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Unit 5 –Security

LO4. Manage organisational security.

11. Security Policies.

Key Terms


▪Policies are formal statements produced and supported

by senior management.
▪They can be organization-wide, issue-specific or system
▪Organization’s policies should reflect your objectives for
your information security program.

Security Policy.
▪ A security policy is a written document in an organization
outlining how to protect the organization from threats,
including computer security threats, and how to handle
situations when they do occur.
▪ A security policy must identify all of a company's assets as
well as all the potential threats to those assets.
▪ Company employees need to be kept updated on the
company's security policies.
▪ The policies themselves should be updated regularly as


▪Standards are mandatory actions or rules that give

formal policies support and direction.
▪One of the more difficult parts of writing standards for
an information security program is getting a company-
wide consensus on what standards need to be in
▪This can be a time-consuming process but is vital to
the success of your information security program.

▪Procedures are detailed step by step instructions to
achieve a given goal or mandate.
▪They are typically intended for internal departments
and should adhere to strict change control processes.
▪Often act as the “cookbook” for staff to consult to
accomplish a repeatable process.
▪Detailed enough and yet not too difficult that only a
small group (or a single person) will understand.

Security Procedures.

▪ Security procedures are detailed step-by-step instructions

on how to implement, enable, or enforce security controls
as enumerated from your organization’s security policies.
▪ Security procedures should cover the multitude of hardware
and software components supporting your business
processes as well as any security related business
processes themselves .
▪ Example: Onboarding of a new employee and assignment
of access privileges.


▪Guidelines are recommendations to users when specific

standards do not apply.
▪Guidelines are designed to streamline certain processes
according to what the best practices are.

Policy, Standards ,Procedures,

Different Policies.
There are a number of policies that can be implemented within an organisation,
stating the way in which a specific resource should or should not be used.
▪ User account and password policy
This will describe who can administer user accounts, how
accounts can be enabled and disabled, how often the password
should be changed and how strong it should be, how to recover
passwords or accounts, etc.

Different Policies.

▪System access policy

Describes how the system should be used, and who has
the authority to use it.
It should ideally describe scenarios for which the system
should not be used, so that the users have a clear
understanding of what is allowed or not allowed.

Different Policies.
▪ Internet and email policy
Describes what type of websites cannot be accessed, what
type of information can or cannot be uploaded or downloaded,
precautions to be taken when sending / reading mail and
attachments, etc.

Different Policies.

▪Software policy
Describes what software can be installed, who has the
right to install it, use of illegal software, attempting to hack
or crack software, etc.
▪Physical access policy
Any rules with regards to accessing the physical
resources, what’s allowed and not allowed, times at which
access is allowed / not allowed, remote access, etc.

The Benefits of Documented IT
Policies & Procedures:

▪ Define how IT will approach security.

▪ Detail security requirements to protect against threats.
▪ Protect restricted data.
▪ Provide guidelines for acceptable use of technology
▪ Improve communication and transparency.
▪ Set rules and guidelines for decision making.
▪ Allow staff to know and understand expectations.

Lesson Summary

▪Different Policies
▪The Benefits of Documented IT Policies &


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