Survey On NTFPs
Survey On NTFPs
Survey On NTFPs
Angelo B. Balmes1, Sean Jeffrey Bruzo1, Mikko M. Marayan1, Ivy Agnote1, Shawn Genesis
Penala1, & Mariel Palmiano1
Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Bicol University - Guinobatan, Guinobatan 4503, Philippines
a closer look of the establishments within the
Cagsawa Ruins Park. titude and 123°42'1" east longitude;
The data collected were analyzed
and presented in Tables 1.1 to 1.5, showing
the number of products per establishment
and their corresponding raw materials used
for production.
Table 1.1. The number of products with their
corresponding materials in Establishment 1.
Establishment 1 (Rianjam Native Crafts)
Materials Specific Total number
Products per products
Abaca Bags 200
Hammocks 10
Placemats 272
Macram 20
Lampshades 10
Tissue holder 30
Mini fans 60
Figure 2. Flow diagram of the systematic Wallets 40
process of overall execution of the exercise. Nito Decoration balls 100
Buri Small banig 18
Kingkong fans 4
Karagumoy Banig 50
Rattan Bags 17
Proposed Classification of NTFPs for the Jute Slippers 100
Philippines, namely: sources of fiber and Pili Jarred pili nuts 10
Anahaw Salakot 4
structural materials; plants producing Regular fans 70
medicinal and cosmetic products; plants
that yield extractive or chemical products; Table 1.2. The number of products with their
sources of essential oils; sources of seed corresponding materials in Establishment 2.
Establishment 2 (Lilay’s Pasalubong atbp.)
oils; sources of edible fruits and nuts; and Materials Specific Total number
animal-derived products, among others Products per products
(Razal & Palijon, 2009). Moreover, the (pcs.)
Pili Sweetened pili 400
students identified the total distribution of nuts (jarred)
NTFPs per category using a frequency Sweetened pili 250
nuts (sachet)
graph. To calculate the frequency, the Jarred pili nuts 300
number of products according to category is Pili tarts 460
divided by the total number of observed Pili for the Gods 350
Pili yema 4500
products. It is then multiplied by 100 to Pili nut brittle 250
measure the percentage of its occurrence. Pili polvoron 450
Barquiron de Pili 300
Pudding de Pili 450
Suspiros de Pili 400
In addition, to determine the location Natong Laing 500
Dried Natong 60 bundles
of the study area, the students utilized
GeoCam. Likewise, ArcMap 10.4 software Table 1.3. The number of products with their
has been utilized to plot the provided corresponding materials in Establishment 3.
coordinates of the establishments onto the Establishment 3 (AJ Souvenir Store)
map of the study area (Figure 1, p. 1). Materials Specific Products Total number
per products
Pili Pili tarts 70
Jarred pili nuts 40
2.3. Data Analysis Pili nut brittle 30
Coconut jam wiith 20
Buri Bayong 20
Abaca Tissue holder 8
Bags 70
Coin purse 250
number of observed products yields 11,402
Cosmetic bag 100
products within five (5) establishments.
Table 1.4. The number of products with their
Table 2. Summary of total number of NTFPs
corresponding materials in Establishment 4.
Establishment 4
with their corresponding raw materials.
Materials 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Materials Specific Products Total number
Pili 10 8110 160 245 16 8541
per products Abaca 642 — 448 300 435 1825
(pcs.) Nito 100 — — 10 23 133
Pili Key chains 150 Buri 22 — 20 50 — 92
Pili polvoron 45 Karagumoy 50 — — — — 50
Pili tarts 30 Rattan 17 — — — — 17
Pili nut brittle 20 Jute 100 — — — — 100
Abaca Tissue holder 25 Anahaw 74 — — — — 74
Slippers 100 Natong — 960 — — — 560
Bags 90 Ornamental — — — 10 — 10
Hammock 15 TOTAL 11,402
Wallets 35 Note: The number 1-5 refers to the establishments,
Pot pads 20 respectively.
Lampshades 15
Nito Lampshades 10
Buri Hats 50
The Philippines is the only nation
Ornamental Orchids (Vanda sp.) 10 that can cultivate and manufacture pili-
based products, with the Bicol Region
Table 1.5. The number of products with their providing about 80% of the total output
corresponding materials in Establishment 5. volume, at 4,932.60 metric tons. It represents
Establishment 5 (Jeicel Souvenir Shop) a vital role in the Bicol Region economy, 90
Materials Specific Products Total number
per products
% of the nut’s total production area in the
(pcs.) Philippines, wherein 13,435 farmers who
Pili Key chains 16 possess at least 10 trees, as well as
Nito Lampshades 10 agricultural workers recruited as harvesters,
Plates 13
Abaca Decoration balls 10 receive additional income from it (De Jesus
Pot holder 20 & Gamis, 2021; Aning, 2023). On the other
Bags 13 hand, the Philippines is the top producer of
Trays 10
Wallets 250
abaca fibers, wherein the Bicol Region is
Wine basket 3 likewise the top producer of abaca, with a
Sling bags 50 28.94 thousand metric ton (40.1%)
Food cover 6
Slipper 50
contribution to the Philippine abaca industry
Tissue holder 23 (PCAARRD, n.d.). Most of the abaca fiber is
3. Results and Discussion processed into high-value products, like
baskets, chairs, bags, accessories,
3.1. Products per Establishment in lampshades, furniture, and other Bicol
Cagsawa Ruins Park native products (PhilFIDA, n.d.).
The survey showed that the most 3.2. Category of NTFPs traded in
frequently occurring materials that have Cagsawa Ruins Park
been used are pili and abaca, with 8,541
and 1,825 total products, respectively. Pili- The data shown in Table 3 refer to
based products have 8,025 pili kernels as the overall categorized products according
finished goods, 350 raw pili kernels, and to the Proposed Classification of NTFPs for
166 processed nutshells. Among other the Philippines by Razal and Palijon (2009).
products are as follows: 960 pieces of The overall result of the frequency graph
natong (taro) products; 133 pieces of nito shows that pili, as a highly regarded source
vines; 100 pieces of jute-based products; of edible fruits and nuts, has the highest
92 pieces of buri-based products; 74 pieces distribution of NTFPs in the study area,
of anahaw-based products; 50 pieces of which accounts for 8,375 (73.45%) products
karagumoy-based products; 17 pieces of (Figure 3, p. 5). The 350 pieces of raw pili
rattan-based products; and 10 pieces of kernels are also categorized under and as
orchids (Table 2, p. 4). Overall, the total sources of seed oils (3.07%) and plants
producing medicinal and cosmetic products Plant Sources of Edible Fruits 8375
and Nuts
(3.07%). Animal-Derived Products 0
Others 560
A variety of NTFPs, as sources of Note: Some of the products may have more than two
fiber and structural materials, is highlighted (2) classifications, corresponding to its available uses.
as being the second most prevalent
category of NTFPs in the study area, Most local vendors prefer selling pili
accounting for 2,457 (21.55%) products. products in80 bulk rather than the above-
Other categories of NTFPs are as follows: mentioned products since they are popular
10 pieces (0.09%) of Vanda sp. orchids as in the Bicol Region. According to Cuesta et
Percentage (%)
sources of essential oils; and others, 560 al. (2019), the
60 kernel from its nut serves as
snow w
Figure 3. The category of NTFPs traded in Cagsawa Ruins Park, Municipality of Daraga.
suggested that natong leaves contribute to Cuesta, M. A., Clores, M. A., & Bulao, R. J.
several health benefits, such as promoting G. (2019). Pili Nuts and Resin:
a healthy body weight, boosting heart Production, Trade and Technology in
health, and preventing disease (Marengo, Bicol, PhilippinesI. University
2020). However, no studies thus far have Research Council, Ateneo de Naga
suggested it as a source of medicine. University.
March 27, 2023, from
Plate 3. Photo documentation of some of the products in Establishment 2 (Lilay’s Pasalubong
Plate 4. Photo documentation of some of the products in Establishment 3 (AJ Souvenir Store).
Plate 5. Photo documentation of some of the products in Establishment 4.
Plate 6. Photo documentation of some of the products in Establishment 5 (Jeicel Souvenir Shop).