Ucsp ST-1

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Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics
Quarter 1 - Summative 1

Week 1: Analyze Social, Political,

and Cultural Change

Week 2: Recognize the common concerns

or intersections of anthropology, sociology,
and political science with respect to the
phenomenon of change
Directions: Choose the correct answer 5. Your eighty-three-year-old
out of the given options. Write the letter grandmother has been using a cell
that correspond your answer to your phone for some time now. As a way to
answer sheet. keep in touch, you frequently send
emails of a few lines to let her know
1. One of the sources of cultural about your day. She calls after every
change that produce new products, email to respond point by point, but
ideas and social patters. What term she has never emailed a response back.
is this? This can be viewed as an example of
A. Discovery __________.
B. Environment A. Culture lag
C. Invention B. Discovery
D. Social institutions C. Diffusion
D. Invention
2. This is the change that occurs in the
realm of civil and political societies and 6. Cultural diffusion is BEST described as
in the structure relations among civil __________.
society and the state. A. learning a foreign language
A. Political Bureaucracy B. sharing music from one culture to
B. Political Change another
C. Political Power C. the spreading of religion from one
D. Political Will culture to another
D. spreading of ideas, languages,
3. The end goal of this social science and customs from one culture to
discipline is to understand humans and another
cultures across history through
developing and testing hypotheses 7. Which of the following option is a
about human behavior, both past and consequence of cultural diffusion?
present. A. New jobs
A. Anthropology B. New types of clothing styles
B. Philosophy C. Loss of culture or cultural
C. Political Science characteristics
D. Sociology A. Sharing of cultural
4. It examines social rules and processes
that bind and separate people from 8. The awareness that allows people to
each other, from their peers, from their comprehend the link between their
groups, and from the institutions where immediate, personal social settings and
they belong. the remote, impersonal social world is
A. Anthropology called __________.
B. Sociology A. Anthropological wandering
C. Philosophy B. Political maneuvering
D. Political Science C. Sociological imagination
D. Sociological perspective
9. The following best recognize the 13. Which of the following statements
relationship of sociology and below BEST exemplifies enculturation?
anthropology EXCEPT one. Which of the A. Joey speaks Kamayo to most of
his friends.
B. Mary Ann wears Igorot attire in the
A. Aims to acquire in-depth
information about an individual.
C. Rigner starts to speak Mandarin
B. Are social sciences areas,
with his Chinese friends.
interested in the study of social
D. Jenny insisted that Mother Tongue
must be the language in the
C. Attempt to understand the way
of life of various culture or society.
D. Serve as guidelines to analyze
14. Physical anthropologist studies
and test theories about human
behavior and society.
A. Humans as a biological species
10. An example of diffusion with B. The cultures of the human species
negative effects would be the spread C. The fragile remains of past cultures
of diseases like AIDS, Bubonic Plague, D. Language as a human
and COVID-19. How will you identify its characteristics
type of diffusion?
A. Common Cultural Diffusion 15. Which field of anthropology would
B. Cultural Diffusion in Technology most likely be interested in the marriage
C. Economic Cultural Diffusion patterns and kinship systems of different
D. Religious Cultural Diffusion societies around the world?
A. Cultural
11. McDonald’s is found in almost B. Linguistic
every country around the world is an C. Physical
example of __________. D. Social
A. Diffusion
B. Globalization 16. Social Distancing caused by
C. Innovation COVID-19 prohibits temporarily shaking
D. Modernization hands, touching faces, “beso-beso”,
and other greetings with physical
12. If you are the President of a country, involvement. One dilemma will be in
how will use your reward power? the countries where these are
A. Giving of rewards and benefits to considered to be part of their system.
the follower Hence, this social distancing initially
B. Possessing some special and directly caused __________.
knowledge or expertise A. Cultural change
C. Attracting followers through the B. Economic change
follower’s liking/admiring C. Political change
D. Using threats, punishment, and D. Social change
force for the non-compliance of
17. Which of the following factors affect 19. Which of the following is a social
social change? science discipline that problematizes
A. Diffusion, invention, population the unjust results of the exercise power
B. Association, integration, and not the arrangements of power
socialization relations itself however unequal?
C. Environment, population, A. Anthropology
technology B. Philosophy
D. Social inventions, random events, C. Political Science
war D. Sociology

18. Fred is an American who lived in 20. Researchers who study humans by
China for three years. When he residing in particular societies and
returned to the United States he felt observing the behaviors of the people
more comfortable eating with are __________.
chopsticks than a fork. He has A. Archaeologists
experienced a process called B. Ethnographers
___________. C. Linguists
A. Acculturation D. Paleoanthropologists
B. Association
C. Enculturation
D. Socialization

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