Science Research On SIM Making
Science Research On SIM Making
Science Research On SIM Making
The study utilized the mean, the mean percentage scores, paired sample t-
test and Eta² to determine the improvement of using SIM as the material for an
intervention activity in teaching changes of matter through the application of
heat. As results of the study using the intervention material could improved the
performance of the learners as evident of the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) from
32% in the pre-test to 85% in the post-test. It is therefore recommended that
using the Strategic Intervention Material for the changes in matter through
application of heat in teacher’s remediation activities be adapted. It is likewise
that any intervention activity not only in Science but in all learning, areas be
conducted using Strategic Intervention Materials.
Introduction and Rationale
Teachers play an essential role in education, most especially in the lives
of the students they teach in the classroom. What defines a teacher is his/her
ability to teach students and a positive influence on them. Generally, the role of
a teacher in education goes beyond teaching. In today’s world, teaching has
different faces, and a teacher has to carry out the part of being an external
parent, counselor, mentor, role, model and so on.
Related Literature
The science curriculum aims to help children develop basic
scientific ideas and understanding about the biological and physical aspects of
the world, and the processes through which they develop this knowledge and
understanding. The curriculum also aims to foster positive attitudes toward
science, and to encourage children to examine and appreciate how science and
technology affect their lives and the environment.
The curriculum is designed to provide students with two key types of skill—
working scientifically, and designing and making—and reflects a constructivist
and collaborative approach. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of
starting with children’s own ideas and learning through interactions with
objects and materials, and their classmates. Children “create” new knowledge
and learn about scientific concepts. Working scientifically involves:
The research investigation addressed the following null hypothesis:
1. There is significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test
using strategic intervention material.
To determine the improvement of the performance of the Grade five (5)
Luna using the teacher-made Strategic Intervention Material was the focus of
this study. The mean percentage scores of the pre-test and post-test were
analyzed and compared to identity the significance difference on the scores of
five (5) learners of Grade 5 Luna of Gumalang Elementary School, Baguio
District, Davao City, School Year 2022-2023. This concretized the level of
effectiveness of the SIM guided by the principle of descriptive method of
research as being utilized in this study. According to Cook and Wong (2008)
pre-test and post-test views this method as descriptive studies can be purely in
nature (Siedlecki 2020) which consist of quantitative data.
1.Strategic Intervention Materials
Conceptualized and designed to aid the teacher provide the
pupils the needed support to make progress in studies. These will increase
and deepen the skills, knowledge and understanding of the child in
various subject areas not only in science and math but also including
various learning areas in the curriculum. SIM can give the opportunity to
explore various ideas and concepts that would enrich their
understanding of varied subject matters that sharpen their competencies.
Each intervention material has five parts such as the guide card, activity
card, assessment card, enrichment card and reference card.
The guide card stimulated the student’s interest on the topic discussed
and gave a preview on what they would learn. It presented the skills focus that
mentioned the competency, the three subtasks or activities and the concrete
outcome or product students are expected to demonstrate or produce. This
cited the activities and challenged the learner in performing the task s which
were competency-oriented and can be done individually or per group.
The activity card defines the task(s) that the learner should undertake
in order to develop a skill. The task is competency-oriented and maybe an
individual or group work. The purpose of the task(s) is to provide enough
practice for the learner so that he can perform the skill automatically.
The assessment card helps the learner measure his/her level of mastery
of the skill upon completion of the task(s). the result of the assessment
identifies the knowledge/skill(s) that the learner may need to enhance or
develop further.
The enrichment card extends learning by providing additional exercises
for further application of knowledge. It provides opportunity to apply learned
concept in a new context.
The reference card provides the additional content to the coverage in the
textbooks. It may also list the resources of the learner may refer to for further
Table 1 shows the mean difference between the test scores of the
learners before and after the material utilized. As shown in the table the pre-
test scores of the learners before the implementation of SIM generated a mean
of 4.8. Almost all of the five (5) learners got low scores before the
implementation of the intervention material. However, post-test scores
generated a mean of 12.8 after the implementation of the material. The result
implied an increased in their performance.
Table 2 -Mean and Mean Percentage Before and After the Implementation
Mean Mean Percentage
Before the 4.8 32%
After the 12.8 85%
Table 2 shows the mean percentage of the five (5) learners before and
after the implementation of the strategic intervention material. Before the
implementation revealed that learners got a mean of 4.8 with an equivalent of
mean percentage of 32%. As compared to the mean after the implementation
which is 12.8 with the mean percentage of 85%.
This shows that there was an increased in the level of performance of the
learners for particular least learned competency in Science Grade 5. During the
implementation I found out that learners learns best when they are free to
used the materials they needed in learning. Aside from that I noticed that they
are eager to learn when they are the ones who manipulate the materials in the
This study successfully surfaced the unique perspectives of teachers and
learners in terms of the SIM utilization and integration, impact to educational
practice and barriers in the use of the material. The overall perspectives were
summarized through the continuum which presents the general themes that
emerged from the varied responses of the science teachers and as well as the
The study came up with the following findings:
1. There was significant difference between the performance of the learners in
the pre-test and the post-test.
2. The strategic intervention materials were effective tool to addressed the
learning gaps of the learners learning science lessons.
3. Science teachers should develop and adopt the strategy to make learning
more interesting.
4. Seminars and in-service trainings should be conducted in the district level
and as well as in school level regarding the implementation and
development of the strategic intervention material.
5. Science teachers can use the strategic intervention materials made by the
researcher to reteach the concepts and skills to help learner master the
competency-based skills.
Since the use of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) is very effective to
the learner as an intervention to their learning gaps, the teacher should adopt
and recommend the SIM as one of the interventions in teaching science and
other subjects. Hopefully teachers and students will see the value of SIM
utilization as this enhances learning capabilities of students and may
reverberate in the improvement of students’ performance in national and
international assessments.
Gumalang Elementary School
May, 2023