Speaking Extra Unit1 With Answers

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Unit 1

Speaking Extra

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Interviewing someone 4 Complete the conversation in Exercise 3 with

1 Put the words in order to make sentences. the words in the box. Then listen and check.
1 I / you / Can / a / questions / few / ask / ?
Can I ask different first impatient
personality sociable That’s all why
2 all, / of / who / do / in your family / you / First /
get on with / ? Focus on pronunciation:
intonation in questions
3 why / you / Can / me / tell / ?
5 Listen to the questions. In which two questions
does the voice go up at the end? Circle them.
1 Can I ask you a few questions?
4 more / who / you / similar to / One / thing, / are / ? 2 Who are you most similar to?
3 Really?
4 Can you tell me why?
5 thanks / all, / That’s / !
5 Who are you least similar to?
6 Read and listen to the conversation. Which
people does Kate look up to?
2 Listen and circle the correct answer.
7 Listen again and complete the conversation.
1 Mason agrees / doesn’t agree with the quiz. 1.4
VINCENT Just a minute, Kate, can I ask you a few
2 Yusuf and Chloe agree to / can’t interview Amelia. questions as well?
3 For Harper, family / friends are more important. KATE Sure! Go 1 .
He thinks you need to be patient and sensitive / VINCENT OK. First of all, who in your family do
sociable and cheerful to make friends. you look up to the most?
KATE Hmm, I think I look up to my
3 Read and listen to the conversation. Which two
grandparents, especially my
people in Vincent’s family is he most similar to?
KATE Hi, Vincent. 1 you a few grandmother. I think she’s a very strong
questions? It’s just for our website. woman and she had a lot of problems to
2 with in her life.
VINCENT No problem.
VINCENT Did she? Can you tell me why?
KATE It’s about your family. OK, so 2 of
all, who are you most similar to? KATE Well, the 3 is, she didn’t have
much money when she was younger.
VINCENT Well, I look a bit 3 to my parents.
She was from a very poor family, and
But I really look similar to my granddad.
they used to work very hard. But she’s
When he was my age, of course. In terms
always really cheerful.
of 4 , I’m most like my mum.
VINCENT  4 for her! One more thing,
KATE Really? Can you tell me 5 ?
do you look up to your brothers and
VINCENT Because she’s patient and calm, and I
think I am, too. My dad is more anxious.
KATE No, not really. They’re younger than me,
KATE I see. One more thing, who are you least
so I spend more time 5 them
similar to? Is it your dad?
than looking up to them!
VINCENT No, because he’s quite 6
VINCENT Yes! I’m 6 you there. OK. That’s
and silly and I am, too. I think it’s my
all, thanks. See you later, Kate!
grandmother. She’s very 7 .
KATE Right. OK. 8 . Thanks, Vincent! 1.5
8 Listen and repeat the sentences.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2020 Own it! 3 Unit 1 – Speaking Extra

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