SDL30 Product Brochure

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0.6mm Standard Deviation for 1km Double-run Leveling

with Internal Memory

with Internal Memory

Sokkia proudly presents the POWERLEVEL SDL30, a digital level
with a large internal memory. All you have to do to measure height
and distance is aim the unique RAB-Code staff, adjust the focus
and press a single key. The results are immediately indicated
digitally on the LCD display and can be recorded in the internal
memory - making the SDL30 the ideal instrument for quick and
easy leveling.

“Digital” Makes Measurement Quick and Easy Suited to Various Environments

“How can we make leveling work quicker and The SDL30 can be used in a wide variety of
easier?” was the question foremost in the minds of differing environments. It can be used in low light
the SDL30 designers. Sokkia boldly eliminated conditions as long as the cross hair is visible, as
complex functions that complicate operation, well as in very bright direct sunshine. Artificial
resulting in an extremely simple and efficient digital lighting presents no problems, so you can survey
level designed primarily for height and distance indoors or in tunnels. Even in the dark,
measurement - the measurement can be carried out using a small
essential role of the flashlight. The SDL30 has been designed to provide
“Level”. Measurements are stable accuracy under these conditions and in
made within three seconds adverse operating environments such as uneven
with a single touch of a key, light and shade, heat shimmer, and vibration.
and can be stored
immediately in the internal
Four Measurement Modes

“Digital” Means Accurate

The SDL30 employs
a CCD to read the
unique code
pattern which is Four measurement modes are available: Single-
immediately Fine, Repeat-Fine, Average and Tracking.
processed by its
integral CPU.
The digital “RAB-Code Staff”
display reduces Is Ideally Suited to Field Work
miss-reading and
eliminates When designing staves, Sokkia not only strives to
operator interpretation achieve the highest accuracy, but also to provide
errors. Sokkia’s extensive field tests verified excellent staves that are lightweight and durable. Sokkia has
accuracy: standard deviation of only 0.6mm for 1km chosen invar and fiberglass for their superior
double-run leveling using invar staves, and 1mm strength-to-weight ratio and unparalleled durability,
using fiberglass staves. The distance measurement while accuracy is ensured by the latest printing
accuracy is ±0.1% x D (D=measuring distance) technology. Sokkia’s unique “RAB-Code
equivalent to 1cm (RAndom Bi-directional Code)” improves
at 10m (±2/5in. at measurement capabilities in a variety of conditions
33ft.) and ±5cm and enhances distance measurement accuracy.
at 50m (±2in. at The staff can also be held upside-down to measure
160ft.). the height from ceilings. The SDL30 automatically


memory : combining user-f
with unprecedented cost pe
identifies staff attitude
and indicates in negative
(-) values. The
maximum length of the Height difference measurement

RAB Code Staff is

5.0m (16.7 ft.)
facilitating survey
work where there are Elevation measurement
steep slopes.

Water and Shock

Resistant Structure Reticle cross-hair adjustment Setting-out measurement

The SDL30 boasts Data Storage

excellent water-
resistance. Complying with IPX4 (IEC60529), the To further enhance the leveling work, an internal
SDL30 is protected from water splash from any memory with a recording capacity of up to 2000
direction. Sokkia’s proven shock-resistant pendulum points of data is incorporated. This also enables
compensator with magnetic damping system you to create up to 20 JOB files. Either
ensures accuracy and durability. automatically or by using the keys on the
instrument, you can define point numbers and
select attributes of recorded data and check them
Other Benefits of “Digital” while doing or after finishing the job. The data can
be output in CSV and SDR format.
The SDL30 is equipped with a host of easy-to-use Moreover, thanks to the internal memory it is
calculation functions. You can now leave your possible to set up double-run leveling as well.
calculator in the office. (It is possible to upgrade a conventional SDL30 by
adding the memory function program*)
• Height difference: The SDL30 calculates the *In some cases the memory function program cannot be installed. Please
height difference between backsight and foresight. contact your dealer for more infomation
As the backsight point can be fixed, multiple
foresight heights can be calculated successively. Advanced Power System
• Elevation: By inputting the backsight elevation,
the SDL30 calculates the foresight heights in The SDL30 is powered by a Lithium-ion battery
elevations. which is capable of supplying power continuously
• Setting-out: The SDL30 enables setting-out in for 8.5 hours. Long battery life is assured even with
three ways; by height difference, by elevation and frequent recharging.
by horizontal distance.
• Reticle cross-hair adjustment with guide displays:
The SDL30 indicates the procedure of reticle cross-
hair adjustment step by step.

30 with internal
friendly convenience
SDL30 Applications

Measuring Elevation 3. After measuring Turning

Point, select “Yes”. 4. Move the instrument and
By using the “Elevation The SDL30 stores observe the TP1 as BS.
TP1 elevation Z3.
Measurement” function, F2
elevation of ground points F1 TP1 F5 TP2
are automatically BS F4
calculated. Input the
Backsight (BS) elevation
and start measurement.
The SDL30 also
memorizes the elevation
of each Turning Point (TP)
so that you can move the
instrument position and
continue measurement. Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6

1. Input BS elevation Z0 and measure. 2. Foresight elevations Z1, Z2, Z3 are calculated. 5. Foresight elevations Z4, Z5, Z6
are calculated.


Measuring Height
Difference D1

With the“Height
Difference Measurement” D2
function, the SDL30
automatically calculates
the height difference
between Foresight (FS)
and Backsight (BS)
points. Measurement A
units are 0.1/1mm or
0.001/0.01ft. H
2. The SDL30 measures the height difference
1. Measure the reference point BM. H and distance D2 simultaneously.

1000 1001

Measuring Height
Difference with multiple
instrument positions 3. Select “Yes” and elevation Z1 is 4. Move the instrument
stored in memory. 1001 and observe point A as BS.
When using the
“Elevation Measurement”
function, by inputting the
BS elevation “0”, the
SDL30 can measure the
height difference between B
BS and FS. As the 0 elevation Z1 Z2
instrument can be
repositioned, it is useful
for wide area surveys or
cases where there are
physical obstacles.

1001 1002

1. Input BS elevation “0”. 2. Height difference Z1 is calculated. 5. Height difference Z2 is calculated.

It is easy to level the
ground using the
“Setting Out Height 3. Measure the point A and the SDL30
Difference” function. indicates “Fill” value.
Just input the height
difference “0” and the
SDL30 indicates the
“Cut”or “Fill” value for BM
each point. A

2. Measure the reference point BM. 1. Input height difference “0”.

SDL30 Applications
Slope Setting
With the “Setting Out
Height Difference”
mode, you can set the
slope with the ultimate
of ease. Inputting the
design height difference 3. Measure the point A and the SDL30
indicates “Cut” value.
from the reference
point, the SDL30
calculates the “Cut” or
“Fill” value for each A
point. Measurement
H 1. Input the design height difference H.
units are 0.1/1mm or Design slope
2. Measure the reference point as BS.

Setting Out with

Horizontal Distance
2. SDL30 indicates Hd as “Out”
By entering the or “In”.
horizontal distance from
the instrument center,
you can find the ground
point at a specified
distance. This is useful
for determining the
instrument position
between two staves, or
for locating a staff at a
specific point for setting
out. In conjunction with Hd
the SDL30 horizontal
circle, setting out using
horizontal distance and 1. Input the horizontal distance Hd.
horizontal angle can be

Height Measurement
With the “Height 2. Reverse the staff and set on B.
Difference Measurement”
function, the heights of
ceilings, trees, bridges,
road signs, and other
items can be determined
with ease. Observe the 1001

staff set directly below H

3. Height H is displayed.
the measuring point, then 1. Measure the staff
position the staff upside- on ground point A.
down and set it at the
measuring point. The
SDL30 automatically 1000
identifies the staff A
attitude and calculates
the height.

Leveling of Ceilings
3. SDL30 indicates
Using the “Setting Out “Cut” value.
Height Difference” A
function, you can level 1 4. “Fill” value is displayed.
the ceiling with inverse
staff positions. Reference
points can be located B
either on the ground or
on the ceiling. The staff
can freely be used either
erect or inverted.
The detachable circular
level can also be
installed on the staff
while inverted. BM

2. Measure reference points either 1. Input design

on the ground or on the ceiling. height H.

For demonstration purpose, the RAB-code appearing here may be used with the SDL30 for actual measurement.
SDL30 Specifications
HEIGHT ACCURACY Electronic Measurement 0.6mm (With Invar RAB-Code Staves)
Standard deviation for 1.0mm (With Fiberglass RAB-Code Staves)
1km double-run leveling Visual measurement 1.0mm (With Fiberglass RAB-Code Staves)
DISTANCE ACCURACY Electronic Measurement Up to 10m (33ft.): Within ±10mm (±2/5 in.)
Standard deviation (Invar and Fiberglass RAB-Code staves) 10m (33ft.) to 50m (160ft.): ±0.1%xD
Over 50m (160ft.): ±0.2%xD
(D=measuring distance, unit: m)
Measuring Mode Single/Repeat/Average/Tracking (selectable)
Measuring Range Electronic Measurement
(Invar and Fiberglass RAB-Code staves) 1.6 to 100m
Minimum Display Height Single, Repeat or Average mode: 0.0001/0.001m (0.001/0.01ft.)
Tracking mode: 1mm (0.01ft.)
Distance Single, Repeat or Average mode: 0.01m (0.1ft.)
Tracking mode: 0.1m (1ft.)
Measuring Time Single, Repeat or Average mode: Less than 3 sec.
Tracking mode: Less than 1 sec.
Telescope Magnification 32x
Image Erect
Objective Aperture 45mm
Field of View 1°20' (2.3m at 100m)
Resolving Power 3"
Minimum Focusing Distance 1.5m (5.0ft.)
Stadia Multiplication Constant: 100, Additive Constant: 0
Compensator Type Pendulum compensator with magnetic damping system
Working Range More than ±15'
Data storage Capacity 2000 points (64KB)
(Internal Memory) JOB Control Up to 20 JOB (JOB name definable)
Point Number Auto Incremental / definable
Attribute Selectable
Interface Port RS-232C compatible
Baud rate 38400 / 19200 / 9600 / 4800 / 2400 / 1200 bps
Data Output Format CSV / SDR (selectable)
Sensitivity of Circular Level 10'/2mm
Horizontal Circle Graduation 1° (1gon)
Estimation 0.1° (0.1gon)
Display Graphic LCD, 128 x 32 dots,with display illumination
Water Resistance Complies with IPX4 (IEC60529)
Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
Power Supply Battery BDC46A Rechargeble Lithium-ion, 7.2V
Working Duration More than 8.5 hours
Charging Time Less than 2 hours (using CDC61 / 62 / 64 / 68)
Size SDL30 Instrument W158 x D257 x H182mm (W6.2 x D10.1 x H7.2in.)
Case W258 x D395 x H224mm (W10.2 x D15.6 x H8.8in.)
Weight SDL30 Instrument 2.4kg (5.3lb), including battery


2hr. quick charger
BDC46A (Li-ion) (110V to 240V ±10%)
SDL30 charges 2 batteries
Rechargeable battery

SDR Series Data Collectors Invar RAB-Code Staves Optional Accessories

Measurement data can be logged in RAB-Code on one side DE23: Diagonal Eyepiece
the Sokkia’s SDR series data collectors BIS20: 2.0m (6.6ft), 1 section, 4.3kg (9.5lb.) GS60L: Circular Level for staff
which have a complete library of BIS30: 3.0m (9.8ft), 1 section, 5.5kg (12.1lb.)
surveying programs that can be used Fiberglass RAB-Code Staves
with Sokkia’s total stations and GPS Front: RAB-Code, Reverse: graduated
Standard Configuration
receivers. BGS40: 4.0m (13.3ft), 3 sections, 2.5kg (5.5lb.) SDL30 comes with an internal
BGS50: 5.0m (16.7ft), 4 sections, 3.2kg (7.1lb.) battery (BDC46A), a quick
BGS50G3: 5.0m (16.7ft), 4sections, 3.2kg (7.1lb.), charger (CDC61/62/64/68), dust
feet / 10th / 100th cover, tool kit, operator’s manual
Aluminum RAB-Code Reflective Staff and a carrying case.
Front: RAB-Code, Reverse: graduated on
reflective surface
BRS55: 5.0m (16.7ft), 5 sections, 1.95kg (4.3lb.)
Aluminum RAB-Code Staff
Sokkia is a sponsor
Front: RAB-Code, Reverse: graduated of the
BAS55: 5.0m (16.7ft), 5 sections, 1.9kg (4.3lb.) International Federation
of Surveyors
Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.

ISO9001 Certified (JQA-0557)
PHONE +81-46-248-7984 FAX +81-46-247-1731

A-96-E-10-0503-NP-AB Printed in Japan on 100% recycled paper with ecologically safe soy ink.

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