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DLL - ENGLISH 4 - Q1 - W3 - Note Significant Details of Various Text Types @edumaymay@lauramos

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Teaching Dates & Time: September 11-15, 2023 (Week 3) Quarter: FIRST


A. Content Standards The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically to The learner listens critically to
various text types and expresses various text types and expresses various text types and expresses various text types and various text types and expresses
ideas accurately in both oral and ideas accurately in both oral and ideas accurately in both oral and expresses ideas accurately in ideas accurately in both oral and
written forms; demonstrates written forms; demonstrates written forms; demonstrates both oral and written forms; written forms; demonstrates
confidence in the use of the confidence in the use of the confidence in the use of the demonstrates confidence in confidence in the use of the
language to meet everyday language to meet everyday language to meet everyday needs the use of the language to language to meet everyday
needs needs meet everyday needs needs
B. Performance Standards Reads independently and gets Reads independently and gets Reads independently and gets Reads independently and gets Reads independently and gets
relevant information from relevant information from relevant information from relevant information from relevant information from
various text types various text types various text types various text types various text types
C. Learning Competencies/ Note significant details of Note significant details of Note significant details of various Note significant details of Note significant details of various
Objectives various text types various text types text types various text types text types
( Write the Lode for

II. CONTENT Noting Significant Details Noting Significant Details Noting Significant Details Noting Significant Details Noting Significant Details
(Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Identify if the words below can Read the story and answer the Sharing of homework. Read this selection and note Weekly Summative Test/Weekly
or presenting new lesson be related to the dictionary, following questions below. the details by answering the Progress Check
thesaurus, or online resources. questions.
1. Synonyms
2. Google Search
3. Meaning
4. Pronunciation
5. Mozilla Firefox
1. Where is the setting of the
a. on the seashore b. on the
road c. on the farm
2. Who is the character in the
a. bird c. sparrow c. crow
3. When did the story happen?
1. What are the names of the
a. one morning b. one day c. one
two types of beetles which are
found in the Philippines?
4. What was the problem in the
2. What variety of beetles do
those two types come from?
a. He saw a pitcher
3. How did the author describe
b. The crow could not drink
the claws of “uwang” and
water in the pitcher
“salagubang” ?
c. The crow could not put the
4. Do you think you will be hurt
stones in the pitcher.
once you see an “uwang” or
5. How did the crow solve his
5. What do you think is the
a. The crow gets some stones in
purpose of the selection?
the road and dropped
them into the pitcher.
b. The crow breaks the pitcher
and drinks the water.
c. The crow puts some soil in the
pitcher and drinks the
B. Establishing a purpose for Are you fond of eating chips? Note down the important Read and examine the selection Have you seen an owl? Read
the lesson junkfoods? details. below. the selection and find out
details about this wonderful
C. Presenting examples/ Read the short story below and
instances of the new note the significant details in it.
lesson. Be able to answer the
comprehension questions.
1. When does father work?
2. What does mother do?
3. What do the children love to
do? ___________________ 1. Which parts of your body work
4. Who made the family happy? together when you sneeze?
_____________________ 2. What does the German word
5. Who works from Monday to gesundheit mean?
Friday? ________________ a. I wish you good health. b. I
wish you God's blessings.
c. I wish you a good day. d. I wish
you would stop sneezing.
3. Why do some people sneeze
when they walk into bright

D. Discussing new concepts 1. What is the paragraph all Read the story. Details are small pieces of 1. Who is Jerry?
and practicing new skills. about? information that support the 2. What are his claws called?
#1 2. Are junk foods good for our main idea. They tell something 3. What does Jerry like to
health? Why/Why not? about people, events, things, catch?
3. How do junk foods affect our time, objects, circumstances, 4. What is a baby owl called?
health? situations and manner. There are 5. What does Jerry do during
4. What are some healthy foods two types of details: implicit and daytime?
that we need to eat? 1. Where is the setting of the explicit. 6. Why are Jerry’s feather
5. Why is there a need to eat story? 1. Implicit details are used to special?
healthy foods? 2. Who are the characters in the describe or define a general
story? state. These are the details that
An EXPOSITION puts forward an 3. When did the story happen? we can’t really see. These are
argument or a particular point 4. What was the problem in the details that are implied but not
of view. We can note significant story? easily expressed.
details on its text by reading 5. How did they solve the 2. Explicit details are the specific
comprehensively and answering problem? details that we can see and are
the what, when, where, why, measurable. These details are
and how questions. stated clearly.
Noting Details
Noting details is a reading
comprehension skill that involves
picking out, from a piece of text
information to achieve a given
purpose. These details are the
ones that good readers notice
and authors use to emphasize the
events, characters and other
details in texts.
E. Discussing new concepts Read the text type and note Read the following answers to Basic Types of Texts Details are small pieces of
and practicing new skills significant details. the questions. 1. Informational or factual text information that support the
#2. 1. The story happened at the informs, instructs, or persuades main idea. They tell something
garden reader by giving facts and about people, events, things,
2. The characters in the story information. Its purpose is to time, objects, circumstances,
were Brex, Daniel and Mother describe a place or thing using situations and manner. There
3. The story happened one facts. It retells events which may are two types of details:
afternoon. have already happened in time implicit and explicit.
1. What is the pet described in 4. Brex broke the big flower vase order. It classifies, describes, and 1. Implicit details are used to
the paragraph? in the garden. gives factual information about describe or define a general
2. Why is the pet cat the 5. Brex told the truth to Daniel’s people, animals, things, or state. These are the details that
author’s favorite? mother about what happen to phenomena. It also gives we can’t really see. These are
3. Where did the author get its the vase. instructions on how to make or details that are implied but not
cat’s name? Ø These are answers to noting do something. easily expressed.
A DESCRIPTION tells the details questions. 2. Explicit details are the
characteristic of a particular 2. Literary text entertains or specific details that we can see
thing. We can note significant What is noting details? elicits an emotional response by and are measurable. These
details on a text by reading Noting details is a brief record using language to create mental details are stated clearly.
comprehensively and answering of something that was written images. Literary texts purpose Noting Details
the what, when, where, why, to aid memory. It is a reading are to describe people’s Noting details is a reading
and how questions. comprehension skill that characters, places, events and comprehension skill that
involves picking out from a piece things in an imaginative way. It involves picking out, from a
of information to achieve the retells events from novels, plays, piece of text information to
given purpose of answering the films and personal experiences to achieve a given purpose. These
questions. It helps to entertain others. details are the ones that good
understand the characters, the readers notice and authors use
place where the story to emphasize the events,
happened, and even what the characters and other details in
author wants to tell through texts.
his / her story. It will answer the
WH question in the story.

1. Who is the main character in

the story?
2. How did Cinderella go to the
3. Why do you think Cinderella
was always humiliated by her
stepmother and stepsisters?
A RESPONSE is used to
summarize, analyze, and
respond to a literary text. A
response may be a review or
personal response. We can note
significant details on its text by
reading comprehensively and
answering the what, when,
where, why, and how questions.
1. Who is the new principal of
Upper Bonga Elementary
2. When was his first day of
3. What are his mission and
used to present information
about something. It describes an
entire class of things whether
natural or made.
We can note significant details
on its text by reading
comprehensively and answering
the what, when, where, why,
and how questions.
F. Developing Mastery This is Jessa. She will share with Read and answer the questions
(Lead to Formative you why she is proud of her below.
Assessment 3) family. Are you also proud of
your family? Read the lesson
below and answer the questions.

1. How old is Jessa?

2. How many members are there
1. What creates waves?
in her family?
2. What could be an
3. Where does Jessa live?
obstruction to waves?
4. What job does Jessa’s father
3. Why do you think the wind is
the most common cause of
5. Is Jessa’s mother a teacher?
wave creation?
6. How many brother has Jessa
4. What are some causes of
hazardous waves?
7. Is Tristan older than Laura?
8. Who gives great advice in the 5. What is another name for a
family? very long wave?
9. What kind of a girl do you think
is Jessa?
10.Why do you think Jessa is
proud of her family?
G. Finding practical Read the text type and note Read the short story. Read the letter. Read the story and answer the
application of concepts significant details by answering questions that follow.
and skills in daily living the questions below.

1. Why is handwashing Answer the following questions.

important? 1. What kind of letter did Monic 1. Where is the setting of the
2. How should a germicidal soap write? story?
be used in handwashing? 2. To whom is the letter written? 2. Who are the characters?
3. Why is there a need to kill 3. What is the message of the 3. What was the problem in the
germs in our hands? letter? story?
4. When do you write letters? 4. What was the solution to the
5. Why do you write letters? problem?
5. How did the story end?

H. Making Generalizations What is noting details? What is noting details? What is noting details? What is noting details?
and Abstraction about the How to note details? How to note details? How to note details? How to note details?
I. Evaluating Learning Read the paragraphs below. Read the text type and note Read the text type below and Read the story and fill in the
Note the significant details on significant details by answering note significant details by needed information in the
the various texts by answering the questions below. answering the questions. graphic organizer.
the given questions.

1. Who is Captain Sam Buenafe?

1. What is the paragraph all 2. Where did the story happen?
about? 3. When did the story happen?
2. What do we need to be
3. Why is there a need for a 1. What is the title of the story?
balanced diet and proper 2. Who is the author of the
exercise? story?
2. Mt. Mayon an active volcano 3. Who is the main character in
in the province of Albay, in Bicol the story?
Region. It belongs to the seven 4. What can you say about her?
wonders of the world; that’s 5. What is the story all about
why it is popular locally and
internationally. It is known for
its perfect cone. Majestic as it is,
renowned for its beauty; but
many fear its destructiveness
when it erupts.
1. What is the paragraph all
2. Where is Mt. Mayon located?
3. Why is it popular locally and
3. Cooking rice is easy if you
know the proper way to do it.
First, you have to put one cup of
rice in a clean casserole. Next,
wash the rice with water two
times and add one cup of water
in the casserole. Then, let it
cook until it boils. When boiling
is done, put it in a low fire until
it is cooked. Finally, serve it on a
1. What is the paragraph all
2. What is the first step in
cooking rice?
3. Where will we put the cooked
J. Additional Activities for Read a story available in your
Application or house and answer the
Remediation following questions.
1. Where is the setting of the
2. Who are the characters in the
3. When did the story happen?
4. What was the problem in the
5. How did they solve the
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Head Teacher III

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