Activity Book Year 2ND Year

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Graduating students with a high proficiency in the English language is the main goal of
COLEGIO GUAYAMURI and its English Department. This is the reason why we dedicate time
to update and increase the mode our students can learn and use the language as a way of

The main purpose of this guide is to give the 2nd year high school students of Guayamuri the
facility and comprehension of the English grammar skill to continue consolidating the
proficiency of the language.

Thanks to teachers that helped us with corrections…..



Unit 1 Synonyms and Antonyms…………………………………………………….. 5

Unit 2 Homophones and Homographs…………………………………………… 7
Unit 3 Prefixes and Suffixes……………………………………………………………. 9
Unit 4 Compound Words……………………………………………………………….. 13
Unit 5 Contractions………………………………………………………………………… 16
Review Units 1-5……………………………………………………………………………... 19
Unit 6 Recognizing Sentences………………………………………………………… 21
Unit 7 Type of Sentences……………………………………………………………….. 23
Unit 8 Complete Subjects and Predicates………………………………………. 25
Unit 9 Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates………………………………… 27
Unit 10 Position of Subjects……………………………………………………………… 29
Review Units 6-10……………………………………………………………………………. 31
Unit 11 Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates………………….. 33
Unit 12 Combining Sentences………………………………………………………….. 35
Unit 13 Direct and Indirect Objects………………………………………………….. 37
Unit 14 Independent and Subordinate Clauses………………………………… 39
Unit 15 Adjective Clauses………………………………………………………………… 41
Review Units 11-15…………………………………………………………………………. 44
Unit 16 Adverb Clauses……………………………………………………………………. 46
Unit 17 Simple and Compund Sentences…………………………………………. 48
Unit 18 Complex Sentences…………………………………………………………….. 50
Unit 19 Correcting Run-On Sentences……………………………………………… 52
Unit 20 Expanding Sentences…………………………………………………………… 55
Review Units 16-20………………………………………………………………………….. 58
Unit 21 Nouns………………………………………………………………………………….. 60
Unit 22 Common and Proper Nouns………………………………………………… 62
Unit 23 Singular and Plural Nouns……………………………………………………. 64
Unit 24 Possessive Nouns………………………………………………………………… 67
Unit 25 Appositives………………………………………………………………………….. 70
Review Units 21-25………………………………………………………………………….. 72
Unit 26 Action Verbs………………………………………………………………………… 75
Unit 27 Linking Verbs……………………………………………………………………….. 78
Unit 28 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs…………………………………………. 80
Unit 29 Principal Part of Verbs…………………………………………………………. 82
Unit 30 Irregular Verbs…………………………………………………………………….. 85

Review Units 26-30………………………………………………………………………….. 88
Unit 31 Verb Form: Present and Past Progressive……………………………. 90
Unit 32 Present Perfect and Past Perfect…………………………………………. 92
Unit 33 Pronouns…………………………………………………………………………….. 93
Unit 34 Antecedents………………………………………………………………………… 95
Unit 35 Adjectives……………………………………………………………………………. 97
Review Units 31-35………………………………………………………………………….. 99
Unit 36 Adjectives……………………………………………………………………………. 102
Unit 37 Special Adjectives that Compare…………………………………………. 105
Unit 38 Adverbs……………………………………………………………………………….. 107
Unit 39 Comparing with Adverbs……………………………………………………… 109
Unit 40 Prepositions………………………………………………………………………… 111
Unit 41 Prepositional Phrases………………………………………………………….. 113
Unit 42 Conjunctions……………………………………………………………………….. 115
Review Units 36-42………………………………………………………………………….. 118

Unit 1


A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as one or more other words.


generous kind

detest hate

enormous huge

cease stop

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. The opposite of words can
often be formed by using a prefix, that is a syllable written before it, such as un, dis, in, ir, il, im, etc.


full empty

late early

popular unpopular

correct incorrect

Exercise 1. Write a synonym for each word below. Use a dictionary if it is necessary.

house exhibit nation

beverages pleasant deceive
enough amiable mistake
indolent prohibit velocity

Write an antonym for each word below. Use a dictionary if it is necessary.

before cheap danger

appear friendly jsutice
always guilty heavy
conscious complete connect

Exercise 2. Write 8 sentences. In each sentence, use a synonym for the word in parentheses.
Underline the synonym.

1. (begin). ________________________________________________________________________
2. (wealthy). ______________________________________________________________________
3. (enthusiasm). ___________________________________________________________________
4. (proceed). ______________________________________________________________________
5. (tale). __________________________________________________________________________
6. (tiny). __________________________________________________________________________
7. (journey). ______________________________________________________________________
8. (collosal). ______________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Write 8 sentences. In each sentence, use an antonym for the word in parentheses.

1. (forget). _______________________________________________________________________
2. (absent). ______________________________________________________________________
3. (entrance). _____________________________________________________________________
4. (foolish). _______________________________________________________________________
5. (curable). ______________________________________________________________________
6. (peace). _______________________________________________________________________
7. (obedient). _____________________________________________________________________
8. (welcome). _____________________________________________________________________

Unit 2


Words which have the same but differ in meaning and spelling are called homophones.

Buy – by flour – flower blew – blue here – hear knows – nose

Words which have the same spelling but differ in meaning and sometimes in pronunciation are called

Second: 1/60 of a minute second: after first.

Tear: to rip tear: a drop of water from the eye.

Wind: to turn wind: moving air.

Exercise 1. Underline the correct homophone (s) in each sentence. Use a dictionary if it is necessary.

1. Joe, how much do you (way/weigh)?

2. I (new/knew) that (new/knew) car belonged to Jimmy.
3. Sue wore the belt around her (waste/waist).
4. Did you (here/hear) that noise?
5. Mary (cent/sent) some money to her family in Peru.
6. Do you know if the lions (one/won) the game last night?
7. We are going (four/for) a walk (threw/through) woods this afternoon.
8. Would you like another (peace/piece) of cake?
9. She does(knot/not) (know/no) how to untie that(not/knot).
10. The (sea/see) is a home for lots of fish.
11. The night (heir/air) is (so/sew) cool that you will (need/knead) a light jacket.
12. After practice, the boys were (too/two/to) tired (to/too/two) walk home.
13. Have you (seen/scene) my Math book around here? I can’t (fined/find) it.
14. When something smells, it has (scent/cent).
15. A (bee/be) is an insect that makes honey.

Exercise 2. Circle the letter that best defines each highlighted homograph.

1. I hope you’re not lying to me.

a. Telling a lie. b. being in a horizontal position.

2. We live on the sixth story of the building.
a. Description of events to entertain people. b. a level of a building.
3. I’ll have a bit of sugar in my coffee.
a. Past tense of bite b. a tiny amount.
4. She sat on a big rock next to the river.
a. A type of loud modern music. b. a piece of stone lying on the earth’s
5. The players were practicing on the court.
a. Place where a trial takes place. b. area made for playing games such a
basketball, tennis.
6. My two rabbits are in a pen outside the house.
a. a writing instrument that uses ink. b. an enclosed area.
7. The coach gave us a pitcher of cold water after practice.
a. A baseball player who throws the ball for other players to hit. b. a container used for
holding and pouring water.
8. The teacher is going to write a play for his students.
a. A theater piece. b. participate in sport.
9. You can’t park here without a permit.
a. To allow someone to do something. b. an official piece of paper that allow you to
do something.
10. Mike and Nancy will present the actor award.
a. Here. b. give
11. Last night, the dog’s bark woke everybody on the block.
a. Outside covering of a tree. b. noise a dog makes.
12. She grabbed a stick to arm herself against the thieves.
a. Part of the body. b. take up a weapon.
13. We used a saw to cut that piece of wood.
a. A tool for cutting wood. b. past tense of the verb see.
14. She’s a big fan of rock music.
a. A machine you can use to make air. b. someone who likes a person or a thing very
15. Please, do not make any racket. Grandma is asleep.
a. Something you use to hit the ball in games such as tennis. b. loud noise.

Unit 3 26/04 2DO A


A prefix added to the beginning of a base word changes the meaning of the word.

Example: dis-, meaning opposite of + the base word appear = disappear, meaning “the opposite of.”


bi “two” or “twice” A bicycle has two wheels.

dis “the opposite of” First she connected the cars.

Then she disconnected them.

Im, in “not” Imperfect clothes are not

completely right.

Inexpensive items are ones

that do not cost a lot.

mini “small” or “ little” She wore a beautiful miniskirt

to the party.

pre “before” The baby was 3 weeks


re “again” or “back” When you use something

again, you reuse it.

semi “half” A semicircle is half of a circle.

un “not” The police uncovered the plan

to rob the bank.

mis “wrong” He misspelled the word

“friend” as “friend.”

A suffix added to the end of a base word changes the meaning of the word.

Example: -less, meaning “without,” + the base word worth = worthless, meaning “without worth.”


A breakable vase can be
-able, -ible “can be” broken.
A reversible coat can be
reversed or turned inside out.

-en “to make” or “made of” She sharpens the pencil to
make the point sharp.

That is a wooden mask.

-er “a person who” A runner is a person who runs

a race.

-ful “full of” Some spiders can be harmful.

-less “without” A butterfly is harmless.

-ward “in the direction of” To go forward means to go in

the direction in front of you.

To go backward means to go
in the direction in back of you.

-ness “quality of” Money can’t buy happiness.

-ist “one skilled in” My sister is a very good typist.

-hood “state of being” They have known each other

since childhood.

ous “full of” Earwood is a very famous

school in Manhathan.

Exercise 1. Write a new word using one of the prefixes listed above. Then write the meaning of the
new word. Use a dictionary if it is necessary.






















Exercise 2. Write a new word using one of the suffixes listed above. Then write the meaning of the
new word.






















Unit 4

A compound word is a word that is made up of two or more words. The meaning of many compound
words is related to the meaning of each individual word.

Example: blue + berry = blueberry, meaning “a type of berry that is blue in color”

A compound word can be written as one word, or as two separate words. Always check a dictionary.

Exercise 1. Combine the words in the chart to make compound word. Each word must be used only
once. Then write a sentence with each of them.

under apple rain rail bow

port way camp knob paper

guard back road pack pine

work foot print sub sea

sand coat door life air

sun book rain shine fire

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 2. Rearrange the letters below to make a compound word.

1. ftwasore. _____software_______________________________________
2. cemanlipo. ________________________________________________________________
3. odtya. ____________________________________________________________________
4. cadlestkcin. ________________________________________________________________
5. flytterbu. __________________________________________________________________
6. ghwayhi. __________________________________________________________________
7. burcheegerse. ______________________________________________________________
8. ncapake. __________________________________________________________________
9. rewoskrfi. _________________________________________________________________
10. terlonwame. _______________________________________________________________
11. flosunwrse. ________________________________________________________________
12. moobedrs. _________________________________________________________________
13. airhutc. ___________________________________________________________________
14. yobriendf. _________________________________________________________________
15. chdowntou. ________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. What are the compound words indicated by the meanings below.

1. One who makes watches? ________Watchmaker___________________________________

2. A tray which holds cigarette ash. ________________________________________________
3. A cloth which covers a table. ___________________________________________________
4. One who keeps a shop? _______________________________________________________
5. The lines at the head of a newspaper article. ______________________________________
6. A shelf on which books are kept. ________________________________________________
7. A shop in which some kind of work is done. _______________________________________
8. A box or case where tools are kept. ______________________________________________
9. A coat that keeps you dry in the rain. _____________________________________________
10. A fast vehicle with two wheels and an engine. _____________________________________
11. Someone who is in a place when something happens. _______________________________
12. A store where you can buy medicine. ____________________________________________

13. Wet sand that is very dangerous because you sink down into it if you walk on it.
14. A horse that competes in a races. _______________________________________________
15. Someone whose job is to stop fire. ______________________________________________

Unit 5

A contraction is a word formed by joining two other words. An apostrophe shows where the letter or
letters have been omitted.

Example. Had not = hadn’t

Won’t is an exception. Example: will not = won’t

Exercise 1. Write the contraction for each pair of words.


did not didn´t

was not

we are

is not

who is

had not

I will

I am

it is

do not

they have

will not

does not

were not

there is

they are

she will

I have

there are

he will

can not

must not

he has

Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with the contraction of the pair of words in parentheses.

1. Dominique and Joan didn´t (do not) want to go to the party. (they are) They´re
going to the mall instead.
2. (Where is) ________________ Gary? Gary (was not) _______________ at work today, I think
(he is) ____________________ sick.
3. This morning, I left a message for Sam, but he (has not) ________________ returned my call
4. Her friends think (she will) __________________ earn a college scholarship with her talent.
5. (Who is) _______________ Shula? (Shula is) _____________________ my friend. (We have)
____________________ been friends since second grade.
6. We (are not) _________________ concerned as long as (you are) ______________ happy.
7. (You will ) ___________________ be at my birthday party, (will not) _____________ you?
8. Karl and Tom (are not) ___________________ very good at soccer, but (that is)
____________________ only because they (do not) _______________________ practice
9. Is there any milk in the refrigerator? Yes (there is) __________________ some in it.
10. She (can not) ____________ drive yet, (she is) _________________ only 12.
11. She (must not) ________________________ take too long to get ready. If we (do not)
_________________ leave soon, (we will) _______________ be late.
12. Tom (has not) _________________ eaten yet because he (is not) _______________ hungry.
13. You (must not) __________________be here. It ( is not) _________________ allowed.
14. (She has) ___________________ been in Mexico twice this year.
15. (It will) __________________ be nice to spend a week with you guys during the summer.
16. They (were not) at home when I called last night, so I (did not) ________________ give them
the news.
17. Luckily, the plane (had not) ___________________ taken off when I got to the airport.

18. (Mary is) _________________ an excellent piano player. (She will) _________________ be
performing at the school auditorium next weekend.
19. Because (it is) _________________ too cold to go swimming, (I will) _____________ stay
home and read a book.
20. (We are) _________________ lost in a road that (does not) _________________ go

Exercise 1. Write S before each pair of synonyms. Write A before each pair of antonym.

1. ___A__ . quiet, noisy. 11. _____. famous, known.

2. ______ . lost, found. 12. _____. prohibit, forbid.
3. ______ . fearless, brave. 13. _____. alive, dead.
4. ______. gentle, rough. 14. _____. disaster, catastrophe.
5. ______ . cry, weep. 15. _____. innocent, guilty.
6. ______. calm, peaceful. 16. _____ . compel, force.
7. ______ . have, own. 17. _____ . fail, succeed.
8. ______ . healthy, sick. 18. _____ . candy, sweet.
9. ______ . dull, sharp. 19. _____ . vacant, occupied.
10. ______. belly, stomach. 20. _____ . awful, terrible.

Exercise 2. Using the homonyms in parentheses, write the correct words on the lines.

1. (week – weak) Anna was weak for a week after she had the flu.
2. ( right – write) Did you _________________ down the _________________ address?
3. (blew – blue) The wind ____________ leaves and twigs into the beautiful __________water.
4. (read – red) Kate _________a poem about a young girl with ___________hair and freckles.
5. (pane – pain) Meg felt a ___________ in her hand when she tried to remove the broken
window _____________.

Exercise 3. Circle the letter of the best definition for each highlighted homophone.

1. Billy flies to California every summer to visit his family.

a. Insects b. moves in the air
2. Mr. Smith owns a fruit and vegetable stand.
a. To be on one’s feet b. a small, open structure
3. The band enjoyed performing at the ball.
a. A large formal dance b. around body or object
4. Don’t forget to wind the alarm clock before you go to bed.
a. Air movement b. to tighten a spring

Exercise 4. Choose an appropriate prefix or suffix from the chart for each of the highlighted words
below. Write the new word on the line.

dis- mis- re- un- -ish -ful -less -en

1. Full of thanks. Thankful 5. To make black in color. ______________

2. To pay again. ___________________ 6. Without thanks. ___________________
3. To not agree. ___________________ 7. Not happy. _______________________
4. Act as a fool. ___________________ 8. Take wrongly. _____________________

Exercise 5. Underline the pair of words that can be written as a contraction in each sentence. Then
write the contraction on the line.

1. Yolanda does not want to work late today. doesn´t

2. Who is going to stay with her? ___________________
3. It is going to be the best game of the year. _____________________
4. Nancy will not be at the meeting today. _____________________
5. I do not know their address. _____________________
6. They were not at the party with us. _____________________
7. He says he is not going out tonight. _____________________
8. Mike thinks he will leave the office before noon.______________________
9. I know he can not drive. ___________________
10. When I called he was not at home. ____________________

Unit 6

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. It begins with a capital letter and
ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

Example: We found a deserted cabin at the top of the hill.

Exercise 1. Some of the following groups of words are sentences, and some are not. Write S after
each group that is a sentence. Punctuate each sentence with a period.

1. Thomas didn’t go to the auto show. _______S__________

2. By the side of the babbling book _______________________
3. I went to the new museum last week ___________________
4. Mile after mile along the great highway __________________
5. Check all your work carefully ___________________________
6. Down the narrow aisle of the church _____________________
7. On our way to work this morning ______________________
8. Once upon a time, long, long ago ____________________
9. Our cat is in our neighbor’s yard ______________________
10. We had cheese cake for dessert ______________________
11. Through the door and up the stair ____________________
12. I heard that you and Lorenzo got married last week ____________________
13. There was a gorgeous sunset last night ___________________
14. Just before we were ready _________________________
15. Greg and Maggie did a great job cleaning the attic ________________
16. My aunt and my nephew __________________
17. Kate Evans, a famous singer ____________________
18. People and animals mingle at the zoo ___________________
19. Coach Purdy and his players ___________________
20. Food and dishes filled the table _________________
21. When I was sleeping on the roof _________________________
22. After I spoke to her last night ______________________
23. My uncle and my brother visited me at the hospital _______________
24. We saw a killer whale in the zoo ___________________
25. They arrived late to party because of the rain ___________________

26. Every year at the state fair __________________
27. I have been waiting for you since this morning ____________________
28. Into the parking garage __________________
29. She wrote a paragraph about herself ______________
30. Your essay doesn’t have a title __________________

Exercise 2. Write ten sentences. Remember that a sentence expresses a complete thought.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________________

Unit 7

A declarative sentence makes a statement. It is followed by a period (.).

Example: Alicia is my cousin.

An interrogative sentence ask a question. It is followed by a question mark (?). Example: What are
you doing?

An imperative sentence expresses a command or a request. It is followed by a period (.).

Example: Sit down.

An exclamation sentence expresses strong emotion. It can also express a command or a request that
is made with great excitement. It is followed by an exclamation mark. (!).

Example: How you frighten me! Look at that accident!

Exercise 1. Write D for declarative, IN for interrogative, IM for imperative, or E for exclamatory before
each sentence. Put the correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.

1. Everyone will be here by nine o’clock. ________D_________

2. Prepare each day’s assignment on time __________________
3. Are you going to the game now ________________________
4. Always stand erect __________________________
5. Anna, what do you have in that box __________________
6. A nation is measure by the character of its people __________________
7. Jack, hand me those tools _______________
8. Who arranged these flowers _______________________
9. Our guests are already here ________________________
10. Stop that noise ________________________
11. Oh, you have a new car ___________________
12. The organization will elect officers tomorrow. __________________
13. Paul, jump quickly ____________________
14. Hurrah, the game is over ___________________
15. Take a good care of your dog __________________
16. Andrea, why weren’t you at the meeting ______________
17. Gilda Evans has sung with our band twice this year _______________________

18. Have you been on a roller coaster __________________
19. Draw a map of South America ________________________
20. What a wonderful time we’ve had ___________________
21. Please lower your voice __________________
22. Do you want a Pepsi or a Coke _______________
23. I can’t wait for the party __________________
24. Take the kids to the baseball game _______________
25. Who are you inviting to your birthday party ______________
26. Jacksonville is not the capital of Florida. __________________
27. Hurray, I passed the Math test _________________
28. Please lower your voice __________________
29. I can’t believe the lions lost again __________________________
30. The concert begins in two hours ___________________________

Exercise 2. Now, you write your own sentence.

1. (exclamatory). ________________________________________________________________
2. (interrogative). _______________________________________________________________
3. (imperative). _________________________________________________________________
4. (declarative). _________________________________________________________________
5. (interrogative). _______________________________________________________________
6. (exclamatory). ________________________________________________________________
7. (imperative). _________________________________________________________________
8. (interrogative). _______________________________________________________________
9. (declarative). _________________________________________________________________
10. (exclamatory). ________________________________________________________________
11. (declarative). _________________________________________________________________
12. (interrogative). _______________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Write a brief letter describing your visit to another part of the country. Then sit with a
classmate and find example of the types of sentence.

Unit 8


Every sentence has two main parts, a complete subject and a complete predicate.

The complete subject includes all the words that tell who or what the sentence is about.

Example: All chickadees hunt insect eggs.

The complete predicate includes all the words that state the action or condition of the subject.

Example: All chickadees hunt insect eggs.

Exercise 1. Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate in each sentence

1. Vicky’s family visited Orlando again last year.

2. Our parents took us to an amusement park.
3. Mario’s last visit to our city was three years ago.
4. Our new house has six rooms.
5. Karl Jackson is running for the city council.
6. This computer will help you work faster.
7. We will have a party for Teresa on Friday.
8. Many butterflies flew around the flowers in the garden.
9. My best friend has moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico.
10. A police officer stopped the speeding motorist.
11. The French chef prepared an excellent food.
12. That section of the city has many green areas.
13. The hart pumps blood through the body.
14. Magazines about computers are becoming very popular.
15. He answered every question with honesty during the interview.
16. The electricity went out during the storm.
17. Our neighbor’s dog barked all night.
18. The rays of the sun give energy to the earth.
19. The old man crossed the street slowly.
20. Mc Donald is a fast food restaurant.

Exercise 2. Write a brief story about someone you know. Then exchange stories with a classmate and
identify the complete subjects and complete predicate in each other’s sentences.

Unit 9


A simple subject of a sentence is the main word in the complete subject. The simple subject is a noun
or a pronoun. Sometimes the simple subject is also the complete subject.

Examples: Our car swayed in the strong wind. Cars swayed in the strong wind.

The simple predicate of a sentence is the verb within the complete predicate. The simple predicate
can be made up of one word or more than one word.

Examples: Our car swayed. The wind was blowing hard.

Exercise 1. Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate in each sentence
below. Then underline the simple subject.

1. My mother likes to relax in front of the television after dinner.

2. The sidewalk had cracks in the pavement.
3. The wolf is the most endangered animal in the world.
4. My dad’s truck is parked outside.
5. A person’s diet depends on the available food.
6. The television program was informative.
7. The colorful birds sang a beautiful melody.
8. Some people are afraid to fly.
9. Mike’s sister ate the bar of chocolate I bought for you.
10. The school bus crashed into a parked car on my way home.
11. My children usually eat popcorn in the afternoon.
12. People can confuse coyotes with dogs.
13. The girl with the brown hair is the teacher’s daughter.
14. I bought a new mountain bike.
15. She always uses a computer to do her homework.

Exercise 2. In each of the sentence below, draw a line between the complete subject and the
complete predicate. Underline the simple predicate.

1. He drove the bus slowly over the slippery pavement.

2. A great number of students won’t take Math this semester.
3. The Math problem on next page is very easy.

4. Nicole lost her science book at the mall.
5. The brown sofa in the den will be moved downstairs.
6. Our school festival was a success this year.
7. The sugary cereal is not healthy.
8. The rainbow is an example of a beautiful weather phenomenon.
9. The boy jumped over the fence into the garden.
10. Both of my parents have to work on weekends.
11. Tom combed his dog’s brown hair.
12. Gina raked the leaves in front of the house.
13. The fire spread rapidly to the other buildings in the neighborhood.
14. Our class went to a field trip to the aquarium.
15. Aunt Nelly usually works late on Friday.

Unit 10

POSITION OF SUBJECTS (Natural and Inverted order in sentences)

When the subject of a sentence comes before the verb, the sentence is in natural order.

Example: Peggy went home early.

When the verb or part of the verb comes before the subject, the sentence is in inverted order.

Example: On the branch were the two birds.

There are four children in my family.

Here is my friend.

Many questions are in inverted order. Example: Where is Jim?

Sometimes the subject of the sentence is not expressed, as in command or request. The understood
subject is you.

Example: Bring the sandwiches. (You) bring the sandwiches.

Exercise 1. Rewrite each inverted sentence in natural order. Rewrite commands or requests by
including you as the subject. Then underline each simple subject once and each simple predicate
twice in each sentence.

1. Where was the sunken treasure ship?

_____Where was the treasure ship sunken?_________________________________________
2. Beyond the bridge were several sailboats.
3. There is no one in that room.
4. From the gymnasium came the shouts of the victorious team.
5. Beside the walk grew beautiful flowers.
6. When is the surprise party?
7. Bring your sales report to the meeting.

8. There were only three floats in the parade.
9. From the yard came the bark of the dog.
10. Place the forks to the left of the plate.
11. Never again will you do that.
12. Up jump the frog.
13. Close the windows before leaving the room.
14. Through the air fly the eagles.
15. Behind of the room a crash was heard.
16. Schedule for 8th this week are two English classes.
17. In front of the desk there stands a student.
18. Under the tree there stayed an old man.
19. Down the street ran the dog.
20. Here are the keys.

Exercise 1. Some of the following groups of words are sentences, and some are not. Write S after
each group that is a sentence. Punctuate each sentence with a period.

1. I went to a basketball game last weekend . _S_ 6. Once upon a time, long, long ago ___
2. On my way to school this morning ___ 7. Lasted until midnight ___
3. We had ice cream and fruit for dessert ___ 8. Whistled softly ___
4. My brother and my sister ___ 9. There was a gorgeous sunset last night ___
5. Just before we were read ___ 10. Please look he way ___

Exercise 2. Label each sentence as follows: Write D for declarative, IN for interrogative, IM for
imperative, or E for exclamatory. Write X if it is not a sentence. Punctuate each sentence correctly.

1. Did you forget our appointment ?_IN_ 6. Be careful ____

2. People from all over the world ____ 7. Place the books here ____
3. All the members will meet in this room ____ 8. Rolled up our sleeping bag ____
4. Where are you going ____ 9. Julie ran two miles ____
5. Oh, look out ____ 10. Help, I’m frighten ____

Exercise 3. In each sentence below, underline the words that are identified in parentheses.

1. (simple predicate). We saw an unusual flower.

2. (complete subject). The lights around the public square went out.
3. (simple subject). Davis’ entire family ate dinner in a restaurant last night.
4. (complete predicate). Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes.
5. (complete subject). A large number of swimmers competed in the race this year.
6. (simple subject). This beautiful 15th century painting is priceless.
7. (simple predicate). Four young soldiers led the troop into the battle.
8. (complete predicate). Two goldfish in the pond were eating insects.

Exercise 4. Rewrite each inverted sentence in natural order. Rewrite commands and request by
including you as a subject.

1. Off came their hats.

Their hats came off.
2. Down the street ran the dog.

3. Call about the schedule.
4. Where is the library?
5. There is no one in the room.
6. Around the corner is my favorite store.
7. Never have seen so many people.
8. There, hiding under the rock, was the key.
9. The students sat in the first row, smiling.
10. Bring your sale report to the meeting.

Unit 11


A compound subject is made up of two or more simple subjects.

Example: Tom and Gina are coming to my birthday party.

Redbug and dogwood trees bloom in the spring.

A compound predicate is made of two or more simple predicate.

Example: Joseph danced and sang at the party last night.

Perry built the fire and cooked dinner.

Exercise 1. Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate in each sentence.
Write SS for simple subject. Write CS for a compound subject.

1. Sandy left her sister near the crowed exit. _____SS________

2. Brasilia and Sao Paulo are two cities in Brazil. _________________
3. My sister and I raked the leaves in in back yard. ________________
4. Clean clothes and a neat appearance are important in an interview. ________________
5. The school across the street is badly damage. _________________________
6. David and Paul are in their way in the swimming pool. ________________
7. Hang gliding is an important sport in Hawaii. ___________________
8. My neighbor’s dog and my cat are very good friends. _______________
9. My doctor asked me to get a blood test. ____________________________
10. Luis and Lenora help their parents with their chore. _____________________
11. Tom combed his dog shiny hair. ________________________
12. A tornado or a hurricane is very dangerous. ____________________
13. I hummed a cheerful tune on the way to the meeting. ________________
14. Chocolate and strawberry are my two favorite flavors of ice cream.
15. Yellow, blue and red are the colors of the flag of my country. _______________
16. Our class went to a field trip to the aquarium. ______________________
17. Those chairs have to be move out of you bedroom. ___________________
18. Greg and his girlfriend walked through the parked and then down the road.

19. Kate wrote and performed a beautiful song at the festival last night. _______________
20. John and paid for the newly released CD. ________________

Exercise 2. Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate in each sentence.
Write SP for each simple predicate. Write CP for each compound predicate.

1. Plants need water and air to live. ______SP______

2. My sister buys and sells real estate. ____________________
3. Jose raked and sacked the leaves in the garden. _______________
4. Mrs. Rodriguez made a cake and shared it with her neighbors. _______________
5. Julius scored at the last second and the team won the game. ________________
6. Wilma will wash the dishes and put them away. __________________
7. The children built a dog house and painted it pink. ________________
8. Sarah turned off the light and closed the curtain before going to bed. _______________
9. They went to the store and bought some milk and eggs for breakfast. _______________
10. Christina participated in the Special Olympics this year. _______________
11. Soccer is one of my favorite sports. ______________
12. The audience talked and laughed before the performance. _____________
13. The Gracias live in that apartment building on Oak Street. ______________
14. The apples were picked and sold today. _______________
15. Snow covered every highway in the area. ______________
16. Automobiles crow and jam the highway in the morning. ________________
17. We changed our clothes and went out for dinner. _______________
18. Most people exercise to stay in shape. ________________
19. Tamika always studies very hard to get good grades. _______________
20. Shawn ignored the television and did his homework. _______________

Unit 12

Two sentences in which the subjects are different and the predicates are the same can be combined
into one sentence. The two subjects are joined by and.

Example: Hurricanes are storm. Tornados are storms.

Hurricanes and tornados are storm.

Two sentences in which the subjects are the same and the predicates are different can be combined
into one sentence. The two predicates can may be joined by or, and, but.

Example: Hurricanes begin over tropical. Hurricanes move inland.

Hurricanes begin over the tropical and move inland.

Exercise 1. Combine each pair of sentences below. Underline the compound subject or the compound
predicate in each sentence that you write.

1. Lightning is a part of a thunderstorm. Thunder is a part of a thunderstorm.

_____Lightning and thunder are part of a thunderstorm.______
2. The grass is very tall. It needs to be mowed.
3. An open field is an unsafe place to be during a thunderstorm. A golf course is an unsafe place
to be during a thunderstorm.
4. The backpack can carry a lot of books. It glows in the dark.
5. Beth reads very slowly. Her sister also reads very slowly.
6. This computer is very powerful. It has a lot of memory.
7. Our basketball team scored the last two points. We won the game.
8. Cynthia was very thirsty. She drank lemonade.
9. Carlos wants to go the movies. He doesn’t have any money.

10. Washington DC has a lot of interesting places. It is very popular with tourist.
11. Bill was glad he had an umbrella when it was raining. Saki was glad she had an umbrella when
it was raining.
12. Tom had to walk to the park in the rain. Lilian had to walk to the park in the rain.
13. Benjamin Franklin wanted to protect people from lighting. He invented the lighting rod.
14. I preschool, boys draw pictures and color them. In preschool, girls draw pictures and color
15. Tim ran the race and won. Todd ran the race and won.

Exercise 2. Write a paragraph about an activity you did in class with a classmate. Include sentences
with compound subjects and sentences with compound predicates.

Unit 13


The direct object tells who or what receives the action of the verb. The direct object is a noun or
pronouns that follow an action verb.

Example: Elephants can carry logs with their trunk.

The indirect object is a noun or pronoun that tells whom or whom an action is done. In order to have
an indirect a sentence must have direct object.

The indirect object is usually placed between the action verb and the direct object.

Example: Who sold you the fantastic bike?

Exercise 1. Underline the verb in each sentence. Then if the verb has direct object, circle the direct

1. Who is going to get the tickets for the concert?

2. Mandy and Jessica’s dad build and amazing tree house.
3. Alexander has a big collection of baseball cards.
4. In our Spanish class, we read a great story about the independent war.
5. Gina was very furious because her sister spread her secret.
6. The team received a big trophy after winning the final game.
7. We have to write a report about our research.
8. The teacher gave 3 extra days to finish our reports-
9. The old lady lost a bag full of money on her way to the bank.
10. Dad bought a new television set and a computer for his office.
11. James failed English this semester because he was sick.
12. Jack has a book from the library in his locker.
13. The policeman was shouting directions to the motorist.
14. I forgot the answer to last two questions.
15. The audience offered the cast a thunderous applause.

Exercise 2. Write DO in the blank if the highlighted word(s) is the direct object. Write IO in the blank if
the highlighted word(s) is the indirect object.

1. Louis called Jim and Tina about the rehearsal. _____DO_____

2. The president gave me his autograph. _____________________
3. Colleen showed her father her new gymnastic routine. __________________
4. Dad brought mom some flowers on her birthday. _______________
5. We usually cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. ____________________
6. She distributed chocolates to everyone in her class. _______________
7. The tailor made a nice suit for my grandfather. ______________________
8. Bill, you owe me a brownie. ___________________
9. Camille lent us her tent to go camping. ________________
10. Loud music gives my mother a headache. __________________
11. We promised the tour guide a big reward. __________________
12. Mon handed me a cold drink after the game. ________________
13. Sherry lent Arlene a dollar for a diet coke. ___________________
14. Daddy made us a delicious omelet for breakfast. _________________
15. The shy boy brought the little red-haired girl a candy for Valentine’s Day. ______________

Exercise 3. Make a poster that describes the recreational activities a beach, lake, pool or park in your
town offers. Identify the direct and indirect object in your poster.

Unit 14


A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. There are two kinds of clauses:
independent clauses and subordinate clauses.

An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought.

Example: The students came in when the bell rang.

A subordinate clause has a subject and a predicate but cannot stand alone as a sentence because it
does not express a complete thought. A subordinate clause must be combined with an independent
clause to make sense.

A clause can be subordinate by the present of connecting words such as before, after, because,
because of, as soon as, since, while, in order to, that, when, who, where etc.

Example: The stamp that I bought was already in my collection.

Exercise 1. Underline the independent clause once and the subordinate clause twice in each

1. I ran as fast as I could because the bus was coming.

2. We actually got it finished before the deadline.
3. When I get back, your homework must be ready.
4. We have an umbrella because it is raining.
5. Juan was sad when the sale was over.
6. Since her mother death, Anthony has been very sad.
7. I will turn off the radio when you go to sleep.
8. Since you don’t speak English, you can’t get the job.
9. If you don’t fix the car, it will leak continue to leak oil.
10. The people who went shopping found a great sale.
11. The camera that Fred bought from Bill was expensive.
12. You have to study a lot in order to pass the test.
13. We will wait here until she arrives,
14. That’s not the book which I lent you last week.
15. I tried to read the book that the teacher recommended.
16. The police caught the thief who robbed the bank.
17. Since you forgot to give this page to Gloria, you have to type it yourself.

18. We didn’t play in the yard because of the rain.
19. While I was cooking, Megan and Lucy were playing cards.
20. I will call you as soon as the boss arrives.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences with your own idea.

1. If it rains, ____________________________________________________________________
2. Bob didn’t come to school today because __________________________________________
3. As soon as you finish cleaning the bathroom, _______________________________________
4. Because of the rain, ____________________________________________________________
5. We have to play hard in order to _________________________________________________
6. Mike had called me before ______________________________________________________
7. Since you didn’t write the report, _________________________________________________
8. Marianne called when __________________________ _______________________________

Unit 15

An adjective clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun or a pronoun. It answer the question
Which one? or What kind? It usually modifies the word directly preceding it. Most adjective clauses
begin with a relative pronoun. A relative pronoun relates an adjective clause to the noun or pronoun
that the clause modifies. Who, Whose, Which, and That are the relative pronouns.

Example: The coat that I bought was on sale.

Exercise 1. Underline the adjective clause in each sentence.

1. The book that I read was very humorous.

2. Here is the photograph that I promised to show you.
3. The man who is talking to Mr. Wilson is an accountant.
4. Did you thank the woman who helped you?
5. She’s the girl whose mother is my English teacher.
6. The fish that I caught was large.
7. People who work in science laboratories today have a broad field of study.
8. Meg has a dog which follows her everywhere.
9. The dog whose leg is hurt belongs to Anne.
10. The package that arrives this morning is on the desk.
11. Children who like to bully are seldom very popular.
12. Did you read the lesson which explains about adjective clauses?
13. The excuse that she gave us didn’t seem very believable.
14. I hate talking to people who always have an excuse.
15. We bought the Christmas tree that our neighbor told us was on sale.

Exercise 2. Choose all the possible correct answers to complete the sentence. Most sentences have
more than one correct answer.

1. Sam is the boy _________________ shaved his head. He’s a completely bald now.
a. who b. which c. that
2. The food _______________ she is buying looks healthy.
a. who b. which c. that
3. Ali ___________ lives in a trailer with some dogs and cats is lawyer.

a. who b. which c. that
4. The bat is the only mammal ________________ can fly.
a. Who b. which c. that
5. Look! That’s the singer _________________ mother is from my hometown.
a. who b. whose c. which
6. People ________________ smoke cigarette should be penalized.
a. who b. which c. that
7. There’s the couple ______________ dancing you liked so much.
a. whose b. which c. that
8. April _______________ recently celebrated her birthday received many gift.
a. who b. which c. that
9. I put the vase on the top of the television set ___________ that is in the living room.
a. whose b. that c. who
10. The earth ____________ the fifth largest planet in the solar system is the third planet from
the sun.
a. who b. that c. which

Exercise 3. Combine the two sentences. Use the second sentence as an adjective clause.

1. The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.

____The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly.___________________________
2. I am using a sentence. It contains and adjective clause.
3. The student is from China. He sits next to me.
4. The girl is happy. She won the race.
5. The book was very good. I read it.
6. I talked to the girl. Her car broke down in front of my house.
7. Ricard is a taxi driver. He lives on the corner.

8. Thank you very much for your e-mail. It was very interesting.
9. Those boys are not from our school. They were fighting in the street.
10. The girl lost her umbrella. Her father is a teacher.

Exercise 1. Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate. Underline once
the compound subject and twice the compound predicate.

1. Almonds and grapes make a healthy snack and taste good.

2. During the storm, the electricity and phones were cut off but were soon restored.
3. Airplanes roared over our roof and landed at the airport.
4. Rachel and Steffi are reading the same book.
5. Elizabeth studied hard and passed the test.
6. Many young people join the army or work in a factory.
7. Juan and Sebastian played basketball and sang in the choir.
8. Ulysses ran, swam, and rode a bicycle in the triathlon.

Exercise 2. Read each pair of sentence. Then combine them to form a compound subject or a
compound predicate. Write your new sentence on the line.

1. Annemarie played with the dolls. Ellen played with the dolls.
2. Kristy cried over the shoes. Kristy complained about the shoes.
3. Kate brushed her hair. Kate handed the brush to Ellen.
4. Jim’s family hid in the house. Jim’s family fled to the forest.

Exercise 3. Circle the verb in each sentence. Then underline once the direct object and twice the
indirect object.

1. Enrique, please give your brother his jacket.

2. We handed the cashier our money.
3. They will send you a bill at the end of the month.
4. Someone gave Billy a computer for his birthday.
5. Dennis and Susan ate omelet for breakfast.

6. They elected him the mayor for the next four years.
7. John told us a story about a cat and a mouse.
8. Chelsea painted a bird and a flower for her project.
9. Carlos sent his girlfriend a bunch of flowers on her birthday.
10. The girls are baking pies in their cooking class.

Exercise 4. Underline once the independent clause, and twice the subordinate clause in each

1. The campers got wet when it started to rain.

2. While we waited, the children kept us entertained.
3. Sally was sad when her boyfriend left for New York.
4. When Germaine called last night, I was not at home.
5. People who went to Bill’s birthday party had a lot of fun.
6. Thomas didn’t take the test since he arrived late.
7. Peter had a big breakfast because he was very hungry.
8. I haven’t seen the boy who took your bike away.
9. If the computer doesn’t work, we won’t finish our report on time.
10. Turn the lights off before you leave the office.

Exercise 5. Add an adjective clause to each independent clause below.

1. Soccer is a sport that ___________________________________________________________

2. Amelia is a student who ________________________________________________________
3. They build a which _____________________________________________________________
4. Bunny is a dog that ____________________________________________________________
5. Tony has a bike which __________________________________________________________
6. That’s the man who ____________________________________________________________
7. A telescope is an instrument that _________________________________________________
8. I know someone whose ________________________________________________________
9. Here is the money that _________________________________________________________
10. Tanya liked the book which _____________________________________________________

Unit 16

An adverb clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It
answers the adverb questions How? Under what condition? or Why? Words that introduce adverb
clauses are called subordinating conjunctions. The many subordinating conjunctions include such
words as when, in order to, after, before, since, although, if, once, as soon as and because.

Example: I finished before the bell rang.

Exercise 1. Underline the adverb clause in each sentence below.

1. We decided to drive home the long way since it was still early.
2. We had a wonderful day because we were so relaxed and happy.
3. Although the clouds remained, it never rained.
4. Before we go on vacation, we have to make reservations.
5. The fireworks show started after the sun went down.
6. The birds flew away from the tree once they saw the car coming.
7. I will call you as soon as I get home.
8. Since we had our jackets, we didn’t get too cold.
9. Clouds began to move in once we arrived at the park.
10. Although the weather was mild a sunny, we took our jackets.
11. Because he had a college degree, he got a great job.
12. I was in the store when the storm started.
13. She passed the course because she worked hard.
14. After the chores are done, we’ll eat ice cream.
15. He ate vegetables in order to stay healthy.

Exercise 2. Add an adverb clause to each independent clause below.

1. We ate breakfast before ________________________________________________________

2. We took the bus to the museum because __________________________________________
3. If ________________________________________________, we are going to visit Aunt Mary.
4. Jay and I carry umbrellas since ___________________________________________________
5. As soon as _________________________________________, we went shopping downtown.

6. Before ________________________________________________, please close the windows.
7. When _______________________________________________________________, call me.
8. I am very sad although ________________________________________________________
9. We had to go to bed after _____________________________________________________
10. Since __________________________________________________, you can’t travel with us.
11. Mon was cooking dinner while _________________________________________________
12. He went to bed early because __________________________________________________
13. He closed the windows when __________________________________________________
14. As soon as _________________________________________, the players ran to the dugout.
15. When _______________________________________________, we visited many museums.

Exercise 3. Write a short description of an sport event.

Unit 17


A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. The subject, the predicate, or both may be

Example: The court /is the oldest building in town.

Gale and Louise/are making costumes and dressing up.

A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. Each independent clause in a
compound sentence can stand alone as a separate sentence. The independent clauses are usually
joined by and, but, so, or, for, or yet and a comma.

Example: Jack brought the chairs, but Mary forgot the extra table.

Sometimes a semicolon (;) is used to join two independent clauses in a compound sentence.

Example: the music started; the dance had begun.

Exercise 1. Write S before each simple sentence, and write CS before each compound sentence.

1. We can wait for James, or we can go on ahead. ______S______

2. The carnival will start today in the empty lot. _______________
3. Jack and Manuel are going to meet us there at six o’clock. ________________
4. I really want to go to the carnival, yet I am not sure about going tonight. ____________
5. I didn’t mean to hurt Carl’s feelings by not going. ________________
6. You wait for the package, and I’ll meet you at the carnival. ______________
7. I can’t skip my homework to go, but maybe I’ll finish it this afternoon. ______________
8. Jan and Alice are both working at the carnival this year. _______________
9. The boys went to the park, but they didn’t have time to go to the zoo. _______________
10. You didn’t finish on time, so you’ll have to come back tomorrow. ________________
11. Fires are dangerous, and they cause a lot of damage. ________________
12. Aristotle lived in the ancient Greece, and he became a great philosopher. _______________
13. Julia won the first prize in the scientific completion. ________________
14. I want a hot dog, but mom says to wait. ________________
15. Both adults and kids love to go to the fair. _________________
16. Herbie bought a stuffed gorilla, and Alma bought a stuffed tiger. _______________

17. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station. _________________
18. He went to bed early, and the next day he felt better. _________________
19. Gilda ran fast, but she couldn’t catch John. ______________________
20. You can take the train, or you can take the bus. _________________

Exercise 2. Write a paragraph that explains how to prepare your favorite food. Use simple and
compound sentences.

Unit 18

A complex sentence contains one independent clause and one or more subordinate clause.

Example: The person who helps me carry these gets some dessert.

Exercise 1. Circle the subordinate clause, and underline the independent clause in each complex
sentence below.

1. Tell us about the trip that you made last year.

2. Do not throw the bat after you have hit the ball.
3. Those who are going will arrive on time.
4. When George was here, he was charmed by the beauty of the hills.
5. Sophia will call for you when she is ready.
6. Some spiders that are found in Sumatra have legs seventeen inches long.
7. They waited for me until the last bus came.
8. When I grow up, I want to be the president of my country, and my mom is very proud of me.
9. After my trip to the beach, school started back, and I was very excited to see my friends.
10. Sarah cried when her cat got sick, but he soon got better.
11. The sun is shining through the clouds, so I think that we can go swimming.
12. We won the game, but our uniform was muddy because it rained the entire game.
13. I will get to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the kitchen after I finish eating.
14. Although Jane had some doubts, he passed the test.
15. The bridge fell down because it wasn’t properly maintained.

Exercise 2. Add a subordinate clause that begins with the word in parentheses to make a complex

1. Turn left (when) _______________________________________________________________

2. The telephone stopped ringing (before) ____________________________________________
3. The electric light is an important invention (that) ____________________________________
4. I put my coffee in the microwave (because) ________________________________________
5. I have to mow the lawn (after) ___________________________________________________

6. I’m not sure (when) ___________________________________________________________
7. I think (that) _________________________________________________________________
8. We went to the soccer game (although) ___________________________________________
9. I ate ten pancakes (because) ____________________________________________________
10. I will give you a call (as soon as) __________________________________________________
11. You can go early (if) ____________________________________________________________
12. The man (who) _____________________________________________________ is my father.

Exercise 3. Write 2 paragraphs about having fun at school.

Unit 19


Two or more independent clauses that are run together without the correct punctuation are called a
run-on sentence.

Example: the music was deafening I turned down the volume.

One way to correct run-on sentence is separate it into two sentences.

Example: The music was deafening. I turned down the volume.

Another way to correct a run-on sentence is to make it into a compound sentence.

Example: the music was deafening, so I turned down the volume.

Another way to correct a run-on sentence is to use a semicolon.

Example: The music was deafening; I turned down the volume.

Exercise 1. Correct each run-on sentence below by writing it as two sentences or as a compound

1. Carmen has joined a camera club she has made photography her hobby.
2. The city council held a meeting it is held every month.
3. The picture is his it is not yours.
4. That sounds like fun I want to go.
5. Greece is a fantastic country it has lovely people and great food.
6. She never walks anywhere she is lazy.

7. I received an A on my Math test I am happy.
8. The show begins at 7:30 make sure you are there at 7:15.
9. The meal is a disaster he’s useless in the kitchen.
10. My cat was upset all day he didn’t get canned food for breakfast.
11. Puppies love to be around people they need a lot of attention.
12. He enjoys walking through the country he often goes backpacking on his vacation.
13. The boy has three sisters and he lives in a large house.
14. I went to the beach it was very hot.
15. Hank loves baseball but he never plays.
16. Please include a picture on your application it is necessary for your registration.
17. Give your mother the keys she needs them to open the door.

18. The books in the class are very old but they are still very useful.
19. I have never been to New York I heard it is very nice.
20. I love to watch soccer I don’t like to play.


Unit 20

Sentences can be expanded by adding details to make them clearer and more interesting.

Example: The audience laughed. The excited audience in the theater laughed loudly.

Details added to sentences may answer these questions: When? Where? How? How often? To what
degree? What kind? Which? How many? Etc.

Exercise 1. Expand each sentence below by adding details to answer the questions shown in
parentheses. Write the expanded sentence on the line.

1. The car stopped. (What kind? Where? Why?)

2. We will go on Saturday. (How? Where? With whom?)
3. The boys played. (What? With whom? For how long? Where?)
4. The kids went on a field trip. (How? With whom? When? )
5. I saw a boy. (What was he doing? Where? Why?)
6. The teacher explained. (What? To whom? When?)
7. We lost the game. (Which? When? Why?)
8. The girl cried. (How? How long? Where? Why?)
9. My mon cooked dinner. (What kind? For whom? /When?)
10. My crazy cay. (What? Where? When? Why?)

Exercise 2. Expand each sentence below by adding details, so they can be richer in terms of
information. Write your expanded sentence on the line.

1. My uncle lives in a big house.

2. The boy ran to the store.
3. A spaceship landed.
4. Peter waited for Helen.
5. The cat was in the garden.
6. My sister bought a cell phone.
7. Nate has a dog.
8. He found his shoes.
9. The wheel came loose.
10. The children ran inside.
11. The plane flew.
12. The twins brothers sang.
13. My family had lunch.
14. Our team won the game.
15. The dog barked.

Exercise 3. Write a paragraph about a typical lunch hour at school.

Exercise 1. Write S before each simple sentence, and write CS before each compound sentence.

1. Jesse and Carroll watched a game show on television. _____S_____

2. Two classmates of mine whispered behind my back. _____________
3. Several members of the team were sick. ______________
4. My brother called his girlfriend, and he invited her over for dinner. ____________
5. Robin or Helen is on the phone. ______________
6. I studied many hours for my Math test, but I didn’t pass it. _____________
7. You wait for the package, and I meet you in the parking lot. ______________
8. The party will start by midnight. ________________
9. Anthony and Alicia are working in the same office. ______________
10. I did well on the test, and Peggy did too. _______________

Exercise 2. Add a subordinate clause that begins with the word in parentheses to make a complex

1. I wonder (when) ______________________________________________________________

2. The party will be great (if) _______________________________________________________
3. The girl (who) ____________________________________________________ received roses.
4. I will never forget the day (that) __________________________________________________
5. Lamar is a good student (because) ________________________________________________
6. I got home (before) ____________________________________________________________
7. I will pick you up (when) ________________________________________________________
8. He wants to eat cake for dessert (although) ________________________________________
9. Kate doesn’t like his classroom (because) __________________________________________
10. My cell phone ran (when) _______________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Rewrite the paragraph below, correcting the run-on sentences.

Patricia didn’t know what to do, she had a terrible problem and she was trying to solve it. No matter
how hard she thought about it no answer seem to come. She decided to take a break and not think
about it for a while. She went to the mall where she always enjoy browsing in the book store she

wasn’t even thinking about the problem, the answer just popped into her head she was so excited
about solving the problem she completely forgot about the book store.


Exercise 4. Read the two sentences below. Then expand each sentence by adding details to make the
sentences clearer and more interesting.

The tree crashed. Every one screamed.


Unit 21

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or quality.

Example: Nancy Ford is my friend.

Exercise 1. Circle the nouns in each sentence.

1. Lupe Garcia has worked here for years and is now a supervisor.
2. My pen is almost out of ink.
3. The airport was closed for five hours due to the storm.
4. California is home to many movie stars.
5. Maria was excited about her new car.
6. Christ bought tomatoes, lettuce, and cherries at the supermarket.
7. His seat is by the window.
8. Chicago is a city on Lake Michigan.
9. Sam did not leave the kitchen until the dishes were clean.
10. On Saturday my neighbor cooked a delicious meal.
11. Carlos spent a week visiting his aunt and uncle in Florida.
12. Dr. Garcia, the mayor, will lead a parade with a marching band.
13. Larry helped grandma clear the dishes from the table.
14. It takes a lot of energy to win a marathon.
15. Anne´s story was made into a movie about love and courage.

Exercise 2. Think about your favorite holiday. Complete the chart below with nouns that explain more
about your favorite holiday.


Exercises 3. Choose a noun from the chart below to complete each sentences.

love street beauty

tooth Dr. Mark friend

oatmeal frame mailbox

fireman experience sadness

lawyer patch fish

1. I caught several ______________________________________________________ in the lake.

2. The baby got a new ___________________________________________________________.
3. The picture on the wall has a beautiful wood _______________________________________.
4. You can gain _____________________ ______________________________by working hard.
5. ________________________________________ is busy at the moment. Can take a message?
6. The ________________________________________ rescued the cat that was stuck in a tree.
7. Steve put sugar on his ___________________________________________ at breakfast time.
8. We play hopscotch on the _____________________________________ in front of our house.
9. I walked to the ______________________________________________ to send some letters.
10. My pants had a hole that my mon covered with a ___________________________________.
11. Jean packed everything for the picnic in a _________________________________________.
12. Puppies express their __________________________________________ by licking your face.
13. I try to rid my life of ___________________________________________________________.
14. Before Nancy signed the contract, she spoke to a ___________________________________.
15. Her _______________________________________________ amazed everyone at the party.

Unit 22


There are two main classes of nouns: common nouns and proper nouns.

A common noun names any one or class of object.

Example: child, tree, home, school

A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. It begins with a capital letter.

Example: Andrew, Jackson, Chicago, Statue of Liberty.

Exercise 1. Underline the common nouns, and circle the proper nouns in each sentence.

1. My family visited Mexico and Canada this year.

2. In the United States, hail causes more damage than tornadoes.
3. Sumatra is a large island in the Indian Ocean.
4. In the story, a prince and a pauper changed clothing.
5. Do you remember the story about Scrooge and Tiny Tin?
6. The lights of our car were reflected in the wet pavement.
7. We learned to make paper from Chinese.
8. Is Tom the doctor at the Clay hills clinic?
9. On April 30, Mike Anderson arrived in our country from Africa.
10. My favorite actor is Christopher Paolinni.
11. The students were debating about the Declaration of Independence.
12. Our teacher, Mr. Smith, assigns a lot of homework over the weekend.
13. Lou and his girlfriend walked across the Golden Bridge on their vacation.
14. Mandy is going to name her puppy Alvin.
15. The Supreme Court has three important cases to rule on next week.

Exercise 2. Write a common noun suggested by each proper noun.

1. Panama _______________________ 6. Africa. _______________________

2. Tuesday _______________________ 7. Beethoven. ___________________
3. Thanksgiving. ___________________ 8. December. ___________________
4. South America. _________________ 9. Ms. Taylor. ___________________

5. Pacific. ________________________ 10. Nueva Esparta. ________________

Exercise 3. Write a proper noun suggested by common noun.

1. continent. ______________________ 6. state. ______________________

2. basketball team. _________________ 7. holiday. ____________________
3. song. __________________________ 8. mountain. __________________
4. school. _________________________ 9. hero. ______________________
5. president. ______________________ 10. day. _______________________

Exercise 4. Write a sentence in which you use a proper noun suggested to you by each phrase.

1. Name of an ocean
2. Name of a foreign country
3. Name of a movie star
4. Name of a singer
5. Name of a store near your home
6. Name of the make of an automobile
7. Name of a teacher in your school
8. Your state of province

Unit 23


The following chart shows how to change singular nouns into plural nouns.


Most nouns Add- s ship, ships nose, noses

Nouns ending in a consonant Change the –y to i and add -es sky, skies navy, navies
and -y

Nouns ending in -o Add –s or -es hero, heroes piano, pianos

Most nouns ending in –f or ef Change the –f or –ef to -ves half, halves knife, knives

Most nouns ending in –ch, -sh, Add -es bench, benches bush, bushes
-s, or -x
tax, taxes

Many two-word or three word Add –s to the principle word son-in-law, sons-in-law
compound nouns

Nouns with the same form in No change sheep

the singular and plural

Nouns that do not add a letter Change the vowel man, men mouse, mice
to the end, but instead change
the word itself Change the word child, children

Add a different ending

Exercise 1. Write the correct plural form for each singular noun.

1. Booklet _______________________ 16. watch _______________________

2. tomato _______________________ 17. elf __________________________
3. truck _________________________ 18. desk ________________________
4. chef __________________________ 19 pan _________________________
5. branch ________________________ 20 sheep _______________________
6. toddler ________________________ 21 garden ______________________
7. penny _________________________ 22 pony ________________________
8. potato _________________________ 23 wife _________________________

9. piece __________________________ 24 tree _________________________
10. door ___________________________ 25 light _________________________
11. island __________________________ 26 church _______________________
12. country ________________________ 27 city _________________________
13. house __________________________ 28 spoonful _____________________
14. garage _________________________ 29 vacation _____________________
15. fish ____________________________ 30 home _______________________

Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with the plural form of the word in parentheses.

1. (brush) These are plastic ____________________________.

2. (lunch) That café on the corner serves well-balanced _________________________.
3. (country) What __________________ belong to the United Nations?
4. (potato) Do you like baked __________________________?
5. (wolf) _______________________ sometimes try to attack people.
6. (fox) Did you see the ______________________ at the zoo?
7. (earring) These ________________________ came from Italy.
8. (piano) There are three _______________________ in the warehouse.
9. (child) The woman living next door has two ___________________________.
10. (tooth/knife) A wolf’s ________________________ are as sharp as _____________________.
11. (daisy) We brought grandma a bunch of _____________________________.
12. (dear/leaf) _______________________ eat the _______________________ of the plants.
13. (shelf) The _______________________ in the store on the corner are empty.
14. (mouse) This morning I saw three _______________________ running around your bedroom.
15. (bus) There weren’t any _______________________ this morning; I had to walk to school.
16. (foot) After walking for two hours, my ______________________ hurt.
17. (ox/calf) The _____________________ on the farm have had ______________________.
18. (man/wife) I know a ______________________ who has three _____________________.
19. (company) Her father owns several oil __________________________.
20. (loaf/fruit/peach/orange/tomato) Every day I buy two small _________________ of bread,
and some ___________________, usually twelve __________________, ten
___________________, and eight ____________________.

Exercise 3. Write a short story for a class magazine. Underline once the common nouns and twice the
proper nouns in your story.

Unit 24

A possessive noun shows possession of a noun that follows. Form the possessive of most singular
nouns by adding an apostrophe (‘) and –s.

Example: a child’s toy my teacher’s classroom

Form the possessive of plural nouns ending in –s by adding only an apostrophe.

Example: our books’ pages those stores’ windows

Form the possessive of plural nouns that do not end in –s by adding an apostrophe and –s.

Example: some women’s clothes many men’s shoes

Exercise 1. Write the possessive form of each noun below.

1. Brother ___Brother´s____________ 10. Man __________________________

2. Boy __________________________ 11. Dr. Kahn _______________________
3. Carol _________________________ 12. Soldier ________________________
4. Children ______________________ 13. pony __________________________
5. Grandmother __________________ 14. friend __________________________
6. Men _________________________ 15. Child. __________________________
7. Heroes _______________________ 16. Engineers. ______________________
8. Women ______________________ 17. Birds. __________________________
9. Ox ___________________________ 18. John. ___________________________

Exercise 2. Write phrases that show ownership.

1. (aroma) (flowers)
2. (hats) (women)
3. (paws) (lions)

4. (toys) (children)
5. (city) (teams)
6. (cell phone) (Ronny)
7. (colors) (Rainbow)
8. (wedding) (James)
9. (salary) (day)
10. (father-in-law) (car)

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with the possessive form of the word in parentheses.

1. (elephants) There were seats on the ___elephant´s____ backs.

2. (Joan) _____________________________ paintings sell well.
3. (Brazil) What’s the name of __________________________ largest river?
4. (brothers) Please get your _____________________________ shirts from the dryer.
5. (Mr. Tanaka) __________________________ store was damaged by the flood.
6. (little brother) My _________________________ stories always make me laugh.
7. (magazine) This __________________________ illustrations are amazing.
8. (clown) The _____________________________ red nose look like a cherry.
9. (sister) Please don’t eat all your________________________ popcorn.
10. (world) We visited the _____________________ tallest building last week.

Exercise 4. Write ten sentences using possessive form of the nouns in exercise 1.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________________

Unit 25

An appositive is a noun that identifies or explains the noun or pronoun it follows.

Example: My dog, Fido, won a medal.

An appositive phrase consists of an appositive and its modifiers.

Example: My book, a novel about the Civil War, is one of the best I have ever read.

Use commas to set off an appositive or an appositive phrase that is not essential to the meaning of
the sentence.

Example: John Gray, my uncle, owns that home.

Don’t use commas if the appositive is essential to the meaning of the sentence.

Example: my brother Kevin arrived late. My other brother Charlie arrived late too.

Exercise 1. Underline the appositive or appositive phrase, and circle the noun that it modifies.

1. Banff, the largest Canadian national park, is my favorite place to visit.

2. Paula’s friend from Florida, Anne, was with us at the party last night.
3. Judge Anderson, the presiding judge, sentenced the criminal to prison.
4. Joe and his friend Bill plan to ride their bikes together.
5. My favorite actor, William Paine, appears in that movie.
6. I really like my grandfather’s horse Chester.
7. Rio de Janeiro, a city in Brazil, is famous for its Carnival celebration.
8. My sister Marcy wants to be a lawyer.
9. Rome, a popular city with tourists, is full of history.
10. Meg’s dream car, a cherry red Ferrari, is way out of his budget.
11. Alice, my neighbor, has seven cats and three dogs.
12. My sister, who is a supervisor at a construction company, lives downtown.
13. Jack took the bus to the library, the one nearest to his house.
14. The fireman bravely carried the baby from the fire, a hero to the bystander.
15. David Lewis, a student in my school, won the writing contest this year.

Exercise 2. Match each noun with the appositive phrase that best describes it. Write the
corresponding letter on the line.

1. __________ multiplication a. fluffy

2. __________ Franklyn Roosevelt b. a girl in fifth grade
3. __________ “Treasure Island” c. one of the fourth math operation
4. __________ his favorite food d. a North American range
5. __________ The fourth of July e. spaghetti with meatballs
6. __________ Alicia f. Mrs. Anderson
7. __________ the next door neighbor g. Albert and Susie
8. __________ her former teacher h. a book by Robert Luis Stevenson
9. __________ our pet rabbit i. a patriotic holiday
10. __________ The Rocky Mountains k. the 32nd U.S. president.

Exercise 3. Use the match above to write a sentence that includes an appositive or an appositive

1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given nouns for the following exercise. Use
each noun only once.

job experience information hair

progress furniture permission work

1. I don’t have much luggage . Only two bags.

2. They are going to tell you all you want to know. They are going to give a lot of
3. There is room for everyone to sit down. There are a lot _______________________.
4. We have no _______________________, not even a bed or a table.
5. “What does Alex look like?” He has a long beard and a very short ___________________.
6. Carla’s English is very bad. She must make _________________________.
7. George is unemployed. He is looking for a _________________________.
8. I don’t think Angela will get the job. She doesn’t have enough _____________________.
9. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for _______________________.
10. Shakespeare’s ________________________ are wonderful.

Exercise 2.write a proper noun for each common noun.


girl Maria












Exercise 3. Insert the correct plural in each space bellow.

1. one knife several __knives________ 11. one louse many ________________

2. one half three ________________ 12. one tooth several _______________
3. one donkey many ________________ 13. one person five _________________
4. one quiz a pair of ______________ 14. one insect some ________________
5. one city a lot of _______________ 15. one cherry a box of ______________
6. one deer two _________________ 16. one beach many ________________
7. one goose five __________________ 17. one domino two __________________
8. one sheep a flock of ______________ 18. one fly a pair of ______________
9. one church several _______________ 19. one live two _________________
10. one zero three _________________ 20. one scratch several ______________

Exercise 4. Write the possessive forms of these nouns.

1. Cooks _____Cooks´________________ 11. Children ___________________________

2. Sheep __________________________ 12. Firemen ___________________________
3. Teachers ________________________ 13. Cat _______________________________
4. Firemen _________________________ 14. Company __________________________
5. Ladies __________________________ 15. Donkey ____________________________
6. Princesses _______________________ 16. Cows ______________________________
7. Country _________________________ 17. Captain ____________________________
8. Parents__________________________ 18. Waitress ___________________________
9. Policewoman_____________________ 19. Shirley _____________________________
10. Kittens__________________________ 20. Nurse. _____________________________

Exercise 5. Insert the apostrophe where required in the sentence below.

1. Henry´s parents paid for his education.

2. The cyclist leg was broken in the accident.
3. The teacher says that the girls work were better than the boys.
4. The baby face was wet with tears.
5. The orphans home is a beautiful building.
6. The teachers meeting is after lunch.
7. This drawing is a student work.
8. Men ties are on sale in that store.
9. Two cats were pilling the dog tail.
10. We stayed three days on our cousin farm.
11. The monkey tail was 90 centimeters long.
12. I didn’t see the policewoman signal.

Exercise 6. Write six sentences that include an appositive or an appositive phrase.

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________

Unit 26


A verb is a word that expresses an action, being, state of being.

Example: Paul went to the store.

An action verb is a verb that expresses an action.

Example: The track star ran fast.

An object is a part of the sentence, and often part of the predicate. It is what the verb is being done.

Example: The Harlem Globe Trotters play basketball throughout the world.

A direct object answers the questions “What?” “Whom”

Example: Mario’s soccer team won yesterday’s game.

An indirect object answers the questions “To whom?” “For whom?” “For what?”

Exercise 1. Underline the action verb in each sentence.

1. Write your name on the board.

2. It snows almost every day in February.
3. A sentence expresses a complete thought.
4. They moved the car from the street.
5. Thomas Edison often worked eighteen hours a day.
6. Who helped you with the science project?
7. The main bridge collapsed with the flood.
8. Draw a line under each verb.
9. Everyone enjoys a good laugh.
10. Dan made a delicious sandwich.
11. The girl answers all the questions.
12. This long, narrow trail leads to the mountain top.
13. The musicians practiced for the concert.
14. The team played softball in the afternoon.
15. The principal will give a speech about new projects.

Exercise 2. Draw a line under the action verb in each sentence. If the action verb has a direct object,
circle the direct object.

1. Andrea patted the dog on its head.

2. Albert and Ulysses ran ten laps during their physical education class.
3. Ben and Jerry sold many tickets for the concert.
4. Carlos accidentally kicked Megan in the chin during the game.
5. I drove Sally to the store yesterday morning.
6. Dad is going to build a doll house for my sister.
7. Children prefer to read short stories.
8. Grandpa has bought a brand new BMW sport car.
9. Please describe the person who took Bill’s bike.
10. My neighbor’s daughter broke my son´s favorite toy.
11. We climbed the mountain and flew our kites.
12. Joan is cooking a delicious dinner for the whole family.
13. Julie invited me to her brother´s birthday party next weekend.
14. In the story, Maya met Alice at the airport.
15. Watch out! That rock is going to hit the road.

Exercise 3. Circle the action verb. Underline once the direct object and twice the indirect object in
each of the sentence.

1. Who is going to rake the leaves in the garden?

2. Did you give Simon a present on his birthday?
3. Jack’s sister made a pitcher of lemonade for the team.
4. He backed the car into the parking lot.
5. Sally, I brought you this wonderful book about animals.
6. Have you shown Clark your project?
7. An electrician installed a burglar alarm in my house.
8. Max have asked Sally a question about the test.
9. TV audience loves reality shows.
10. Mrs. Ramirez served us a big dinner last night.
11. Please hand me the remote control that is on the table.
12. Mon is angry because I told her a lie.

13. The teacher gave the students their test paper.
14. Where are you going to meet Karl tonight?
15. Jimmy was furious because Mandy told Jessy his secret.

Unit 27

A linking verb does not show an action. It links the subject to the word that either describes the
subject or gives the subject another name.

A verb is a linking verb if it can replace one of the verbs of being (am, is, are, was, were)

Examples: We were cold. Nancy is a dancer.

John looked tired. The soup tastes delicious.

Exercise 1. Underline the linking verb in each sentence.

1. The audience seems pleased when the concert was over.

2. These flowers smell fresh where did you get them?
3. Carla feels ready to start learning English.
4. The pizza smelled wonderful as we walked past the restaurant.
5. The test proved that Jessica is really smart.
6. Mandy thought that the movie was very good.
7. Michael was depressed for a week after he lost the big race.
8. Last night seemed extra hard after we hadn’t had any for two weeks.
9. Johnny is a soccer player, but he hasn’t scored any goal this season.
10. Marci looked extra pale after she read an e-mail from her father.
11. The woman walking down the hall in a green dress is our principal.
12. Joe was so scared after his bad dream that he didn’t sleep for the rest of the night.
13. Flowers are expensive everywhere.
14. Carla appeared nervous before the test.
15. After a shower and a nap. The old man felt refreshed.

Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with a linking verb from the chart. You may use any verb more
than once.

am appeared are became is seemed was

were like feeling sounds looks remained tasted

1. What if he is lost?

2. “I ___________________________ brave; I am not a coward.”
3. Tony __________________________ frightened.
4. He ___________________________alone in the cabin for the first time.
5. Because of the storm, the lights _________________________ out for a long time.
6. Even the shadows ________________________ strange.
7. In the dark forest, everything _______________________ threatening.
8. “Where ___________________________ Aaron?” he wondered.
9. “This ___________________________ stupid,” he thought to himself.
10. There ____________________________bears in the woods.
11. The bar’s decoration ________________________ very nice.
12. You _________________________ like your father.
13. The rock song ___________________________ nice!
14. The exhibition ___________________________ interesting.
15. The train ____________________________ suddenly.
16. Are you ____________________________ tired?

Exercise 3. Use the topic below, and write two paragraphs. Underline the linking verb in your writing.

My last holiday.

Unit 28


There are two kinds of action verbs: transitive and intransitive.

A transitive verb has a direct object.

Example: Jeffrey and his friends painted the house.

An intransitive verb does not need an object to complete its meaning.

Example: The sun rises in the east. She walks quickly.

Exercise 1. Underline the verb in each sentence. Then write T for transitive or I for intransitive.

1. Kristina joined the health club in March. ______T________

2. Antonio was the best swimmer in our county. ___________
3. My sister Nancy is taking an aerobics class. ____________
4. We became friends at school three years ago. ____________
5. Occasionally, we go swimming in the pool in the morning. __________
6. Norman usually exercises every day after work. ___________
7. Leave me a massage and I’ll call you back later. ____________
8. Everyone wished her the best for the future. ___________
9. At the party, they talked for hours. ___________
10. Can I get you a drink? ___________
11. Ben’s mistake cost him his job. __________
12. Peter always sings in the bath. __________
13. Open the window; it’s too hot here. ___________
14. The sun usually sets at 6:45 during the summer. __________
15. What time does the game start? ___________
16. We had a lot of fun at Angel’s party last weekend. __________
17. When the rain stopped, we went for a walk. ___________
18. Have you washed your hands? Food is on the table. ___________
19. Close your eyes; I have a surprise for you. __________
20. I just got up, washed, dressed, and went out.__________

Exercise 2. Write two paragraphs about the topic given below. Underline the transitive verbs once
and the intransitive ones twice.

An interesting weekend.

Unit 29


A verb has four principal parts: present, present participle, past, past participle.

For regular verbs, form the present participle by adding –ing to the present. Use a form of the helping
verb be with the present participle.

Form the past and past participle by adding –ed to the present. Use a form of the helping verb have
with the past participle.

Irregular verbs form the past and the past participle in other ways. A dictionary shows the principal
parts of these verbs.



laugh (is/are) laughing laughed (have, has, had)


bake (is/are) baking baked (have, has, had)


live (is/are) living lived (have, has, had) lived

Exercise 1. Write the present participle, past, and past participle for each verb.


dance (s)


arrive (s)

clean (s)


receive (s)

score (s)

collect (s)

start (s)

practice (s)

Damage (s)

cook (s)

talk (s)

change (s)

ask (s)

describe (s)

die (s)

celebrate (s)

exercise (s)

Exercise 2. Draw a line under the main verb in each sentence.

1. We are learning English.

2. I have written my grandma several poems.
3. My best friend was waiting for me at the movie.
4. Her car has broken down twice.
5. Is your cell phone ringing?
6. Cody came back home late last night.
7. The students were listening to the teacher.
8. She has changed her car twice this year.
9. We never laugh at Willy’s jokes.
10. I borrowed $ 3 dollars from my brother this morning.
11. They had finished by midnight.
12. Bob is helping me with my homework.
13. Nancy and I have studied a lot for our Math test.
14. Who was helping Jane with the housework today?
15. I received a call from my cousin this morning.

Exercise 3. Write a short paragraph about a trip you have taken. Use at least one present participle
and one past participle.

Unit 30

Verbs that do not form their past and past participle by adding –ed are called irregular verbs.

With some irregular verbs, one vowel changes in the past and past participle.



begin began begun

drink drank drunk

sing sang sung

With other irregular verbs, the past form and the past participle are the same.


bring brought brought

buy bought bought

feel felt felt

With some irregular verbs, the past form ends in –ew, and the past participle in –wn.


blow blew blown

draw drew drawn

grow grew grown

With other irregular verbs, the base form, the past, and the past participle are the same.


hit hit hit

put put put

let let let

With others, the past and past participle do not follow any pattern.


go went gone

do did done

be was, were been

With some irregular verbs, the base form and the past participle are the same.


run ran run

come came come

become became become

With other irregular verbs, the past participle ends in –en.


speak spoke spoken

eat ate eaten

write wrote written

Exercise 1. Complete the following chart.




























Exercise 1. Circle the action verb or verbs in each sentence below.

1. I had to fix my bike before I rode it.

2. The band performed very well at the school concert.
3. Make sure to return the book before you go home.
4. My sister didn’t turn her last project on time.
5. The soccer team dashed out of the locker.
6. The boys are listening to some music in the back yard.
7. Olga is always the first to replay my invitation request.
8. I have to read a chapter of this book each night.

Exercise 2. Circle the linking verb or verbs in each sentence below

1. Alba felt sick after she ate a big dish of pasta.

2. If it rains, we will have to stay at home.
3. Who made this soup? It tastes salty
4. Cigarettes are bad for your health.
5. You may become a champion if you practice hard every day.
6. That movie looks good. I’m going to watch it.
7. My little brother grows taller every day.
8. The leftover food from the picnic smells rotten.

Exercise 3. Write T in the blank if the highlighted verb or verbs in each sentence are transitive. Write I
if the verb or verbs are intransitive.

1. It was raining by the time I got home last night. _____I_______

2. My father never drinks coffee. _________________________
3. Janes is going to give her first speech as the leader of the students. ________________
4. Someone rang the doorbell, and then ran away. _______________
5. This tea is very hot. I can’t drink it. ________________
6. The whole class went to the soccer field with the teacher. _______________
7. The sky is overcast. I think it’s going to rain. ____________________

8. Mon makes great a great cake. You have to try it. ________________

Exercise 4. Write in the blank the past form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Tom was the first to eat the peaches that we picked. (be)
2. My mother ______________________ spend the night at Sandra’s house. (let)
3. The telephone ___________________________ while I was in the shower. (ring)
4. Who _______________________________ the most photographs on the trip. (take)
5. The last person we ____________________ in the park was Jason. (see)
6. We never _____________________________ to see the new mayor speak.
7. Our summer vacation ____________________ in a Caribbean beach. (begin)
8. We _____________________ to stay there for two weeks. (choose)

Exercise 5. Write in the blank the past participle of the verb in parentheses.

1. Jenny had broken her leg the summer we visited her. (break)
2. With the snow melting, mud has _________________ a problem. (become)
3. Three inches of rain have ________________ (fall)
4. We have ________________________ through two states today. (drive)
5. Maria has __________________________ more work than anybody else. (do)
6. Bob is very happy because he has__________________ a job. (find)
7. When Sue arrived, we had __________________________ dinner (have)
8. I have never _____________________________________ there before (be)

Unit 31


Verbs in the progressive form describe action that are continues. We use the present progressive to
talk about something that is in progress at or around the moment of speaking. The present
progressive form consists of a helping verb (am, is, are) plus the present participle of the main verb.

Examples: Don’t forget your umbrella when you go out. It is raining.

The students are sitting at their desk now.

The present progressive is also used for temporary situations.

Example: I am sleeping on a sofa these days because my bed is broken.

The past progressive form of the verb describes an action that was continuing at an early time. The
past progressive form consists of a helping verb (was or were) plus the present participle of the main

Example: I saw you last night. You were waiting for the bus.

When I was taking a shower the telephone rang.

Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with the progressive form of the verb in parentheses. Change present
tense verbs to the present progressive form and past tense verbs to the past progressive form.

1. The entire class was working on the project. (worked)

2. Look! There’s Juan. He ___________________________ to Luisa. (talk)
3. The radio is on, and we ___________________________ to the traffic report. (listen)
4. I __________________________ near the bus-stop when the accident happened. (stood)
5. Some people __________________________ the tennis court when we arrived. (used)
6. Bob can’t come to the phone because he __________________________ a shower. (take)
7. Spanish is my native language, but right now I _________________________ English. (speak)
8. When the phone ____________________________, I turned down the radio. (rang)
9. My neighbors ______________________________ to Brazil next month. (move)
10. Mr. Ling ___________________________ to invite his friends at the office to his birthday
party. (planned)
11. Everyone ___________________________ the teacher decorate the room for tomorrow’s
presentation. (help)

12. I _________________________ along King Street when I ran into Tom. (walked)
13. At the party, Bill and Gina ___________________________ jeans and dark sweater. (wore)
14. Today, the rain ____________________________ down the traffic. (slow)
15. My two sisters __________________________ veterinary medicine at the university. (study)
16. When the ambulance arrived, the boy ___________________________ (bleed)
17. We ________________________ our favorite TV program when the light went out. (watched)
18. The sunset is beautiful. I____________________________ at it. (look)
19. Beth didn’t study. Now she ____________________________Math. (fail)
20. My best friend ______________________________ in Paris at the moment. (live)

Exercise 2. Complete these statements with information about yourself. Use the present progressive
or the simple present.

1. At the moment _____________________________________________________________

2. I always ___________________________________________________________________
3. I sometimes ______________________________________ , but now

Exercise 3. Complete these statements about yourself. Use the past progressive or the simple past.

1. Yesterday afternoon I _________________________________________________________

2. When the bell ran at 1:45 ______________________________________________________
3. I sometimes _____________________________________________ when I was on vacation.

Unit 32


The perfect tenses express action that happened before another time or event.

The present perfect tense tells about something that happened at an indefinite time in the past. The
present perfect tense consists of a helping verb has or have plus the past participle of the main verb.

Examples: I have cut my finger with a piece of glass. She has lost her job.

The past perfect tense tells about something that happened before something else in the past. The
past perfect tense consists of a helping verb had plus the past participle of the main verb.

Example: I had eaten before she arrived.

Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with have, has, had to form the verbs tense indicated.

1. (present perfect) The pitcher has left the mound.

2. (past perfect) Lou ___________________ completed high school by June.
3. (past perfect) The teacher __________________ waited for an hour by the time I arrived.
4. (present perfect) The kids ___________________ cooked for a week.
5. (present perfect) She _____________________ wanted to go swimming all summer.
6. (past perfect) Before breakfast, I ___________________ worked for an hour.
7. (present perfect) Martha __________________ only used the new computer twice.
8. (present perfect) Stella __________________ lost a champion for three years.
9. (past perfect) The _________________ cleaned the kitchen when I got home.
10. (present perfect) My best friend ___________________ lived in Spain for two years.
11. (past perfect) He ___________________ smiled before he left.
12. (present perfect) Our home team ____________________ won the championship twice.
13. (past perfect) Before Line went home, I ___________________ talked to her.
14. (present perfect) I ____________________ dreamed about becoming a rock star.
15. (past perfect) They __________________ named the baby Carlos before he was born.
16. (present perfect) Her English ____________ improved since she began practicing every day.
17. (past perfect) She ________________ never worked in an office until she found this job.
18. (present perfect) John and Peggy ___________ read the book. Now they can watch the film.
19. (past perfect) She told me she _____________ studied a lot for the exam.
20. (past perfect) She was late for the plane because she _________ forgotten her passport.

Unit 33

A subject pronoun is used in the subject of a sentence and after linking verbs.

Examples: We are going to the tournament. The woman in the suit is she.

An object pronoun is used after an action verb or a preposition.

Example: Jane threw the ball to me.

A possessive pronoun is used to show ownership of something.

Examples: The red shoes are mine. Those are my red shoes.

An indefinite pronoun does not refer to a specific person or thing.

Example: Someone should take that history class.

Use who as a subject pronoun, and whom as an object pronoun.

Examples: Who is going to the party? We will ask whom to go with us?

Exercise 1. Underline each correct pronoun.

1. Ricky spoke to Jennifer and (I, me) about it.

2. Susan and (he, him) were late today, and (they, them) were late yesterday too.
3. He told Steven and (she, her) about the problem.
4. The red car is (our, ours). (You, Yours) is blue.
5. (She, her) is from the United States, but (she, her) sister is from London.
6. He said that it was (they, them) who came to our house.
7. Can you predict (who, whom) will win the election?
8. Rose and (I, me) are going to work until seven o’clock.
9. He has cut (he, his) finger on a piece of glass.
10. (Everyone, we) will carry his or her own bundle.
11. The hotel has (it, its) own swimming pool. (It, its) is on the top floor.
12. Here comes (my, me) brother Pedro. (He, his) is two years older than me.
13. My grandparents live in New York. (They, Them) often come to see (we, us)
14. This sweater is (hers, she). (Mine, My) is in my closet.

15. Beth and (she, her) always sit together.

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct pronoun in each sentence below.

1. Between you and me , Bob crashed dad’s car last night.

2. In the end, Mike, Alicia and __________ put up the tent.
3. Aunt Maria said that she saw ___________ standing at the corner.
4. That apple on the table is __________ or ___________?
5. ___________________ forgot to turn off the light-
6. ____________ ate my sandwich!
7. ___________ cat is always licking __________ paws.
8. The movie was excellent. We really like _______________
9. The children thanked ___________ parents for bringing _________ to the movies.
10. The teacher wants to talk to ___________ about the homework.
11. _______________ called __________ this morning.
12. Bill’s house is bigger than ______________.
13. Tom sold ______________ bicycle because _________ was too old.
14. I heard Tom was cut from the team just because the new coach doesn’t like ________
15. _______ children made __________ beds without __________ help.

Exercise 3. Write about your last visit to the mall or any other place in your community. Underline the

Unit 34

An antecedents is the Word to which a pronoun refers.

Example: Dogs are dangerous if they bite.

A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in gender, (masculine, feminine, or neuter) and in number
(singular or plural).

Examples: Sally washed her hair. The storm change its course. The workers went to their

If the antecedent is an indefinite pronoun (one that doesn’t refer to a specific person or thing), it is
correct to use both masculine and feminine pronoun.

Examples: Someone lost his globes. Someone lost his or her job gloves.

Exercise 1. Underline each pronoun. Circle its antecedent.

1. Carmen was doing poorly in her Math class.

2. The biology test is coming, and it promised to be difficult.
3. Do you know if Mike invited Beck to his birthday party?
4. Each student finished his or her test and put it on the teacher’s desk.
5. The girl in the brown dress is my sister.
6. The candidate delivered his speech to the crowd.
7. If my girlfriend calls, tell her that I will not be home until this evening.
8. Mon and I went to the mall. We shopped for two hours.
9. I can’t play tennis because I have forgotten my tennis shoes.
10. Margaret is at home. She is taking care of her brother. He has broken his legs.
11. Jill and Carla have forgotten their tennis rackets, and Antonio has forgotten his.
12. While I was in New York I stayed at my nephew’s house.
13. Sharon shot the ball. She enjoyed seeing it go through the net.
14. My brother bought a computer. He does research on it every day.
15. The cake was very tasty. It had a lot of frosting.

Exercise 2. Circle the pronoun in parentheses that agrees with the antecedent.

1. Maggie found (his, her) book in the closet.

2. The team holds (its, their) practice every day.
3. The instructor will correct the tests and hand (them, they) back tomorrow.
4. Karl waxed (him, his) car.
5. The building was closed because (its, their) windows were damaged in the store.
6. The guests piled (their, them) coats on the table.
7. Someone in the class left behind (his, its) pencil.
8. I live with my parents. (They, Them) are very old and need help.
9. My new neighbors are friendly. I like (them, they).
10. My name is Greg Wilcox. What about (you, yours)?
11. I’m busy now. Could you please call (I, me) back this afternoon?
12. The flowers opened (its, their) petals in the sunshine.
13. Mack had my computer because (his, him) was damaged.
14. They showed us all of (they, their) holiday photographs last night.
15. I saw your sister’ painting yesterday. (She, It) was very good.

Exercise 3. Write a paragraph about a person you know. Underline the pronouns and circle their

Unit 35

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

Example: He likes chocolate cookies.

Adjectives usually tell what kind, which one, or how many.

Example: bright penny, these oranges, twelve classmates

A proper adjective is an adjective that is formed by a proper noun. It always begins with a capital

Examples. Asian continent, English language.

Exercise 1. Write three adjectives to describe each noun.









Exercise 2. Underline each adjective.

1. Benny is an adorable baby.

2. The old chair is comfortable.
3. I met many homeless people in New York.
4. The heavy traffic created many difficult situation.
5. She served Chinese food for dinner.
6. The gorgeous model wore Italian leather.

7. The solitary guard walked along the lonely beach.
8. Dan made French toast for breakfast.
9. Ted’s father is always pleasant and generous.
10. That tall, young, nice girl is a movie star.
11. It always smells gross in the boys’ locker room.
12. My gilrfriend has round, big brown eyes.
13. An English famous architec built that church.
14. There is a large lovely garden behind my house.
15. Harry’s dog is small and good-tempered.

Exercise 3. Describe your house. Give as many details as possible. Underline the adjectives.


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses in the present progressive.

1. “Where are Mark and Tina?” They are waiting outside. (wait)
2. “_________ Sally _____________ a shower?” (take) “No, she _______________ her hair”.
3. You _____________________________ (not, watch) TV at the moment. Why don’t you
switch it off?
4. “______________ you ______________ yourself?” (enjoy) Yes, I ____________________ a
great time. (have)
5. “What ___________ Maria _______________ these days?” (do) “She ___________________
in English at a school in London. (study)
6. Ben and Sandra are in London on vacation. They ________________________ in a small hotel
near Hyde Park. (stay)
7. Prices ___________________ all the time. (rise) Everything __________________ more and
more expensive. (get)

Exercise 2. Put the verb in parentheses into the right form: the past progressive or the past simple.

1. What were you doing (do) when the phone rang ? (ring)
I _______________________ television. (watch)
2. Was Jane busy when you went to see her? Yes, she _________________________ . (study)
3. What time _________ the mail ________________ this morning? (arrive) It _____________
(come) while I ____________________ breakfast. (have)
4. How fast ________ you _____________ (drive) when the police__________________ you?
(stop) I don’t know exactly but I ______________________________ (not, drive) too fast.
5. How __________ you ________________ the window? (break) We ___________________
(play) baseball, I _______________ the ball, (throw) and it _____________ the window. (hit)
6. _________ you ____________ Beth last night? (see) Yes, she _________________________
(wear) a very nice jacket.
7. What __________ Mr. Cole _______________ at 9:30 this morning? (do) He_____________
with Ms. Jacobs. (Be)

Exercise 3. Write sentences using the following pronouns.

1. Theirs. ______________________________________________________________________
2. Anyone _____________________________________________________________________
3. Them _______________________________________________________________________
4. You and I ____________________________________________________________________
5. You and me __________________________________________________________________
6. His _________________________________________________________________________
7. Ours ________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4. Underline the pronoun in parentheses that agrees with the antecedent. Circle the

1. Bill and Sarah brought the posters to (them, their) campaign office.
2. Allan and Meg tutored Mark because (he, they) had missed the review.
3. The volunteers accepted donations and gave (it, them) to the charity.
4. My sister collected baskets on (her, their) trip to Mexico.
5. The office workers had to leave (their, its) building when a fire started.

Example 5. Underline each adjective in the sentences below.

1. My grandpa still drives an old Italian car.

2. Mon gave us a piece of a delicious chocolate cake.
3. What an interesting book!
4. My parents live in a nice new house.
5. I love your brown leather purse.
6. They didn’t go out because of the heavy rain.
7. The good-looking girl standing at the door is my brother’s girlfriend.

Exercise 6. Write three adjective to describe each noun.






Unit 36

An adjective has three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative.

The simple form of the adjective is called the positive degree.

Example: Michael is short.

When two people or things are being compared, the comparative degree is used.

Example: Michael is shorter than Lee.

When three or more people or things are being compared, the superlative degree is used.

Example: Ian is the shortest person in the group.

For all adjectives of one syllable and a few adjectives of two syllables, add –er to form the
comparative degree, and –est to form the superlative degree.

Example: long – longer – longest slow – slower – slowest

For some adjectives of two syllables and all the adjectives of three or more syllable, use more or less
to form the comparative and most or least to form the superlative.

Examples: This test is more difficult than I expected.

Cindy is the most generous of all.

Linda is less talkative than Tom.

Sandra is the least talkative of all.

Exercise 1. Write the missing adjectives, comparative or superlative word in the chart below. Be
careful with your spelling.


quiet more quiet Most quiet




















Exercise 2. Write in the blank the correct form of the adjective in parentheses.

1. Is the seventh problem more difficult than the eight? (difficult)

2. My sister thinks that New York is the ___________________________ city in the world.
3. Show me the _______________________________ apples in the store. (fresh)
4. The park by the ocean is the ________________________ place I have ever been. (beautiful)
5. Joseph arrived __________________________ than Paul. (late)
6. Which is the _____________________________ river, the Mississippi or the Amazon? (long)
7. I think the rose is the ____________________________ flower of all. (lovely)
8. Jimmy is the _______________________________ person in the office. (busy)
9. We have found the _______________________________ spot in the park. (quiet)
10. Bananas were the _______________________________ fruit in the store. (cheap)
11. Gasoline is ________________________________ than water. (explosive)

12. This song is far ____________________________ than the one they just played. (slow)
13. Mount Everest is the ______________________________ mountain in the world (high)
14. I am not interested in Art. I am ____________________________ in history. (interested)
15. People today aren’t very polite. In the past, they were _________________________. (polite)

Exercise 3. Write five sentences about your favorite story. Use adjectives to compare it with others
you have read or watch.

Unit 37


The comparative and the superlative form of some adjectives are not formed in the regular way.
Never add more or most before these adjectives.


good better best

bad worse worst

much, many more most

little (amount) less least

Exercise 1. Write in the blank the correct form of the adjective in parentheses.

1. Nancy works less hours than Mario. (little)

2. Their team has _____________________________ players than ours. (bad)
3. Alba is a _______________________________ worker than Gina (good)
4. These flowers have the _____________________________ smell in the world. (good)
5. There are ________________________________ people in this city than the capital. (much)
6. After your car was painted, it looked _______________________________ than ever. (good)
7. We waited a _______________________________ while and then went home. (little)
8. Today’s weather was _________________________________ than yesterday’s. (bad)
9. Tom likes the ____________________________________ movies he sees. (much)
10. I am ______________________________________ at English than Math. (good)
11. Our school has the ____________________________ number of students in this city. (little)
12. That’s the ________________________________ movie I have ever seen. (bad)
13. This winter, we will have _______________________________ snow than usual. (little)
14. Computer cost far _________________________________ money than a TV. (much)
15. Tom has ________________________________ money in his pocket than he thought. (little)
16. All the oranges in that bag were the _______________________________. (bad)
17. Nelson always does the ______________________________ amount of work possible. (little)
18. There is _________________________________ corn than spinach in the refrigerator. (little)
19. We have ___________________________________ interest in moving out of the city. (little)

20. Are you crazy? That’s the __________________________ idea I have ever heard about. (bad)

Exercise 2. Write a short paragraph that describes your neighborhood or a favorite place. Include
comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives good, bad, much, and little.

Unit 38

An adverb is a Word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

Examples: The rain poured steadily. His memories were extremely vivid.

She responded very quickly.

An adverb usually tells how, when, where, or how often. Many adverbs end in –ly.

Exercise 1. Underline each adverb.

1. The person read slowly but clearly and expressively.

2. Dad’s old car was running noisily.
3. The young man stopped suddenly and quickly turned around.
4. Nancy was waiting impatiently for you at the corner.
5. She usually cooks breakfast and dinner for her family.
6. I looked everywhere for my pen, but I could not find it.
7. She explained the rules very carefully.
8. My cousin Janice plays piano very well.
9. The two boys passed the Math test easily.
10. They played happily in the park for three hours.
11. Why do you always make the same mistake?
12. Tim ran downstairs and opened the door.
13. Ms. Adams always answers politely to my questions.
14. It was so cold that we had to dress warmly.
15. The singing birds sweetly greeted the morning.
16. They cheered loudly and excitedly during the whole game.
17. Nancy is clearly the best runner in our track team.
18. My dad carefully fixed the broken vase.
19. Let’s go to the beach afterwards.
20. Steve was very sleepy this morning.

Exercise 2. Write and adverb that could modify each verb. Then, write a sentence that includes the
adverb and the verb.

1. Read _______carefully____________________
2. Move __________________________________
3. Walk ___________________________________
4. Eat ___________________________________
5. Sing ___________________________________
6. Speak __________________________________
7. Run ___________________________________
8. Look __________________________________
9. Write __________________________________
10. Study __________________________________
11. Drive __________________________________
12. Cook __________________________________
13. Play soccer _____________________________
14. Teach _________________________________
15. Swim __________________________________

Eexerci 3. Draw a sign for the high school building that uses adverbs.

Unit 39


An adverb has three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative.

The simple form of an adverb is called the positive degree.

Example: Meg ran fast in the race.

When two actions are being compared, the comparative degree is used.

Example: Amy ran faster than Meg.

When three or more actions are being compared, the superlative degree is used.

Example: John ran the fastest of all.

Use –er to form comparative degree and use –est to form the superlative degree of one-syllable

Use more or most with longer adverbs and with adverbs that end in –ly.

Example: Kathy ran more energetically than Bob

Ms. Baker ran the most energetically of all the runners.

Exercise 1. Write in the blank the missing form of the adverb.


early earlier earliest















Exercise 2. Underline the adverb that best completes each sentence.

1. Lou arrived (sooner, soonest) than Greg.

2. Lauren worked the (more, most) carefully of all.
3. Jack worked (faster, fastest) than Greg, so Jack painted the walls.
4. They had to work very (hard, harder, hardest).
5. Tony painted (more, most) carefully than Nancy.
6. I arrived the (sooner, soonest) of all.
7. I speak English (more, most) fluently than last year.
8. Our soccer team played the (worse, worst) of all.
9. Now he drives (more, most) carefully than before.
10. Jim arrived (earlier, earliest) than anybody else.
11. Jim and Mary spoke (more, most) loudly than the other guests.
12. Alicia danced (more, most) gracefully than Iris.
13. Joe arrived the (earlier, earliest), so he had to wait for the rest.
14. This is the (farther, farthest) I have been from home.
15. Of all the girls, Sally sang the (more, most) sweetly.

Exercise 3. write about one your favorite things to do. Use positive, comparative, or superlative
adverbs if possible to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

Unit 40

A preposition is a Word that shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another Word in the

Example: The child rand into the house. He put his boots under the table.

These are some commonly used preposition

about against at between from of through under

above among behind by in on to upon

across around besides for into over toward with

According outside On the near without around In front before

to top of of

Exercise 1. Underline each preposition in the sentence below.

1. A small amount of soup is all I want.

2. The cake was shared between Anne and Michael.
3. Most of the spectators stood during the last quarter of the game.
4. We are planning to go on vacation in August.
5. Go down the stairs and through the door.
6. We waited for Paula to change her clothes.
7. I received a very nice gift from my grandma on my birthday.
8. The bone on the table is for your dog.
9. The movie is entirely different from the book.
10. The teacher walked behind the group.
11. Anyone can succeed with hard work.
12. I see a spot of dirt under your eyes.
13. Peggy ran triumphantly across the finish line.
14. There are four eggs in the blackbird’s nest.
15. We have to move from this place to another.
16. According to the doctor, he’ll be ok.
17. Her house is next to the new shopping mall.

18. Everyone went outside the building.
19. The players were standing around the coach.
20. I met Sandra in front of the library.

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct preposition. Use each preposition only once.

through with about

beside above in
down by to
between after on

1. Let’s divide this money between us.

2. Jack came rushing __________________________ the stairs.
3. She comes ___________________________ a poor family.
4. Don’t worry _________________________it. Everything will be fine.
5. I like traveling _________________________ in the summer.
6. The two friends went _________________________ the movies.
7. The plane flew ___________________________ the clouds.
8. We waited for Sally _________________________ the bus stop.
9. She came and sat __________________________ her husband.
10. The phone rang __________________________ the middle of the night.
11. Can you see the yellow house __________________________ left?
12. This package is _____________________________ you.
13. ___________________________ we saw the television show on bears, we went to the zoo.
14. They stayed here _____________________________ the summer.
15. John is totally obsessed ____________________________ soccer.
16. He came into the house ____________________________ the window.

Exercise 3. Write a paragraph about your life as a student. Underline the preposition in your

Unit 41

A phrase is a Word of closely related words used as a single part of speech but not containing a
subject and predicate.

Example: The director of the movie is signing autographs.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or

Example: He took the train to New Mexico.

The noun or pronoun in the prepositional phrase is called object of the preposition.

Example: She lives in a beautiful apartment.

Exercise 1. Circle each prepositional phrase. Underline once the preposition and twice the object of
the preposition.

1. Rose has a beautiful house near the ocean.

2. I want you to sit between Megan and Patrick.
3. Large airplanes fly across the nation.
4. Many tourists come to our island every summer.
5. They spread the lunch under the shade of a giant Elm tree.
6. According to the teacher, everyone passed the test.
7. After school, we usually play soccer with our neighbors.
8. The kitchen table is set for breakfast.
9. Amanda, stands next to Jermaine.
10. I have some plastic spoons inside my lockers.
11. She will be back home late in the evening.
12. We all learn by experience.
13. I got the information from the internet.
14. Mike bought a pair of shoes with rubber sole.
15. Lou designs posters for big companies.
16. I heard that Marilyn is on holiday.
17. Mary wants to buy a house with a big garden.
18. We walked from our hotel to the beach.

19. There are a few stores at the end of the street.
20. There are some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall.
21. At three o’clock this morning I was in bed.
22. Who is the man standing by the window?
23. A man came out of the house and went into the car.
24. We like driving around the city on weekends.

Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with an appropriate prepositional phrase. Add extra information
if necessary.

1. I can meet you ________________________________________________________________

2. My sister lives ________________________________________________________________
3. All the chairs are ______________________________________________________________
4. A plane flew __________________________________________________________________
5. I was walking _________________________________________________________________
6. The new road goes ____________________________________________________________
7. The dog swam ________________________________________________________________
8. They arrived __________________________________________________________________
9. Paula didn’t go ________________________________________________________________
10. At nine o’clock yesterday evening, I was ___________________________________________
11. How long did you stay ________________________________________________________?
12. Don’t sit ____________________________________________________________________
13. Everybody was nervous ________________________________________________________
14. Yesterday, we played tennis ____________________________________________________
15. We stayed in Rome ___________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Write a short paragraph about the topic below. Underline the prepositional phrases in
your paragraph.

The best party ever.

Unit 42

A conjunction is a Word used to connect words or groups of words.

Examples: The teacher and the students have arrived.

They worked until the sun went down.

These are some commonly used conjunctions

although because if that when so

and but since though whether yet

as for than unless while whenever

Some conjunctions are used in pairs. These include either …or, neither…. nor, and not only…. but

Exercise 1. Circle each conjunction in the sentences below. Underline the word or group of words it

1. Do you know whether Bill is going to the unemployment office?

2. Douglas and Mario are going to see a movie tonight.
3. Peggy will go to the coast when the weather turns warm.
4. Gina or Vicky will drive me to school.
5. Paul will be here unless he has to work.
6. Joe gets into trouble, but he usually gets out of it.
7. We stopped work because we have to leave early.
8. Meg’s remark was neither just nor kind.
9. Let’s go inside, for it is getting dark.
10. We will meet to discuss the problem when you come back from your trip.
11. I like chicken, but I really really love fish.
12. She went to Brazil, and she found a good job in a bank.
13. We went fishing although the weather was awful.
14. Your grades will suffer unless you learn some grammar.
15. Neither Bill nor Mike went to the show.
16. The players listened closely while the coach was talking.

17. You can bring either a laptop or and IPad to class.
18. Kerry is two years older than Tom.
19. Johnny is here, but he’s too busy to help you now.
20. Keep quiet or go out.

Exercise 2. Circle the correct conjunction to complete the sentences below.

1. Megan always brushes her teeth (after, since, or) she has eaten her meal.
2. It started to rain (or, while, since) the children were playing in the garden.
3. Give this letter to Tom (but, since, when) you see him.
4. Look both ways (before, until, or) you cross the street.
5. She saw an accident (as, after, until) she was walking home.
6. Take all your belongings with you (since, before, until) you leave the plane.
7. Wait here (but, until, since) I come back.
8. The party began at 8:00 and lasted (until, so, when) midnight.
9. I have known Mike (when, since, but) childhood.
10. We went back home (when, but, until) it began to get dark.

Exercise 3. Write a sentence with the conjunction given in parentheses.

1. (but)
2. (neither ………. nor)
3. (since)
4. (if)
5. (that)
6. (because)

7. (either ……….. or)
8. (not only ……………. but also)
9. (for)
10. (until)
11. 14. (while)
12. (before)

Exercise 4. Write a short paragraph about a day you will always remember. Circle the conjunctions in
your paragraph.

Exercise 1. Fill in the correct form of the words in parentheses (comparative or superlative).

1. The garden in Jim’s house is prettier than the one in mine. (pretty)
2. Jack was the _________________________ member of our group. (clever)
3. He plays __________________________ in front of the fans than he does in practice. (good)
4. The weather this winter is even __________________________ than last winter. (bad)
5. Non-smokers usually live ___________________________ than smokers. (long)
6. The teacher spoke ________________________ to help the students to understand. (slowly)
7. An airplane cost far ________________________ than a car. (much)
8. With the new computer, Megan works _________________________ at her task. (efficiently)
9. Which is the _________________________ animal in the world. (dangerous)
10. Alicia has __________________________ money in her pocket than she thought. (little)
11. My brother behaves __________________________ than my sister. (quietly)

Exercise 2. Write two adverbs that could modify each of the verbs below. Then write a sentence using

1. Play. ________________________________________________________________________
2. Type. _______________________________________________________________________
3. Clean. _______________________________________________________________________
4. Sing. ________________________________________________________________________
5. Work. _______________________________________________________________________
6. Drive. _______________________________________________________________________
7. Shoot the ball. ________________________________________________________________
8. Cook. _______________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Write sentences using the preposition given in parentheses. Underline the prepositional
phrase in the sentences.

1. (at)

2. (beside)
3. (in)
4. (on)
5. (inside)
6. (with)
7. (behind)
8. (under)
9. (between)
10. (across)
11. (by)

. Write sentences with the conjunction given in parentheses.

Exercise 4
1. (but)
2. (neither…… nor)
3. (whether)
4. (because)
5. (or)

6. (and)
7. (as)
8. (since)
9. (either………. or)
10. (not only…………… but also)
11. (than)


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