Chemical KineticsOrdersII

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Orders of Chemical Reactions

The Rate Law
 This states that the rate of a chemical reaction is directly
proportional to the concentration of the reactants.
 For a reaction represented by the equation:
 2A + B → 2C,
 The rate law may be
 Rate = k[A]x [B]y

 K is the rate constant. It is constant at a particular temperature.

The larger the value of K the faster the reaction.
 x is the order of the reaction with respect to reactant A
 y is the order of the reaction with respect to reactant B.The sum
of the orders (x+y) gives the overall order of the reaction.

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Order of Reaction
 The order of the reaction with respect to a particular reactant is
the power to which the concentration term of that reactant must
be raised in the experimentally determined rate equation.The
order of a reaction cannot be deduced from balanced equation
for the reaction.

 First order reaction:

 The rate of a first order reaction is directly proportional to the
concentration of one reactant.
 A →Products
 Rate  [A]
 Rate = k[A]
 When the concentration of the reactant is doubled, the rate is
also doubled.

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Example of a first order reaction
 The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is an example of a first
order reaction.

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Second order reaction:
 The rate of a second order reaction is directly proportional to the
square of the concentration of one reactant, or the product of the
concentration of two reactants each of which is first order.
 For a second order reaction involving one reactant,
 A → Products
 Rate = k[A]2
 Doubling the concentration quadruples the rate.
 A graph of rate against the square of the concentration gives a straight

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Second order involving two reactants
 For a second order reaction involving two reactants each of which
is first order, the rate is given by

 Rate=k[A][B]

 In this case doubling the concentration of one reactant doubles

the rate but doubling the concentration of the two reactants
quadruples the rate.

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Pseudo-First order reaction

 This is a reaction that depends on the concentration of two

reactants but the concentration of one is so much is excess that
the rate of the reaction only depends on the concentration of the
limiting reagent.
 For example, in the hydrolysis of esters (e.g. ethyl ethanoate), the
water is so much is excess that the rate of the reaction only
depends on the concentration of the ester.


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Zero order reaction
 Zero order reaction:This a reaction in which the rate of the
reaction is constant no matter the initial concentration of the
reactants.That is it does not depend on the concentration of any
reactant. Enzyme catalysed reactions are typical examples of zero
order reactions.
 Rate = k[A]0 in implies that
 Rate = k

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Determination of the Order and rate
constant of a Reaction
This involves three main steps
 1. Experimental measurement of the initial rates
 2. Calculation of the orders of the reaction from the rate data
 3. Deduction of the rate constant from the rate equation or
from a graph using the rate plotted against concentration.

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Graphical Method
a) Measure the concentration of the reactant over a period of time
b) Plot concentration against time
c) Draw tangents to curve at various times
d) Calculate the slopes (gradients) at various times. These represent the
initial rates.
 Plot the gradients against the corresponding concentrations

 i. If a straight line is obtained passing through the origin the reaction is
first order and the slope of this curve is the first order rate constant.
 ii. If a straight line is not obtained by plotting the rates against the
concentration, plot the rates against the square o f the concentration. If
a straight line is obtained through the origin then the reaction is second
order and the slope is the second order rate constant.
 iii. If plot of rate against concentration gives a straight line parallel to the
x-axis then the reaction is zero order.

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Deductions from initial rates
experimental data
 a. If the rate is doubled when the concentration of one reactant is
doubled while the concentrations of others are held constant,
then the reaction is first order with respect to that reactant.
Similarly when the concentration of a reactant is tripled, and the
rate is tripled, then the reaction is first order with resp to that
 b. If the rate is quadrupled when the concentration of a reactant
is doubled while those other reactants are held constant then
reaction is first order with respect to that reactant. Similarly
when the concentration of a react is tripled and the rate increase
nine-fold, then the reaction is second order with respect to the
 c. If the rate remains the same when the concentration of a
reactant is doubled while the concentrations of others are held
constant, then the reaction is zero order with respect to that

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 The following data were obtained for the reaction.
 A + B → 2D
Expt [A]/moldm-3 [B]/moldm-3 Rate/moldm-3s-1
1 0.20 0.20 5x10-4
2 0.40 0.20 10x10-4
3 0.10 0.10 6.1x10-5
4 0.10 0.20 2.5x10-4

a) Write the general rate equation

b) Deduce the order of the reaction with respect to A and B and
hence the overall order of the reaction
c) Write the rate law expression
d) Calculate the value of the rate constant using experiment 1,
clearly indicating the units.

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Example 2
 Consider the following data for the reaction
 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) → 2NOCl(g)
Expt [NO] [Cl2] Initial Rate/moldm-3s-1
1 0.01 0.01 2.5x10-3
2 0.01 0.02 5.0x10-3
3 0.02 0.02 5.0x10-3

 a) Deduce the orders with respect to NO an Cl2

 (b) Calculate rate constant using experiment 1, clearly indicating
the units.
 (c) Deduce the rate when the initial concentration of NO is
0.8moldm-3 while that of Cl2 is 0.60moldm-3

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Example 3
 The following data were obtained for the reaction
 A + B → Products
Expt [A]/moldm-3 [B]/moldm-3 Rate/moldm-3s-1
1 0.1 0.1 1.2
2 0.1 0.2 4.8
3 0.2 0.2 9.6

 (a) Deduce the orders of the reaction with respect to A and B

and hence the overall order.
 (b) Write the rate equation for the reaction
 (c) Calculate the rate constant using experiment 1, clearly
indicating the units.

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Example 4
 Consider the data below for the reaction A+ B → Products

Experiment [A] [B] Rate/moldm3s-1

1 0.10 0.20 5x10-4
2 0.20 0.20 1x10-3
3 0.20 0.40 4x10-3

 Deduce the orders of the reaction with respect to A and B.

 Deduce the overall order of the reaction.
 Calculate the rate constant using experiment 1, clearly indicating
the units.

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Example 5
 Consider the data below for the reaction X →Y + Z
Experiment [X] Rate moldm3s-1

1 0.15 0.01

2 0.30 0.04

3 0.60 0.16

 Deduce the order of the reaction with respect to X

 Write the rate equation for the reaction
 Calculate the value of the rate constant and indicate its units.

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