Math 0100 - Assignment1

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MATH 0100 – N1 Mathematics I

GROUPS 1 & 2
Assignment #1
Reasoning and Logic, Proofs and PMI

• To be submitted by 10 a.m. on Wednesday 20th September, 2023 on myeLearning.

• Please attempt all questions.
• Total marks for all questions = 100. Marks for questions are in square brackets, [].
• Please write out your solutions clearly, on blank white sheets of paper.
• Your solutions must be done in the same order as the questions given in this
• Number the pages with your solutions.
• At the top of the first page with your solutions, please write the following:

1. MATH 0100
2. Your name.
3. Your UWI student ID number.
4. Your MATH 0100 Group number. (G1 or G2)
5. The assignment number.

• Scan, (in pdf format only), all the sheets with your answers, in the same order as the
questions given in this assignment. One can use a scanner or an app to scan your
• All scanned pages must be the same size and have the same orientation.
• Save the document with your answers as a single pdf file only. Please save it with the
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• The pdf file with your answers must be uploaded on myeLearning by the given
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• You are only allowed once to submit, (upload), the pdf file with your answers, so please
check carefully before you upload it.
1) The propositions 𝑝, 𝑞 and 𝑟 are defined follows:

𝑝: The examination is difficult

𝑞: The pass mark is 50

𝑟: I will pass

Write each of the following as a sentence in words:

a) 𝑞 → 𝑟 [5]

b) ~(𝑝˄𝑟) [5]

2) 𝑝 and 𝑞 are propositions.

i. Construct a truth table to show the truth values of ~𝑝 → 𝑞 and 𝑝˅𝑞 [5]

ii. State, with a reason, if ~𝑝 → 𝑞 and 𝑝˅𝑞 are logically equivalent. [2]

3) Construct a truth table for the following statement: 𝑝 ˅(~𝑞˄𝑟) [8]

4) Using direct proof, prove that if 𝑛 is an even integer then 7𝑛 + 4 is an even integer. [5]

5) Using direct proof, prove that the product of two consecutive numbers is even. [5]

6) Is the following statement true?

Every number of the form 2𝑛 + 3 is a prime number [5]

7) Simplify the following: ∑𝑟=2𝑛

𝑟=1 (𝑟 − 1)(𝑟 + 1) [10]

8) Evaluate ∑𝑟=25
𝑟=10 2𝑟(𝑟 + 1) [10]

9) Simplify ∑𝑟=2𝑛
𝑟=𝑛+1 𝑟(𝑟 + 4) [10]

10) Prove, using the principle of mathematical induction

∑𝑛𝑟=1(4𝑟 − 3) = 𝑛(2𝑛 − 1) [10]

11) Prove, using the principle of mathematical induction that, for any integer 𝑛 ≥ 1, 34𝑛 − 1 is

divisible by 16. [10]

12) Prove by Mathematical Induction

1 𝑛
∑𝑛𝑟=1 = 𝑛+1 [10]

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