Motor Based On Thyristor

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The implementation of silicon controlled

rectifiers for DC motor control

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 030035 (2018);
Published Online: 26 June 2018

Moh. Khairudin, Efendi, Novita Purwatiningsih, et al.


Understanding of self-terminating pulse generation using silicon controlled rectifier and RC

AIP Advances 6, 015209 (2016);

DC motor speed control using fuzzy logic controller

AIP Conference Proceedings 1930, 020026 (2018);

Augmented reality T-shirt for product promotion

AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 030036 (2018);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 030035 (2018); 1977, 030035

© 2018 Author(s).
The Implementation of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers for Dc
Motor Control
Moh. Khairudin1, a), Efendi1, Novita Purwatiningsih1 and Wendy Irawan1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Karangmalang Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract. The objective of this study is to demonstrate an experimental work of a DC motor control system using Silicon
Controlled Rectifier (SCR) or Thyristor. In this experiment DC motor control system has two kinds of circuits. The first
circuit uses two sources, the 12 V DC voltages is connected to universal motor series with a resistor and SCR, while the
DC variable voltage source of 0 to 1.5 v is connected in parallel connection with a capacitor and resistor. On the other
hand, the second circuit uses a single of 5 V AC voltage source which is connected to the switch and the motor. Thus, the
motor is connected to the potentio meter, SCR, diode and capacitor parallel with the AC voltage source. The
experimental results shows that the circuit using a DC voltage source will impact the DC motor rotation when the switch
of S1 is closed, and the motor will spin faster when the voltage variable is set greater than 0 V then gave the gate current
is greater than 400 mA. Furthermore, the DC motor while driven by AC voltage through inserted the diode D3 is used
to control the motor rotation, the motor can be stopped by minimizing Rv.

Speed control is a deliberate change of speed to a value that is required to perform a specific process, a natural
change in the speed as impact for the load on the shaft. Speed control can be done either manually (with operator)
and automatically. The Ward-Leonard is a speed control system, which was first used in the early 1930s until 1960
which the conversion from AC to DC repaired using Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR [1].
Speed control can be conducted in two ways, namely by changing the amount or frequency change. The first
method has several weakness, besides that it is not economically efficient, it also does not have vary number of
poles and the large size of machine. However, these deficiencies can be corrected using the second method [2,3].
Using SCR as a controller, SCR has three terminals, the anode, cathode, and gate that can be used with either the
input voltage source AC or DC. The implementation of a DC motor control using SCR through a gate current ( ),
when the gate current ( ) is in value below the holding current ( ), the SCR is not able to drain current from the
anode to the cathode so that the motor is not rotating. When exceeds the value of the SCR current, it will flow
which causes the motor rotates [4].
Thyristor or SCR can be positively current if it is applied both AC and DC sources. There are several advantages
gained when using SCR to control a DC motor rotation; namely a smooth setting, small power loss, and simple
maintenance. Some factors need to be considered for ensuring the function of speed control in starting, stops
(stopping), and reversing the direction of rotation (reserving). The electric motor control system using the SCR,
using the AC voltage to supply SCR anode and cathode voltages, while the DC source and variable resistor
connected in series with the SCR gate. While the values of voltage and current to the SCR gate exceeds from the
trigger of breakdown voltage, then the current will flow and the motor rotates. The number of motor rotation can be
predicted with the rise and fall of gate current, thus the SCR can be used to control the rotational speed, torque and
power by regulating the gate current flowing [5; 6].
However, a DC motor rotation is not constant depending on the input [7]. These weaknesses need to be
addressed with a series DC motor speed controller thus it can run in accordance with expectations. The controller

Human-Dedicated Sustainable Product and Process Design: Materials, Resources, and Energy
AIP Conf. Proc. 1977, 030035-1–030035-5;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1687-1/$30.00

can be used to resolve such matters, one of which with a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller [8,9] and
also can use intelligent control system [10]. To find the PID controller necessary a mathematical modeling is needed
[11]. A lot of equipment as DC motor applied in industry, requiring variable speed and load to make it easier to
control [12]. Motor speed control aims to drive the motor at a certain speed represented by the input signal. DC
motor control can be done using a microcontroller which consists of electronic components, microcontrollers and
LCD. Using a mechanical or electrical engineering can be used to control the DC motor speed. Transistors,
thyristors and other components used to control the DC motor to make it easier compared to other applications.
Feedback control signal is performed by tacho-generator [13,14].
This study presents the implementation of SCR to control a DC motor. In this study, by using two schemes of
circuits, this first circuit based on DC voltage is used as a supply and the other one is used as AC voltage. The
results show that SCR can drive the motor rotation even based on DC or AC supplies. The SCR controller based on
electronic circuit can operate according to the standard.

The electronic circuit to control a DC motor using SCR is designed with two different circuits. The first one uses
DC voltages supply and the one is supplied by AC voltages. By designing an electronics circuit to control a DC
motor using SCR for the first scheme supplied by a DC of 12 volts universal connected series with resistor of 1 kΩ
while DC variable SCR supply of 0 to1.5 volt connected parallel with a capacitor and resistor of 1 μF and 1 kΩ
respectively. Figure 1 shows a circuit of DC motor control using SCR with DC voltages supply.

Figure 1. The electronics circuit to control a DC motor using SCR with DC supply

In other hand, the SCR controller design based on AC supply, the AC voltage source connected to the switch and
the motor. Then, the motor connected to the potentiometer, SCR, diode and capacitor of 1 μF in parallel with the AC
voltage source. Figure 2 shows the electronics circuit to control a DC motor.

Figure 2. The electronics circuit to control a DC motor based on AC supply

To complete an electronic circuit control using SCR for a DC motor, it is developed with (1) a circuit of 12 volt
power supply, variable voltage with DC voltage and AC voltage with the value of 0-1.5 volts and 5 volts
respectively, (2) input circuit, and (3) control circuits.


This study is conducted in two steps, the first step and the second use the DC supply and AC supply respectively.
For the first step, this experimental work is conducted using DC voltage supply. Based on the SCR electronics
circuit to control a DC motor, the SCR controller performance through several assessment. To perform the anode
and cathode voltage at the correct circuit, the average voltages are 4.5 VDC as shown at Table 1.
Table 1. Testing voltage
Experiment Result
4.4 VDC
4.5 VDC
4.6 VDC
4.5 VDC
4.5 VDC
4.6 VDC
4.4 VDC
4.5 VDC
4.6 VDC
4.5 VDC

Table 1 presents a great consistency of voltage . It is noted that the SCR controller based on electronic circuit
can operate according to the standard. The next step is to assess gate and cathode voltages . The purpose of this
assessment is to strengthen that the SCR controller according to the standard conditions of circuit. The results show
that each assessment can be found that the voltages is stable in the value of 0.4 volts. It is noted that the SCR
controller circuit can perform in accordance with the standards.
Furthermore at the SCR electronic circuit, switch S1 on the position of open when the experimental work
performed with DC voltages supply. Despite receiving the supply of 5 voltages but the switch S1 is open, it makes
DC motor cannot rotate because no current flowing to DC motor. After completing the assessment, to make switch
S1 closed (ON), it will connect a variable voltage 0 to 1.5V to the circuit. Thus gate
g current ( ) flows in the SCR in
maximum level and make the DC motor rotates. Table 2 shows the gate current ( ) performance.
Table 2. The performance
of gate current ( )
Experiment Result
440 mA
440 mA
440 mA
440 mA
440 mA
420 mA
420 mA
420 mA
420 mA
440 mA

Gate currents ( ) have the average value of 430 mA which trigger the DC motor. A gate current makes the DC
motor rotates as indicated with the increasing ampere meter value. In accordance with the principle of SCR, when
the SCR is active then the SCR will remain active although voltage was changed. While a voltage is minimized to 0
VDC, a direction of ampere meter stays to the right. It means that the SCR stay active. SCR will only die with other
circuit called commutation diode. The experimental results show that DC motor rotation caused by the current gate
( ), while flows from the supply to DC motor caused trigger switch S1.
To continue the experimental work with reopening of the switch S1 and observing DC motor performance, also
proceed in assessing voltage in the SCR. The average of anode and cathode voltage is 4.6 VDC. It means
similar with the data at in Table 1, although with different circumstances (the switch S1 open). The similarities
prove the working principle SCR when SCR is active then the SCR will remain active even though the switch is
opened to the gate disconnected. SCR will be off when given others circuit, the diode commutation.
Furthermore, the next performance is to determine ratio of when the switch S1 is closed (On) and open
(Off). Table 3 shows performances.
Table 3. performances when
the switch S1 re-opened
Experiment Result
0.2 VDC
0.2 VDC
0.3 VDC
0.3 VDC
0.4 VDC
0.4 VDC
0.5 VDC
0.5 VDC
0.6 VDC
0.6 VDC

The average of when the switch S1 reopened is 0.4 VDC. Based on the theory SCR that while SCR is
active it will remain active even when gate current is disconnected. It is evident that before and after the triggered
voltage and voltage results remain the same performances. Flow performances of gate current before
and after the switch S1 is closed shows same characters. Table 4 shows performance of gate current when the
switch is re-opened.
Table 4. Performances of gate
Current when the switch S1 re-opened
Experiment Results
440 mA
440 mA
440 mA
440 mA
440 mA
420 mA
420 mA
420 mA
420 mA
440 mA

This experiment presents the experimental of SCR to control a DC motor. Motor rotation control system with
SCR using a DC voltage supply, the motor will rotate only when S1 is triggered. Increasing variable voltage give the
current increase thus DC motor rotation faster. Furthermore, DC motor control uses AC voltage supply, the less
current flow causes rotation of the motor to slow.

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