01 OnScreen B1 - 2 Module 1

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Module 1


 Appearance & Character

A Circle the odd word.

1 fair – dark – slim – grey 5 arrogant – early – calm – kind

2 outgoing – polite – caring – pale 6 tall – medium – pointed – short
3 overweight – bald – slim – skinny 7 lazy – optimistic – cheerful – kind
4 curly – spiky – long – big 8 small – pointed – dark – big

 Sports & Hobbies

B Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1 polite a modest
2 hardworking b indifferent
3 cheerful c deceitful
4 aggressive d impatient
5 arrogant e rude
6 interesting f moody
7 caring g gentle
8 honest h generous
9 patient i lazy
10 selfish j dull

 Clothes

C Choose the correct word.

1 Could I fit/try this dress on, please? 5 Martha wore a lovely high-heeled/floral
2 Jane doesn’t care about her appearance so dress to the dance last night.
she often looks baggy/sloppy. 6 That colour really matches/suits you, Polly.
3 Mike likes to look casual/calm and usually 7 Ted dresses like a hip-hop singer and looks
wears jeans and a T-shirt. very conservative/trendy.
4 Do you have the next size up? This doesn’t 8 Angela almost always wears baggy/platform
fit/match me. shoes.

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Module 1
D Fill in: cardigan, cotton, leather, stripes, tie, trainers.

1 Real .................................. boots tend to be 4 My granddad often wears a

expensive nowadays. woollen .................................. during the
2 I like the shirt with the thin red and winter.
white ..................................... . 5 Dan is wearing a plain ....................... T-shirt.
3 I need to get a new pair of ........................... 6 John always wears a shirt and .......................
if I am going to take up jogging. to work.

 Jobs
E Fill in: accountant, beautician, cleaner, electrician, musician, translator.

1 Linda is getting a(n) ................................. to 4 I had to get a(n) ................................. to help

help her look her best for her wedding. me sort out my tax forms.
2 We’ll have to call a(n) ................................. 5 As neither politician spoke the same
if we keep having problems with the power. language, they needed a(n) ...........................
3 Miriam is learning to play several to help them communicate.
instruments and wants to be 6 The ................................... is on holiday and
a(n) ................................. . so the house is a mess.

 Verbs

F Choose the correct item.

1 You should ......... up your coat. It’s getting 3 It is important for people to ......... their
cold. cultural heritage.
A fit B do C pull A continue B maintain C preserve

2 The headmaster told the students to ......... 4 Children are usually taught to ......... their
in the main hall at 2 pm. elders.
A assemble B collect C attend A memorise B respect C value

G Fill in do, go or have.

1 Would you like to .............. jogging at the 4 Lisa never wants to ........ the
weekend? housework.
2 Whose turn is it to ............. the washing 5 There’s nothing in the cupboards. We
up? need to ........ the shopping.
3 I .............. shopping with Clara almost 6 Greg needs to ............ a shower. He’s
every Saturday. been working in the garden.

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Module 1
 Phrasal verbs
H Choose the correct item.
1 I’m looking ......... to meeting the new 4 Tim is arrogant and often looks ......... on
neighbour. other people.
A forward B over C up A up B forward C down
2 Did you look the word ......... in the 5 Ken looks ......... to his father and always
dictionary? listens to his advice.
A at B into C up A up B down C forward
3 I have to look ......... my niece tonight so I
can’t go out.
A after B over C forward

 Word formation
I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

1 Emily is extremely ................................... and plans on being very AMBITION

successful. PICK
2 My little sister is very .............................. with her food and doesn’t eat much. TACT
3 Isabelle isn’t very ...................................... and can sometimes offend people. CARE
4 You need to be a ................................................... person to work as a nurse. FORGET
5 My granddad is quite ................................................... and I always have to
remind him of everything. CREATE
6 I think I am ................................................... enough to write a novel one day.
7 Avery doesn’t share anything easily and has a reputation for being SELF
terribly ................................................... . ART
8 Everyone in Hank’s family is ............................................... and quite famous. BORE
9 I found the film very .......................................... and so I left the cinema early. FUN
10 Tom thinks he is ...................................... but no one ever laughs at his jokes.

 Prepositions
J Choose the correct preposition.
1 Jamie isn’t the least bit interested ........... 4 Laura is jealous ........... Wendy for being
fashion. so popular.
A in B of A with B of
2 The student apologised for being rude 5 Jennifer is very attached ........... her
........... the teacher. grandparents.
A to B with A to B in
3 Unfortunately, Lee doesn’t care ........... 6 Sarah is very sly and takes advantage
her appearance at all. ........... her younger sister at times.
A of B about A with B of

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Module 1

 Present simple & Present continuous

A Put the words in the correct order.

1 high/wears/Julia/heels/rarely 4 often/goes/out/Frank/friends/his/with
................................................................ ................................................................
2 usually/what/wear/to/work/do/you? 5 school/sometimes/for/late/are/we
................................................................ ................................................................
3 complaining/you/always/why/are/hair/your/ 6 Sundays/open/is/shop/the/never/on
about? ................................................................

B Choose the correct item.

1 We go/are going to a party tonight. 7 Can I taste that? It is looking/looks
2 Larry isn’t eating/doesn’t eat any meat. delicious.
3 Look! Fred is coming/comes. 8 Jack is spending/spends this weekend
4 What’s that? It is smelling/smells horrible. at his cousin’s country house.
5 The first bus is leaving/leaves at 7:00 am. 9 That shirt is matching/matches your
6 How often do you go/ are you going to the trousers perfectly.
gym? 10 Jane is seeing/sees a beautician

C Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

1 Peter ...................................................... 5 My dad ...................................................

(sleep) in his bedroom at the moment. (fly) to Rome tomorrow morning.
2 Amy ....................................................... 6 Emma (like) to make her own clothes?
(not work) on Tuesdays. ................................................................
3 Howard .................................................. 7 Robert ....................................................
(think) about buying a new suit. (not play) basketball right now.
4 The chef.................................................. 8 Nathan....................................................
(taste) the food now to see if it is cooked. (not like) shopping for clothes.

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Module 1
 Present perfect simple

D Put the words in the correct order.

1 you/ever/have/a/fashion show/been/to? 4 you/how/long/lived/have/here?

................................................................ ................................................................
................................................................ ................................................................
2 five years/for/has/Tara/been/an/accountant 5 have/Tanya/seen/you/lately?
................................................................ ................................................................
................................................................ ................................................................
3 never/Duncan/has/been/a/live concert/to 6 Matt/not/come/has/yet/home
................................................................ ................................................................
................................................................ ................................................................

 Time words

E Choose the correct word.

1 Have you ever/yet been to Japan? 7 I’ve been waiting here for/since 2 pm.
2 I haven’t seen Mary for/since weeks. 8 Tom hasn’t had breakfast already/yet.
3 Haven’t you done your homework 9 They’re travelling around Europe and
yet/ever? have visited four countries since/so far.
4 I’m not hungry. I’ve recently/just had 10 They have since/recently moved to a
lunch. bigger house
5 Nora has ever/never been abroad.
6 They have already/yet finished the

 Present perfect continuous

F Complete the exchanges with the present perfect continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.

1 A: I .......................................................... 4 A: What is wrong with Maureen? She’s

(wait) for over an hour. lost weight.
B: Oh, I am terribly sorry. B: She .....................................................
2 A: Are you OK? You look exhausted. (worry) a lot lately.
B: I .......................................................... 5 A: How are things going with your new
(work) all day. job?
3 A: Why is Kate leaving? B: Great! I ...............................................
B: She ........................................................ (learn) a lot over the last few days.
(not/feel) well all morning.

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Module 1
 Present simple & Present continuous/
Present perfect simple & Present perfect continuous

G Choose the best answer.

1 It’s been snowing now ........... almost two 7 ........... Ned ........... his homework yet?
days. A Does, finish
A since B for C already B Has, finished
C Is, finishing
2 Zoe and Bob ........... together for ten
years. 8 Kenneth ........... in New York since 2010.
A have been working A lives
B are working B is living
C work C has been living

3 Ben ........... in his ability to overcome 9 Have you ........... been to Paris?
difficulties. A ever B so far C yet
A is always believing
B has always believed 10 I ........... with friends while I look for a flat.
C has always been believing A have stayed
B stay
4 Ines ........... to become a fashion C am staying
A wants 11 Tracey isn’t here; she ........... the shops.
B is wanting A has been in
C has been wanting B has been to
C has gone to
5 Where ........... you usually ........... your
clothes? 12 Now that spring is here, the weather
A are, buying ........... warmer and warmer.
B do, buy A is getting
C have, bought B has got
C gets
6 John ........... his friend Nick for lunch
A meet B meets C is meeting

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Module 1

Read the text and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

The Mursi Tribe of Ethiopia

The Omo River Valley in southwest Ethiopia is one of the most remote yet culturally diverse
places on the planet and is even believed by some to be the birthplace of human civilisation.
Today, it is home to eight different ancient African tribes whose lifestyles haven’t changed for
centuries. The most fascinating and unique of these tribes is the Mursi.
The Mursi Tribe numbers about 7,500 individuals. They live in the lower Omo Valley where
the men herd cattle and grow crops. Livestock is their most valued possession and is also a
measure of social status. Although the Mursi are more or less settled, they have to move twice a
year due to unpredictable rainfall.
The Mursi people have few religious beliefs or ceremonies and don’t practise many crafts.
However, body decoration and alteration is an important part of their culture that they commonly
practise. They are best known and most recognisable for the pottery or wooden lip plates worn by
their women. At the age of 15 or 16 girls have their lower lips cut and a small clay plate inserted
into it. Over the following years, larger plates are inserted into the lip causing it to stretch. The plate
is a symbol to show the girl has reached womanhood and it is a source of great pride and self-
esteem to the Mursi women. However, the women only wear the plates for a short time each day
because they can be heavy and uncomfortable.
Both the men and women of the tribe use paint to decorate their bodies and faces. Men
proudly show scars as a sign of their manhood and of how many enemies they have defeated.
However, the only battles they fight these days are part of a tradition of ceremonial duelling
(thagine). This is a very important aspect of the Mursi men’s lives. Thagine is a form of martial art
in which men take part in single combat using wooden poles called dongen and wear decorative
and protective clothing. The winner is carried around by the men and then surrounded by young
girls who lay goatskins on the ground for him to sit on and hold a cotton cloth above him, stretched
on duelling poles, to provide shade and to symbolise a mother protecting her baby from the sun.
Unfortunately, the Mursi way of life is at risk of disappearing as their land is being taken
away and they are being forced to move. Many Mursi are beginning to make a living from tourism
while others have left the land to live in urban areas.

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Module 1
1 The Mursi tribe is
A the last remaining ancient tribe in the Omo Valley.
B the oldest tribe of the Omo Valley.
C one of several ancient tribes of the Omo Valley.
D the most culturally diverse tribe in the Omo Valley.

2 The main reason the tribe moves twice a year is

A habit.
B the climate.
C to avoid cattle thieves.
D to follow their cattle.

3 The Mursi are famous for

A their crafts.
B their body paint.
C their women’s appearance.
D their pottery.

4 Thagine is important to Mursi men because

A it allows them to meet girls.
B it proves their manhood.
C it teaches them martial arts.
D it makes them popular.

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Module 1

Listen, and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 Lawrence was
A of average height.
B shorter than average.
C taller than average.

2 Lawrence was born in

A 1808.
B 1818.
C 1888.

3 At university, Lawrence studied

A English.
B history.
C archaeology.

4 In the army, Lawrence was considered

A very disciplined.
B very respectful.
C very untidy.

5 Lawrence died
A in an accident.
B from an illness.
C while travelling.

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