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№ 682

Modeling of an Efficient Low Cost, Tree based

Data Service Quality Management for Mobile
Operators using In-Memory Big Data Processing
and Business Intelligence Use cases

Kingsley A. Ogudo and Dahj Muwawa Jean Nestor

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December 14, 2018

Modeling of an Efficient Low Cost, Tree based Data Service
Quality Management for Mobile Operators using In-Memory
Big Data Processing and Business Intelligence Use cases

Abstract—Network Operators are shifting their business improve service quality taking into consideration the time
interest towards Data services in a geometric progression manner, constraint. The justification of the big money being invested in
as Data services is becoming the major source of Telco revenue. Service Quality and Customer Experience Managements is
The wide use of Data platforms; such as WhatsApp, Skype, scaled on multiple levels including Domain expertise,
Hangout and other Over the Top (OTT) voice applications over technology awareness and the investment in Science,
the traditional voice services is a clear indication that Network Engineering, Mathematics and Technology. In this paper, a
Operators need to adjust their business model and needs. And model of a Tree-based Service Quality Management system is
couple with the adoption of Smartphones usage which grows investigated and illustrated using data collected from an
continuously year by year, which means more subscribers to
Operator, SparkSQL with In-memory Big Data processing and
manage, large amount of transactions generated, more network
resources to be added and evidently more human technical
cloud based BI tool for visualization.
expertise required to ensure good service quality. With the large
amount of transactions generated by data traffic and the high II. THE CONCEPT OF IN-MEMORY BIG DATA
demanding service qualities, Mobile Network Operators are
The concept of Big Data is related to the amount of data to be
spending millions of rands/dollars to deploy Robust Service
Quality Management (SQM) and Customer Experience processed. The processing of such data requires a lot
Management (CEM) to stay competitive in the market. These computational power and advanced technologies. The
solutions’ high cost is justified by the integration of Big Data characteristics of Big Data emphasizes on the Volume, Velocity
Solutions, Machine Learning capabilities and good visualization of and Variety “VVV” techniques, called the three “Vs” to make
insight data. However, the Return on Investment (ROI) of the the difference with the traditional data handling methodologies,
expensive systems are not as conspicuous as the provided Volume, Velocity and Variety [2].
functionalities and business rules. Therefore, in this paper an
efficient model for low cost Service Quality Management system is
presented, using the advantages of the In-Memory Big Data Amount of Data to be
Data Volume retrieved
processing and simple low cost business Intelligence tools to
showcase how a good Service Quality Management can be
implemented with no big investment.
Data Velocity Data Retrieval Speed
Keywords—Service Quality Management, In-Memory Big Data,
Business Intelligence, Service Quality Index, Over The Top
Data diversity (Files, images,
Application (OTT), Data Traffic and ROI.
Data Variety videos …)
Figure 1: Big Data Characteristics, the 3 Vs
One of the biggest concerns of the Cellular Network
Operators is to ensure continuous service availability and quality
for a good subscriber retention index. However, with the growth A. In-Memory Data Processing
and high adoption of Smart phones and Smart devices alike, For many years data processing has been based on data
increase in Data services, data traffic is increasing exponentially. stored in disks including relational databases such as Structured
Tracking Service Quality becomes a tedious and complicated Query Language (SQL). However, with the growth of data and
exercise, requiring not only telecommunications knowledge but the high demand of low-latency services, the concept of in-
also the knowledge required to find useful information in the memory Database storage has developed. Because data stored
billions of transactions records generated by mobile subscribers. in the memory are accessed quickly, in-memory processing
Thus, the involvement of Data Analytics, Big Data processing becomes the most suitable methodology for real time analytics
and Business Intelligence in the area of Telecommunications.
[3]. In-Memory data processing has the advantage of reducing
The big step in terms of innovation in the area of technology is
the Hardware footprint while improving the performance. CPU
the advancement of computer technology which has changed
completely the way of handling Data, Analyzing Data and power, Memory and disk storage are considered and are subject
visualizing data [1]. The data collected from the network to variation to meet the business need.
contains a lot of subscribers’ information that can help network
operators in decision-making processes and business
improvement methodology. Cellular Network Operators aim to
B. SparkSQL Another important aspect of BI is the drilling down and
The advance of technology comes with the challenge of navigation between different dashboards. In this paper, the
skills development. With the high success in the market of concept of Service Quality Index (SQI) is introduced along the
traditional relational database systems (RDBMS), companies mentioned key aspects.
have invested a lot in relational databases such as SQL.
Migrating completely away from the Relational Databases to Measurement Result
new architectures becomes a huge technological challenge.
SparkSQL is an Apache Spark module developed to process
Relational Data Structure with Spark [4]. It allows the usage of Aggregation of KPIs
SQL queries to retrieve information. Thus, SQL Users to take Scorecards
advantage of the Big Data processing. SparkSQL presents three
main capabilities [5]: Information Overview
 Data frame abstraction in different programing Dashboards Window
languages including Java, Python and Scala to
efficiently work with structured data sets.
 Read and write many popular structured data formats
such as JASON, Parquet, and Tables).
 Using SQL, query data from inside Spark program and
from external tools that use database connectors to Figure 3: Key Concepts of Business Intelligence
communicate with Spark (JDBC/ODBC). This scenario
is used in this paper since the connection to the dataset IV. PROBLEMATIC AND OBJECTIVES
is via JDBC connector.
Using the advantages of SparkSQL with in-memory data
caching and the BI tool, this paper demonstrates the building of
a low cost tree based Service Quality Management for Network
MySQL, Access, evaluation and monitoring. The objective is to construct a basic
Oracle SQL framework that leverages on the current business demand of
Network Operator. The business needs of Operators differ
Spark Shell based on the business models, the processes, competitors and
maturity in the business. Nevertheless, the main goal and
objective is to have good Service Quality and improve
Customer Experience.

A. Relating the Problem to Big Data

Let us assume that a Network Operator is launching a new
video service and is interested in promoting the package to a
certain group of subscribers who are already high users of video
Figure 2: SparkSQL Scope of Usage applications based on their past customer experience data. The
solution to the puzzle is related to the choice of the data to be
C. SparkSQL In-Memory Caching and Data Access used and the methodology to extract such information. This
Spark SQL provides the possibility to cache data in a structured could be achieved by classifying customers with high volume
way in the memory. Applying columnar compression of data usage on video-streaming. Using the applicable
techniques on the structured data dictionary encoding scheme, algorithm to classify the customers based on the amount of data
it reduces memory footprint. Data cached in memory can be bundles used on video-streaming, individuals subscribers can
retrieved for different applications including visualization and be selected; and this relates already to a real Big Data problem
Machine Learning. due to the fact that the search data in the Network Infrastructure
combines both text and numbers (Variety), and usually large
(Volume, Velocity) [7]. However, the interesting property of
III. THE CONCEPT OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Big Data is the amount of records which in this case could be
in the order of hundreds of millions of transactions done by
Although the concept of BI (Business Intelligence) has
customers provided from each part of the Network.
been given different façades by different people, the simplest
definition is the presentation of clear and relevant dashboards
or reports which transform data into actionable information [6]. B. Relating the Problem to Business Intelligence
BI saves time in terms of reporting and improving productivity. In order to take effective business decisions based on Data
The key concepts to consider when delivering corporate BI are Analysis, the transformed data must be presented in an
KPI (Key Performance Indicators), Scorecards and dashboards. understanding, meaningful and clear way. Let us assume that the
Network Operator in section A identifies the subscribers likely Telecommunications. A high performing computer is used,
to adopt the new video service launched and presents the data in Core i7 with 16Gb RAM, 2.40 GHz CPU. The processing
form of reports and dashboards, classifying the users per Region, power of the server determines and limits the amount of data
District, Town and Neighborhood to easily contact them. This that can be analyzed. The dataset to be loaded in memory must
relates already to Business Intelligence because the production be less than the memory capacity. Apache Spark must be
of the dashboards and reports have translated the Network data installed in the server with Spark SQL for processing. A cloud
into actionable information [8]. BI tool is used for clear and meaningful visualization of
processed data. SQL language is a pre-requisite as although the
V. QUALITY OF SERVICE OVERVIEW Spark is used o cache and access data in memory, the queries
The objective of QoS is to provide a satisfying end user are written in SQL which are properly understood by the
experience when using a specific service. The perception of SparkSQL Module.
service quality differs based on the service requirements. For
instance listening to music on the internet requires a lower delay
compared to sending an email, while sending an email requires
high reliability compared to the audio streaming. The QoS as A database connection is established between the original data
used in the scope of this paper is quantitative, involving source and the processing server. The processing server caches
definition of metrics such as throughput, latency, and the big data frame in memory for fast processing using Spark
retransmission [9]. SQL. SQL is used to query information from the dataset and
display on the dashboard. The SQM system is separated into
two parts: the Back-End and the Front-End as shown on Figure
A. Service Class Categorization 5. In its simple format, relating the process to a Data Mining
Service Quality is categorized based on their requirements. The problem, data is collected and understood, then transformed to
limitation of the air interface is taken into consideration when the correct format for the mediation layer, cached in memory
categorizing services also referred to as QoS Classes defined by for fast processing and smartly visualized to improve business
the 3GPP [10]. The key differentiator between the service decisions as illustrated on Figure 4
classes is the sensitivity to delay.

The dataset contains service information from the network. It is
Service Characteristics Applications made of categorical fields that are used as keys for queried
Class information and numerical fields from which KPIs and Score
Conversatio  Low delay.  Voice Call cards are deduced. The data fields used in the SQM database
nal  Preserve time  VoIP system contains user information, location information,
variation application information and Key Performance Indicators.
Streaming  Preserve time Audio & Video
variation Streaming A. Key Performance Indicators
Interactive  Request response  Web browsing
The exchange of information in the network is done through
pattern  Instant transport and application protocols which carry packet. TCP
 Preserve payload Messaging (Transmission Control Protocol) is used as the transport
content protocol for connection-oriented packets. TCP applications are
Background  Not delay sensitive  Email very sensitive to the conditions of the communication pipes.
 Preserve payload  Files The selected performance metrics used for the SQM are as
content download follow:

B. Service Application Model Used in this Research

Based on the theoretical background elaborated in the previous Data
Data Collection
section, the service applications used in the SQM system are Visualization
shown in Figure 6 organized in a Tree, providing drilldown using BI.
mechanism from top to Bottom, Layer 0 to Layer 3. To the layer
tree, a set of Performance Indicators is applied.


The Dataset is made available through JDBC connection. A
good understanding of the dataset is very crucial into building
the use cases, which requires knowledge of
Data Caching in
Memory &

Figure 4: Design Methodology

 Latency: time required for packets to be transmitted
across the Network. When the Round Trip Time 𝐾𝑄𝐼 = 𝛽 ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐾𝑃𝐼𝑖 (1)
(RTT) is relatively high, this can affect End-to-End
Service Quality. Measured in Milliseconds. 𝑆𝑄𝐼 = 𝛼 ∑𝑚
𝑗 =1 𝐾𝑄𝐼𝑗 (2)
 Packet Loss/Packet Retransmission.
 Throughput: the amount of Bits that can be sent in one Substitute (1) in (2) provides the general equation of the global
second (Data rate). SQI of the Network:
 Domain Name Server Performance:
𝑆𝑄𝐼 = 𝛼. 𝛽 ∑𝑚 𝑛
𝑗 =1(∑𝑖=1 𝐾𝑃𝐼𝑖𝑗 ) (3)
B. Service and Key Quality Index Logic
In order to give the overall quality of service for the entire
network, the concepts of Key Quality Index (KQI) and Service Where α and β are weighted coefficient of the performance
Index. Which can be defined by the Operator or the Data
Quality Index (SQI) are introduced. KQI is a combination of
Scientist doing the Analytics of the Service Quality.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) with weighted inputs to the
formula. Depending on the Operators, the KQI formula can be

Processing Server

BI Tool
In Memory
Customer SparkSQL
Disk Storage

The Database contains The Front-End is used

the Network for visualization and
Information coming smart reporting and
from the Gn-User The Processing server fetches the dashboard.
Plane with Data information from the database using
Packet Inspection for SparkSQL to read. The Data is processed on
Application the Fly and store in the memory for fast
classification. query. For Post-processing cases, where In-
Memory processing is not required, data can
be accessed from the Disk

Figure 5: In-House SQM System Architecture

C. Performance Aggregation Model

One of the key aspects of the SQM is to be able to determine bad performing cells or regions, devices and customers. For
the points of quality degradation in the network. A poor service each Layer of the Service Quality System, Network
can be linked to Network problems, device problems or single performance, Device Performance and Customer Performance
subscriber related. Thus the need of multi-level aggregation. are summarized.
The aggregation levels used are Network, Device and to a
certain level Customer. The objective is to identify good and
Layer 0: Global view of Service
Performance. Broken down into Global
Performance Indicator Tree (PIT). View

Streaming Layer 1: Service Interactive Background

Class breakdown.

Layer 2: Applications Class

Instant- Web Torrent Web
Audio Video Messaging Browsing Download Browsing

Layer 3: Popular Service

ITunes GMusic YouTube Video-Str. Skype WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Class Categorization
Figure 6: SQM Service Application Tree Model
The visualization is built on the idea to show multiple views of
the Network Service data. Combination of different reports
elements are combined to give a deep insight of performance
For each layer, the aggregation model constitutes the data in a single view for a powerful decision making platform.
framework of the BI. It indicates the impact of service quality Mathematical models or algorithms are applied to the BI system
on network cells, devices and on customers. to reduce calculation of percentages and totals that can be
graphically represented by Charts, Gauges, and Maps. Taking
into consideration the objectives to keep the system cost low, in
other word the cost effectiveness. The visualization of the End
Service result is done in a simple and concise way. From Layer 0 which
is the Global view, the Operator can drilldown to Layer 1, and
from Layer 1 to Layer 2, Layer 2 to Layer 3 for more insight on
the information. The SQM Dashboard is shown in the below
Top/Worst Cells Top/Worst Subscribers sections.

A. Layer 1 Use Case: Overall Network Service Quality.

Devices In order to engage to Network Optimization and
troubleshooting, it is important to have an overview of the entire
network performance. The benefits of the use case is to identify
Figure 7: SQM Aggregation Model Tree underperforming services, services with poor SQI. Figure 8.
Figure 8: Layer 1 Use Case Illustration

Figure 6: Use Case Layer 2 Illustration

Figure 10: Layer 3 Use Case Illustration

Figure 11: Layer 4 Use Case Illustration

Streaming, the dashboard shows the overall throughput, and the

B. Layer 2 Use Case: Specific Application Service
total volume of data used, the latency and the packet loss of the
audio-streaming application. Based on this analysis, the worst
Layer 2 Use case provides a specific service performance as
illustrated on Figure 9. The selected service is Audio-
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) can be evaluated quickly to for a long time, thus generating different kinds of signaling
take optimization decision. information in the network. All these data in the network can be
a great source of information if mined correctly.
The proposals to Telecommunications Business transformation
C. Layer 3 Use Case: Specific Aggregation Performance
consist in leveraging the expertise where necessary, leveraging
Impact of a specified Service
the technology in a competitive and cost effective way, making
Layer 3 use case illustrates the performance of Audio streaming data a priority and accessible to the entire Organization.
application impact on cells. In the same fashion, the handsets or
customer aggregation could have been chosen. Figure 10 shows
an example of such a Use case. REFERENCES
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increase good return on investment.
Different Network Operators will take different values from the
network data depending on two factors:
 Business transformation, cost reduction by increasing
efficiency in processes.
 Faster decision making based on real-time Network
data information.

The SQM model developed in this article is a combination of

Telecommunications and Data Science disciplines. The model
is an introduction to an in-house SQM development that can
help Network Operators to reduce the cost on Network
Monitoring tools.
There are billions of transactions generated in the Network by
Mobile Subscribers. With the advantage of mobility and
advance Mobile functionalities, subscribers can keep activity

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