Year End Exam

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Republic of the Philippines BANISIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL

Department of Education Tambler, General Santos City
Division of City Schools


S.Y. 2019-2020
Name: ________________________________________
Date: ________________
Year & Section: _________________________________
Score: _______________
 Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of City Schools
Tambler, General Santos City
Republic of the Philippines b. Disproved the Bible
Department of Education c. Provided a mechanism to explain how evolution works
Division of City Schools d. Was the first to apply science to the study of evolution
Tambler, General Santos City 9. What does the sociological perspective show us about
whom any individual chooses to marry?
YEAR END EXAM (2ND SEMESTER) a. There is no explaining personal feelings like love
S.Y. 2019-2020 b. Peoples actions reflect human free will
c. The operation of society guides many of our personal
I. Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of choices
paper. d. In the case of love opposites attract

1. What are the four sub-fields of anthropology? 10. In the personal value of studying sociology includes
a. Cultural, Archaeology, Linguistic, and Civilized a. Seeing the opportunities and constraints in our lives
anthropology b. The fact that it is good preparation for a number of careers
b. Biological, Archaeology, Linguistic, and Cultural c. Becoming more active participants in society
anthropology d. All of the above are correct
c. Sociological, Psychological, Language, and Cultural
anthropology 11. The discipline of sociology first developed in
d. PolSci, Language, Biological, Cultural a. Countries experiencing rapid social change
b. Countries with strong traditions
2. What is learned, and shared behaviors and beliefs? c. Countries with a history of warfare
a. Culture b. Food d. The world’s poorest countries
c. Language d. Ethnicity
12. Which early sociologist coined the term sociology in
3. A research technique that involves gathering of verbal 1838?
data through questions or guided conversation between at a. Karl Marx b. Auguste Comte
least two people. c. Adam Smith d. Herbert Spencer
a. Discussion b. Observation
c. Interview d. Questionnaire 13. Sociology's social conflict approach draws attention to
a. How structure contributes to the overall operation of
4. A formal research instrument containing a pre-set series society
of questions that the anthropologist ask in a face-to-face b. How people construct meaning through interaction
setting, by mail, or by e-mail. c. Patterns of social inequality
a. Discussion b. Observation d. The stable aspect of society
c. Interview d. Questionnaire
14. What is the definition of an ethnic group?
5. Sociology is the study of: a. Inherited biological traits
a. People in a society b. Interactions among people b. Shared distinctive identity
c. Social institutions D. All of the above c. Shared cultural traits
d. A minority treated unequally by a dominant group
6. In recent times, many hunting-and-gathering groups have
been exposed to the idea of food production (i.e., farming) 15. What is geography?
but they have never adopted it. Why not? a. The study of the Earth's atmosphere and physical surface,
a. They did not have the skills or tools to do so including how humans affect those things, and how humans
b. Their own economies provide a perfectly adequate and themselves are affected by them.
nutritious diet, with a lot less work b. The study of the Earth's physical surface, including how
c. People naturally resist change, especially foragers humans affect those things, and how humans themselves are
d. They did not realize the advantages of food production affected by them.
c. The study of the Earth's atmosphere and physical surface,
7. The idea of biological evolution goes back to? not including how humans impact them.
a. The ancient Greeks d. The study of the Earth's physical surface, not including
b. A century or so before Charles Darwin how humans impact it.
c. Charles Darwin
d. Around the beginning of the 20th Century II. Explain the importance and impact of the following
aspects in our society.
8. The contribution of Charles Darwin to the theory of
evolution was that he? 1. Family
a. Proved evolution had occurred 2. Government
3. School

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