Influence of Personality On Workplace Spirituality

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DOI: 10.21917/ijms.2016.0045


M. Subramaniam1 and N. Panchanatham2
School of Management, Bharathiyar University, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, India
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract spirituality construct covers beyond individual perspective and

Despite the growing literature on personality and workplace thinking, it is justifiable to expect personality traits to result in
spirituality, empirical studies on the influence of personality on greater degree of workplace spirituality which reflect spiritual
workplace spirituality remain limited. The purpose of this study is to culture and positive environment that benefit everyone in the
explore the relationship, if any, between personality traits and organization and over time contribute to organizational
spirituality in the workplace as applicable to the Indian context. An effectiveness. Despite these positive outcomes, research relating
individual with high degree of personality is expected to be more to personality traits and workplace spirituality is still limited
satisfied in work and likely to experience positive and significant degree
of spirituality at the workplace. In view of the positive influences of
especially in the Indian context. The present study, therefore,
personality on spirituality in the workplace, there is a potential need for attempts to develop a conceptual framework on the subject among
organizations to develop the personality traits of employees which the banking sector personnel in India. The key question addressed
would create a spiritual climate and culture at the workplace and foster in this study: “Is there a significant positive relationship between
the workplace spirituality. The results of the study facilitate further personality and workplace spirituality?”
insight to leaders and managers on the importance of personality
towards increasing the workplace spirituality which would eventually 1.1 WORKPLACE SPIRITUALITY
provide many positive benefits to the organizations as well as
individuals. There is increasing evidence concerning interests in
workplace spirituality which has captured the attention of
Keywords: academicians and practitioners. In the past, spirituality and
Spirituality, Workplace Spirituality, Personality, Big-Five, Five Factor management were considered as incompatible, but now they are
Model integrated together in the organization. Apart from improving
performance, spirituality can lead to productivity improvement
1. INTRODUCTION and better contribution to the organization. However, review of
literature reveal that only very few studies have focused on
Spirituality is the development of our inner wellbeing for personality of employees as a key factor which would influence
achieving happiness, peace and fulfillment. In the modern world, the workplace spirituality in an organization.
workplace spirituality has become a basic necessity for every Ashmos and Duchon, [1] asserted that spirituality at work,
organization and it is considered as a boosting element for despite religious imagery, is not about religion or conversion, or
employee performance. Spirituality helps to find meaning in about getting people to accept a specific belief system. Instead,
work, a meaning that extends beyond economic gain. Some of the spirituality at work is about employees who understand
key spiritual values embraced in a work place context include themselves as spiritual beings whose souls need nourishment at
compassion, connection, mindfulness, integrity, honesty, work. Spirituality in the workplace is a spiritual culture
accountability, gratitude, trust, openness, authenticity, inner life, recognizing that employees have both mind and spirit, seek to find
work life balance, meaningful work, sense of community and meaning and purpose in their work, and desire to connect with
sense of alignment of organizational values. other employees and be part of a community (Subramaniam and
Personality is the noticeable psychological differences Panchanatham, [18]). The most prominent feature of spirituality
between individuals. A personality trait refers to long term is oneness with all beings in the universe, and therefore,
consistency in personal characteristics that are revealed in a (Krishnan, [9]) conceptualized spirituality as oneness with all
particular pattern of behaviour in a variety of situations. other beings. Spirituality is a psychological power which creates
Personality traits is the general predictability in individuals’ positive energy and positive attitude towards others and self
thought patterns, behaviour patterns and emotional patterns. (Sengupta, [17]). When an individual feels connected with self,
Personality is generally split into components called the Big Five, others, and the organization, optimal performance is achieved,
which are openness to experience, conscientiousness, thus rendering the organization a success (Subramaniam and
extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (or emotionality). Panchanatham, [19]). It helps to create a unique working
These components are found to be mostly consistent over time, environment that assists employees to foster their capacities
and about half of the variance could be attributable to a person’s (Daniel, [3]).
genetics rather than the effects of one’s environment. Workplace spirituality being subjective in nature, there exist
Spirituality supporting organizations and caring workplace several definitions. However, according to (Mitroff and Denton,
environments benefit from employees who are strong in [14]), three dimensions such as meaningful work at the individual
personality traits, committed, productive, and also willing to level, a sense of community at the group level, and alignment with
engage in spirituality in the workplace. Since workplace organization’s values at the organizational level were considered


as important. Despite the lack of clarity and agreement on an 1.2 PERSONALITY

appropriate definition of workplace spirituality, Duchon and
Plowman [23] concluded that most definitions of workplace The five-factor model of personality is intended to provide a
spirituality incorporate the notions of meaning, purpose, and systematic framework for personality measures in broad terms.
being connected to others. Adding two more dimensions namely The model enhances the “ability to compare and contrast different
compassion and mindfulness at the individual level, this study constructs and promises to bring clarity and order to an enterprise
deals with five dimensions of workplace spirituality namely that was once described as a disconcerting sprawl”. The model
Compassion, Mindfulness, Meaningful work, Sense of identifies the five basic dimensions that help define underlying
community, and Alignment of organizational values. Compassion individual differences in personality (McAdams, [11]). The five
is a deep awareness and sympathy for others and a wish to relieve most important dimensions of personality should be incorporated
their suffering (Twigg and Parayitam, [20]). into the assessment of spirituality in the workplace. These
dimensions are conscientiousness, emotional stability,
A spiritual person develops an awareness of others’ needs
agreeableness, extraversion, and openness to experience (Mount
and expresses a desire to help others. Mindfulness means being
et al. [16]). Each of these dimensions represents a facet of an
aware of what you are doing while you are doing it. Mindfulness
individual’s personality.
involves the effort to attend, no judgmentally, to present-
moment experience and sustain this attention over time, with the Each of the components of big five holds a set of traits that
aim of cultivating stable, non-reactive, present-moment tend to occur together. Openness to experience is defined as the
awareness (Jon Kabat-Zinn, [6]). Meaningful Work is the degree variety of interests to which a person is attracted and the depth to
to which people experience a deep sense of meaning and purpose which those interests are pursued. The behavioral tendencies
at work. It represents how one interacts with his or her daily typically associated with Openness to Experience include being
work at the individual level (Milliman et al. [13]). Indeed, one imaginative, cultured, curious, original, broad minded, intelligent
feels that work has meaning for him/her beyond the material (Digman [4]), and having a need for variety, aesthetic sensitivity,
rewards and also creates a sense of joy and energy at work and unconventional values (McCrae and John, [12]).
(Duchon and Plowman [23]). Conscientiousness is defined as the number of goals on which a
person is focused. It is related to dependability and volition and
In another sense, meaningful work answers the question of
the typical behaviors associated with it include being hard
why one is in the workplace by acknowledging that his/her work
working, achievement oriented, persevering, careful, and
helps him/her to express his/her inner self (Krishnakumar and
responsible (Barrick and Mount [2]). Conscientious individuals
Neck [8]). The sense of community represents that people feel
can perform their part of the work with a minimum of oversight
connected to each other and that there is some type of
(Morgeson et al. [15]). They are predisposed to take the initiative
relationship between one’s inner self with other’s inner self and
in solving problems and are more methodical and thorough in
relates to the interaction among employees. It involves having a
their work (Witt et al. [21]). Extraversion is defined as the level
deep connection to, or relationships with others (Ashmos and
of sensory stimulation with which one is comfortable. The
Duchon [1]). Alignment of organizational values is when
behavioral tendencies used to measure this factor include being
employees experience a strong sense of alignment between their
sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative, and active (Barrick and
personal values and their organization’s mission and purpose
Mount, [2]). Agreeableness is defined as the number of sources
(Milliman et al. [13]). Alignment of organizational values
from which one takes one’s norms for right behavior. The
measures whether or not individuals experience a sense of
behavioral tendencies typically associated with this factor include
alignment between their personal values and the larger
being courteous, flexible, trusting, good-natured, cooperative,
organizational mission and purpose.
forgiving, soft-hearted, and tolerant (Barrick and Mount, [2]).
It is anticipated that a work environment which recognizes that Neuroticism is defined as the number and strength of stimuli
people have both mind and soul, seek to find meaning and purpose required to elicit negative emotions in a person. Typical behaviors
in their work, and desire to connect with other human beings and associated with this factor include being anxious, depressed,
be part of a community, would result in beneficial consequences angry, embarrassed, emotional, worried, and insecure (Barrick
to the individual and ultimately the organization. This and Mount, [2]).
phenomenon relates to workplace spirituality. According to
Mount et al. [16] define each of the factors and listed certain
Krishnakumar and Neck [18], the encouragement of workplace
qualities associated with the factors as, 1) Openness to Experience
spirituality can be advantageous to individuals and ultimately the
(intellectual, curious, imaginative, cultured, and broad-minded);
2) Conscientiousness (responsible, careful, persevering, orderly,
Milliman et al. [13] provided empirical evidence on the hardworking, playful); 3) Extraversion (talkative, assertive,
relationships between the three dimensions of workplace adventurous, energetic); 4) Agreeableness (good-natured,
spirituality and selected attitudinal variables (organizational flexible, cooperative, caring, trusting, tolerant); 5) Emotional
commitment, intrinsic work satisfaction, job involvement, Stability (secure, stable, relaxed, self-sufficient, not anxious,
organization-based self-esteem, and intention to quit). Spirituality tolerant of stress).
describes the experience of employees who are passionate about
Recognizing the need for personality among employees could
and energized by their work, find meaning and purpose in their
be one method to improve spirituality in the workplace as
work, feel that they can express their complete selves at work, and
personality has the potential to perform personal control which
feel connected to those with whom they work (Kinjerski and
helps employees assess their behavior in the workplace (James et
Skrypnek [7]).
al. [5]). Therefore, it can be concluded that a satisfied employee
who exhibits personality traits develops spirituality in the


workplace and would eventually perform better in an Table.1. Demographic Profile of Respondents
Description Respondents Percentage
Male 45 75
The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship, Gender
if any, between personality traits and workplace spirituality. Female 15 25
Accordingly, the following hypothesis has been developed: Married 44 73
H1: Personality (openness to experience, conscientiousness, Single 16 27
extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) has a positive
21-30 16 27
significant relationship with workplace spirituality (compassion,
mindfulness, meaningful work, sense of community, and Age 31-40 19 32
alignment of organizational values). 41-70 25 41
1.4 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK High School 5 8
Education Graduate 12 20
Personality Workplace Spirituality Post Graduate 43 72
• Openness to experience • Compassion
• Conscientiousness • Mindfulness Senior level 36 60
• Extraversion • Meaningful work Status Middle level 14 23
• Agreeableness • Sense of community Junior level 10 17
• Neuroticism • Alignment of values
Fig.1. Conceptual framework of the study
Workplace spirituality measures consisted of 15 items derived
1.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY from standard measurement scale, based on five dimensions viz.
1) Compassion 2) Mindfulness 3) Meaningful work 4) Sense of
The methodology adopted for the research is a descriptive community and 5) Alignment of organizational values.
study based on the survey. This study is mainly based on the Personality traits measurement is based on the Big Five
primary data collected through the research instrument. The Personality test and the scale consisted of 44 items relating to five
research instrument is a well-designed and structured dimensions viz. 1) Openness to experience 2) Conscientiousness
questionnaire to get the knowledgeable opinions and responses of 3) Extraversion 4) Agreeableness and 5) Neuroticism. The
the participants with respect to the workplace spirituality measurement is made using 5 point Likert scale which ranges
(dependent variable) and the personality traits (independent from Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly
variable). The study is confined to the participants chosen Agree. Results are shown in Table.2. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
randomly from all the senior, middle and junior level managerial of questionnaires on workplace spirituality and Personality traits
staffs of the branches of five different public and private sector are reported as 77% and 61%, respectively, indicating above
banks branches situated in the city of Coimbatore, South India. average level of reliability.
This study is based on the convenience sampling approach. A total
of sixty fully completed responses has been obtained after 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
adopting a rational data collection procedure. The methodology
used for primary data collection involves personal interviews, The demographic analysis of the collected data is carried out
circulation of questionnaire direct as well as through email using statistical techniques. The t-test/one-way analysis of
communication. The data collected are coded and entries made variance (ANOVA) is conducted to compare the mean scores of
into the computer using excel spreadsheet software. The collected personality dimensions and workplace spirituality factors among
data are subjected to the test of normal distribution and found that the socio-demographic groups. It is noticed that the distribution is
it is near normal. Parametric tools are used for analysis. Statistical normal. It is inferred that the personality dimensions and
analysis is carried out according to percentage analysis and workplace spirituality factors scores do not differ significantly
descriptive statistics. The inferential statistical analysis is carried with respect to gender differences. As there are no gender
out using Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation. The differences in results the combined responses for males and
hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the statistical analysis females are used in the data analysis. Further, it is inferred that
of the empirical data. The data analysis was performed with the the personality and workplace spirituality scores do not differ
aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). significantly with respect to marital status. It is found that the
The demographic profile of the respondents to questionnaires personality dimensions and workplace spirituality factors show
is shown in Table.1. Briefly, male respondents represented 75% significant results when compared with the age groups. Also, it is
of the participants, and 73% of the respondents are married. The inferred that the personality dimensions and workplace
mean age for the sample is 43 years. Among the respondents, 92% spirituality scores differ significantly with respect to educational
are graduates and above and 60% of the respondents are levels. Further, the results show that there is a significant
occupying senior level positions in the organizations. difference in personality and workplace spirituality experienced


by the employees with respect to the position/level of employees was applied for the overall personality and workplace spirituality.
in the organization. The Table.3 indicates that personality significantly predicts
Pearson Correlation Coefficient at 0.01 level of significance workplace spirituality with R value of 1.0 which explains 45.4%
(p≤0.01) is the statistical tool employed in the study to examine of the variance in predicting workplace spirituality.
the contents of personality traits (independent variables) and
workplace spirituality (dependent variable). Theoretical range, Table.3. Results of overall personality and workplace
mean, standard deviation (SD) and Pearson’s correlation spirituality-Regression Analysis
coefficients (r) are calculated and presented in Table.2. The mean
Dependent Independent
values of the variables range from 3.26 to 3.81. Standard R R2 SE F-Value d.f Sig.*
Variable Variable
deviations range from 0.23 to 0.54. Standard Error Mean value
range from 0.037 to 0.085. It is observed that four of the five Workplace
Personality 1.0 1.0 0.003 45412.048 5,34 0.000
dimensions of personality, viz. extraversion, agreeableness, spirituality
conscientiousness and openness to experience show significant
*Significant at 0.01 level
positive correlation with the five dimensions of workplace
spirituality (p≤0.01). SE= Standard Error
d.f =degree of freedom
Table.2. Relationship between personality and workplace The regression analysis results indicate that personality has
spirituality-Correlation Matrix positive influence on workplace spirituality. Personality
contributes to workplace spirituality. This means, a higher level

of personality traits will lead to better performance in workplace



Openness to

spirituality. In other words, when employees possess a deep sense


of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism,

Variable and openness to experience, they become more satisfied in their
job, act in a more collaborative manner and apply their full
potential to work for their organization. Further, the employees
indulge in spiritualism and the organization eventually results in
Extraversion 1 .032 .623** -.288 .215 .683** increased organizational performance.
Agreeableness .032 1 .298 -.417** .359* .481**
Conscientiousness .623** .298 1 -.291 .173 .752** 3. CONCLUSION
Neuroticism -.288 -.417** -.291 1 .029 -.023
Given the importance of work to most people and the amount
Openness to
.215 .359* .173 .029 1 .639** of time they spend at work, this study has provided some
empirical evidence concerning individual personality and
Workplace workplace spirituality. Given the dearth of studies on workplace
.683** .481** .752** -.023 .639** 1
spirituality in non-western countries, the use of Indian sample in
Correlation significant at 0.05 level (2 tailed) this study has helped to address the gap in the literature by
Correlation significant at 0.01 level (2 tailed) shedding some light on the dimensionality of the personality
construct, and the predictive ability of these dimensions on
The correlation matrix in Table.2 indicates that the correlation
workplace spirituality.
coefficients are less than 0.80. It is inferred from the above
correlation analysis that four of the ‘big five’ dimensions viz. The results of this study reveal that personality has a
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to significant positive relationship with workplace spirituality and
experiences how a positive and significant relationship with the hypothesis is confirmed. It is inferred that personality
workplace spirituality and its factors viz. compassion, contributes to workplace spirituality. This indicates that the
mindfulness, meaningful work, sense of community, and organizations need to prepare the appropriate environment for
alignment with organizational values. Hence, it is found that the increasing the personality traits which would develop workplace
personality dimensions extraversion, agreeableness, spirituality. The findings of the study provide further insight to
conscientiousness and openness to experience contribute to leaders and managers on the importance of personality towards
workplace spirituality. It is therefore concluded that the increasing the workplace spirituality which results in many
hypothesis that there is a significant influence of personality traits positive benefits to organizations including the attitude, job
on workplace spirituality with respect to extraversion, satisfaction, organizational commitment, customer satisfaction
agreeableness, and openness to experience is accepted. and performance enrichment.
The results of the study are comparable and consistent with
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