The Future of Marketing Analytics in The Sharing Economy

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Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

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The future of marketing analytics in the sharing economy

Shahriar Akter a, *, Umme Hani a, Yogesh K. Dwivedi b, c, Anuj Sharma d
School of Business, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
Emerging Markets Research Centre (EMaRC), School of Management, Swansea University, Room #323, Bay Campus, Fabian Bay, Swansea, SA1 8EN, Wales, UK
Department of Management, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune & Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, Maharashtra, India
Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP), Patna 800001, Bihar, India


Keywords: The rise of sharing economy has accelerated the growth of marketing analytics to match demand and supply in
Marketing analytics capability industrial markets. However, the conceptualization of marketing analytics remains unclear in the sharing
Sharing economy economy. Theorizing market turbulence as the dark side of the sharing economy, this study presents a marketing
Marketing agility
analytics capability model using dynamic capabilities and contingency theories to advance thought and practice
Marketing effectiveness
Market turbulence
in industrial marketing research. Using a thematic analysis and a survey-based empirical study on B2B cloud
sharing platforms (n = 252), the findings present pattern identification, real-time solutions and data governance
as the antecedents of marketing analytics capability with its holistic effects on marketing agility and marketing
effectiveness. The empirical findings further support the mediating role of marketing agility and the moderating
impact of market turbulence on marketing analytics-effectiveness and marketing agility-effectiveness chain.
Overall, our results contribute toward a more nuanced understanding of the dark side of market turbulence on
marketing analytics capability dynamics in the sharing economy.

1. Introduction 2012; Zervas, Proserpio, & Byers, 2017) across both B2B cloud platforms
(e.g., Amazon web services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) and B2C
“In just a few years, the sharing (or access or gig) economy is already platforms (e.g., Uber, Airbnb, Deliveroo etc.). For example, the global
casting a shadow over numerous industries. But while the “sharing” market size of the cloud sharing economy is expected to grow USD 332.3
aspect is emphasized, data and analytics is critical to making the sharing billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.7%
actually work.” (Ransbotham, 2015p.1). from 2021 to 2026 due to the incessant need for AI and machine
learning-based real-time analytics by B2B firms (Gartner, 2021a).
The sharing economy is changing the marketing landscape through Marketing analytics on a B2B cloud sharing platform has emerged as
its scaleable pricing model and on-demand services (Kumar, Lahiri, & a dominant field due to the rise of sharing economy (Sheth, 2021). The
Dogan, 2018). The dramatic rise of the sharing economy is fuelled by growth of marketing analytics on this platform is primarily fuelled by
fast and efficient access to various resources over digital platforms at a the central role of data to build, test and deploy models regarding
reduced cost (Gyana, 2021; Rana, Kar, Gupta, Pappas, & Papadopoulos, customer relationship management (CRM), personalization and service
2020). Eckhardt et al. (2019, p. 3) define the sharing economy as “a automation in real-time (Chen & Wang, 2019; Wedel & Kannan, 2016).
scalable socio-economic system that employs technology-enabled plat­ For example, Freshworks, an AWS based B2B customer engagement
forms that provide users with temporary access to tangible and intan­ applications developer, builds and deploys 30,000 models for 11,000
gible resources that may be crowdsourced.” The shared platform customers within 33 min to provide real-time marketing value to cus­
revolution has dramatically transformed marketing by enabling the tomers (Amazon, 2020a). A sharing platform is based on five building
exchange of offerings through temporary access rather than permanent blocks: temporary access, transfer of economic value, platform media­
ownership (Eckhardt & Bardhi, 2015; Kumar et al., 2018). Scholars tion, expanded consumer role, and crowdsourced supply (Eckhardt
identify marketing analytics at the heart of this transformation (e.g., et al., 2019) to create, communicate and deliver value. Although B2B
Chen & Wang) to match demand and supply (e.g., Bardhi & Eckhardt, cloud sharing platforms share most of these attributes, the extant

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Akter), [email protected] (U. Hani), [email protected] (Y.K. Dwivedi), [email protected]
(A. Sharma).
Received 6 September 2021; Received in revised form 26 March 2022; Accepted 2 April 2022
Available online 30 April 2022
0019-8501/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

literature has failed to articulate the dynamics of marketing analytics platforms and model their overall effects on marketing agility and
capability to match demand and supply under the influence of market marketing effectiveness using the dynamic capabilities framework
turbulence (Chen & Wang, 2019). Indeed, most studies have not (DCF). In exploring this nomological net, the study investigates the
investigated the contingency effects of technology developments, moderating effect of market turbulence (i.e., technology turbulence,
competitive intensity and changing customer preferences, which are competitor turbulence and customer turbulence) using contingency
jointly known as market turbulence or the dark side of a sharing econ­ theories. As such, the study extends scholarly contribution in several
omy (Peters, Gudergan, & Booth, 2019). ways. First, extending the extant discourse on B2B analytics research
The Head of AWS, Andy Jassy, stated “Enterprise customers have (Akter, Fosso Wamba, Mariani and Hani, 2021; Cao et al., 2019; Elia
long overpaid for hardware and software, yet found that infrastructure et al., 2020; Gupta et al., 2020; Hajli et al., 2020; Hallikainen et al.,
rarely differentiates their business. By going to the cloud, such cus­ 2020), our study is one of the first empirical attempts to identify mar­
tomers get cost benefits and agility and don’t have to spend their engi­ keting analytics capabilities of cloud sharing platforms focusing on
neering research on their infrastructure” (Miller, 2014, p.1). Although pattern identification, real-time solutions and data governance. Second,
cloud sharing platforms have significantly reconfigured marketing this research sheds light on how marketing analytics capability on cloud
agility and scalability (Bardhi & Eckhardt, 2012; Wallenstein and Shelat, sharing platforms help achieve marketing agility by responding rapidly
2017; Zervas et al., 2017), the marketing analytics capabilities leveraged to market turbulence, which advances marketing thoughts in sharing
by B2B firms and their holistic effects on marketing effectiveness are not economy research (Dellaert, 2019; Eckhardt et al., 2019). Interestingly
explored (Peters et al., 2019). We refer to marketing effectiveness as enough, prior research appears to underestimate the impact of market
mid-range, concurrent market-related performance goals to measure turbulence on the marketing analytics capability-marketing effective­
marketing performance (Vorhies, Morgan, & Autry, 2009). Since the ness in this context (e.g., Kumar et al., 2018; Lamberton & Rose, 2012).
sharing economy is a subset of the digital economy involving websites, As such, this research investigates the impact of market turbulence by
mobile apps, social media and online forums, marketing analytics play a taking into account the changes in technology, competitor and cus­
key role in gathering and extracting substantial insights from these data tomers and modelling their overall effects. As a dark side of sharing
to shape marketing effectiveness (Chen & Wang, 2019; Davis, Grewal, & economy, the significance of market turbulence appears to be incon­
Hamilton, 2021). With marketing analytics capability as the critical clusive in B2B context and has seldom been examined. Overall, the
driver of marketing agility, a sharing platform provides essential in­ findings of our study illuminate the impact of marketing analytics
sights to meet various real-time needs of an industrial buyer without capability on marketing agility and marketing effectiveness, which
ownership transfer (Davenport, Guha, Grewal, & Bressgott, 2020; Fosso varies according to the influence of market turbulence. This is a mean­
Wamba & Akter, 2019; Wedel & Kannan, 2016). For example, Amazon ingful extension of the sharing economy literature in marketing by
Web Services (AWS) provide a matching capability for its business linking analytics with performance variation through a contingency
customers by accessing millions of usage behaviour data points, iden­ factor (Jiang, Zheng, Fan, Zhang, & Li, 2021; Teece, Peteraf, & Leih,
tifying latent demand through pattern spotting, and efficiently matching 2016). Thus, our research offers significant insights that can transform
real-time needs (Amazon, 2020a). Clients on AWS can access customer marketing thoughts and practices across B2B cloud sharing platforms.
data, clickstream data, mobile phone-based location data and trans­
action data to develop and measure various marketing activities. Cloud 2. Literature review
sharing platforms operate within external environments, and the
external forces often influence their opportunities for and constraints on 2.1. Marketing analytics capability on a sharing platform
agility (Tidd, 2001). The primary focus of marketing agility is to adapt to
market turbulence (Droge, Calantone, & Harmancioglu, 2008) that in­ “What is really new about the sharing economy is the fact that it is built
fluences marketing effectiveness (Jansen, Van Den Bosch, & Volberda, on the digital economy, in which data drive exchange and value creation
2006). This study argues marketing analytics capability of a cloud in an unprecedented manner” (Chen & Wang, 2019p.1).
sharing platform as a dynamic capability, which can explain how,
marketing effectiveness can be achieved, especially in highly turbulent We define a sharing platform as an economic platform that facilitates
market conditions (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Helfat & Winter, 2011; economic activities among a network of economic actors (Perren &
Teece, 2007; Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). Kozinets, 2018). Marketing analytics capability (MAAC) on a cloud
Whilst a corpus of research has shed light on the B2C sharing plat­ sharing platform (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) involves
form’s marketing activities, insight still remains elusive regarding the the collection, warehousing, processing and analysis of various data (e.
marketing analytics capabilities of a B2B sharing platform (Hein et al., g., app and weblogs, surveys and transactions, sales & revenues and
2019). While analytics research has been explored in various B2B do­ social data) to capture insights on marketing effectiveness using
mains (Cao, Duan, & El Banna, 2019; Elia, Polimeno, Solazzo, & Pas­ descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive tools (Wedel &
siante, 2020; Gupta, Drave, Dwivedi, Baabdullah, & Ismagilova, 2020; Kannan, 2016). B2B companies on a sharing platform leverage a vast
Hajli, Tajvidi, Gbadamosi, & Nadeem, 2020; Hallikainen, Savimäki, & amount of data and analytics to explore customer behaviour. However,
Laukkanen, 2020), there is a paucity of research on B2B sharing plat­ the breadth and depth of their marketing activities are driven by the
forms through data & analytics are at the heart of this economy (Rans­ right analytics capabilities provided by the shared platform. For
botham, 2015). Thus, drawing on dynamic capabilities (Teece, 2007; example, the shared data lake architecture capability of AWS has
Felin, Foss, Heimeriks, & Madsen, 2012) and contingency theory per­ enabled Equinox, Netflix and Zappos to develop personalized customer
spectives (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2006; Johns, 2006; Pfeffer, 1997; Tsai & experiences (Amazon, 2020b). Similarly, the AWS analytics platform
Yang, 2013), this study intends to address the following RQs: has empowered Warner Bros. in capturing, processing and actioning
insights for developing games.
RQ1. What are the antecedents of B2B marketing analytics capability on a These examples indicate how B2B cloud platforms leverage MAAC
cloud sharing platform? and unlock the value. Key areas for marketing analytics on a shared
RQ2. Is there any impact of overall analytics capabilities on marketing platform include data governance (privacy and security), real-time de­
agility and marketing effectiveness under the contingency effects of market cision making on resource allocations to the marketing mix variables
turbulence? and patterns identification of customer behaviour for personalization
and relationship management (Wedel & Kannan, 2016; De Luca, Her­
In answering these research questions, the study identifies the hausen, Troilo, & Rossi, 2020). Overall, the objectives of MAAC on a
drivers of marketing analytics capabilities of B2B firms on cloud sharing shared platform are to optimize marketing effectiveness, including

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

segmentation and targeting, sales management, customer relationship Gunasekaran, Dubey, & Childe, 2016; Wamba et al. ., 2017), marketing
management (CRM), pricing, branding, promotions, innovations and analytics (Wedel & Kannan, 2016) and cognitive service analytics (Akter
product portfolio management. et al., 2021), we define MAAC of a cloud sharing platform as a multi­
Fig. 1 shows that a cloud sharing platform (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, dimensional concept consisting of data integration, management, anal­
Microsoft Azure etc.) can help an organization to collect various types of ysis and real time-decision making ability to enhance marketing
structured and unstructured data from both organization and external effectiveness. For example, the extant literature reports that a cloud
sources, which are then integrated and processed for centralized data sharing platform helps B2B firms to increase employee engagement
storage, access and security. Since all data are in one place, marketing through service automation (Davenport & Ronanki, 2018), sales rec­
analysts can get quick access to examine, test and review data with the ommendations (Kumar et al., 2020), smart services like tax preparation
help of a pay as you go service. Using the remote analytics tools (Huang & Rust, 2020), business process or security services (Davenport
embedded in the sharing platform, the marketing team can leverage the et al., 2020). Although the literature on marketing analytics synthesizes
benefit of a specialized and well-equipped sharing platform with regard pattern spotting, real-time decisions, data governance as the pillars of
to data governance and data science tools. In addition, a cloud sharing the marketing analytics capabilities (De Luca et al., 2020; Hossain,
platform provides on-demand comprehensive insights anytime from Akter, & Yanamandram, 2021), there is a paucity of research in this
anywhere to facilitate collaboration, communication and marketing domain that has identified and tested the analytics capability di­
decision making. Since it is managed by sophisticated computer and mensions and their overall effects on marketing agility and market
network systems, data integration and analytics insights happen in real- effectiveness in a sharing economy context.
Despite the importance of data on a cloud sharing platform, there is
very limited research on MAAC to enable marketing agility in industrial 2.2. Marketing agility
markets (Chen & Wang, 2019). For example, AWS or Azure analytics
provide exceptional insights to small and medium businesses to meet The concept of agility has received increased attention from re­
idiosyncratic needs by identifying patterns in consumer usage behaviour searchers in various business domains due to its significant importance
data and making real-time decisions. In conceptualizing MAAC of a in firm performance (Khan, 2020). Agility is identified as a higher-order
shared platform, scholars have focused on deeper analysis of data capability that is built over time (Doz & Kosonen, 2008; Fosso Wamba &
(Kakatkar, Bilgram, & Füller, 2020), decision automation using statis­ Akter, 2019). Agility “enables firms to acquire, integrate and reconfig­
tical tools and marketing concepts (Kumar, Ramachandran, & Kumar, ure resources and dynamically position themselves competitively”
2020), patter spotting and real-time decisions (De Luca et al., 2020). (Vickery, Droge, Setia, & Sambamurthy, 2010, p. 7028). The extant
Drawing on the seminal studies on big data analytics (Akter, Wamba, literature has provided few definitions of agility. For instance, Sharifi
and Zhang (1999) define agility as taking advantage of opportunities

Fig. 1. Marketing analytics on a cloud sharing platform.

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

and changes by handling unprecedented threats and challenges in the 2014).

marketing environment. Others define it as the rapid capability to In a similar spirit, Schilke (2014) clarifies DCF as the mechanism to
assemble necessary knowledge, assets, and relationships to seize build and adapt both higher and lower order capabilities to enhance
competitive market opportunities and sense innovation opportunities organizational fit within the changing environment. Whereas higher-
(Sambamurthy, Bharadwaj, & Grover, 2003). Indeed, it is the firm’s order DCs focus on direct value creation activities, lower-order capa­
instant competitive and innovative action level by responding and bilities are routines or ordinary resource bases (Akter et al., 2021;
sensing customer-based opportunities (Roberts & Grover, 2012). Schilke, 2014; Teece et al., 2016). Teece et al. (2016, p.18) define DCs as
Marketing agility allows firms to respond to market changes quickly “ the firm’s capacity to innovate, adapt to change, and create change
by focusing on unpredicted incidences (Osei, Amankwah-Amoah, Khan, that is favorable to customers and unfavorable to competitors”. The DCF
Omar, & Gutu, 2019). In conceptualizing marketing agility, Homburg, identifies agility as the effect of dynamic capabilities to manage uncer­
Theel, and Hohenberg (2020) focused on fast decision making, trial and tainty. The building blocks of agility through DCs depend on manage­
error learning, whereas Kalaignanam, Tuli, Kushwaha, Lee, & Gal ment capabilities to quickly transform technologies and infrastructures
(2021) highlighted sensemaking, iteration, speed and decisions. Zhou, (Teece et al., 2016). Analytics research has identified marketing ana­
Mavondo, and Saunders (2019) identify marketing agility as a meta lytics capability as a higher-order dynamic capability that allows a firm
dynamic capability representing the novel attributes of market sensing, to collect, integrate, process and analyze data to renew its knowledge
speed and flexibility to detect opportunities and respond speedily by base (Côrte-Real, Oliveira, and Ruivo, 2017) and learn about customers,
reconfiguring marketing tactics in a changing environment. However, competitors, and the broader market environment (Wilden & Gudergan,
Khan (2020) extends marketing agility by focusing on under-studied 2015).
dynamic capabilities, such as proactive market sensing, responsive­ Past analytics capability theories show that market performance can
ness, speed and flexibility. Overall, the extant literature identifies four be enhanced through the proper deployment of analytics resources (e.g.,
predominant attributes of marketing agility as outlined by Zhou et al. Akter et al., 2016; Fosso Wamba et al., 2017). Studies also indicate
(2019), which is consistent with Homburg et al. (2020), Khan (2020) analytics-driven marketing capabilities can increase overall firm per­
and Kalaignanam et al. (2021) to a large extent. First, marketing agility formance through sales growth, market share and market position
is a higher-order organizational capability, which can adapt to changing without sacrificing profitability (De Luca et al., 2020). The sustained
market contexts better than rivals (Roberts & Grover, 2012). Second, market performance can be achieved by using dynamic marketing an­
marketing agility reflects flexibility, speed, responsiveness and proac­ alytics capability to sense every evolving market opportunity and threat,
tiveness (Homburg et al., 2020; Sherehiy, Karwowski, & Layer, 2007; seize the sensed opportunities of untapped demand and reconfigure new
Zhang, 2011). Third, marketing agility implies sensemaking and mar­ service offerings to meet needs and manage uncertainty (Cao et al.,
keting response (Kalaignanam et al., 2021; Roberts & Grover, 2012; 2019). Using analytics on the sharing platform, marketers assess the
Teece et al., 2016) by responding to opportunities and threats and value of customers, products and channels using various promotional
proactively changing the resources and settings (Roberts & Grover, and pricing scenarios and evaluate effectiveness of their marketing de­
2012; Teece et al., 2016). Fourth, marketing agility is context-specific cisions (Farris, Bendle, Pfeifer, & Reibstein, 2015). We refer marketing
(Roberts & Grover, 2012; Zhou et al., 2019). effectiveness as the degree to which market related performance goals of
Researchers identify marketing agility as a critical antecedent of an organization is achieved in a sharing economy through dynamic
customer satisfaction (Aghina, Handscomb, Ludolph, Rona, & West, analytics capability. Whereas marketing effectiveness refers to the key
2020), strategic competitive performance (Sultana, Akter, & Kyriazis, performance indicators (KPIs), marketing analytics refers to the
2022) and marketing excellence (Homburg et al., 2020). Despite the data-driven insights in specific marketing contexts (Vorhies et al., 2009).
growing importance of marketing agility in a sharing economy, its ef­ However, few studies have articulated the impact of MAAC on market­
fects have not been clearly studied on marketing effectiveness under the ing agility and effectiveness by taking into account contingency factors
influence of market turbulence (Davenport et al., 2020; Sultana et al., that critically influence the internal operating system of a firm (Teece
2022). This sentiment has been echoed by Kalaignanam et al. (2021, et al., 2016).
p.53) as follows: “Future empirical research, therefore, could investigate
the impact of MA (marketing agility) on a multitude of product-market 3.2. Contingency theory and market turbulence
outcomes and the contingencies associated with these relationships.”
Since contingency has always been a feature of the industrial marketing The contingency theory is rooted in fitting attributes of an organi­
environment, thus analytics capability management under deep market zation, such as its resources to uncertainties that reflect the environment
turbulence becomes a proactive requirement (Teece et al., 2016). of an organization (Burns & Stalker, 1961; Pennings, 1975). The theory
Although marketing analytics is a crucial dynamic capability to know suggests that an organization must have resources to address environ­
when and how much agility is required, there is scant research on this mental factors to succeed in a turbulent environment (Tsai & Yang,
association in the B2B sharing economy context. 2013). Since external environments influence market opportunities or
challenges, it is critical to give proactive attention to market turbulence
3. Theoretical foundations factors (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2006). In this context, Penrose (1959) argues
that environmental changes “may change the significance of resources
3.1. Dynamic capabilities framework and marketing effectiveness to the firm” (p. 79). In a similar spirit, Johns (2006) illuminates the role
of situational opportunities and constraints that influence the signifi­
This study is rooted in the dynamic capabilities framework (DCF) cance of organizational behaviour and the functional relationships be­
(Teece et al., 1997), which has gained momentum in recent times in big tween constructs. Scholars argue that the value creation, value delivery
data analytics research (Akter et al., 2021; Akter et al., 2021a; Fosso and value communication process of marketing is influenced by exog­
Wamba et al., 2017; Mikalef, Boura, Lekakos, & Krogstie, 2019) due to enous variables (Tsai & Yang, 2013). A proper match between internal
its ability to sense, seize and respond in volatile markets (Fosso Wamba operations and external influences can enhance firm performance.
& Akter, 2019; Teece, 2012; Winter, 2003). The core tenet of DCF is However, the extent of such a match can moderate internal mechanisms
argued as the higher-level capabilities of a firm to integrate, build and and affect performance indicators (Venkatraman, 1989a, Venkatraman,
transform its internal and external resources to achieve firm perfor­ 1989b).
mance in the turbulent business environment (Teece & Pisano, 1994). Market turbulence refers to the rate of change in exogenous variables
Hence, the DCF focuses on orchestrating or managing a firm’s capabil­ in an industry that influences marketing operations (Jaworski & Kohli,
ities to adapt and transform rapidly changing business contexts (Teece, 1993). With greater market turbulence, the extent of unpredictability is

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

more perceived by managers in their external market environment analysis, this study conceptualizes MAAC as a higher-order dynamic
(Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). The market turbulence concept identifies capability construct, which consists of three, lower-order, operational
the distinguishing feature of unpredictability in an external marketing capabilities including pattern identification, real-time solutions and
environment, such as technology, customer, and competitor (e.g., data governance (see Fig. 2). First, pattern identification refers to the
Bogner & Barr, 2000; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Helfat & Raubitschek, capability to detect and predict patterns in market demands and buyer
2000). The roles of competitor and customer are supported by Grant behaviour on a cloud sharing platform that would not be easily identi­
(2010), who argues that these forces in an industrial environment fiable in an on-premise platform (De Luca et al., 2020). For example,
directly affect firm performance by influencing the strategic choices of a using the Google cloud platform, Airbus provides secure access to sat­
firm. In a similar spirit, Penrose (1959) states that the market environ­ ellite imagery and data to enable its business customers to identify
ment is “determined by the actions of competitors and by the tastes, or at patterns (Google, 2021). Similarly, AstraZeneca’s Genomics Data Pro­
least the psychology, of consumers (1959, p. 217).” The subsequent cessing Solution on AWS runs 51 Billion Tests in 1 Day, which directly
literature argues the role of technology (e.g., Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; contributes to pattern spotting and new drug discovery (Amazon, 2021).
Peters et al., 2019) that influences the marketing mechanisms both in Second, real-time solutions refer to the capability to meet the variety and
creating and capturing value. For example, Baden-Fuller & Teece (2020, volume of ever-evolving needs of business customers irrespective of time
p.105) argues that “what was once a valuable resource or market posi­ and location (De Luca et al., 2020). For example, using Oracle cloud
tion can become outdated when consumer needs and technology sepa­ applications, IBM, Accenture, Deloitte and PWC provide real-time
rately or simultaneously change and rivals dream up new ways of marketing solutions to its business customers with regard to customer
identifying and fulfilling wholly new wants in wholly new ways that services focusing on consultation, security, technology and strategy
fundamentally challenge the old order – as vividly illustrated by the (Gartner, 2021). Finally, we define data governance as the capability to
demise of Kodak and Nokia”. As such, as a component of market tur­ access, integrate and process data from all the channels of a firm (e.g.,
bulence, the degree of change in technology, customer preferences and mobile, web, bricks & mortar, social etc.) (Hossain, Akter, & Yana­
competitive intensity may alter the effects of a firm’s marketing ana­ mandram, 2020; Mikalef & Krogstie, 2020). For example, Salesforce has
lytics capability on marketing agility and marketing effectiveness. developed a CRM platform on AWS by processing exabytes of data,
Despite the well-documented impact of market turbulence on the in­ integrating various channels and connecting customer identifiers to
dustrial marketing environment, few studies measured its influence on provide data-driven insights into customer segments and personalized
marketing analytics-agility-effectiveness link in a sharing economy recommendations (Amazon, 2021a). Overall, encapsulating pattern
context. identification, real-time solutions and data governance as the anteced­
ents, we propose a higher-order, reflective-formative MAAC construct,
4. Qualitative exploration which influences marketing agility and market effectiveness on a cloud
sharing platform (see Fig. 2). We propose market turbulence as the hi­
In order to answer the research questions on the antecedents of erarchical moderator consisting of technology turbulence, competitor
MAAC on a cloud sharing platform (e.g., AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google turbulence and customer turbulence, which influences the nomological
Cloud etc.), the study conducted a systematic literature review (e.g., chain. We argue that marketing agility mediates the relationship be­
Palmatier, Houston, & Hulland, 2018; Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart, 2003; tween MAAC and marketing effectiveness.
Snyder, 2019) and a thematic analysis (e.g., Braun & Clarke, 2006). The
study has conducted a thorough review of the following databases: 5.1. Effects of marketing analytics capability on marketing agility and
Business Source Complete (EBSCO), ABI/Inform Collection (ProQuest), market performance
Wall Street Journal (ProQuest), Emerald Insight and ScienceDirect using the
search strings: “sharing platform analytics”, “marketing analytics”, Since sharing economy is a subset of the digital economy, the
“cloud analytics”, “real-time analytics”, “platform analytics”, “analytics massive amount of data generated by digital platforms (e.g., website,
capability”, “marketing analytics capability”, “analytics platform” etc. mobile, social media) have advanced the demand for marketing ana­
Based on the screening of the title, abstract, keywords, and body of the lytics to introduce sophisticated methods, techniques and metrics to
text, we selected 43 articles from the initial discovery of 277 articles. A harness data, build models and design offerings to customers (Hossain
check of cross-references added 7 more articles, and a manual inclusion et al., 2020). The growth of marketing analytics in sharing economy has
added 5 articles. In total, 55 articles were selected for thematic analysis, shaped the necessity to embrace marketing agility (Kalaignanam et al.,
which reflected an implicit or explicit indication of MAAC on a cloud 2021; Lemon & Verhoef, 2016; Moorman, 2020). For example, using
sharing platform in the context of industrial markets. Following the AWS analytics, Moderna achieved the necessary speed and scalability to
guidelines of Braun and Clarke (2006), we applied thematic analysis as it accelerate new product development and production process through
is suitable for identifying repeated patterns in the interview data. We data integration, sophisticated analytics, service automation and regu­
identified three themes as the drivers of MAAC of a cloud sharing plat­ latory compliance (Amazon, 2017). Indeed, MAAC acts as the building
form: pattern identification, real-time solutions and data governance. block of marketing agility in sharing economy for a nimble and robust
The reliability of the themes was cross-checked using QSR NVivo 12 deployment of analytics solutions to wide-ranging marketing problems
software that is suitable for managing and analysing qualitative data and (Wedel & Kannan, 2016). The pattern identification, real-time solutions
identifying the themes. Furthermore, a panel of four judges (two aca­ and data governance contribute to marketing agility to establish a
demics + two practitioners) independent coded four themes against flexible process for sensemaking, fast iteration and innovation. The
selected articles using a nominal scale (i.e., 1 = pattern identification, 2 components of MAAC are intertwined and act together to develop agile
= real-time solutions and 3 = data governance) using IBM SPSS statistics marketing in sharing platforms so that changing needs of the market can
package (version 26) to assess inter-rater reliability of the themes (Akter be sensed and matched quickly (Kalaignanam et al., 2021). For example,
& Wamba, 2016; Krippendorff, 2004;Hayes & Krippendorff, 2007). The using AWS, Indigo has developed the sharing platform Indigo market­
results provided us with a Kalpha value of 0.84, which exceeds the place to match buyers and sellers in real-time for agricultural com­
threshold level of 0.80, confirming substantial evidence of inter-rater modities, and Ant Financial has developed a borrower screening
reliability of the three themes (De Swert, 2012). platform using Alibaba cloud (Akter et al., 2021; Iansiti & Lakhani,
2020). Since transactions are driven by technology in these sharing
5. Conceptual model and hypotheses development platforms, value creation activities are connected in an agile manner by
efficiently connecting parties with real-time analytics solutions (Perren
Drawing on the results of a systematic literature review and thematic & Kozinets, 2018; Eckhardt et al., 2019). Although there is evidence of

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

Fig. 2. Research model.

analytics and agility research in allied disciplines (e.g., Fosso Wamba & to create value and link customers across channels using analytics to
Akter, 2019), the relationship between marketing analytics capability measure marketing effectiveness. Because, understanding a 360-degree
and marketing agility has received limited research attention due to the view of contextual preferences of buyers is a critical priority in a
complexity embedded in sharing platforms concerning the data sources data-rich sharing economy to measure marketing effectiveness (MSI,
and analytics methods (Hoffman & Novak, 2017). As such, proposing 2020). Indeed, prior marketing research urges that marketing activities
MAAC as a higher-order construct combining pattern identification, need to be both efficient and effective in any platform to enhance pro­
real-time solutions and data governance, we put forward the following ductivity (Sheth, Sisodia, & Sharma, 2000). In a cloud sharing context,
hypothesis: MAAC must increase marketing effectiveness by properly deploying
marketing analytics resources. As such, we posit:
H1. Marketing analytics capability on a sharing platform has a
significant positive impact on marketing agility. H2. Marketing analytics capability on a sharing platform has a
significant positive impact on marketing effectiveness.
The extant research on big data and MAAC reports increasing ROI,
customer retention and market performance (Akter et al., 2016; Marketing agility refers to the higher-order ability of a firm to
Davenport & Harris, 2017; Wamba et al. ., 2017; Wedel & Kannan, outperform competitors in any marketplace by realigning resources as
2016). For example, in the context of B2B marketing, Cao et al. (2019) required (Accardi-Petersen, 2011). It also highlights proactive market­
report that MAAC influences marketing decision making, product ing strategies to adapt to the emerging needs, changing market condi­
development management and sustained competitive advantages. tions and strategic demands to enhance firm performance (Roberts &
Similarly, Hallikainen et al. (2020) and Zhang, Wang, Cui, & Han (2020) Grover, 2012; Zhou et al., 2019). The extant literature reports that
highlight that big data analytics influence CRM performance and sales marketing agility is directly related to innovation capability, marketing
growth in the B2B industry. Gupta et al. (2020) extend this line of revenue (Hern, 2014), financial performance (Sultana et al., 2022; Zhou
research by showing how MAAC increases market, operational and et al., 2019), stock market performance (Schultz, 2018) and marketing
financial performance in B2B markets. Hajli et al. (2020) propose a excellence (Homburg et al., 2020). However, empirical research in the
conceptual model on the relationship between MAAC, agility and new context of a sharing economy has not yet modelled any direct impact of
product success in industrial markets. Hung, He, and Shen (2020) use a marketing agility on marketing effectiveness (Aghina et al., 2020). This
case study approach to identify how analytics can enhance marketing absence of evidence reinforces us to posit:
and risk management performances in the commercial banking industry.
H3. Marketing agility of a sharing platform has a significant
Although a sheer volume of literature identifies a positive relationship
positive impact on marketing effectiveness.
between analytics and firm performance, a recent stream of analytics
research highlights that the return from MAAC is gradually waning
because studies have failed to articulate the right analytics tools/metrics 5.2. Mediating effects of marketing agility
for the right environment (Dekimpe, 2020; KPMG, 2020; Masige, 2020).
As a result, Hossain et al. (2021) state that there is pressure on marketers Marketing agility is argued to have both a direct and an indirect

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

impact on marketing outcomes (Zhou et al., 2019). Since marketing Although a firm achieves an optimum level of MAAC on a sharing
agility refers to a mechanism to respond to the changing market envi­ platform and implements agile marketing, it might not be able to cap­
ronment by iterating and reconfiguring analytics capabilities (Fosso ture value if the industry encounters rapidly changing customer pref­
Wamba & Akter, 2019), it influences marketing effectiveness through its erences, wide-ranging customer needs and intense interfirm competition
mediating role. For example, companies like Moderna or AstraZeneca in the form of imitation, price competition, promotion competition and
use AWS to accelerate marketing agility by combining various types of value-added services (Li, Poppo, & Zhou, 2008; Tsai & Yang, 2013).
data and analytics approaches as drivers to gain rapid market perfor­ Indeed, the marketing effectiveness of marketing agility is contingent on
mance (Amazon, 2017; Amazon, 2021). Although marketing agility is both direct and indirect factors (Aghina et al., 2020; Akter et al., 2021).
found to influence revenue (Schultz, 2018), innovation (De Luca et al., Thus, marketing effectiveness can be influenced by technological,
2020; Zhou et al., 2019) and operational performance (Gupta et al., ethical and regulatory limitations on a sharing platform, such as data,
2020), these studies did not explore the intermediate processes of methods and applications bias (Akter et al., 2021). These contingencies
marketing agility. Thus, we are intrigued to posit the following hy­ are paradoxes or the dark side of a sharing economy (Belk, Eckhardt, &
pothesis in the context of a cloud sharing platform: Bardhi, 2019), which can cripple the effects of marketing agility on
marketing effectiveness (Kalaignanam et al., 2021). However, this
H4. Marketing agility on a sharing platform mediates the rela­
investigation seems to be inconclusive in a sharing economy. Thus, we
tionship between marketing analytics capability and marketing
posit that:
H5.3. Market turbulence moderates the relationship between
5.3. Moderating effects of market turbulence marketing agility and marketing effectiveness.

We identify market turbulence as a contingency factor that in­ 6. Methods

fluences the nomological relationship between MAAC, marketing agility
and market performance. Market turbulence refers to the rate and 6.1. Research setting
unpredictability of change in three external forces: technological
development, competitive intensity and customer preferences (Peters The research setting is based on cloud sharing platforms (e.g., AWS,
et al., 2019; Tsai & Yang, 2013). In a dynamic or rapidly changing cloud Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM, Oracle and Alibaba), which enable
sharing environment, marketing analysts might need a robust analytics B2B firms to integrate, process, secure and store data to provide mar­
platform to be agile or to process high degrees of uncertainty (Chen keting analytics services using “on-demand” and “pay-as-you-go”
et al., 2014). Thus, in this environment, MAAC becomes more critical as models (Mgrdechian, 2019; Tandon, 2018). For example, AWS is the
a dynamic capability to effectively mobilize various analytics resources. leader in Gartner’s magic quadrant for cloud infrastructure and platform
MAAC helps to reconfigure various resources to match opportunities/­ services in 2021, which provide data movement, data storage, data
threats in turbulent environments by sharing real-time insights with lakes, big data analytics and machine learning services to millions of
both internal and external stakeholders (Fosso Wamba & Akter, 2019). businesses in 245 countries across the world (Gartner, 2021). This study
Hence, greater market turbulence will have more impact on processing focuses on Australian B2B firms currently using at least one cloud
marketing insights, thus requires a superior MAAC to enable effective sharing platform for marketing analytics.
market operations or marketing agility. Thus, identifying technology
change, competitors’ moves, and shifts in customer demand holistically 6.2. Scale development
as market turbulence, we posit:
H5.1. Market turbulence on a sharing platform moderates the Scales were adapted from past studies to measure data governance
relationship between marketing analytics capability and market­ (Mikalef & Krogstie, 2020), pattern identification and real-time solu­
ing agility. tions (De Luca et al., 2020). As part of measuring the outcome con­
structs, we assessed marketing agility (Benzidia & Makaoui, 2020;
In the volatile sharing economy, firms need superior dynamic ana­ Tallon, 2008) and marketing effectiveness (Vorhies & Morgan, 2005).
lytics capability to enhance marketing effectiveness. According to Eck­ To estimate the moderating effects of market turbulence, we adapted
hardt et al. (2019, p.18), “Fortunately, sharing platforms are replete constructs from (Peters et al., 2019), which is based on Bogner and Barr
with a rich array of digitized transactional data that marketing scholars (2000), Helfat and Raubitschek (2000). Except for control variables, all
could potentially use to assess the performance of different pricing the constructs were measured using a 7-point Likert scale. The control
strategies across various market conditions and customer segments”. In variables include industry type, firm size and analytics experience using
a similar spirit, we argue that sharing platforms are fertile grounds for nominal scale. Industry type was controlled to assess differences across a
marketing analytics as they are rich in data. However, the effects of few predominant sectors (e.g., retail, ICT, financial, professional etc.). In
MAAC on marketing effectiveness can be significantly influenced by its addition, firm size may explain variations in analytics practices between
technology offerings, such as data aggregation tools and technology small vs big firms, and experience may explain a respondent’s tenure in
platforms (e.g., Hajli et al. 2019), data quality (Bradlow, Gangwar, the industry (Cao et al., 2019). To assess the quality of the questionnaire,
Kopalle, & Voleti, 2017; Rana, Chatterjee, Dwivedi, & Akter, 2021) and we collected data from 35 respondents at the pre-test phase to confirm
algorithm designs (e.g., Akter et al., 2021). For example, market tur­ format, layout, scale structure and items. At the pilot-test phase, we
bulence in the form of technological developments has urged The Nas­ collected data from 55 respondents to confirm the drivers of MAAC and
daq Stock Exchange to use AWS cloud-based analytics to match buyers the causal chain. Table 2 shows measurement scales and their
and sellers at high volume and velocity, which is equivalent to 70 billion definitions.
records a day (Amazon, 2020c). However, downtime in these
cloud-based solutions due to upgrades or maintenance or a security
6.3. Data collection
breach can disrupt the marketing effectiveness of a sharing platform
(Gyana, 2021). Thus, acknowledging the impact of multidimensional
Using a professional market research firm, we approached a panel of
market turbulence on marketing effectiveness, we posit:
marketing analytics practitioners with at least one year of experience
H5.2. Market turbulence on a sharing platform moderates the using cloud-based analytics platforms (see Table 1). Using a simple
relationship between marketing analytics capability and market­ random sampling, the Qualtrics version of the questionnaire was
ing effectiveness. distributed to a panel of 733 respondents who met the screening criteria

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

Table 1 and were at least 18 years old (see Table 3). In total, 283 respondents
Respondents’ demographic profile (main study n = 252). filled the survey, and we analyzed the complete responses of 252 re­
Gender Age Number of employees (firm size) spondents after excluding all the spurious responses, such as missing
values and flatliners. Table 1 shows diversity in the sample in terms of
Male 51.2% 18–25 10.7% Less than 20 17.5%
Female 48.8% 20–99 15.9% the industry type, firm size, experience and gender (see Table 1).
25–34 37.7% 101–249 17.1%
35–44 31.7% 250–999 16.3%
45 + 19.8% 500–999 11.9% 6.4. Data analysis
1000–2499 7.5%
2500–4999 1.6% We used PLS-SEM (Hair et al., 2017) to estimate the overall model
5000+ 12.3%
Experience Industry type
due to its soft distributional assumptions and predictive robustness
< 5 years 46.0% Retail 19.4% (Chin, 1998; Wold, 1982). Due to the hierarchical nature of the MAAC
5–10 years 38.9% Media & entertainment 2% and market turbulence constructs, we applied a repeated indicator
>10 years 15.1% ICT 21.4% approach to estimate the reflective-formative model (Becker, Klein, &
Banking & finance 14.7%
Wetzels, 2012; Sarstedt, Hair Jr, Cheah, Becker, & Ringle, 2019; Wet­
Higher education 6.7%
Professional services 13.1% zels, Odekerken-Schröder, & Van Oppen, 2009). Due to the algorithmic
Others 22.6% benefits of PLS-SEM in assessing latent variable scores (factor de­
terminacy), factor identification and robust prediction, we selected the
technique to estimate both the measurement and structural properties of
the hierarchical model (Chin, 1998; Chin, Peterson, & Brown, 2008).
Furthermore, PLS-SEM is also suitable for serving the dual objectives of

Table 2
Operationalization of constructs.
Constructs Sub-constructs Definitions Item Items

Marketing Pattern It refers to the ability to detect and predict patterns in market demands PAID1 Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to identify
analytics identification and buyer behaviour on a sharing platform (De Luca et al., 2020) patterns of buyer behaviour across our touchpoints
capability PAID2 Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to predict
undesirable customer behaviors, such as complaints or
PAID3 Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to predict
desirable customer behaviors, such as propensity to buy
or word-of-mouth
PAID4 Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to identify
patterns of competitive actions affecting our customers
Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to perform
real-time analyses
Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to provide
Real-time It refers the ability to meet needs and provide real-time solutions real-time marketing solutions
solutions irrespective of time and location (De Luca et al., 2020) Analytics at the sharing allows me to implement real-
time decision rules
Analytics at the sharing allows me to identify the best
next action in customer interactions
Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to access
very large, unstructured, or fast-moving data
Analytics at the sharing platform allows me to integrate
It refers to the effective management of data on a sharing platform ( DAGO2
Data governance data from multiple sources
Mikalef & Krogstie, 2020; Ransbotham & Kiron, 2017)
I feel we provide enough privacy of customer data for
analytics purposes
DAGO4 I feel the sharing platform provides security for the data
It is very difficult to forecast where the technology of a
sharing platform will be in two to three years
Technology The degree to which technology on a sharing platform changes in terms
TETO2 The technology of a sharing platform is changing rapidly
turbulence of its prediction, rate and complexity (Peters et al., 2019)
There are many diverse technological events that impact
our operations
It is very difficult to predict any changes in who might be
our future competitors on a sharing platform
Competitor The degree to which competitive intensity on a sharing platform changes One hears of new competitive moves almost every day
Market turbulence COTU2
turbulence in terms of its prediction, rate and complexity (Peters et al., 2019) on a sharing platform
There are many, diverse competitor events that impact
our business’s operations
It is very difficult to predict any customer changes on a
The degree to which customer preferences and buying behaivor change sharing platform
on a sharing platform in terms of its prediction, rate and complexity ( CUTU2 Customers’ preferences change quite a bit over time
Peters et al., 2019) There are many, diverse market events that impact our
business’s operations
Analytics on a sharing platform allows us to quickly
respond to changes in customer demand.
It refers to simplified structures, processes and fast decision making to
Analytics on a sharing platform allows us to change
Marketing agility NA execute growth activities through constant iteration (Benzidia & MAAG2
offerings in response to changing market opportunities
Makaoui, 2020; Homburg et al., 2020)
Analytics allows us to react to new service launches by
(continued on next page)

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

Table 2 (continued )
Constructs Sub-constructs Definitions Item Items

MAAG4 We can adjust what we offer to match market needs

Marketing NA It refers to the mid-range, concurrent market-related performance goals MAEF1 Market share growth relative to competitors
Effectiveness to measure marketing performance (Vorhies et al., 2009; Vorhies & MAEF2 Growth in sales revenue
Morgan, 2005) MAEF3 Acquiring new customers
MAEF4 Increasing sales to existing customers

Table 3 formative control variables (i.e., firm size, industry type and experience)
Assessment of first-order, reflective model. using weights and variance inflation factors (VIF). The VIFs indicate no
collinearity among the control variables as they vary between 1.062 and
Dimensions Reflective Items Loadings CR AVE
constructs 1.278 (≤ 5).
Table 4 shows the discriminant validity of the first-order model as
PAID1 0.816 0.895 0.681
PAID2 0.849
the square root of the AVEs in the diagonals are higher than correlation
identification coefficients across the correlation matrix (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). An
PAID3 0.821
PAID4 0.815 assessment of the cross-loading also confirms that each item has a higher
Marketing RESO1 0.914 0.946 0.814 loading on its own construct than other constructs (Chin, 2010; Hair Jr,
analytics Real-time RESO2 0.891
Hult, et al., 2017). Finally, an examination of the heterotrait-monotrait
cpability solutions (RESO) RESO3 0.922
(MAAC) RESO4 0.882 (HTMT) criterion confirms additional discriminant validity as all the
DAGO1 0.792 0.869 0.624 values are less than 0.90 (Henseler, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2015).
Data governance DAGO2 0.840 Table 5 shows the path coefficients (or weights) of the hierarchical,
(DAGO) DAGO3 0.780 reflective-formative measurement model. Following the guidelines of
DAGO4 0.745
Technology TETO1 0.749 0.873 0.698
Sarstedt et al. (2019), first, the redundancy analysis confirms the
turbulence TETO2 0.898 formative nature of both MAAC and MATU constructs as the path co-
(TETU) TETO3 0.851 efficient linking each construct with a global item exceeds 0.70. Sec­
Competitor COTU1 0.808 0.879 0.709 ond, the collinearity index confirms that the first-order constructs of
turbulence COTU2 0.860
(MATU)- both MAAC and MATU are not correlated as the variance inflation factor
(COTU) COTU3 0.858
Customer CUTU1 0.816 0.857 0.666 (VIF) values are less than 3. Finally, we check the significance of path
turbulence CUTU2 0.829 coefficients (or weights) between the lower-order and the higher-order
(CUTU) CUTU3 0.803 constructs. MAAC consists of 12 items (4 + 4 + 4) representing PAID,
MAAG1 0.873 0.916 0.732 RESO and DAGO whereas the moderating construct MATU consists of 9
Marketing agility MAAG2 0.829
(MAAG) MAAG3 0.848
items representing TETU, COTU and CUTU. Table 5 shows that PAID (β
Outcome MAAG4 0.872 = 0.370), RESO (β = 0.435) and DAGO (β = 0.302) are significant an­
constructs MAEF1 0.852 0.927 0.760 tecedents of MAAC (p < 0.001). On the other hand, TETU (β = 0.403),
MAEF2 0.862 COTU (β = 0.381) and CUTU (β = 0.362) are significant antecedents of
MAEF3 0.891
(MAEF) MATU (p < 0.001). Overall, following Becker et al. (2012)’s type-B
MAEF4 0.883
t- VIF (reflective-formative) modelling, the study confirms the robustness of
Formative construct Items Weights the hierarchical model through the significance of the path coefficients
Industry 0.414 0.805 1.001 between first-order to second-order constructs as follows in Table 5.
Control variables (COVA) Firm size 0003 0.009 1.006
Experience 0.904 0.158 1.005

6.6. Structural model

predicting the endogenous constructs and explaining the theoretical
relationships (Hair Jr. 2021; Wold, 1982). Thus, applying a path The study uses path-coefficients (β), coefficient of determination (R2)
weighting scheme for the inside approximation and a nonparametric and the effect size (f2) to test the proposed hypothetical relationships of
bootstrapping with 5000 replications, we applied SmartPLS 3.3 to esti­ the research model (Table 6). The results show the MAAC has a signif­
mate both the measurement and structural model (Ringle, Wende, & icant, positive impact on MAAG (β = 0.886, p < 0.001). Similarly, the
Becker, 2015). findings confirm the positive, significant influence of MAAC on MAEF (β
= 0.452, p < 0.001) and MAAG on MAEF (β = 0.314, p < 0.001). Hence,
we confirm H1, H2 and H3. The findings also confirm MAAG as a sig­
6.5. Measurement model nificant partial mediator (β = 0.279, p < 0.001) (Hayes, Preacher, &
Myers, 2011; Preacher & Hayes, 2008). In establishing mediation chain,
The study estimates the latent construct scores of all the first-order we argue that MAAC (the predictor) has a significant impact on MAAG;
constructs: data governance, pattern identification, real-time solutions, second, MAAG has a significant impact on MAEF (the criterion variable),
marketing agility, marketing effectiveness, technology turbulence, and finally, the predictor MAAC has a significant impact on the criterion
competitor turbulence, customer turbulence. Table 3 shows loadings, variable (i.e., MAEF) without the influence of the mediator (Baron &
composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (Hair Jr, Hult, Kenny, 1986). Thus, we confirm H4. The findings on R2 confirm that
Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2017). All loadings are greater than 0.70 and sig­ MAAC explains 79% of the variance in MAAG and 56% of the variance in
nificant at p < 0.001, indicating the reliability of each item. All the CR MAEF.
scores exceed 0.80, the minimum threshold level, confirming the The findings of our research model show that the hierarchical
convergent validity (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). In addition, all the AVE moderating construct, MATU, does not have a significant impact on the
values meet the minimum cut-off value of 0.50, indicating convergent MAAC-MAAG relationship (β = 0.019, p > 0.05). Thus, we reject H5.1.
validity of each construct since an adequate amount of variance against However, MATU has a significant, negative impact on the relationship
measurement errors were explained (Chin, 2010). We measured three between MAAC and MAEF (β = − 0.135, p < 0.001) and MAAG and

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

Table 4
Correlations of LVs, AVEs and descriptive statistics*
Construct Mean Standard deviation DAGO PAID RESO TETU COTU CUTU MAAG MAEF COVA

Data governance (DAGO) 5.150 1.412 0.790

Pattern identification (PAID) 5.225 1.447 0.488 0.825
Real-time solutions (RESO) 5.223 1.430 0.472 0.471 0.902
Technology turbulence (TETU) 5.120 1.390 0.451 0.412 0.551 0.835
Competitor turbulence (COTU) 5.080 1.323 0.494 0.562 0.532 0.446 0.842
Customer turbulence (CUTU) 5.050 1.403 0.471 0.523 0.487 0.531 0.464 0.816
Marketing agility (MAAG) 5.300 1.352 0.416 0.441 0.462 0.466 0.531 0.510 0.856
Marketing effectiveness (MAEF) 5.378 1.312 0.426 0.495 0.491 0.487 0.538 0.451 0.411 0.872
Control variables (COVA) n.a. n.a. 0.034 0.026 − 0.040 0.071 0.032 0.091 − 0.018 − 0.118 n.a.
square root of AVE on the diagonal.

6.7. Robustness analysis

Table 5
Assessment of the higher-order model.
As part of robustness testing, first, we addressed non-response bias by
Model Second-order First-order β t- comparing the responses of the first 25% with the last 25% using a
paired t-test (Stanko, Molina-Castillo, & Munuera-Aleman, 2012). The
Hierarchical, Marketing Pattern 0.370 19.759 findings did not provide any evidence of a significant difference between
reflective- analytics identification
the two sets of responses. We also confirmed that there is no over-
formative capability (PAID)
(MAAC) Real-time 0.435 25.211
representation of any particular sample unit, which is evidenced by in­
solutions (RESO) dustry types in Table 1. Second, we checked common method variance
Data governance 0.302 17.656 (CMV) using a marker variable technique (Lindell & Whitney, 2001;
(DAGO) Williams, Hartman, & Cavazotte, 2010). The results did not show any
Market Technology 0.403 18.809
significant correlation between the marker variable and our target
turbulence turbulence
(MATU) (TETU) variable (r=0.033, p>0.05). At the instrument development stage, the
Competitor 0.381 19.959 study also exercised due caution in designing the questionnaire by
turbulence establishing a psychological separation between antecedents (MAAC)
(COTU) and endogenous constructs (MAAG and MAEF) to reduce a systematic
Customer 0.362 16.547
covariation and causality (MacKenzie & Podsakoff, 2012). Third, we
(CUTU) tested the predictive validity of the nomological net using PLSpredict
(Shmueli et al., 2019). As part of this, we applied PLSpredict on MAEF (i.
e., criterion variable) using both a training sample (n=225) and a
MAEF (β = − 0.115, p < 0.001). The evidence of moderation is also re­ holdout sample (n=25). The findings confirm the predictive validity of
flected by the degree of incremental variance in the criterion variable, the MAAC construct on MAEF as it provided lower prediction errors
MAEF, due to the effects of both MAAC* MATU (ΔR2 = R2interaction – when the results of PLS-SEM based root mean squared error (RMSE) was
R2main = 0.638–0.555 = 0.083) and MAAG*MATU (ΔR2 = R2interaction – compared with Linear Regression Model-based RMSE. Finally, we tested
R2main = 0.631–0.555 = 0.076) (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). The findings non-linear relationships, and the findings show that there is no quadratic
show that the R2 values of MAEF increase significantly with the incor­ association between MAAC2-MAAC (β=− 0.023, p>0.05) and MAAC2-­
poration of MATU as a moderator in MAAC-MAEF and MAAG-MAEF MAEF (β=0.018, p>0.05). Thus, we retain the significant, positive linear
relationships. The f2 effect size indicates how much the moderating ef­ relationship between MAAC-MAAG and MAAC-MAEF.
fect contributes to the explanation of the MAEF (Hair Jr, Hult, et al.,
2017, Hair Jr, Sarstedt, Ringle, & Gudergan, 2017). In measuring effect 7. Discussion
sizes, Cohen (1988) recommends f2 of small (0.02), medium (0.15) and
large sizes, whereas Kenny (2015) identifies f2 of 0.005, 0.01, and 0.025 7.1. Summary of findings
as small, medium and large effect sizes. Our findings show that both
MAAC*MATU (f2 = 0.077) and MAAG*MATU (f2 = 0.055) have large The findings confirm that marketing analytics capability on a sharing
effects on MAEF, according to Kenny (2015). Hence, our results support platform is a second-order construct, which represents three first-order
H5.2 and H5.3. We also estimated the non-significant effects of control components: pattern identification, real-time solutions and data gover­
variables, that is, industry type, firm size and analytics experience, on nance. Among these three components, the results identify real-time
marketing effectiveness. marketing solutions (β = 0.435) as the most important dimension on a
sharing platform, followed by pattern identification (β = 0.370) and
data governance (β = 0.302). The findings also confirm that marketing

Table 6
Results of the structural model
Hypotheses Main model Path coefficients Stand. error t-stat. R2 f2

H1 MAAC→MAAG 0.886 0.017 53.409 0.786 n.a.

H2 MAAC→MAEF 0.452 0.117 3.871 0.555 n.a.
H3 MAAG→MAEF 0.314 0.114 2.754
H4 MAAC→MAAG→MAEF 0.279 0.102 2.737
Hypotheses Interaction model Path coefficients Stand. error t-stat. R2 f2
H5.1 MAAC * MATU→MAAG 0.019 0.036 0.531 0.787 0.003
H5.2 MAAC * MATU→MAEF − 0.135 0.015 4.666 0.638 0.055
H5.3 MAAG * MATU→MAEF − 0.115 0.043 2.679 0.631 0.077

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

analytics capability positively influences marketing agility (β = 0.886) the market turbulence construct on the relationship between marketing
and marketing effectiveness (β = 0.452). In this nomological relation­ analytics capability and marketing effectiveness (β = − 0.135, p <
ship, marketing agility plays a partial mediating role as it explains 38% 0.001). Since the moderating term is negative, the linear relationship
of the overall variance using the VAF (Variance Accounted For) criterion between marketing analytics capability and marketing effectiveness
(Hair Jr, Hult, et al., 2017, Hair Jr, Sarstedt, et al., 2017). decreases by 0.135 units if the value of the market turbulence increases
The findings identify that technology turbulence (β = 0.403) con­ by one unit of standard deviation (see Fig. 3). Fig. 3 shows, for higher
tributes most to the market turbulence in a sharing economy, followed levels of market turbulence, the relationship between marketing ana­
by competitor turbulence (β = 0.381) and customer turbulence (β = lytics capability and marketing effectiveness reduces by the interaction
0.362). The results show that the moderating effect of hierarchical term (i.e., 0.452–0.135 = 0.317). On the other hand, for lower levels of
market turbulence on the relationship between marketing analytics market turbulence, the relationship between marketing analytics capa­
capability and marketing agility is not significant (β = − 0.019). This bility and marketing effectiveness becomes more robust (i.e., 0.452 +
non-significant impact may be caused by the presence of strong dynamic 0.135 = 0.587) (Hair Jr, Sarstedt, et al., 2017).
capability (i.e., marketing analytics capability) on a cloud sharing Similarly, the hierarchical market turbulence construct has a sig­
platform which is helping B2B firms to perform well in any type of nificant, moderating impact on marketing agility-marketing effective­
turbulence without making costly reconfiguration investments in mar­ ness link (β = − 0.115, p < 0.001). Due to the negative interaction term,
keting agility (Teece et al., 2016). The strength of dynamic capability is the effect of marketing agility on marketing effectiveness declines, with
also evidenced by the impact of MAAC on MAAG (β = 0.886) in the main one unit of standard deviation increase in market turbulence. Fig. 3B
model (see Table 6). shows, for higher levels of market turbulence, the link between mar­
However, the findings confirm the significant, moderating impact of keting agility and marketing effectiveness weakens (i.e., 0.314–0.115 =

Fig. 3. A: Moderating effects of MAAC*MATU on marketing effectiveness.

B: Moderating effects of MAAG*MATU on marketing effectiveness.

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

0.199). On the contrary, when there is low market turbulence, the Sapienza, & Davidsson, 2006; Zhou et al., 2019). Our findings on
relationship between marketing agility and marketing effectiveness moderation (i.e., H5.1) show that when marketing analytics capabilities
becomes stronger (i.e., 0.314 + 0.115 = 0.429). are nurtured well to be agile as dynamic capabilities, “firms may
Overall, the findings in Fig. 3A and B show that that the positive perform well in stable or even predictably volatile (i.e., risky) environ­
relationships between marketing analytics capability (MAAC) and ments without having made costly investments in agility” (Teece et al.,
marketing effectiveness as well as marketing agility (MAAG) and mar­ 2016, p.31). Overall, our findings extend the dynamic capability, market
keting effectiveness are more likely to be observed in firms facing lower performance and contingency literature (e.g., Karna, Richter, & Rie­
levels of market turbulence (MATU) on a sharing platform. senkampff, 2016; Peters et al., 2019; Schilke, 2014; Wilden, Gudergan,
Nielsen, & Lings, 2013) by modelling the holistic impact of the hierar­
7.2. Theoretical implications chical market turbulence construct on the nomological net in a sharing
economy context.
Due to the rise of sharing economy, marketing analytics has emerged
as a dominant force in marketing science since its early development 7.3. Managerial implications
time (e.g., Magee, 1954; Bass et al., 1961; Buzzell, 1964, Day & Parsons,
1970; Montgomery & Urban, 1969; Massy, Montgomery, & Morrison, While managing marketing analytics on a cloud sharing platform
1970; Kotler, 1971) to the present day data-rich environment (Wedel & involves pattern identification, real-time solutions and data governance,
Kannan, 2016). In a sharing economy context, our research answers the the ultimate success depends on establishing the marketing analytics-
research questions on marketing analytics capabilities and their overall marketing agility-marketing effectiveness chain under various market
effects on marketing agility and marketing effectiveness with contin­ turbulence conditions. Thus, our research has several managerial im­
gency effects. The findings of our study extend theoretical contributions plications, which are of specific interest to industrial marketers in
to several areas. sharing economy contexts.
First, our research shows that marketing analytics capability on a First, marketing in the sharing economy enables exchanges of of­
cloud sharing platform represents three crucial antecedents: pattern ferings through temporary access than permanent ownership (Eckhardt
identification, real-time solutions and data governance. These findings et al., 2019; Kumar et al., 2018). Our findings illuminate how the
are consistent with the extant research on marketing analytics (e.g., De marketing analytics capability (i.e., data governance, pattern identifi­
Luca et al. 2020; Hossain et al. 2021). However, our findings extend this cation and real-time solutions) can match buyers and sellers on a sharing
line of research in the sharing economy context by incorporating data platform to engage customers, reduce churn and execute personalized
governance and highlighting the roles of data integration, processing, communication campaigns. Aligned with our findings, a recent sales­
security and privacy issues in marketing analytics (Rana et al., 2021; force report (2021) indicates that 84% of business buyers expect vendors
Ransbotham & Kiron, 2017; Tallon, 2013). Theoretically, our findings to understand their business needs, and 83% want engagement with
identify marketing analytics as a second-order, dynamic capability that them in real-time. This highlights the importance of investment in
includes three first-order capabilities. In addition to data governance, our developing a superior marketing analytics capability to thrive on a cloud
findings provide a more nuanced understanding of pattern identification sharing platform. As such, our findings recommend building this
and real-time solutions to form marketing capability as a dynamic capa­ emerging cloud analytics climate by focusing on problem-solving,
bility to manage the uncertainty of on a cloud sharing platform, which knowledge & skills and training & development of internal marketing
are at the core of DC viewpoints (e.g., Teece 2007; Teece et al., 2016). resources (Akter et al., 2021a).
Second, our findings extend marketing analytics capability research Second, our findings reflect that marketing effectiveness using ana­
by linking it with marketing agility. The Marketing Science Institute lytics largely depends on how agile a firm is in meeting customer needs.
(MSI) identifies marketing agility as a key research priority (MSI, 2020) The success of the marketing analytics-agility-effectiveness chain is
due to the need for agile marketing (Moorman, 2020) and marketing largely reflected by customer segmentation and targeting programs,
excellence (Homburg et al., 2020). Marketing agility is a higher-order customized offerings, unique contents and relevant marketing metrics.
capability, and our findings clarify the processes or routines that Thus, proper development and deployment of marketing analytics
enable marketing agility to achieve marketing effectiveness better than capability are necessary to sense, seize and transform opportunities
others. This finding extends the existing literature on marketing agility through marketing agility (Teece et al., 2016). Since efficient matching
by identifying three analytics drivers as a dynamic capability to enhance between buyers and sellers on a cloud sharing platform is scaled through
marketing excellence through marketing agility (e.g., Kalaignanam agile marketing, agility plays a key role in offering on-demand services
et al., 2021). For example, Salesforce pursues marketing agility in new through scalable pricing models. For example, B2B customers use
service development (e.g., Salesforce customer 360 a CRM solution) by various functionalities of AWS analytics to develop marketing agility,
securely connecting data and workflows using AWS analytics (Amazon, such as Amazon Kinesis enables sensing by processing streaming data,
2021a). Thus, our findings extend the literature in sharing economy by Amazon QuickSight empowers seizing by acting on deep insights using
identifying marketing agility as a specialized capability to influence the machine learning, and Amazon Redshift reconfigures data-driven in­
overall discovery and delivery processes. Both the dynamic capability sights by connecting the operational database, data warehouse and data
and agility literature identify that marketing agility is needed to manage lake (Amazon, 2021a). Hence, the marketing excellence a firm can
uncertainty and the contingencies of marketing outcomes (Teece et al., achieve through marketing effectiveness depends significantly on how
2016; Kalaignanam et al., 2021). Thus, our research extends marketing analytics capabilities are leveraged to improve or enable marketing
analytics capability and marketing agility chain in the context of market agility.
turbulence. Third, our results show the critical role of market turbulence as a
Finally, a comprehensive understanding of the impact of market contingency factor in a sharing economy. Although technological de­
turbulence on the marketing analytics-agility-effectiveness chain ad­ velopments, competitive intensity and customer behaviour are often
dresses the emerging debate of the dark side of sharing economy. Using difficult to control due to their external nature, a nuanced understanding
both DCV and contingency theories, we provide a compatible and can inform practitioners’ decisions. The findings suggest managers build
complementary viewpoint to extend marketing analytics-agility- robust marketing agility to manage market turbulence. For instance,
effectiveness literature by modelling the holistic impact of market tur­ when competitive intensity is high among B2B firms, superior marketing
bulence. Our findings show that marketing analytics as a strong dynamic analytics capability can improve marketing agility, which in turn en­
capability plays a crucial role in low to moderate market turbulence hances marketing effectiveness through increased market share, sales
situations to enhance marketing effectiveness (see Fig. 3A and B) (Zahra, growth, customer acquisition and retention. The findings of our study

S. Akter et al. Industrial Marketing Management 104 (2022) 85–100

can help guide marketing managers when and how to manage market B2B cloud sharing platform concepts and tools, along with dynamic
turbulence by investing in a dynamic analytics-agility framework to capability and contingency theories, we identify the role of marketing
sense, seize and transform offerings. Since the market environment of a analytics as a superior dynamic capability to enhance marketing agility
cloud sharing platform is saturated with rapid turbulence, marketing and effectiveness. While the marketing analytics-agility-effectiveness
agility needs to be aligned with the overall corporate strategy. According relationship should be embraced by B2B marketers on a cloud sharing
to Teece et al. (2016.p. 32). “…agility may sometimes be a fool’s errand; platform, firms with superior dynamic capabilities must know how to
enterprise death may in fact be the best solution if squandering resources navigate market turbulence and manage deep uncertainty. It is worth
to transform would leave stakeholders worse off”. Thus, marketing an­ noting that the greater the market turbulence in a sharing economy, the
alytics capability as a higher-order dynamic capability requires a stra­ greater the need for dynamic analytics capabilities to enhance market­
tegic alignment with marketing agility to create and capture value in a ing agility for marketing effectiveness.
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