Worksheet Ray Optics

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1 The refractive index of refraction of a substance is:

A. the speed of light in the substance
B. the angle of refraction
C. the angle of incidence
D. the speed of light in vacuum divided by the speed of light in the substance
ans: D
2 A ray of light passes obliquely through a plate of glass having parallel faces. The emerging ray:
A. is totally internally reflected
B. is bent more toward the normal than the incident ray
C. is bent further away from the normal than the incident ray
D. is parallel to the incident ray but displaced sideways
ans: D
3 As light goes from one medium to another, it is bent away from the normal. Then:
A. the speed of the light has increased
B. dispersion must occur
C. the second medium has a higher index of refraction than the first
D. no change in speed has occurred
ans: A
4 The critical angle for total internal reflection at a diamond-air interface is 25◦. Suppose light is incident
at an angle of θ with the normal. Total internal reflection will occur if the incident medium is:
A. air and θ = 25◦
B. air and θ > 25◦
C. air and θ < 25◦
D. diamond and θ > 25◦
ans: d
5 If nwater = 1.50 and nglass = 1.33, then total internal reflection at an interface between this glass and water:
A. occurs whenever the light goes from glass to water
B. occurs whenever the light goes from water to glass
C. may occur when the light goes from glass to water
D. may occur when the light goes from water to glass
ans: D
6 An erect object is 2f in front of a converging lens of focal length f. The image is:
A. real, inverted, magnified
B. real, erect, same size
C. real, inverted, same size
D. virtual, inverted, reduced
ans: C
7 Consider the following four statements concerning a compound microscope:
1. Each lens produces an image that is virtual and inverted.
2. The objective lens has a very short focal length.
3. The eyepiece is used as a simple magnifying glass.
4. The objective lens is convex and the eyepiece is concave.
Which two of the four statements are correct?
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 3
C. 1, 4
D. 2, 3
ans: D
8 A beam of monochromatic blue light of wavelength 4200 A0in air, travels in water (nw=4/3).
Its wavelength in water is:
A. 2800 A0
B. 5600 A0
C. 3150 A0
D. 4000 A0

9 An equiconvex lens of focal length 15 cm is cut into two halves as shown in figure. Find the
focal length of each part?

(a) -30cm (b) -20cm

(c) 30cm (d) -15cm
Ans. (c)

10 How does the focal length of a convex lens changes if mono chromatic red light is used
instead of violet light?
(a) Focal length is increased when red light is used
(b) Focal length is decreased when red light is used
(c) Focal length is remain same when red light is used
(d) Not depends on color of light.
Ans. (a)
11 A glass lens is immersed in water. What will be the effect on the power of lens?
a. increase
b. decrease
(c) constant
(d) not depends
Ans. (b) The
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and
Reason. While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.

1. Assertion: The focal length of an equiconvex lens of radius of curvature R made

of material of refractive index μ = 1.5, is R.
Reason: The focal length of the lens will be R/2.

2. Assertion: If the rays are diverging after emerging from a lens; the lens must be
Reason: The convex lens can give diverging rays.

Answer(d) If the rays cross focal point of convex lens, they become diverging.

Q1. A concave mirror is held in water. What should be the change in focal length of the mirror?
Q2. What happens to the focal of a convex lens when it is immersed in water?
Q3. How does the focal length of a convex lens change if monochromatic red light is used instead of violet
Q4. A lens when immersed in a transparent liquid becomes visible. Under what does this happen?
Q5. Refractive index of glass for a light of yellow, green and red colours are ny , ng ,nr respectively.
Rearrange these symbols in an increasing order of values.
Q6. A thin prism of 60 angle gives deviation of 30, what is the refractive index of the material of the prism?
Q7. Which of blue and red light is deviated more by prism? Give reason.
Q8. How does the magnifying power of a telescope change on increasing the diameter of the objective?
Q9. A concave lens made of material of refractive index n2 is held in a medium of refractive index n1. Trace
the path of parallel beam of light passing through the lens when:
(a) n1= n2 (b) n1> n2 (c) n2> n1
Q10. Four double convex lenses, with the following specifications are available:
Lens Focal length Aperture
A 100cm 10cm
B 100cm 5cm
C 10cm 2cm
D 5cm 2cm
Which two of the given four lenses, should be selected as the objective and eyepiece to construct an
astronomical telescope and why?
Q11. A glass lens is immersed in water. How is the power of lens affected? Justify your answer.
Q12. An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm on the principal axis of a concave mirror of radius of
curvature of 30 cm. By how much does the image move if the object is shifted towards the mirror
through 15 cm? (Ans: 13.5 cm)
Q13. When the distance of an object fro a concave mirror is decreased from 15cm to 9cm, the image gets
magnified three times than that in the first case. Calculate the focal length of the mirror.
(Ans: 6cm)
Q14. The refractive index of the glass is 1.5 and that of water is 1.3. If the speed of the light in water is
2.25×108 m/sec, what is the speed of the light in glass? (Ans: 1.95×108 m/sec)
Q15. A ray of light of frequency 5×1014 Hz is passed through a liquid. The wavelength of the light measured
inside the liquid is found to be 450×10-9 m. Calculate refractive index of the liquid. (Ans: 1.33)
Q16. The apparent depth of an object at the bottom of a tank filled with a liquid of refractive index 1.3 is
7.7cm. What is the actual depth of the liquid? (Ans: 10.01 cm)
Q17. The velocity of light in glass is 2×108 m/sec and in air is 3×108 m/sec. By how much would a ink dot
appear to be raised, when covered by a glass plate 6cm thick? (Ans: 2 cm)
Q18. Calculate the speed of the light in a medium whose critical angle is 450. Ans: 2.121×108 m/sec)
Q19. The velocity of light in a liquid is 1.5×108 m/sec and in air is 3×108 m/sec. If a ray of light passes from
this liquid into air, calculate the value of critical angle. (Ans: 300)
Q20. Light from a point source in air falls on a convex spherical surface of refractive index 1.5, radius of
curvature 20 cm. The distance of light source from the glass surface is 100 cm. At what position the
image is formed? (Ans: 100 cm)
Q21. A double convex lens has a focal length of 25 cm. The radius of curvature of one of the surfaces is
double of the other. Find the radii, if the refractive index of the material of the lens is 1.5.
(Ans: 18.75 cm, -37.5 cm)
Q22. A convex lens of focal length 0.2 m and made of glass of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water of
refractive index 1.33. Find the change in focal length of the lens.
(Ans: 0.58 m)
Q23. The radius of curvature of each surface of a convex lens of refractive index 1.5 is 40 cm. Calculate its
power. (Ans: 2.5 D)
Q24. A ray of light passes through an equilateral prism, such that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle
of emergence. If the angle of emergence is 3/4 times the angle of prism, calculate the refractive index of
the glass prism. (Ans: 1.414)
Q25. The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment position is 100. The distance
between the objective and eyepiece is 101 cm. Calculate the focal length of the objective and eyepiece.
(Ans: 1 cm, 100 cm)
Q26. Show that the minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by a convex lens is 4f.
Q27. An object and screen are placed 80cm apart. There are two positions at which a convex lens forms a real
image in the screen, the magnification in the two cases being 3/2 and 2/3. Calculate the focal length of
the lens.

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