Intensive English 1: Week 2 Online Session 1 Unit 2: Family Life

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Intensive English 1

Week 2
Online session 1
Unit 2: Family life

Unit 2: Family life

Session 1 communicative objective 1

• By the end of this session, you will be able to talk about family
relationships and family reunions.

Session 1 communicative objective 2

• By the end of this session, you will be able to confirm

information about your classmates and talk about family life.
Family words
 Write family words under each category. Look at the examples.
Warm up  Then, share sentences using the vocabulary.

male female
uncle aunt
Niece Niece
cousin - Rivera sister
brother daughter
5 minutes
Five years ago, I stayed with my
aunt and uncle in Huancayo for a
whole class
month. They were very kind and
we did many fun activities
Who’s who?

• Read a description and a question below.

Pre wife
production 1 • Identify the person in the family tree. husband

1. Who's Suzane's husband? children

2. Who's Pat's daughter?
This person is Tom’s son.
3. Who's Joey's father?
He’s not married. Who’s he?
4. Who's Andy's wife?

5 minutes

whole class Say something else

about that person.
daughter (woman)
son (boys)
Who’s who?
Production 1
 Work in pairs. Look at the family tree.
 Take turns describing different people. Don’t mention the person’s name.
 Your partner has to guess the person you are talking about.
Word bank  Say something else about that person.
spouse This person is Tom’s son.
daughter/son He’s not married. Who’s
sister/brother he?
aunt/uncle I know! It’s Martin. He’s
grandmother/ wearing glasses. He’s Jay,
grandfather Margaret and Liz’s
niece/nephew brother.
young/old Language bank
• married to
• not single / married
• X’s…
8 minutes • a child of…
pairwork • the (brother) of …
• who’s he / she ? 5
Who’s who?
Now describe one person from the family tree.


6 minutes

whole class

Family reunion
 Think of a family reunion you usually have.
 Share your answers to the questions.

As a family, we usually have a reunion for Christmas.

1. How often do you have family reunions? We prepare dinner and eat together. My
2. What are the special occasions? grandparents and my uncles and cousins come to my
3. Where do you usually have the reunions? house. We always have lots of fun!

6 minutes
Pre production 2
whole class 7
Family reunion
• Work in pairs. Word bank
• Talk about your family reunions.
Production 2 • Ask and answer the questions below. daughter/son
1. How often do you have family reunions? siblings
2. What are the special ocassions? aunt/uncle
3. Where do you usually have the reunions? grandmother/
4. Which relatives usually go to the reunions? grandfather
5. What do you eat or drink? niece/nephew
6. Who usually prepares the food? relative
7. What activities do you do together? young/old
8. Do you have fun?
9. Do you take photos or selfies?
8 minutes

pairwork Language bank

… to celebrate …
We celebrate my (relative)´s
We dance/watch recordings/play games 8
Family reunion

Now, tell the class about the special family reunions you usually have.

5 minutes

whole class

Describe members of your nuclear family and your extended family.
Word bank
Example: wife/husband
Angelica is my brother’s wife. She is 35 spouse
years old. She is an engineer. My brother daughter/son
and Angélica have two sons. They are my sister/brother
lovely nephews. siblings
5 minutes relative
whole class

Just checking?
• Match the sentences and tags.
production 3 • Then, create your own examples.
• Share them with the class.

o You have music lessons twice a week, a) do we?

o Kathy likes cooking, b) don’t you?
o My new haircut looks good, c) doesn’t she?
o We don’t need more boxes, d) do you?
5 minutes o You don’t have an umbrella, e) doesn’t it?

whole class

Just checking?
Production 3 You study your lessons on English
Discoveries every day, don’t you?
• Work in pairs.
Yes, I do. I read the
• Check if the information in the box is true about your student guide and
classmate. Ask follow-up questions to get more information. study the lessons
• Take notes and be ready to report the information you got. before each session.
1. You have a headset for your online classes, don’t you?
2. You don’t study English on Sundays, do you? How about you?
3. You know two languages, don’t you?
4. You have an iPad, don’t you?
Me too. I like studying at night. Sometimes I
5. You play a musical instrument, don’t you? access the platform on my cellphone.
6. You like reading books, don’t you?
7. You live in an apartment, don’t you?
Oh, really? That’s a good
8.You don’t have a pet, do you? idea.

8 minutes
groups 12
Just checking

Now, tell the class about your partner.


I talked to …
He/she says he/she …

5 minutes

whole class

Family life
 Make a list of activities tat members of a family do together.

Talk about your family life.

6 minutes
Pre production 4
whole class 14
Family life
• Work in pairs.
• Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
Production 4 • Ask follow-up questions.

1. Who wakes you up?

2. Do you help your siblings to get ready for school?
3. Who makes breakfast at home?
4. What time do your parents usually go to work?
5. How often does your family eat meals together?
6. Does your father/mother/brother/sister give you a
8 minutes
lift to university?

pairwork 7. What do your parents and siblings do in their free

8. What activities do you do with your family?
Family life

Now, use the notes you took in the previous exercise
and tell the class about your partner’s family life.

5 minutes

whole class

Now I can…
• talk about family relationships and family
• confirm information about my
classmates and talk about family life.

Preparation for
next class

Reinforce Units 2 and 3.

Do Grammar Practice component exercises.
Work on the Enrichment Practice component.

Study the Use of English file.

Check out the Practice Resources folder.

 English Discoveries Student platform


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