Mitigating Ransomware Attacks: K.Jaisharma, Suvvala Manoj, K. Manideep, Manoj Kumar Reddy

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S4, July 2019

Mitigating Ransomware Attacks

K.Jaisharma, Suvvala Manoj, K. Manideep, Manoj Kumar Reddy
2. Ransomware have been attacked on the national
Abstract: In the recent years the attack namely, ransomware security agency of united states of America.
have been spreading very rapidly which could concentrated on
3. WannaCry also made lots of damages and loses to
from home user to the large kind of corporations and
organisations. In the recent days many approaches have been
the organisations which rely on huge data.
found to survive from the ransomware attacks even though there 1.3 Effects of ransomware in current world
are still many attacks which are being done by the organisational
employees. Our approach is different from those kind of 1. According to the data given by the international
approaches which is mainly focused on the mitigating the attacks society’s online trust alliance globally the losses from
instead of removing those kind of attacks which is not surely ransomware rose by 60% last year to $8 billion.
easy. 2. Earlier in this year, services in the U.S cites of
Baltimore and Maryland were paralysed when a
Keywords: Cyber Attacks, Ransomware, Unauthorized Users, ransomware attack locked up computer networks.
1.4 Recovery of this attack by major organisational
The attack was stopped within a few days of its discovery
The term ransomware is nothing but the software which is
due to emergency patches released by Microsoft, and the
used to attack on the personalized or official computers and
discovery of a kill switch that prevented infected computers
its organisations which could make huge losses and
from spreading WannaCry further. Microsoft released out-
unauthorized gains to the victim computer or its
of-band security updates for end of life products windows
organisation. The ransomware is subset of malware where
XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 8.
the data pf the victim to this attack is completely locked.
Researcher Marcus Hutchins accidentally discovered the
1.1 Ransomeware in Cyber Security kill switch domain hardcoded in the malware. Registering
The term ransomware is nothing but the software which is a domain name for a DNS sinkhole stopped the attack
used to attack on the personalized or official computers and spreading as a worm, because the ransomware only
its organisations which could make huge losses and encrypted the computer's files if it was unable to connect to
unauthorized gains to the victim computer or its that domain.
organisation. The ransomware is subset of malware where
the data pf the victim to this attack is completely locked. It II. RANSOMEWARE PROCESS
is used to encrypt important documents or files within a The ransomware process is discussed in the following:
system (crypto ransomware) or simply lock the original user
out of the system (locker ransomware). Unlike the other 2. Tools
cyber-attacks, in this form of attack the user is notified of Table.1 has tools name used for security.
the attack.
Ransomware spreads easily when it encounters unpatched
or outdated software. In the recent days we have seen the
one of the biggest cyber-attack which has occurred in the
year of 2017 where the ransomware played a major role in
the attack. The attack that has done by the ransomware
software namely by the wannacry ransomware crypto worm.
1.2 Victims of attack
1. Targeted computers running the Microsoft windows
operating system by encrypting data and demanding
ransom payments in the bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Revised Manuscript Received on July 13, 2019.

K.Jaisharma, Assistant Professor, Saveetha School of Engineering,
SIMATS, Chennai.
Suvvala Manoj, UG Student, Saveetha School of Engineering,
SIMATS, Chennai.
K. Manideep, UG Student, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS,
Manoj Kumar Reddy, UG Student, Saveetha School of Engineering,
SIMATS, Chennai

Published By:
Retrieval Number: I11430789S419/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijitee.I1143.0789S419 260 & Sciences Publication
Mitigating Ransomware Attacks

Table.1 Security Tools

Tools Year of
Full Form Applicable of OS Usage
Name publish

using GPG keys to send

encrypted messages,
GNUPG Gnu Privacy Guard 1999 Linux, CentOS
combination of public key and
symmentric key

Open Web Application

OWASP 2001 web vulnerability use to develop secure software
Security Project

used for on the fly disk

Truecrypt Open Source Security 2014 windows, macOS, Linux

helps customers to meet

OSSEC Open Source Security 2019 Linux, OpenBSD
standard and integrate security

Open Source Security used for monitoring health and

OSSIM 2010 OpenVAS
Information Management security of network/hosts

2.1 Existing Work in Ransomeware 2.3 Backups and Recovering Techniques

To survive from the ransomware attacks in the existing Each and every single bit of data should be backed up.
scenario following are the basic steps that have been using Recently updated document must be sent to our associates to
by the organisational workers to resolve the tragedies of the be saved in the google cloud or email cloud and other kind
attacks done by the ransomware. of storages like USB, hard disk and drives etc. Backup will
1. Recovering of the data or the files which have been also provide the workflow easily.
hacked using backup strategies.
2.4 Detection of Malicious Accounts
2. Restoring of the data and other hardware devices in
the whole system to minimize the damages and infected Since the ransomware has the techniques to attack the
files. users by entering into the threatening accounts within the
3. Windows Script Host is a frequent tool of organisation detection of those accounts help us to survive
ransomware infection. Activation only for users who need those kinds of cyber-attacks like ransomware. Detection of
it is highly recommended. the malicious accounts within the organisation should be
4. To avoid suspicious files and run programs from removed to sort out the problems that occurred from the
AppData/LocalAppData because it can protect the system cyber-attacks like ransomware.
against various malware mutations. 2.5 Checking Up With Anti Viruses
5. Regular training of the employees is needed to train
As we know that internet is open for all so that everybody
them in the fields of cyber security and other security
can use it. It will leads to some vulnerabilities to the
organisation. To avoid those kind of vulnerabilities we need
6. To do the routine backups of files on the workstations
to activate our anti-virus or anti malware systems to be
and then to disconnect the backup device from the
installed in our system to survive from the attacks like
operating system after backing up. This will make the
users to get survived from the ransomware attacks by
minimizing the damages of those kind of affects.
7. Disabling of the remote desktop protocol where the
most of the hackers targeted.
1. Usage of block chain technology to avoid attacks in
2.2 Regular Software Updates
terms of financial transactions and other type works
A cyber-attack occurs when a software patch hasn’t been related to multiple organisation.
updated. For a malware like Ransomware, it is an open 2. Usage of cryptocurrency like bitcoin and other type
gateway for digital snoopers to make their way. When currencies which would reduce the loss of these time of
hackers come across an old patch, it isn’t a strenuous task attacks. Recently, Facebook also introduced
for them to exploit vulnerabilities and do their job. So, we cryptocurrency for all its deals and transactions.
should update the software and its applications regularly to
get survived from the ransomware attacks.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: I11430789S419/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
261 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S4, July 2019

3. Work as well as the network segmentation is very Address Space Layout Randomization - A feature that
important to get rid off the ransomware attacks since it partially randomizes address space from buffer overflow
will provide the organisation with good communication attacks.
between employees in segments wise as well as network No execute technology - another protection features for
wise. specifying areas of memory that cannot be used for
4. Improving of strong password policies which can’t be execution.
revealed anywhere within the organization as well as the
outside of the organisation. IV. IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS
5. Disabling of some important web services and other
The implementation of proposed solution is typically
websites to avoid those kind of attacks like ransomware.
difficult but by ensuring the above solutions to survive from
Windows Defender - Once the threats are found then the ransomware attack we can able implement to get
there is no need of Windows real-time protection analysing, survived from the tremendous cyber-attacks.
and blocking. Implementation of those suggestions in the real time
Windows Firewall – Even though it may identify a scenario is as follows;
testing environment, some malicious codes are demonstrated 1. Windows defender.
when we activate the firewall in the system or computer. 2. Windows Firewall.
Windows Update – New updates may modify our 3. Windows update
configuration and may give an additional protection to the 4. System backup rapidly.
system. After implementing those kinds of solutions we could see
the following drastic changes like how the organisations
have been survived from the cyber-attacks like ransomware.

Number of attacks decreased per

No. of attacks

60 no of attacks
40 decreased per month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul


Fig.1 Attacks being decreased per year

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Retrieval Number: I11430789S419/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
263 & Sciences Publication

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