DLL - ENGLISH 4 - Q1 - W1 - Recognize The Parts of A Simple Paragraph @edumaymay@lauramos
DLL - ENGLISH 4 - Q1 - W1 - Recognize The Parts of A Simple Paragraph @edumaymay@lauramos
DLL - ENGLISH 4 - Q1 - W1 - Recognize The Parts of A Simple Paragraph @edumaymay@lauramos
II. CONTENT Parts of a Simple Paragraph Parts of a Simple Paragraph Parts of a Simple Paragraph Parts of a Simple Paragraph Parts of a Simple Paragraph
(Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson HOLIDAY Write a check (/) if the group of Read each pair of sentences. Read and examine the Choose the letter of the best
or presenting new lesson National Heroes Day sentences is a paragraph and an Write TS next to the sentence selection below. answer.
(x), if it is not. that would make a good topic Lucban is considered as the tourist 1. It expresses the main idea of
______ 1. My school is one of sentence and SD next to the capital of Quezon Province. It is the paragraph.
the largest in our province. We sentence that would make a known for its grandest agricultural A. supporting sentence C. topic
fiesta, the Pahiyas Festival,
have over 2000 students. To good supporting detail. sentence
celebrated every 15th of May.
accommodate all of us, our ______ 1. The rest house near B. concluding sentence D.
Kamay ni Hesus, a well-known
school had to have 45 the lake is stylish. indention
classrooms. For now, we only ______ The kitchen has recently religious site, is located in this 2. It tells about the summary of
have 30 classrooms. Some remodelled. humble town. It is also famous for the paragraph.
classes occupy makeshift ______ 2. He never jumps up on its delicacies such as langonisa (as A. supporting sentence C. extra
locals call it) and pancit habhab. As
classrooms. Our principal is anyone. sentences
you may not know it, Lucban is the
working hard to have more ______ Billy is a well-behaved B. concluding sentence D. topic
hometown of Hermano Pule, a
classrooms built so that dog. religious leader who led one of the sentence
students and teachers will be ______ 3. Gardening is very good first uprisings against the 3. It marks the end of the
comfortable. for us. Spaniards. paragraph and often summarizes
_______2. Every bus needs a ______ We get a lot of exercise or raises the key point of the
driver. Buses are not cheap. working in the garden. Identify the main idea paragraph.
Different kinds of buses ply our ______ 4. Jim’s birthday party portrayed in the paragraph. A. indention C. supporting
streets. They bring people to was a lot of fun. sentence
different destinations. A lot of ______ We played games and B. topic sentence D. conclusion
people come to our place to do won prizes. sentence
business, shop and while away ______ 5. We spent Saturday 4. This explains and gives details
their time. It is really warm cleaning all day. about the main idea.
today. ______ It was a very busy A. concluding sentence C.
_______3. My family and I went weekend. sentences
to the wildlife park. It is one of ______ 6. The library offers a B. supporting sentence D. main
the most visited places in our wealth of information and idea
city. It houses snakes, birds, entertainment. 5. This part is also called the
giraffes, lion and tiger, and even ______ There is a section “controlling idea” of the
crocodiles. My favorite toy is a designated about our city’s paragraph.
train which goes up and down a history. A. supporting sentence C. topic
hill. ______ 7. I had a happy time sentence
________4. Our teacher had visiting my grandparents place. B. concluding sentence D.
baby, so we have a substitute ______ The view from the lake indention
teacher, Ms. Roxas. She is nice near my grandsparents house
and funny. We always enjoy was breathtaking.
when she comes to our class. ______ 8. I like to add fruit
She makes us laugh with her toppings to my halo-halo.
jokes. She allows us to play ______ The variety of toppings
outside once in a while. She also that can be put in halo-halo is
teaches well. endless.
______ 9. Having loyal friends can
make anyone happy.
______ A friend you can lean on
is a loyal friend.
______ 10. Going on picnics is a
great way to spend time with
your family.
______ It is fun to sit and talk to
everyone while eating.
B. Establishing a purpose for What word is common to the Are you fond of reading? What
the lesson pictures? do you usually read?
C. Presenting examples/ What is your favorite book? Do What is a paragraph? Read the paragraph and study Read the paragraph and study
instances of the new you love reading books? What What are the parts of a how sentences are put how sentences are put together
lesson. do you think is the oldest paragraph. together to come up with a to come up with a simple
printed book in the world? simple paragraph. paragraph.
D. Discussing new concepts Why are books important? What are the parts of a What are the parts of a
and practicing new skills. books important? Let us paragraph? paragraph?
#1 read the paragraph below. The topic sentence tells the The topic sentence tells the
reader what the paragraph is reader what the paragraph is
Books are the oldest source of about. It also helps you keep about. It also helps you keep
information that never gets old. your writing under control. This your writing under control. This
Even before when the oldest radio is why a topic sentence is is why a topic sentence is
has not yet been invented, books
sometimes called the sometimes called the "controlling
were able to provide information to
"controlling idea" of a idea" of a paragraph. Below you
the people around the world. Books
had been an essential part of paragraph. Below you will find will find a sample topic sentence
human lives since the old times. a sample topic sentence and a and a simple formula for writing
They have been used for telling simple formula for writing good good topic sentences:
stories, preserving history, and topic sentences: The body is the main part of the
sharing information about our The body is the main part of paragraph. This is where you tell
world. The first ever recognized the paragraph. This is where the reader about your topic by
books were the ancient scrolls. you tell the reader about your including specific details. All of
These are rolled up manuscripts topic by including specific the sentences in the body must
made from Papyrus plant and
details. All of the sentences in relate to the specific topic of the
ranges from 14 to 52 feet wide
when unraveled. The second type of the body must relate to the paragraph and help it come alive
book was the book to-go of the specific topic of the paragraph for the reader.
Romans. More similar to the style of and help it come alive for the Supporting details are additional
books today, the Romans created reader. details that support the topic
some of the first codices (plural of Supporting details are sentence. These details can be
codex) from as early as the 1st additional details that support reasons, descriptions, examples,
century CE. The codex was more the topic sentence. These explanations or comparisons.
durable and compact than a scroll details can be reasons, These clarify, illustrate, or defend
as it was made with parchment
descriptions, examples, the topic sentence.
paper and bound with wooden
covers. Information is important explanations or comparisons. The closing or clincher sentence
and books had been a necessity for These clarify, illustrate, or comes after all the details have
everyone. The need for books defend the topic sentence. been included in the body of the
resulted to the discovery of printed The closing or clincher paragraph. The closing sentence
books. The first recorded printed sentence comes after all the reminds the reader what the
book in history is the Diamond Sutra details have been included in topic of the paragraph is really all
of Mahayana Buddhism. Books in the body of the paragraph. The about, or what it means.
schools are all product of printing.
closing sentence reminds the
These modern days, books are now
in electronic form. Electronic book reader what the topic of the
or e-book for short is the most paragraph is really all about, or
convenient type of books as long as what it means.
you have gadgets to read on. Books
may change over time, but it will
never get tired nor old in giving us
vast information around the world.
-Adopted from A Brief History of
Books by Google Arts and Culture
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Head Teacher III