is 3 units less than its base. Find
the altitudes, if the areas of the triangles differ by 21
square units.

A. 6 and 12
B. 3 and 9
C. 5 and 11
D. 4 and 10
A ship started sailing S 42°35’ W at the rate of
5kph. After 2 hours, ship B started at the same
port going N 46°20’W at the rate of 7 kph. After
how many hours will the second ship be exactly
north of ship A?

A. 3.68
B. 4.03
C. 5.12
D. 4.83
The angle of elevation of the top of tower B from the
top of tower A is 28° and the angle of the elevation of
the top of tower A from the base of tower B is 46°. The
two towers lie in the same horizontal plane. If the heigh
of tower B is 120 m, find the height of tower A.

A. 66.3 m
B. 79.3 m
C. 87.2 m
D. 90.7 m
If an equilateral triangle is circumscribed about
a circle of radius 10 cm, determine the side of
the triangle.

A. 34.64 cm
B. 64.12 cm
C. 36.44 cm
D. 32.10 cm
The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150
m each, respectively. The angle opposite
the 150 m side is 26°. What is the third

A. 197.49 m
B. 218.61 m
C. 341.78 m
D. 282.15 m
The sides of a triangular lot are 130 m., 180 m
and 190 m. the lot is to be divided by a line
bisecting the longest side and drawn from the
opposite vertex. Find the length of the line.

A. 120 m
B. 130 m
C. 125 m
D. 128 m
The sides of a triangle are 8, 15 and 17
units. If each side is doubled, how many
square units will the area of the new
triangle be?

A. 240
B. 420
C. 320
D. 200
If Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 6 A.M., what
is the time at a place located 30° East

A. 7 A.M.
B. 8 A.M.
C. 9 A.M.
D. 4 A.M.
If the longitude of Tokyo is 139°E and that of
Manila is 121°E, what is the time difference
between Tokyo and Manila?

A. 1 hour and 12 minutes

B. 1 hour and 5 minutes
C. 1 hour and 8 minutes
D. 1 hour and 10 minutes
One degree on the equator of the
earth is equivalent to?

A. 1 minute
B. 4 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 1 hour
A spherical triangle ABC as an angle C =
90º and sides a = 50º and c = 80º. Find the
value of “b” in degrees.

A. 73.22°
B. 74.33°
C. 75.44°
D. 76.55°
A spherical triangle ABC as an angle C = 90º
and sides a = 50º and c = 80º. Find the value of
“b” in degrees.

A. 73.22°
B. 74.33°
C. 75.44°
D. 76.55°
Solve the remaining side of the spherical
triangle whose given parts are A = B = 80º and a
= b = 89º.

A. 158º 12’
B. 162º 21’
C. 168º 31’
D. 172º 12’
TAKE NOTE: 0 , ,,
The area of a spherical triangle ABC whose
parts are A = 93º 40’, B = 64º 12’, C = 116º
51’ and the radius of the sphere is 100 m is?

A. 15613 sq. m.
B. 16531 sq. m.
C. 18645 sq. m.
D. 25612 sq. m.
A spherical triangle has an area of 327.25
sq. km. What is the radius of the sphere if
its spherical excess is 30º?

A. 20 km
B. 22 km
C. 25 km
D. 28 km

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