1st Periodic Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Lobong, San Jacinto, Pangasinan


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Section: Score:

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Do not write anything on the test paper. On your answer
sheet, shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of your choice.

._______ 1. Which tool resembles the appearance of a spoon and is used for transferring soil?
A. grab hoe B. shovel C. spade D. spading fork
_______ 2. Which of the following tools harvest crops?
A. basket B. knife C. crowbar D. spade
_______ 3. What tool has one end of its blade flattened and the other pointed at right angles to its handle?
A. bolo B. crowbar C. mattock D. spade
_______ 4. What implement is being pulled by a working animal to till the land?
A. disc harrow B. disc plow C. harrow D. native plow
_______ 5. Which one is a machine that is commonly used in the farm?
A. Hand tractor B. native plow C. rotavator D. wheel barrow
_______ 6. Why are farm tools so important in agricultural crop production?
A. Make more labor cost C. Make work easier and faster
B. Make work slower D. Waste of time and effort
_______ 7. Select the best definition of farm equipment?
A. These are tools used in farm production
B. These are the machinery used in crop production
C. Accessories pulled by animals or mounted to machine to make the work easier
D. Objects that are usually light and are used without the help of animals and machines
_______ 8. Why should we store equipment and tools properly?
A. To avoid contamination
B. To ensure that small equipment and tools do not touch the ground floor after the cleaning
C. To remove as much as possible plant debris, soil and residues
D. To inspect the equipment, tools and garbage cans for any missed plants debris, soil and
residues and if found clean again.
________ 9. What is an ideal tool to use to keys all the cutting edges of your garden tools honed?
A. Hoe B. sand stone C. shovel D. whetstone
________10. What do you remember about removing dirt?
A. Scrub the rusty tools with steel wool
B. Rinse the tools with clean water then dry them with a cloth
C. Wiped the tools with a cloth dabbed with lighter fluid to remove sap
D. Remove the dirt of the tools using water or powerful garden hose
________ 11. What is the best thing to do if you are about to remove rust of your garden tools?
A. Scrub the rusty tools with steel wool
B. Rinse the tools with clean water then dry them with a cloth
C. Wiped the tools with a cloth dabbed with lighter fluid to remove sap
D. Remove the dirt of the tools using water or powerful garden hose
________ 12. Why do we need to clean our tools and equipment?
A. It will not be used longer
B. It will extend the life of a tool
C. It will not also prevent the formation of rust
D. It will cut through the soil better, thus require more effort to use if it has a nice sharp blad
________ 13. The following are the steps on how to clean and care garden tools except
A. Scrub the rusty tools with steel wool
B. Wiped the tools with a cloth dabbed with lighter fluid to remove sap
C. Remove the dirt of the tools using water or powerful garden hose
D. After removing dirt and sap, soak the tools in a bucket of water and add dish soap to clean
________ 14. The following are the proper usage of the shovel except one
A. Keep feet wide apart, place front foot close to shovel
B. Put weight on the foot, use leg to push shovel
C. Shift weight to the rear foot, keep the load close to the body, turn feet in direction of the
D. Apply a little bit of lubricating oil to the end of the load and carefully begin to work the stone
over the blade
________ 15. Arrange in chronological order the steps in maintaining your garden tools and keep them in
good shape
1. Dismantle cutting tools like hedge shears to clean conveniently
2. Sand the tools thoroughly and to remove rust, use whetstone to sharpen tools like knives,
bolos and shears. You can apply lubricating oil to prevent the formation of the rust
3. Clean tools thoroughly and keep them in a dry place in you tool room
4. Prepare all the materials needed to clean and sharpen your tools
5. Select a place in your shop where you can position your tools sturdily. Vise and clamps are
useful tools to hold your cutting tools tightly while being sanded or cleaned
A. 4, 5, 1, 2 3 B. 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 C. 2, 5, 3, 4,1 D. 1, 5, 4, 2, 3
________ 16. How will you clean areas for handling and storing fresh product?
A. Remove trash and any accumulated plant debris from the floors
B. Clean the ceiling and infrastructure with soap or detergent if necessary
C. Wash the ceiling infrastructure and light fixtures to remove any dust and soil build-up
D. Scrub areas with brush and cleaning materials like detergents and ensure that spots are
________ 17. This refers to the size of the surfaces
A. Area B. graph C. interest D. income
________ 18. Any material added to the soil to support nutrients is called ___________
A. Area B. fertilizer C. residues D. black soil
________ 19. This refers to the number of days the work computed by 1 person and 1 animal
________ 20. The following are the labor requirement in plant care except
A. Fertilizer application B. irrigation C. pest control D. transplanting
________ 21. Which of the following is the right formula for a triangle
A. 0.5 x b x h B. 0.5 x L X H C. 0.5 x (b + a) x h D. 0.5 L x W x H
________ 22. Below are the pictures of farm labor requirements, select the picture showing the proper
harrowing of the land

A. C.

B. D.

________ 23. Based from the given data below, how will you solve the surface area of a rectangle?

w = 3 cm

l = 5 cm

A. 3 cm x 5 cm B. 0.5 x 3 cm x 5 cm C. 0.5 x (3 cm + 5 cm) D. 3 cm + 5 cm

________ 24. If the height of the triangle is 3 cm and the base is 2 cm. Can you solve the surface area of a
A. 3 cm 2 B. 4 cm 2 C. 5 cm2 D. 6 cm2

________ 25. From the given job/farm labor, which requires land preparation?
A. Weeding C. plowing using animals E. pest control
B. Harvesting D. harrowing F. clearing the land using hoe
________ 26. Based on the illustration below, write a possible solution to the surface area of a trapezium
a = 4cm

h = 2 cm

b = 2 cm
A. = 0.5 (2cm + 4 cm) x 2cm C. = 0.5 (2cm + 4 cm) x 2cm
= 0.5 (6 cm) x 2cm = 0.5 (6 cm) x 2cm
= 0.5 x 12cm = 0.5 x 12cm
= 6 cm2 = 7 cm2

B. = 0.5 (2cm + 4 cm) x 2cm D. = 0.5 (2cm + 4 cm) x 2cm

= 0.5 (6 cm) x 2cm = 0.5 (8 cm) x 2cm
= 0.5 x 12cm = 0.5 x 16cm
= 6.5 cm 2 = 8 cm 2
_________ 27. How many steps can you solve the volume of the block with the different units?
1. To make the unit the same all data must be converted
2. Use the formula L x W x H
3. The volume of the water is calculated
4. The thickness of the water is calculated
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
_________28. How will you produce a good potting media?
A. Follow the ratio of (1:1:1) 1 part of garden soil, 1 part of compost and 1 part of vermicast
and mixed thoroughly.
B. Follow the ratio of (2:1:2) 2 parts of garden soil mix with 1 part of sand and 2 parts of
C. Mix 2 parts of soil to 1 part of compost
D. Mix 3 parts of compost to 1 part of soil
________29. If the passing score in TLE mid-term exam is 80% and the number of items is 30. What is the
passing scrore?
A. 24 B. 16 C. 30 D. 20
________ 30. It is a system of growing crops in a linear pattern in at least one direction rather than planting
without any distinct arrangement.
A. Inter-row planting C. hexagonal
B. Row planting D. Single row
_______ 31. Which is not an advantage of row planting over broadcasting?
A. Visibility is enhanced C. movement within the crop area is convenient
B. Light absorption is maximized D. methods of planting with no direction
_______ 32. Why irrigation system is important to the crops?
A. The plants will not grow fast C. The plants will not grow healthy
B. To maintain the life of the plants D. It will not help to the development of roots and
_______ 33. Select the best definition of sprinkler irrigation system.
A. It is ideal for irrigating rice
B. It is ideal in areas where water is clearer
C. It is suited for crops that can withstand flooding for a short time
D. It is suited to hails between extremely high and very low infiltration rates.
_______ 34. Where to use sprinkler irrigation?
A. In the lowland area C. conveys water through pipes
B. In the upland area D. in sloping land to reduce erosion where other systems
are not possible
_______ 35. What do you call the process of removing dirt from tools, containers and farm facilities?
A. Cleaning B. sanitizing C. sharpening D. disinfecting
_______ 36. How drip irrigation is applied?
A. Water is flooded in wider areas and is ideal in irrigating rice.
B. Water is applied directly to the crop so weeds are controlled.
C. Water is applied to the field in either a controlled and uncontrolled manner.
D. Water system conveys water through pipes and applies it with a minimum 20 of losses.
_______ 37. Can you explain why coconut and other perennial crops are intercropped with other ones of
annual crops?
A. Blocking the sunlight C. to prevent pests from other crops
B. To have a single row of crops D. to maximize the use of vacant inter-row
_______ 38. Can you distinguish between sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation?
A. Sprinkler irrigation water is applied slowly while drip irrigation is flooded in a wider area.
B. Sprinkler irrigation is ideal for irrigating rice while drip irrigation is ideal in areas where water
is scarce.
C. In sprinkler irrigation, water is applied in a form of sprays sometimes simulating natural
rainfall while drip irrigation suite for crops that can withstand flooding for a short time
D. Sprinkler irrigation is applied to crops directly.
______ 39. This can reduce the number and severity of farm work related injuries and illnesses.
______ 40. When applying pesticides and fertilizers, working in the shops, or in heavy direct conditions, what
is the best equipment to use?
A. Face mask B. face shields C. googles D. safety glasses
______ 41. What signal word alerts users to the possibility of poisoning if the substance is swallowed,
inhaled, or absorbed through the skin?
A. Dangerous goods C. Do not enter
B. Dangerous poison D. Keep off the glasses
______ 42. Select inside the box the examples of physical hazards
1. Floors 4. Work flatforms 7. Ladders 10. Cleaning agents
2. Stairs 5. Ventilation 8. herbicides
3. Perfumes 6. Pesticides 9. Falling objects

A. 123456 B. 124579 C. 1256810 D. 126789

______ 43. How will you know that equipment, tools and garbage cans are cleaned?
A. Inspect equipment, tools and garbage cans for any missed plant debris, soil, residues if found
B. If necessary, scrub areas with brush and cleaning materials, rinse surface area
C. After scrubbing areas with cleaning materials rinse surface area as described previously and wash
out drains and be careful not to splash water onto equipment.
D. As required, apply cleaning materials or disinfecting chemicals to the entire flow surface area,
scrub area with brush if needed and ensure that no spots are missed.
______ 44. Which of the following best describes or defines health?
A. A sound state of the body and mind of the workers that enable to perform the job normally.
B. Refers to the chemical used in cleaning which has the ability to kill organisms especially
C. The process of thinning the edge of the tools and equipment
D. The environmental and physical condition of a process
______ 45. Which of the following does not belong to physical hazard?
A. Falls B. trips C. slippery surfaces D. viruses
______ 46. How to prevent potential emergencies?
A. Provide procedures appropriate for emergencies that might occur in the farm.
B. Visiting the farm needs to know and understand the farm procedures and their responsibilities
C. To maximize the risk of personal injury or properly damage in the event of an emergency
people working on.
D. To maximize the risk and make sure that the correct equipment is available to contain and
handle any chemical or other dangerous materials spills that might happen.
______ 47. How would you protect your head?
A. Use face shield C. use safety eyewear
B. Use hard hat D. use safety shoes
______ 48. Analyze the given picture, what type of hazard does the picture represented?

A. Biological hazard C. mechanical hazard

B. Chemical hazard D. physical hazard
______ 49. How will you clean accumulated rust and dirt of all metal surfaces?
A. Brush with soap and hot water
B. Soaked in hot water thus brush with steel wool and detergent
C. Use sandpaper and liquid detergent in cleaning
D. Use lubricating oil
______ 50. How will you identify hazard from risk?
A. Hazard is anything that may cause injury or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace
while risk increases with severity of the hazard and the duration or frequency of exposure.
B. Hazard is the act or process of removing dirt from tools while risk is a chemical used in
cleaning farm tools
C. Hazard is a sound state of body and mind and risk is a condition
D. Hazard is the practices related to production and work process while risk occurs when a
person comes into contact with a hazard

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