MoM Protelindo - Makes Project GAMA 15082023 - Makes 280823 - Dea

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Minutes of Meeting – 15 August 2023

No. Relevant Clause/Topic in Makes Report Remarks Remarks Protelindo

1 Deed of Establishment number of shares owned by Fransiscus Xavier Boyke Gozali is Please recheck the number of
40 shares, not 50 shares. shares owned by Fransiscus
Xavier Boyke Gozali

Makes Note:
We have revised the DD Report

No action needed

2 Capital Structure, Share Ownership and The following documents are not available in Protelindo data Please provide the documents
Classification of Shares room:

Makes Note:
History of Capital Structure and Share (i) Proof of capital deposit dated 12 November 2021 issued by
Proof of Capital Deposit of PAS
Ownership PaninBank;
(ii) Transaction Reports issued by PaninBank for November 12,
2021; Dea to check the document
(iii)Proof of Capital Deposit dated 18 November 2021 issued by
(iv) Proof of Capital Deposit Date 19 November 2021 issued by
(v) Transaction Reports issued by PaninBank for the period 15 There are some documents in
November 2021 to 22 November 2021; google drive but not include in
(vi) Proof of Capital Deposit dated 23 November 2021 issued by LHUTAH as follow:
(vii) Transaction Reports issued by PaninBank for the period
1. proof of capital deposit date
24 November 2021 to 9 December 2021;
22 November 2021 issued by
(viii) Transaction Reports issued by PaninBank for the period paninbank 15,7miliar
16 December 2021 to 21 December 2021; 2. proof of capital deposit date
11 November 2021 issued by
(ix) Transaction Reports issued by PaninBank for the period 13 paninbank 9,8miliar
December 2021 to 15 December 2021; 3. proof of capital deposit date
10 November 2021 issued by
(x) Proof of Capital Deposit Date 30 December 2021 issued by paninbank 9,5miliar
PaninBank 4. proof of capital deposit date 5
November 2021 issued by
paninbank 150 jt
5. Transaction Reports issued by
PaninBank for the period 4
November 2021 to 11
November 2021;

3 Information regarding the Company's Major The following documents mentioned in the LHUTAH are not Please provide the documents
Shareholders with Ownership at above 20% available in Protelindo data room:
(Twenty Percent)
(i) Deed of establishment of PT Pilar Asri Sejahtera (“PAS”);
Makes Note:
(ii) Deed of Articles of Association and all their amendments of
Corporate Documents of PAS
(iii)Deed of the latest BOD and BOC composition.
Dea to check the document

4 Obligation Fulfilment The following documents mentioned in the LHUTAH are not Please provide the documents
available in Protelindo data room:
(i) Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan WLTK;
Makes Note:
(ii) Upah Minimum; (i) WLTK
(iii) BPJS Kesehatan; (ii) Upah Minimum
(iv) BPJS Ketenagarakerjaan; (iii) – [Makes note: We have not
yet been provided with the
(v) Receipt of LKPM No. LK1821571 dated 7 March 2023;
(vi) Receipt of LKPM No. LK1821569 dated 7 March 2023;
(iv) BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
(vii) Receipt of LKPM No. LK1821568 dated 7 March 2023;
(viii) Receipt of LKPM No. LK1821566 dated 7 March 2023;
(v)-(ix) LKPM 7 Mar 2023
(ix) Receipt of LKPM No. LK1821575 dated 7 March 2023.

Dea to check the document


Please provide documents:

1. Proof of payment of BPJS

Kesehatan periode April
2. Proof of payment of BPJS
Kesehatan periode May
3. Proof of payment of BPJS
Kesehatan periode June
4. Proof of payment of BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan periode
April 2023;
5. Proof of payment of BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan periode
May 2023;
6. Proof of payment of BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan periode
June 2023;
7. Receipt of LKPM No.
LK2191898 dated 10 July

5 Ownership, Control and Use of Assets by the number of towers owned by Gametraco stipulated in LHUTAH Please inform the exact number
Company (635 Telecommunications Towers) is different with MTD 06-30- towers for the IPO and the Matrix
2023 (940 sites) of Towers that match with the
number towers for the IPO

Makes Note:
We are still waiting for
Gametraco’s confirmation on the
total of tower owned by
Gametraco. However, we have
updated the number of towers
based on the documents provided
to us.
Vidi to send the new MTD to
makes for the reference

6 Membership ASPIMTEL membership document is not available in Protelindo Please provide the documents
Data Room
Makes Note:

Aspimtel Certificate

Dea to check the document


Checked, no further question.

7 Annex 1 - MLA The following MLA are stipulated in Makes report but not Please provide the documents
available in Protelindo Data Room:
1. Kontrak Layanan Sewa Menyewa Infrastruktur Tower Makro
Makes Note:
dan Jasa Pemeliharaannya di Regional Bali Nusra (17 Site)
No. M100004952 antara Telkomsel dan Gamteraco;
2. Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi 1. MLA No. M100004952
PKS.0200/AR/02/RQ-01/IX/2018 tanggal 12 September 2018 2. Kontrak Site CM5416
antara Telkomsel dan Gamteraco.

Pak Arthur to review the

document above

8 Annex 1 - MLA The following MLA are available in Protelindo data room but not Please check the documents with
stipulated in Makes Report: GAMA
1. Perjanjian Pengalihan Kerjasama atas Sewa Infrastruktur
Tower sejumlah 7 sites Regional Sumbagut antara Telkomsel
Makes Note:
No. 027/PO-01/PO-02/I/2019 dated 4 February 2019 antara ,
Gamteraco dan PT Lima Pilar Sukses (LPS);
2. Minutes of Meeting dated 21 March 2017 We will include the MLA and
Minutes of Meeting dated 21
3. Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Site
March 2017 in our DD Report.
BDS544 Cisondari-Gambung No.
PKS.0196/AR02/RQ-01/IX/2018, Dated 12 September 2018 .
antara Telkomsel dan Gamteraco;
4. Perjanjian Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur TowerColocation
Batch#1 2018 sejumlah 2 Site Regional Sumbagut
HOC180808 dated 3 October 2018 antara PT Telkomsel
dengan PT Lima Pilar Sukses;
5. Perjanjian Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur BTS Hotel Batch #3
2016 sejumlah 5 sites Regional Sumbagut HOC180848 dated
3 October 2018 between Telkomsel and PT Lima Pilar Sukses;
6. Perjanjian Uplifting New Collo 2021 sejumlah 7 Sites di
Regional Bali Nusra, Jawa Timur, Sumbagut & Sumbagsel
(No. M100003629) UNDATED antara PT Telekomunikasi
Selular dengan PT Gametraco Tunggal;
7. Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Site
0197/AR02/RQ-01/IX/2018, dated 12 September 2018 antara
PT Telekomunikasi Selular dengan PT Gametraco Tunggal;
8. Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Site
0198/AR02/RQ-01/IX/2018, dated 12 November 2018 antara
PT Telekomunikasi Selular dengan PT Gametraco Tunggal;
9. Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Site
CJR553 JLARIAWIRA No. PKS 0241/AR02/RQ-01/XI/2018,
dated 26 November 2018 antara PT Telekomunikasi Selular
dengan PT Gametraco Tunggal.

9 Annex 1 - MLA The following are MLA reviewed by both Makes team and Please check and confirm for the
Protelindo which has discrepancies: discrepancy
1. Nama Perjanjian Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur
Telekomunikasi Site TSK772 SUKARATU 2 No.
Makes Note:
PKS.0195/AR02/RQ-01/IX/2018, tanggal 12 September 2018
(“Perjanjian”). Number 3 in annex 1 1. We have revised the DD
Report accordingly.
remarks: Different lease period:
2. We have revised the DD
MAKES --> jangka waktu kontrak 9 tahun 5 bulan & Jangka Report accordingly.
Waktu sewa 8 tahun 6 bulan 3. BAPS Repuk Gapuk
Mas Nico to check the
Protelindo --> jangka waktu kontrak 8 tahun 6 bulan & Jangka document
Waktu sewa 8 tahun 6 bulan
4. We have revised the DD
Report accordingly.
5. We have revised the DD
2. Perjanjian Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Tower 5 Site B2S Batch
Report accordingly.
#3 2016 Regional Jawa Barat No. HOC161498 tanggal 6 6. We have revised the DD
Maret 2017. Number 4 in annex 1 Report accordingly.
7. We have revised the DD
remarks: Different lease period:
Report accordingly.
a. Makes: the lease period is counted 9 years since lease 8. We have revised the DD
commencement date as stated in BAPS. Report accordingly.
9. We have revised the DD
b. PTI: Parties agree that the period for use of Basic Service Report accordingly.
Tower Infrastructure is 1 year since the Lease commencement 10. – [Makes note: We have
date as stated in Minutes of Site Utilization (Berita Acara not yet been provided with
Penggunaan Site/BAPS). the documents]
11. We have included the
renewal term in our DD
3. Perjanijan Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Tower Site Repuk Gapuk 12. We have included the
Mataram No. PKS.005/LG.05/AR-003/IV/2015, tanggal 20 assignment clause in our DD
April 2015. Number 5 in annex 1 Report.
13. Based on the Gametraco’s
remarks: Makes to provide attachment related to the price confirmation, this MLA is
for 5 sites in Sumbagut
Region. The Minutes of
4. Kontrak Induk Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa Infrastruktur Meeting and Attachment I
Tower dan Pemeliharaannya No. M10002499, tanggal 8 and II in this MLA refers to
Februari 2021. Number 9 in annex 1 this MLA itself and
Perjanjian Sewa Sarana
remarks: same agreement as no 11 in annex 1 Makes Infrastruktur Tower
Kolokasi Carry Over 2016
Sejumlah 2 Site Regional
5. Kontrak Induk Perjanjian Sewa Mneyewa Infrastruktur Jabotabek No. HOC171203,
Tower dan Pemeliharaannya No. M100002499 tanggal 8 tanggal 22 Desember 2017.
Dino to check
Februari 2021. Number 11 in annex 1
remarks: same agreement as no 9 in annex 1 Makes
14. We have revised the DD
Report accordingly.
6. Kontrak Induk Sewa Menyewa Infrastruktur Tower dan Jasa 15. We have revised the DD
Pemeliharaannya di Area Sumatera No. Report accordingly.
PKS.TSEL1210/GMT/X/2019 tanggal 30 September 2019. 16. We have revised the DD
Number 12 in annex 1 Report accordingly.

remarks: this agreement is the same with agreement no 18 and

all the remarks should refer to remarks no 18 in annex 1

7. Kontrak Induk Sewa menyewa Infrastruktur Tower Mini

Makro Beserta Jasa Pemeliharaannya Tahun 2018
Nomor Telkomsel MPA001-1807-7036 tanggal 18 Juli
2018. Number 16 in annex 1
remarks: same agreement as no 19 in annex 1 Makes

8. Kontrak Induk Sewa Menyewa Infrastruktur Tower dan Jasa

Pemeliharannya di Sumatera No. Telkomsel
PKS.093A/LG.05/PG-01/VIII/2019 dan Nomor Mitra
PKS.TSEL1210/GMT/X/2019, tanggal 20 September 2019.
Number 18 in annex 1

● same agreement as no 12 in annex 1 Makes

● date of agreement should be 30 September 2019

● for termination clause Makes only highlight termination

of agreement and did not include termination of BAPS

● Makes did not highlighted Termination by Telkomsel for


● different assignment clause between Protelindo: ("During

the term of the agreement, If TowerCo intends to transfer
in any way including transfer the sites (partially/whole
sites) shall inform Tsel 1 year prior to the transfer and
Tsel has the rights to purchase the relevant sites. (Article
14)") and Makes: ("Perseroan tidak dapat mengalihkan
seluruh maupun sebagian isi dari Perjanjian ini maupun
setiap pelaksanaan darinya kepada pihak ketiga tanpa
persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari Telkomsel")

● Makes did not highlighted Discretionary Relocation of


9. Kontrak Induk Sewa menyewa Infrastruktur Tower Mini

Makro Beserta Jasa Pemeliharaannya Tahun 2018
Nomor Telkomsel MPA001-1807-7036 tanggal 18 Juli
2018. Number 19 in annex 1
remarks: same agreement as no 16 in annex 1 Makes

10. Kontrak Induk Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi

Tower B2S (2 Site) No. PKS.GBPA211-1902-8318
tanggal 15 Februari 2019. Number 21 in annex 1
remarks: Makes to provide attachment related to the lease

11. Perjanjian Sewa Infrastruktur Tower 10 Lokasi di Wilayah

Sumbagut No. HOC130751 tanggal 11 September 2013.
Number 23 in annex 1
remarks: Makes did not highlighted Renewal term

12. Perjanjian Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Tower

Kolokasi 17 Site Batch #3 2015 di Area Sumatera No.
HOC151450, tanggal 21 Desember 2015. Number 24 in
annex 1
remarks: Makes did not highlighted assignment clause

13. Perjanjian Sewa Sarana Infrastruktur Tower Kolokasi Carry

Over 2016 Sejumlah 5 Site Regional Sumbagut No.
HOC171202, tanggal 22 Desember 2017. Number 25 in
annex 1

● Makes did not highlighted assignment clause

● Please confirm is this MLA for 5 sites or 7 sites and please

give the basis for that

14. Perjanjian Sewa Saran Infrastruktur Tower Kolokasi Carry

Over 2016 Sejumlah 2 Site Regional Jabotabek No.
HOC171203, tanggal 22 Desember 2017. Number 26 in
annex 1
remarks: Makes did not highlighted assignment clause

15. Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa Infrastruktur No. 0008-07-

F07-37146, tanggal 16 Januari 2008. Number 31 in annex 1

● Renewal Term

Makes Review: The renewal term is 10 years,

Protel Review: The renewal term is 10 years, consisting
a. initial renewal lease period: 5 years
b. second renewal lease period: 5 years

● Termination

Makes stated "Pemilik setelah menerima teguran dari XL

secara tertulis sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali berturut-turut dengan
dengan selang waktu masing- masing teguran 5 (lima)
Hari dan sampai dengan disampaikann ya teguran ketiga
oleh XL, Pemilik tetap tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya
yang menurut Perjanjian harus dilaksanakan" is
inconsistent with our review and actual agreement

16. Perjanjian Induk Sewa Telekomunikasi

No. 127/Procurement/PKS- Gematraco/IV/10, tanggal 7
April 2010 sebagaimana diamandemen terakhir
dengan Term Sheet tanggal 19 Juni 2017. Number 33 in
annex 1
remarks: Makes did not highlighted Renewal term

10. MLA Novation XL IBC under IPA Makes confirm there is no MLA

Makes Note:
As confirmed by Gametraco,
there is no MLA XL IBC
No action needed

11. MLA and GLA Novation 1. PT Infrasys Persada

● For number 1 please provide
2. PT Era Mandiri Sejahtera the documents related to these
MLA and GLA Novation
3. PT Lima Pilar Sukses
4. PT Anugerah Berkah Langgeng ● For number 2-7 please check
5. PT Karya Niaga Utama with GAMA regarding the
sale and purchase tower
6. PT Global Citra Tama document and please provide
the MLA and GLA Novation
7. Johan Soedibyo
if there any

Makes Note:
1. (i) MLA Novation - Infrasys
Persada (ii) for the Telkomsel
MLA novation is still on
process, (iii) we are still
waiting for Gametraco
confirmation on the GLA
2. (i) MLA Novation - Era
Mandiri Sejahtera and (ii) We
are still waiting for
Gametraco confirmation on
the GLA novation.

For number 3-7 we are still

waiting for Gametraco
Pak Krisno to review the MLA

12 Material Highlights Due Diligence Makes confirm that the current

scope does not include material
highlights. As requested in the
meeting Makes team will check
internally to provide the Material

Makes Note:
We confirm that the current scope
does not include material
highlights and we will not provide
the material highlights.

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