Succession Questions Worksheet
Succession Questions Worksheet
Succession Questions Worksheet
Extreme temperature variation, desiccation, high wind speeds and low nutrient availability
2. Describe the kind of adaptations you might expect to see in a pioneer species in order to
overcome these challenges.
They might be resistant to temperature change due to thermostable enzymes, desiccation due
to thick waxy cuticle, Stable due to be low-lying and able to tolerate low nutrient availability
due to being nitrogen fixers
Explain how an area that has been cleared can become a climax community again.
Soil has already been made so recolonisation by new plants can occur bringing change to the
environment by allowing succession
What changes occur to the environment as succession takes place and why?
There is a greater soil depth as plants die, which forms humus, creatimg a greater water and
nutrient content in soil. This means that there are more plants creating less variation in
temperature and lower wind speed.
3. Early stages of ecological succession contain short-lived plants which devote enormous
amounts of energy producing seeds. More mature communities do not do this. Why?
They do not produce loads of seeds as the energy involved in doing so would be wasted since
there is significant competition from other species
4. The diagram shows a profile along a transect showing succession on some coastal sand
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Point A B C D
Index of Diversity 1 2.3 5.4 6.1
The number of organisms of each species and the number of different species needs to be
b) Suggest an explanation for the trend in diversity along the transect. (3)
There is a greater length of time since the dune was formed so succession has been happening
for a greater period of time, and during this biodiversity increases because of a greater
variety of plants being able to survive there as conditions become less hostile.
The average height of marram grass was measured along the transect. Students
discussed whether to use the range or the standard deviation to determine the variation
in the population at each site. What would you advise them? Explain the reason for your
answer. (2)
They should use standard deviation because range doesn’t take in all the values, only the
biggest and the smallest whereas standard deviation is a measure of a spread of all of the
c) As variation increases what would happen to the value for standard deviation? (1)
It would increase