Extensive Internship Report

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Bahir Dar University

College of Business and Economics

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Department
Extensive Internship Report (EIR)

LSCM internship

The LSCM EIR is a considerable piece of work requested at the end of the 3rd year (during 4th
year semester I). An internship is a proof of the student’s capacity to conduct independent work
on a defined area in the field. The internship should enable students to apply the theoretical
concepts and approaches acquired during the studies, as well as to broaden their knowledge and
experience regarding the application of analytical tools and methods practically.

The internship must present original contributions, which have not previously been published or
used for any LSCM assignment. They should cover topics related to LSCM such as:
transportation, procurement, operation management, production planning, port and terminal
operations, inventory management, supply chain management, warehouse, custom clearing,
import export, international trade, humanitarian logistics, logistics engineering, etc. the analyses
must meet prevailing standards of scientific rigor. Analytical and writing skills should be
demonstrated, as well as the ability to present the practical realities and experiences in an
accessible way.

The internship is an important element of the LSCM program. Through the writing, and possibly
the oral presentation, the student has to prove an ability and understanding of LSCM issues. In its
evaluation, the department gives major attention to the ability to define a clear practical problem,
to select the relevant topics related to LSCM, to collect and process practical data, to analyses the
collected materials, to provide possible solutions for the practical problems and to draw
scientifically sound conclusions and recommendations.
Choice of the subject

Students are encouraged to identify an internship topic of their own interest. For the selection of
the internship topic, different criteria have to be considered:

 The student should have a determined interest in the issues at stake

 There should be sufficient scope for applying and working on the issue (availability of
host institution related to the area of interest).
 The execution of the internship plan should be feasible within the available time frame
(in between August and September).


As a requirement of the curriculum, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) 3 rd-year
students will conduct internships this summer. The internship is a degree requirement of the
LSCM Bachelor of Arts program. So, the two months LSCM internship is part of the program. It
takes place between August and October 2022 in logistics and supply chain management actors
in different institutions. The internship enables students to get acquainted with the living and
working conditions in organizations. The internship takes place on the field, which means that
the physical presence of the student is required in the internship institution. During internship,
the students participate in ongoing work at the host institution. At the same time, they conduct a
specific report on a given topic. The students work on a full-time basis for the internship

Planning and content

The EIR must include both a literature review on a topic relevant to the host institution and an
elaborate presentation of the institution, its environment, a description of the student’s activity
within the institution, and personal remarks, comments and potential recommendations. The
analyses and recommendations should combine the literature review and the student’s field
experience (+/- 25-30 pages). EIR is typically structured as follows:
1. Elaborate description of the institution and its environment
2. overview of the conducted activities,
3. Critical discussion and analysis of specific internship-related topics
4. The student analyzes specific aspects of the reality of the organization using his/her
knowledge on the subject. This knowledge should be based on both information taught
during classes and literature review on the topic.
5. professional experience and acquired skills
6. critical reflection on problems that were encountered and possible solutions provided,
7. Learning experiences gained during the stay in the organizations.

Phase What When Whom

Preparatory phase Choice of topic, finding host August, 2022 Student
Executing phase In between August to Student
Concluding phase production of EIR during/after internship Student
Final version Deliver electronic and paper After registration for 4th I Student, LSCM department
versions of the EIR semester

Presentation PPT preparation, presentation At the mid of 4th year I Student, LSCM department
and Evaluation semester

Internship Approval:

After having obtained host organizations, the student must submit a one page internship proposal
to the LSCM department on August 2020. The internship proposal formally agreed by the host
institutions must include a one-paragraph description as indicated below (Guidelines for
submitting an internship proposal for Approval) and be sent by email to the LSCM coordination
(to be assigned). The signature is required for a host institutions supervisor.
Guidelines for submitting an internship proposal for Approval:

The following information is needed by the LSCM Department to examine a student’s internship
progress and proposal.

About the student

 Student’s Full name

 Student’s LSCM status (first or second year)

About the internship

 Name of the institution

 Physical location where the internship takes place (Regions, City, Wordas, Zone, Kebele)
 Starting and ending dates
 Description of institution (one or two paragraphs, no copy-paste from the web)
 Student’s foreseen position/responsibilities/duties in the institution
 Name of the sponsoring NGO, if any

Note: EIR must be valuable to the institution. It should be sent to this institution when finished.
Students who find no internship, and those whose internship proposal(s) are rejected by the
LSCM department, will fail their academic year.

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