Pentax: Spotmeter

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The Asahi Pentax Digital
Spotmeter Places Perfect DIGITAL SPOTMETER
Exposure within
Your Grasp
Weighing no more than the Pinpoint Measurement from a Distance
average 50mm f/ 1,4 lens, this
h ighly portable spotmeter is
1 In contrast to ordinary reflected light
meters which must be used close to the
the portable tool for precision subject and can give only an averaged
exposure measurement. The mi- measurement, there is no need to ap-
nute 1° metering angle is ap- proach the subject when working with
proximately equivalent to the the Digital Spot meter, and pinpoint ex-
angle of view of a 2,000mm posure measurements can be taken from
ultra-telephoto lens mou nted each part of the subject, from the deep-
on a 35mm camera. Because est shadow to the brightest highlight.
of the extremely narrow me- Equivalent to working with a 40 power
tering angle, pinpoint exposure ultra-telephoto lens, precise exposure
measurement is possible with- measurement is possible with distant sub-
out approaching the subject. jects such as wildlife, stage performers
The large, bright single lens or ath letes.
reflex type viewfinder greatly
simplifies the task of the pho-
tographer. For all one need do
is align the 1° spot found in the
2 1 ° Metering Angle
Only with a spot meter is it possible
to measure all light values of a scene,
center of the viewfinder with from shadow to highlight. This capability
the point from which an ex- and the IRE (Institute of Radio Engi neers)
posure measurement is desired, Scale of the Pentax Digital Spotmeter
and then press the Metering work together to offer the photographer
Button . As soon as this is done, a choice in exposure method : exposure
the Silicon Photo Diode built for the shadows, exposure for the high-
into the spotmeter instantly lights, or exposure for the middle tones .
determines the correct exposure Moreover, a glance at the IRE Scale im-
which is then displayed on the mediately informs the photographer which
LED Panel in the viewfinder as highlights (if any) will be washed out
an EV Number (100ASA). The (appear white). and which shadows (if
easy-to-use scales surrounding any) will be underexposed (appear black).
the lensof the spotmeter quick -
ly convert the EV N umber into
shutter speed and aperture com-
binations which will render op- o
timum exposure for shadow,
highlight, or half-tone detail.
Not only do the LED's which
indicate the EV Number assure
maximum visibility, but since
they are devoid of moving parts,
they are not subject to jamming
3 Eyelevel Viewing Convenience
Because of the Pentaprism employed
in the Digital Spotmeter, the image seen
or easily damaged. Thus, the in the viewfinder is unreversed and lateral-
Digital Spotmeter offers in- ly correct, making it as easy to use as an
creased durability as well as Ultra-compact single-lens-reflex camera.
greater convenience . Moreover, Weighing far (43%) less than a presently
the digital display indicates the available 110 SLR and sporting a large,
EV Number in 1/3-Step integrals brilliant viewfinder, the Digital Spotmeter
for superior exposure measure- offers unsurpassed handling ease. And
ment accuracy, and the broad the approximately life-size (1.15X) mag-
measuring range of EV 1 - 20 is nification makes it possible to take ex-
sufficient to cover the wide posure measurements with both eyes
variety of lighting conditions open for maximum viewing comfort.
which confront the hardwork-
Can be Used as a Brightness Meter
ing professional photographer.
4 The Digital Spotmeter can also prove
very valuable when used as a brightness
meter . In TV studios and motion picture
lots, it can be used to keep an accurate
check on the contrast ratio of the set,
especially when arranging the lighting.
The contrast ratio limit in TV and film
making is 1 :32 (two and a half stops
in either direction from the standard
1. Metering Button index mark on the IRE scale). Spot
2. Adjustable Eyepiece checks can also be made for any un-
(-2 to +1 diopter) evenness in the light source in projectors
3. Grip and en largers .
4. Tripod Socket
5. Wrist Strap Eyelet
6. Objective Len s
7. LED Panel
5 Compact, Lightweight Design
Elegant and slim, the Digital Spot-
meter will easily fit into one's jacket
8. LED Mirror pocket . Tipping the scales at only 245
9. Metering Switch grams, it is so light that it can be safely
10. Integrated Circuit Board placed even in a shirt pocket. Further-
11. Semi·Transparent Mirror more, the Grip is designed to perfectly
12. Silicon Photo Diode match the configuration of the average
13. Head Amplifier Circuit Board human hand, providi ng a secure gri p
14. F resne I Len s with the forefinder coming to rest at
15. Condenser Lens the trigger-like Metering Button. Because
16. Pentaprism of its compact size, light weight, and
17. Eyepiece Lens rapid handling capabilities, the photog-
18. Integrated Circuit Board rapher who owns a Digital Spotmeter
19. Battery Chamber will never want to travel without it .

6may Digital Read-Out

Unlike an indicator needle which
be read incorrectly if the meter is
held off-axis to one's line of sight, there
is no possibility of error with the Digital
Spotmeter because the exposure value is
displayed as a large numeral. Further-
more, a large dot to the right of the EV
Number indicates +1/3 EV and two large
dots indicate +2/3 EV. The Digital Spot-
meter, therefore, is "fine-tuned" to in-
stantly display the precise exposure in
integrals of 1/3 EV. Since the digital
read-out is created by light emitting
diodes (LED's), the EV Number is always
prominently visible, regardless of whether
working indoors or out, and irrespective
of whether working with a bright or
dark background. Additional features in-
clude a "Stabilizer Circuit" to assure a
flickerless digital display for viewing com-
fort, a broad exposure measurement range
of EV 1 - 20 (without any need to
switch back and forth from a "High" to
a "Low" range), and a "Battery Check
Circuit" built into the digital display
(failure of the LED's to illuminate in-
dicates it is time to replace the battery).
Unprecedented Reliability
All components of the exposure
system (I ntegrated Circuit
... The viewfi nder of the Digital Spotmeter .

Boards, Silicon Photo Diode, Light Emit-

ting Diodes, Head Amplifier Circuit Board)
are completely without moving parts .
Hence there is nothing to wear out,
disengage, clog, or break. The all elec-
tronic Digital Spotmeter is of extremely
rugged construction for a Iifeti me of
reliable service.
When the exposure value is 9·5/6 When the exposu re value is 10·1/6 When the ex posure va lue is 10·1/2
Superior Photosensitive Cell - 10-1 /6 EV, 10 EV is d isp layed . - 10·1 /2 EV, 10·1/3 EV is dis- - 10·5/6 EV, 10-2/3 EV is dis·
S For superior performance, a Silicon
Photo Diode (SPD) is utilized. SPD's
p ia yed (. represents 1 /3 E V l. played I• • represents 2/3 EV).
When the exposure value exceeds
19 • • o r fal ls below 1, zero (0 ) IS
respond to light more than 1,000 times d isplayed .
faster than CdS cells which are still
widely used in exposure measurement
systems. The time lag and sluggish re-
sponse associated with CdS cells have
therefore been eliminated. The superior :----ASA Scale.
performance is particularly ~vident when
working at low levels of illumination. :""---Cine Inde x
The instantaneous response of SPD's also ----Shutter Speed Scale
does away with the "memory problem," ----Aperture Scale
so that the photographer can take spot
measurements of the brightest highlights
and immediately switch to measurements
of the darkest shadows without fear of ,!i!!g!!!!:===:EV
~ Scale
RE Scale
exposure error due to "memorization"
of the highlight reading.

9 Large, Brilliant Viewfinder

For brilliant viewing under the dim-
mest of lighting conditions, the penta-
prism is specially silvered, and both the
objective and eyepiece lenses have been OUTLINE OF OPERATING PROCEDURE
treated with seven-layer Super-Multi-
Coating . And an exceptionally finely
grooved fresnel lens maintains viewfinder 1. Set the ASA Scale to the appropriate value, clickstops are provided at 1/ 3-stop intervals .
brilliance right to the edges. 2. Aim the spotmeter so that the small circle in the center of the viewfinder is aligned
with the area to be measured.
10 Threaded to Accept Filters
The Objective Lens is front-threaded
(40.5mm) to accept filters commonly
3. Squeeze the Metering Button and read the exposure value (digital display) .
4. Adjust the EV Scale so that the previous read exposure value is aligned with the
used on 8mm movie cameras, making it appropriate index of the I RE Scale. Then merely select any of the indicated aperture/
possible to determine the correct filter shutter speed combinations.
factors easily and quickly. Of course,
filters larger than 40.5mm can be hand-
held in front of the Objective Lens to EASY -TO-USE SCALES
achieve the same result. Another aid for
the film maker is the Cine Index on the
Shutter Speed Scale of the Digital Spot- The exceptional design of the scales used for exposure computation is readily apparent, for
meter which is used for exposure meas- all are divided into 1/ 3 EV increments, have legible numerals, are color-coded, and surround
urement with movie cameras . the Objective Lens for rapid and easy handling.
The high perf o r mance Aper lu re(f)~ • Table of EV Numbers
Silicon Photo D iode Shutter lpee'd(sec.) 1.4 2 2 .8 4 5 .6 8 11 16 22 32 (100 ASA)
employed in the Digital With an exposu re value of
Spotmeter. 60 -5 -4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4
10 EV, any of the fo ll owing
30 '. - 4 1:-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
comb inations w ill resu lt in
15 .. :-' 1-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 co rrect exposure: f/ 1.4 .
4 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1/ 500 sec ., f/2· 1/ 250 sec.,
2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... f /32 - 1 sec . The
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Aperture and Shutter Speed
1/ 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Scales of the Digital Spot-
Spectra l Sens itivity of the 1/ 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SPD emp loyed in th e meter reveal all of the
1/ 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
D igita l Spotmeter. app ropriat e combinations
1 / 15 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 / 30 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
at a glance.
1/ 60 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1/ 125 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1/ 250 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 / 500 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 / 10 00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

• General Measuring Method • Highlight Reading Method

Take half-ton e measureme nts of the more important sections In this method priority is given to th e reproduction of the
of the photograph, and disregard the darker and brighter are as _ bright highlights. If the contrast ratio is particularly strong ,
For example, a person's face in a portrait, and the area the shadows will tend to be blackened right out_ For examp le ,
occupy ing th e largest part of a landscape_ Set the EV value when aiming at the people under a spotlight on a stage with
thus obtained against the standard index mark on the IRE a black background or when trying to capture the color of
Scale, and then select a suitable pair of shutter speed and neon lights at night, thi s method will prove very successful.
aperture values_ This method is really much the same as Measure the brightest highlight, and align the e xposure value
an ordinary exposure meter, and is useful when in a hurry, with the IRE Scale at position 10 (not the central standard
or when there are no strong contrasts, or when the film has index mark) on th e far right hand side_ Then choose any aperture/
sufficient latitude _ Since this method measure s in half-tone only, shutter speed combination. With reversible color film, shadow
it is very simple , but the clue to success w ith this method lies detail with an EV reading no lower than that corresponding
in the way in which the half-tone reflectivity ratio is measured_ to an IRE index of 1 (when the highlight EV has been set
Measure the gray 18 percent standard reflection card directly, to an IRE index of 10) will be reproduced . All darker areas
or else something with a reflectivity ratio very close to it to get will be pitch black _
the best resu Its_
• Shadow Reading Method
• Averaging Method This method is ju st the opposite of the h ighlight reading
Measure the brightest highlight of the subject, and then the method, priority being given to the reproduction of detail in
darkest shadow _ Use the average value to calculate exposure the dark shadows. If the contrast is very strong, the brighter parts
values _ The main advantage of this method is that it ensures of the highlights w ill appear just p lain white . Measure the
that the center of the film 's reproducibility range will be used _ shadow area, align the exposure value with the IRE Scale at
Ordinary black and white film has a reproducible contrast ratio position 1, and then select suitable exposure combinations_
of 7 EV st e ps, while reve rsal color film has one of about Details of highlight areas wh ich give an EV reading no higher
5 EV steps, so the contrast in general la ndscape photography than the EV value corresponding to the IRE inde x scale posi-
can be easily coped with _ If the difference between the brightest tion 10 (when measuring the shadows) will still be reproduced.
highlight and the darkest shadow is too large , that part of the Anything brighter than that will come out all white . The
highlight which exceeds the film's reproducible range w ill be readings given by ordinary exposu re meters when measuring
ove rexposed, while the shadow parts which exceed the range fields with extensive shadow areas such as a night scene, usually
th e other direction will be undere xposed _ Thi s method is useful result in overexposure _ But the accu racy of the Digital Spotmeter
in photogra phs with more complicated subject matter which ensures just the right e xposure setting for realistic results.
includes a number of differe nt light sources _


Measuring Range: EV 1- 20 (100 ASA)
Sca les : ASA,6 - 6400 ; Shutter Speed , 1/4000 sec. - 4 min.; Aperture, F 1 - 128; EV Number, 1 - 19-2/ 3 ; IRE , 1-10 .
Meas uring Angle : 1°
Measurin g Di st ances: From about 1.5m to infinity - fixed focal length. (Focusing down to about 1 m possibl e by sc rewing the eyepi ece out
as far as it will go) .
Meas uring Method : Spot measuring of reflected light , (Meter switc hes on when button pressed) _ EV direct reading , IRE Scale provided .
Expos ure Read -Out : LED digi tal display of EV Numbers (100 ASA) , and up to two dots (each of wh ich equals + 1/ 3 EV) .
Phot ose nsitive Cell : Silicon Ph oto Diode .
Power Source: One 6V si Iver o x ide battery .
Batt ery Chec k: Failu re of LED digital displ ay to illuminate indicates battery needs replacing ,
Viewfinder: Pentapri sm type with unreversed, laterally correct im age. Objective and eyepiece lenses Super-Multi-Co ated and pentapr ism
speci ally silvered for brilli ant viewfinder image. Even illumination achieved with finely grooved fresnel lens.
1° spo t indi cated in center o f viewfinder, and large LED Panel appears at the bottom . Viewfinder coverage simil ar in sh ape
to th at o f a 3 5mm SLR , and with a diagonal field o f view o f 26 .
Filter Size: 40 .5mm
Dimen sions : 44mm (D) x 144mm(H) x 8 3mm(W)
Wei ght: 245g (without battery).
Additional: Equipped with Tripod Socket, supplied with case, Wrist Strap, battery, and Lens Cap _

ASAHI OPTICAL CO ., LTD. C,P.O . 895, Tokyo 100-91 , JAPAN

ASAHI OPTICAL EUROPE N.V . Weiveldlaan 3-5 , 1930 Z aventem Zuid -7, BELGIUM
PENTAX Handelsgesellschaft mbH. 2000 Hamburg 54 (Lo ksted t ), Grandweg 64, WEST GERMANY
PENTAX CORPORATION 9 I nverness Drive East, Englewood , Colorado 80112, U ,S.A.

Printed in Japan

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