PowerPLC-Bridge Manual
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual
SoftPLC & SoftMotion
Version: 7.2
© CJB 2011
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
1 ................................................... Introduction ................................................................ 1-1
1.1 ........................................... What is PowerPLC-Bridge? ....................................... 1-1
1.2 ........................................... System architecture ................................................... 1-2
1.3 ........................................... System requirements ................................................. 1-3
1.3.1 .................................... Requirements of the programming console ............... 1-3
1.3.2 .................................... Requirements for the real time PC-based motion
controller ............................................................. 1-3
1.4 ........................................... Installation .................................................................. 1-3
1.5 ........................................... Execution ................................................................... 1-3
1.6 ........................................... Uninstalling ................................................................ 1-4
1.7 ........................................... Navigation .................................................................. 1-4
1.7.1 .................................... Use of the mouse ....................................................... 1-4
1.7.2 .................................... Use of the keyboard ................................................... 1-4
1.8 ............................................ How to open the user guide ....................................... 1-5
1.8.1 .................................... The on-line user guide ............................................... 1-5
1.8.2 .................................... The README.TXT file ............................................... 1-5
2 ................................................... Programming environment ......................................... 2-1
2.1 ........................................... The programming interface ........................................ 2-3
2.1.1 .................................... The menu bar............................................................. 2-4 ............................ Shortcuts table ........................................................... 2-6 ............................ File - New - Project ................................................... 2-7 ............................ File - Open ................................................................. 2-7 ............................ File - Open Project ..................................................... 2-8 ............................ File - Reopen ............................................................. 2-8 ............................ File - Save .................................................................. 2-8 ............................ File – Save as ............................................................ 2-8 ............................ File - Save Project As ................................................ 2-8 ............................ File - Save All ............................................................. 2-8 .......................... File - Close ................................................................. 2-9 .......................... File - Close All ............................................................ 2-9 .......................... File - Save Project on Target ..................................... 2-9 .......................... File - Load Project from Target .................................. 2-9 .......................... File - Project Maintenance - Check Current Object
Consistency ..................................................... 2-9 .......................... File - Project Maintenance - Compare Binary Files With
Current Target Image....................................... 2-9 .......................... File - Print Setup - Printer Setup ................................ 2-9 .......................... File - Print Setup - Page Setup ................................ 2-10 .......................... File - Print Project .................................................... 2-10 .......................... File - Exit .................................................................. 2-10 .......................... Edit - Undo .............................................................. 2-10 .......................... Edit - Cut ................................................................. 2-10 .......................... Edit - Copy .............................................................. 2-10
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
1 Introduction
In this charter the following topics are explained:
Chapter 1: Introduction
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
motion control functions included in the software, allows to program and perform
single and multi axis interpolated motion control.
There are two different programming levels. The first allows the programming of the
application using the IEC 1131-1 standard languages inside Windows, the second
extends the functions of the control software using procedural languages like C and
C++ and running the control application in QNX4/QNX6, LINUX or Windows.
PowerPLC-Bridge is not only a programming software, but is also a powerful
controller that can be used for sophisticated and critical real-time applications,
performing at the same time PLC and motion control functions.
PowerPLC-Bridge is an open system that guarantees the highest standardization
− the hardware set up is a standard industrial computer, or a more little
hardware platform with WinCE or Linux operating system
− you can use most popular fieldbuses : CANOPEN / PROFIBUS / DEVICENET
− the programming languages respect the IEC 1131-3 standard,
− the communications with human/machine interfaces or supervisors respect the
current standards (MODBUS, 3964R, OPC). It is available a Win DLL too. This
DLL has the services to read and write variables by name
Development System
Chapter 1: Introduction
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
1.4 Installation
PowerPLC-Bridge can be installed on the following operating systems:
Windows 2000 XP Vista Seven.
To install PowerPLC-Bridge:
1. Insert the PowerPLC-Bridge installation CD in the CD-ROM drive unit.
2. The installation wizard will automatically start after inserting the installation
3. If the installation wizard does not start automatically then from the application
bar of Windows click on Start-Execute.
4. Then type “unit:\SETUP”, where unit is the current CD–ROM drive unit.
5. Click on OK.
6. Follow the installation wizard instructions.
1.5 Execution
IMPORTANT: PowerPLC-Bridge must run on a local computer, remote execution
may not be work.
Chapter 1: Introduction
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
1.6 Uninstalling
To remove PowerPLC-Bridge:
1. Exit from PowerPLC-Bridge.
2. From the Windows application bar click on Start – Settings – Control Panel.
3. Double click on Add/Remove Program.
4. Select PowerPLC-Bridge.
5. Click on Add/Remove.
6. Follow the instructions.
1.7 Navigation
You can navigate on PowerPLC-Bridge using a mouse or a keyboard
Chapter 1: Introduction
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To select a item of a menu, type the underlined letter or by pressing the <up arrow>
(↑) and <down arrow> (↓) move the selection on the desired item and then press
<Return>. To exit from a menu without making a selection just click on <Alt>.
Pressing <Tab> the selection moves throw the different options of the dialog box (the
selected item will appear inside a dark edged box). To move the selection box inside
a menu press the <up arrow> (↑) and <down arrow> until the desired item is
selected then press <Return>.
Chapter 1: Introduction
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
2 Programming environment
The programming environment is a Windows application that allows to communicate
by mean of an Ethernet connection with the controller.
To obtain more information concerning the programming environment interface see
the programming interface.
For more information on the IEC 1131-3 standard and on the programming
languages see The IEC 1131-3 Standard.
A block scheme of PowerPLC-Bridge, showing the main functions and their logical
connections are reported in the following image:
Text Editor Graphic Editor I/O AXIS Global
For For IEC-1131-3 Task Configuration Configuration Symbol
ST, IL and SFC FBD, Ladder Configuration Editor Editor Editor
and SFC
Graphic Incremental
debugging, Downloader CPU “load” check
variables’ data for any IEC-1131
logger and task
• -h#: specifies the charset for the main font of the program
• -p#: this option specifies the language code for the PowerPLC
• -q#: this option specifies the language code for the IDE
− Search Again
− View
− Project Manager
− Program Monitor
− Cross Reference
− Zoom In
− Zoom Out
− Actual Size
− Execution Order
− Project
− Compile Unit
− Make
− Build
− Options
− Debug
− Download Program
− Special Downloads
− All Objects
− On line changes
− Attach To Program
− Hardware configuration Diagnostics
− Clear Program
− Reopen Current Servers Configuration
− Synchronize Date & Time
− Run
− Stop
− Restore Connection – Close Connection
− Tools
− Logon
− Set language
− Program
− Synchronize Date and Time
− Data Logger
− Remote System Autostartup Breaker
− Window
− Edit Windows
− Tile
− Cascade
− Arrange Icons
− Help
− Help Language
− Italian
− English
− Master Help
− PowerPLC Bridge Help
− IEC 1131-3 Help
− Quick Start Help
− Editor
− ASCII Key Mapping
− GRAPH Key Mapping
− About
Before selecting Edit – Paste, click the mouse in the place you want to insert the
To learn more about how to drag a group of objects, see Navigation.
− Entire Scope: the search will start from the beginning of file.
− (Child) Dynamic.
If on the icon a magnifying glass is shown, it means that the debugger
is linked to the task.
− Name: name of the task.
Double clicking on a task row, a new page will be opened in the editor
frame for the debug of the task. See Editor frame to have more information
about the editor frame.
Double clicking on the Tasks page, the following popup appear:
− Force Continue Task: with this command you can force a task,
waiting for an event, to restart.
− Kill This Task: with this command you can delete the selected task
but not his created children task.
− Kill All Task Children: with this command you can delete all the
tasks children of the selected task
− Stop Update: with this command you can stop or restart the
update of the tasks page.
− Open Global Section: with this command you can switch to the
Global Section mode, i.e. the debugger is not linked to any task but
works globally.
To see the priority and the state of a task, place the mouse on its row.
− Modules, contains the list of the logical unit that create the project.
Deselecting the unit, it will not be executed.
− Instances: contains the instances tree of the different function blocks and
allows the insertion of break point on a single instance.
To setup a filter on the cross reference variables list, click the right button of the
mouse on the list and select Filter.
The menu consist of:
− Mask: the filter mask to apply. The characters * and ? can be used.
− Enabled: the filter is enabled.
Chose Ok to apply the filter to the list with the new settings or Cancel to cancel the
− Follow Program Counter Mode: with this option you can set
program counter execution mode. You can choose the following
− Everywhere: the program counter will execute all the
program parts.
− Only Current Module: the program counter will execute only
the open modules.
− Colors:
− Element: allows to select the element to view and set its properties.
− Color: allows to set the color for the text foreground and the element
− Left click on the color to set it as text foreground; FG is printed in the
color box, indicating that the selected color is the foreground color.
− right click on the color to set it as the element background; BG is
printed in the color box, indicating that the selected color is the
background color of the element.
− To restore the default colors, chose the check buttons of the Use
default for section.
− Text attributes:
− Bold: allows to enable and disable the bold typeface.
− Italic: allows to enable and disable the italic typeface.
− Underline: allows to enable and disable the underline font attribute.
− Use default for:
− Foreground: allows to enable and disable the default foreground
color for the text of the element.
− Background: allows to enable and disable the default background
color of the element.
− Environment:
− Save last project info: if enabled the name of the last opened project
is saved. So, when the developement system starts again it opens this
project automatically.
− Ctrl on Drag & Drop: the drag and drop for the logical units in the
project tree is enabled by pressing Ctrl key.
− Save project on target every download: if enabled, each time the
application program is downloaded on the target, all the project with
source code is saved on the target in zip format
− Project Auto Save: if enabled, the project is saved periodically
− Project backup: if enabled, the developement system keeps a copy of
the project to be used if there will be a malfunction editing frome the
− Dialogs font: it defines the font for yhe dialogs
− Style manager: it defines the style (foreground and background colors)
for the editor and the dialogs
To see the Find PowerPLC Bridge Server window, click on the Search button from
the project options window.
In the central part of the screen, the list of the PowerPLC Bridge servers found is
reported: for each server the following information is reported:
- Server alias.
- Server address.
- Server operative system, here some examples:
- ppb.qnx: for QNX.
- ppb.win for Windows.
- ppb.neu for Neutrino.
- ppb.lnx for Linux.
- ppb.ce for WinCE
On the right there are two buttons:
- Stop: during the search, allows to stop the searching operation;
- Start: at the end of the search, allows to search again;
- Close: close the window.
If during the search one or more servers are found, attempting to close the window
the user is asked If he want to add the servers found, to the Hosts list, reported in
the center of the window.
For more information concerning the project options window, see Project – Options.
To run the project on the controller, select Debug – Run or click on the button
Run from the Tool bar.
− Delete Session: with this command you can delete the selected session.
− Properties: with this command you can open the Session Configuration
window that shows the selected session properties.
By selecting Window – Edit Windows – Arrange Icons you can arrange all of the
minimized windows in the work area in a row at the lower end of the work area.
2.1.2Tool bar
The tool bar consists of two rows. The upper row, starting from left is divided in the
following zones:
− File management zone:
− Open Project: with this command you can open an existing
− Save: with this command you can save the current file.
− Save All: with this command you can save the edited files and
the project.
− Close All Pages: with this command you can close all the edited
files and the project.
− Make All: with this command you can make the application.
− Build All: with this command you can build the application.
− Run and stop zone. The buttons of this zone are enabled only after the
download of the project on the controller:
− Run: with this command you can execute or re-execute a
single task or the entire project. If, in the editor frame, the focus is
on the window of the logical unit of a running task, a single task will
be put in run, otherwise all the project will be executed. By clicking
on the button the list of the single tasks that can be executed will
be shown.
− Stop: with this command you can stop the execution of a
single task or of a complete project. If, in the editor frame, the focus
is on the window of the logical unit of a running task, a single task
will be stopped; otherwise the entire project will be stopped. By
clicking on the button the list of the single tasks that can be
stopped will be shown.
− Attach To Program: with this command you can attach the
source code that is on the controller, to the current project.
− Detach From Program: with this command you can detach the
source code that is on the controller, to the current project.
− Project debug zone. The following buttons are enabled only after that the
project has been executed:
− Trace Into: with this command you can execute the instruction
on which the program counter is placed, entering also in functions
and function blocks.
− Step Over: with this command you can execute the instruction
on which the program counter is placed, without entering in possible
functions or function block.
− Step Out: with this command you can end the execution and
exit from the function or function block on which the program
counter is placed.
− Run to Cursor: with this command you can execute the code
up to the cursor position.
− Move to Cursor: with this command you can move the program
counter at the cursor position without the execution of the code. The
program counter can move forward and backward.
− Toggle Breakpoint: with this command you can insert or
remove a breakpoint in the actual cursor position. Only in the rows
with a blue dot ( ) it is possible to insert and remove a breakpoint. A
breakpoint is indicated by the red dot ( ) instead of the blue one (
− Inspect: with this command you can open the Debugger
Inspector window, of the selected variable. For more information
see Inspect. The actual value of a variable can be seen by simply
placing the mouse on it.
− Add Watch: with this command you can add the selected
variable to the Watch window.
− Evaluate / Modify: with this command you can open the
Evaluate / Modify window of the selected variable. For more
information see Evaluate / Modify.
− To Program Counter Position: with this command you can
view the actual position of the Program Counter.
− Call Stack: with this command you can open the Call Stack
window containing the stack of the function/function block called.
For more information see Call Stack.
− Debug addition tools area containing useful debugging utilities:
− Global Variables Supervision: with this command you can
open the global variables supervision window. For more information
see Global Variables Supervision.
− Application Messages: with this command you can open the
window to manage the circular buffer of the application messages.
− Global Console: with this command you can open the window
of the global console containing the string generated from the
following functions, called by all the application tasks:
− PrintChar.
− PrintNum.
− PrintString.
− PrintTime.
− PrintTimeDate.
For further information concerning the functions, see Standard
− View Graphic Debug Monitor: with this command you can open
the debug window for the graphic units.
− Axes test zone:
− Start Axes: this command closes the feedback loops of all the
configured axes.
− Stop Axes: this command opens the feedback loops of all the
configured axes.
− Reset Axes Errors: this command resets the test axes of all the
configured axes.
− Interpolation: this command by selecting three axes allows to
implement linear, circular and helicoidal interpolated motion. The
resulting trajectory will be plotted on a 3D graph.
For more information see the Axis document.
The second row of the tool bar is divided in the following zones starting from the left:
− Common use buttons zone, for the graphic programming languages (FBD
e LD). The buttons of this area are the followings and allow to select the
corresponding blocks:
− Move/Insert objects: with this command you can select the
“insert and move objects” mode.
− Connect objects: with this command you can select the “link
objects” mode.
− Common use buttons zone, for the graphic programming languages (FBD
e LD). The buttons of this area are followings and allow to select the
corresponding blocks:
− Insert comment: with this command you can select the
comment block. After selecting the block, double click in the
position of the page where you want to insert it.
− Insert variable: with this command you can select the variable
block. After selecting the block, double click in the position of the
page where you want to insert it.
− Insert connector, jump, return or label: with this command
you can select the connector block. After selecting the block,
double click in the position of the page where you want to insert it.
You can switch from a connector block to a jump, return or label,
by double clicking on the inserted block and by changing the type.
− LD language buttons zone. The buttons of this zone are the following and
can be pressed only after having selected the block to which they are
linked; those buttons are enabled only during the editing of a logical unit
written with LADDER language.
− Add contact below: with this command you can add a parallel
link under the selected block.
− Close branch: with this command you can close the branch of
the selected block.
− Add contact right: with this command you can add a serial
contact on the right of the selected block.
− Add contact left: with this command you can add a serial
contact on the left of the selected block.
− Add contact right cross point: with this command you can add
a cross point on the right of the selected block.
− Add space right: with this command you can add some space
on the right of the selected block.
− Add space left: with this command you can add some space on
the left of the selected block.
− Add space above: with this command you can add some space
under the selected block. This command is possible only if there is
enough space under the selected block to accomplish the operation.
− Delete space above: with this command you can remove some
space under the selected block.
− Add power rail right: with this command you can add the
Power rail block at the right of the selected block.
− Add connector or jump or return: with this command you can
add a connector, a jump or a return at the right of the selected block.
− Add selected FBD block: with this command you can add a
FBD block selected from the Function/Function Block List at the
right of the selected block. The selection list will open automatically.
− LD language buttons zone. The buttons of this zone are the following and
allow to insert the corresponding buttons at the beginning of a new row.
These buttons are enabled only during the editing of a logical unit written
with LADDER language:
− Insert contact coil line.
− Insert contact line.
2-31 Inspect
To open the Inspect window click on the button Inspect or select Inspect from
the popup menu that can be opened by clicking the right button of the mouse in the
editor frame of the logical unit in debug mode.
If a variable is selected when you open this window, the variable name will be
automatically inserted in the Expression field and its value will be printed in the
Result field.
The Inspect window is organized as follow:
− Expression: here you can insert the expression to know its value.
− Result: here is printed the value of the expression.
To open the Evaluate / Modify, window click on the button Evaluate / Modify
from the Tool bar or select Evaluate / Modify from the popup menu that can be
opened by clicking the right button of the mouse in the editor frame of the logical unit
in debug mode, or by double clicking on the variable name.
To change the variable to evaluate you don’t need to close the window but you can
just click on the new variable.
If a variable is selected when you open this window, the variable name will be
automatically inserted in the Expression field and its value will be printed in the
Result field.
The Evaluate / Modify window is organized as follows:
− The toolbar contains the following buttons:
− Evaluate: you can insert the expression in the Expression field and
to calculate its value click the Evaluate button; PowerPLC-Bridge
will show the result in the Result field.
− Modify: insert the variable name in the Expression field, insert the
new value in the New Value field, and press the Modify button;
PowerPLC-Bridge will show the result in the Result field.
− Expression: in this field you can insert the expression or the variable
name to evaluate or modify their value. If a variable is selected, while
opening the Evaluate / Modify window, its name is automatically edited in
this field.
− Result: in this field is reported, the result of the expression edited in the
Expression field.
− New Value: in this field can be edited the new value to assign to the
variable, whose name is reported in the in the field Expression. To apply
the change press the Modify button.
To open the Call Stack window, click on the Call Stack button from the Tool bar.
The page will show the list of the calls to the program, to functions and function
blocks that are active at the moment in the current stack. Select a variable
To select a variable you can double click or highlight its name.
To open the Global Variables Supervision window, click the button Global
Variables Supervision in the Tool bar.
In this window the names of the global variables are reported in the left column while
their values are listed in the right column.
2.1.3Project Manager
The project is organized as a tree structure the information is clear and easy to be
understood. All the operations concerning the managing of the project can be easily
performed using this structure. The tree consist of the following nodes:
− Project
− Global Variables
− Repository
− ST file with global variables definition
− User data type
− Logical Units
− logical units:
− Program.
− Function.
− Function block.
− Libraries
− System
− Inputs Outputs
− ....
− Keywords
− ....
− Tasks
− User Tasks
− Programs istances
− System Configuration
− Memories: memory configuration.
− Not Retain: non retain memory
− Retain: retain memory.
− File: memory on file.
− Shared: shared memory identified by name for external
− Servers: memory associated to servers.
− Servers: servers configuration.
− Inputs Outputs: server to manage the IO.
− Configuration
− Server I/O
− List
− ISA/PCI board configuration
Click with the right button on one of the structure node and select the operation to
2.1.4Editor frame
In the Editor frame you can edit and modify the files constituting the logical units.
Each logical unit consist of:
− one file for the code. This file can be:
− a text file for the logical units written with the following languages:
− ST, text file with StC extension.
− IL, text file with IlC extension.
− a graphical file for the logical units written with the following languages:
− FBD, graphical language with StG extension.
− LD, graphical language with StG extension.
− one file for the input, output or internal variables of the logical unit, with StV
extension. For logical units written with graphical languages (FBD and LD),
this file has a tree structure; for logical units written with text languages (ST
and IL), this is a text file that has to be completely edited by the user.
− one file for the comments with TXT extension.
− Insert Page: with this command you can add a new page
before the current page.
− Add Page: with this command you can add a new page after
the current page.
− Go To Page: with this command you can go to the desired page
by inserting the page number.
− Page X/Y: X correspond to the current page number, while Y is the
total number of the pages of the logical unit.
− Page Up/Down: with this command you can pass to the previous
or next page.
To show a logical unit, double click on its node.
− Locate File in Project Tree: with this command you can select the logical
unit inside the tree structure of the project.
− Find module in files: this command serches in all the logical units of the
project the references to the editing module and displays these references
in the lower part of the screen.
− Close Page: with this command you can close the current page.
− Close All But This one: it closes all the files but not the current one.
− Close All Page: with this command you can close all the pages currently
edited in the editor frame.
− New Edit Window: with this command you can open a new page of the
current logical unit.
− Print module: with this command you can print the current page.
The text editor can be completed by the use of the shortcuts whose list can be seen
by choosing Help – Editor – ASCII Key Mapping.
− PrintChar.
− PrintNum.
− PrintString.
− PrintTime.
− PrintTimeDate.
By right clicking on the text page the, Debug option is added to the standard options
of the text editor frame. The debug will open the following popup:
− Toggle Breakpoint: with this command you can add or remove a
breakpoint on the rows indicated by a blue dot ( ) The breakpoints, for all
the tasks (Global Session), are indicated by a red dot ( ) and the
corresponding row text colour is changed into dark red. The breakpoint on
a single task is indicated by red dot with green check sign ( ) and the
corresponding row text colour is changed into red.
− Instance Toggle Breakpoint: with this command you can choose the
instance of the function block on which add or remove a breakpoint. The
breakpoint for the single instance of the function block, is inserted at the
beginning of the variables definition of the logical unit, and it is indicated by
a red dot without the green check sign ( ) while the corresponding row text
colour is changed into bordeaux.
− Clear all breakpoints : it removes all the breakpoints in all the logical units
of the application
− Run To Cursor: with this command you can continue the task execution
up to the cursor position.
− Move To Cursor: with this command you can move the program counter
to the cursor position without executing any instruction. The program
counter can be moved forward or backward.
− Inspect: with this command you can view the Inspect window for the
selected variable. For further information concerning the Inspect
command, see Inspect.
− Evaluate/Modify: with this command you can view the Evaluate/Modify
window for the selected variable. For further information concerning the
Evaluate/Modify command see Evaluate/Modify.
− Add Watch at Cursor: with this command you can add to the Watch
window the selected variable.
− Call stack: it displays on the right part of the screen the function call frame
in the stack of the current task
− Online Changes and Move To Current Position: with this command you
can make Online Changes and move the program counter to the actual
position of the cursor.
− Follow Program Counter: with this command you can enable or disable
the program counter position visualization during the execution.
− Close Debug Session: with this command you can close the debugging
In debugging mode you can view the variables value of the program by placing the
mouse on it.
- Delete Variable: with this command you can delete the variable on which
the mouse is placed.
- Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the variables
on which the mouse is placed.
To move a variable from a branch to another click on the variable and drag it the
desired branch.
To insert a block in the graphical page you can follow one of these two procedures:
− For the FBD pages: select the block from the tool bar, place the mouse
cursor in the position where you want to insert the block and double click
the mouse button. In the tool bar the block remains selected and you can
insert it again by double clicking again the mouse. To deselect the block,
choose the Move/Insert Object command from the tool bar.
− For the FBD pages: select the block from the Function/Function Block List,
place the mouse cursor on the position you want to insert the block and
double click the mouse button. In the function list, the block remains
selected and you can insert it again by double clicking again the mouse. .
To deselect the block you can select a new block in the
Function/Function Block List or in the tool bar.
− In the FBD pages you cannot insert LADDER blocks.
− For LADDER pages, first select the block to which you want to link the new
block, and then choose, from the tool bar, the block to insert. If the block
selected is a FBD type, the new block is connected at the first output of the
FBD block. To connect other blocks to the next outputs of a FBD block,
place the mouse cursor on the output, click the right button and choose the
desired option.
− For the LADDER pages select the block to which you want to link the new
block, select the FBD block from the Function/Function Block List, and then
click the Add selected FBD block button from the tool bar.
You can connect two links together by following one of these two procedures:
− Select from the Tool bar the Connect Objects tool, place the mouse
on the first object to connect and click, then place the mouse on the input
of the second block and click again. The connection in this case is straight.
To change the direction, after having clicked on the output of the first block,
move the mouse cursor in the position where the link direction must
change (from horizontal to vertical and vice versa), you can place how
many bends you need by clicking the mouse in different positions, then
click on the input of second block to realize the connection.
− By clicking the right button on the graphical page, a popup will appear,
select Link Mode, and then proceed as described before.
To connect a new variable to a block you can follow one of the next procedures:
By clicking the right button of the mouse on a graphical page the following popup
− Link Mode: with this command you can pass from the connection mode to
the insert/move mode and vice versa.
− Cut: with this command cut a group of object, after having selected them
from a graphical or a text page. To insert again the object view the Paste
− Copy: with this command copy a group of object, after having selected
them from a graphical or a text page. To insert again the object view the
Paste command.
− Paste: with this command, after having used the commands Edit – Copy
and Edit – Cut, you can insert the object cut or copied in the position of the
mouse cursor.
− Select all connected objects: with this command you can select all the
objects connected to the selected object.
− Insert Row: with this command you can insert a row in the graphical page,
in the position of the mouse cursor. All the objects that are under the
mouse position will be moved down.
− Insert Column: with this command you can insert a column, in the
graphical page in the position of the mouse cursor. All the objects that are
on the right of the mouse position will be moved more to the right.
− Delete Row: with this command you can delete a row from the mouse
cursor position on the graphical page. All the objects that are under the
mouse cursor position will be moved up
− Delete Column: with this command you can delete a column from the
mouse cursor position on the graphical page. All the objects that are on the
right of the mouse position will be moved to the left
− Debug
− Monitor: with this command you can view the debug for the graphical
− Open Source/Variable File: with this command you can pass from the
code file (graphical or text file) to the one of the variables and vice versa.
− Locate File in Project Tree: with this command you can select the logical
unit inside the project tree.
− Close All Page: with this command you can close all the pages that are
currently open in the editor frame.
− New Edit Window: with this command you can open a new page of the
current logical unit.
− Print: with this command you can print the page currently active.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the inserted mouse the following popup
− Copy: with this command you can copy the block on which the cursor is
positioned. By using the Edit – Paste command, the copied block can be
inserted again.
− Cut: with this command you can cut from a graphical page the block on
which the cursor is positioned. By using the Edit – Paste command, the cut
block can be inserted again.
− Delete: with this command you can delete the block on which the cursor is
positioned. The deleted block cannot be inserted again by using the Edit –
Paste command. To do so, use the Edit – Undo command.
− Select all connected object: with this command you can select all the
objects connected to the object on which the mouse cursor is placed. By
using the Edit – Copy, Edit – Cut and Edit – Delete commands you can
respectively copy, cut and delete the selected blocks.
− Insert Row: with this command you can add a row with same height of the
ladder contact over the selected block.
− Add space right: with this command you can insert some free space at
the right of the mouse cursor position.
− Delete space right: with this command you can delete some free space at
the right of the mouse cursor position.
− Unlink: with this command you can remove the connection both to the
input and output of the block on which the mouse cursor is placed.
− Properties: with this command you can view the block properties on which
the mouse in placed. For further information about this window, if the block
is a LADDER type, see Modify/Change ladder operator, otherwise if the
block is FBD type, see Object Properties.
− Global Variable List: with this command you can select a variable from
the list of the global variables.
− Local Variable List: with this command you can select a variable from the
local variables list.
− Cross Reference: with this command you can execute the cross-reference
of the variables used in the block.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on input or output of the block the following
popup will appear:
− Negate: with this command you can negate the input or the output of the
block on which the mouse is placed.
− Link Variable: with this command you can link a new variable to the input
or to the output of the block on which the mouse is placed.
− Link Ladder Contact: with this command you can link a ladder contact to
the input or to the output of the block on which the mouse is placed.
− Link Power Rail Right: with this command you can link a Power Rail Right
block at the output of the block on which the mouse is placed.
− Unlink: with this command you can remove the link at the input or at the
output of the block on which the mouse is placed.
By double clicking on a block you can open the block properties window. In particular:
− The Insert/Modify Variable window will appear, by double clicking on the
variable block,
− the Object Properties window, will appear by double clicking on a FBD
− The Modify/Change ladder operator window will appear by double clicking
on a LADDER window.
− The Insert Comment window can be opened by double clicking on the
comment block.
− The Modify/Change window will appear by double clicking on the
connector, jump, return or label block.
In the graphical editor you can use the cursor, as the selected object, and this can be
very useful with the keyboard navigation.
To view the list of the shortcuts and the corresponding functions, see Help – Editor –
Graph Key Mapping.
When you save a graphical logical unit, all its pages are archived in one single file.
Only after having opened a graphical unit the pages, are extracted again.
If the system has been turned off before the end the compression of the pages, when
you open the graphical unit again PowerPLC-Bridge will ask if you want to over-write
the existing single pages with the ones uncompressed from the archive file. If you are
sure that the unit has been correctly saved, you may confirm the over-write of the
pages, otherwise if you are not sure that the last changes to the pages have been
saved you can cancel the over-write, verify if the changes are present in the pages
on the logical unit and then save it. Graphical Editor in debug mode
Since the graphical code is compiled in ST, it will not be analysed at the code level. .
To use the debugger at the graphical level you must execute the Monitor of the
logical unit; in this case the system will show the values of the links and the variables.
To execute the monitor you can:
- Use the command from the toolbar
- Click the right button of the mouse and select Debug and then Monitor
- By double clicking on the list of the function block instances.
The monitor of the graphical unit is shown in the following figure:
− Task type.
− Func block register.
− Module name.
For further information concerning the real time virtual machine see the
document Rtvm.
− Console: in this page are reported the strings produced by the following
− PrintChar.
− PrintNum.
− PrintString.
− PrintTime.
− PrintTimeDate.
By double clicking on the text page the, Debug option is added to the standard
options of the text editor frame. The debug will open the following popup:
− Toggle Breakpoint: with this command you can add or remove a
breakpoint on the rows indicated by a blue dot ( ) The breakpoints, for all
the tasks (Global Session), are indicated by a red dot ( ) and the
corresponding row text colour is changed into dark red. The breakpoint on
a single task is indicated by red dot with green check sign ( ) and the
corresponding row text colour is changed into red.
− Instance Toggle Breakpoint: with this command you can choose the
instance of the function block on which add or remove a breakpoint. The
breakpoint for the single instance of the function block, is inserted at the
beginning of the variables definition of the logical unit, and it is indicated by
a red dot without the green check sign ( ) and the corresponding row text
colour is changed into bordeaux.
− Run To Cursor: with this command you can continue the task execution
up to the cursor position.
− Move To Cursor: with this command you can move the program counter
to the cursor position without executing any instruction. The program
counter can be moved forward or backward.
− Inspect: with this command you can view the Inspect window for the
selected variable. For further information concerning the Inspect
command, see Inspect.
− Evaluate/Modify: with this command you can view the Evaluate/Modify
window for the selected variable. For further information concerning the
Evaluate/Modify command see Evaluate/Modify.
− Add Watch at Cursor: with this command you can add to the Watch
window the selected variable.
− Follow Program Counter: with this command you can enable or disable
the program counter position visualization during the execution.
− Close Debug Session: with this command you can close the debugging
To open the window to insert a comment block, double click on the Insert Comment
The Insert Comment window is organized as follows:
− Comment: with this command you can insert a text comment. Modify/Change
To modify a connector block, a jump block, a return or a label block, double click on a
connector, jump, return or label block inserted in a graphical page, and choose the
Insert Connector, Jump, Return or Label command.
The Modify/Change window is organized as follows:
− Name: operator name.
− Operator Type: it can be one of the following:
− Connector.
− Jump.
− Return.
− Label.
To open the properties window of a LADDER block, right click on the block and
choose Properties.
The properties window is organized as follows:
− Ladder Operator:
− Contact: contact operator. For further information, see IEC1131-3
− Type: possible Contact operators:
− Insert left power rail.
− Insert right power rail.
− Coil: coil operator. For further information, see IEC1131-3 standard.
− Type: possible Coil operators:
− Insert open contact.
− Insert close contact.
− Insert coil.
− Insert negated coil.
− Variable: name of the variable used in the block.
− Properties: with this command you can modify or change the
variable or its properties. For further information about this
command, see Insert/Modify Variable.
To see the properties of a variable, click on the Property button from the
Insert/Modify Variable window.
This window is organized as follows:
− Usage: variable usage (scope). List of possible values.
− AT (Address): link a variable directly to a definite address. For further
information about the definite address of a variable, see the IEC 1131-3
− Data Type: variable data type. List of possible values. A variable can be
either a defined type or a user-defined type.
− Initial Value: initial value of the variable.
− Comment: comment to the variable.
− Retain: Retain variable flag. Default value: false. A retain variable will not
be re-initialised in case of “worm restart”. In case of “cold restart” the value
will be reset to the initial value.
To see the FBD block properties, right click on the block and Properties.
The properties window is organized as follows:
− Name: name of the block. To see the list of the FBD blocks, see the
IEC1131-3 Standard.
− Type: block type, the block types are:
− Function.
− Function Block.
− Formal Parameters: this is a table with row for each block parameter
reporting the following information:
− Name: parameters name.
− Type: parameter type. The parameter types are:
− Data type: parameter data type. The parameter type can be one of
those defined by the IEC1131-3 Standard or one of those defined by
the user in Data Types.
− Configurations Parameters:
− View additional EN/ENO input/output: flag for the power line
activation, with this option you can use a FBD block in a LADDER
− Height: block height in pixels.
2.1.5Status bar
The status bar is always visible in the lower part of the screen and contains the
following information:
− The icon shows the status of the connection with the control system; the
status can be:
− Control not connected.
− and alternated. Control connected to the PC.
− Name and address of the control.
− Name of the application on the control.
− Led that shows the status of the application on the control:
− and alternated. Application on the control is running.
− Application on the control is halted
− If the control is connected: status of the servers on the control. The servers
are the following:
− Available and configured servers.
You can view the servers name and their status placing the mouse cursor on
the icon.
− Row: Column of the cursor in the text editor
− Project modification status.
− Current password level.
− Percentage estimation of the control CPU free time.
− Messages:
3 Project
To expand or close the tree structure project, click on Project.
The Project node contains the project organized by the following nodes:
− Global Variables: global variables of the project.
− Data: user defined data types.
− Logical Units: logical units of the project.
− Libraries: system libraries and libraries associate to the project servers.
− Keywords: ST language keywords
− Tasks: project task configuration.
− System Configuration: project configuration:
− Memories: configuration of the different project memory types.
− Servers: project servers configuration.
The project tree structure is organized in many nodes and folders; each one has
specific popup menu that will be describe later. If you are a user with Administrator
privileges, you will find in all the popup menus the Attributes command. With this
command you can set the access level to all the other functionalities, except for the
Attributes and the System Configuration node. The Attributes command from the
popup of the System Configuration node allows setting the access level to all the
functionalities of its sub nodes.
The application is defined by the project. When you create a new project, PowerPLC-
Bridge set automatically the default task that is executed in background, in free –
running, at the lower priority. One or more programs can be associated to each task.
The order of execution of the different programs depends on their order inside the
programs instances list of the task. A program is a logical unit with the same
properties of a function block, but it can contain function block and function.
A function is a logical unit with one or more inputs but only one output (simplex or
complex/structured). When the function execution ends any internal value is kept in
the memory. If an instance to a function is executed twice with the same input
parameters, the function gives the same output both the times.
A function block is a logical unit with one or more input and one or more outputs.
When a function block execution ends, one or more internal values are kept in the
memory. If an instance to a function block is executed twice with the same input
parameters, the function block may give different outputs each time.
A program is a logical unit similar to a function block, but while the former can be
associated to the tasks the later cannot.
To see the exact definition for function, function block and program see the IEC
1131-3 Standard.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
3.1 Attributes
To set the access levels to the different commands, select Attributes from the popup
that can be opened from each project window. The Attributes command is enabled
only if you have the Administrator privileges
By selecting Attributes you can open the Folder Properties window, organized in
different pages:
− Rights:
− Visible: this attribute set the access level to the visibility of the selected
folder and of all its sub nodes. The folder and its sub nodes will not be
visible to the users with access lever lower then the one set.
− Opening: with this option you can set the selectibility of the folder and
of its sub nodes. The users with an access level lower then the one set,
see the folder marked by , they cannot view the code of the unit but
they can select and recall it from the code.
− Modify: this attribute set the access level to modify the folder and its
sub nodes. A user with an access level lower then the one selected, will
see the folder with this symbol: , and they will not be able to modify
the folder or its sub nodes.
− Build: this attribute set the access level to compile the folder and its
nodes. This attribute is present only for the logical unit folders. The
users with an access level lower of the one selected will see the folder
with this symbol and they will not be able to compile any of its sub
− SubFolder Rights Inheritance: if this option is enabled when you
reduce the access level to an object, the change will affect all the sub
folders. If this option is disabled the change will not affect the subfolders
that will kip the original access level.
− Settings: this window appears only for the logical unit folders.
− Multiple Instance: with this option you can set the multiple instances
options of the sub nodes of the selected folder. This option is visible
only for the logical units folders. If this option is selected, PowerPLC-
Bridge identifies the logical unit not only with its name, but also with the
“folder name. logical unit name”. For example if the folder name is
“Alarm” and the logical unit name is “chkfun_emergency”, PowerPLC-
Bridge refers to the logical unit with name “Alarm.chkfun_emergency”.
Only the logical units that belongs to the same folder can identify a
logical unit using only its name. For this reason you can have more than
one logical unit with the same name. Moreover in the popup menus of
the folders of the multi instances logical units the Duplicate Instances
command is present. With this command you can duplicate the folders
with all its sub nodes.
− Enable Translation: it enables name translation for the folder and for
all its nodes
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Name for Translation: it defines the english name for the folder with
the needed infos to avoid ambiguities
The System Configuration node represents the only exception for the folders
containing the Attributes option in the popup menu. In fact for this node the
Attributes option allows to set the access level to the functionalities of all the sub
To expand or close the files list of the project global variables, click on Project –
Global Variables.
The Global Variables node contains the files of the project global variables:
− Repository: global variables repository.
− Global Variables Files: the files containing the global variables
The global variables can be declared from the Repository, i.e. from the global
variables management window, or they can be declared in the global variables files.
The global variables are automatically imported in the Repository during the
compilation, i.e. by clicking on Project – Make or Project – Build.
To view the declaration of the global variables, double click on one of files of the
global variables . The global variables page will be edited in the editor frame; this
is a file with the same name of the node and gvd as extension.
The global variables files are grouped in folders.
To move a global variables file or a folder of global variables files, from one folder to
another, click on the node of the object to move, and by keeping pressed the button
drag the object on the destination folder, then release the button.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the node Project – Global Variables the
following popup appears:
− New: with this command you can create a new global variables file.
− New Folder: with this command you can create a new folder for the global
variables files.
− Import: with this command you can import a global variables file that has
already been created.
− Import Folder: with this command you can import a folder, that has already
be created, containing the global variables files.
− Reimport Folder: with this command you can import a folder, that has
already be created, containing the global variables files. Before this
operation, if the folder already exists, it is emptied.
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Sort: sort all the subnodes.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the node of a folder of global variables
files the following popup appears:
− New: with this command you can create a new global variables file.
− New Folder: with this command you can create a new folder for the global
variables files.
− Import: with this command you can import a global variables file that has
already been created.
− Import Folder: with this command you can import a folder, that has already
be created, containing the global variables files.
− Reimport Folder: with this command you can import a folder, that has
already be created, containing the global variables files. Before this
operation, if the folder already exists, it is emptied.
− Remove From Project: with this command you can remove from the project
the global variable files within the selected folder.
− Delete: with this command you can remove from the project the global
variable files within the selected folder and delete the associated .gvd files.
− Rename: with this command you can rename the folder of the selected
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the node of a global variables file the
following popup appears:
− Remove From Project: with this command you can remove from the project
the selected global variable file.
− Delete: with this command you can remove from the project the selected
global variable file and delete the associated .gvd file.
− Rename: with this command you can rename the selected node.
3.2.1 New
To create a new global variables file, click with the right button of the mouse on
Project – Global Variables and select New.
Choose a name for the global variables file and click OK to save the file or Cancel to
cancel the operation.
The global variables file is added at the bottom of the global variables file list.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To move a global variables file or a folder of global variables files, from one folder to
another, click on the node of the object to move, and by keeping pressed the button
drag the object on the destination folder, then release the button.
For further information about the management of the global variables files, see
Global Variables Files.
3.2.3 Import
To import a global variable file, already created, inside the project, click with the right
button of the mouse on Project – Global Variables and choose Import.
Select the file with gvd extension that you wish to import and press OK to import the
file in the project or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The global variables file is added at the bottom of the list of the global variables files.
To move a global variable file or a folder of global variables files, from one folder to
another click on the node of the object you wish to move and by keeping pressed the
button drag the object to the destination folder, then release the button.
For further information about the management of the global variables files, see
Global Variables Files.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To move a global variable file or a folder of global variables files, from one folder to
another click on the node of the object you wish to move and by keeping pressed the
button drag the object to the destination folder, then release the button.
For example :
IxG01_Emergency_Signal : BOOL
COMMENT 'SI01-109]G01_Console_NoEmergency_Signal'
EXPORT ‘rw’ ;
Keywords description :
COMMENT followed by a string associates a comment to the global variable. This
comment will be displayed bye the developement system and is downloaded to the
target that can use it.
REMOTEACCESSDEF is used when the variable is not local tot h control but it
resides on another control connected using UDP/IP protocol. The stringi s the IP
address of the remote control and the number is the polling period in milliseconds.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
EXPORT this keyword says that the variable can be viewed by supervisors and the
following string set the accessing way to the variable (‘r’ for read-only mode ‘rw’ for
read-write mode)
All the global variables declared in the global variables files are automatically
imported in the Global Variables window during the compilation, i.e. by choosing
Project – Make and Project – Build. If during the compilation, a variable is found to
be already declared in the Global Variables window, the user is required to choose
to overwrite or not with the new declaration; moreover if in the file a declaration error
is detected, this error will be signaled like all the other compilation errors.
The variables declared in the global variables files can be modified or deleted only
from the files in which they have been declared and not from the Global Variables
window. For further information on the Global Variables see Global Variables -
Repository. Delete
To remove a global variables file from the project and to delete it also, click the right
button of the mouse on the global variables file and choose Delete. Confirm by
clicking Yes to remove the file or choose No to cancel the operation.
With this operation the file will be deleted from the global variables files list; the user
must verify that any reference to the global variables declared in the file to remove is
still present in the project.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Rename
To rename a global variables file, click with the right button of the mouse on the
global variable file and choose Rename.
Edit the new name for the global variables file and choose Ok to confirm or Cancel to
cancel the operation.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Add
To add a global variable, click on the Add button from the Global Variables window.
Set the global variables properties and press Add to save the variable configuration
or press to cancel the operation.
The properties of a global variable are the followings:
− Variable: global variable name. List of the existing global variable.
− Usage: VAR_GLOBAL. This properties can be seen but not be edited. It
shows the global variable scope.
− AT (Address): global variable definite address inside the Builtin Memory.
To see further information about the AT (Address) syntax see the IEC
1131-3 Standard. List of possible addresses.
If you leave this field unfilled, the variable will be allocated from the Tasks
module and will not be accessible from outside.
− Data Type: global variable data type. List of possible values. A global
variable can be a predefined type or a user defined type.
− Initial Value: global variable initial value.
− Export mode: it defines the exporting way for the variable to SCADA
programs. Theis way can be none/read/read-write.
− Comment: global variable comment. Modify
To modify a global variable, select the variable from the global variables list of the
Global Variables window and click on Modify.
Modify the global variable properties and choose Modify to save the variable
configuration or press to cancel the operation.
The properties of a global variables are the followings:
− Variable: global variable name. List of the existing global variable.
− Usage: VAR_GLOBAL. This properties can be seen but not be edited. It
shows the global variable scope.
− AT (Address): global variable definite address inside the Builtin Memory.
To see further information about the AT (Address) syntax see the IEC
1131-3 Standard. List of possible addresses.
If you leave this field unfilled, the variable will be allocated from the Tasks
module and will not be accessible from outside.
− Data Type: global variable data type. List of possible values. A global
variable can be a predefined type or a user defined type.
− Initial Value: global variable initial value.
− Export mode: it defines the exporting way for the variable to SCADA
programs. Theis way can be none/read/read-write.
− Comment: global variable comment.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
The variables that have been automatically imported are signalled by this icon
placed before the name. These variables cannot be modified from the Global
Variables window. To modify these variables you must act on the global variable file
in which the variables have been declared. Delete
To delete one or more global variables, first select the variable to delete from the
existing variables list then click on Delete in the Global Variables window.
With this operation the file will be deleted from the global variables files list; the user
must verify that any reference to the global variables removed is still present in the
The variables that have been automatically imported and are signalled by this icon
cannot be deleted from the Global Variables window. To modify these variables you
must act on the global variable file in which the variables have been declared. Delete All
To delete all the global variable, click on Delete All from the Global Variables
window and choose Yes to confirm or No to cancel the operation.
This operation deletes only the instances to the global variables; the user must verify
that any reference to the global variables removed is still present in the project.
The variables that have been automatically imported and are signalled by this icon
cannot be deleted from the Global Variables window. To modify these variables you
must act on the global variable file in which the variables have been declared. Import
To import the global variables from a file, click on Import from the Global Variables
window, chose the file with .ImpExpGVar extension that contains the variables and
choose Open to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The file may have been created by exporting the global variables or may have been
edited with a text editor respecting the following format:
− A row for each variable with the following information separated by
− Variable name.
− Variable definite address.
− Variable data type.
− Empty field to assure the compatibility with the previous versions.
− Variable initial value.
− Comment to the variable in brackets. For example “Comment to
variable 1”.
− Automatically imported variable flag.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
Here an example::
Leds,,"ARRAY [0..3] OF BOOL",,0,"",0,4
LedsStatus,,"ARRAY [0..3] OF BOOL",,0,"",0,4 Export
To export the global variables in a file, click on Export from the Global Variables
window, choose the file in which the variables must be exported and choose Save to
proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
For further information on the variable export format for the .ImpExpGVar extension
files see Global Variables – Import.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
When you exit the global variables editor of a board, the list of the project global
variables is automatically updated.
3.3 Data
To expand or close the project data list, click on Project – Data.
The Data node encloses all the files containing the definitions of types and constants.
All the logical units must know these definitions:
− Data Types: the file containing the definitions of types and constants
defined by the user.
To view the file containing the data types, double click on the file name. This file has
the .Typ extension and will be edited in the editor frame, it contains the user-defined
types and definitions .
The files containing types or constants definitions can be grouped in folders.
To move a file or a folder of user data, click on the node of the object to move, by
keeping pressed the mouse button drag the object to the destination folder, then
release the button.
By right clicking on the node Project – Data or on the node of a user data types
folder, the following popup appears:
− New: with this command you can crate a new file containing the definitions
of types and constant defined by the user.
− New Folder: with this command you can create a new folder to group this
kind of files.
− Import: with this command you can import an existing file containing the
definitions of types and constant defined by the user.
− Import Folder: with this command you can import an existing folder
containing the user defined data types.
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Sort: with this command you can order alphabetoically the data files and
By right clicking on the file containing the definitions of types and constants define by
the user, the following popup appears:
− Remove From Project: with this command you can remove from the project
the file corresponding to the selected node.
− Delete: with this command you can remove from the project the file
corresponding to the selected node and delete the .TYP extension file.
− Rename: with this command you can rename the file corresponding to the
selected node.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Clone: it enables the progranner to create a copy of the selected data type
file with another name.
3.3.1 New
To create a new file containing the user defined data types and constants, right click
on Project – Data and choose New.
Edit the file name and choose OK to create it or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The new file will be added at the bottom of the list of the files containing the user
defined data types and constants.
To move this kind of file or a folder of files from one folder to another, click on the
node of the object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the
destination folder, then release the button.
For further information about the user defined data types management, see Data
3.3.3 Import
To import an existing user defined data type, in the project, right click on Project
– Data and choose Import.
Select the file with .Typ extension, containing the user defined types and constants,
that you wish to import and choose OK to import the file in the project or Cancel to
cancel the operation.
The file will be added at the bottom of the list of the files containing the user defined
data types definitions.
To move a user defined data type or a folder of user defined data types, from one
folder to another click on the node of the object to move and by keeping pressed the
button, drag it to the destination folder, then release the button.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
For further information about the user defined data types management, see Data
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Delete
To delete the .TYP extension file associated to a data type, right click on the data
type and choose Delete. Confirm Yes to delete the data type No to cancel the
With this operation the file containing the data types and constants definitions will be
deleted from the disk. The user must verify that any reference to types and
constants, defined in the file to remove, is still present in the project. Rename
To rename a file containing the definitions of data types or constants, right click on
the file name and select Rename.
Edit the new data type name and choose Ok to continue or Cancel to cancel the
operation. Properties
To view the properties of a user defined data type, right click on the user defined data
type and choose Properties.
The user defined data type properties can be the followings:
− Name: user defined data type name.
− Type: Data Types. Not editable.
For further information about the user defined data type management, see Data
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To move a logical unit or a folder of logical units from one folder to another, click on
the node of the object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the
destination folder, then release the button.
By right clicking the mouse on the node Project – Logical units, or on a logical
units folder node, the following popup appears:
− New: with this command you can create a new logical unit.
− New Folder: with this command you can create a new logical units folder.
− Import: with this command you can import in the project a logical unit.
− Import Folder: with this command you can import in the project a folder of
logical units.
− Reimport Folder: with this command you can import in the project a folder
of logical units, but, first, the folder with the same name and all its contents
are destroyed
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Sort: it sorts all the logical units within the selected tree node.
By right clicking on the node of a logical unit the following popup appears:
− Remove From Project: with this command you can remove from the project
the logical unit corresponding to the selected node.
− Delete: with this command you can remove from the project the logical unit
corresponding to the selected node and delete its associated files.
− Rename: with this command you can rename the logical unit
corresponding to the selected node.
− Clone: with this command you can clone the logical unit with another
− Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the logical
unit corresponding to the selected node.
By double clicking on the node corresponding to a logical unit, the associate file
containing the logical unit code will be edited in the editor frame.
For general information the logical structure of a project see Project.
3.4.1 New
To create a new logical unit, right click on Project – Logical Units and choose
Set the logical unit properties (name, type, programming language, return value) and
OK to save the logical unit configuration or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The new logical unit will be added at the bottom of the logical units list.
To move a logical unit or a logical units folder from one folder to another, click on the
node of the object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the
destination folder, then release the button.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
For further information about the logical unit properties see Logical Unit – Properties
while to have some information about the logical unit management see Logical Units.
3.4.3 Import
To import a logical unit in the project, right click on Project – Logical Units and
choose Import.
Select the .StT extension file containing the definition of the logical unit that you want
to import, and press OK to import it in the project Cancel to cancel the operation.
The logical unit will be added to the bottom of the logical units list.
To move a logical unit or a logical units folder from one folder to another, click on the
node of the object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the
destination folder, then release the button.
For further information about the logical unit properties see Logical Unit – Properties
while to have some information about the logical unit management see Logical Units.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
3.4.7 Delete
To remove a logical unit from the project and delete the associated file, right click on
the logical unit and choose Delete. Press Yes to delete the logical unit from the
project or No to cancel the operation.
With this command the logical unit will be removed and the associated file will be
deleted; the user must verify that any reference to logical unit to remove, is still
present in the project.
To remove a logical unit from the project without deleting the associated file, see
Logical Units – Remove From Project.
3.4.8 Rename
To rename the logical unit, right click on the corresponding node and select Rename.
Edit the new name for the logical unit and choose Ok to remain the logical unit or
Cancel to cancel the operation.
3.4.9 Properties
To view the properties of a logical unit, right click on the corresponding node and
select Properties.
The properties of a logical unit are the followings:
− Name: logical unit name.
− Type: logical unit type. The possible types are:
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
3.5 Libraries
To expand or close the list of the libraries of the project configuration, click on
The node Libraries enclose the list of the system libraries of the project.
In this node are shown all the function and function block available for the application,
provided by the system servers. Some servers are always present, others can be
added and configured. The function provided by a server can be seen only if the
server is present and enabled.
The system libraries associated to the built-in server always present are the
− System: system function and function block concerning special functions of
the virtual processor IEC1131. Within the system functions there are those
provided for the standard, that are described in the Standard IEC 1131-3 and
those special for PowerPLC-Bridge, that are described in the document
− Inputs Outputs: these are special functionalities concerning the IO. The
functions to manage the IO are part of the standard extension and are
described in the document Inputs Outputs.
− Rtvm : these are functions that are made available by the real time virtual
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To insert a function or function block in a page, click on the name of the object you
want to insert, place the mouse cursor in the position inside the page where you want
to insert the object.
3.6 Tasks
To expand or close the list of tasks in the project configuration, click on Tasks.
The Tasks node enclose the configuration of the project task.
The task can be grouped in folders.
To move a task or a tasks folder from one folder to another click on the node of the
object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the destination folder,
then release the button.
By right clicking on the node Tasks, or on the node of a tasks folder the following
popup appears:
− New: with this command you can create a new task.
− New Folder: with this command you can crate a new folder for the tasks.
− Import: with this command you can import in the project an existing task.
− Import Folder: with this command you can import in the project an existing
folder of tasks.
− Reimport Folder: like the previous command but, first, it deletes the folder
with the same name and its contents.
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Sort: it sorts th task names.
By right clicking on a task node the following popup appears:
− Add Instance: with this command you can add a program instance to the
task associated to the node. The programs will be executed sequentially
from the task.
− Remove From Project: with this command you can remove a task from the
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Delete: with this command you can remove the task from the project and
delete the associated files.
− Rename: with this command you can rename a task.
− Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the task,
associated to the selected node.
By right clicking on a program instance node the following popup appears:
− Delete: with this command you can remove from the task the instance
associated to the selected node.
− Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the instance
associated to the selected node.
3.6.1 New
To create a new task, right click on Tasks and select New.
Set the task properties and press OK to save the task configuration or Cancel to
cancel the operation.
The task is added at the bottom of the tasks.
To move a task or a tasks folder from a folder to another, click on the node of the
object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the destination folder,
then release the button.
For further information about the task properties see Task – Properties.
3.6.3 Import
To import an existing task in the project, right click on Tasks and choose Import.
Select the file with .tsk extension to import, containing the task definition, and press
OK to import the file in the project or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The file will be added at the bottom of the tasks list.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To move a task or a tasks folder from a folder to another, click on the node of the
object to move and by keeping pressed the button, drag it to the destination folder,
then release the button.
For further information about the task properties see Task – Properties.
To add a program instance to a task, right click on the task and choose Add
Set the instance properties and press OK to save the new instance configuration or
Cancel to cancel the operation.
The instance will be added at the bottom of the instances list of the task.
For further information concerning the program instance properties, see Instance
To remove a task from a project, right click on the task and choose Remove
From Project. Confirm Yes to remove the task from the project or No to cancel the
With this operation the task will be removed from the project; the user must verify that
any reference to task to remove, is still present in the project.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Delete
To remove a task from project and delete the associated files, right click on the task
and choose Delete. Confirm Yes to remove the task and delete the associate
files or No to cancel the operation.
With this operation the task will be removed from the project and the associated files
will be deleted; the user must verify that any reference to task to remove, is still
present in the project. Rename Properties
To view the task properties, right click on the task and select Properties.
The task properties are:
− Name: task name.
− Settings:
− Type: which condition will trigger the start of the task. List with the
possible types:
− Cyclic: start condition defined by a cyclic time.
− Event: start condition defined by an event.
− Free Running: always active with an inner wait instruction..
− Depending on the task type:
− For the Cyclic tasks: Interval (ms). Time interval between the task
− For the Event tasks: Variable (event): variable which will trigger the
− Stack Size: task stack size. Default value: 16380 bytes.
− Priority: Task execution priority; A task with priority 0 has the maximum
priority. Default value: 27.
To remove an program instance, right click on the instance and choose Remove
From Project.
Confirm Yes to remove the program instance or No to cancel the operation.
This operation will remove the program instance from the project; the user must verify
that any reference to instance to remove, is still present in the project.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Properties
To view the program instance properties, right click on the instance and choose
The properties of a program instance are the followings:
− Program Instance: program instance name.
− Program Type: name of the instanced programs. A list with the existing
By right clicking on the node System Configuration the following popup appears:
− Simulate All: with this command you can simulate the entire configuration
management: memories, hardware, axes etc.
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
3.7.1 Memories
Inside this node, you can find all the locatable memories with a definite address,
defined for the project.
The sub node Not Retain is inserted by default and you can use it to manage the
non retain memory. This is the normal dynamic memory of the PC, seen as shared
memory locatable from the operational system. To define this type of memory you
mast insert the following data:
− Displacement (bytes): definite address in bytes of the not retain memory
base. Default value 0.
− Size (bytes): not retain memory dimension in bytes. Default value: 16000.
A memory entry is automatically inserted when ever the associated server is added
to the project. Each system servers provides to the application program a structured
shared memory, accessible with a definite address. The memory size is defined by
the server configuration. The following data define this type of memory:
− Displacement (bytes): server memory position, in bytes. By default it is
automatically calculated, depending on the amount of memory already used,
by adding an offset of 1000000 bytes for each configured server.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
By right clicking on the project node Memories the following popup appears:
− New:
− Retain: with this command you can open the retain memory
management. The following data must be inserted to define this memory:
− Displacement (bytes): retain memory definite address in bytes. By
default it is automatically calculated, depending on the amount of
memory already used, by adding an offset of 1000000 bytes.
− Size (bytes): retain shared memory size, in bytes. Default value: 0.
− Appl Msg Size (bytes):memory size, in bytes, reserved for the
circular buffer of the Application Messages.
− Board Type: retain memory board type. The memory types
supported are the followings:
− AX2000 e ISARAM: temporary RAM board. For this memory the
following settings are needed:
− Address: board address for the retain memory management.
− COLIBRI: memory management for Colibri Toradex systems
− FILE: retain memory management on a file. For this memory the
following settings are needed:
− Store Time (ms): storing frequency in milliseconds to save
the retain memory on a file.
− File: with this command you can open the file static memory
management. You can have only one file static memory. This kind of
memory is updated by calling the FlushFileMem function; for further
information see the FlushFileMem section in the Extensions document.
You need the following data to define this kind of memory:
− Displacement (bytes): file memory definite address in bytes. By
default it is automatically calculated, depending on the amount of
memory already used, by adding an offset of 1000000 bytes.
− Size (bytes): shared memory size on the file, expressed in bytes.
Default value: 0.
− Shared: with this command you can open the shared memory
management allowing the access to the memory by external applications
throw the memory name. You can define more the one shared memory..
You need the following data to define this kind of memory::
− Displacement (bytes): shared memory definite address in bytes.
By default it is automatically calculated, depending on the amount of
memory already used, by adding an offset of 1000000 bytes.
− Size (bytes): shared memory size on the file, expressed in bytes.
Default value: 0.
− Name: memory name throw which the external applications can
access to the memory.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
If you find this icon beside the memory sub node, it means that the
memory is disabled.
− Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub node of the
selected node.
− Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
3.7.2 Servers
This node contains all the project servers.
The standard configuration of the systems contains the following servers:
− Inputs Outputs: I/O management server.
− Virtual Processor: virtual machine management server.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the sub nodes of the existing servers
the following popup appears:
− Delete: with this command you can delete the server associated to the
selected node. This command is enabled for the default configuration servers.
− Properties – Server Parameters: with this command you may open the
External Server Configuration reporting the server properties.
Chapter 3: Project
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Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the Configuration node the following
popup appears:
- New Server: with this command you can add a new I/O.
- Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
- Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
By right clicking on the node of the list of fieldbus and I/O server boards, the
following popup appears:
- New – Board: with this command you may add a new ISA/PCI board to the
I/O server associated to the selected node.
- New – Fieldbus: with this command you can add a fieldbus to the I/O
server associated to the selected node.
- Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
- Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
By right clicking on the I/O server configuration node the following popup appears:
- Properties: you can view the I/O server properties.
By right clicking on the ETN fieldbus node the following popup appears:
- Monitor: you can open the Statistics Boards Fieldbus window associate
to the node. This command is enabled only in debug mode.
- Add Board: with this command you can add a board to the fieldbus
associated to the selected node.
- Remove From Project: with this command you can remove, from the
project, the fieldbus associated to the selected node, and all its boards.
- Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the fieldbus
associated to the selected node.
By right clicking on the node of a ISA/PCI or ETN board you can open the
following popup:
- Monitor: with this command you can view the Test window associated to
the node. This command is enabled only in debug mode.
- Remove From Project: with this command you can remove from the project
the board associated to the node.
- Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the board
associated to the node.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on a CANOPEN, TCPIP Modbus and
DeviceNet fieldbus node, you open the following popup:
− Add Node: you can add a node to the fieldbus like if it is a physical node.
− Remove From Project: with this command you can remove from the project
the fieldbus and all its boards.
− Properties: you can view the properties of the fieldbus associated to the
By clicking the right button of the mouse on a node of a fieldbus node the
following popup appears:
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Monitor: you can view the Test window associated to the fieldbus node.
This option is enabled only in debug mode.
− Remove From Project: you can remove, from the project, the fieldbus node
associated to the selected node.
− Properties: you can view the properties of the fieldbus node associated to
the selected node. Delete
To remove an I/O server from the project, click with the right button of the mouse on
the I/O server and select Delete. Choose Yes to delete the server or No to cancel
the operation.
This operation will remove the I/O server and all its settings; the user must verify that
any reference to the I/O server to remove is still present in the project. Rename
To rename an I/O server, right click on the I/O server and choose Rename.
Edit the new I/O server name and press Ok to confirm or Cancel to cancel the
To add an ISA/PCI board to the project hardware configuration, right click on List
and select New – Board.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
From the list of the supported ISA/PCI boards, choose the desired board, insert the
board properties and click OK to confirm or Cancel to cancel the operation.
For further information about the boards properties see the ISA/PCI board list.
To add a fieldbus to the project hardware configuration, right click on List and
select New – Fieldbus.
From the list of the supported fieldbus, choose the desired one, insert the properties
and click OK to confirm or Cancel to cancel the operation.
For further information about the fieldbus properties see the Fieldbus list. Monitor
Chapter 3: Project
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Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Last Interval Jitter: you can use this value monitoring the accuracy
of the operational system, calling the servers execution.
− Startup Jitter: you can use this value monitoring the accuracy of
the operational system, calling the servers execution on the startup.
− Current Execution Time: time, in microseconds, needed to run the
fieldbus boards execution cycle.
− Max Execution Time: maximum time, in microseconds, needed to
run the fieldbus boards execution cycle.
In the window, for each configured board, there are reported the following
information of the selected fieldbus:
− Board: board name and address.
− Num. Cycles: board calling cycles number.
− Err. Cycles: erroneous board calling cycles number.
− % Error: board error percentage.
− Error Code: board error code.
− Dig. In: number of resources provided by the board as digital input.
− Dig. Out: number of resources provided by the board as digital
− An. In: number of resources provided by the board as analog input.
− An. Out: number of resources provided by the board as analog
To add a board to a fieldbus, right click on the fieldbus and choose Add Board.
Select from the list fieldbus board list, the board to add and press Ok to confirm or
Cancel to cancel the operation.
Set the board properties and press Ok to save the board configuration or press
Cancel to cancel the operation.
For further information concerning the properties of each single board see the Boards
To remove a fieldbus from project, right click on the fieldbus to remove and
choose Remove From Project. Choose Yes to confirm or No to cancel the
With this operation the fieldbus and all the associated boards will be removed from
the project hardware configuration; the user must verify that any fieldbus board to be
removed is still used in the project.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Properties
To open the fieldbus configuration window, right click on the fieldbus and select
The fieldbus properties names are reported on the right side of this window, their
values are reported on the left side.
When you create a new fieldbus, its properties are initialised with a default value.
For further information concerning the properties of each single fieldbus, see the
Fieldbus list.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Period: calling period of all the fieldbus boards. Default value: 100
− Simulated: flag that indicates if the fieldbus is running in simulation.
Default value: “False”. Monitor
To open the Test window associated to a board, right click on the board and
select Monitor. This command is enabled only in debug mode.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To open the Test window associated to a fieldbus node, right click on the fieldbus
node and select Monitor.
The board type and address are edited the title of Test window. Depending on the
board I/O type the following information are reported:
− For the digital input: there is a row for each digital input containing the
following information:
− Descr: digital input absolute address, or name of the global variable
associated to the digital input.
− Status: digital input status, updated each 500 milliseconds:
− OFF.
− ON.
− Error.
If the Force flag is off, the status shown is the one produced by the
program logic; If the Force flag is on, the status shown is the one
forced on the input.
− Force: this flag indicates if the status shown is forced or not.
To force an input, you must turn to on the Force flag and click on the input
status in such a way that it will assume the desired value.
− For the analog input: there is a row for each analog input containing the
following information:
− Descr: analog input absolute address, or name of the global
variable associated to the analog input.
− Status: hexadecimal analog input value, 12 bit, updated each 500
If the Force flag is off, the status shown is the one produced by the
program logic; If the Force flag is on, the status shown is the one
forced on the input.
− Force: this flag indicates if the status shown is forced or not.
− For the digital output: there is a row for each digital output containing the
following information:
− Descr: digital output absolute address, or name of the global
variable associated to the digital output.
− Status: digital output status,
− OFF.
− ON.
− Error.
If the Force flag is off, the status shown is the one produced by the
program logic; If the Force flag is on the status shown is the one
forced on the output.
− Force: this flag indicates if the status shown is forced or not.
To force an output, you must turn to on the Force flag and click on
the output status in such a way that it will assume the desired value.
− For the analog output: there is a row for each analog output containing the
following information:
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To remove a board from the project, right click on the board and select Remove
From Project. Choose Yes to proceed or No to cancel the operation.
With this operation the board will be removed from the hardware configuration of the
project; the user must verify that the board to be removed is no more used in the
project. Properties
To open the properties window containing the board configuration, right click on the
board and choose Properties.
The board properties names are reported on the right side of this window, their
values are reported on the left side.
When you create a new board, its properties are initialised with a default value.
For further information concerning the properties of each single board, see the Board
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
a way that the digital input groups of the selected board are
consecutive to the groups of the boards already declared.
− InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each
group is made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs
groups must vary between 1 and 8. Default value: 1.
− Period: the board calling period, meaningful only if the
SynchronizeMode flag is True. Default value: 0 milliseconds.
− SynchronizeMode: this flag indicates if the board is called in
Synchronize mode or not, i.e.:
− If the SynchronizeMode is False the board will
communicate to the fieldbus the inputs values variations,
as soon as they appear, and not synchronized with the
board calling thread.
− If the SynchronizeMode is True, the board will
communicate to the fieldbus the inputs values variations
synchronized with the board calling thread. The Period
parameter determines the calling period.
List of possible values. Default value: "False".
− Digital Outputs: with this option you can enable the digital outputs and set
the following properties:
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital
outputs of the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated
in such a way that the digital input groups of the selected board are
consecutive to the groups of the boards that have already been
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups
must vary between 1 and 8. Default value: 1.
− StatusOnFault: Output value in case of board fault. List of possible
values. Default value: “Reset".
− Analog Inputs: with this option you can enable the analog inputs and set
the following properties:
− InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way
that the analog inputs of the selected board are consecutive to the
inputs of the boards that have already been declared.
− InMaxAnalog: number of analog inputs. The number of analog
inputs must vary between 1 and 16. Default value: 16.
− Type: Analog input type. List of possible values. Default value: “-
− Period: board calling period, meaningful only if the
SynchronizeMode flag is True. Default value: 100 milliseconds.
− SynchronizeMode: this flag indicates if the board is called in
Synchronize mode or not, i.e.:
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
For the Modbus RTU fieldbus there are no nodes but only commissions. The
commissions can be of digital inputs, digital outputs, analog inputs, analog outputs.
The commissions are defined by :
• Name : name of the commission
• Commission number : id number of the commission
• ProtocolAddress : address of the slave to be accessed
• FunctionCode : message code defined by the Modbus RTU standard
• FirstWord : number of the first word to be required
• NumberOfWords : number of word sto be required
• Period : periodo of the queries in milliseconds
• AfterErrorPeriod : periodo f the querce in milliseconds when the slave is in
error state
• ErrorThreshold : number of consecutive errors needed to set the slave in
error state
• CommunicationTimeout : query timeout in milliseconds
• In/Out First Group : number of the first group seen by the plc
• In/Out Max Groups : number of groups in the plc memory
• Simulated : simulation flag for the commission
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To remove a fieldbus node from the project, right click on a fieldbus node and
select Remove From Project. Choose Yes proceed or No to cancel the operation.
With this operation the fieldbus node will be removed from the hardware configuration
of the project; the user must verify that the fieldbus node to be removed is no more
used in the project. Properties
To open the window containing a fieldbus node configuration, right click on a fieldbus
node and select Properties.
In this window you can find all the fieldbus node properties.
When you create a new fieldbus node, each property is automatically initialised with a
default value.
For further information concerning the fieldbus node properties, see Add Node. SC18
The SC18 is a board with digital and analog inputs and outputs; the board settings
are the followings:
Address: board address. Default value 0.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroup: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is made
off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary
between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroup: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the board: from1
to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog inputs
of the selected board are consecutive to the inputs of the boards that have
already been declared.
− InMaxAnalog: number of analog inputs. The number of analog inputs must
vary between 1 and 8. Default value: 8.
− Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible
values. Default value: “False”.
− The following data refers to the 12 analog outputs of the board:
− EnableAnalog: sensor enable. Default value: False.
− TypeAnalog: sensor type. List of the possible values. Default value :
− TimeStartAnalog: sensor start time, from 500 to 100000. This
parameter depends on the sensor type. Default value 1000.
− TimeConvAnalog: sampling frequency, from 45 to 1000000. Default
value: 45.
− FreeRunAnalog: if enabled the analog-digital conversion is made at
the frequency set by the TimeConvAnalog parameter, otherwise the
conversion is made at the I/O server frequency. Default value: True.
− NoErrorAnalog: if enabled the “sensor not connected” error will be
ignored. Default value: True.
− OutputSensAnalog:
− InputSensAnalog:
− EnableGrayAnalog: this option enables the Gray to binary conversion
for the SSI sensors. Default value: False.
− ErrorBitAnalog: this option enables the bit error in the SSI word.
Default value: False.
− ParityBitAnalog: this option enables the parity bit in the SSI word.
Default value: False.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 AX4
The AX4 is a board with digital inputs and outputs, the board settings are the
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroup: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is made
off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary from 1
to 3. Default value: 3.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary from 1 to 2. Default value: 2.
− Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible
values. Default value: “False”. PALLETPC
The PALLETPC is a board with digital inputs and outputs, the board settings are the
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− InMaxGroup: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is made
off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary from 1
to 3. Default value: 1.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary from 1 to 2. Default value: 1.
− Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible
values. Default value: “False”. MAPPEDINPUT
The MAPPEDINPUT is a board with digital inputs, the board settings are the
- Address: board address. Default value: 0.
- InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the board:
from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the digital
input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards that have
already been declared.
- InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is made off
16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary from 1 to 8.
Default value: 1.
- Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. MAPPEDOUTPUT
The MAPPEDOUTPUT is a board with digital outputs, the board settings are the
- Address: board address. Default value: 0.
- OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way
that the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the
groups of the boards that have already been declared.
- OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary from 1 to 8. Default value: 1.
- Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible
values. Default value: “False”.
Chapter 3: Project
The MEMORYMAPPEDINPUT is a board with digital inputs, the board settings are
the followings:
- Address: board address. Default value: 0.
- InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the board:
from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the digital
input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards that have
already been declared.
- InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is made off
16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary from 1 to 8.
Default value: 1.
- Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. MEMORYMAPPEDOUTPUT PCI8136
The PCI8136 is a board with digital and analog inputs and digital outputs, the board
settings are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is made
off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary from 1
to 2. Default value: 2.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of the
boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the board: from1 to
10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog inputs of
the selected board are consecutive to the inputs of the boards that have
already been declared.
− InMaxAnalogs/Encoders: number of analog inputs. The number of analog
inputs must vary between 1 and 6. Default value: 6.
− Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. WELDINGPC
The WELDINGPC is a board with digital and analog inputs and digital outputs, the
board settings are the followings:
- Address: board address. Default value: 0.
- InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the
boards that have already been declared.
- InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
- OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way
that the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the
groups of the boards that have already been declared.
- OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
- InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the board:
from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
analog inputs of the selected board are consecutive to the inputs of the
boards that have already been declared.
- InMaxAnalogs/Encoders: number of analog inputs. The number of analog
inputs must vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
- Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible
values. Default value: “False”.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 COLIBRIGPIO
This device descrive the general purpose digital I/O for the Colibri systems with
WinCE operating system. The board settings are the following :
- Address: board address. Default value: 0.
- InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the
boards that have already been declared.
- InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
- OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way
that the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the
groups of the boards that have already been declared.
- OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
- BitsDetection: this property defines for each general purpose bit if it is a
digital input or a digital output
- OutsStartValue: it defines for each bit in digital output mode the system
startup value.
- Simulated: flag that indicates if the board is simulated. List of possible
values. Default value: “False”. TSR20
The TSR20 is a aboard with digital inputs, the board settings are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary
between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. TSR31
The TSR31 is a board with digital outputs, the board settings are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. TSR40
The TSR40 is a board with digital inputs and outputs, the board settings are the
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary
between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 TSR44
The TSR44 is a board with digital inputs and outputs, the board settings are the
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary
between 1 and 2. Default value: 2.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 2. Default value: 2.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. TSR51
The TSR51 is a board with analog outputs, the board settings are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− OutFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog output of the board,
from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog
outputs of the selected board are consecutive to the outputs of the boards
that have already been declared.
− OutMaxAnalogs/Encoders: number of analog outputs. The number of
analog outputs must vary between 1 and 8. Default value: 8.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. TSR56
The TSR56 is a board with analog inputs, the board settings are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default: 0.
− InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the board: from1
to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog inputs
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
of the selected board are consecutive to the inputs of the boards that have
already been declared.
− InMaxAnalogs/Encoders: number of analog inputs. The number of analog
inputs must vary between 1 and 16. Default value: 16.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”. TSR67
The TSR67 is a board with digital and analog inputs and outputs, the board settings
are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital inputs of the
board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the
digital input groups of this board are consecutive to the groups of the boards
that have already been declared.
− InMaxGroups: number of the board digital inputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital inputs. The number of the digital inputs groups must vary
between 1 and 2. Default value: 2.
− OutFirstGroup: absolute number of the first group of the digital outputs of
the board: from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that
the digital input groups of the selected board are consecutive to the groups of
the boards that have already been declared.
− OutMaxGroups: number of the board digital outputs groups. Each group is
made off 16 digital outputs. The number of the digital outputs groups must
vary between 1 and 1. Default value: 1.
− InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the board: from1
to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog inputs
of the selected board are consecutive to the inputs of the boards that have
already been declared.
− InMaxAnalog: number of analog inputs. The number of analog inputs must
vary from 1 to 4. Default value: 4.
− OutFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog output of the board,
from1 to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog
outputs of the selected board are consecutive to the outputs of the boards
that have already been declared.
− OutMaxAnalogs/Encoders: number of analog outputs. The number of
analog outputs must vary from 1 to 4. Default value: 4.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 TSR72
The TSR72 is a board with analog inputs, the board settings are the followings:
− Address: board address. Default value: 0.
− InFirstAnalog: absolute number of the first analog input of the board: from1
to 10000. The default value is calculated in such a way that the analog inputs
of the selected board are consecutive to the inputs of the boards that have
already been declared.
− InMaxAnalogs/Encoders: number of analog inputs. The number of analog
inputs must vary from 1 to 4.
− Simulated: flag indicating if the board is simulated. List of possible values.
Default value: “False”.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
By right clicking on a axis server node you open the following popup:
- Delete: with this command you can delete the axis server, associated to
the selected node and to all its sub nodes.
- Rename: with this command you can rename the axis server associated to
the selected node.
- Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
- Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
By double clicking on the Fieldbus node you can open the Axes Fieldbus
Configuration window.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the Fieldbus node you can open the
following popup:
- Properties: with this command you can view the fieldbus configuration of
the axis server.
By double clicking on the Server node you can open the Axes Server
Configuration window.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the Server node you can open the
following popup:
- Properties: with this command you can view the axis server configuration.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on an axis node ( circular simulated;
linear simulated, circular real, linear real), you open the following popup:
- Monitor: with this command you can see the axis test window. This
command is available only in debug mode. For further information see the
- Remove From Project: with this command you can remove, from the
project, the axis associated to the selected node.
- Delete: with this command you can delete the axis associated to the
selected node.
- Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the axis
associated to the selected node.
In debug mode, beside the axis name you can see the following information:
− Axis status:
− axis in halt.
− axis in motion.
By double clicking on an axis node ( circular simulated; linear simulated,
circular real, linear real), you can open the Axis configuration window, reporting
the properties of the axis associated to the selected node.
To add a new axis server to the project axes configuration, right click on the
Configuration node, under the Axis node, and select New Server.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
Edit the server name and choose Ok to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The axis server will be added at the bottom of the axes configuration. Delete
To delete an axis server from a project, click with the right button of the mouse on the
axis and select Delete. Choose Yes to delete the server or No to cancel the
With this operation the axis server and all its settings will be deleted; the user must
verify that any reference to the server to be removed is still present in the project. Rename
To rename an axis server, right click on the axis server and choose Rename.
Edit the new name for the axis server and Ok to rename the task or Cancel to cancel
the operation.
The master boards node contains the master boards nodes (encoder / dac). With
these nodes, you can manage the axes of the axis server associated to the upper
level node.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on the Master Boards node you can
open the following popup:
- New: you can add a new master board to manage the axes of the axis
server associated to the node.
- Import: you can import a master board to manage the axes of the axis
server associated to the node.
- Expand All: with this command you can expand all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
- Collapse All: with this command you can close all the sub nodes of the
selected node.
By clicking the right button on a master board node the following popup appears:
- Remove From Project: with this command you can remove, from the
project, the master board associated to the node.
- Delete: with this command you can delete the master board associated to
the node.
- Properties: with this command you can view the properties of the master
board associated to the node.
By double clicking on a master board you can open the Master Board
Configuration window, reporting the properties of the master board associated to the
selected node.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 New
To add a new master board to a server axis configuration of a project, click with the
right button of the mouse on the Master Boards node and choose New.
Set the master board properties and choose OK to save the configuration of the new
master board or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The master board is added at the bottom of the master boards list.
For further information concerning the properties of a master server board see
Master Board – Properties. Import
To remove a master board, from an axis server of a project, right click on the master
board and choose Remove From Project. Choose Yes to remove the master
board or No to cancel the operation.
With this operation the board will be removed from the axis server of the project; the
user must verify that any reference to the master board to be removed is still present
in the project. Delete
To delete a master board, from an axis server of a project and delete the associated
files, right click on the master board and choose Delete. Choose Yes to remove
the master board and delete all its files or No to cancel the operation.
With this operation the board and all its files will be deleted from the axis server of the
project; the user must verify that any reference to the master board to be deleted is
still present in the project. Properties
To see the properties of a master board of the axes configuration, right click on the
board and select Properties.
A master board settings are organized in the following pages:
- Identification:
− Name: master board name.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 List
In this node you can find the list of the axes, of the axis server, associated to the
upper level node.
By clicking the right button of the mouse on List node you can open the following
- New: you can add a axis to the axis server associated to the node.
- Import: you can import an axis to the axis server associated to the node.
- Expand All: you can expand all the sub nodes of the selected node.
- Collapse All: you can close all the sub nodes of the selected node. New
To add a new axis to the configuration of an axis server of a project, click with right
button of the mouse on the List node and select and select New.
Set the axis properties and choose OK to save the new axis configuration or Cancel
to cancel the operation.
The axis is added at the button at the bottom of the axes list.
For further information concerning the axis properties see Axis – Properties. Import
To import an existing axis in the axis server configuration of a project, right click on
the List node and choose Import.
Choose the file with .acs extension containing the axis definition to import and press
OK to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The axis is added at the bottom of the axes list.
For further information concerning the axis see Axis – Properties.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2 Monitor
To open the project test window, right click on the axis ( circular simulated;
linear simulated, circular real, linear real), and select Monitor. This command
is available only in debug mode.
For further information see the Axis document.
To remove an axis from the axis server of the project, click with the right button of the
mouse on the axis ( circular simulated; linear simulated, circular real,
linear real), and select Remove From Project. Choose Yes to remove the axis or
No to cancel the operation.
This operation will remove the axis from the axis server of the project; the user must
verify that any reference to the axis to be removed is still present in the project. Delete
To delete an axis from the axis server of the project and all the associated files, right
click on the axis ( circular simulated; linear simulated, circular real, linear
real), and choose Delete. Choose Yes to delete the axis and all its files or No to
cancel the operation.
This operation will remove the axis from the axis server of the project and all the
associated files; the user must verify that any reference to the axis to be removed is
still present in the project. Properties
To open the window containing the axis configuration, right click on the axis (
circular simulated; linear simulated, circular real, linear real) and select
The axis settings are organized in the following pages:
− Identification:
− Name: axis name.
− Axis type:
− Linear.
− Circular.
The axis type determines the motion units:
− For the linear axes:
− The motion units are the followings:
− Position: mm.
− Velocity: mm/min.
− Resolution: pulse/mm.
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
To open the fieldbus settings on which a CANOPEN master board may be installed,
double click on Fieldbus.
The Axes Fieldbus Configuration window is organized as follows:
− Address: fieldbus address.
− IRQ: fieldbus interrupt level.
− Device: fieldbus device.
− Baudrate: fieldbus baudrate.
− Simulated: master board simulated flag.
− Ok: with this command you can save the settings changes.
− Cancel: with this command you close the window without saving the
Chapter 3: Project
PowerPLC-Bridge Manual V7.2
− Timer Number: number of the hardware timer used for the axis server
interrupt. If the timer number is 0 the interrupt is provided by an internal
− Timer Period: timer period, in microseconds. This value is valid only if in
the Timer Number field an hardware timer has been selected.
− Ok: with this command you can save the settings.
− Cancel: with this command you close the window, without saving the
Chapter 3: Project