Activity 5 WB SA Group 3 BSEd Science IV-3
Activity 5 WB SA Group 3 BSEd Science IV-3
Activity 5 WB SA Group 3 BSEd Science IV-3
Assess the output by putting the score on the last column of the rubric opposite the stated criterion. Then write your comment about the
ePortfolio that will justify the rating that you have given.
Criteria/ Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair Poor
Dimension 5 4 3 2 1
Evidence shows only four Evidence shows only three Evidence shows only two (2) Evidence show at most one (1) of the 5
Evidence Evidence shows more than four (4) PPST indicators for
(4) PPST indicators for (3) PPST indicators for PPST indicators for beginning PPST indicators for beginning
(20%) beginning Teacher
beginning Teacher beginning Teacher Teacher. Teacher
Annotation Satisfies ALL of the following indicators: Satisfies at least 80% of each of Satisfies at least 60% of each of Satisfies at least 40% of each of The description/ explanation for each 5
(30%) the following indicators: the following indicators: the following indicators: achieved intended learning outcomes/
1.Description/Explanation for each achieved intended learning 1.Description/Explanation for 1.Description/Explanation for 1.Description/Explanation for each PPST competency is not clearly stated, and
outcomes/PPST competency is clearly stated. each achieved intended each achieved intended learning achieved intended learning unacceptable considering the evidence
learning outcomes/PPST outcomes/PPST competency is outcomes/PPST competency is presented.
competency is clearly stated. clearly stated. clearly stated.
2.Explanation is acceptable considering the intended learning 2.Explanation is acceptable 2.Explanation is acceptable 2.Explanation is acceptable It contains more than 10 errors in
outcomes/ PPST competency described and the evidence shown. considering the intended considering the intended considering the intended learning grammar, spelling and mechanics.
learning outcomes/ PPST learning outcomes/ PPST outcomes/ PPST competency
competency described and the competency described and the described and the evidence
evidence shown. evidence shown. shown.
3. Annotation is free from any error in grammar, spelling and 3. Annotation is free from any 3. Annotation is free from any 3.Annotation is free from any
mechanics error in grammar, spelling and error in grammar, spelling and error in grammar, spelling and
mechanics. mechanics. mechanics.
Average Score 5
Equivalent Excelent
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ame of Assessor: Latoja, John Paul S. Year & Section: (for student) BSEd Science IV-3
Designation Students