Leta Amena

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Addis Ababa University

College of Natural Sciences

School of Earth Sciences


A thesis submitted to school of Earth Sciences in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the degree of Master in Mineral Exploration
By Leta Amena
ID. No.: GSR/1406/07
Advisor: Dr Worash Getaneh
Co-advisor: Dr Mulugeta Alene

JUNE 24, 2016

Addis ababa, Ethiopia



By: Leta Amena

Approval board:

Dr Balemwal Atnafu____________________________

(Head, School of Earth Sciences)

Dr Worash Getaneh _____________________________


Dr Mulugeta Alene ______________________________


Prof Gezahegn Yirgu _______________________________


Dr Zerihun Dawit _________________________________


June 24, 2016

I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in
any other university, and that all sources of material used for the thesis have been duly

Leta Amena ____________________________ Date ______________


Approved by

Dr Worash Getaneh ______________________ Date ______________


Dr Mulugeta Alene ______________________ Date _______________


It is difficult to do a master’s thesis without the assistance and encouragement of other people.
This one is certainly no exception. On the very outset of this thesis report, I would like to extend
my sincere and heartfelt thanks towards all the personages who have helped me in this
endeavour. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation and encouragement, I would not
have made headway in the thesis. I am ineffably thankful to my advisor Dr Worash Getaneh
and my co-advisor Dr Mulugeta Alene for their conscientious guidance and encouragement to
accomplish this thesis. I am extremely grateful and pay my gratitude to Managem PLC, Mr.
Demerew Yirgu, and Mr. Besime for their valuable support on completion of this thesis. I
overwhelmingly thank Wollega University for sponsoring my study. At last but not least
gratitude goes to all of my friends and relatives who directly or indirectly helped me to
complete this thesis. Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of

Table of Contents
Contents Page numbers

Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... i
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ v
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ vi
List of Appendices ...................................................................................................................vii
Abstract .................................................................................................................................. viii
List of Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... ix
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Study background ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Location and accessibility of the area ............................................................................. 2
1.3. Topography and drainage ................................................................................................ 2
1.4. Vegetation and climate .................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Population and land use................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Previous works ................................................................................................................ 4
1.7. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................ 4
1.8. Objectives of the study .................................................................................................... 5
1.8.1. General objective ...................................................................................................... 5
1.8.2. Specific objectives .................................................................................................... 5
1.9. Significance of the research ........................................................................................ 5
2. METHODS AND MATERIALS ........................................................................................... 6
2.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Geologic mapping and Sample collection ....................................................................... 6
2.3. Geochemical Analyses .................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1. ICP-MS ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2. ICP-AES ................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Thin and Polished Sections ............................................................................................. 7
2.4.1. Preparations .............................................................................................................. 7
2.4.2. Microscopy ............................................................................................................... 7
3. REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING ............................................................................... 9
3.1. Introduction: The Pan African Orogeny.......................................................................... 9

3.2. The Mozambique Belt ................................................................................................... 10
3.3. The Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) ............................................................................... 11
3.3.1. Origin and Tectonism ............................................................................................. 11
3.3.2. Litho-stratigraphy ................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Geology and Geotectonic Evolution of the Western Ethiopian Shield (WES) ............. 13
3.4.1. Litho–stratigraphy .................................................................................................. 13 Didessa Domain ............................................................................................... 15 Kemashi Domain ............................................................................................. 16 Dengi Domain .................................................................................................. 16 Sirkole domain ................................................................................................. 16 Daka domain .................................................................................................... 17
3.4.2. Origin and tectonic setting ...................................................................................... 17
3.4.3. Metamorphism and deformation ............................................................................ 18
3.4.4. Economic minerals and rocks resources ................................................................. 19
4. GEOLOGY OF KUSHMAGANE AREA ........................................................................... 21
4.1. Litho-stratigraphy .......................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1. The Metagranodiorite Unit ..................................................................................... 21
4.1.2. The Basic Metavolcanic Unit ................................................................................. 24
4.1.3. Metadiorite.............................................................................................................. 25
4.1.4. Metagranite ............................................................................................................. 26
4.1.5. Quartz Veins (QV).................................................................................................. 29
4.1.6. The Mafic Sills ....................................................................................................... 30
4.2. Metamorphism and Deformation .............................................................................. 31
4.2.1. Metamorphism ................................................................................................... 31
4.2.2. Structures ........................................................................................................... 32
5.1. Alterations ..................................................................................................................... 34
5.1.1. Silicification............................................................................................................ 34
5.1.2. Chloritization .......................................................................................................... 34
5.1.3. Epidotization........................................................................................................... 35
5.1.4. Sericitization ........................................................................................................... 35
5.1.5. Sulfidation .............................................................................................................. 35
5.1.6. Oxidation ................................................................................................................ 35

5.2. Whole Rock Geochemistry ........................................................................................... 35
5.2.1. Major Element Chemistry ...................................................................................... 36
5.2.2. Trace Element Chemistry ....................................................................................... 40 Petrogenesis of granitoids ................................................................................ 40 Petrogenesis of metabasites ............................................................................. 42 Classification of Metabasites based on Tectonic Setting ................................. 42 Classification of Granodiorite based on Tectonic Setting ............................... 43
5.3. Mineralization in Kushmagane ..................................................................................... 45
5.3.1. Placer gold .............................................................................................................. 45
5.3.2. Primary Mineralization (Anomaly results from Exploration activities) ................. 45
5.3.3. Ore geology ............................................................................................................ 47 Host rock .......................................................................................................... 47 Mineralogy of the Mineralization and ore textures.......................................... 47 Ore Mineral paragenesis .................................................................................. 49
5.3.4. Genesis of the Mineralization ................................................................................. 50 Sources of metals ............................................................................................. 52 Sources of fluids .............................................................................................. 52
6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................. 54
6.1. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 54
6.2. Recommendation ........................................................................................................... 56
References ................................................................................................................................ 57
Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 65

List of Figures
Fig. 1.1. Location map of the study area ................................................................................................. 2
Fig. 3.1. Gondwana at the end of Neoproterozoic time .......................................................................... 9
Fig. 3.2. The East Africa Orogen squeezed between West and East Gondwana .................................. 10
Fig. 3.3. Geologic Map of Kurmuk and Assosa.................................................................................... 14
Fig. 4.1. Metagranodiorite unit ............................................................................................................. 21
Fig. 4.2.Geologic map of Kushmagane area ......................................................................................... 22
Fig. 4.3. Micro-pictures of metagranodiorite ........................................................................................ 23
Fig. 4.4. Field picture of mafic metavolcanic ....................................................................................... 24
Fig. 4.5. Micro-picture of metabasites .................................................................................................. 25
Fig. 4.6. Field picture of metagranite .................................................................................................... 27
Fig. 4.7. Micro-picture of metagranite .................................................................................................. 27
Fig. 4.8. Quartz veins ............................................................................................................................ 29
Fig. 4.9. Vein filled fractures crossing each other ................................................................................ 30
Fig. 4.10 Mafic sills intruding into metagranodiorite unit .................................................................... 30
Fig. 4.11. Mesoscopic reverse fault ...................................................................................................... 32
Fig. 4.12. Great circles and rose diagrams of joints and veins............................................................ 33
Fig. 5.1. Variation diagrams ................................................................................................................. 37
Fig. 5.2. K2O vs SiO2 graph .................................................................................................................. 39
Fig. 5.3. The AFM triangular variation diagram................................................................................... 39
Fig. 5.4. REE patterns and Spider diagramms ...................................................................................... 40
Fig. 5.5. Gechemical classification of metabasites based on tectonic setting ....................................... 43
Fig. 5.6. Tectonic setting discrimination diagrams of the granitoids .................................................... 44
Fig. 5.7. Kushmagane soil and trench geochemical map for gold ........................................................ 46
Fig. 5.8. Micro-picture of Kushmagane sulphides and oxides .............................................................. 48
Fig. 5.9. Ore mineral paragenesis of Kushmagane gold mineralization. ............................................. 50
Fig. 5.10. Tectonic settings of gold-rich epigenetic mineral deposits................................................... 51

List of Tables
Table 5-1. Major and trace element concentrations of samples collected from Kushmagane 36
Table 5-2. Summarized soil geochemical data on Au concentration ....................................... 45
Table 5-3. Summarized gold values for rocks sampled from test borehole............................. 47

List of Appendices
Appendix 1. Location and description of sampling for samples geochemical analyses .......... 65
Appendix 2. Location and description of samples used for petrography ................................ 66
Appendix 3. Petrographic description of some of the sampled rocks. ..................................... 66
Appendix 4. ASI value of Kushmagane granitoids ................................................................. 68


Geology of Western Ethiopian Shield is known by volcano-sedimentary terranes, gneissic

terranes and ophiolitic rocks intruded by different granitoid bodies. This thesis study generally
considered the geology and genesis of gold mineralization in Kushmagane area, a part of
Western Ethiopian Shield and involved field investigations and petrographic and whole rock
geochemical studies to determine genesis of gold and related processes. Kushmagane is
covered by low grade metabasites and metagranitoids metamorphosed at greenschist facies.
They consist of quartz veins which are both primary and metamorphic in their origin, the later
lacking specific orientation. The metagranitoids are intruded by thin mafic intrusions that are
oriented parallel to both regional foliation and the local contacts. They have high silica content
(70.40–78.30wt %) and show increase in K2O and Na2O and decrease in Al2O3, MgO, MnO
and Fe2O with increasing SiO2 which reflects the crystal fractionation in their evolution. Their
REE pattern shows only slight variation between the abundances of LIL and HFS elements
which indicates moderate percentage melting of the original material. The low content of Fe
and Mg oxides in metagranitoids with their peraluminuous nature indicate crustal contribution.
Mafic mineralogy and associated basic volcanic rocks on the other hand, infer mantle source.
Therefore, the source for Kushmagane granitoids is likely both basaltic mantle derived parental
magma and partial melting of continental crust. Kushmagane metabasites have high
concentrations of MgO, Fe2O3 and CaO and low concentration of Na2O and K2O. Their REE
abundance pattern shows nearly parallel trend in a negative general slope. Negative slopes
combined with their tholeiitic nature infers that the Kushmagane basalts and andesites
originated in the lower enriched mantle reservoir. The flat pattern in metabasalt suggests that
the REE abundances in these rocks resulted from phases involving shallow fractionation (e.g.,
olivine), which do not fractionate the REE. Their tholeiitic nature and abundance of minerals
like augite, pigeonite ad hypersthene with minor olivine indicates that the Kushmagane
metavolcanics formed as oceanic slab subducted, reached sufficiently hot region and melted to
leak into the crust. Gold mineralization in the area, is decorated by presence of sulphides like
pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and covellite. Based on observed volcanic arc tectonic setting,
ore petrography and alteration types, the mineralization is believed to be orogenic type hosted
by metagranitoids and metabasites. The lower Au value in metabasites in the area may reflect
that the rocks were also sources for metal and leached by hydrothermal fluids during
metamorphism. The probable sources of fluids are proposed to be regional metamorphism of
the mafic volcanic rocks, post to syn-tectonic intrusions and/or subducted oceanic crust.

List of Acronyms

Abbreviated Minerals and Rocks Other abbreviated terms (continued)

Ab Albite ANS Arabian Nubian Shield

Adr Anderite MB Mozambique Belt
Bt Biotite EAO East African Orogeny
Cpx Clinopyroxene EMB Eastern Mozambique Belt
Cpy Chalcopyrite MORB Mid Oceanic Basalt
Grt Garnet OIB Oceanic Island Basalt
Hbl Hornblende WES Western Ethiopian Shield
Msc Muscovite WEB Western Ethiopian Belt
Opx Orthopyroxene WMB Western Mozambique Belt
PGE Platinum group elements CAG Continental Arc Granitoid
Plg Plagioclase CCG Continental Collision Granites
Py Pyrite ORG Oceanic Ridge Granitoids
Qtz Quartz Syn-COLG Syn-Collisional Granites
Bmv Basic metavolcanic VAG Volcanic Arc Granitoids
Mb Metabasites WPG Within Plate Granite
Md Metadiorite ALS Australian Laboratory Services
Mg Metagranite ASI Alumina Saturation Index
Mgd Metagranodiorite PPL Plane Polarized Light
Qv Quartz vein RC Reverse Circulation Drilling
XPL Crossed Polarized Light

Other Abbreviated terms

ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma– Mass Spectrometry

ICP-AES Inductively Coupled Plasma–Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
GSE Geological Survey of Ethiopia
MME Ministry of Mines and Energy
MoM Ministry of Mines

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

1.1. Study background
In Ethiopia different geological studies have confirmed presence of different rocks and mineral
deposits of different origin, age and evolution. The rocks in the country mainly fall into three
broad categories; the Precambrian basement complexes, marine sediments of Mesozoic era and
Tertiary volcanics.

The oldest rocks in the country belong to Precambrian era and they are formed before about
600–3000 million years and include various lithological types more or less intensively affected
by metamorphism: gneisses, phyllite, quartzite, schists, and granitoids (Getaneh Assefa et al.,
1981). This Precambrian rocks are originally related to the orogenic event known as Pan-
African Orogeny and they particularly belong to the so called Mozambique belt (Kazmin,
1971), which was peneplained during the Paleozoic. Marine sediments of Mesozoic era such
as sandstones, limestone, conglomerates, evaporites etc. unconformably cover this
Precambrian basement (Getaneh Assefa et al., 1981). As a part of East Africa, Ethiopia along
with the present Arabian Peninsula faced early Tertiary uplifting and at the end of Oligocene,
an important process of break-up initiated, with the formation of three major arms of rift valley
structures: the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the East African Rift System (Getaneh et al.,
1981). The formation of these three arms led to defining of three major lithospheric plates,
Nubia, Arabia and Somalia: Arabia and Somalia show relatively diverging movements to
Nubian plate and to each other (Barberi et al., 1975 as cited in Abbate et al, 2015). The
eruptions of huge volumes of magma (mainly basaltic) facilitated this plate divergence and is
still active now in some parts of the East African Rift System (Barberi et al., 1972).

The Precambrian basements host most of the economic metallic mineral deposits that include
primary and secondary enriched deposits of gold, platinum, platinum group elements (PGE),
nickel, tantalum, base metals, industrial minerals like phosphate, iron ore, gemstones (like
ruby, emerald, sapphire, garnet, etc.) and also decorative and dimension stones such as marble,
granite and other colored stones (Ministry of Mines and Energy, 2009). Even though many of
them including gemstones and industrial minerals remain less developed, the occurrence of
these vast categories of rocks and mineral deposits has led to production of different types of
resources. The biggest developed mine in the country is that of Southern Ethiopia’s Lega
Dembi gold mine and it remains the largest gold mine in the country with total estimated

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

reserve of 82 tons and average annual production of 3.6 tons (Ministry of Mines and Energy,
2009). Other mineral products including platinum from laterite, industrial minerals, gemstones
(opal, peridot and other precious stones) and decorative and construction materials are also
produced by licensed foreign and local mining companies in the southern, western, central and
northern regions of the country (Ministry of Mines and Energy, 2009). There are also some
other advanced stage primary gold exploration and development activities in different parts of
the country by different foreign and also domestic companies.

1.2. Location and accessibility of the area

A selected study area, Kushmagane is located in Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State,
Assosa Woreda (Fig. 1.1). It covers a total area of 3sqkm and it is located at about 775 km from
the capital, Addis Ababa and can be accessed via the main road that joins Addis Ababa and
Asosa through Addis Ababa-Ambo-Nekemte-Gimbi-Mandi-Assosa. The site is located at
about 45km from Assosa town in SW and the road is totally all weather gravel from the town.

Fig. 1.1. Location map of the study area

1.3. Topography and drainage

Kushmagane and its surroundings, as a part of Western Ethiopian lowland exhibit the general
topography of the area which encompasses varied topography ranging from plainly lowland to

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

rocky mountainous terrains. The highest and the lowest elevations in this area are about 1125
meter (Banga Turko) to the south and 576 meter (Belbenjo) (Managem PLC, 2015). At the foot
of these Rocky Mountains are plain areas locally dissected by streams that are only scarcely
active. Dabus River is the biggest river near to the area and it drains toward northeast to join
Blue Nile River.

1.4. Vegetation and climate

The study area lies in a tropical climate, classified as hot and arid region. The mean annual
temperature and rainfall of the area is 320C and 1000-1400 mm respectively (Managem PLC,
2015). January to April are the warmest months while July to August are the coldest months of
the area.

In terms of vegetation, it is strongly covered by grasses and moderately vegetated by different

types of forests. The most common vegetation covers are savannah grass, bamboo forest, and
deciduous trees. There are also evergreen trees which remain green throughout the year. High
rainfalls during summer time yield intense cover of the area by Savannah grasses which even
make the area difficult to work on. These very dense and tall grasses along with the trees have
been a home to wide range of wild animals like Roan, Antelope, Hyena, Columbus monkey,
Patas monkey, Ape, Reed buck, Python, Lion, Pig, Warthog, Porcupine and a variety of birds
and reptiles.

1.5. Population and land use

The population in the study area and its surroundings is very sparse. The inhabitants of the area
are Mao, Como and Berta people whose Native languages are Maogna, Comogna and Bertegna
respectively (Managem PLC, 2015). Most of the Berta people and some of the Como and Mao
people can speak Arabic language and follow Islamic religion. Now a day, the scattered
settlements and villages of the area are gathered in a group of settlement with the help of the
Regional Government. Only limited parts of the area are being used for cultivation by the local
people. The life subsistence of the people depends on irrigated and rain feed cultivation, cattle
rising, honey bee, placer gold panning and hunting. The main crops they cultivate in the area
include: sorghum, maize, groundnuts, cotton, tobacco, oilseed and various fruits including
mango, papaya and lemon etc. (Managem PLC, 2015). Although it varies from time to time,
malaria infestation period is prevalent during the rainy seasons.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

1.6. Previous works

Even though the geology of western Ethiopia is still not well understood, different studies have
been conducted in the region from different perspectives. The earlier studies conducted in the
area include (Kazmin, 1969 as cited in Tesfaye Kebede et al., 1999; De Wit and Aguma, 1977;
Kazmin et al, 1978; Senbeto Chewaka, 1980 as cited in Tesfaye Kebede et al., 1999). These
studies primarily targeted the Precambrian geology of the area and classified the rocks to either
Mozambique belt or ANS. The low grade rocks of the area were categorized in to ANS while
the high grades were identified to be part of the Mozambique belt. Furthermore, detailed studies
have been conducted in specific parts of the area regarding structures, geochemistry, petrology
and tectonic settings. More of these studies state that the Western Ethiopian Shield Studies
consists of low to medium grade metavolcanosedimentary rocks, ophiolitic rocks and high
grade gneisses and migmatites (Tadesse Alemu and Tsegaye Abebe, 2007; Allen and
Gebremedhin Tadesse, 2003; Teklewold Ayalew and Johnson, 2002). Granitoid intrusions
intruding into the formers are also part of the area’s rocks that together form Western Ethiopia’s
Greenstone Belt (Tesfaye Kebede et al, 1999). Starting from mid 1990s presence of economic
minerals was scientifically confirmed and mining activities have been introduced in to different
parts of the area (e.g., Solomon Tadesse, 2009).

1.7. Statement of the problem

From the beginning of human history precious metals remained the objects of desire. They
have been sought-after for their beauty, their mystic powers and highly esteemed for their
value. Since ancient days, men were aware of the value of precious metals as a shield against
economic uncertainties at the times of political upheavals. Since the ancient history of human
being, the exploration and mining of gold and base metals is significantly increasing due to
high demand for them. Similarly, exploration for gold and other minerals in Ethiopia is
increasing from time to time. Southern part of the country primarily got attention in beginning
times of modern mining processes which is currently being expanded to northern and western
parts. Different companies have been dealing with gold, platinum and base metals exploration
and production in Western Ethiopia many of them reporting positive results. However, even
though the occurrence of the minerals exists in the western greenstone belt, the area remains
less studied in terms of genesis of those mineralizations. In Kushmagane area, artisanal miners
are collecting quality gold by panning stream sediments. In addition to this, Managem PLC
(2015) have reported that they have identified occurrence of gold after preliminary systematic

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

exploration which involved satellite image interpretation, geological mapping at scale of

1:50,000, geochemical sampling (stream sediment, heavy mineral concentration) and rock and
chip sampling. However, the area remains unstudied in terms of style of mineralization and
genesis of gold and other minerals. Therefore, this study has been designed to map the prospect
area at relatively detailed scale than previous maps, to study the mineral paragenesis, wallrock
alteration and geochemistry and to identify the probable process of gold genesis.

1.8. Objectives of the study

1.8.1. General objective
This study is generally intended to study geology and genesis of gold mineralization in
orogenic metagranitoids and metabasites of Western Ethiopia; a case of Kushmagane area,
Assosa Woreda of Benishangul Gumuz region.

1.8.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the study are:

 Producing geological map of the area at scale of 1:10,000

 Determining geochemistry of the host rock

 Identification of style of mineralization (paragenesis, alteration, ore bodies)

 Identifying possible controlling factors of mineralization and

 Determining mode of formation (genesis) of the gold.

1.9. Significance of the research

There are several thousands of known minerals in nature (with estimates ranging from 3,500
to 4,500), but only few of them are considered as ore minerals. Of these, only about a dozen or
so are actually enough valuable to be economically important and gold is one of them. In
Ethiopia, the consideration given for gold in past years is positive compared with less
recognized gemstones, industrial minerals and base metals. Ethiopia is one of the countries that
are benefitting from gold exporting. This study has dealt with geology and geochemistry of the
area and genesis of the mineralization and hence established the nature of major processes that
have been linked with the formation of the gold deposit such as petrogenesis of the source and
host rocks and alteration. The study has also identified a possible category under which the
area’s mineralization falls based on its genesis.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

2.1. Introduction
Beginning from the initial planning of this thesis work, different materials have been used and
different methods have been applied to accomplish it. It all began with reviewing literatures
and followed by identification of the problem, setting objectives and methods, and field and
post-field works. Field and Post-field works generally involved sample collection and mapping
and sample preparations, sample analyses and interpretations respectively and each of them are
discussed below.

2.2. Geological mapping and Sample collection

Field works were conducted for fifteen days and involved different activities. The first two
days of the field work involved road geology by which the overall geology of the area was
outlined. Selected sites like old trenches and boreholes were visited. The other thirteen days
were spent on the local geology. Representative samples of the units in the study area were
collected both from surface and boreholes. Sampling from test boreholes were done at the same
time of drilling to avoid lithological mixing while the RC machine drills. Both mineralized and
non-mineralized rock samples were collected for ore microscopy and geochemical analyses.
Traverses were selected across the general trend of the rocks in the area along streams which
cut and expose the rocks. Measurements on different structures and attitudes of the rocks were
made and the geological map of the area is produced at scale of 1:10,000.

2.3. Geochemical Analyses

Ten rock samples, five collected from surface and five collected from test boreholes were
washed of weathered surfaces and submitted to ALS geochemical laboratory, Addis Ababa for
preparation. Then, the samples were crushed to 70% less than 2mm, riffled to split off 1kg and
the splits were pulverized to 75 microns. The pulverized samples were shipped to ALS
Services, Loughrea located at Dublin road, Louhrea, Co. Galway, Ireland for whole rock
analysis using ME-MS81d, a code given by ALS services PLC to represent combination of
ICP-MS and ICP-AES. The ten samples all underwent both ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses.
The results were then interpreted to understand the magma source and to discriminate tectonic
setting of the rocks of the area which was further interpreted to understand genesis of gold

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

2.3.1. ICP-MS
This method is a 30 Element Package which uses a minimum sample size of 1g. It involves
lithium borate fusion of the sample prior to acid dissolution and provides the most quantitative
analysis approach for a broad suite of trace elements. A prepared sample (4.00g) was added to
lithium metaborate flux (0.90 g) in a cleaned PTFE microwave sample vessels and mixed well
and fused in a furnace at 1000°C for 30 minute. The melt is then cooled for 15 minutes and
diluted in 100 mL of 4% HNO3 or 2% HCl solution so that mineral species including those that
are highly refractory are solubilized. The solution is then analysed by inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry for 30 trace elements including Ba, Ce, Cr, Cs, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Gd,
Hf, Ho, La, Lu, Nb, Nd, Pr, Rb, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb and Zr.

2.3.2. ICP-AES
The ICP-AES was used to analyse major elements in their oxide forms including SiO2, Al2O3,
Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, Cr2O3, TiO2, MnO, P2O5, SrO, BaO. Each of prepared solid
samples (2g) was dissolved and mixed with water and sample solution was transformed into
an aerosol by a nebuliser. After having been dissolved, the sample is then, topped off with
dilute HCl and the solution containing the sample is analysed using inductively coupled
plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).

2.4. Thin and Polished Sections

2.4.1. Preparations
Rock samples collected from field were prepared at thin section laboratory of School of Earth
Sciences, Addis Ababa University and Geological Survey of Ethiopia. The fresh parts of the
rock samples were cut to slabs of proper size and polished using the diamond grinder until thin
sections of approximately 2-12μm thickness are produced. Multiple thin sections were
prepared for each units based on the dominance they have in the area.

Rock samples collected from mineralized zones of the test boreholes were polished at
Geological Survey of Ethiopia for ore microscopic analysis. The mineralized rocks which bear
sulfides and oxides on their surfaces were desired so that mineralogical alteration and zoning
in the mineralization can be understood.

2.4.2. Microscopy
Both ore microscopy and petrographic microscopy studies were conducted at laboratories of
School of Earth Sciences, Addis Ababa University. Each rock sample is studied under thin
section for its mineralogical make up based on the optical properties of the minerals and the

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

volume percentage of the minerals in the rock is correlated with its geochemistry or
geochemistry of samples of its type. For the purpose of ore minerals reflected light microscope
was used to identify occurrence of ore minerals, their assemblage and texture. The transmitted
light (applied for transparent minerals) and reflected light microscopes (applied for opaque
minerals analysis) were Leitz and Nikon Japan 261448 respectively.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

3.1. Introduction: The Pan African Orogeny

The term 'Pan-African' was coined by Kennedy (1964) on the basis of an assessment of
available Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages in Africa. In Early days the Pan-African was interpreted as a
tectono-thermal event of some 500 Ma, during which a number of mobile belts formed
surrounding the older cratons (Kröner and Stern, 2004). The concept then extended to the
Gondwana continents (Fig. 3.1) and the thermal event was later recognized to constitute the
final Part of an orogenic cycle, leading to orogenic belts which are currently interpreted to have
resulted from the amalgamation of continental domains during the period of 870 to 550 Ma
(Kröner and Stern, 2004). Currently, the term Pan-African is used to describe all
Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic phenomena of tectonic, magmatic, and metamorphic
activities related to crust that was once Part of Gondwana.

Fig. 3.1. Gondwana at the end of Neoproterozoic time (-540 Ma); the general arrangement of Pan-
African belts. AS, Arabian Shield; BR, Brasiliano; DA, Darnara; DM, Dom Feliclano; DR, Denman
Darling; EW, Eilsworth-Whitrnore Mountains; GP, Gariep; KB, Kaoko; MA, Mauretanides; MB,
Mozarnbique Belt; NS, Nubian Shield; PM, Peterman Ranges; PB, Pryolz Bay; PR, Parnpean Ranges;
PS, Paterson; QM, Queen Maud Land; RB, Rokelides; SD, Saldania; SG, Southern Granulite Terrane;
TS, Trans- Sahara Belt; WB, West Congo; ZB, Zarnbezi. (Adopted from. Kröner & Stern, 2004).

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Generally the Pan-African orogenic cycle was the result of different combined activities. Ocean
closure and arc and microcontinent accretion are both parts of Pan-African orogenic cycle
along with the final suturing of continental fragments which is responsible for the formation of
the supercontinent Gondwana (Kröner and Stern, 2004). Despite early suggestions claiming
opening of large Neoproterozoic oceans between different cratons (Fig. 3.1) to be result of
breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent some 800-850Ma, current data indicate that the African
and South American cratons were never Part of Rodinia (Kröner and Stern, 2004).

A Neoproterozoic crystalline basement ranging from 880 to 550 Ma constitutes the crustal
backbone of the Ethiopian region with wide exposures in the southern and western Ethiopia
and, to a lesser extent, in the northernmost Ethiopia (Abbate et al., 2015).The Proterozoic
terrains in Ethiopia are related to the East African Orogen (Stern 1994), a N–S elongated mega
collisional structure stretching from Israel to Madagascar and produced between West and East
Gondwana by the closure of the Mozambique ocean (Abbate et al., 2015) (Fig. 3.1).

In the north, the East African Orogen

constitutes the Arabian–Nubian Shield
and in the south the Mozambique Belt.
In northern Ethiopia, the Nubian
portion of the Shield is prevalent, with
dominantly low-grade volcano-
sedimentary rocks overlain by
metasediments (stromatolitic carbona-
tes and diamictites) associated with
Fig. 3.2. The East Africa Orogen squeezed between “Snowball Earth” (Beyth et al., 2003).
West and East Gondwana. WA West African craton; In southern Ethiopia, the Mozambique
AM Amazo-nian craton; S Sahara craton; C Congo
craton; K Kalahari craton; M Madagascar; I India Belt exposes abundant amphibolites
shield; EA-East Antarctic shield; AU Australia craton.
Adopted from Meert and Lieberman (2008) and granulite facies metamorphic rocks
and gneiss terranes (Abbate, 2015).

3.2. The Mozambique Belt

The Mozambique Belt, a part of the Pan African East African Orogen is a roughly N-S oriented
mountain range that formed by the collision of East and West Gondwana (Tenczer et al., 2005).
The cause of this collisional event is believed to be a long-lived subduction system along which
island arcs were accreted between 750-500 Ma (Tenczer et al., 2005). This study also claims

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

that the tectonics related to this event resulted in the formation of thrust propagating onto
different Cratons. The propagation of these thrusts formed a Pan-African metamorphic
overprint with a gradient from greenschist facies to high pressure granulite facies in different
Cratons in Africa (Tenczer et al., 2005). Closure of the oceanic basin occurred at -760 Ma and
was followed by the formation of major north trending transcurrent faults at -635 Ma
(Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996).

Cutten et al. (2006) identified two principal domains in Mozambique Belt namely, Western
Mozambique Belt (WMB) and Eastern Granulites (EG). The Western Mozambique Belt
(WMB) comprises upper amphibolite facies gneisses with emplacement ages predominantly
between 2970 to 2648 Ma (Johnson et al., 2003) but also as young as 1837 Ma, and represent
reworked rocks of the Tanzania Craton and Usagaran Belt. As yet, no igneous rocks of Pan-
African age are identified in Western Mozambique Belt (Cutten et al., 2006). On the other
hand, the Eastern Granulites (EG) are high-grade, arc-derived lithologies of Pan-African- aged
emplacement ages ranging between 841 Ma and 632 Ma (Cutten et al., 2006). Both terranes
include Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks on their lithological make up (Cutten et al.,

In its Northeastern branch, the Mozambique belt is largely concealed by Phanerozoic cover
and the Precambrian rocks expose only in restricted areas. The areas where the Precambrian
rocks are exposed are restricted to the Kenyan and Southern Ethiopian basement, inliers in
eastern Ethiopia and southern Somalia and an isolated strip of Precambrian in northern Somalia
(Warden and Horkel, 1984). However, different authors (e.g. Braathen et al. 2001, Kazmin et
al., 1978, Taddesse Alemu and Tsegaye Abebe, 2007) added the Western Ethiopian shield to
North-eastern part of Mozambique Belt where Precambrian rocks are exposed. Generally, the
well-established Precambrian outcrops in this part of the Mozambique belt include
Precambrian rocks of Southern Kenya, Southern Ethiopia, Eastern Ethiopia, Northern Somalia,
Western Ethiopia and to lesser extent Northern Ethiopia (Kazmin et al., 1978, Warden and
Horker, 1984, Taddesse Alemu and Tsegaye Abebe, 2007).

3.3. The Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS)

3.3.1. Origin and Tectonism
The Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) in North East Africa and West Arabia is the largest tract of
juvenile continental crust originated during Neoproterozoic age and affected by the Pan African
orogenic cycle (Patchett and Chase, 2002; Kröner and Stern, 2004, Avigad and Gvirtzman,

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

2009). It makes up the northern half of the East African Orogen and stretches from southern
Israel and Jordan as far as Ethiopia and Yemen, where it makes transition into the Mozambique
Belt (Blasband et al., 2000; A. Kröner & Stern, 2004).
The ANS is suggested to be a crust that was generated during the formation of smaller terrains
of arc and back arc crust within and around the margins of a large oceanic tract known as the
Mozambique Ocean, which formed in association with the breakup of Rodina ~ 800–900 Ma
(Stern, 1994). Oceanic plateaus are also thought to be accreted (Stein and Goldstein, 1996) and
their crustal fragments collided as the Mozambique Ocean closed, forming arc-arc sutures,
composite terrains, the ANS and the larger collisional belt known as the East African Orogen
(Stern et al., 2004; Stern, 1994). In the course of its Neoproterozoic evolution, number of
tectono-metamorphic and igneous cycles have processed the ANS; but two major tectono-
metamorphic phases were the most prominent (Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996; Johnson and
Woldehaimanot, 2003 as cited in Avigad & Gvirtzman, 2009). The first phase, the older phase
at around 750 Ma followed the cessation of most island-arc igneous activity and probably
pertains to the accretion and assembly of ANS island arcs (Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996;
Johnson and Woldehaimanot, 2003 as cited in Avigad and Gvirtzman, 2009). The second phase
is subsequent tectono-metamorphic phase which followed a period of reduced igneous activity
at around 700 Ma causing thickening of the previously stitched island-arc complexes and
formed tight, roughly N–S trending upright folds (Avigad et al., 2007 as cited in Avigad and
Gvirtzman, 2009).
The Arabian-Nubian Shield was sandwiched between fragments of East and West
Gondwanaland as these collided at about 600 Ma (Meert, 2003) to form a supercontinent
variously referred to as Greater Gondwanaland (Stern, 1994) or just Gondwanaland. The ANS
was subsequently buried by Phanerozoic sediments but has been exposed by uplift and erosion
on the flanks of the Red Sea in Oligocene and younger times (Robert et al., 2004). A broad
region uplifting occurred in association with Cenozoic rifting and formed the Red Sea,
exposing a large tract of mostly juvenile Neoproterozoic crust which comprises ANS (Kröner
& Stern, 2004).

3.3.2. Litho-stratigraphy
The Arabian–Nubian Shield consists variety of rocks including gneisses, granitoids, various
metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks (Blasband et al., 2000). The western margin of ANS
is defined by juxtaposition of ophiolite-decorated volcano-sedimentary sequences and juvenile
Neoproterozoic arc magmatic terranes with the Eastern Granulite complex of the MB, the

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Archean Congo Craton and the Sahara Metacraton (Fritz et al., 2013). However, this margin is
not defined in the north because it is covered by Mesozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks but
it extends along the line of the Nile Valley and crops out in the Keraf arc-continent suture in
northern Sudan (Abdelsalam et al., 1998 as cited in Fritz et al., 2013). Highly deformed mafic-
ultramafic bodies also expose within low-grade (ANS) terrains making linear belts which are
interpreted as dismembered ophiolitic rocks (e.g., Kazmin et al., 1978; Warden et al., 1982;
Seife Michael Berhe, 1990; Teklewold Ayalew et al., 1990; Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996).
Abundant tonalitic to granodioritic plutons stich the ANS terrains together and terrain
boundaries are frequently defined by suture zones that are marked by ophiolites (Kröner &
Stern, 2004). Most of these ophiolites as identified by Kroner & Stern (2004), have trace
element chemical compositions suggesting formation above a convergent plate margin, either
as part of a back-arc basin or in a fore arc setting. Its dominantly juvenile nature, relatively low
grade of metamorphism and abundance of island-arc rocks and ophiolites make ANS distinct
from Mozambique Belt (Kröner & Stern, 2004).

3.4. Geology and Geotectonic Evolution of the Western Ethiopian Shield (WES)

3.4.1. Litho–stratigraphy
Despite scarcity of well-established geological investigations of the relationship between the
Neoproterozoic rocks of the Arabian–Nubian shield (ANS) and rocks of the Mozambique belt
(MB), different studies (e.g. Kröner, 1985, Vail, 1985, Stern 1994) have confirmed that three
types of lithotectonic assemblages: volcano-sedimentary terranes, gneissic terranes and
ophiolitic rocks are recognized. According to Kazmin et al. (1978), western Ethiopia
comprises both the low-medium grade metamorphic rocks of Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS)
and the generally high-grade reworked rocks of Mozambique belt (MB). Braathen et al., (2001)
also stated that Western Ethiopia shows a division of two Precambrian provinces: Archaean-
Palaeoproterozoic gneisses in the east, Neoproterozoic and Palaeoproterozoic gneisses to the
west. The Precambrian of this region consists of high grade gneiss and migmatite in the east
and west and low grade metavolcano-sedimentary rocks in the middle bounded by NNE-SSW
trending ophiolitic belts (Tulu Dimtu belt and Assosa-Kurmuk belt) (Tadesse Alemu and
Tsegaye Abebe, 2007). Benzu Gold Mining Ethiopia PLC, (2013) reported that the exposed
rocks in Western Ethiopia consist primarily of Lower Complex gneisses and migmatite. They
are coarse grained, well foliated and banded, strongly deformed and metamorphosed to
amphibolite facies and overlain by the Upper Complex which consists of metavolcanic and

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

metasedimentary rocks of low grade greenschist to amphibolite facies (Benzu Gold Mining
Ethiopia PLC, 2013). The metavolcano-sedimentary lithology include graphitic phyllite,
carbonate schists and marble and Ultrabasic to acidic intrusives related to the Upper complex
intrude the Lower Complex (Benzu Gold Mining Ethiopia PLC, 2013).

Asphalt road
gravel road
definite fault
Definite contact
Grdational contact
KKKKK shearzone
probable fault
E Lineamenet

Fig. 3.3. Geologic Map of Kurmuk and Assosa: PCMS1- biotite, graphite and Chlorite schist, quartzite,
metasandstone, metaconglomerate and qourtzofeldspathic schist, PCMS2-phyllite and greenschist,
minor graphite and talc-schists, quartzite and marble, UM-serpentinite, serpentine-talc and talc-chlorit
schists, PCMV1-Amphibolite, lesser quartzite and quartzofeldspathic and graphitic shists, PCGN2-
botite and biotite-hornblende gneisses, minor muscovite-biotite schist and quartzofeldspathic gneiss,
PCGN1-biotite and biotite-hornblende gneisses, minor amphibolite, granitoid gneiss and migmatite
(modified and adopted from Mengesha Tefera and Berhe 1987).

Together, these rocks form the Western Greenstone Belt with predominant lithology including
chlorite-graphite-sericite schists, phyllite, quartzite, andesite and rhyolites (Benzu Gold Mining
Ethiopia PLC, 2013). Teklewold Ayalew and Johnson (2002), also confirm presence of rocks
of varying grades.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

These wide range rocks in WES have been categorized in to different groups using different
classification schemes (e.g., Mengesha Tefera and Berhe, 1987; Allen and Gebremedhin
Tadesse, 2003). They broadly fall into three groups of lithotectonic units; the Birbir Domain,
Geba domain and Baro domain (Teklewold Ayalew and Peccerillo, 1998; Mengesha Tefera
and Seife Michael Berhe, 1987 as cited in Teklewold Ayalew and Johnson, 2002). This
classification is primarily based on grade of metamorphism and also lithological similarities
within the same domain (Teklewold Ayalew and Peccerillo, 1998). According to these authors
the Birbir domain encompasses an assemblage of mafic to felsic intrusive and extrusive rocks
and mainly volcanogenic sedimentary rocks which are enclosed between the dominantly ortho-
gneissic Baro and Geba domains. Monotonous quartzofeldspathic gneisses are reported to be
the dominant lithologic units in the easterly Geba domain. This domain is categorized under
gneissic terrain encompassing strongly foliated, medium- grained biotite and hornblende-
biotite gneisses as predominant rock types (Teklewold Ayalew and Johnson, 2002). The Geba
domain also contains very high temperature rocks as some of the gneisses are migmatitic and
contain numerous sub-concordant lenses of granitic and pegmatitic material (Teklewold
Ayalew and Johnson, 2002). The Baro domain is similarly dominated by the ortho-gneissic
biotite gneiss and hornblende gneiss but, in its easterly edge where it makes contact with Birbir
domain, it is characterised by para-gneisses.

The other classification is made by Allen and Gebremedhin Tadesse (2003) and puts the rocks
in to five categories: Didessa domain, Daka domain, Kemashi domain, Sirkole domain and
Dengi domain. This classification discusses the rocks as the following. Didessa Domain

This domain extends from approximately 5km east of Didessa River in Wollega area covering
about 70km up to about 25km west of Gimbi town. It is differentiated from the adjacent
Kemashi Domain to the west by distinctive lithological and structural characteristics. The rocks
within this domain are moderate grade para-gneisses which consist of interlayered biotite-
amphibole gneiss, garnet-biotite gneiss and quartzofeldspathic gneiss and ortho-gneisses which
consist banded mafic gneiss. Banded mafic gneisses in ortho gneisses of Didessa domain
contain ultramafic bands derived from a layered mafic intrusive body, and very coarse granitoid
gneiss and intruded by Neoproterozoic intrusive rocks. This domain makes a contact with the
nearby Kemashi domain which is marked by the N–S trending Chugi Shear Zone, consisting
of strongly N–S cleaved phyllonitic rocks derived from the Didesa Gneiss. The interpretation
by Allen and Gebremedhin Tadesse (2003) concluded that this domain is the eastern edge of

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

the Tulu Dimtu belt. Partial melting and deformation events are reported to occur in the Didesa
Terrane at ca. 660 Ma (Blades et al, 2015). Kemashi Domain

This is a narrow 10-15km wide domain paralleling the trend of Tulu Dimtu belt. Sequences of
metasedimentary rocks of marine origin, mafic to ultramafic metavolcanics and associated
plutonic rocks of wide variety make up the domain. The metasedimentary rocks consist of dark,
highly pyritised, pelitic to psammitic schists, intercalated with chert, graphitic phyllite and
marble. Dengi Domain

The main units characterizing this domain include deformed and metamorphosed volcano-
sedimentary sequence, a coarse-grained para- and ortho-gneissic unit and mafic to felsic
intrusive bodies intruding to the later. It crops out to the west of the Kemashi Domain and has
120km width and indicate two pulses of magmatism at 850–840 Ma and 780–760 Ma in similar
way to Didessa domain (Blades et al, 2015). The gneisses and the volcano-sedimentary
succession are in tectonic contact across both the N–S Gember Shear Zone and the later
crosscutting NW–SE Chochi Shear Zone. The gneissic assemblage consists of biotite-
hornblende paragneiss and pelitic gneiss, together with mafic and garnetiferous granitoid
orthogneiss. The gneisses are locally migmatised, and the assemblage as a whole is intensely
folded and veined. This domain and Kemashi Domain indicate Sirkole domain

The Sirkole Domain was understood to occupy west of Assosa town extending into Sudan, and
therefore its western limit is unknown. It consists of different N–S elongated blocks which have
only a few km widths. This domain consists of either medium grade gneisses or metavolcanic
rocks intruded by foliated and massive granitoids. There are two major units that make up the
areas gneissic lithology. The first one is Tosho gneiss, heterogeneous gneiss which includes
undifferentiated complex of biotite-amphibole gneiss and amphibolite and Granitoid gneiss.
The other one is Yangu Granitoid, a large homogeneous anatectic granite gneiss formed by
partial melting of the Tosho Gneiss.

The volcano-sedimentary succession encompasses a thick sequence of mafic metavolcanic and

interbedded metasedimentary rocks subjected to folding and strong cleavage. The folding and
cleavage are primarily strong in graphitic schists. The volcano-sedimentary succession is
folded and strongly cleaved with a N–S striking, easterly dipping schistosity, and a mineral

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

stretching lineation plunging gently eastwards. Amphibolite facies assemblages occur in both
the gneiss and the volcano-sedimentary successions, the presence of rare kyanite in the
graphitic schists reflecting medium to high-pressure conditions. Daka domain

The predominant rocks in this domain are gneissic and they encompass three lithological units
(Allen and Gebremedhin Tadesse, 2003). Allen and Tadesse correlated two of the units with
the two gneissic units of the Sirkole Domain, i.e. the Tosho Gneiss, and the Yangu Granitoid
Gneiss. The relationship between these two units is more clearly delineated in this domain. The
Tosho gneiss belongs to amphibolite facies and grades from east to west into the granitoid
gneiss through a zone of increasing metamorphic grade and migmatisation. The increment in
grade of metamorphism of Tosho gneiss towards the west is interpreted to represent formation
of Yangu granitoids by anatectic partial melting of the Tosho Gneisses.

Daka Domain’s another gneissic unit is a banded orthopyroxene-bearing granulite facies unit
termed Daka Gneiss (Tadesse and Tesfaye, 1999 as cited in Allen and Gebremedhin Tadesse,
2003). It crops out in south of the other two units and is in tectonic contact with the other two
along the E–W trending Daka River Thrust (Allen and Gebremedhin Tadesse, 2003). This
occurrence is significant as granulite facies terranes are rare within the northern part of the
EAO. The presence of garnet–clinopyroxene assemblages within the granulite, suggests high-
pressure conditions of metamorphism for the Daka Gneiss. Fabrics in the Daka Gneiss, which
have an E–W strike and dip gently to moderately southwards, are mylonitic, and related to the
formation of the Daka River Thrust.

3.4.2. Origin and tectonic setting

The WES geotectonically evolved through different processes beginning from early rifting and
associated sedimentation followed by subduction and island arc formation, arc-accretion and,
finally, continent-continent collision (e.g., Kazmin et al., 1978). The cause for the latter stages,
collectively called ‘the Pan African orogeny’, is believed to be collision of east and west
Gondwana (e.g., Stern, 1994) which caused severe E-W crustal shortening (Teklewold Ayalew
and Johnson, 2002). The lithological, structural and metamorphic similarities of the gneissic
rocks of WES with the basement exposed in further south (in Kenya, Uganda and SE Sudan)
infer that the gneissic rocks of WES are a northwards continuation of the Mozambique Belt
(Kazmin et al., 1978; Seife Michael Berhe, 1991; Samuel Gichile and Fyson, 1993).

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Different evidences suggest that bodies within the WES have an intrusive nature (Grenne et
al., 1998; Aberra Mogessie et al., 1999 as cited in Teklewold Ayalew and Johnson, 2002).
Among the intrusive bodies of WES, A-type granitoids of Wollega area have been identified
to include three domains; the Ganji monzogranite, Homa gneissic granite and Tuppi granite
(Tesfaye Kebede and Koeberl, 2003). These granitoid bodies are understood as they either
intruded into greenschist facies volcano-sedimentary sequence or emplaced at the contact
between low- and high-grade terranes (e.g., Braathen et al., 2001, Tesfaye Kebede and Koeberl,
2003). The granitoid rocks in the area are categorized as pre- to and post-deformation granitoids
of within plate and volcanic arc settings. Teklewold Ayalew and Peccerillo (1998) indicated
that pre- to syn-tectonic granitoids appear to be the product of magmatic arc activity (VAG),
whereas the other granites fall in the field of within-plate granites (WPG).

3.4.3. Metamorphism and deformation

Teklewold Ayalew and Johnson (2002) categorised the WES rocks into different metamorphic
facies. Accordingly, the metabasites of the region fall into greenschist to lower amphibolite
facies in the juvenile ANS domain and mid to upper amphibolite facies in the gneissic domains.
The mineral assemblage of metapelites of Birbir domain were interpreted by Teklewold
Ayalew (1997) and showed condition of 520oC and 4kbar. On the other hand, the P-T condition
of the metapelites in Baro domain was deduced to be 700oc and 7Kbar which marks steep
metamorphic gradient among the areas at the transition of the domains. A uniform granitoid
composition and lenticular texture over hundreds of square metres of outcrop suggest that the
majority of biotite granite and hornblende biotite granite are tonalitic or granodioritic ortho-
gneisses. The protolith of rare garnet-bearing and commonly epidotised gneissic rocks are
interpreted to be more probably igneous rocks.

Generally, metamorphism in WES occurred in wide range of metamorphic grades beginning

from low grades like greenschist facies and lower amphibolite as in Birbir domain to very high
grades like upper amphibolite and granulite facies as in Geba and Baro domains (e.g.
Teklewold Ayalew and Peccerillo, 1998, Mengesha Tefera and Seife Michael Berhe, 1987). In
the higher grade ortho- and para-gneisses and migmatites there is no evidence of primary
sedimentary or volcanic features that can be observed on the rocks. The assemblage in high
grade gneissic rocks of Baro domain was interpreted by Teklewold Ayalew et al., 1990 to be
high-grade garnet–sillimanite, garnet–cordierite–gedrite, and biotite–hornblende assemblages
which is an indicative of higher amphibolite facies.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Multiple phases of deformation are recorded in the Western Greenstone Belt. The regional
strike of the foliations ranges from N-S to NW-SE and NE-NW and the predominant direction
of foliation in the region is NE-SW (Benzu Gold Mining Ethiopia PLC, (2013). According to
different authors, pre-kinematic plutons (830-780 Ma) and volcanic and sedimentary units were
affected by regional deformation and low-grade metamorphism (Braathen et al., 2001). Allen
and Gebremedhin Tadesse (2005), declared that the structural evolution of Western Ethiopia
involved three deformational stages (D1, D2, D3), applied only to the volcano-sedimentary units
and represented the Pan African deformation sequence.

The approximately E-W shortening event, designated D1 in Abraham (1989) is responsible for
formation of a penetrative, axial plane-parallel foliation, striking NNE-SSW (Braathen et al.,
2001). The D1 deformation event resulted in the overall N–S-striking and steeply E-dipping D1
foliation which is the most pronounced and penetrative in supracrustal rocks, but is also well
developed in marginal parts of the intrusions (Grenne et al., 2003). High-strain zones are found
along lithological contacts, and also make up the bulk of the kilometer wide Baruda shear belt
(Grenne et al., 2003). Highly D1-strained rocks show a stretching lineation that commonly
plunges to the east (Grenne et al., 2003). A later, localised D2 sinistral-transcurrent phase
reached amphibolite facies in narrow, discrete shear-zones. This deformation event resulted in
steepening and tightening of D1 folds and followed by D3 which resulted in shearing and
faulting of the structures (Braathen et al., 2001). The metasedimentary and metavolcanic
sequences existing in West Ethiopia’s tansect are intruded by plutonic complexes (Tefera,
1991, 1997). These units intruded by plutonic complexes were variably deformed during the
main D1 contractional event and the accompanying metamorphism was generally of greenschist
facies but reached lower amphibolite facies locally (Braathen et al., 2001). The supracrustal
units are intersected by a major D1 shear-zone referred to here as the Baruda shear-belt. Two
narrow D2 shear-zones are also found in central parts of the transect (Braathen et al., 2001).

3.4.4. Economic minerals and rocks resources

Economic minerals occurrence in western Ethiopian shield has been identified in different parts
of the area. Kebede H. Belete et al. (2002) reported occurrence of several PGM in the
disseminated chromites and altered silicates associated with the serpentinized dunite in Yubdo.
Gold mineralization is also observed in the area and different companies are currently exploring
and mining. Three styles of gold mineralization, i) syenite intrusions related mineralization, ii)
skarn gold type mineralisation and iii) fault-shear hosted gold mineralisation in metasediments
are recorded in the area (Benzu Gold mining Ethiopia, 2013). Solomon Tadesse (2009) stated

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

four belts in western Ethiopian domain host different economic minerals. The mineralization
associated with these belts include primary gold deposits (e.g. Dul, Oda-Godere), the platinum
deposit and occurrences (Yubdo and Daletti-Tuludimtu respectively), the iron deposits (Bilikal,
Chago, Gadma) and base metals prospects (Abetselo, Kata) of volcanogenic-volcano
sedimentary type. Bullock and Morgan (2015) recently reported that they discovered
potentially economic graphite-bearing schist units in the Assosa region of western Ethiopia.
According to their report, this graphite covers an area of 37 km2 and is hosted predominantly
by quartz-graphitic schist, quartz-feldspar-mica schist and quartzite.

Apart from metallic minerals, the area has been an exploration and mining target for different
industrial minerals and rocks. Extensive deposits of marble are found in the Precambrian
metamorphic terrain of western Ethiopia and known deposit occur around Daleti, Bulen, Mora,
Zigi, Baruda and Mankush. (Heldal,et al 1987 as cited in Sentayehu Zewdie, 2011). These
deposits form different geo-morphological features and Pink, greenish and sky-blue varieties
of them are reported. A variety of igneous rocks, predominantly granites of Proterozoic to Early
Paleozoic age, occurring as intrusive bodies within the Precambrian metamorphics of the
western Ethiopia are reported to be of dimension stone value (Sentayehu Zewdie 2011). The
dimension stone value possessing granites are identified in localities Bure, Anger, Guttin, and
Dehan from Wollega and Benishangul areas.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

The geology of Kushmagane area is mapped as metagranodiorite in Fig. 3.3. However, it is
characterised by exposure of basic/intermediate metavolcanics, metadiorite, metagranite and
metagranodiorite marked by mafic intrusions, mesoscopic faults, quartz veins and veinlets. The
general trend of the units in this locality is NNE-SSW. The area is studied in terms of lithology,
metamorphism and mineralization and the following observation is obtained.

4.1. Litho-stratigraphy
4.1.1. The Metagranodiorite Unit
Metagranodiorite is the most dominant unit in the study area and makes a contact with
metabasites which trends about 08o NNE-SSW. It is massive to weakly foliated rock and every
of its outcrops in the area physically resembles the other where ever it crops out. It is light to
dark grey unit mainly composed of quartz, feldspars, and biotite. Sub-horizontal sills run
through it in a direction of almost parallel to contacts and the regional foliation. Around the
contact between granodiorite and the mafic volcanic intrusion high degree of silicification and
grain size reduction is observed. The unit consists of multiple of quartz veins some of which
subjected to mesoscopic faulting. The field observation of this metagranodiorite unit shows
presence of plenty visible phenocrysts of quartz (Fig. 4.1).

Fig. 4.1. Metagranodiorite unit in situ picture with quartz vein (left) and sampled hand specimen rock





37 48

Strike and dip of contacts

Peak zone of Mt Belbejo





200m 400m 600m 800m 1000m 1200m

Fig. 4.1.Geologic map of Kushmagane area and its vertically exaggerated cross section. (A––B- profile section selected to
include maximum number of lithology, V.E = 2.65x). Elevation data were collected during the fieldwork to compensate the
lacking of previously produced topographic map to produce cross section.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Petrographic study of representative samples of metagranodiorite rock indicate that the rock is
highly dominated by quartz and feldspars. Most of the quartz minerals in the rock show relict
concertal texture of intergrown boundaries which infers low grade metamorphism and their
resistance to deformation. Among the feldspar minerals, plagioclases dominate the rock with
minor orthoclase and microcline. Chlorite, biotite, actinolite, minor hornblende and garnet with
opaque minerals also constitute the rock. Sericitization of feldspars which is believed to be
result of hydrolysis enhanced by hydrothermal fluids is also observed. Generally, the average
modal mineralogical composition (Vol. %) of the samples from this unit is Qtz~30%, Plg~24%,
A-spar~9%, Bt~14%, Act~8%, Chl~4% and Hbl~3%, Grt~1% and opaque~7%.

A) B)



qtz Opq
act Qtz

C) D Qtz

qtz Plg

k-spar Grt(Adr)

Fig. 4.3. Micro-pictures of metagranodiorite taken under 10X magnification (all under XPL). Fig B
shows replacement of hornblende with opaque minerals which is probably result of oxidation.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

The anderite shown in Fig. 4.2D is euhedral and bears no fractured surface and it is a post
deformation metamorphic mineral.

4.1.2. The Basic Metavolcanic Unit

The basic metavolcanic rock is another unit in the area with mappable size at the current scale.
It is a greenish dark unit that makes sharp
contact with the metagranodiorite and
metadiorite where it can be clearly
observed. Degrees of chloritization and
epidotization are much higher in this unit
than in the others with moderate silici-
fication. Silicification is relatively more
intensely observed around the quartz
veins and veinlets with in itself or where
it contacts the intermediate rocks.

This unit is the second largest unit after

metagranodiorite in the area. Similar to
the others in the area, it also makes
contact which trends NE-SW.
Fig. 4.4. Field picture of mafic metavolcanic rock
(right part) in sharp contact with meta-granodiorite
(left part); mgd-meta-granodiorite.

The samples from metabasites show porphyritic texture in a fine grained, holocrystalline matrix
under thin section with plagioclases dominating among the phenocrysts. The mineralogy of the
rocks is mainly dominated by pyroxenes and plagioclases with minor chlorite, hornblende and
opaque minerals. The metabasites in the area are of two different mineralogy. The first units
consist of some amount of quartz (~4vol%), the other minerals including albite, chlorite, ortho-
pyroxene and no to very rare olivine. The other units have more mafic minerals like ortho-
pyroxene, green amphibole, chlorite and epidote than the formers with lesser quartz. In both
units there are rare prehnite which is diagnostic for sub-greenschist facies. The mineralogical
variation between the metavolcanics indicates presence of parent rocks which were originally
andesitic and basaltic.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

A opx B

plag plag aug




Opx Qtz

Fig. 4.5. Micro-picture of metabasites taken under 10X magnification. A- A part of metabasalt
sample with visible plagioclase phenocryst and recognizable orthopyroxene surrounding it. B- part with
more orthopyroxene and augite. Hornblende and quartz are also observed.

4.1.3. Metadiorite
The metadiorite unit in the study area crops out near the Mountain Belbenjo where it makes
the foot of the mountain. It appears grey to dark-grey in colour and it is composed of medium
to coarse grain minerals with visible quartz, biotite and pyroxene. It makes gradational contacts
with metagranite in its eastern and north-eastern part and mafic metavolcanic rock in the
western part. In the similar fashion to metagranodiorite, it has been cut by quartz veins and
veinlets of different orientation which resulted in intense degree of silicification. Apart from
silicification, the rock has also been subjected to chloritization, epidotization, and oxidization.
The major oxide mineral in this unit and most of the units in the area is a brownish black- black
iron oxide, magnetite. The contact this unit makes with the surrounding rocks strikes almost
the same direction with the others, NNE and dips about 48o south-eastward.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

The metadiorite is the most foliated rock observed in the area and its minerals have been elongated
and lack the original shape (almost all the grains are anhedral). The microscopic observation of this
unit indicates that the minerals composing it have undergone crenulation. It consists abundant
clino- and orthopyroxenes with moderate hornblende and rare biotite. Minor quartz also
constitutes the rock.

4.1.4. Metagranite
The Metagranite in the study area dominantly appears light to pinkish grey and crops out within
stream cuts. It is made up of medium to coarse grained minerals with commonly visible
minerals like quartz, feldspars and micas. Large phenocrysts of pinkish K-feldspar are
occasionally observed throughout the rock and colour of the rock dominantly resumed the
colour imposed by the K-feldspar. It runs in the same trend with the other rocks in the area
(NNE-SSW) and dips 48o south-eastward. The quartz veins featuring throughout the body of
this unit have two different orientations and each of them has contributed to silicification of
the rock. The metagranite forms relatively higher altitude land forms and makes a contact with
the metadiorite and mafic metavolcanic rock in the western and south-western parts
respectively. Locally, it has been fractured, weathered and altered. In addition to silicification
that is commonly observed in the rock especially, near the quartz veins and veinlets, the rock
has also undergone sericitization and kaolinization and epidotization. Similar to
metagranodiorite, metagranite consists of fractures of two common orientations oriented NW-
SE and and E-W which cross each other at nearly 90o.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Fig. 4.6. Field picture of metagranite, fractured unit(left) and a unit with quartz vein(right).

Under plane polarised light most the minerals of samples from this rock appear colourless with
only some grey, greenish and opaque minerals showing distinctive colours. Under crossed
polar, the thin section indicates presence of multiple minerals including quartz, alkali feldspars,
plagioclase, muscovite, opaque minerals, hornblende, garnet, and chlorite.

Fig. 4.7. Micro-picture of metagranite

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.






Fig. 4.7. (Continued) (a)-XPL view of part of the sample (b)-the same view of picture (a) under PPL.
The alkali feldspar shown in this micro-picture is orthoclase. (c)- Other field of view of metagranite
sample showing different minerals. Bt-biotite, msc-muscovite, qtz-quartz, plag-plagioclase feldspar, A-
spar, Alkali feldspar, hbl-hornblende, grt-garnet are observed in different views.(taken under 10X

The most dominating minerals in the rock are feldspars, orthoclase outclassing among them
(Fig. 4.7, Appendix 5). The usual simple twinning commonly observed in orthoclase is not as
such visible: it simply patches. Some plagioclase (with polysynthetic twins), muscovite and
hornblende (with secondary order blue colour under XPL) exist. In some of plagioclase crystals
micro fracturing are observed showing inclusion of quartz within the cracked part of the
plagioclases. The muscovite in the sample is both primary and secondary. The secondary
muscovite is commonly observed in association with the feldspars (at margins of plagioclases
or along the fractures within alkali feldspars) inferring replacement of the feldspars by
muscovite due to alteration. The hornblende appears greenish to brownish green (right and
upper part of the centre of Fig. 4.6b) under PPL and at some of its rim, there are opaque
minerals which are probably magnetite that resulted by oxidation of Fe. Very rare sericite with
grossular garnet inside it and biotite are other components that constituted the rock.
Sericitization is interpreted as a process that involved alteration of k-spar enhanced by presence
of hydrothermal fluids. The rarely observed garnet in the rock shows fractures which might
have resulted from compressional deformation that resulted in fracturing that is also visible at
larger scale in the field. The opaque minerals observed in the rock range between anhedral and
euhedral crystal forms with some visible isometric and rhombohedra minerals. The fractured
body and occurrence of low grade metamorphic minerals indicate that the garnet in the rocks
is primary. However, there are also secondary anderite grossular garnet grains that are
characteristics of low grade metamorphism of granitoid biotite.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

4.1.5. Quartz Veins (QV)

Quartz veins in the Kushmagane area are distributed through metagranitoids and basic meta-
volcanic rocks. They show two general trends; nearly N-S and E-W and most of them are long
in their strike direction and possess varying width ranging between 2cm and 30cm. At some
localities, the quartz veins of different orientations cross one another and leave the N-S oriented
ones displaced (Fig. 4.9). The displacement of these N-S oriented quartz veins when they are
cut by the E-W oriented veins infers that the formers are formed earlier. The formation of
fractures of the E-W oriented veins resulted in displacement of the N-S oriented quartz veins
and later filled with the hydrothermal fluid concentrations.



Fig. 4.8.A) N-S oriented quartz vein in Kushmagane area in metagranodiorite; B) differently oriented
quartz veins cross cutting each other in metagranodiorite. N-S QV- North-South oriented quartz vein,
E-W QV- East-West oriented quartz vein.

Some of the quartz veins in the area are randomly oriented and lack continuity. These quartz
veins are believed to be metamorphic in their origin and precipitated in deformational openings
related with metamorphism.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Fracture 1

Fracture 2

Fracture 1

Fig. 4.9. Vein filled fractures crossing each other. The N-S running vein has been faulted while the E-
W oriented is continuous.

4.1.6. The Mafic Sills

The mafic (andesitic) intrusive bodies of varying thicknesses which range from 10 to 50cm
intrude the metagranodiorite.
These sills are oriented NE-SW
and they are parallel to both the
contact between the meta-
granodiorite and metavolcanics
and the regional foliations. At the
boundaries where they become in
contact with the country rocks,
mgd they have imposed a grain size
reduction which is typically visible
where the meta-granodiorite is
Fig. 4.10 Mafic sills intruding into metagranodiorite unit exposed and fresh.
(mgd-meta granodiorite)

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

4.2. Metamorphism and Deformation

4.2.1. Metamorphism
The metamorphic process in the study area involved textural and mineralogical modification
of both basaltic/andesitic volcanic rocks and the granitoid intrusions. In granitoid rocks, even
though the dominance of minerals which can occur in the wide range of temperature and
pressure conditions makes it difficult to understand the grade of metamorphism, the field based
and petrographic study of the rocks shows that they were subjected to low to medium grade
metamorphism. Presence of secondary minerals like minor Prehnite infer that the granitoids
underwent low grade metamorphism. Although this Ca-Al silicate minerals is commonly
observed in low grade mafic-igneous rocks and greywackes, it is also sometimes observed in
low grade quartzo-feldspathic plutonic rocks (Tulloch, 1979). Tulloch (1979) additionally
stated that other secondary Ca-A1 silicates including andradite-grossular garnet and epidote
are shown to be extremely widespread as low-grade alteration products of granitoid biotite.
The other metamorphic mineral that shows metamorphism of the granitoids of Kushmagane is
a fibrous actinolite which occurs in association with biotite and other mafic minerals. This
mineral is commonly observed in metagranodiorite than in metagranite suggesting it is a
product of alteration of mafic minerals.

Prehnite is observed as lenticular to bulbous body within mafic minerals like biotite, secondary
chlorite and hornblende in the metagranitoids. Their association with biotite indicates that they
are metamorphic products replacing primary biotite according to a reaction, biotite + anorthite
+ H2O = prehnite + chlorite + K-feldspar titanite + muscovite which was identified by Tulloch
(1979). The presence of these minerals in the assemblage is an indication of low temperature
metamorphism which is also expected in other parts of the western Ethiopian shield as the area
is believed to be collisional and accretion zone. The other feature noticed in the rocks to
indicate metamorphism is a quartz texture in which recrystallization affected the original
texture in some places. Even though most of the quartz minerals resemble their igneous nature,
they have been subjected to deformation and recrystallization which is observed during field
work and petrographic studies. Generally, the established mineral assemblages for
metagranitoids of Kushmagane are shown below and slightly vary between metagranodiorite
and metagranite. The variation of these assemblages is suggested to be a result of variation in
mafic components of the original rocks. The metagranodiorites originally had more mafic
minerals than metagranites and eventually they are relatively richer in biotite, actinolite and
chlorite. On the other hand, the metagranites are products of metamorphism of granite which

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

is relatively richer in alkali feldspars and lack abundant biotite and hornblende. However, the
two assemblage are not much different and they share many minerals.
 Prh + Act + Msc + Bt + Ab+ Grt(anderite) + Hbl + Qtz + kfs
 Prh + Act + Msc + Ab + Grt(anderite) + Qtz + Kfs
Presence of perhenite (minor), actinolite, albite and biotite in the assemblage reflects that the
metamorphism took place in greenschist facies where low temperature- moderate pressure
condition existed.

The mafic/andesitic metavolcanics (metabasites) of the area also underwent low to medium
grade metamorphic process. The presence of mafic minerals like prehnite which are
characteristic of greenschist facies indicates low grade metamorphism. Albite in the mineral
assemblage brings the environment to dynamic environment thereby indicating low grade
regional metamorphism. The observed general mineral assemblage in the area for metabasites
is chl + prh + Ab +Act + Ep + Opx + augite + qtz + amphiboles.

4.2.2. Structures
Structurally most of the granitoid rocks of the area resemble what is originally observed in their
igneous counterparts. However, there are also some secondary structures that are observed in
the rocks. Even though no detail structural study is covered in this study, it has been identified
that the structures featuring in Kushmagane area include mesoscopic faults, sills, joints, and
shear zones. The sills intrude into older metagranodiorite and are oriented parallel to regional
foliation and general trend of the rocks as well as the contacts. They make a flat surface
sandwiched between bodies of metagranodiorite those once were connected to each other. The
other structure in the area is a mesoscopic fault of small size that is distinguished by
displacement of key unit, typically the quartz vein. The faults in the study area are observed in
different localities and one of them is shown in Fig. 4.11.
Fig. 4.11. Mesoscopic reverse
fault in meta-granite unit. F1
and F2 represent spots to
notice dis-placement.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

The fault (F1) shown in Fig. 4.11 has a plane which strikes N61oE and dips 55o south-eastward.
The other fault observed in metagranodiorite (picture not shown this thesis) displaces the N-S
oriented quartz vein of 1–2.5 cm thickness and has about 36o dip amount. The strike of its fault
plane is N08oE and it dips south-eastward.

The rocks in the area also show two sets of vertical tectonic joints (Fig. 4.3 left) that cross each
other at an acute angle, at very near to 90o. In these orientations both very old mineralized veins
and younger non mineralized fractures occur. Tadesse Alemu and Abebe Tsegaye (2007) stated
that the structural evolution of WEB is interpreted as result of oblique compression
(transpression) stress which led to significant NW -SE directed shortening. The vein filled NE-
SW oriented joints are therefore believed to be a result of this stress. Tectonic joints parallel δ1
direction associated with the development of tectonic structures like folds and locally contain
mineral fill which formed at temperatures and fluid pressures found at a depth of several
kilometres (Pluijm and Marshak, 2004). Fracturing is observed also at microscopic level in
feldspars and it is a sign of low temperature and high strain rate condition which resulted in
brittle deformation. In terms of mineralization, fractures that are oriented NE-SW (nearly N-S)
are more mineralized than those oriented E-W and they are displaced when they are cut by the
later. The orientation of the joints and filled fractures (veins) are plotted on rose diagram and
great circles in Fig. 4.12. Note: the NE-SW orientation is also written as N-S because the trend
of the features are very close to N-S direction.


Fig. 4.12. Great circles (left) and rose diagrams (right) of orientations of joints and veins in Kushmagane
granitoids (all the joints and veins fall in two sets; i. nearly N-S striking, SE dipping and ii. Nearly E-
W striking, NW dipping.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

The study on mineralization in Kushmagane area manifests association of different alteration
products, uneconomic ore minerals, primary gold mineralization and secondary placer
mineralization. Under this chapter mineralogy of the mineralization and related alteration
assemblages will be discussed. Furthermore, emphasises will be given to geochemistry of the
host rock and processes involved in mineralization will be discussed thereby establishing the
genesis of the mineralization.

5.1. Alterations
In the Kushmagane area different alteration types and gold and base metal mineralization are
recorded. The identification of alterations was conducted based on field observation and
petrographic observation to understand their occurrence and intensity. In the rocks that are
exposed to the surface, silicification, chloritization, kaolinitization and epidotization are
respectively the most dominant alterations. Sulfidation is also another alteration type that
occurs in the rocks of the area but only abundantly visible in depths which range from very
close surface to 75m (maximum depth of observation).

5.1.1. Silicification
Silicification is the most dominant alteration type that is observed in the area. It is a pervasive
alteration which is observed at the surface and continues with depth even more intensively in
intermediate rocks and some parts of mafic metavolcanics. Almost all the rocks have been
subjected to this alteration; degree of silicification varying with lithology, distance from
veinlets and depth. The metagranodiorite is the most intensively silicified unit as it
encompasses majority of the quartz veins and veinlets.

5.1.2. Chloritization
Chloritization is another alteration type that makes up products of the area’s hydrothermal
activity. It is more intensively observed in mafic rocks than in the intermediates. The thin
section study of the mafic metavolcanic rocks showed that secondary chlorites flown in to the
surface of the primary minerals. Chloritization is more or less pervasive in rocks exposed at
the surface.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

5.1.3. Epidotization
Epidotization is observed almost in all rock units replacing plagioclases. It is commonly
observed along sheared zones where the feldspars are ground due to the shearing.

5.1.4. Sericitization
Sericitization is a rare alteration type in the area observed dominantly in granitoids than in the
mafic/intermediate rocks. It is observed as very finely ground mineral encapsulated between
grains of harder minerals like quartz and it occasionally encloses hexagonal subhedral minerals.
The grain boundaries of plagioclases in granitoids dominantly show this feature. Moreover, it
is associated with feldspars commonly as replacing unit either inside alkali feldspars or at grain
boundaries of the plagioclases.

5.1.5. Sulfidation
Sulfidation is a commonly observed alteration type both in mafic metavolcanics and meta-
granitoids. The common sulphide alteration in the area is pyritization and is observed in
samples taken from test boreholes where there are quartz veins.

5.1.6. Oxidation
Oxidation in the area is observed both at the depth and on the surface. The surface oxidation
mainly resulted in formation of magnetite and it is believed to be an oxidation product of mafic
minerals like hornblende that have iron in their chemistry. The petrographic investigation also
indicates presence of opaque minerals (e.g., magnetite, also confirmed by physical properties)
that appear to replace the hornblendes (Fig.4.2B).

5.2. Whole Rock Geochemistry

The geochemical study of the rocks primarily targeted two dominating units of the area; the
metagranodiorite and mafic/andesitic metavolcanics (metabasites). In addition to these rocks,
one sample from the metagranite has been included in the analysis. Having the analytical results
for these samples, the results are interpreted in terms of both major and trace elements. The
primary objective of these interpretations was to determine the protolith and sources of the
rocks which in turn helps to understand genesis of the mineralization. Because of high degree
of alteration and surface weathering, the SiO2 content of the rocks has been increased especially
for the intermediate rocks. Quartz within all the rocks are results of both primary crystallization
and secondary hydrothermal activity. Therefore, during interpretation of the geochemical data,
contribution of the alteration has been recognized by comparing with rock petrography.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

5.2.1. Major Element Chemistry

The major element distribution of the rocks was determined in the form of oxides and plotted
on the variation diagram against the weight percentage of SiO2 (Fig. 5.1). The samples from
granitoid units, WRCS-19, WRCS-20, WRCS-21, WRCS-22, WRCS-23, WRCS-24, WRCS-
25 and WRCS26 showed 70.40 to 78.30 SiO2wt% whereas the samples from the metabasites,
WRC-27 and WRC-28 have SiO2wt% of 51.6 and 53.1.

Table 5-1. Major (wt. %) and trace (ppm) element concentrations of samples collected from
Metagranitoids Metabasites
e -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28
Major elements and Cr2O3, SrO and BaO (ICP-AES) (wt. %)
SiO2 70.5 70.4 71.6 71.4 70.5 70.4 78.3 73.5 53.3 51.6
Al2O3 13.75 13.6 13.55 13.55 13.25 14.05 12.2 12.5 15.4 17.1
Fe2O3 4.06 4.56 4.75 4.54 4.53 4.5 3.44 4.14 11.15 11.35
CaO 2.94 3.51 3.54 3.54 3.42 3.34 1.34 3.26 8.77 11
MgO 0.77 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.69 0.77 0.34 0.53 5.3 5.92
Na2O 5.01 3.91 3.97 3.99 3.88 4.32 4.83 4.23 2.73 1.3
K2O 0.88 0.59 0.6 0.57 0.55 0.58 0.54 0.12 0.14 0.17
Cr2O3 4.06 4.56 4.75 4.54 4.53 4.5 3.44 4.14 11.15 11.35
TiO2 2.94 3.51 3.54 3.54 3.42 3.34 1.34 3.26 8.77 11
MnO 0.77 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.69 0.77 0.34 0.53 5.3 5.92
P2O5 5.01 3.91 3.97 3.99 3.88 4.32 4.83 4.23 2.73 1.3
SrO 0.88 0.59 0.6 0.57 0.55 0.58 0.54 0.12 0.14 0.17
BaO 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 <0.01 0.01
LOI 0.71 0.71 0.63 0.69 0.69 0.23 0.57 0.20 0.75 0.74
Total: 99.03 98.53 99.89 99.52 98.04 98.67 101.88 98.95 98.28 100
Trace Elements (ICP-MS) (ppm)
Ba 194 262 251 240 236 303 164.5 49 35.7 84.7
Ce 8 11.7 10.7 10.2 10.2 14.6 20.2 27.2 4.7 5.6
Cr <10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 50 40
Cs 0.52 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.22 0.84 0.18 <0.01 <0.01 0.04
Dy 2.41 3.16 3.1 2.93 2.94 3.74 6.19 7.39 1.03 1.89
Er 1.67 2.23 1.97 1.84 1.97 2.48 4.04 4.38 0.75 1.32
Eu 0.86 0.71 0.66 0.74 0.66 0.81 0.98 1.04 0.36 0.6
Ga 14.8 18.4 18.4 17.3 17.6 18.6 18.2 18.7 18.7 19.4
Gd 2.35 3 2.65 2.88 2.83 3.55 4.8 6.09 1.03 1.68
Hf 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.5 2.9 3.1 4.8 5.3 0.5 0.9
Ho 0.6 0.68 0.66 0.68 0.64 0.82 1.36 1.53 0.21 0.45
La 3.2 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.8 6.5 7.3 11.3 2.4 2.6
Lu 0.24 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.41 0.76 0.76 0.12 0.21
Nb 2.6 3.8 3.8 4 3.4 2.9 7.7 7.5 1.4 1
Nd 6.2 9 8.3 7.5 7.6 9.9 13.9 18.7 3.5 4.5
Pr 1.1 1.67 1.52 1.4 1.44 1.97 2.68 3.8 0.68 0.89
Rb 17.2 12.3 12.2 11.2 10.8 11 8.9 1.5 0.6 2.2
Sm 1.86 2.33 2.23 2.44 2.29 2.9 4.06 5.06 1 1.53
Sn 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Table 5-1 (continued)

Sr 177 239 214 210 211 270 88.1 139 199.5 246
Ta 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7
Tb 0.39 0.52 0.45 0.46 0.43 0.53 0.84 1.04 0.15 0.3
Th 0.52 0.69 0.63 0.61 0.62 0.6 0.9 1.01 0.34 0.28
Tm 0.22 0.3 0.28 0.35 0.29 0.33 0.62 0.67 0.13 0.2
U 0.35 0.29 0.31 0.35 0.35 0.26 0.42 0.43 0.2 0.1
V 22 29 27 29 26 28 9 23 293 258
W 5 6 5 5 5 2 1 2 1 4
Y 13.4 18.9 18.9 18.5 17.4 21.8 35.9 41.8 6.4 12
Yb 1.61 2.01 1.99 1.97 2.13 2.4 4.32 4.77 0.8 1.33
Zr 102 116 104 147 103 118 179 189 17 28

The Harker variation diagrams (Fig. 5.1) show a gap between two different groups of rocks,
the metabasites and metagranitoids for each oxide or combination of oxides against SiO2. All
metagranitoids have low MgO, Fe2O3, and CaO/total alkali (Na2O + K2O) and high Na2O and
7 1.0

6 Granitoids 0.9


Metabasites 0.7



3 0.5

0 0.1

-1 0.0

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

SiO2 SiO2

6.0 6.5

5.5 6.0

5.0 5.5


2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

SiO2 SiO2

Fig. 5.1. Variation diagrams for selected major elements as a function of SiO2 wt% for Kushmagane
metagranitoids and metabasites. Number of data points seem to be less than number of analysed
samples due to overlapping of some samples.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

13 9

12 8

11 7


3 0

2 -1

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

SiO2 SiO2

14 0.60



6 0.35


-2 0.10

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
SiO2 SiO2

19 0.24



15 0.14


12 0.06

11 0.04

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

SiO2 SiO2

Fig. 5.1 (continued)

The trends showing increase in K2O and Na2O and decrease in Al2O3, MgO, MnO and Fe2O3
with increasing SiO2 may reflect the crystal fractionation process in the evolution of the
Kushmagane granitoid intrusions. The obtained geochemical data (Table 5.1) also indicates
that the Kushmagane granitoids have more Na2O than K2O and therefore they can be
categorized as sodic. All of the granitoids have Alumina Saturation Index of greater than one
meaning that they are peraluminous. The ASI is calculated according to formula 𝐴𝑆𝐼 =
proposed by Frost et al. (2001). The ASI values calculated according to this

formula range between 1.557191 and 1.818182 (see appendix 5.3 for all values). The
metagranitoids were also plotted on K2O-SiO2 (Fig. 5.2) graph and all of them lie in tholeiitic
field. This silica saturation characteristic of Kushmagane metagranitoids is also supported by
high abundance of quartz observed during petrographic studies.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Shoshonitic series


High-K Calc-Alkaline series

Calc-Alkaline series
1 metagranitoids

Tholeiitic series
45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Fig. 5.2. K2O vs SiO2 graph for classification of Kushmagane rocks (after Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976)
(symbols as in Fig. 5.1).

On the other hand, in mafic/intermediate metavolcanics, the concentration of MgO, Fe2O3 and
CaO is high while the concentration of alkali oxides (Na2O and K2O) is low.



Fig. 5.3. The AFM triangular variation diagram for Kushmagane rocks; A-(alkalis: (Na2O+K2O), F-
(FeO+Fe), and M-(MgO) for Kushmagane metagranitoids and metabasites after Kuno, (1968) (left) and
Irvine and Baragar (1971) (right).

The AFM variation diagram classification of Kushmagane rocks put them in sub-alkaline field
particularly, tholeiitic field. This indicates that the rocks are silica saturated than alkali
saturated. Two tholeiitic basalt rock types are recognized according to their degree of silica

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

saturation: Quartz-hypersthene normative (quartz tholeiite) and Olivine-hypersthene normative

(olivine tholeiite) (Winter, 2001).The reasonable mineralogical existence of minerals like
pyroxene with absence of/or rare olivine in metabasites also indicates that the
mafic/intermediate rocks of Kushmagane area are quartz tholeiites.

5.2.2. Trace Element Chemistry Petrogenesis of granitoids
The data of whole rock geochemistry is also interpreted in terms of trace elements to understand
the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of both granitoid and the mafic/intermediate rocks by
plotting on Chondrite normalized REE pattern and Primordial mantle normalized spider
diagram Fig. 5.4A and B respectively.

Fig. 5.4. (A)- Chondrite normalized

rare earth element patterns for
(A) Metagranitoids
Kushmagane metagranitoids and
Metabasites mafic metavolcanic rocks of the
study area, (B) - Primordial mantle
normalized spider diagram for Kush-
magane metabasites and meta-
granitoids after McDonough and
Sunn (1995).

The slight enrichment in LREE

and slight depletion in HRRE of
granitoids matches with the
general REE pattern of VAG of
the other areas (e.g., Ujjuga
granitoids of wetern Ethiopia,
Tesfaye Kebede et al., 1999). On
chondrite normalized REE
abundances plot, the Kushmagane
granitoid rocks show slightly
elevated pattern for light rare earth

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

2 elements compared to heavy rare
earth elements.




Cs Rb Ba Th U Ta Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr Nd Hf Zr Sm Eu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu

Fig. 5.4. (Continued)

They all have moderate to deep negative Eu anomaly except one sample, (WRCS-19) which
shows moderate positive Eu anomaly. Because Eu2+ is compatible in plagioclase and Potassium
feldspar, europium anomalies are chiefly controlled by feldspars (Rollinson, 1993). Thus the
negative Eu anomaly in Kushmagane metagranitoids is due to either removal of feldspar from
a felsic melt by crystal fractionation or the partial melting of a rock in which feldspar is retained
in the source. With high SiO2 contents, the Kushmagane granitoids are more probably formed
from evolved magma which involved removal of feldspars. Rollinson (1993) stated that the
REE patterns of rocks show high enrichment in LREE and high depletion in HREE when the
melting percentage decreases. However, the REE pattern of Kushmagane metagranitoids
shows only slight variation between the abundances of LREE and HREE which indicates the
moderate to high percentage melting. For arc-related magmas there are two established models
related with their petrogenesis. The first model states that arc-related magmas result from
basaltic parental magmas that undergo assimilation, fractional crystallization, assimilation-
fractional crystallization and storage processes (Grove and Donnelly-Nolan, 1986; Khalaji et
al. 2007). The other model relates the origin of arc-related magmas to partial melting of
continental crusts enhanced by heat from mafic magmas (Roberts and Clemens 1993; Guffanti
et al. 1996). The Kushmagane metagranitoids have low MgO and Fe2O3 contents 0.34-
0.77wt% and 3.44-4.75wt% respectively and high SiO2 content 70.40 to 78.30wt%. These
values and their tectonic setting (section suggest that the source for Kushmagane
granitoids is likely basaltic parental magma that underwent assimilation-fractional
crystallization and storage processes and primary mantle source can’t lonely fit with them with
such high SiO2 contents and low MgO. The second model is commonly associated with
continental thickening rather than subduction and forms continental collision granites (CCG)

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

which doesn’t work for Kushmagane granitoids which are volcanic arc granitoids (VAG) (Fig.
5.6). Large negative Ti anomaly in spider diagram in the granitoid rocks is due to the
fractionation of Ti-magnetite. Crests at Ba for granitoids and troughs at Nb and Ta (for
metabasites) suggest contamination during fractional crystallization. Petrogenesis of metabasites

The REE abundance pattern of Kushmagane metabasites show nearly parallel trend in a
negative general slope. Negative slopes in Fig. 5-4B combined with their tholeiitic nature (Fig.
5.5) infers that the Kushmagane tholeiitic basalts and andesites originated in the lower enriched
mantle reservoir. A consistent negative slope in E-MORB and OIBs is deduced as an indicative
character for these rocks to originate in the lower enriched mantle reservoir, although very low
degrees of partial melting may also produce LREE enriched melts from a primordial or slightly
depleted source (Winter, 2001). On the other hand, the parallel pattern in metabasalt (WRCS-
27) suggests that the REE abundances in these rocks resulted from phases involving shallow
fractionation (e.g., olivine), which do not fractionate the REE. In contrast to metagranitoids,
the metabasites show no to slight positive Eu anomaly. The HREE portion of sample WRCS-
27 shows relatively flat trend meaning that garnet, which strongly partitions among the HREE,
was not in equilibrium with the melt at the time of segregation. Classification of Metabasites based on Tectonic Setting

The mafic/andesitic rocks of Kushmagane are classified as island arc tholeiitic rocks according
to both Ti-Zr and Ti-Zr-Sr classifications of Pearce and Cann (1973) (Fig 5.5). This
classification is valid with higher Fe2O3 compared to MgO given in Table 5.1. Best (2003)
suggested tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rocks, collectively called sub-alkaline rocks typify
subduction zones, where their composition correlates in a general way with the nature of the
crust in the overriding plate. Moreover, abundance of minerals augite and low-Ca pyroxene
(pigeonite, hypersthene) with minor olivine also fit into tholeiitic suite. This means the
Kushmagane mafic/andesitic metavolcanics formed as oceanic slab subducted, reached
sufficiently hot depth and melted then leaked into the crust.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

A: Island-Arc Tholeiites
B: MORB, Calc-Alkali Basalts and Island-Arc Tholeiites
C: Calc-Alkali Basalts



10000 D


6000 B

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


Fig. 5.5. Classification of metabasites based on; (a) Ti-Zr binary diagram and 1973 (b)-Ti-Zr-Sr
ternary diagram after Pearce and Cann (1973.) Classification of Granodiorite based on Tectonic Setting

It has been a common trend to classify granitoid rocks based on the tectonic setting. Pitcher
(1983, 1993) combined such different classification schemes applied to granitoid rocks and
established what the geochemistry, mineralogy and associated volcanic processes would be in
each tectonic settings.

Since the rocks in the study area have been subjected to metamorphism, classification and
tectonic setting discrimination is based on methods that use immobile elements. In
classification of such rock types we have to use diagrams that use high field strength elements
such as Ti, Zr, Y, Nb and P which are thought to be relatively immobile in aqueous fluids
unless there are high activities of F- (Rollinson, 1993). Even though it is less known about the
stability of these elements at higher metamorphic grades, it has been understood that these
elements are stable under conditions of hydrothermal, sea-floor weathering and up to medium
metamorphic grades (mid amphibolite facies) (Rollinson, 1993). Regardless of its mobility, Rb
has been used on the assumption that the effects of element mobility are much less in granitic
rocks than in basic rocks, chiefly because granitic rocks are generally less altered (Rollinson,

Thus, an integrated chemical classification and classification based on tectonic environment

provides us a conceptual framework, which helps to understand the occurrence of granitoids
and their genesis (Winter, 2001). In this study, different classification diagrams are used so that
the idea about occurrence and geneses of the granitoid rocks can be compared from each

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

A) B)

C) D)

Fig. 5.6. Trace element tectonic setting discrimination diagrams of the granitoid rocks of Kushmagane.
Syn-COLG: syn-collision granite; VAG: volcanic arc granite; WPG: within-plate granite, ORG: ocean
ridge granite. Concentrations of the elements are in ppm. (A) Y–Nb binary diagram and (B) (Y+Nb)–
Rb, (C) Rb versus Y+Nb, (D) Rb–(Yb+Ta) after Pearce et al., 1984. (Symbols as in Fig. 5.1).

According to all above tectonic discrimination diagrams (except diagram C, where one sample
lies on boarder of volcanic arc and oceanic ridge settings), all the granitoids of the area lie in
VAG of Pearce et al. (1984 as cited in Winter, 2001). Except the encratonic alkaline granitoids
which exclusively originate in upper mantle, no other granitoids originate exclusively in the
continental crust or in the upper mantle (Lameyre et al, 1982 as cited in Barbarin, 1990).
Barbarin (1990) also stated that the majority of the orogenic granitoids originate at the crust-
mantle interface and involve crust and mantle-derived component, the relative proportions
varying in the different ‘hybrid’ granitoids. The formation of such granitoids (granodiorite,

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

tonalite, granite) is believed to be associated with crystal fractionation of parental basaltic

magma and partial melting of mantle-derived mafic underplate. This setting involves melting
mechanism which results from subduction generated energy, transfer of fluids and dissolved
species from slab to wedge which in turn result in melting of wedge and transfer of heat upward
(Winter, 2001). Pitcher (1993) stated granitoids of such characteristics form in active
continental margins.

5.3. Mineralization in Kushmagane

5.3.1. Placer gold
A placer gold in Kushmagane is wide spread throughout the seasonal streams of the area where
the local peoples mine from by panning. It has been an economically dependable for the local
peoples. The placer mining activity by local people is commonly done near the quartz veins
which are believed to be the site for deposition of the gold. This means that the placer deposit
in the area is secondary product of the primary orogenic/shear hosted gold mineralization.

5.3.2. Primary Mineralization (Anomaly results from Exploration activities)

Due to the fact that the analytical methods used for whole rock geochemistry don’t cover Au,
gold is not observed in the analyses. However, soil geochemical data, trench data and test
borehole data have been adopted from Managem PLC and presented in Table 5.2, Fig. 5.7 and
Table 5.3. Managem PLC has been conducting an exploration program for gold and base metals
in the area for last four years and has done chemical analyses on soil samples, trench floor
samples and test borehole samples. 1021 soil samples analysis indicates that 752 samples have
Au concentration of equal to or greater than 2ppb increasing up to 88ppb for one sample.

Table 5-2. Summarized soil geochemical data on Au concentration (data adopted from Managem PLC,

Au concentration (ppb) <2 2-10 11-30 30-40 >40

Number of samples with
the value 269 725 23 2 2
Analysis of trench samples plotted on the following map (Fig. 5.7) shows Au consentration
(ppb) of samples collected from floor of the trenches. According to this Fig. the samples have
very wide range of Au concentration, from less than 1ppb to 874ppb. The rocks were also
sampled from test boreholes and show slight positiive anomlies of gold. These values are
summarized and shown in Table 5.3. Eventhough the results are not as high as the currently
estimated cut off grade for gold, most of the results show values beyond clark value.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Fig. 5.7. Kushmagane soil and trench geochemical map for gold (adopted from Managem PLC, 2015).

According to values presented in Table 5.3, relatively higher Au values are observed in
metagranodiorite where the quartz veins are associated.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Table 5-3. Summarized gold values for rocks sampled from test boreholes (data adopted from Managem
PLC, 2016).

Depth of Lat. Lon.

Bore hole Rock Au
Samples sampling (m)
Code type (ppm)
001588 WRC-23 Mgd+qv 0.54 3 646285 1097788
001594 WRC-23 Mgd+qv 0.41 8 646285 1097788
001597, 001598,
WRC-23 Mgd <1 11–15 646285 1097788
001599, 001600,
001430 WRCS20 Mb 0.02 20 646301 1098449
001561 WRC-22 Mgd+qv 0.04 34 646441 1097597
001571 WRC-22 Mb 0.01 42 646441 1097597
001572 WRC-22 Mb 0.01 43 646441 1097597
001404 WRC-21 Mb 0.01 17 646234 1098097

5.3.3. Ore geology Host rock
Geochemical analyses in Kushmagane indicates both basic metavolcanics and metagranitoids
have gold concentration beyond the crustal background values. The associated sulphides also
exist in both of the two especially along fractures that are connected to the contacts between
the two. These indicate that the mineralization in the area is hosted in both the metabasites and
metagranitoids. Mineralogy of the Mineralization and ore textures

Au mineralization in Kushmagane is decorated with presences of sulphides typically pyrite and
Pyrrhotite being the most dominant sulphides. In above topic it has been indicated that both the
metabasites and metagranitoids have Au concentrations beyond crustal values. As a result, in
this thesis study, samples from both of the rocks are collected and analysed for both whole rock
geochemistry and petrography (ore microscopy and thin section studies). The ore petrographic
study and field investigations show that sulphides like pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
covellite are present in the area. Magnetite is among ore minerals resulted by oxidation of mafic
minerals. Below are the most common ore minerals, associated alteration products and gangue
minerals that are observed in association with the mineralization. These minerals have grain
sizes ranging between as big grains as those visible to naked eye and microscopic grains.

Precious and base metals:

The geochemical analysis of soils and rocks of the area by Managem PLC indicates presence
of precious metals and base metals like Ag, Pb, Zn, and Cu. This is an indicator of concentration

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

of these metals in rocks of the area either as native or their ore mineral forms. The occurrence
of these metals is discussed as below from both geochemical and ore microscopy analyses as
well as field observations.

Pyrite crystals are observed in field beginning from test boreholes as shallow as 15m up to
75m (the maximum depth of observation) disappearing at different depth levels between this
range. Polished section examination entails its occurrence as anhedral to subhedral crystals
with brassy yellow luster in plane polarised light. Nearly cubic pyrite crystals were deposited
in fractures, vesicles and veins and as disseminations in the groundmass (lower part of plate B
designated cubpy). This indicates that the pyrite is of two different generations. The deformed
pyrite crystals (e.g., hdpy in plate A) are believed to be formed earlier so that the deformational
features are observed on them.

A) B)

hdpy cpy


C) D) py

py py

Fig. 5.8. Micro-picture of Kushmagane sulphides and oxides; under 10X magnification (XPL).

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

E) F)


py mgt

Fig. 5.8 (Continued)

The occurrence of these minerals is distributed throughout the rocks from mafic composition
to granitoids and from surface to deeper boreholes. The above pictures represent ore minerals
observed in polished section both from mafic rocks and granitoids as well as both from
borehole and surface. The cubic crystals of this mineral are believed to be second generation
as they exhibit only small deformational features. Most of euhedral pyrites are observed as fine
grains disseminated through the gangue minerals.
Pyrrhotite: The presence of this sulphide was observed in the field during borehole sampling.
It occurs as anhedral to subhedral grains and distributed within both mafic metavolcanics and

Covellite: Covellite is observed in a polished section whose sample is collected from surface.
It appears bluish in the polished sample.

Magnetite: Magnetite is an ore mineral that is observed both on the surface and at depths.
Almost all of the rocks in the area has been oxidized changing the Fe in their mafic minerals
in to magnetite. The field based magnetic test, thin section and polished section studies also
suggest presence of this mineral. In thin section analysis it appears opaque and fails to provide
any diagnostic feature of itself. However, association of opaque minerals with hornblende
infers alteration of the mafic mineral into magnetite. Gangue minerals observed in association
with the ore minerals are dominantly quartz and feldspars. Ore Mineral paragenesis

Based on textures, deformational features and cross cutting relationships, the paragenetic
evolution of Kushmagane sulphides has been established. The ore mineral paragenesis is
presented in Fig. 5.9. The presence of two textural characteristics infers that the sulfide
mineralization in the area took place at least at two stages. Sulphides of Stage-I mineralization

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

have undergone deformation and show no or very less preservation of primary habit. Moreover,
they exhibit fractured surfaces which are implemented due to stresses. The stage-II sulphides
fill in cracks of gangues or stage-I sulphides and show subhedral to euhedral habits reflecting
they were formed after deformation event that imposed fracturing on stage-I sulphides. The
summary of formation of these sulphides and oxides is presented in Fig. 5.9.

Primary mineralization
Mineral Secondary Mineralization
Stage-I Stage-II
Fig. 5.9. Ore mineral paragenesis of Kushmagane gold mineralization.

5.3.4. Genesis of the Mineralization

According to interpretation of data obtained in different ways mentioned in chapter 2, the gold
mineralization in the area is related with quartz veins resulted from hydrothermal processes in
volcanic arc setting. It is highly associated with metamorphosed granitoid rocks and also mafic
rocks where they make contact with the formers. Thus, the gold mineralization in Kushmagane
area can be categorized as low-sulphide gold–quartz vein. Low-sulphide gold-quartz veins,
also orogenic veins are greenstone-hosted gold or mesothermal quartz veins consisting gold in
massive to wispy nature along with multiple persistent quartz veins that are hosted mainly in
regionally metamorphosed rocks (Drew, 2003). The veins commonly are present in fault and
joint systems that are produced by regional compression locally cutting granitic rocks and their
ages generally are post-metamorphism (https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2007/1214/PDF).

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Fig. 5.10. Tectonic settings of gold-rich epigenetic mineral deposits (adopted from Groves et al., 1998).
Epithermal veins and gold-rich porphyry and skarn deposits, form in the shallow <5 km parts of both
island and continental arcs in compressional through extensional regimes. The epithermal veins, as well
as the sedimentary rock-hosted type Carlin ores, also are emplaced in shallow regions of back-arc
crustal thinning and extension. In contrast to the so-called ‘mesothermal’ gold ores termed orogenic
gold on this diagram are emplaced during compressional to transpressional regimes and throughout
much of the upper crust, in deformed accretionary belts adjacent to continental magmatic arcs. Note
that both the lateral and vertical scale of the arcs and accreted terranes have been exaggerated to allow
the gold deposits to be shown in terms of both spatial position and relative depth of formation.

The study area lies in a continental arc subjected to shearing and fracturing of granitoid
intrusions and mafic metavolcanics due to compressional stresses. Studies suggested structural
and geological variations in Western Ethiopia’s ophiolitic belts are results of successive
collisions of juvenile island arcs and continental arcs (Vail, 1985; Berhe, 1990; Stern, 1994;
Abdelesalam and Stem, 1996). Therefore, the gold mineralization in Kushmagane is related to
continental arc granitoids resulted from melting introduced by subduction of the oceanic crust
and surrounding metabasites. Fig. 5.9 demonstrates the tectonic setting of different deposit
types along with commonly associated rock types. Accordingly the orogenic gold deposits are
formed in volcanic arc settings where there are either deformed granitoid intrusions or the
surrounding volcanic rocks. This also fits with Kushmagane gold mineralization and other
deposits that can be associated with these settings and rock types include epithermal Au-
deposits and skarn deposits. The less carbonitization observed in the area denies the probability
for the mineralization to be skarn type. The orogenic gold deposits in greenschist facies terranes
are typified by quartz-dominant vein systems with <3–5% sulphide minerals mainly Fe-and
As-bearing sulphides and <5–15% carbonate minerals (Grooves et al., 1998). The spatial and
temporal occurrence of mesothermal gold deposits is consistent to deformational processes at

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

convergent plates regardless of whether they are hosted in Archean or Proterozoic greenstone
belts or Proterozoic and Phanerozoic sedimentary rock sequences (Barley and Groves, 1992).
Integration of these concepts with current observations entails that the mineralization took
place in regionally metamorphosed pre- to syn-deformational granitoids s as well as the
associated mafic rock. Sources of metals

The source of gold and other metals in volcanic arc setting has been a debating topic for
researchers. Different studies (e.g., Bierlein and Craw, 2008; Willman et al., 2010) suggest that
mafic metamorphic rocks are the principal sources of metals in orogenic deposits. Goldfarb et
al. (2001) also generalizes in most instances, the ore forming fluids for orogenic gold deposits
are metamorphic in origin and that fluid generations leach and transport Au and others during
the transition of metabasites from greenschist to amphibolite facies. The Kushmagane
metabasites are also metamorphosed to greenschist facies and they are probable sources of
metals providing to the surrounding rocks by dehydration process during prograde
metamorphism. As they provide Au to the surrounding rocks during metamorphism,
metabasaltic rocks face depletion in their Au concentration (Pitcairn et al. (2006a).
Additionally, Pitcairn et al. (2015) showed that metabasaltic rocks undergo a significant mass
loss of Au between greenschist and amphibolite facies. Thus, the lower Au concentration of
metabasites compared to metagranitoids (Table 5.3) is probably due to removal of Au form the
formers. However, some samples from the metabasalt and metaandesite rocks of Kushmagane
still show greater Au values than what was set by Pitcairn et al. (2015) in greenschist facies
(0.0008ppm). This may indicate that the protoliths of these rocks had higher Au contents or the
leaching was not intense to remove much of Au from them. Moreover, it may be because these
rocks also acted as host rocks accumulating the metals in their fracture zones. In contrast to
this, Pitcairn et al. (2015) suggest that metasedimentary rocks are much more suitable source
rocks for fluids and metals in orogenic gold deposits than metabasaltic rocks as they are mobile
mobile during metamorphism of all elements commonly enriched in this style of deposit.
However, no metasedimentary rocks are observed during this thesis study and the idea of
considering them as sources is not presented. Sources of fluids

No gold deposits are formed in a simple way and require some extensive natural processes by
which they get a value beyond crustal background. Therefore, other thing that needs to be
discussed is the source and condition of fluids that contributed to gold mineralization. There

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

are different sources of fluids that are proposed as carriers of economic metals either in ionic
form of themselves or as components attached to anions in the solutions. Major sources in these
settings include magmatic fluid and fluids from metamorphosed mafic rocks. Dube and
Gosselin (2007) suggest that the greenstone-hosted quartz carbonate vein deposits (orogenic
deposits) are related to metamorphic fluids from accretionary processes and generated by
prograde metamorphism and thermal re-equilibration of subducted volcano-sedimentary
terranes. On the other hand, Hart (2005) stated granitoid intrusions are common features of
orogenic belts and are an obvious fluid source for any proximal gold occurrence. Earlier under
this topic, it has been discussed that the mineralization is formed in fractures resulted due to
compressional or transpressional stresses in metamorphosed pre- to syn-deformational
granitoids and surrounding metabasites. However, presence of fractured zones yielding
pressure drop is not enough for concentration of metals from the fluids. Zhu et al. (2011)
suggested that a pressure drop alone would not cause the fluids to enter the two-phase field and
needs a pressure decrease combined with a drop in temperature below ~300oC. Gold
mineralization in most shear zones is post-peak metamorphism and involves a multi-stage
alteration event accompanied by gold mineralization through continuous fluid flow over a long
period of time (Zhu et al., 2011).

Without fluid inclusion data analysis, it may be difficult to reveal what the exact source of the
fluids is. However, with available geochemical data, rock and ore petrography and field studies,
the fluid source probability is thus either metamorphic or magmatic. The current study
identified the rocks in the area underwent low grade metamorphism which thereby generated
metamorphic fluids which also produced veins of metamorphic origin. Tesfaye Kebede et al.
(1999) identified that the western Ethiopia consists of plutonic rocks of variable composition
and age intruding the basement rocks, particularly the low-grade volcano- sedimentary
sequence. In this studies pre-, syn- and post-tectonic plutonic suites dominated by granites and
granodiorites with some tonalite, diorites and gabbroids were identified. The current study
suggests that fluids from the post- and syn- tectonic granitoids have contributed to
mineralization of earlier formed pre- to syn-tectonic granitoids and metavolcanic rocks of the
area. This quartz vein related orogenic mineralization has also generated secondary alluvial
placer gold deposits in the area from which the artisanal miners used to mine a gold for long
time. The deposit is structurally controlled accumulating along the structural zone where the
quartz veins run through.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

6.1. Conclusions
Geology of Kushmagane area is covered by metavolcanics and metagranitoids sparsely
intruded by mafic sills. These rocks are marked by quartz veins and veinlets of two common
orientations, N–S and E–W. The N-S oriented quartz veins are parallel to the general trend of
the rocks in the area and are cut by E-W oriented veins. They are displaced along the plane
through which the E–W veins run while the later remain continuous. This indicates that there
are at least two generations of quartz veins and, the N–S oriented ones are older as they are
modified by the E–W oriented veins. These N-S, identified to be older quartz veins are the
mineralized veins along which artisanal miners mine and Managem PLC got relatively higher
anomalies. Metagranodiorite, the most dominant unit in the area is intruded by mafic sills
which parallel both the regional foliation and contacts. The grain size reduction observed at the
contact between the sills and metagranodiorite indicates that the mafic intrusion are formed
after the granodiorite.

The metamorphic process in the area has imposed textural and mineralogical modification of
both metabasites and metagranitoids. The metabasites show two mineralogical characteristics
which is indicative of metamorphism of andesitic and basaltic rocks. The mineralogy observed
in metabasalts is more enriched in mafic minerals than the andesitic metavolcanics while the
quartz volume percentage is lesser. They consist of plagioclase phenocrysts with quartz and no
olivine or (rare olivine only in metabasalts) in groundmass. These combined with their
tholeiitic nature from chemical data interpretation shows that the Kushmagane metabasites are
quartz-tholeiitic. Generally they consist metamorphic minerals like minor prehnite, chlorite,
and actinolite which are diagnostic of greenschist facies. Existence of albite in the assemblage
additionally indicates low grade regional metamorphism.

All the granitoids have ASI value of greater than one meaning that they are peraluminuous.
This, combined with their identified tectonic setting (VAG) and mineralogy indicates that they
are formed in active continental margins from basaltic parental magma of mantle source and
partial melting of mantle derived mafic underplate and other crustal materials. On the other
hand, Kushmagane metabasites show nearly parallel flat REE pattern in a negative general
slope. Moreover, they are classified as island arc tholeiites and these data together indicate they
originated in the lower enriched mantle reservoir. The flat pattern in metabasalt (WRC-28)

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

suggests that the REE abundances in these rocks resulted from phases involving shallow
fractionation (e.g., olivine), which do not fractionate the REE.

The gold mineralization in Kushmagane area is associated with both metabasites and meta-
granitoids in the area. Anomalies have been observed both in the metagranitoids and mafic
metavolcanics indicating both of the rocks probably hosted the gold. However, the lower Au
concentrations of the metabasites may be a clue to indicate that these rocks are source of the
gold and are leached during metamorphism. The mineralization is decorated with presences of
different primary and secondary ore minerals including pyrite, pyrrhotite, covellite and
magnetite. The gold mineralization is believed to be orogenic type (mesothermal) which is
deposited in compressional/ tranpressional fractures and shear zones resulted in syn- to pre-
deformational metagranitoids and metabasites in which the formers intruded. This
mineralization is accompanied by fluids whose source is suggested to be the metamorphism of
mafic rocks in the surrounding area granitoid intrusions and/or the subducted oceanic crust.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

6.2. Recommendation
This study mainly covered the geology and genesis of gold mineralization in Kushmagane area
where particularly indicated on the local geological map. It involved petrographic analysis for
both rock and ore studies and whole rock geochemical analyses. Thus, identification of the
geneses of the mineralization was based on these analyses which may face ambiguity on exact
determination of source of the fluids and the mineralization. Structural relationship of the
mineralization with the host rocks needs detailed structural investigations and age
determinations which are not implemented in the current thesis study. Therefore, for more
understanding of the source of the fluids and structural controls, fluid inclusion and isotope
studies have to be implemented in the further studies. Most of the samples collected for ore
petrography were RC samples broken in to small sizes which were not able to show sulphides
on bigger rock surfaces. Therefore, further studies may consider drill core samples for more
understanding of sulphides distributions, textures and replacement features. To cover more
features in the area in the map, geologic maps of greater scales have to be produced so that the
structural and lithological features are better understood. The current study only targeted very
narrow area in terms of both mapping and sampling and may not represent the wide variety of
rocks, structures and processes of the western Ethiopian Shield. Consequently, larger areas
have to be covered to better understand these phenomena. Furthermore, it has been a long time
since the local people began gold production from placer deposits near the local streams.
Therefore, data on gold deposits in the area needs to be updated and presented to mining
companies/organizations so that better mineralization zones can be identified and mined.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

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Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
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Appendix 1. Location and description of sampling for samples used for geochemical analyses

Sample X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Description of sampling

WRCS-19 0646364m 1098835m Granodiorite rock sampled from borehole of 49m

WRCS-20 646475m 1101105m Granodiorite rock sampled from borehole of 30m

WRCS-21 646475m 1101105m Granodiorite rock sampled from borehole of

depth 45m

WRCS-22 646475m 1101105m Granodiorite rock sampled from borehole of

depth 49m

WRCS-23 646475m 1101105m Granodiorite rock sampled from borehole of

depth 51m

WRCS-24 0646279 1098449 Granodiorite rock sampled from surface exposure

WRCS-25 0647029 1098329 Granodiorite rock sampled from surface exposure

WRCS-26 0646756 1098186 Granite rock sampled from surface exposure

WRCS-27 0646340 1098819 Metabasite rock Sampled from surface exposure

WRCS-28 0646425 1098396 Metabasite rock Sampled from surface exposure

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

Appendix 2. Location and description of samples used for petrography

Sample X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Description of sampling

M1 0646279 1098449 Fresh sample of the rock identified on the filed as
metagranodiorite was sampled from the surface.
M2 0646259 1098400 Fresh sample of the rock identified on the filed as
metagranodiorite was sampled from the surface.
M3 0646757 1098224 Fresh sample of the rock identified on the filed as
metagranodiorite was sampled from the surface.
WRCS-24 0646884 1098894 Fresh sample of the rock identified on the filed as
metagranodiorite was sampled from the surface.
M7 0646200 1097440 Silicified sample of metabasites was sampled
from surface
B21A 0647005 1098076 Fresh sample of foliated metadiorite was sampled
from surface
M8 0646425 1098396 Fresh sample of metabasites was sampled from
WRCS-27 0646340 1098819 Silicified sample of metabasites was sampled
from surface
M9R 0646375 1098988 Chloritized, silicified sample of metabasites
similar to M9 was sampled from surface.

Appendix 3. Petrographic description of some of the sampled rocks.

Granodiorite Samples (after identification by field and petrographic investigations)
No. Sample Description
1 M1 This sample represents a rock which generally possesses subhedral, medium to
coarse grains of quartz (~35vol %), plagioclase (~26%), and alkali feldspars (~11%).
Subhedral to euhedral grains of opaque minerals (~3%), and biotite (~15%),
perhenite(~5%), fibrous actinolite (~4%), secondary chlorite (~1%), hornblende
(~3%), garnet (~1%) are present in the rock. Perhenite is observed replacing mafic
2 M2 This sample resembles sample M1 both in overall textural and mineralogical make
up. Quartz and feldspars are the most dominating minerals. The estimated volume
per cents of the minerals in the rock are Qtz~32%, Plg~25%, A-spar~10%, Bt~15%,
Act~7%, Chl~3% and Hbl~8%.
3 M3 Sub-granular
4 M4 The principal mineral constituents are quartz~30%, plagioclase~25%, alkali feldspar
(orthoclase +microcline)~10% and biotite~15%, with subordinate anderite garnet
~1%, hornblende~3%, actinolite~5%, Chlorite~5 and opaque minerals~6%.
Plagioclase is partially altered to sericite

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

5 M1R This sample represents medium to coarse grained rock and consists of plagioclase
phenocrysts. Two types of garnet are recognized: the first group are deformed and
are relict where the other group are low grade anderite garnet. The general modal
composition (vol.%) of the minerals is estimated to be quartz~30%,
plagioclase~25%, alkali feldspar (orthoclase +microcline)~9% and biotite~16%, with
subordinate anderite garnet ~3%, hornblende~3%, actinolite~5%, Chlorite~4 and
opaque minerals~5%.
Metagranite samples (after identification by field and petrographic investigations)
6 M5 Medium to coarse grains of Qtz-30%, A-spar-30%, plg-7%, msc-15%, opaque-8%,
hbl-6%, grt-1%, Bt-3% make the rock. Very rare biotite is also present. The grains
have euhedral to anhedral shapes and some of their original characteristics have been
modified. Muscovite is observed as primary mineral as well as alteration product in
association with feldspars. The simple twinning in orthoclase is not as such visible: it
simply patches. Some plagioclase exist with polysynthetic twins. Rare sericite with grt
inside it exists and it is probably resulted from alteration of k-spar with presence of
hydrothermal fluids. The plagioclase within the sample shows fracturing and inclusion
of quartz within the cracked part.
7 M6 Medium to coarse grains of Qtz-31%, A-spar-29%, plg-7%, msc-12%, opaque-8%,
hbl-6%, grt-1%, Prh-3%, Bt-3% make the rock.
8 M6R Similar to the above samples this one is also constituted from medium to coarse grains
of Qtz-33%, A-spar-31%, plg-8%, msc-11%, opaque-9%, hbl-6%, grt-2%, make the
Metabasite samples
9 M7 This sample represents a mafic rock with mineralogical make up of Pyroxenes (augite
+ clinopyroxene)~30%, Chlorite~11%, plagioclase~28%, quartz~5%, biotite~7%,
Act~10%, Opq~7% and rare hornblende and olivine. The pyroxenes are of igneous
origin and remained unchanged due to low grade metamorphism in the area. Hbl;
shows visible simple twinning and occasionally lies between plagioclase crystals
which show polysynthetic twinning. There are also number of opaque minerals with
in the thin section. Most of the opaque minerals are anhedral with very rare euhedral
10 M8 Porphyritic texture with phenocrysts of plagioclase around which different minerals
occur as groundmass. Some pyroxenes also exist as phenocrysts. Opaque minerals of
smaller size than plagioclase and pyroxene also occur as phenocrysts. Generally the
sample is constituted from plagioclase~29%, quartz~5%, biotite~5%, Act~10%,
pyroxenes~28%, Chlorite~11%, Opq~8%, prh~4%.
11 M9 This sample is similar to samples M7 and M8 but, consists more quartz. In a similar
fashion to these minerals, it consists of phenocrysts of plagioclases which make~75%
of total phenocrysts. The mineralogy of the rock is generally plagioclase~30%,
quartz~10%, biotite~6%, Act~10%, pyroxenes~20%, Chlorite~11%, Opq~9%,
Metadiorite samples
12 M10 This sample represents a rock with crenulated foliation. Generally, the minerals have
been elongated and lack the original shape (almost all the grains are anhedral). The
volume per cent of the minerals is estimated as, plagioclase~36%, pyroxenes~13%,
quartz~19%, amphiboles~8, biotite~5%, chlorite~5%, Act~7%, Ep~5%, Opq~2%.

Geology and Genesis of Gold Mineralization in Kushmagane Area, Assosa Woreda,
Western Ethiopia.

The presence of abundant quartz is an indication that protolith of this rock was quartz
13 M10R Medium sized grains of plagioclase~36%, pyroxenes~10%, quartz~19%,
amphiboles~5, biotite~6%, chlorite~6%, Act~8%, Ep~8%, Opq~2% constitute the
rock. The crenulation of foliation in above sample is also observed.
14 B21A The mineralogy of the rock includes both mafic and felsic minerals the mafic ones
being the most dominants. (35%, pyroxenes~11%, quartz~14%, amphiboles~6,
biotite~6%, chlorite~7%, Act~8%, Ep~8%, Opq~5%,). Most of the crystals are
anhedral, and little crenulation is observed.

Appendix 4. ASI value of Kushmagane granitoids (ASI=𝑁𝑎2𝑂+𝐾2𝑂+𝐶𝑎𝑂)

Sample Al2O3 CaO Na2O K2O ASI
WRCS-19 13.75 2.94 5.01 0.88 1.557191
WRCS-20 13.6 3.51 3.91 0.59 1.697878
WRCS-21 13.55 3.54 3.97 0.6 1.670777
WRCS-22 13.55 3.54 3.99 0.57 1.67284
WRCS-23 13.25 3.42 3.88 0.55 1.687898
WRCS-24 14.05 3.34 4.32 0.58 1.705097
WRCS-25 12.2 1.34 4.83 0.54 1.818182
WRCS-26 12.5 3.26 4.23 0.12 1.642576


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