2020 Hostfully Maturity Model For VRMCs

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Applying the maturity model

to vacation rental companies


Over the past decade, the vacation rental industry saw rapid Vacation Rental Companies by Number
growth, change, and evolution. As this $115 billion industry of Properties Managed
continues to mature, a profitable niche - vacation rental
management companies (VRMCs) - continues to grow with it.
VRMCs are hyper-focused and rely on a paradigm change
in the hospitality industry. Platforms like Airbnb, VRBO and
Booking.com have eliminated the cost to entry for individuals
and small companies to enter the hospitality industry.
Although tech-enabled hospitality companies are a relatively
new phenomenon, their growth follows traditional business
models. They start from a “mom and pop” operation that
manages under a dozen properties, and can grow into 200+
property, multi-investor corporations.

Within this context, business analytical tools can be used to

help VRMCs evaluate existing processes, and determine
where gains, growth and improvements can be achieved. 20000
One of these tools is the maturity model. This simple, yet
powerful tool is used to paint a picture of how efficient and
effective a company operates within an industry.
100+ 20-99 1-19

The maturity model - what it is and why A maturity model identifies processes every company in a
sector relies on for day-to-day functions. For each process,
it matters for vacation rental management 5 levels of maturity are defined (level 1 being the least
companies (VRMCs) mature, 5 the most mature). These levels are then used to
identify where a specific company finds itself compared to
mature and established competitors in the field.
Marketing Sales Distribution
Most businesses and companies continuously improve their
processes over time - one could say they mature. However,
Procedures in place for all sometimes some processes fail to evolve. Less mature
processes, automation replaces
Level 5
processes can lead to stunted growth, and in some cases,
manual tasks, business analytics
overall company stagnation. By objectively identifying
guides strategic decisions.
which processes aren’t mature, managers can implement
corrective measures and unlock potential growth.
Level 4

Sadly, however, auditing, improving or redesigning processes

Processes defined, standard can be a perilous journey for managers without the right
Level 3 operating procedures in place, tools. According to operations guru and management professor
automation for parts of processes. Michael Hammer “I have personally observed hundreds of companies
try to rejuvenate themselves by creating or redesigning business
Level 2 processes. In spite of their intentions and investments, many
have made slow or little progress.”
No set procedures, processes rely
Level 1 on manual input, decisions based This is where the VRMC maturity model is useful for managers.
on crude business data. Because there isn’t much variability between VRMCs of the
same size across the industry in terms of processes, managers
can learn from peers within their maturity categories.

The maturity model in the VRMC industry Marketing and search engine optimization (SEO):
maintaining a consistent marketing strategy to
Because all VRMCs rely on similar channel distributions, attract guests on top of traditional distribution
marketing strategies, and offer a similar service (hospitality), channels. This can range from operating a polished
it is possible to create a universal maturity model. direct booking website, to paid ads on Google, and
even a social media strategy
In collaboration with dozens of VRMCs, ranging from single
operators to multi-departmental companies, the following
11 processes were identified. These processes map how
most VRMCs operate on a day-to-day basis:
Pricing: establishing a suitable average
daily rate (ADR) for a property.

Distribution: this involves posting and Turnover management: cleaning and preparing
managing property listings on popular properties after guests check out. The level of
platforms like Airbnb and VRBO. It also maturity of this process is directly dependent on
includes operating a standalone website. the level of automation involved.

Messaging: communicating with guests, from Business operations: the system or process
the time they show interest in a property, to used to assign, monitor and resolve tasks
when they are checked-in, and ending with (for the day-to-day operation) or action
when they check-out. items (for strategic issues).

Guest experience: all the processes which Accounting: the level of sophistication
affect the guest experience, ranging from and automation of accounting.
check-in procedures, to offering local
recommendations (either in-person or
through digital guidebooks).

Owner management: how and at what Reporting and business intelligence:

frequency owners and investors are notified collecting, analyzing and reporting various
of progress, growth, and returns. business metrics to inform managers, owners
and investors on the health of the VRMC.

The Hostfully VRMC maturity model

With the major processes of operating a VRMC outlined, it’s now time to describe what each level of maturity looks like:

Distribution Marketing / SEO Turnover Management Pricing Messaging

Level 5 • on multiple bookings platforms • custom marketing website with direct • complete system to automatically notify • seasonal pricing • automated messages across all bookings
• managing calendars with direct sync bookings option jobs and mark them as complete • geolocation comparative analysis platforms and via different communications
• using channel manager • proven paid and social media strategy • Has some method (software or operating • comparison against same period year over year channels: native, email, SMS
• multi-channel distribution is part of a • referral program procedure) for quality assurance • dynamic pricing, period discounts, and • customized messages that contain
strategy for guest acquisition growth • remarketing program channel adjustments personalized content for each guest
• backup messages for different guest scenarios

Level 4 • on multiple bookings platforms • custom marketing website with direct • 3rd party cleaner management software • seasonal pricing • automated messages across
• managing calendars with direct sync bookings option • automatic notifications go out to cleaners • geolocation comparative analysis bookings platforms
• using channel manager • paid ads and basic social media and other services when necessary • 3rd party dynamic pricing software • using native messaging where possible
• system records job completion • period discounts • custom messages with personalized
• channel adjustments syncing fields for guest and stay

Level 3 • on multiple bookings platforms • high quality out-of-the-box marketing • automatic notifications go out to • seasonal pricing strategy • automated messages across
• managing calendars with sync app website but with limited customizations cleaners when turnover necessary • comparative pricing bookings platforms
• no channel manager • long period discounts • using native messaging
• may be using a property where possible
management software

Level 2 • on Airbnb and Vrbo • basic direct bookings site • one or more regular cleaner • price manually adjusted for seasonality • email and platform messaging
• managing bookings • no automated task management (one channel)
with basic calendar app • copy pasting custom messages

Level 1 • single booking platform • none • no task automation • flat nightly rate • email and platform messaging
(one channel)
• all custom messages are manual

The Hostfully VRMC maturity model (continued)

Guest Experience Owner Management Business Operations Accounting Reporting/Biz Intelligence

• digitalized local guide and property • more than 50 owners • using 3 or more purpose built software tools • ongoing accounting • real time updates on monthly
Level 5
information • ongoing communication with owners via to manage different aspects of the business • monthly or more frequent metrics: revenue, bookings rate,
• full scale concierge services email or owner portal (including task management, cleaning, and • an accountant works part-time Y-O-Y and geolocation comparisons
• active upselling of additional services that • different regions and rules for regions pricing) (if not more)
are personalized for the guest • reporting for owners and customized reports

Level 4 • digitized local guide and property • more than 25 owners • using a purpose-built software • monthly accounting • monthly summary and review
information • ongoing communication with to automate and gain visibility • quarterly tax filings • reports specialized for owners including
• two or more touches from guest services owners via email or owner portal into tasks across a team occupancy rate
• active upselling of additional service • reporting for owners
• some light personalization.

Level 3 • digitized local guide and property • more than three owners • some sort of project management • using an accounting software • quarterly summary and
information • quarterly communications with owners software to manage tasks across the team • possibly trust accounting review
• one touch from guest services after • attempting to bring on additional owners
booking confirmation or during stay

Level 2 • self check in • three or fewer owners, providing • skeletal networked team • monthly and quarterly collection • annual summary that includes data
• local guide (printed or online) quarterly reporting • working with email and spreadsheets of data from two or more bookings platforms
•no regular communication with owners to manage tasks • still no dedicated accounting software;
• not bringing on any new owners very manual or time-intensive

Level 1 • manual check in process • none required • none required • accounting managed manually • annual summary
• no personalization once annually

What each level of VRMC maturity looks like in the real world

Level 1

The owner and host who manages just one property and does it
on top of a day job. The extra income is an added bonus to the
family’s finances. Time-consuming tasks like cleaning, check-in
and messaging are manual. The costs of PMP and other
software solutions aren’t justifiable for the income generated.
Creating standard operating procedures isn’t practical; who will
read them if the only employee is the owner/host?

“The definition of success is different

for every vacation rental manager. But in
determining your goals, it's helpful to know
all the possibilities (and work involved).”
Matt Landau
VRMB (vrmb.com)

What each level of VRMC maturity looks like in the real world

Level 2

The entrepreneur (or group of) who see the value of investing
time and energy to gain a financial return. Typically manages a
small portfolio and is new to the vacation rental industry. Even
though it’s small, the size of the portfolio makes
it impractical for the entrepreneur(s) to be involved in all the
processes required to run the operation. Contractors and
cleaners help fill the gap. The process of assigning tasks
remains largely manual. However, the company generates
income that can be optimized. Seasonal pricing is implemented to
boost revenue (but the calendar is still likely adjusted by hand).
Marketing is still an afterthought, but the entrepreneur sees
value in diversifying away from the major distribution channels.
Some revenue is generated from direct bookings.

What each level of VRMC maturity looks like in the real world

Level 3

The types of VRMC that generate enough income for the

owners to quit their day jobs and invest themselves full-time
into managing and growing their business. At this stage, there
are too many moving parts to the company for one person to be
involved in all of them. Part-time help is required. Tasks like
cleaning and turnover are outsourced and coordinating these
services is partially or fully-automated. Guests are still acquired
from the major distribution platforms, but a dedicated website and
a basic social media strategy attract direct bookings.

What each level of VRMC maturity looks like in the real world

Level 4

the company manages several properties and may even do

so for other owners. The manager is now a vacation rental
professional and knows the intricacies of running a VRMC.
The requirements of handling bookings, guest communication
and delivering a great guest experience outgrow the capabilities
of a direct sync application. The VRMC migrates towards a PMP
and slowly integrates niche software solutions (ie dynamic
pricing) into it. Full-time employees help with one or more
aspects of the operation, forcing the manager to develop
some standard operating procedures. As a well-established
company, task assignment is handled by dedicated software.
These types of VRMCs also make use of standalone accounting
solutions to track income and expenses.

What each level of VRMC maturity looks like in the real world

Level 5

This is a large-scale VRMC, typically across multiple regions (or

with a presence in different neighborhoods of a city). The scale
and complexity of the processes at play forces the VRMC to
heavily rely on technology. Employees or members of the team
can justify specialization. Each employee knows where to find
standard operating procedures and implements them. At this
stage, large VRMCs strive to gain independence from listing
sites (cost savings and diversification of leads).

Where do you fit in the VRMC maturity model?

Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

With a clear picture of what the VRMC maturity

• on Airbnb and Vrbo
model looks like for companies at each level, Distribution • managing bookings with basic
you can use it to determine which processes calendar app

in your VRMC are holding back growth. high quality out-of-the-box

Marketing / SEO marketing website but with
limited customizations

For example, a VRMC with the following

Automatic notifications go out to
maturity model profile could benefit from Turnover Management cleaners when job is ready.
revisiting how it manages the guest experience
(see table to the right) Pricing
Seasonal pricing, comparative
pricing, period discounts

Greeting guests at check-in works for a single Email and platform messaging
Messaging (one channel). Copy pasting
property host. However, the time requirements custom messages.
of doing this in person may be an impediment
to growth. Note that the rest of the processes Guest Experience Manual check in process,
no personalization
are mostly automated, or on their way there.
Three or fewer owners, providing quarterly
Owner Management reporting. No regular communication with
owners; not bringing on any new owners.

Dealing with exceptions Some sort of project management

Business Operations
When using the maturity model, VRMCs need to interpret
the results with a grain of salt. In this example, there Accounting Using an accounting software.
may be a valid reason why check-in is still a manual Possibly trust accounting.

process. It could be that the VRMC manages high-end

short-term rentals where greeting the guest at arrival is Reporting/
Quarterly summary and review
part of the experience. Biz Intelligence

Moving forward along the maturity model

Knowing which processes are less mature (and likely holding back growth) is a step in the right direction. But how can an owner or
VRMC manager unlock more growth? For each of the 5 levels of maturity, there are a few action items that can be implemented:

Level 1 to 2: the jump from host to entrepreneur

Most VRMCs start off with a host who manages a property

on top of a regular day job. To achieve day job income
replacement, the host needs to re-invest income and acquire
additional properties. At this point, multi-channel distribution
tools and booking management software are critical for growth.
For cost-saving measures, most other processes can still be
performed by hand.

Level 2 to 3: build a team

With the acquisition of multiple properties, the entrepreneur

needs to outsource tasks. This is where the age-old challenge
of delegation comes in. Luckily in the vacation rental industry,
there's software that can automate almost any task. Some SaaS
solutions even have quality assurance built in. The upside with
automation and delegation is that the entrepreneur can use the
extra time to acquire new properties and grow the portfolio. As
time-consuming tasks continue to be delegated, growth skyrockets.

Level 3 to 4: implement standard operating procedures

With so many moving parts to the VRMC, the entrepreneur now

functions as a high-level manager, overseeing all facets of the
company. Most, if not all, day-to-day tasks are outsourced or
delegated. With so many properties on various distribution
channels, it’s now time to implement standard operating
procedures to handle maintenance, guest experience and
customer service issues.

Level 4 to 5: push for automation at all levels

Interdependencies between various processes are hampered

by human involvement. The VRMC must push for automation
to assign and resolve most tasks. As automation propels growth,
standard operating procedures are developed to handle
exceptions and emergencies without the owner or manager’s

Level 5+: use existing processes to scale

With the VRMC operating like a large corporation, existing

processes and automation create a self-perpetuating wheel
of growth. Growth is limited by market saturation. The
owner or manager can look at existing processes to identify
redundancies and cost-savings, or redesign them completely to
boost efficiencies. Now that the company is well-established,
managers can experiment with new

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