Resistance To Termite Attack Properties of Azadirachta Indica Wood From The Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Resistance to Termite Attack Properties of

Azadirachta indica Wood from the Savannah
Ecological Zone of Ghana
Issah Chakurah 1
Dr. Francis Kofi Bih2
Dr. Kwaku Antwi3

Abstract:- The continued increase in human population The extent to which manufacturers patronize LKS as
and demand for wood for different structural alternatives to the commercial timber specie is low because
applications has prompted intensive research into the the biological durability and other properties of the timber
suitability of various types of timber species that will be are unknown, which this study sought to ascertain.
suitable for various utilization. For the appropriate use According to Eslyn and Highley (1976), wood is a natural
of wood for engineering purposes, its properties must be polymer consisting basically of cellulose, hemicelluloses,
established for use. This study evaluated the durability and lignin in a matrix that gives structural support to the
properties of neem (Azadirachta indica) wood. Samples living tree and some resistance against microbial
for this study were harvested from the natural forest at mani festati on or attack. Eslyn and Highley (1976)
the Du-West / Peplime community of the Upper West reported that lignin is a heterogeneous polymer of phenyl
region of Ghana. Specimens were extracted from the logs propane units and is highly resistant to some decay fungi.
using quarter sawing. The natural resistance of neem Nevertheless, other organisms have developed high
wood was carried out using samples along (Axially) and resistance to attack for one or more of the polymers in
across (Radially) the bole of the tree. Prepared the wood cell wall. Some wood species have evolved to
specimens were oven-dried, weighed until there was no produce extractive compounds that can protect the wood
variation in weight of two successive weighs, and then and these are the main sources of decay resistance in all
subjected to a field termite exposure test for a period of species. Wood is a natural, sustainable, and organic
six months, after which, they were exhumed and cleaned, composite material, it can be affected by several wood-
dried, and re-weighed. The result of this study showed deteriorating agents under suitable climate exposure
that the weight loss assessment of the heartwood was conditions, which may threaten the long-term performance
lower while that of the sapwood of all the trees under of timber structures in their service life (Verbist et al. 2019).
study was higher. However, One-way ANOVA The biological degradation of wood has a role in carbon
conducted between the heartwood and sapwood showed cycling in nature, and wood being an organic material is
no significant variation even though the sapwood subject to several types of degradation agents (or factors)
recorded a higher mass loss than the sapwood. The under suitable climate exposure conditions (Marais et al.,
average mass loss for the heartwood of all the trees 2022). Wood-destroying insects are not ubiquitous like
under study was 5.90% and that of the sapwood was fungi and bacteria, they can however live and degrade wood
7.71% revealing a high resistance of neem wood to from the inside for several years before detection. Control of
termite attack and also placing it in the Durable class. wood moisture is not always enough to limit its occurrence.
The main risk factor remains the local hazard, therefore
I. INTRODUCTION geographical distribution of their occurrence (Marais et al.,
2022). According to the EN 350 standard, wood durability is
Insufficient supply of wood raw materials is one of the the “resistance of wood to destruction by wood-destroying
main global hindrances to the growth and sustainability of organisms”. Wood durability can greatly vary depending on
the furniture industry. Many lesser-known-species (LKS) the species, the age of the tree (from which the wood is
that could play a supplementary role to the scarce derived), the geographical origin of the tree species, and the
commercial timbers for furniture production are available in growing conditions (Mazela & Popescu, 2017). The
tropical forests (Antwi-boasiako & Boadu, 2016). However, microbial degradable carbohydrates and polar hydroxyls in
the industry continuously suffers timber shortages leading to wood absorb moisture, making wood susceptible and
the collapse of some businesses. A study conducted by attractive material for active biological agents such as
Aguma and Ogunsanwo (2019) reported that the shortage of termites, molds, fungi, and beetles in the environment
raw wood materials has led to some wood processing and (Råberg et al., 2005). The severity and intensity of mold
furniture production companies either becoming non- growth are highly dependent on the environmental
operational or not operating at full capacity. It has also conditions and the type of wooden material chosen for a
caused some firms, as well as individuals, to lose their jobs particular work or a particular location (Vidholdova et al.,
and income. As a result of these negative effects, the need 2015). Natural durability may be of high advantage to the
for alternative wood has become a major priority for living tree because fungal or insect attacks through wounds
stakeholders in the wood industries (Cionca et al., 2006). that subjects’ heartwood will tend to progress at a slower

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
pace in durable woods than in nondurable woods. disposed of, they get into water bodies which causes health
Knowledge about the natural durability of wood species can challenges to mankind and also poses a threat to aquatic
provide useful information on their possible end-uses as animals (Hasan et al., 2018). Direct soil contact is one of the
well as important predictions on product service life most severe exposure situations wood can be subjected to
(Gambetta et al., 2004). since in-ground wood is almost permanently wet and in
direct contact with wood-degrading organisms such as
Several highly effective wood preservatives in recent fungi, insects, and bacteria, which in turn become well-
times have been banned in many countries as they pose a established and can proliferate through readily available
threat to human health and the environment. strategic nutrient sources (FAO, 1986). With these backdrops in
approaches for increasing wood durability are being sought processing and efficiently utilizing wood, it is, therefore,
to improve the durability of wood (Brischke, 2020). Due to beneficial to make use of wood species that are naturally
high price of wood preservatives and their harmful nature to durable and resistant to wood deteriorating organisms as
users when improperly handled, disposal of the leftover well as resistant to weathering to minimize the devastating
chemicals after treatment of the wood with these and replicative effects of the preservatives if not avoided
preservatives turns out to be a problem for all living when used in preserving the wood.
organisms on the earth. When preservatives are improperly

Fig 1. above shows the specimen being mounted at the Demonstration field to determine the level of natural resistance of neem to
termites and other biodegradation factors at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology test site.

II. MATERIAL AND METHODS  Collection of neem Samples,

Three matured Azadirachta indica trees were harvested
 Research Design from a natural forest at the Du-west community in
The research design used for this work was an December 2020. The three trees were purposefully selected
experimental type. Why because the study involved the based on the diameter of the tree, straightness of
causal relationship resulting from the manipulation of the the trunk, as well as defects-free trunk were
research factors of determining the behavior of samples at marked and fell. Measurements of 12m in length and 1.4 -
various sections (Butt, Middle, and Top) parts of the three 1.5m in diameter were the sizes of the trees. The boles of
trees and to ascertain the heterogeneous characteristics of the the three trees selected were divided into three sections to
neem tree and the effect on the various durability properties determine the within and among tree variations (butt, middle,
of the neem tree. and top) each measuring about 4m in length. The billets were
then converted into lumber using the quarter sawing method
and then transported to the laboratory for conditioning and

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
performing the graveyard test for natural durability. The  Description of Experimental Area
merchantable length of the clear boles between where the Decay resistance of the (Azardirachta indica) was
first branch begins and the terminal point of buttresses of determined at the Durability Test Site of the Department of
each species was measured. Wood Science and Technology at the Faculty of Renewable
Natural Resources (FRNR) Demonstration Farm of KNUST.
The diameter at breast height (DBH) of the trees The main vegetation formations as described by Benneh et
ranged between 1.4 - 1.5m while the total heights from the al.(1990) are coastal savannah, coastal strand and mangrove,
stump level to the top of the crown were in the range of 12.0 evergreen forest, semi-deciduous forest, and savannah.
– 12.5 m. Each tree was cut 15cm from the ground to the Kumasi, the location for the field test, is of the semi-
first branch and further cut into three sections namely; the deciduous forest type. The town is within the plateau of the
butt, middle, and top of the tree stem, respectively. The southwest physiological region, which ranges between 250
boles were used for the determination of the durability and 350 meters above sea level. The metropolis has a wet
property of the neem wood. sub-equatorial type of climate. Both temperature and
humidity are moderate. It contains many termite mounds
 Field Test of Azardirachta indica stakes for Durability and has a high decay hazard index. Common insects at the
(Graveyard) test field include subterranean termites, Anobium spp.,
Azardirachta indica specimen with a dimension of (500 Ancistrotermes spp., and Nasutitermes latifrons (Usher,
× 50 × 25 mm) were prepared and oven-dried at a 1975). According to Ravenshorst et al.(2013), the use of the
temperature of 103±2℃ until there was no significant field test is mostly preferred to the laboratory type since the
change (0.01g) between two successive weighing of former allows the collective effects of many biotic and
specimen according to the EN (252 2014). The specimen abiotic factors of deterioration to be evaluated. Antwi–
were prepared and labeled appropriately for easy Boasiako and Baidoo (2010)and Sonowal and Gogoi (2010)
identification. They were oven-dried to a moisture content explained that the duration for field tests could be shortened
(M.C.) of 10-12%. The weights of the various replicates to produce useful results for reliable prediction of the
were measured and recorded using an electronic balance. durability of LUS.
The replicates from the timber were buried 50cm apart into
the soil to cover one-third of their lengths (50 × 60 mm) III. RESULTS OF THE STUDY.
using a Completely Randomized Design (Tascioglu et al.,
2012). Regular inspection of the stakes was made once  Percentage mass loss of various portions of A. indica
every month for the assessment of deteriorating features and The stem sections of Tree 1 heartwood recorded an
to also make sure stray animals do not exhume specimens average mass loss of 6.65% while the sapwood had an
during the period of study. The test samples were left in the average mass loss of 7.53% (Figure 2.0). Tree 2 heartwood
field for 6 months after which debris was brushed off the recorded a mass loss of 5.36% and 7.54% for the sapwood
stakes. Percentage mass weight loss was carried out to portion. Finally, tree 3 heartwood recorded 5.69% while the
determine the percentage of destruction by the termites. sapwood also recorded 8.06% mass loss. (Figure 2.0). The
Their weights were recorded and dried in an oven until mass loss increased from the butt to the top portion of all
constant moisture content was attained. The constant three A. indica specimens, radial variation indicates that
weights were recorded as weights after the field test and the there was a higher percentage of mass loss in the sapwood
percentage mass loss was determined using the formula; than the Heartwood which according to (Anish et al., 2022;
Keržič & Humar, 2021) is as a result of the presence of
𝑀1−𝑀2 extractive in the heartwood than the sapwood that caused the
Weight Loss = × 100
sapwood of the tree to experience a higher mass loss than
the heartwood. Also, the results obtained from the
experiment indicated that, whereas the heartwood of A.
M1 = the weight of specimens before the graveyard test (kg)
indica may have a higher service life when in contact with
M2 = the post-exposure weight (kg).
the ground, the sapwood of A. indica may have similar
Percentage mass losses of samples were determined as an
service lives when subjected to the in-ground or outdoor
indication of durability using the process of mean weight
application(Cookson, 2004). Hence for in-ground and
loss rating. The extent of damage caused by the termite to
outdoor applications such as garden furniture, and fences for
the wood was rated according to the scale proposed by (BS
ornamental plants among other uses. The Heartwood of A.
EN 252, 1989) (Table 1)
indica appears to have a relatively long service life than its
corresponding sapwood. However, sapwood also appears to
Table 1.0 Natural durability rating based on percentage
exhibit better resistance to biodeterioration and can therefore
mean weight loss against termites
have a relatively long service life. Therefore, it could be
Weight Loss (%) Rating
stated that both the heartwood and sapwood could be used
0-5 Very durable
for in-ground applications especially at termite-prone sites
6 – 10 Durable since the percentage mass loss was less than 10%. In
11 – 40 Moderately durable addition, density is a determinant of wood durability, the
41 - 100 Non-durable higher the density of wood the higher its resistivity to wood
Source: (BS EN 252, 1989) distractive organisms (Kollmann & Cote, 1968). One-way
ANOVA was conducted among BMT of the heartwood and

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Volume 8, Issue 9, September – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
BMT of the sapwood of all three trees for the Mass loss difference in the percentage mass loss of the three A.indica
recorded q-values ≥ 0.05. There was no significant (Figure 2.0).

Axial and Radial variations in Durability test (Graveyard) of A. indica

Bottom Middle Top
T1 Heartwood T1 Sapwood T2 Heartwood
T2 Sapwood T3 heartwood T3 Sapwood
Fig 2 Representation of axial and radial variations in the Durability test (Graveyard) of individual Neem trees.

The determination of the natural durability of neem the sapwood had a higher mass loss than the heartwood
wood specie was carried out through the graveyard tests in which according to Keržič and Humar (2021) is a result of
24 weeks (6 months). This was done by finding the the presence of extractives in the heartwood than the
percentage weight loss in 24 weeks when wood samples of sapwood. Neem wood is a Durable timber species as a result
the neem wood specie were exposed in the field to termites of the presence of azadirachtin which serves as an
and other wood bio-deteriorating agents. After the exposure, Antifeedant/repellent to insects and other biodegradable
the neem specimen was observed to only have a slight organisms (Gahukar, 2010). This study, therefore, shows
nibbling, amounting to less than 10 % of the volume of the that A. indica wood could be used as a substitute for
sample. The results from the field test in Table 2.0 indicate commercial timber species in areas where durability is of
that A. indica could be used as a substitute for the concern.
commercial timber species.
According to the durability classification by (BS EN
252, 1989) as cited by (Antwi-Boasiako et al., 2017). The The durability properties of the A. indica evaluated
standard references indicated that A. indica wood was highly indicated that the specie is a durable timber since the
resistant to termite attack and fall under (the Durable class), percentage of mass loss of the specimen when subjected to
which was supported by the result of the graveyard tests in the graveyard test is less than 10% classifying A. indica
this study. This result corresponds with studies conducted by wood as a durable timber.
(Ashokhan et al., 2020; Kilani-Morakchi et al., 2021; Ley et
al., 1993; Mordue & Nisbet, 2000; Qin et al., 2020; Veitch
et al., 2008) which concluded in their studies that the high
resistivity of a timber specie is as a result of the presence of
pyrethroids natural chemicals. In all instances of this study,

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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