9 Formulating Claims of Fact, Policy and Value

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Opening Prayer

Lord, thank you for all the blessings

that you have given us yesterday, we
offer you today all that we do and
say, help us to understand our
lessons for today and guide us that
we may be a good students.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray
for us who have recourse to thee.
I’m doing well and feeling fantastic.

I’m feeling fine.

I’m feeling sad and down.

I’m feeling anxious today.

Let’s Try!
Directions: Read the sentences below. Determine if
the statement is a fact or opinion.
1. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
2. Dating people on the Internet is an immoral
form of dating.
3. Nike is more useful than Adidas.
4. To solve traffic, it is better to invest in
subways and trains than in road widening
5. Bali tigers are extinct.
Claims of Fact,
Policy and
Mrs. Kimberly B. Mapute

t c h eck!
Fa c
Questions of the
What is a claim?
2. What are the characteristics of a claim?
3. What are the different types of claims?
4. What are the key questions to answer for
each type of claim?
Let’s Talk about it!

Claim Claim
It is the central
The claim is an statement of a text
arguable where the writer tries to
statement that improve his points by
defines your goal providing details,
of the essay. explanations and other
types of evidence.
Examples of
1. Covid-19 and flu spread in similar
2. You will have Covid-19 if you have
lower body resistance.
3. You should wear face mask and
face shield.
4. Tawa-tawa is the cure for Covid-
Characteristics of a good
 A claim should be argumentative and
 A claim should be specific and
 A claim should be interesting and
 A claim should be logical.

“Smoking is dangerous to one’s


Claims of Fact
Questions to answer to
check if a claim is a
 A claim of fact is an CLAIM OF FACT:
assertion of a  Can we investigate it through
condition that exists, research or interview?
will exist, or has  Did it happen?
 A claim whether
something is true or
untrue. Hence, there is
potential for
controversy, conflict or

1. Covid-19 and flu spread in similar ways.

2. Excessive use of gadgets has caused the
steady decline in the study habits of
children and teenagers.

Claims of Policy
Questions to answer to
check if a claim is a  Statements that argue
CLAIM OF POLICY: that something needs to
be done. May it be
making a law or calling
 What should be or should
for action.
not be done?  A claim of policy usually
 Does it advocate a has the modals should,
specific course of action? must, and ought to.

1. Marijuana should not be legalized

because many individuals will abuse it.
2. Legislation must be passed to stop the
sales of cigarettes.
Claims of Value
Questions to answer to
check if a claim is a CLAIM
 A claim that is  Is it good or bad?
based on
preference such  Is it valuable or not
as like or dislikes, valuable?
good or bad.  Is it desirable or
 It usually undesirable?
compares two
ideas against
one another.

1. It is better to introduce higher math like

Algebra in grade 10 instead.
2. Abortion is immoral.
Let’s Check!
1. Violence in Television influences children to
behave violently.
2. Although the financial benefit for networks is
great, airing violent scenes should be banned in
any television program.
3. Elders here in Philippines once reach the age
of 60 must be sent to elderly institution of the
government to receive proper care and
4. It is much desirable if Filipinos will honor the
newly elected president.
5. Publicly funded art is the most expensive art
Let’s Answer!
Directions: Identify the claims used in each statement
below. Write CoF if it is a claim of fact, CoP if claim of
policy and CoV if claim of Value.
1. Antibiotics can cure COVID-19.
2. In the Philippines, same sex marriage should be
legally allowed by the Catholic Church.
3. Students with unwanted behavior must be
expelled from school.
4. Legalizing same sex marriage will give the LGBT
community an equal social human rights.
5. Men are the only born leaders of the nation.
Let’s Answer!
Directions: Identify the claims used in each statement
below. Write CoF if it is a claim of fact, CoP if claim of
policy and CoV if claim of Value.
6. Death is inevitable.
7. Video games lead to increase of violence among
8. Just as smoking ads have been banned in order
to decrease the urge to engage in an unhealthy
behavior, soda ads should be banned for the
same reason.
9. The basic keys to success are perseverance and
 Guia
 Luaren
 Allen
 Maxine
 Huey  Lauren
 Michael
 Lauren Julia  Maxine  Huey
 Ana  Buen
 Riona
 Trisha  Precious
 Princess  Riona
 Juliana
 Rhobie
 Grant
 Jamhila
 Samantha
 Eunice
 Denise
 Marcus
Closing Prayer
Dear Jesus,
I thank you for all the things I have
learned today. I know that you are
here with me. Keep me and my
family safe always. Mama Mary, be
with me also and help me in
studying my lessons everyday.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray
for us who have recourse to thee.

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